thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2016

    Oh my, just checked in and find I need to add extra time for prayer time tonight. Extra prayers for Nancy and Jo that you both start to feel better. Nancy, I don't know all your issues, but will ask God to help direct you with your decisions. When we are alone, it is difficult to have to make all the decisions.

    Loretta, Oh gosh, sorry to hear you are having low blood counts and neuropathy issues. Are you getting the Neulasta shot? That helped my counts go up drastically. I also had some neuropathy, but not until treatment 3. Please PM me with questions. I had a number of side effects and would be happy to share my experiences and things I did to help.

    Mini, I am excited about working part time. I do not want more than 12 hours a week so I can go to my exercise classes and have more free time. I want work to be fun and not a "job."

    Good to hear from you Debbie Foots. Aurora, prayers for you that these new treatments are just whst you need to get healthy again!

    Love all the banners, ladies. Someday I will learn how to do that! :)

    Hope all are able to get to church in the morning to worship our awesome God.

    Blessings to all,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2016

    Today I'm grateful for the continued healing of my husband's eye. Grateful for sunshine. Grateful that we will be able to get to church this morning. I've only been to church once on Easter Sunday, since my hip surgery in mid-February.

    Lord Jesus, please keep us all safe under your care today.

    Please pray for Beverly. She is a wonderful 82yr old believer who had knee surgery a few weeks ago. She fell, ripped out stiches and tore ligaments. Her surgeon is not accepting medicare as of April 1st and she is having problems getting this repaired. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    Good morning ladies,

    Joanne, I have been praying for you and I hope that we both can get over this stomach thing.

    Aurora, thanks for your prayers. How are you feeling?

    G, looking great in your new pic.

    She, I know exactly what you are saying about Kath. Her gift of encouragement was so dynamic and I imagine that is the reason she was such a force in her workplace and her personal relationships. Yesterday was a month of her being gone and it is still hard. I continue to pray for Patrick, Forrest and Taylor as I just know this has got to be such a difficult thing for them. You may not have seen my post for you but did you have your surgery on April fools day?

    Angie, how are you doing? Haven't heard from you in a while.

    Debbie, would love to see more posts!

    Have a great day dear sisters.




  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited April 2016

    You re welcome Nancy and that's the least I can do after all you do for us on this thread even when you're not doing so well yourself. Thank God I've doing well I'm almost completely over the "almost" pneumonia I had and I didn't have chemo this week. I'll be starting Faslodex injections next week and the Ibrance is scheduled to arrive Tuesday at my house. Prayers for this new treatment to kick cancer cells to the curb really appreciated.

    God bless all.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    Thank you Aurora. I appreciate your kind words and I will continue to pray for you and your ongoing treatments and that you feel much better so you can have them.

    Loretta, praying that you will be able to have a good and effective treatment with your new treatment plan as well.

    I am going to paste something I was reading. I think that many struggle with this and I will admit that even though I have been a Christian for a long time Kath's death was still not easy for me to wrap my head around.

    Here are some quotes and I will try to paste the whole link which delves into the meaning of suffering from different topics.

    If God loves us, why do we suffer? Christian or not, it's a question that comes up repeatedly during times of grief and tragedy. In times of distress, we want to know that our suffering matters to God and that He cares about our pain.

    "Sometimes a fresh word may, in fact, be a very old one," write Joni Eareckson Tada and Steven Estes in When God Weeps—Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty.

    1"Truths that are timeless often need only the 'time' brushed away in order to reveal the polished patina that has gleamed all along."

    Pastor Tim Hager, an associate minister in the Washington D.C. area, asserts that we suffer because we live in a fallen world.

    "When sin entered the world, death entered," he says. "Chronic pain, illness, and disease are a form of death."

    Despite this harsh reality, Richard C. Leonard, a minister with a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies, urges the chronically ill to take their questions to God rather than allow them to become a wedge in their relationship with Him.

    "Follow the example of the Psalmists," he says, "who sometimes cry out to God as though taking Him to task for their problems, but who persist in their conversation with Him; eventually [they received] an answer, reinforcing His faithfulness to His servants."

