thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2016

    Today I am very grateful that my son-in-law is going to install a new toilet upstairs. Hopefully this will take care of the issue of leaking into the middle bathroom. I was stressing last night stupidly, over the color of the toilet since the other parts of the bathroom are avocado and a white toilet's going to stick out. The Lord reminded me what's important and certainly Jesus is not in any way going to be damaged by the color of my toilet. Hee-hee. God's word is so true we are he says in Song of Solomon, "the little foxes spoil the vines". Love, Jean

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited March 2016


    Thank you for the input. One down, one to go. I am not looking for perfection. Except that my right breast has an indentation on top and is 3 sizes smaller than my left breast you can hardly tell I had surgery. All the tissue was taken out of the inner upper part of the breast. I had a very skill full surgeon who did the lumpectomy. I haven't made up my mind if I want more surgery but I know that I need to do something for my mental health.

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2016

    I thought I would share what I posted on my FB page regarding Kath, we were FB friends as well so we could check in on one another's day to day without actually talking about having BC. It's amazing how strong and resilient she was with so many not even knowing she was battling everyday....I had a glass for her and a glass for me and I sat out on that balcony Friday night and looked at all the beautiful stars and thought..she's amongst that.

    "I had been saving this bottle until I had finished all health issues associated with that pesky cancer, however I will open it tonight. I will have a toast to my sister in Christ Kathryn Hunter who was sent to me by God to help me along in my fight. She was an inspiration, a confidante, a positive force who saw God's hand in everything and counted it all joy and she always had the word that we needed to hear in group. Although we won't make that meeting at the cabin in TN this spring, I look forward to seeing you in "our father's house". We are all the better for having known you. Love forever! She

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited March 2016

    Jo, I really liked this plastic surgeon. He actually recommended against surgery. He discussed numerous problems that could occur and some specific to my situation. The only way he could do reconstruction on the cancer breast was to do a mastectomy first. He felt it would be very difficult with hospital protocol, my shape, and some damage that was done during radiation to get successful results just doing an augmentation. He said if I really want it done he could do a minimal reduction on my healthy breast but I probably would not be happy. The other option was I could seek out a second opinion at a cancer hospital were they will do some newer procedures that they don't do.. His recommendation was a prosthesis for now. I wasn't sure I wanted surgery again so I would say that this is an answer to prayer. I do feel sad but at least I have answers and answers allow me to move forward. I do not like the imaging center at the hospital but my options are limited so I will go see what they have to say about a prosthesis and go from there.

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited March 2016

    Just in. Praise the Lord, my chest x-ray is clear. "No active disease found chest is clear." Time for a happy dance.

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited March 2016

    Brutersmom--- praise the Lord. Just what I needed to see before going to bed. Wonderful news. :). I wore a knitted knocker prosthetic for a year on both breasts while I healed from all my surgeries. Would that be an option for you?

    She---beautiful words for Kath. I loved the visual of you outside looking at the creation and thanking our Creator for the life of one of His daughters. Beautiful.

    Nancy how are you holding up? I know Kath was so near and dear to you. We have all been so blessed by your continued posts.

    Angie-- prayers for your 6 month follow up tomorrow. Xoxo

    Deb-foots. Haven't seen any of your beautiful poems in awhile. You doing ok?

    Much love & prayers to all of you. Need to get to bed to take care of my babes.

    God bless


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2016

    She, yes and Amen!

    Thank you Jo!

    Happy Dance to Nancy and Brutersmom! Whoot! Whoot!

    Nancy, praying for your appt but specifically for your BS bed-side manner.

    Allison, prayers for you and your family!

    Patoo, wow isn't it awesome when we assist God on planting and watering and sit back as God gives the increase! I know your are so happy! PTL! Praying as you continue to mentor, encourage and help them as they grow in Christ.

    Love Across the miles,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2016

    Brutersmom, I am so happy about the good report. I just prayed for all here. God is faithful.

