thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited March 2016

    Praying so hard for her family and all of those who knew her and grieving her passing. I am glad she is in no more pain but I will miss her even though I did not know her very long. Hugs to you all my sweet friends. Each day is such a gift even when stuff isn't going the way we want it to.... sigh. Sorry to hear this and thinking of those of you have had a very special relationship with our dear Kath.

  • Loretta_J
    Loretta_J Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2016

    I joined too late too - to get to know Kath. I will pray for her family and for you ladies who knew her so well. 

    I love this thread. 

    Joanne - I love the old hymns and miss them so much. Thanks 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2016

    Dear ladies,

    Thank you for your prayers for Kath's family and for your support for Kath in general.

    Moderators, thank you for your sentiments and for forwarding this information to Celia so Kath's name could be added to the BCO LIST OF ANGELS.

    As many of you know Kath and I were very close friends and this has been especially hard for me this week. I will say that God has allowed me access to family members who hopefully will keep me informed of any arrangements that are to be made.

    God gave me a gift tonight in that Kath's close coworker called me tonight and we talked for an hour and a half. There were a couple of times where we were both crying as we remembered how absolutely special Kath was. This lady looked up to Kath as a sort of mother figure and is crushed by her passing. Actually we really ministered to each other. It was a beautiful exchange of sharing about Kath. We both agreed that Kath was one of the most optimistic persons and always had a positive spin on even the worst of situations. One thing that became clear to me was that on Kath's last post I believe it was she mentioned signing off the forum and praying for an hour. I think during that hour of prayer she was probably praying for guidance as the next couple of times she was in the office she individually went to her coworkers and told them she was sick and would no longer be the CEO for much longer. As you probably know she has been adamant from the beginning that she would keep this private in her workplace with only a couple people knowing. After talking to each of these coworkers I think her work was finished on this earth and shortly after that is when she started failing. I think that this took everyone by surprise by how quickly it all happened. I know when my Dad passed with cancer he went long before we had a clue it was going to happen but in retrospect we were relieved that the Lord took him because we believed that he spared my Dad and the family a lot of pain and suffering. That is how I look at Kath's situation too. She was suffering and was in a lot of pain and I am very relieved that she now has a new body, she is healed and in the presence of Jesus.

    Early on when meeting Kath she mentioned going to a Casting Crowns Concert. I told her I was envious because that is my favorite Christian Band. She asked for my email to send me some videos and pics of the concert and thus our friendship began. Soon after that she sent me a copy of Jesus Calling and I know I was not alone in that. I know she sent that devotional to probably a lot of people. That is the generous type of person that she was. We would read the daily devotional and then talk about how this spoke to each others situation. Because of Kath and sending me that devotional I have been much more intentional in practicing the presence of God in my life. I sent my sister a copy of it for her birthday just a couple weeks ago keeping with Kath's lead.

    I will hopefully be getting the arrangements when they are made and then those of you can send your condolences or flowers or whatever you feel led to do. Her coworker said she spoke of us and we obviously had a great impact on her. I know you ladies were a great support for her and she could read even though she didn't post a lot and be uplifted by the banners and scriptures and pictures as she was so busy and then the last few weeks so weak and frail.

    I know her passing hits all of us hard when we are all dealing with cancer. Her cancer was a recurrence of endometrial cancer and not breast cancer but she felt comfortable staying on our forum because she cared about all of you and i know she was faithful in prayer for you all as well.

    It is hard to lose one of our own and it can be discouraging and disheartening. We do not know God's timing and we many times are taken completely off guard when things happen that we don't want or don't embrace. We don't like to face death and the unknown. We don't like pain and sacrifice and suffering but we are all called to experience that at some point in our live. When we are with Jesus in heaven we will have a complete knowledge that we can only see in part now. I think of it as watching a parade through a peep hole in a wall. We can only see a tiny bit of the big picture. We have to trust in God's plan for our lives. No one said it is easy and no one ever said that the life of Christians is full of puppies and rainbows. It is a rich life full of blessings and Kath shared with me very recently when she found out she only had months to live that she said I have seen Him and it is so clear now. She said I am full of gratitude for ALL of it. I think God was completely preparing her heart and mind for what was to come. It blessed my heart that she could say that and feel that. Even though we experience loss we can also experience joy knowing that her suffering has ended and she has the honor of meeting Jesus now. She doesn't have to practice the presence of Jesus now because she IS in HIS presence.

