thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2016

    Thank you, Joanne!! I so needed this today!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    Thanks for that good post Joanne. I just heard a teaching last night along those same lines. This person was saying that if satan can steal our joy and we know the joy of the Lord is our strength then he has us right where he wants us.

    I know that James verse is always not one that we like to think about. Suffering and trials and joy don't seem like they all go together but this is so like God to have seeming opposites fit like a glove if we let them.

    Thank you for sharing that.

    Lynn, you sound like the energizer bunny now. That is so great to know how far you have come.

    Thank you Debbie for your heartfelt poems.

    Jean, praying that things continue to go well for you.

    Thank you Joanne for all the encouraging banners and prayers. Praying that your combo of meds with work for you to help your pain and not hurt your stomach.

    Kathy, thanks for your encouragement. Those lab results can't come fast enough for me. If they show nothing then a colonoscopy will probably be in my very near future.

    G, thanks for your encouragement. How is your class you are teaching going?

    Ellen, praying for your service tomorrow. I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you and Clyde.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend and can see the blessings that are all around us in spite of our circumstances.




  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2016

    Good evening ladies,

    Just got back from a Priscilla Shirer simulcast at a neighboring church. What a blessed day in the Lord! I was the only one there from our church, but ended up sitting with another pastor's wife I knew.

    Please pray for encouragement for us in these last days at church. Some members have ignored us and gone about doing their usual stuff. Clyde emailed all our members who were not there Sunday to let them know, but we haven't heard anything in response but from one person. The ones in Leadership are busy making plans to go back to what they were doing. They did agree to let him preach May 1 for his final message. It's hard to say goodbye for us, but as more time passes I know God has led us in the right way. Everywhere I look in our church area, I see churches who are growing and involving so many groups of people. I'm praying that one day our church will move in that direction, but it won't be until present Leadership takes a step of faith and the people truly open their hearts to God's will

    Praying for all of you ladies as our day ends. God is so amazing...He holds each of us ( and everyone else) in His loving arms, giving healing and comfort.

    May God bless you with good days tomorrow and a chance for worship!

    Love, Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016


    This made me think of Angie. Miss hearing from you dear sister.

    Ellen, praying for both of you today.

    Have a wonderful day dear ladies of faith.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2016

    Today I am grateful for the opportunity to attend church. I am also planning to go and see my grandson play baseball today at his college. I am thankful for the beautiful weather and the sunshine. Spring has finally sprung. Thank you all who prayed for my friend Beverly. She got a cast on her knee reconstruction on Friday and is doing better. Waiting to go to rehab. Praise You Lord. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    Good evening dear ladies,

    I have some good news. I decided to do some things on my own to help and I think they have. I have felt much better today and even went for a drive to our local Arboretum. I was able to get in some pictures and so far I have not had any GI distress after eating dinner. That has seemed to be the biggest issue lately. My fever has improved although I am still running a little higher than my usual very low normal for me. I will see my MO this week and see what he thinks about all of this. I just hope this whatever it is, is on it's way out without having to go through more cumbersome tests. Thanks for your prayers. It is such a blessing to feel better.

    Joanne and many of her family members have been hit with something causing GI problems. Her DH is aching all over too. Let's pray for them.

    I have a new camera and a new macro lens (close up lens) which is SO hard to maneuver but hopefully I will feel good to have lots of time to practice over the next few months. Here are a few of my pics from today. Know that this is a whole big learning curve and I know these shots are not perfect like I would want but I understand with this type of photography you can expect many bad shots before you get the hang of it.

    Have a good night everyone.








  • bikefam
    bikefam Member Posts: 98
    edited April 2016

    Beautiful photos, bandwoman, even with a new lens.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2016

    Wow Nancy, if these are bad shots can't wait to see the good ones. Glad you ate feeling better. Today I am grateful for the opportunity to go to the Women's Bible study tonight. I am having a hard time lately doing walking. Please pray as I got very fatigued after just half a mile. Love, Jean

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited April 2016

    Nancy beautiful beautiful photo's!!!! I love them. Capturing all of the Creator's touches. Xoxo

    Jean prayers for you for endurance while you walk. Keep on fighting. So thankful that you are able to attend your Bible study. :)

    Blessings & prayers to all our sisters on here.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2016

    Beautiful Nancy.

    Blessings raining down on you all as I send up prayers to our Father, Lord of all.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    Thank you so much dear sisters. I really do appreciate your nice and encouraging words. I am my biggest critic and since photography is still pretty new to me I know I need lots of confidence. The photography classes I took last year never covered this type of photography so I am pretty much learning from the internet. You have all encouraged me and I really appreciate that. I am still open to what the Lord wants me to do with my photography. There is a big hitch when it comes to insuring my equipment so that is an area I had not considered before when I had considered Christian notecards. We'll see. If God wants me to do that He will open the doors. I still find God's creation fascinating and especially with close up photography you can see just how amazing God's creation is especially through a magnified lens. Just awesome.

    I still covet your prayers. I am not feeling great today unfortunately. I know the Lord will bring good out of this and i need to trust in His timing which is usually never fast enough for MY timeline. I am sure you all understand that concept.

    Praying for you dear ladies.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited April 2016

    Hi All, blessings and prayers all the time. Caught up on some of the post but not all! Praying as I read.

    Nancy, thanks for thinking of me with the I Loved the banner. Most of all love the new pictures. I still have the one from last year that I download for my wallpaper on my laptop.

    Ellen, praying for the transition during this time.

    Lucy, Longtimesurvivor, Debbie in Ireland, Aurora, and any of our sisters that are Stage 4, my prayers are always with each of you. Praying that the current treatments are doing the job that they are intended to do with minimal side effects and with the best results. Praying for your medical support team. God, touch all the family members of of our sisters provide them with wisdom and the guidance as they provide support. Grant them peace that endureth. God, also provide every need that they have including financial, insurance, supportive care, services and outreach that they need in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

    Father God Almighty, I pray for all of our sisters who are currently in active treatment or post-treatment. I pray for all the medical teams taking care of our sisters in Christ. Touch their hands and minds as they perform all the surgeries, review charts, determine diagnosis, chart a new course of treatment or review the next phase of treatment. That each medical staff approach each individual case with love, compassion and most of all individuality and accuracy that you approach us with. Lord, please grant them patience and a calmdemeanor to work with each individual that you have assigned to them as appointments are prepared for and occur. Fit each of our sisters with the correct medical team. Lord, most of all provide the medical team with the temperate and patience to deal correctly with each breast cancer patient in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

    Love across the miles!


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited April 2016

    When I need the Savior

    When I need the Savior,

    In pray I humbly bow and with patience wait

    To feel His presence near me,

    Knowing He'll arrive not too soon or late.

    Jesus said to cast our burdens

    On Him for His yoke is light.

    He, too, experienced a taste of sorrow

    And many a tangled plight.

    Lean on the Savior's Breast---

    He'll comfort, sustain, and give you rest.

    Jesus will steer your weary soul to safety

    For He always knows what's best.

    Rely upon His every spoken Word

    And trust in God to see You through;

    His spirit will soar within your heart

    And His handprint will be seen on everything you do.

    When You need the Savior most,

    Which is trulysunrise and sunset every day.

    I look upward, and, as I view the billowing clouds,

    Whole-heartedly, I believe divine help is coming my way.

    By Linda Grazulis

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    Thanks you Debbie for that lovely post. I love the words"and His handprint will be seen on everything you do." I love that and that is my prayer. Praying for you and all of your needs dear sis.

    Angie, so glad to see your post. I was about to send out a posse to find you. LOL How are YOU doing? You have been on my mind and heart quite a bit and I continue to pray for you. I know you are always doing a juggling act with work and ministry and you have to have a personal life in there too. Hope you are doing well and that your organic garden is thriving. I am glad you liked the ladybug and my new pictures. It tickles me a great deal to think your screensaver is one of my butterflies. I can't wait for the butterflies to all appear for more photo opps. Thanks for your prayer which has a way of covering all bases for each of us. Take care dear sis.

    It is way past my bedtime and I have to see my MO tomorrow so I best get in bed now. Take care everyone.

    Allison, how are you doing? You have been on my mind lately. I know you had mentioned being quite busy. How are you feeling about things now? Take care dear sis.

    Have a good nights' rest everyone.



  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited April 2016

    Angie loved your prayer. May each lady on here receive that blessing from the Lord. Xoxo

    Debbie what a great way to wake up this morning reading the poem you posted. I am taking my children to the Franklin Graham prayer rally at our capital today. I'm reminded: if not now, when? If not you, who? Please pray for our safety but most importantly pray for America.

    Nancy and JoAnne and anyone not feeling well please know we are continuing to pray for you. Our God is able!!!

    I'm sharing one of my favorite songs from my church: "He'll do it again". I pray it blesses someone out there today.

    Love & prayers


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2016

    Angie, I agree with your prayers 8n Jesus name. Our Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come an your will be done in each ladies life here today.

    Today I am grateful for the amazing group of women at my Bible study table last night. God is truly put together a team of intercessors there. We are all learning together through the Priscilla Shirer Bible study how to fight the battle and wrestle in the spirit. I am also grateful for a rainy quiet day. I plan to do a little walking in the mall after or before my PT today. I am asking God to give me the endurance so that I will be able to do this walking. God is so good. Love, Jean

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2016

    Nancy, your pictures are just beautiful!! You are a very talented photographer!! I hope you feel better each and every day!! I am starting a new Bible Study today, entitled Namesake! So looking forward to it!!

    Jean, so glad you are enjoying the Priscilla Shirer Bible Study!! It is wonderful!

    Again, I ask for prayers for my Son and Daughter in Law, marriage is rocky again! The move to Idaho has been stressful! Thank you

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    Hello dear ladies,

    G, thank you for your prayers. I will listen to your song later. I am getting ready for an MO apt. I have prayed that you and your children will have a safe trip to the prayer rally. You are providing a great role model for your children. I pray that you will all be blessed and that our country will have a revival and come back to our Christian roots this country was founded upon.

    Jean, so glad you are being blessed from your Bible study. I know how blessed I was from watching Priscilla in War Room. She is awesome,. I have heard some of her teachings online. Praying you can gain physical strength as you walk.

    Kathy, thank you for your words of encouragement. I will continue to pray for your son's marriage. How are YOU doing?

    Joanne, I guess if I am going to photograph wildflowers I need to know what I am photographing. LOL Those bluebells are so pretty and I am glad you enjoyed the pics. I guess maybe that is why I am beat up because I keep jumping off the train!!!!! You know I always am praying for you. Chronic pain is just tiresome and wears you down not only physically but emotionally. Praying that you will find each day better than the last as far as pain. Praying for your digestive issues too.

    Well ladies, not too much of a surprise to me but my tests as far as the colon have been negative. I was hoping that maybe some culprit might show up that could easily be treated with meds but looks like that is not the case. I thought I was going to have to go to the ER this morning. This may be a little TMI but I have had a chronic bleeding ulcer in my nose since I was a child. This morning I had a horrible nose bleed and it just wouldn't stop. I have never experienced that before. Finally it stopped. I am going to be trying some digestive enzymes on my own and praying that this will help before I consent to a colonoscopy. I usually go to my mom's for three weeks in May and I am still hoping I can do that but I want to have several good days in a row before doing that. I would appreciate your prayers that these supplements will work (they haven't come in yet) and that I will be able to get to my mom's and start to get my normal life back again. I kinda forget what normal is at this pointLoopy.

    I have wondered how Charlotte and Loretta are doing. I am continuing to pray for you and pray that your treatments are manageable. