thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2016

    Dearest Nancy, I am so sorry that you are experiencing sadness. You are such an encouragement and support for all,of us!! Please bring your concerns here, so that we can all listen and pray for you! Praying that your thyroid medications can be regulated!! So sorry to hear about Kath.

    Jo-5, thank you so much for the banners!!! They are so uplifting!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2016

    Debbie, I love your prayers as well! You are so nurturing 😊😊

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2016

    Nancy, thank you for the update on Kath. Praying earnestly for her and the family. This is a difficult time but we know to Whom she belongs.

    Intercessory prayers going up for Kath, Nancy, JO-5, Kindergarten, Foots, and all of you unnamed here but not forgotten.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2016

    Thank you, Patoo!! Hope you are doing well!!

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited March 2016

    Nancy thank you for sharing information on our sweet Kath. I have a very special place in my heart for her. She reached out to me on the TN thread asking me to join you beautiful Christian women for encouragement. I will forever be grateful for this act of kindness to me knowing that I needed Titus 2 women to look to for strength & you all have been that pillar for me with my family. Xoxoxo

    Father, we are agreeing in prayer for Kath. We know that we can trust you and we know that it is not over until you say it is. Bless Kath, her husband & her boys as they cling to you to see them through your plan. We are standing on your word & know that nothing is impossible for you God!!

    We love you Kath!!!!

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2016

    Nancy, yes we are keeping Kath
    and her family up in diligent prayer for the last few months!

    Lucy, Debbie in Ireland and
    Longtimesurvivor, praying for each of you. Prayng for your treatments and that they are keeping you stable
    with no progression. Praying for your support team, and medical team that our Heavenly Father guide
    them with precision and humbles as they
    care for each of you. I pray that God removes all obstacles for your
    insurance and transitions for your jobs.

    All continuous prayers for each of you that are in treatment, those that are ending treatment and for those that have surgeries, scans or appointments coming up. For those of us that are post treatment prayers for continued recovery, strength and years with NED.

    Love across the miles,


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2016

    Abba Father, we are approaching you with a heavy heart this evening – kneeling prostrate and humbly before you in intercession for our Sister Kath. Father, we are coming boldly and fervently
    asking that you provide Kath with physical
    and mental comfort. That you reduce any pain she may be feeling. Through this journey,
    your daughter Kath has shown such unwavering and extraordinary faith, trust and strength in You. We ask that you send
    your warring and ministering angels to protect your child -- our Sister
    in Christ -- Kath. Encamp
    your angels about her and build
    a hedge of protection that provides peace, comfort and rest. Cover her DH and sons during this time. Give them rest and security in your Word as she recovers. Lord as
    we come before you show us what and how to pray specifically and with precision for our dear Sister Kath. We
    ask for quick healing and recovery and removal of all pain and fluid.

    Lord surround each of Kaths caregivers and provide them with wisdom and envelop them with your peace and love as they lean to you for an understanding of how best to support her our Sister in Christ. Guide their thoughts and hands with precision and accuracy. Guide the medical staff as they take care of Kath.

    Father comfort each of the
    sisters on this thread as we are broken hearted to hear that Kath is in
    ICU. Specifically, comfort
    Nancy during this time and others on bco
    that are close to Kath.

    Lord, whisper in her ear and let her know we love her and are feverently praying for her durng this time.

    This we ask in Jesus Name,


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2016

    Palms 55:22 (AMPC): 22 Cast your burden on the Lord [releasing the weight of it] and He will sustain you; He will never allow the [consistently] righteous to be moved (made to slip, fall, or fail).

    Father, you know each of our
    spoken and unspoken prayers, you know where we are in this journey
    mentally and spiritually. Cover us, cover us. As you state
    in Word, guide us as we cast our burdens on you. Continue to
    show us how to lean on you continuously and permanently as you provide
    Love and your Word as an anchor to our souls. An
    anchor that
    sustains us and keeps us steady despite the storms that may
    rage around us. We see the swells a far off
    for some the swells are within grasp -- but despite being in the eye of the storm we are untouched as
    our shield of Faith becomes every stronger and helps us to stand
    steadfast in your word and
    prayer. Thank you for being our refuge from the rain and wind as we take
    cover in the bosom of your Word.
    You know the load that each of us bears.
    We come before your throne of grace to lay them before you and give
    them to you. Not partially but fully. It is hard at times as
    we are faced with challenges each of us have not asked
    . Abba Father, strengthen us and sustains us as we
    cast our cares upon you Lord.

