thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2016

    Joanne, praying that Rachel will not have this situation as Lisa. So thankful Lisa got hers out when she did.

    Jean, you've come a long way. PTL that your home PT is finished. Hopefully you will get a good checkup and report.

    Vickie, I am glad your grand daughter's thyroid cancers were taken care of. I am still dealing with the dark cloud of not knowing for sure about my thyroid. My biopsy in Jan was inconclusive and I am opting to wait but my thyroid meds have been a challenge to regulate the last several weeks. If this persists I may not have a choice in having mine removed.

    Loretta, how are you feeling?

    Brutersmom, the fact that your Aunt Cleo is a 100 is really a remarkable milestone. I will pray that your Aunt Cleo will not suffer and that the Lord will take her and prepare her heart for her passing. I pray for the family that will miss her dearly that you will comfort their hearts during this difficult time.

    Have a good night dear ladies.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2016

    After feeling a little better yesterday, I thought I'd feel better still today. Nope I feel almost as bad as I did when this bug hit me. I'm sure it will run it's course, but I'm getting tired of feeling like this.I know it is minor in comparison to some of the illnesses had, but it is still tiresome.

    Blessings to you all

  • Loretta_J
    Loretta_J Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2016

    Thanks for asking Nancy. Have had 9 pretty good days. I went to the gym today- the first time since the day before my infusion on March 11. Walked 1.5 miles on the treadmill and did another hour on the Planet Fitness resistance machines. I was tired but needed it. Next infusion is on April 4. So I'm thankful for 9 days.

    Brutersmom- I will pray for your family. It matters not how old one is- we miss them anyway.

    Blessings to everyone and sleep well.


  • capinva
    capinva Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2016

    Good morning Christian sisters

    I am sorry I have not posted in a couple weeks. God has truly answered so many prayers and has blessed me so much.

    I am so sorry to hear about Kath. She had reached out to me and we were dealing with some of the same symptoms. She was so encouraging the times we messaged each other and so very helpful. I am praying for her family.

    I have started Avastin and even though I have had reactions to this drug it is doing a remarkable job. I haven't had any fluid drained in 7 weeks and no fluid has shown up at all. I have energy now and I am able to go out on our farm and actually feel like getting out and doing things. Work has been crazy training new lady in the office but God is always with me and it is going very well. Just extremely busy. Life for me is just busy but Praise God I feel like doing things again.

    I have to share with you my sisters, I started this latest journey stage 4 last May. Actually started symptoms in April but didn't know what it was and thought I needed exercise or just bloated from what I ate. So when I finally broke down and went to the doctor and he said stage 4 and the cancer was in the ovaries and causing the fluid I was in shock. He also gave a very grim report of life expectancy. However, our God is greater and I am doing wonderful almost a year later. Not what the doctor expected. I am so thankful to God for healing me and giving me energy and strength. Thank you dear sisters for prayers and support. I may not post often due to a crazy schedule but I pray for you and your needs and I catch up on reading when I get a chance.

    Time to get ready for work. I hope and pray each of you have a day free or few side effects.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2016

    Today I am grateful for a good report at my 6 week hip surgery followup. Some unrelated personal ssues have come up. Without details please pray for me. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2016

    Good morning sisters,

    Glad to see good news from some of you. Our God can do things that no man can explain. Jean, so glad your appointment went well. I know you have peace of mind about your surgery now....I have an appointment In the fall...will probably schedule my left hip surgery then.

    We are celebrating our anniversary this weekend; going on a weekend trip to the mountains. A friend that I mentioned several months ago has been moved to a rehab up there. The friend has an autoimmune disorder and the dr. Had told his wife there was nothing they could do. She kept pushing to move him to a different rehab, and they finally got a space a few weeks ago. She says he has intensive PT there and he is making progress. She kept telling the Dr. that her God was able to heal, but the Dr. wouldn't acknowledge that. Hoping to bring them some encouragement.

    Capinva, so glad you are feeling great. Another proof that our God is a Mighty God!

    Nancy, praying for your visit to your moms.hoping you are getting some rest before you go.

    God bless you all....Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited March 2016

    Lord we thank you for Charlotte's good news. We pray that she continues to trust in you and look to you for her healing.