    Today I am so grateful for my kitty who came down to greet me this morning when I got up. I'm grateful for the healing that's taking place in my hip replacement. I am grateful that spring is finally coming and for the birds outside. I'm grateful to be alive today. Love, Jean

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2016

    Brut, that's great news! She, love your post on Kath.

    JO-5, thanks for the words about my sister and our friend. It will be interesting as my sister is an attorney and our friend is a judge and they tend to think in black and white with no gray (faith) areas. But our Lord is in control and with His sense of humor I'm looking forward to how their transformation will evolve. Winking

  • bikefam
    bikefam Member Posts: 98
    edited March 2016

    Brutersmom, I agree with Joanne. I went to a medical appliance shop and they had a certified mastectomy fitter who made me feel very comfortable and got me bras and prosthesis that was very lightweight and comfortable. She even got me a second one made for swimming. I did decide in the end to have reconstruction for various reasons, but I was seriously considering just living with the Prosthesis. A good shop should be able to help you out.


  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited March 2016

    What I have figures out so far is I need a large pushup. All my tissue was removed from the top and middle of my breast. Then radiation di a number on it as well. I was thinking last night of trying a micro bead shaper. I need something about the size of a third of my breast.

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited March 2016

    Joanne thanks for the heads up on the micro beads. That made me cchuckle. Probably not good in a professional situation. It will be interesting to see what the suggestion are. I have tried inserts but they either rise up and peak out and they leave a gap between the bra and my chest which is interesting under clothes. I am coming up on my 6 month mark so I should be ok getting something via the insurance company. I was told I had to wait 5 to 6 months for any thing more permanent because I would continue to experience some changes after radiation.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2016

    Dear Nancy!! You are a beautiful Sister in Christ, we will pray for your doctor!

    Patoo!! You have led your dear Sister and friend to Christ! You are amazing! The Holy Spirit will convict them both!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2016


    Dear ladies,

    This seemed a fitting banner as we celebrate good news in the midst of sad news and suffering.

    We thank you that Kath is dancing in heaven with you now.

    We thank you that the heavens are rejoicing with Patoos sister and friend coming to the Lord. Praise God.

    We thank you that Brutersmom had a clear scan. Help her with future decisions with reconstruction and lead her in these tough decisions.

    Jean, praying for your leak and your bathroom dilemma. Praying for continued healing.

    We continue to pray for Allison in the passing of her BIL. Lord comfort her and her DH and family during this difficult time.

    Let's pray for Angie who I don't think has publicly mentioned that she has been sick for some time. Let's pray that her immune system which she has shared in the past has been compromised. Praying for her scans today that they will be NED.

    She, it does my heart good to know another felt the impact of Kath on their lives as well. She truly was one in a million and I will forever be changed by her unbelievably positive outlook in the midst of much suffering. I am praying for you as well. I know it has been a hard journey for you lately. Thank you for your post. It blessed my heart.

    Debbie (Ireland) posted and I hope you can all scroll back and read her post. She needs much prayer and encouragement right now. I think her post got buried and many may have not seen it. I know you fairly new people would not know her but those who have been around for a while would.

    Debbie (foots), you have been on my heart. Are you okay? Praying for you dear sis.

    Loretta, how are you doing since your first treatment? Prayers for you.

    Lynn, Aurora, how are you doing?

    Cindy, any news on your son's interview? How are you doing?

    Kathy, G, Angie, Lynn, Jo, Ellen, Allison thank you for your sensitivity. Grief is an unpredictable force that can take you on unexpected rides and I am in the midst of that and trying to hang on in the process.

    I have not had reconstruction so I am staying silent on those issues as I having nothing to contribute. Hopefully the Lord will lead each one in the right decision for you.