    I specifically lift up to you all of the wonderful Stage 4 ladies. Thank you for the examples of women we are selfless and provide strength, encouragement and support to all. Envelope each of them in your precious love and peace.

    In Jesus Name I Pray,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2016

    Dear ladies, (Another Kath update)

    I talked to Kath's co worker tonight on the phone. I know that this was hard for her and she realized that she would not be able to visit Kath in the hospital since they only allow family members in ICU. She did say that Patrick called her again tonight and said that she may get to go home (?) tomorrow. I was a little uncertain if that is what she meant or I am thinking maybe going into a regular room at the hospital. This young lady is having a wedding coming up and wants Kath to be there so badly. This is on March 19 so if Kath rallies I just don't know. She said Kath was continuing to fight even as she had individual talks with her coworkers this past week explaining that she was sick.. She said it was hard for her to understand what Patrick was saying on the phone. So let's continue in prayer for her and her family as we don't know God's timing or His plan in this. There are still some practical and legal issues that are still not finished and i know that is a concern to Kath. I don't know what the reason for the trip to the hospital was but I know Kath is in a lot of pain so that is one thing we can certainly agree to pray for. I do know that this thread has meant so much to her. She is one of the most positive people and uplifting Christians that has influenced my life tremendously and I know she has yours as well. Her co worker could not say enough great things about Kath and I know I was not surprised by that at all. She is the same in her work place as on here always wanting to radiate the Love of Christ and always practicing His presence in her life.

    Thank you precious ladies of faith. I hope we never take for granted how special this thread is and how special you all are. As new people seem to come here there must be a Christ spirit that they can sense and feel as they read the posts. I hope that even though there are people coming and going from the thread I pray that Christ's beautiful spirit will remain here always as a light to those who are scared and fearful of their journeys. The wonderful posts will hopefully always be here to encourage others and to encourage those who may read but never post. I have said it before that we never know who is reading behind the scenes that we may influence for Christ's sake. So never ever think your voice doesn't matter or that your words are not flowery and poetic like Debbies are. God works through each one of you to use your special gifts of encouragement or humor or spiritual insight or your honesty in your struggles that we can all relate to.

    It has been a rough day but I have been blessed by God today. I had a neighbor out of the blue come over and bring me dinner. She had NO idea what was going on with me today. God is so good. He meets us at our most difficult of times when we cry out to Him.

    I don't know what tomorrow will bring but I do know that God is in control and He orders our steps. He will uplift our spirits and will comfort those who mourn. He is waiting with open arms as those dear sisters of ours have passed from this life into the next with Jesus. When we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be as the song says. Until then let's continue to do what we do best here and that is pray and encourage one another to tackle another day with Jesus leading the Way.

    Love you dear ladies


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2016

    Today I am so grateful for the home health aide who is coming to give me a shower at 8 o'clock. Grateful that my husband is getting an appointment soon to have an eye surgery which may allow him to drive again. I am grateful for Byron. He is the home nurse who came to check my coumadin level yesterday and praise God he's a Christian and we were able to pray together. God is surely providing for all my needs.

    Praying for Kath.

    2 Corinthians 1:3-4 New International Version[ Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2016

    Kath, (((big hugs))) -- we are thinking of you as you rest and recover. As Nancy states, your are one of the most positive and uplifting Christian Woman I have met - though virtual. You let your love for Christ radiate and that is not easy with a demanding as CEO to remain humble and spiritually influential. You are a source of inspiration and continue to let your light shine.

    You are at the top of our prayer list. Can't wait to see you post again and tell us, about how Jesus Calling touched you today and how God spoke to you in the midst of your situation. Not sure I let you know but because of your post here I asked for a Jesus Calling book for the Holidays. I received a nice leather bonded one. Loved it. I only had it in my possession for 2 weeks and gave it away. There was someone Dear to me who had a tattered one and just adored my leather bonded one. God, pulled on my heart strings to let it go. So you touched not only me with your post and exhortations of Jesus alling but God had another plan so your willingness to share not only touched me but another. And as we know our Almighty God he is still paying our service forward.

    Get well soon my friend! Praying always and fervently for you.