    We thank you that Loretta has had some good days after a rough patch with her first treatment.

    We celebrate Ellen and Clyde's anniversary and pray they have a wonderful time in the mountains to celebrate.

    We pray for Mini that she can get over this sickness.

    We pray for Jean that she you will help her with the personal issues.

    We pray for continued relief for Joanne in the pain that she still has from her surgery and for more stamina.

    I thank you Lord that you are bringing me through a very difficult time. I thank you that I am feeling better with the stomach virus. Help me to find the right dose on my thyroid meds that will help stabilize my whole system.

    I will be leaving for my mom's tomorrow. I will be there for a week and then will return to stay for three weeks in May. For the newbies I am part time caregiver to my 90 year old mom who is still living alone and she has dementia so I go about four months out of the year to stay with her and to be assured that she is still able to live alone. My sister lives in her town and we tag team. We have a senior care agency but they only come to clean and do her laundry. It is a challenge and I would appreciate your prayers as there is always lots of things to do and it is stressful. I am thankful I am feeling better to take on this trip.

    Have a great day dear sisters.




  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2016

    Nancy, praying for a wonderful visit with your Mom! You are a wonderful daughter!! Take care of yourself as well!!

    Charlotte, praying that you continue to feel well!

    Jo-5, praying for all your needs!!

    We will be having our whole gang visit from Idaho, next week in our tiny condo!! It will certainly be cozy!!!

    Praying for you all!!!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2016

    Today I am very grateful for an amazing night sleep last night. My recovery is going well and I have my first appointment for outpatient PT tomorrow. Yesterday I went to a mall near our home and walked over a mile. My surgeon for my hip replacement told me I should walk a little bit further each day so I am planning to go out and walk a little bit today again. God is so good. Thank you for all the prayers. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    I made it to my mom's and missed all the severe weather with hail they were talking about. Got a little wet packing up the car but that was about it.

    Kathy, you are so sweet. Thank you for your prayers. Praying that you will have a wonderful time with your family from Idaho next week. I am sure you will all enjoy the time together.

    Jean, praying that you can start walking and continue to do so well in your recovery.

    Joanne, praying that you will gain strength and that you can be patient in the process. I know that is the hard part when recovery doesn't happen fast enough. Just think how far you have come from last summer and know how much better you will be by this summer which is coming fast.

    Ladies, i have prayed for ALL of you. Praying that we can all see His blessing all around us this day.



    Here is a picture of Cammie, with my brand new camera. I hope to try it out more while at my mom's.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited April 2016

    Hello everyone and sorry I haven't posted in a while but I do read the posts and pray accordingly. Cancer once there's not much new just going to chemo with almost no se, thank God! I wanted to share with you guys my great news: My daughter got married yesterday to her high school sweetheart, their story is very romantic as Jair (husband) lived in Colombia and all these years since hs they communicated by internet and my daughter went a couple of times to visit. They got engaged last year and applied for a fiancé visa with the US government and were approved last month. So he moved here with her, he arrived last week and they had already planned a small intimate wedding at a friend's apartment overlooking the marina. Last night was the wedding and everything went along perfect. I pray that their love keeps growing under the wing of the Holy Spirit and please keep them in your prayers as they start their new life as a married couple. My daughter's name is Eloise and her new husband's name is Jair, my grandson's name is Leandro. Here's a picture to give you an idea.


    I am grateful to God for preserving my life long enough for me to witness this milestone in my daughter's life.


  • Loretta_J
    Loretta_J Member Posts: 26
    edited April 2016

    Nancy - so glad you made it to your moms without getting hailed on. Hope you stay well during your stay there. I spent 6 weeks with my 89 year old Mom last fall. I was well then, but it was still stressful being away from my familiar bed and routine. I will continue to lift you up in prayer.

    I will pray for you other ladies to continue your recovery with little discomfort.


  • Loretta_J
    Loretta_J Member Posts: 26
    edited April 2016

    What a beautiful little family.

    I am glad you are having minimal SEs from your treatment.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    Thank you Loretta. It is stressful but I am thankful I am now retired so I can travel back and forth and stay with her to allow her to stay in her home which she wants to do. My stomach is much better but I am fighting off a sore throat now. I am praying that I will stay well while at her house.