    God loves you all so much and I consider it an honor to be among you to share and to pray with each one of you.

    I will be in touch when I know more information on Kath's funeral arrangements.

    Love you all so much,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2016

    Such mixed,feelings,about Kath's passing. Joyful that she is,with Jesus and sad for all mourning. Love, Jean

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited March 2016

    Nancy, I did not know Kathy. She sounds like a wonderful person. I sorry for your loss and for the other members who knew Kathy. You are all in my prayers.

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited March 2016

    Nancy, I'm so very sorry for your loss and you never cease to amaze me how in the middle of your pain you still stop to minister to us. Please take time to grieve and know that we're here to support you. May the Lord give you peace amid the storm



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2016

    I'm praying for comfort for Kath's family and friends and co-workers. May the Lord envelop them In peace and comfort during this time. MPraying for those of us on this thread for our grief and processing of Kath's death.

    This has been really , really hard for me. I am thankful to God for the honor of having my life intersect with Kath even though for a moment (2yrs). Nancy, your words echo my feelings and thanks for ministering to us in the midst of your pain and grief. When a fellow solider passes I praise God that they are part of the body and that they are just absence from the earthly realm having completed their assignment here and now present with our almighty King.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2016

    Dear ladies,

    I have had this song on my heart since I woke up this morning and have been singing it all morning. This was the first morning in a very long time that the heavy burden of Kath's illness was lifted from my heart. I am still grieving and as you know grief comes in waves of sadness when you least expect it but I so strongly feel that the Lord wanted me to post this video. Please watch it for yourselves and in honor of Kath. I have some things that are trickling in regarding Kath that I will post once all the information has been gathered. Thank you for your posts. I do appreciate all of them. I told Kath just recently that I felt like we were destined to meet. I think we encouraged each other equally along this journey and for some reason the Lord chose me to walk alongside of her continually during these last several months and really for the last year and half or so. I am so grateful for the time I had with her and I know that we will meet in heaven. I am just a little ticked off that she beat me thereWinking



  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2016

    Hi Ladies, I continue to think and pray for us. As some may know Kath reached out to me when I first joined She led me to this discussion board understanding I needed to be around women of faith, and was a constant mentor sending me encouraging cards, messages, stuffed animals and what not. The angel she sent me sits in my office and one of the bears is my constant riding companion in the car. I know she is in a better place and no longer will suffer, but I will miss her everyday as we had the same type of cancer and were having some similar side effects, and trying to couple that with working in a law enforcement field. She kept it quiet and only 2 of her closest co-workers even knew it, we were so alike like that. It was good to have someone to speak with who related to issues associated with triple negative cancer and work. Her lost will be felt by so many. So although I may be quiet, I am still amongst you. All things do work for the good of those.....

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2016

    Nancy, as I played that third day video, I was ushered into the presence of Jesus and with tears was able to worship him again. What a blessing. Thank you. Love, Jean

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited March 2016


    Thank you for that beautiful worship music in honor of our beloved Kath. Her passing is so hard. My heart aches for her boys, I was in college as well when my mother passed at the age of 49 from ovarian cancer. I trust in God's plan but oh how I miss those valiant warriors who have left this earth. So thankful we have the promise that WE WILL see them again in Heaven.

    Kath I picture you at the feet of Jesus just worshipping and praising our Lord. In perfect peace & joy. No more tears or pain just the glory of our God lighting up the heavenlies. May God comfort all those that are missing her. :'(

    God bless you all


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited March 2016

    Hello Everyone,

    I have been away from these boards for quite some time now, and have had to deal with changes in my treatments which at first gave marvellous results and now appear to be losing the battle.

    Today my oncologist told me that my tumour markers were starting to increase again. He wanted me to have two more Kadcyla treatments (they happen every three weeks) and then he will see whether the cancer really is coming back or if my blood results are just bouncing up and down.

    I had booked a flight to see my sister in England in May earlier this week, and when he gave me this news all I could think of was whether I would have hair when I travelled over there or not. I then began to question my entire faith in Jesus, and wondered if He ever did any of the things in the bible - I couldn't imagine that I could be going through all this and there was a merciful God in Heaven.

    Anyway, I am due to do the reading in church this Sunday, and my friend sent me a text with the details (Psalm 19). I told her that I would study it when I got home from hospital. I decided not to feel too sorry for myself at the bad news and just get into the psalm. Well my bible is set up so that every other page it will give you a paragraph of information about a scripture, and the write up on Psalm 19 is all about how He created the universe and everything in it. I feel that God has spoken to me today, He has reminded me of what He can do so I should not worry. I know that I am on a high at the moment because of this message from God, but I hope that I don't drop like a stone in a few days when the feeling wears off.

    I was sorry to hear about losing Kath/TobyCC. It is good that she didn't suffer for a long time at the end, and she is now in that special place where she will never feel pain again, but it must be so hard for her loved ones because she had so many unfulfilled plans and she went so quickly.

    I have no other news at the moment, but promise not to leave it so long before I come back next time.

    Blessings, Debbie

  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2016

    Oh Oh oh. I am so sad to open this thread and read the news on Kath, and yet... What amazing mercy on her body to go quickly. The ache for her boys. Oh Father: minister to that family. Your timing is perfect. We trust that, even though we don't feel it or see it at times like this. Nancy- be well. Take heart that you met on this side, and will meet again. Hallelujah!

    My BIL passed away last Saturday and we got back last night from our travels to Yonkers NY for his services. He had been in hospice 7 weeks. His wife and sons miss him dearly. It is not easy for anyone! My prayer is that it will lead my DH closer to Jesus.

    I've got a cough which I'm praying is residue from a cold. Probably stress.

    Debbie- Praise God for bringing you out of that pit of doubt you started to fall in!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2016

    She, I know you had a special connection to Kath and I am glad she introduced you to this thread. You have been such a blessing to us. I continue to pray for you as I know your journey has become so hard and discouraging coupled with all of the church drama. Kath was such a generous person and she lived to her 11th hour helping others. My heart aches so much for her family and all of her friends in her community and her virtual friends. I have come to realize that virtual friends can be just as real and supportive as our friends we can see and touch. The spirit in us can connect and I think that is what we all felt with Kath. I am continuing to thank God today for having the honor to have met her. I hope we can embrace the grief and then heal all in our own way that the Lord will provide for each of us.

    Jean, I am glad you were blessed by that video. It just summed everything up in a nutshell and I can't watch it without tears as well. I hope your PT is continuing to go well and thankful Byron is a Christian.

    G, thank you for your post. I pray that your class you are teaching is going really really well. I know you are a great influence on these ladies. I am glad Kath encouraged you join this thread. You are a blessing to all of us. Thank you for your continual encouragement to me.

    Allison, I am so sorry for your loss. We will keep your family in our prayers at your BIL's passing. Let Otis give you a hug for me. Let us know how we can best pray for you now.

    Debbie (Ireland) I have prayed for you often and wondered how you were doing. Dear sis, I wish we could all surround you in person and give you a big hug and just sit with you. I am so, so sorry to hear that the treatments may have stopped working. I know that the last we heard from you you were doing very well. I know it is a continual battle and I don't think anyone would judge you by the fact that you have had doubts. You are being honest and real and I do believe God honors that. There is no pat answer to your questions. i could spout scriptures to you all day long but I don't think that is what you need right now. I am so glad that the Lord is working in ways that only He can do. He is already working in you through the Word and I think it is sometime best that we keep our mouths closed and let the Holy Spirit minister. I am going to pray that these tumor markers are not meaning what you might think. We have all heard that there are other factors that can influence them. I pray that when you read your scripture at church that the Lord will fill your heart with His joy in believing. Please let us know how you are doing.

    Joanne, I know you have had a busy week and that will continue through the weekend. I pray that God will comfort your heart in your grief and that he will give you energy as you go through this busy weekend. Thank you for being such a caring and supportive friend to me and to all of us. You are a gem.

    Angie, I pray that you are feeling much better. Your posts have blessed me and I know everyone so much. I pray that the next time you will NOT delete your post when asking prayer for yourself. I think that is one thing that is so hard to do for women in leadership is to show their vulnerabilities. I think satan can use that to bring us down when we need prayer and don't ask for whatever reason. I do hope that you will let us pray for YOU and never ever think that your prayer requests are not as important as others. I know that there are ladies fighting for every single day of their life with this horrible disease but at the same time the Lord wants each of us to bring Him our concerns. That is what we are here for so let us know how we can best pray for YOU.

    Ellen, thank you for your encouraging posts and all of the behind the scenes encouragement you give to us. Praying for your church and praying that Zoe isn't too hard on you! Praying that you will be completely ready mentally and physically and spirtually for your next hip replacement when that time comes.

    Lucy, I know you haven't logged on since the end of January. I sure hope you can find your way back to this thread and let us know how you and Steve are doing. I have prayed countless times that the Lord would give you the strength you need for each day and that he would allow your pain to be relieved. Praying dear sis.

    Debbie (Foots), thank you dear sister for your continued posts of encouragement and prayers. I know you have had your time of personal loss and I certainly appreciate you still being faithful to lift us all up. I am praying that you can find a service dog soon and that the Lord is using a healing balm to sooth your pain in your loss.

    Anita, I don't know if you are with the Lord now or not and it is so hard not knowing. I pray for you that you are not in pain and I pray for your family that they will be comforted if you are in the arms of Jesus now. I loved seeing your beautiful smile on your avatar and I miss seeing you so much. We WILL see you in heaven.

    Aurora, I am glad you found your way back to us. I know our thread is buried in another one and my suggestions to the moderators to rename our thread has apparently been voted down. I know that occasionally we can get bumped from our favorites. It is probably a glitch in the system. Hopefully you will know how to find us if that happens again. How are you doing now? Have you started on the hormone therapy only?

    Brutersmom, praying that you are holding on the the hope that spring is almost here. YIPPPEEEEEE Hope you are doing well.

    Lynn and Kathy, praying that your tumor marker situation will both be a fluke and that you can rest in the Lord and put those fears out of your mind.

    Phyliss, I hope that the warm Florida weather is agreeing with you and you can fully enjoy it now.

    Vickie, as you may be reading without posting I know that you have been through the grief journey more than anyone should have to bare. Continued prayers for you and praying that you and DH are enjoying the California weather.

    Char, not sure if you will see this but I hope you are catching up with our latest news. I know you have had a hard year and I pray that you can have a wonderful break this summer and get some much R and R with all the caregiving you are doing.

    Mini, I hope you are now home safe and sound and had a marvelous time in Florida with your sister.

    Bev, it has been good to catch up with you and I pray that you have a wonderful time gardening in TX.

    Cindy, yes we will have to play some clarinet duets even if it is in our imagination. I am not able to play anymore so it will definitely have to be in my mind! Hope you are juggling all of your things on your full plate. I appreciated your Sarah Young devotional the other day. Yes, all of the pain and suffering will be forgotten when we are sitting at Jesus feet basking in His love and compassion in eternity. Praying your son can snag a good teaching position!

    Carla, Loretta and Charlotte, I know as newbies on here you have come in at a time of sadness on this thread. I know the timing has not been the best but I do pray that you can soon feel a part of our online family. Charlotte I know you have been on a little longer but I know you are so busy working and trying to get treatments working that posting alot is probably impossible. I am going to be praying against fear for you in particular. I know you and Kath probably had some behind the scene communications as I feel badly for you now. We are here for all of you.

    Mags ,Polly, Artisie, Lisa, Karen, Jeanne, Greta, Shirley and 27Heart, you are not forgotten. Praying that you are all doing well.

    I have not heard from Kath's SIL on arrangements or her coworker. I have an obituary to post but I may hold off until tomorrow for that in case I hear anything else. I thought I would have heard something by now. I am wondering if this will turn out to be a private ceremony only or maybe a memorial at a later date. I would expect there to be hundreds of people that would come to a visitation and it could be that the family is not up to that at this time. I will let you know as soon as I hear anything.

    Love you all,


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited March 2016

    Just checked in and learned of Kath's passing. I listened to your music video, Nancy, with tears streaming. God must have needed an angel and chose Kath quickly, which is a blessing. Prayers for her husband and boys as this must be very difficult for them. She was an amazing lady and will be missed.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2016

    Beautiful posts from everyone about Kath!! She is now a sweet angel looking down on everyone and smiling!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2016

    Dear sisters in Christ,

    After not hearing anything from Kath's SIL and coworker I emailed her pastor at her church and asked if arrangements had been made. He said there will be a Memorial Service for her next Saturday at Kath's church. There is no visitation and I have been feeling in my spirit that the family needs their privacy to grieve her death. I was going to send flowers and decided against it. I did mention to her pastor that if he wanted to include my sentiments about how much Kath was loved on our forum and what a positive and encouraging person she was to all of us that he could certainly add that if he wanted. Please pray for Patrick especially. I feel such a burden for him. Kath had other serious health issues that she never shared publicly. Her family has been through so much and Patrick especially trying to hold it all together for the young boys when they were dealing with these crises. Of course her twin boys need prayer as well but i feel like they are going to be okay. In fact I told Kath that her boys were young men now and that they are strong young Christian men because of their upbringing and because they have already been through so much with her health challenges. I wanted to give her reassurance that they were going to be okay not matter what.

    There never was an obituary from the family and I have a feeling there won't be one. There were two nice articles from her workplace that I am going to paste in. Please excuse the formatting as it is copied from two newspaper articles.

    To give us closure I think it would be appropriate to post our sentiments for Kath and have our own tribute to her for those who knew her and loved and appreciated her. I know her coworker that I talked to a couple of times on the phone may try to find our thread as I told her that Kath had posted a picture of her and Kath way back when they attended a Mandisa and Casting Crowns concert in the fall of 2014. She knew about us because Kath had talked about us. Her inner circle of friends knew about us as well. We made a huge difference in her life as she did in ours.

    I will post these two articles on another post.

    God Bless you dear sisters.

    BTW I am considering making a donation to BCO in her honor. I am feeling that this is the best way I can honor her at this time.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2016

    Kathryn Leib-Hunter, CEO of NAMI of Collier County, dies


    2015 Class of 25 over 50: Kathryn Leib-Hunter

    By Alexi Cardona of the Naples Daily News

    Kathryn Leib-Hunter was a true advocate.

    As the chief executive officer of NAMI of Collier County, she knew how to get things done and fought to change the stigma associated with mental illness.

    She died on Wednesday evening at 54.

    A release the organization sent out Thursday afternoon states she had been suffering severe health issues.

    Leib-Hunter became known in the community as a champion for those affected by mental illness. It was a cause close to her heart. One of her brothers struggled with mental illness and substance abuse and died as a result.

    More than 20 years ago, she helped found a Guardian ad Litem program, which trains adults to represent the interests of children in court.

    In 1993, she went on to become executive director of the Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Collier County, now NAMI, an affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

    "She built the organization to what it is today," said Karen Kalinowski, NAMI's director of administration. "She was a force, but she was also very human. She touched you instantly. She had tremendous love and showed it for the entire community."

    Under her leadership, the organization grew to serve more than 12,000 people. Leib-Hunter trained more than 700 law enforcement officers and community leaders in crisis intervention.

    "Kathryn was a passionate advocate and community leader," said Scott Burgess, CEO of the David Lawrence Center. "Her impact has been great in Collier County and I have been honored to serve in partnership with her towards effectively addressing the mental health needs of our community. Her efforts helping bring mental health training to area law enforcement professionals through a rigorous training program we worked on together, called CIT, is just one example of how her legacy will live on and on, to the benefit of our community."

    She also partnered with the Naples Children & Education Foundation to start HUGS, Health Under Guided Systems, which screens 2,000 children a year for mental health problems and helps families find services.

    Leib-Hunter brought her faith and family values to her work.

    "You never had a conversation with her without her twin boys being part of that conversation," Kalinowski said. "She was a family person first and foremost. Kathryn also had tremendous faith and brought it into everything she did. That really resonated with the people she helped."

    In 2015, Leib-Hunter was honored as one of the Naples Daily News' 25 over 50. She was asked what she was most proud of accomplishing, and she said, " I am most proud of being able to provide hope and help to people in need. I have been blessed to realize my mission in life, and constantly challenge myself to work harder in helping others.

    Related Coverage

    2015 Class of 25 over 50: Kathryn Leib-Hunter

    By Alexi Cardona of the Naples Daily News

    Friends and colleagues lament loss of Collier's leading mental health advocate


    Kathryn Leib-Hunter, chief executive officer of NAMI of Collier County, died Wednesday at age 54.

    In this 2015 file photo, Kathryn Leib-Hunter is profiled for 25 Over 50 Wednesday, March 18, 2015. (Harry E. Walker/Staff)

    Related Coverage

    CEO of NAMI of Collier County dies at 54

    2015 Class of 25 over 50: Kathryn Leib-Hunter

    By Liz Freeman of the Naples Daily News

    Kathryn Leib-Hunter believed in keeping her office door open.

    Unexpected visitors were greeted like old friends. No matter how busy her day — and she juggled a lot — Leib-Hunter had time. She remembered details of others' lives no matter how much time had passed.

    The National Alliance on Mental Illness in Collier, NAMI, lost their longtime executive director Wednesday at age 54, after a battle with health issues.

    On Friday, the staff at the Sarah Ann Drop-In Center, which Leib-Hunter was passionate about, faced telling clients about her death.

    Additional staff was called in to help, said Eileen Streight, program manager at Sarah Ann, located on Trails Boulevard in North Naples.

    Leib-Hunter was proud of the Sarah Ann center. It provides a place for people with persistent mental illness to socialize and enjoy group activities. It's a place where they overcome the isolation that often accompanies mental illness.

    "We will miss her laugh. We will miss her smile," Streight said. "She would come over and see how everybody was doing. I know that is what we will all miss about her. We just want to continue her legacy."

    Leib-Hunter had a knack for getting people to work together, said David Schimmel, who retired two years ago as executive director of the David Lawrence Center.

    She was instrumental in putting together the mental health initiative in 2011 that is funded by the Naples Children & Education Foundation (NCEF), sponsors of the Naples Winter Wine Festival, he said.

    The mental health initiative started with $1.2 million in NCEF grant funding and later became the Beautiful Minds program with $4 million in grant funding from 2013 to 2015.

    When they first met years ago, Schimmel said his relationship with Leib-Hunter was antagonistic.

    "We quickly turned that around because I listened to her," he said.

    Whenever an issue arose between the two organizations, she knew to call and they could get it resolved quickly. They got together for breakfast four or five times a year to stay current.

    The David Lawrence Center used to run the Sarah Ann center but turned it over to NAMI years ago, he said. She made it thrive.

    "It was a good move," Schimmel said. "She ran it very effectively."

    Leib-Hunter connected with people and families facing mental illness. One of her brothers was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He chose not to take his medication and died from substance abuse. She opened up about the loss in a 2014 guest column in the Naples Daily News.

    "She really related to people. She could relate to their struggles," Schimmel said. "It was personal for her. It wasn't a job."

    State Rep. Matt Hudson, R-Naples, worked with Leib-Hunter on mental health issues at the state level.

    "She had a tremendous passion for working for those with mental illness," Hudson said.

    One training program that all 900 people in the Collier County Sheriff's Office take is crisis intervention, where they learn how to interact with someone who is dealing with mental health issues, said Sheriff Kevin Rambosk.

    "Without her leadership, it would not have been done," Rambosk said.

    It has had a significant impact for deputies getting people with mental illness the care they need instead of carting them to jail, and it helps officers de-escalate potentially dire situations. In the end, everyone is safer, Rambosk said.

    "We're going to miss her," he said.

    Maria Jimenez-Lara, executive director of NCEF, said she was invaluable.

    "Kathryn's work in our community will have a lasting impact, she was an advocate for those who could not advocate for themselves," she said. "I am so proud to have known and worked with her. Sadly, we have lost a champion for children. "

    Leib-Hunter leaves behind her husband, Patrick, and twin sons, Forrest and Taylor.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2016

    Kathryn Hunter and Kath as I knew her was one of these people that God placed in my life to change it forever. The impact she made on me in the short 16 months I knew her will forever me imprinted on my heart. As you can see from reading the articles posted above that she was a very important person in her community who affected the lives of hundreds and hundreds of people for good. You would never know she was such an important person and CEO of her mental health agency on this forum. She was an extremely humble person and truly had a heart to help others. That was what she saw as her mission and she went about it with optimism and courage in spite of her side effects and suffering the last couple of years. I remember her telling me that she had a newscast to do the next day and she was really not feeling well from her chemo. This was last year when she was in bc treatments. I got to see a video of that newscast she sent to me and she was such a professional. She received a top honor last year and you can find it in one of the links in the articles. I let the ladies on the forum know about it because I highly doubt that she was going to make a big deal about it even though it was a huge deal and a huge honor. Her courage and will and desire to help people continued despite the fact that her body was failing. The fact that she was in charge of this fundraiser walk and attended it up to her 11th hour makes her a hero in my mind. She posted a pic with her son Taylor and she was smiling as usual. She very rarely brought attention to herself but was all about lifting and encouraging all of those around her. Kath, I loved you dearly as a sister and I am missing you terribly already but it brings me such comfort to know that you are made whole and are healed now. We knew that your healing would take place one way or another and you are healed and have a new body now and are with Jesus. It was your appointed time. You accomplished so much in your 54 years on this earth. I look forward to seeing you in heaven.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2016

    Hey Ladies! I'm back from the warmth of Florida to the cool of MI. I adore hot weather, but this warmer weather we're having is a real treat. We don't see crocuses in early March very often. I thought of you all often. Now that I'm out of my nice warm little bubble, I need to find my land legs again. I'll be busy catching up on what's going on here with everyone. :-)

    Blessings to you all!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2016

    Been off the boards for a few days. Thanks mysunshine for letting me know about Kath. I offer condolences to her DH and twin sons and all her family be it blood, co-workers or BCo friends. The only bright star is knowing that she is now dancing with Jesus and there is no more pain, doctors, meds or tears for her. May she forever rest at peace in the arms of our Father.

  • longtimesurvivor
    longtimesurvivor Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2016

    I have logged on here 3 times today and have no words. Rather than log off this time saying nothing, I want to acknowledge the beauty of Kath and her legacy which Nancy has shown us via her posts. Her life humbles me. That's all for now-


  • Loretta_J
    Loretta_J Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2016

    Thank you for that song Joanne. I had not ever heard it. Prayers for Kath's family and all her friends on this thread. 


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2016

    All I can think of that makes sense about Kath's passing and so many other struggles we are all going through is this verse...

    And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

    I am blessed that we can go through these trials together, my precious sisters in Christ. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2016

    Obituary for Kathryn L. Hunter at Horizon Funeral Homeimageimage

    Obituary for Kathryn L. Hunter at Horizon Funeral Home

    Kathryn L. Hunter, 54, of Bonita Springs, FL died on March 9, 2016 at Joannes House, Bonita Springs, FL. She was born on February 5, 1962 in Coral Gables, FL, a daughter of Karl and Virginia Leib Jr. She is survived by her husband, Patrick D. Hunter, her twin sons,...