    Love Across the Miles.


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited March 2016

    Angie, Your writing and words are so beautiful and perfect. Thank you.

    Nancy, I am crying as I read the posts from the past couple of days. I turned off the TV just a few minutes ago to concentrate on all the words and am praying hard for Kath, you, Lorraine and all of the other women on this thread. I hope God is listening and will answer.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2016

    I have been off work sick for the last few days and having a lot of quiet time with the Lord! Continuous intercessory prayers for all! Apologize for so many post. Apologize in advance for the wall of text!


    I thank God and am grateful for my time
    here on this thread. It has not only helped
    to get through my treatments but after treatments. This group has helped me understand and gain more revelation on what it truly means to let
    our light shine and confess our Love for Christ in the midst of a raging
    storm and stand strong when you have no other choice.

    I thank each of you for Praising and Worshiping our Heavenly Father through your storms and
    continuing to shine your light despite where you were or are on this
    journey. Also, letting this thread not only be about
    quotation of scriptures, but proclaiming our love, faith and understanding of who our God is and standing in support of each other and encouraging and comforting each other as God called us to do and showing how to walk His Word. Thank each of you for allowing this be a safe haven for those of us going through this journey to proclaim our Love for Christ, yet be human.

    Thank you for your humbleness and knowing that Praising and Worshiping our
    God in the Storm does not mean:

    1) We won't or couldn't shed
    tears with each other,

    2) That at times we may have a hard time trying to get
    our minds around our circumstance and this journey that God has laid out for us,

    3) That our mental and
    physical strength would not dissipate at times and that we would need to be carried, comforted and encouraged,

    4) That we wouldn't stumble,

    4) That our hearts would not be torn and heavy,

    5) That we wouldn't ask God questions -- as John did in Luke 7:19 , Jesus also asked in Luke 22:42.

    What Praising does mean -- when we do receive the direction and a Word from the Lord that we follow His direction and guidance and stand on the promises with Faith and assurance.

    What Praising and Worshiping God does mean is that in the midst of our circumstance
    that our Praise glorifies our Lord and that we understand that He is yet
    God. That God knows every tear we cry, every emotion
    we feel and yet still loves us and holds us up. This collective group of awesome women have shown me how this looks in our everyday life. That God is our refuge and strong tower; that he is our wheel in
    the middle of the wheel. That although he may not take us out of the storm --He
    covers and carries us through.

    I thank you ladies for continuing to how me your Wisdom. Showing me what it looks like to praise and stand on faith, love and righteousness despite the raging storm around us.

    Thank you Lord for Being ever present in the midst of our journey, trails
    and afflictions (our Jehovah-Shammah)
    and showing us your power and might as God (our El Elohim). I give
    thanks with a grateful and humble heart!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2016

    Today I am very grateful for the sun shining on my face as I have my morning coffee. I am grateful that my daughter, granddaughter and great-granddaughter are coming to visit this afternoon. I am grateful for each one of you ladies who lift me up and helps me to know what it really means to follow Jesus. I am and will continue to pray for Kath and for all of you. May you be abundantly blessed today. Love, Jean

    Hebrews 10:19-25New King James Version (NKJV)

    Hold Fast Your Confession

    19 Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, 21 and having a High Priest over the house of God, 22 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. 23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2016

    Good Morning ladies,

    Enjoying a few minutes of quiet time today. It seems more difficult to find now than when I was working. When I used to be up at 5 am, I could have time completely to myself. I do find a few minutes sometime during the day. I have really enjoyed my out of town Bible Study because I need to read, study and reflect daily on the lessons, which I need for discipline. And, I have to say, part of the distraction is little Zoe, who will be 3 months old this week. She is a doll, but very feisty and stubborn...takes a lot of attention and supervision. I see obedience school as part of her near future.

    I wanted to comment on Angie and Jean's posts. I was finishing radiation from my second dx when I found this thread.All of you here have given me the support, encouragement, and prayer that I needed in that emotional time. Having your first grandchild, a cancer dx, and preparing for retirement are emotional events individually, but it was made easier by the encouraging words and spiritual support I found here. With you ladies, I found the empathy and care I didn't have from my church family. I didn't get the judgmental " maybe if you hadn't ..." That I got from a family member. I could feel your concern for the outcome of the repeat mammogram and ultrasound I had last week. And amid all your health and family struggles you took time to cheer me on thru hip replacement

    For the new folks here, I can tell you have also experienced the kindness and care here. I know God led you here, as He did me.

    Praying that all have a day with no pain, few or no side effects,appointments on time, and family members who are smiling and encouraging. Jean, be careful with little'll want to play with her as before but that hip will remind you of your limits!

    May God bless everyone here and their families with abundant love and grace.

    Love, Ellen

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2016

    Dear sisters, I found this devotional in my email shortly after I posted. It reaffirms what I feel about all of you on this thread.

    Today's Devotional

    "The winter of 2014 was rough. In addition to the snow and ice, my wife, Kathryn, spent three weeks in the hospital and came home showing no improvement. Then two weeks later, she died.

    During the bleakest days of my wife's illness, I did what was necessary to help her. Often I thought of Paul's words to his Corinthian friends when he reminded them of the hardships he suffered. He wrote that he was "under great pressure, far beyond [his] ability to endure, so that [he] despaired of life itself." In the situation I faced, I was surely under pressure, but I was not where Paul was.

    In those weeks, when I had opportunity to do so, I went to my computer and read the messages that came from around the world reassuring me that people were praying for us. Then I remembered these other words of Paul: "You help us by your prayers," and I was strengthened.

    When we become united by the prayers of our friends, we establish a strong and powerful supporting bond that brings us encouragement and enables us to bear even the heaviest burden."

    Joanne, that hymn is one of my favorites. One of my biggest concerns for SOME Christian music is that people get so caught up with the performance and emotions of the tune, that they don't hear the lyrics or written message.

    Have a blessed day....Ellen

  • bikefam
    bikefam Member Posts: 98
    edited March 2016

    That is one of my favorite hymns. I'm so glad we still sing it at our church. It is such a good message for any time in our life.


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited March 2016

    ladyb, You are beautiful!

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited March 2016

    My son interviewed for a WONDERFUL job right in this town but did dismally with the piano playing part! Otherwise the interview went very well. I struggle with putting things down at the feet of Jesus and picking them right up again when I say AMEN! I am praying for you all, dear Kath that God will give you strength, also for each of you who sometimes don't share your hard spots but know God sees all your heart's woes and loves you dearly. Here is today's devotion by Sarah Young, author of Jesus Calling. (That book seems to always hit me with what is needed!)

    Prayerfully release your loved ones into My protective care. Restrain your urges to solve their problems. Instead, use your time and energy to listen to them and pray for them. Trust in My Love and My infinite wisdom. I can work changes in your loved ones' lives beyond anything you might ask or imagine. As you release these precious ones to Me, linger awhile in My unfailing Love—for them and also for you." -Jesus Lives by Sarah Young, p. 109

    "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." -Ephesians 3:20–21

    When we see Jesus face to face all our struggles will be so forgotten, I look forward to that day. In the meantime I pray God uses me here, and that I don't waste my energy on fear or worry or things that I have no business wasting time with (gossip, worrying about what someone else is doing rather than minding the stuff in my own life hahahaha boy that is always a challenge :)

    Love you all, praying for you too! Charlotte, hoping Avastatin behaves itself! Send it a memo that remember it is supposed to be HELPING you! My sunshine hope you are feeling well! Nancy, you and Joanne and others who have been supporting Kath no doubt have an extra dimension of heart break-- we will all keep praying.

    Hope you found your coumadin Jean. Hugs and praying for hubs too.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2016

    MysunShine -- thank you so much for the compliment.

    Enjoyeverymoment, interesting that you wrote "also for each of you who sometimes don't share your hard spots but know God sees all your heart's woes and loves you dearly". I wrote a post last night about some struggles I was facing physically and deleted it. Not sure why I deleted it but did. Thank you for the that specific encouragement it was right on time and led by the Holy Spirit. Also, thank you for sharing the Jesus Calling devotion for today! I have yet to get another copy since giving mine away. Will keep your son in prayer on the results of the interview.

    Kathy, continuous fervent prayers for you and your family. (((Hugs)))

    Nancy, keeping you up in prayer at this time as I know from your post that this is a hard time for you. Continuing to pray and lift you up! You are always there and cheering, encouraging us and we want and need to be here for you at this time. (((HUGS)))

    Lucy, Worried and thinking about you and Steve. Let us know how you are doing and how best to pray for you during this time. I do hope you are enjoying your Grandbaby and reading for retirement!

    Aurora, how are you doing? Thinking and praying for you.

    Longtimesurvivor, how are you doing? Thinking of you and praying for you.

    Eileen, Amen, Amen and Amen. Love the devotional!

    Joanne - love that song!

    Praying that each of you will stay ahead of the pain and SEs, and that the pain and SEs are few to none. I prayer for your medical teams and support groups, families and friends as they support and help you through this journey. Praying that your medical staff is open, caring and aggressive go getters on the best treatment plans available and doing all possible to pull you through this journey and not just the status quo/standards.

    Love Across the Miles,


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited March 2016


    Thank You, Lord for my many gifts

    And blessing every day,

    For peace and freedom, and the right

    To worship as I may...

    For the food that lends me life

    And my shelter for the night,

    For work, play and happiness

    That makes my burdens light...

    For family and friends old and new

    For my brotherhood with man,

    For faith, hope and everything

    I borrow from Your hand. By M. Lunsford

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2016

    Dear ladies

    I just spend a very long time on a very long post and I lost the whole thing. It is very, very late and I really need to get to bed. I will have to recreate what i wrote. I have no news on Kath and I had been holding off thinking I would hear something more. I emailed her assistant this evening and didn't get a reply so hopefully i will hear something tomorrow.

    Thank you all for your encouraging posts and prayers, scriptures and poems and hymns.

    Loretta, i hope you are managing after your first chemo. I have been praying for you as you begin this journey.

    Charlotte, I hope you can find another combo that will work just as well but with more manageable side effects. I pray God gives you strength as you work during your treatments.

    Angie, I pray that you feel much better. Thank you for all of your insights and your diligence in prayer for all of us.

    Love you all and will hopefully write much more tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers for Kath and her family and for me. It has been a very, very tough time for me and not knowing what is going on is very difficult right now.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2016
    1. Dear ladies. I have prayed somewhat generally for all of you and specifically for a few. God is in charge as always. He knows what's best for each one of us and our particular circumstances. Today I am so grateful for the young lady who came to give me a shower and for the nurse who checked my cumadin levels. I am also so grateful that I was able to do my morning PT exercises out on the deck in the fresh air. I have graduated from my walker to a cane! I can't get out of the house to the main level yet but I can get out on the deck and it's wonderful. I'm also grateful that my husband has a date for surgery to correct his double vision on April 7th. If this works he may be able to get back to driving, making models and other things that he enjoys. Love, Jean
  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2016


    Kath went to be with Jesus last night. I emailed her SIL as I had not heard any more from her coworker. She went into hospice on Tuesday and got very sick and weak and passed away last night. I have asked to get some information on her. I will pass that on to you if and when I get it. She is not suffering and in pain anymore and can truly rest in the arms of Jesus now. Let's continue to pray for Patrick, and Forrest and Taylor her twin boys. They are both finishing their junior year in college so you can imagine how hard this is for all of them. I also imagine that they in their grief are feeling some relief that she is no longer suffering.

    I will update as I hear anymore. She loved all of you ladies so much and our thread was a great source of comfort to her.




  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2016

    Beautiful words and posts, Nancy and Angie!!

    May Kath feel our prayers and rally!! She is such a faithful servant! May miracles be seen and happen today according to God's Will!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2016

    I am so saddened to hear about Kath!! I did not see Nancy' post until after I wrote mine! She is now free from pain and in the arms of Jesus!

  • bikefam
    bikefam Member Posts: 98
    edited March 2016

    I did not join this group in time to get to know Kath, but she sounds like a wonderful woman. Prayers for her family.


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,504
    edited March 2016

    We are so sorry to hear of Kath's passing. Our thoughts are with her family and friends, she was a valued member of this community. Thank you, Nancy, for updating everyone.

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited March 2016

    May she rest in peace and one day we may all be together in Christ. Amen.

    I don't have many words...the thread fell off my favorites so I hadn't been following on Kath"s journey home. I just recovered the thread and find this sad news!

    God Bless her family and give them peace and comfort.


  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975
    edited March 2016

    The Moderators have informed me of Tobbycc/Kath passing. Her name has been added to the BCO LIST OF ANGELS.

    My condolences to Kath's family and friends.