    Aurora, congratulations on your daughter's marriage. What a beautiful couple and what a cute boy. I am so glad you got to see this happen. What a blessing. It is amazing that you have no SE's. Praise God for that.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2016

    Hello all, Just checking in and reading posts. Glad you made it safely to your mom's and hope you feel better.

    Aurora, side effects! And congratulations to your daughter.

    Loretta, prayers for your next trestment on April 4. Exercise is good.

    Still pray daily for all of you. I am still painting as well as fixing up my house......always something. I am so grateful to God that aI am feeling good.

    God bless you all,


  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited April 2016

    Aurora your daughter is beautiful!!! I'm so happy for you and your family. Thanking God for letting you be a part of her special day and for no side effects from chemo. We bless your Holy name Lord!

    Nancy so thankful you arrived safely. I think of you often juggling so much for your family. May the Lord give you renewed strength and endurance right when you need it the most. You are a faithful servant for the Kingdom.

    Lynn so glad you are able to work on your home. The things we get to do that bring us joy are such gifts.

    Loretta continued prayers for you as you prepare for your next treatment. Let every cancer cell die at the root!!!!

    God bless you all.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited April 2016

    Praise the Lord Charlotte's report for the good report.

    Aurora, So glad that there are no side effects. I always have u in prayer. Wow, what an awesome story and congratulations to your daughter. Her husband and grandson. Such a beautiful family.

    Nancy, Cammie is just beautiful. Glad you made it to your mom's house and missed and the bad weather.

    Lorreta continued prayers as your body prepares for the next treatment.

    Jo-5. Praying for no pain and better days with no fatigue and lots of rest.

    Praying always,

    Love across the miles,


  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited April 2016

    Hello to all! I have started walking with the neighborhood women (2 of them) each morning and we go 4 miles. It is amazing how much it helps the joint pain which seems weird doesn't it? Anyway know that I am praying for all of you! Aurora your daughter is gorgeous and I am sure a sweet girl like her Momma.

    Saw breast surgeon yesterday she is pleased. That was nice.

    Jean hope you feel better soon. There is a ton going around for sure. At work we are seeing so much influenza even with the flu shot. My daughter just got over it as well. 103 fever that wouldn't quit.

    The reason also I am not on here much is I am working hard on this paper. 30 pages and still going strong. Have assembled the committee to work with me and started paperwork for approval to do the study.

    Another God thing, last year I applied for a job as a professor and they courted me as if I were "a shoe in" (that was the words they used). It was quite humbling to not get the job, I basically told work I was going to part time then had to back pedal (He always keeps us humble and knowing that it is about His will not ours, don't you agree?) They hired someone with more experience who was closer to having her doctorate done but it appears she is not working out for them and they asked me to teach one of her classes this fall. They are using her in another capacity until May 2017 which is when I graduate. I am very chilled about the whole thing, think maybe adjunct is still the way to go but it is funny how God always knows what is best...

    Well we are not walking today and I am hitting the paper hard, bring on the coffee! :)

    Love to all of you! Jesus never fails us, He just makes us redefine our expectations. I love that verse "My soul wait thou only upon God, for my expectation is from Him"... (forget reference)

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2016

    Today I am so grateful for life, for being able to start outpatient PT yesterday, for the ability to walk almost pain free. God is good.

    Nancy, I am glad you made it to Mom's safely. Praying for all to have a good day. Aroya, how wonderful to see your beautiful daughter married. All glory to God, my granddaughter is still living at home. I met her boyfriend at Easter and he seems to be a really nice fella. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    Dear ladies of faith,

    I am trying to sneak is some camera time even if it is from my mom's kitchen. I was tickled to see the bright yellow on the goldfinch in her backyard. The finches are not that yellow three hours north in my backyard yet. I hope you don't mind me throwing in some of my photography. There are so many new people that may not realize what a special gift God gave me during my treatments but He ignited my passion for photography and and it is truly a great blessing that God has brought good out of a scary time with cancer for me. I will have to share my swan story that started all of it sometime.

    Lynn, I have been doing a little remodel in my living room and I know how many tons of hours I have spent on just that so I can imagine that you are extremely busy painting and getting your new house the way you want it. I know you will get so much satisfaction from all of your efforts. It is a lot of work but will be worth it.

    G, you are amazing having time to take care of your children and be such a great Godly role model for them and then have time to teach a cancer class with a Christian perspective. Can I borrow some of your energy?Smile

    Angie, thank you. Cammie is my baby and full of the dickens when she wants attention! How are you feeling? Continued prayers as you find your new normal with Tamoxifin and as you carry out all of your work responsibilities and your ministry with your DH. How's the organic gardening coming along?

    Cindy, I pray that the Lord will guide you in your professional career. I know from experience in my teaching career that the Lord saved me from a position that I thought was a shoe in as well and when I look back I would have not been happy. It is a long and crazy story that only the Lord could have been in and I will just suffice it to say that the Lord intervened (thank you Jesus) and prevented me from making a horrible career decision which at the time looked like a perfect position. Trusting God in all things is never ever an easy path but it is by far the best path. I pray that He will make it very clear what that path is for you. Praying for strength in all you are doing now. Praying that paper will flow easily as you write it.

    Loretta, praying for your next chemo treatment. Praying that the second time around will be a little easier and praying against SE's.

    Joanne, praying against fear and praying hard for this mammogram on Monday. I will be taking my mom to her doctor on Monday as well so that apt hasn't happened yet. I pray that NO harm will take place and that if you say STOP they will do just that. Praying for peace for you as I know you have had this on your mind for some time. I continue to pray against the pain and fatigue that you feel daily. One of these days you will wake up and have no pain from this surgery. I am believing that.

    Jean, praying for continued healing of your hip and that you will be able to get out and enjoy the spring. Just think how far you have come.

    Allison, how are you doing? How is your DH doing? Praying for you as you deal with your loss. Give the dogs a big hug for me.

    Debbie, (Foots) I am concerned about you. Praying that the Lord is taking care of you in all of your needs.

    Have a great weekend dear sisters.





  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2016

    So many praises and prayers. I'm thinking of you all.

    It is snowing like crazy here. 60* last week, snowing today. You have to love Michigan weather.


  • bikefam
    bikefam Member Posts: 98
    edited April 2016

    Winter storm warning! I'm in Michigan as well. Hunkering down tonight.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2016

    Many prayers and praises went up as I read.

    JO-5, why no ultrasound or MRI, did they say? How can a mammogram not hurt (your doc a male? Scared) Don't make me have to come out to OH!

    SA8PG, love your tag line "until God opens the next door praise Him in the hallway" - gonna steal it (Oops, not steal, borrow).

    Aurora, congrats on your daughter. Great pic. I know you are proud.

    mysunshine, take a break. You're making me look very, very bad.

  • Loretta_J
    Loretta_J Member Posts: 26
    edited April 2016

    Know that I am praying for all of you and specifically those that are mentioned. Thank you ladies for your prayers for my next TCHP treatment on Monday, April 4th.

    I love photography. Loved your photo of the finch. We have them here in Albuquerque NM, but rarely see one that bright yellow. My hubby is the photographer and I do the photoshop to turn them to art.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2016

    Then I will pray they refuse and you have to have ultrasound. There is something called the mammaprint that is done instead of mammogram. Nope, just looked it up and it's for <10 years.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2016

    Good evening sisters,

    Having a nice break away from home. We are in a small town in the foothills of North Carolina. The B and B where we are staying has a beautiful yard full of colorful flowers and really green grass. That's proof of a milder than usual winter here. One of the owners has a Yorkie so we have gotten some "parenting" tips from her...her dog is 9 years old and well behaved...we can dream.

    Our friend is making slow progress in the subacute wing of the nursing center. His eyebrows raised when I mentioned VBS to him...his wife has their RV parked in a nearby campground so she is able to get more rest. She is talking about getting the proper inspection and equipment to bring him home. I admire her faith so much...she has been steadfast and unwavering in God's healing power. I'm glad we were able to see them.

    We left there and drove to a nearby city and saw "God's Not Dead 2"....absolutely worth seeing. A man stopped and told us to be sure and stay through the credits...we did and it was one of those God moments. I won't tell anymore, just go see it and stay.... If you read my posts you'll understand why it was a God moment. Only a few stayed...that manmust have been listening to the Holy Spirit.

    Nancy, love the pictures. Haven't seen finches here yet. We think we have bluebirds again...hard to tell while chasing Zoe outside. Some of the birds here are very well fed....huge! For the first time I remember, Ihave roses blooming on April 1. The heirloom running bush generally blooms just before Mother's Day until first frost. The original cutting came from my children's great grandmothers bush.

    Getting ready to watch the Tarheels place to run if things don't go well...just cover my ears with a pillow!

    God bless you all...get some rest...praying for all.....Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    She, did you have your 3D tatooing yesterday? I am not exactly sure what that is but I think it is part of your that right? Hoping you are doing better. I pray the Juice Plus will make great things happen for you both in your body and maybe as an additional source of income. Praying you find a nice house. I know you had a ton of steps to climb where you are now. It is still hard for me to believe Kath is in heaven now but so glad she is not suffering anymore. She was truly a special person.

    Mags, I am continuing to pray for you and pray that the Lord will lift you up in ALL ways.

    Mini, I hope you are feeling better. I did some yard work for my mom today and I was sure I saw Dorothy and Toto fly by it was so unbelievable windy. No snow though.

    Carla and Mini, all I can say is I am sorry for the snowDevil. My calendar does say April unless this is a delayed April fool's joke.

    Thanks Joanne and Loretta. The Lord has given me the passion for photography to replace the music void since my performing career ended a few years ago due to a neck surgery. I hope to take a Photoshop class in July. It is pretty mindboggling in the expert mode.

    Joanne, I was wondering if some of this mammogram deal was an insurance issue. Don't get me started on that subject! You know I will be praying on Monday for sure.

    Phyliss, your post on mammapprint was interesting. What did you mean by > 10 years? Yes, Lynn is making us look bad for sure. Maybe she will contract herself out and she can come and do a makeover at our housesNerdy.

    Have a great Sunday dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    Hi Ellen

    We must have been posting at the same time. I hope you are thoroughly enjoying your anniversary get away. Glad you got some Yorkie tips from an experienced owner. I remember when Cammie was a kitten and eating off wallpaper in several rooms of my house I was so upset and wondered how in the world I would put up with her for many years. Somehow we made it through that faze and she has turned out to be a wonderful companion even though she can still have her moments. I am sure Zoe will eventually calm down too.

    I am glad you got to visit your friend. I am sure that has to be so difficult for them. Hope they can get some equipment in their home to help out.

    I have been seeing the ads for God Is Not Dean 2. I saw the first one and it was so inspiring I would like to see this one too, I think I saw the first on on Netflix.

    Thank you for your nice comments on my pics. I saw my very first Baltimore Oriole at my moms ever yesterday. I was so excited and by the time I ran to get my camera my mom said it flew. I didn't even know what it was until I looked it up. I was surprised that her finches were bright yellow. They are just turning a little yellow at my house. Spring hits a few weeks earlier at my mom's compared to my town though it is only three hours difference. I would love to see the bluebirds. That has to be exciting. Hope your team wins. If I hear screams coming from the South East I will think maybe not. LOL

    Enjoy the rest of your time at your B and B.



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2016

    Loved the Finch photograph! What a pretty bird!

    I want to see God's Not Dead 2.....too! I think Patoo and I might go. We now live 2 miles apart.....nice walk or bike ride!

    Hope everyone is able to get out and to church tomorrow.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2016

    mysunshine, you need to see 'God's Not Dead' the first one. When I come by to stop you from painting we can see if we can get it on your cable (or sign you up for Netflix!) Then we can go see #2.

    Nancy, here's what I saw regarding the mammaprint "The MammaPrint test, made by Agendia, is a genomic test that analyzes the activity of certain genes in early-stage breast cancer. Research suggests the MammaPrint test may eventually be widely used to help make treatment decisions based on the cancer's risk of coming back (recurrence) within 10 years after diagnosis". JO-5 is 12 years out.