    Send a Sympathy Card

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2016

    Thank you, Nancy for all the updates and pictures of Kath!! She is just beautiful!!! Thank you, Joanne for the song, very comforting!!! There is a purpose for our lives on Earth: to be with Our Lord one day!! We just do not know where!!!

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2016

    Nancy, thank you for the updates on Kath and her pictures. She is not only beautiful inside but outside.

    Please also pray for me as I have my 6 month follow-up on Tuesday. Praying for continued NED.

    Lucy, praying for you and Steve.

    Love Across the Miles,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2016

    Dear ladies,

    I didn't know if I was going to actually get an obit from the family so I am sorry for the extended posts when I had hoped to consolidate. I am glad that there is a way we can send our condolences online to the family if we so chose to do that.

    In the midst of all of this sad news I need to share some good news. Tomorrow is my year two bc anniversary and I had my scans on Wed last week and they were clear and I have graduated to annual mammograms instead of every six months. I will see my BS this Wed and this is the doctor who has pretty much demoralized me every time I see him no matter how much weight I lose it is never enough for him. I could use some prayer regarding that apt. Angie praying for your scans on Tuesday and that you will be NED as well.

    Thank you Joanne for reminding us all that Kath's life and success were all because of the Lord Jesus. She would be the first to tell you that and thank you for pointing that out. Thank you for your post.

    Thank you Jean for your scripture. We have to hang on to the Lord and His word and each other during these tough times.

    Allison I sent you a PM. Prayers for you and your DH during your loss.

    Kathy, thank you. Yes, Kath was beautiful inside and out.

    As we try to process the news of this week of Allison's BIL's passing and Kaths passing we need to look to God for our source of strength and comfort. I have read alot about grief this past week. I have been hit really hard by Kath's passing and I may attend a grief support group to be sure that I am on a good path of healing in God's plan and not my own. What we cannot see right now is that our lives on this earth are but a nano second in the scheme of eternity. That is one thing that we can't understand in our finite minds but I know that we will understand when we go to heaven and it will allow all of the suffering, pain and tears on this earth vanish when we put our gaze on Jesus. The more we can do that now the closer we will get to Him and that is the reason for our being in the first place. Let's continue to lift each other up and support one another in that love that is living inside of us through Jesus.



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2016

    You may remember my posting last year that my sister was attending church with me. Well today she and a friend, who has moved here as well, both joined the church we have been attending. My sister is 70 years old and has never in her life joined a church and only attended one perhaps once or twice a year (if that much). Her friend is 'only' 65 and was once a Nun but, for reasons I do not know, left the convent and became a lawyer and just retired from being a judge. She also may have sporadically visited a church over the years. Please pray for both of them as babes in Christ they really don't know/realize what being a child of the almighty God entails. I don't think it will be a problem as our Pastor is really good though his style of teaching is different from anything I've known (different in a good way).

    I truly believe that now that they have accepted the Lord into their hearts that their faith will grow and they will let Him completely into their lives as well. That they will put down deep roots that the enemy will not be able to unearth.

    Thanks prayer warriors.

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited March 2016

    This morning I go for a 2 month follow up chest x-ray from pneumonia in January. Suddenly, I find myself extremely anxious. My husband just had pneumonia in February and he does not need a follow up x-ray because is showed as an acute pneumonia. Mine was either more chroinic (patchy pneumonia) or possibly something else. Some of my symptoms have started to come back but it is March and the start of allergy season for me. Mold the soon pollen, My Primary physician is good about calling so If he is not on vacation I will hear from him within 24 hours.

    I also have an appointment this afternoon to see a plastic surgeon to discuss options for my lopsidedness. Winter clothes have allowed me to disguise it but as the weather warms it is going to be harder. I feel like a prosthesis is going to be uncomfortable when I am out and about in the heat this summer. Plus all my tissue was removed from the top of my breast making a prosthesis a bit more challenging. I go back and forth on this issue. So prayers that I make the right decision with the Plastic surgeon and prays for a clear chest x-ray would be appreciated.