    Suffering, in many ways, remains a mystery, one that we will never fully understand this side of eternity. We can, however, glean these truths from God's Word:

    • Suffering produces intimacy with God (Job 42:5).Job, who endured unspeakable suffering, said, "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you."Intimacy with God is often borne in the furnace of affliction."There's an opening of the soul that happens during times of stress or duress," says Dr. Hager. "During times of suffering, we experience God at a deep, profound level."
    • Suffering equips us to comfort others (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).Suffering gives us compassion for others who are hurting, enabling us to minister more effectively."Sufferers want to be ministered to by people who have suffered," writes Stephen F. Saint in his essay, "Sovereignty, Suffering, and the Work of Missions."2"People who suffer want people who have suffered to tell them there is hope. They are justifiably suspicious of people who appear to have lived lives of ease."Those who have suffered make the most effective comforters.
    • Suffering refines us.We can read in Isaiah 48:10 that "…I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction."The meaning of this verse makes it clear that pain and suffering have a way of bringing our strengths and weaknesses to the surface. When the dross floats to the surface, God skims it off; he purifies and refines us to be the radiant bride of Christ.
    • Suffering produces growth and maturity (James 1:2-4).If we turn toward God in our pain, He can use our suffering to mature our faith. We see this biblical truth illustrated through the persecuted church. After hearing their testimonies, few would deny that suffering produces beauty and maturity of spirit.
    • Suffering conforms us into God's image (Romans 8:28-29).We may be tempted to read these verses to say that God will bring good out of everything. While He can and does redeem pain in our lives, these verses speak of being conformed to God's image through our suffering."If we are willing to sit still and let God work, we will find ourselves being transformed into the image of Jesus," says Pastor Paul Daniel Jackson, a pastor at a church in Tucson.And Jackson speaks from experience.His wife, Jodee, suffered with breast cancer before passing away in 2002."Though this horrendous experience, God did incredible things. Her mother accepted Jesus Christ as Savior…God also changed those who cared for her. Our lives were enriched by suffering [Emphasis mine]."

    Simply put, when we seek God through His Word and prayer, we find Jesus. Remember, Jesus understands our pain because he, too, suffered.

    We read the words of Psalm 22:1: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning?"

    Did God abandon His Son in His hour of need? We find the answer three days later—God raised Him from the dead! Because of this promise, we have hope for our future.

    "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

    1. Tada, Joni Eareckson and Steven Estes, When God Weeps—Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty, Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House, 1997, p. 8.
    2. Piper, John and Justin Taylor, Suffering and the Sovereignty of God, Wheaton, Crossway Books, 2006, p. 112.

    Copyright © 2007 Mary J. Yerkes. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2016

    I feel for all of you with the flu. I have had it for 2 weeks. I am so tired of blowing my nose. These cooties are relentless.


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited April 2016

    Amen and Amen! You ladies post things that are truth and comforting.


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited April 2016

    Blessed Assurance

    Dear Lord, You walk beside me,

    I feel Your presence there.

    Your gentle touch assures me

    of tender, loving care.

    You give me inspiration

    To follow in Your way,

    Your bring me consolation

    Throughout each passing day.

    From break for dawn till sunset

    I'll leave the world behind

    To travel with You always,

    With but one goal in mind...

    To be with You forever

    Where saints and angel sing;

    But, until then, I give You thanks

    For all the joy You bring.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2016

    Nancy, I so appreciated your post!! Thank you, as always forvyourvencouragement and support!

    Thank you, Foot! Praying and hoping that you are doing well!!

    Thank you, for your poster, Jo-5!!!

  • bikefam
    bikefam Member Posts: 98
    edited April 2016

    Bandwoman: That is so meaningful. Thank you.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2016

    Today I am so grateful for being able to detach and not take it personally when my husband is grumpy. I am also grateful that my stiffness has left since I got up and started moving around this morning. Tonight is Bible study. I haven't been able to attend since my surgery in mid-February. I am so much looking forward to returning. May God's grace mercy and peace be upon all of us today. Love, Jean

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited April 2016

    Nancy thank you for sharing that message. Very very deep. I read it several times. Thank you. :)

    Jean praising God that you get to attend Bible study tonight. What an answer to prayer for you. Thank you Jesus.

    Joanne, Mini & Aurora continued prayers as you heal from these nasty bugs. May your light & love shine brightly as the anchor holds onto the promises of God.

    Foots thank you for your poem. My favorite line "you bring me inspiration to follow in your way". Beautiful.

    My love & prayers are with you all.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2016

    Joanne, love your posters. Where do you all find these?

    Prayers appreciated for a 4 hour trip tomorrow to have check ups with my breast surgeon and plastic surgeon. I moved in January, but kept those two doctors, so I will be going back every few months. There was a small lump in January and surgeon will do an ultrasound to see if it has changed. I am praying it has not and that it is a suture granuloma, which he thought it was then. Still, scary. I will visit my 92 year old aunt while there and return on Friday.

    Have a good week all. Nancy, hope you are feeling better.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    Debbie, thanks for your post. It meant a lot to me and I am so glad you are back. Praying that you are doing better.

    I am glad that the post on suffering was meaningful to several of you. I really felt led to share that as I was studying it on my own. To know that there is a reason for our suffering somehow makes it more bearable in my mind. Of course we in our finite minds can't understand God's big plan while we are still on earth. However I do believe that will quickly change when we are in heaven and we will know and understand. In the mean time we have to trust that God is God and we are not. As we are conformed more and more to His image we become more like Him. That takes a lot of dying to self and taking on God's will as our own and having our desires for ourselves be God's desires for us. I know these are very deep things but I do believe this is the only path to true joy and peace.

    We have to be lights to this dark world. As I was reading on another post recently it broke my heart to hear some of the ladies be so completely turned off to Christianity. I have no idea where they get their strength and hope from. Jesus was the embodiment of love and if He lives inside of us His love should shine through us. The closer we walk with him the brighter our lights should shine. It is Jesus love that is like a light that attract moths. That is what we need to be in this world. People watch us go through these journeys and see just what stuff we are made of. Our actions speak louder than words.

    We are all on some type of mission in our own little worlds and in our neighborhoods. I heard a preacher say recently that the Christians need to come out of the closet. Everyone else in the world is coming out of the closet and many Christians seem to me hiding in theirs. I hope that we can see a shift in this thinking.

    Lynn, praying that things go well for you at your doctor apts and for travel safety on the road. That is a long way to get to your doctors but i would want to keep my doctors too.

    Jean, Carla, Kathy, G, Debbie , Debbie (Ireland) Ellen, She, Angie, Mags, Vickie, Aurora, Mini, Loretta, Joanne and Allison, Brutersmom, Charlotte, Cindy, Patoo and everyone I pray that the Lord will meet each one of your needs as we all have them. Let us turn to Him for everything and let us feel His presence as we go about this week.

    I am still battling what I believe is a stomach virus that I have had for over three weeks and it just won't let go. I know Joanne is probably mad at me for not calling the doctor but I am seeing three different doctors starting next week and I hope I can wait that long. I have been down this path not all that long ago and it looked to be an Arimidex problem. I am hoping this is not the case as I finally had been able to find a good balance so that it wouldn't cause GI distress or insomnia. I am still waiting on my thyroid situation to see if I want to move forward with a second opinion regarding surgery. I am just sick of being sick and want to see an end to this but I know that for many of you who battle every day this seems pretty minor to what you all deal with.

    Those of you who know Char I think she is having a difficult school year and her Dad has been in the hospital so she could use some prayer. I heard from Bev and she is still in contact with Char. Bev is doing well.

    Have a good night dear sisters. Still praying for Lucy and Steve and I sure hope that we hear something from Lucy soon.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited April 2016

    Press Through

    When clouds of doubt enfold you,

    Things look dark and dim,

    You see no shining rainbow

    Only emptiness within.

    God knows all Your heartache

    He's right there by Your side,

    With loving arms He holds you--

    His love can't be denied.

    Trials come to all His Children

    There's work for you to do;

    The sun will shine tomorrow,

    Dear child of God, press through

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited April 2016

    For I will refresh the weary soul;

    every soul that languishes, I will

    replenish. Upon this I awoke and

    opened my eyes; but sleep was

    sweet to me. Jeremiah 31: 25-26

    Blessed is the man who trusts in

    the Lord, whose hope is in the Lord.

    Jeremiah 17:7

    Good indeed is the Lord, Whose

    love endues forever, Whose faithfulness

    lasts through every age. Psalm 100:5

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2016

    Today I am so grateful for a wonderful bible study last night. We are doing a Priscilla Shirer study on spiritual warfare. I am asking the Lord to give each one of us a good day in Him and to meet each of our needs. Love, Jean

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2016

    Hi, Jean!! I took that Bible Study!! It was amazing!!! Enjoy! May everyone have a Very Blessed Day!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2016

    Today I am grateful for the presence of the Holy Spirit as I woke up this morning. I am so grateful for this bible study on spiritual warfare that I'm doing. It is reminding me of things that I learned long ago and seem to have put aside in fighting the battle with the spiritual forces rather than against flesh and blood. Love, Jean

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2016

    Dear Nancy, prayers for rest and healing!

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited April 2016

    Continued Prayers for Nancy & JoAnne!!!!

    Jean thank you for always sharing your daily blessings. I enjoy seeing God's hand at work.

    Blessings to all my sisters. :)


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2016

    prayers for Praise, unless my tumor markers warrant this, I am finishing my last bottle of aromasin, after being on it for almost 11 years!! Yes, your poster is wonderful, Sa8P

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2016

    Kathy, that is great news. Can't wait to join you in about another 3.

    Hi all. Praying as I read and now as I write. We serve an awesome God.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2016

    I made it safely to Bonita Springs for doctor apointments. Plastic surgeon says everything is good. I do have a small lump that the Breast surgeon is watching. He did an ultrasound 3 months ago and again today. It has not changed and still thinks it is a suture granuloma. However, I need to return again in 3 months, and, if still there, I need a biopsy. With the biopsy, there is a good chance it could rupture the implant. That would mean more surgery to take out the ruptured one and have a new one put in. Geezzz, I just want the lump to dissolve and the tumor markers to go down! More bloodwork in 3 weeks. This never ends.

    Hope your fever has gone down and you can start to feel better, Nancy.

    Thank you for the tutorial, Joanne.

    Loretta, How are you doing

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2016

    Psalm 118:24New Living Translation (NLT)

    24 This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

    The sun is shining and tis a beautiful day. Also I was able to walk outdoors in a beautiful local park by the river. I walked 8 tenths of a mile! Rejoicing in His goodness. Today I am grateful for the opportunity to go to church last night with hubby to see a film about apologetics. It was a last minute choice to go and a blessing. Love, Jean

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited April 2016

    Thank you ladies for sharing those devotionals and scripture references.

    I'm lifting up Nancy in prayer before bed. Please come into agreement with me for her healing:

    Father we thank you that you are a good father, that you love us, that as your children we can come to you with expectancy knowing that you care for all your sheep. Lord we ask that you make a way for Nancy and strengthen her body. Let this virus be gone, killed & destroyed at the root, never to return again. We are standing on your word and believing in the promises found in the Bible. Nancy is a redeemed daughter of the King of Kings, she is washed by the blood of your Son. God Nancy chooses to follow you and walk in the way that she should go. Holy Spirit infuse her in a supernatural way and redeem the time. May she feel the love and support of all her Christian sisters standing with her. Thank you Lord for the blessing of this thread and for Nancy's commitment to us. We submit to your will and plan for our lives knowing that we can trust you. Bless her and keep her in Jesus name! Amen

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2016

    Amen to the prayer for Nancy. Also dear Jesus, please meet the needs of all the ladies here.

    Today I am very grateful for my PT this morning and the progress I'm making, for the little walk before PT, and for the precious lady that's coming to help me clean today.

    Please lift up Beverly a friend and dear Christian sister who is having a reconstruction done to her knee replacement. She fell and damaged the replacement. This precious lady is 82 years old and has other health issues as well. Her surgery is Monday. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    Hi dear ladies,

    G, thank you so much for your beautiful prayer. It meant a lot to me.

    Jean, so glad you are getting out and about. I can't wait until I can do that.

    Joanne. thank you for your continued prayers, beautiful banners and scripture postings and for being a good friend.

    Lynn, glad you made it safely to and from your apt. Praying you will NOT have to have a biopsy.

    Angie, you have been on my mind. Are you doing okay?

    Debbie, thank you for your beautiful posts. They are always so heartfelt and appreciated. I hope you are doing okay.

    Kathy, you can bet when I take my last bottle of Arimidex I will be shooting off fireworks so I can imagine how thrilled you will be to take that very last pill. I know these meds are a wonderful things but the SE's have been a real challenge for me.

    I will be seeing a couple of doctors on Monday and Wed and hopefully get some answers to my strange illness that will just not quit. I still have issues with a swollen uvula and lots of digestive issues. It has been a long a frustrating road and hopefully I will get some answers and hopefully some solutions soon.

    We are finally experiencing some great spring weather. I hope I can actually get out there and enjoy it in the near future.

    Have a great weekend. Thank you for your prayers. I appreciate them so much.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2016

    Dear Nancy, so good to see you here, prayers that your doctors can figure out what is going on! I hope you feel better soon!

    Dear Lynn, I pm'd you!

    Have a Very Blessed weekend!!

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2016

    Hi all,

    Back home from my checkups. It took 5 hours to drive back with all the construction and rain. I will be returning in 2 or 3 months for another check (and maybe biopsy). The risk is that the needle could puncture the implant. Ohhhhh! My surgeon still thinks this little lump is a suture granuloma, but it sure causes worry. I plan to trust him and God to guide me.

    Nancy, GET WELL!!!

    Yes, SA8PG, beautiful prayer!

    I am exhausted after that stressful drive and am going to bed early, although I have company coming tomorrow for a couple of days. They are on their way home from south Florida, lovely people, so it will be fine. They know I had a busy week and just got home.

    Sleep well my Christian sisters.