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited March 2016

    Hello all, I am reading posts daily and continue to keep you all in my prayers, especially for those going through difficult times who need a few more frequent whispers in God's ear. I find as I read, Jesus Calling, that I am so much more aware of my surroundings and am grateful for minor things that I never gave much thought to before BC. In a way, it has been a wake-up call as to what life is all about and what our purpose is here on earth. I find myself thanking God for all my blessings and praying for you, my family and others even as I am planting flowers, driving to the grocery or painting walls in my news house. In the midst of all the difficulties we all face and the way our world gets shaken, I realize more and more that we serve an awesome God.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2016

    Love it Jo, put a smile on my face before I get in to work! Thanks for the hug and understanding it is hard at times.

    Humm as for the 6 million That has been deposited with a seed of love...that I can withdraw at any But most of all thanks for the chocolate I needed that treat. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2016

    Good morning dear ladies,

    Joanne, love the banners. I could even take a hug from a monkey now too. Of course I would spend the six million dollars ON the chocolate and share it all with you!

    My emotions have been so much on the surface and I was afraid what would happen when I saw my BS this morning. I have been continually losing weight all year but he has never said way to go. He has only been critical and demoralizing I am sure without realizing it. I told a friend that if he said anything like that to me today I might end up in an orange jump suit and as I have said in the past, that is just not my color! When he asked me how my weight was I said good. I talked about my swimming and he seemed pleased. Of course he forgets all the things we have talked about in the past about swimming. I don't have to see him now for a year following my yearly mammogram now. YIIIIIIIPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't tell you the great feeling that was walking out of his office. We did talk about thyroid surgeons and the two names that different doctors gave me he said they are both great so I have that info tucked away if I need it.

    Angie, praying you get great news on your scans. Praying that you feel much, much better. My sister has really been struggling with this nasty sickness that just doesn't want to let go.

    Debbie (foots) I miss seeing your uplifting posts. I hope you are doing okay. Praying for you dear sis.

    Lynn, I love my Jesus Calling. Kath send me a copy of that when we first met and it really has changed my efforts to intentionally be in God's presence during the day.

    Charlotte, I hope you have found a replacement chemo combo that will work well for you. I know working and doing treatments is so difficult.

    Today was pretty surreal. One of Kath's last emails to me included a picture that she called our playground. It was of the Ocean. I asked her how close to her house it was and she said fifteen minutes. It was a beautiful sunset on the ocean with a few people enjoying the beach. Kath never sent those kind of pics before to me. She would only send pics of herself getting her treatments or her family. It was almost prophetic as the sun set on her life here on earth. In the paper today one of the weekly photos in the paper was a beautiful sunset with some kids on the beach. I thought that looks so much like the pic Kath sent me of "her" playground. Under the pic it said the person's name took this picture from their visit to Bonita Springs, Florida. That of course is where Kath lived.

    Jean, I missed seeing your daily praise today. Hope everything is okay with you and your bathroom situation gets fixed.

    Have a great day everyone.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2016

    Thanks for remembering me Nancy. Today's beginning was a bit frustrating. I woke up stiff and in pain and it took a bit of time to loosen up. I am grateful today for my physical therapy aide who came and helped me with some new exercises to strengthen my hip. I am also grateful for my son-in-law who's supposed to be coming tomorrow to install a new toilet in the upstairs bathroom. No more umbrellas on the toilet. Tee-hee.

    Also, thanks for he monkey hugs Jo. I have been cranky overall today and it made me smile. Love , Jean

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited March 2016

    My eyes are full of tears, I did not know Kath a lot, she and I bantered a little on the board but not much, but for one thing, WOW what a champion for mental illness. My heart is heavy for the loss among her colleagues, friends, and family.

    I was honored to meet Brutersmom yesterday, she is not from my immediate area but she kindly stopped by the office where I work since she was showing a home near there. How wonderful to meet one of us face to face! She is a lovely person. I do have to tell you something funny. She texted "I am here" and then I went outside to see her (no red carnation or anything so I had no idea what she looked like) and I asked this random lady standing there "are you Glenda" and she said "yes". We said hello and I asked her into my office and gave her flowers I had and we chatted---a few things clicked but some didn't then she left and Glenda texted me "I am at the wrong place" and then I met the real her. The other lady's name was Linda and so for whatever reason she went along with it, turned out she was a patient seeing another provider. Oh my gosh you just can't make this stuff up. I really enjoyed meeting you though, Glenda! As Glenda said, Linda probably needed a bit of encouragement that day and I had told her I would pray for her about her lung nodule that was going for biopsy. I called her later and explained and she said "I didn't catch on since I go to a lot of cancer events and believe I saw you at one".


    Hugs to all. Nancy the son did not hear the week from the interview as he was promised so they are either keeping him in the batters box or extending interviews more, the position is still posted so that is what I suspect.

    Have a nice day everyone. Work just sent me an email they are changing my schedule which stinks. Makes the teaching job in the fall look appealing.... but I will simmer down and pray about it. Just stressed with school work and preparing for my next NP lecture on Hematology/Oncology. Too close to home right? But I sure am determined those NP students understand how to screen for it all and so forth. I present to them on the 29th if you could pray for that. If you remember. So much going on.

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited March 2016

    I had never heard that either Jo, thank you for sharing. :)

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2016

    I am very grateful my life. I'm grateful for the sunshine. I'm grateful that Tylenol seems to have eased the pain I had from wrenching my back overnight. I'm grateful for my son-in-law who is at this moment installing a new toilet upstairs. And for my husband who watched a documentary about Corrie Ten Boom with me today. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2016

    Dear ladies,

    I am a bit pressed for time and don't have time to say too much right now. I hope Joanne doesn't mind me posting this since I don't think she did. Let's pray for her granddaughter who had her thyroid removed today. Let's pray that it is not cancerous which they don't expect it to be and let's pray that she has no complications, good pain control and that she will be able to have her thyroid meds regulated quickly so she can move on.

    I may not get to post later tonight but will tomorrow.

    Love you all.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2016

    Jo-5, Praise the Lord!! Praying for you as well!!!

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2016

    Evening ladies, just checking in after a long week at work. Trying to get use to things as they are now. I am trying some new supplements to see if it works with the joint pain and soft tissue issues, it's called Juice Plus and I hope to have a good report in about 3 months after I have had a bit of time to get it in my system.

    I had told Kath a few weeks ago that I would be getting the 3D tatooing and that is scheduled for April fools day. She had also suggested the acupuncture for me and it has been a tremendous help. I will continue to keep you updated as some of this information could prove helpful to someone else who may be afraid to ask.

    Today when I went for a walk I found myself upset and tired when I had trouble making it up a hill. I had to stop and take a break but when I looked to my left 3 feet away on a branch at eye level looking at me was the most gorgeous red tail hawk, it seemed to smile at me. I fumbled with my phone to try and take a photo to attach to my post and just as I got it in position it flew away. It made me laugh and spurred me on to finish my walk. Sometimes we just need to laugh and keep moving. Have a great weekend you are continually in my prayers

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited March 2016

    It was great meeting Enjoyeverymoment. The house I was at was just a few blocks for Cindy's work but GPS's are only as good and the user and what they put in so 5 minutes turned into 30 minutes. I think the Lord planned my mistake so Cindy could bless someone who needed some extra encouragement on Wednesday. I will be over that way several times in the next few months so I hope we will be able to get together again. I find being able to connect with people in real life that have had the cancer experience encouraging. I have found I have been able to bless them and they have blessed me. I love how God can work through others in small ways that in the scheme of life are huge.

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited March 2016


    Thank you for that St Patrick's Day information. I read that to the children today and we all enjoyed it tremendously. :)

    Hugs & love to all.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2016

    Today I am so grateful that my friend is coming over to do the cleaning. I'm grateful to be alive today and see the sun coming up. I am grateful for my son in law who put in a new toilet upstairs. I can retire my umbrella..teehee. I'm considering the possibility of getting out to church for Palm Sunday. Not sure yet, I have to see how I feel. I haven't been out since my surgery except on the deck. It's a bit scary. My house has been a safe cocoon and venturing out is challenging. Praying our dear Father takes care of all of us today. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2016


    Joanne, praying that Lisa will get home today and have a quick recovery with no complications and hopefully no pain. Praising God that they found NO cancer.

    Brutersmom and Cindy, i loved hearing the story of your meeting twice! LOL I know some of the ladies from this thread have met each other and I know that has to be awesome to get to see a person we can really hug and speak to.

    Brutersmom, because of some lymphedema issues several months ago I ended up seeing a professional bra fitter. Actually I ended up see two of them. The first one and my LE therapist weren't seeing eye to eye on the proper fitting so went to a second one. The bras I chose are actually mastectomy bras made by Amoena. I have to have something that provides some compression and even now after several months the bra sometimes drives me crazy. I think that you will find that a bra fitter will put you in something way tighter than you probably are used to. I did find these to be the most comfortable. I hope you can get clear direction on this. I know this process took me a long time just to find a bra so know it might take a while.

    Cindy, maybe no news is good news for your son. Continued prayers for him.

    Jean, glad everything is going well and hopefully you will be able to get out even though it has turned much colder here.

    G, praying the class you are teaching is going well.

    Joanne, loved hearing about St. Patrick. It reminded me of Joseph. I will never look on that day quite the same. Continued prayers for your pain and stamina dear friend.

    Angie, praying you get good news on your scans and praying you feel better.

    Kathy, thank you. Your encouraging spirit always lifts me up and I really need that at this time.

    She, I have taken Juice Plus for many, many years. I take the greens and the fruits. It definitely was my tipping my toes into the world of supplements way back then. Now I fully embrace many supplements and no matter what you may read they DO HELP. The first thing i noticed with the Juice Plus was an improved immune system. I have fibromyalgia and fatigue and pain have been issues for me for many years. If you google foods that cause inflammation you might be surprised. I found out I was severely gluten intolerant about four years ago. Many of those foods cause inflammation. I pray that the Lord will lead you to things that will give your relieve and encouragement. I know this is so very hard for you when you were able to do more things and have more stamina. Don't give up. You will find a way to get through this time.

    I would appreciate your prayers for me for tomorrow. I am going to Chicago to the Flower and Garden Show at Navy Pier. I have never been there and I am so excited. However, for me to do a day trip like this is a BIG challenge. I tire very easily and am having a lot of knee pain today since it has turned much colder. The friend I am going with understands and I just said know that I may have to take several breaks. Even though I am an avid swimmer it doesn't translate into ease of walking for distances so hence the challenge.

    Let's please remember to pray for Kath's family especially tomorrow when the memorial service will be. This will be the families first time dealing with large amounts of people and I pray that the Lord would embrace Patrick, Taylor and Forrest in an envelope of love and peace during this most difficult time.

    Have a great weekend.



  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited March 2016

    Today I saw an LE specialist. She is pretty sure that the issue of pain and swelling of the armpit is due to adhesions and webbing of tissue around the muscle. She does not think I have LE and thinks that most likely I will not have an issue in the future. She did some stretching of the tissue and gave me some exercises that I should do to keep the radiated muscles stretched. She said they are damaged and will always need to be kept stretched. Thanks for the heads up Nancy. I expect to have a bit of an issue. Years ago I broke a rib right under where the band sits. I have always had to wear one size band larger than I should or I have constant rib pain. If I press on the spot it hurts so compromise will be required. We sill see how it goes. I only have one choice here in my county. If I can't make it work at the hospital site I will have to go to a Philadelphia location.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited March 2016

    Jean, wanted to let you know I am blessed by your I am grateful post. I read them as often as I can and they bless my soul.

    Love across the miles,
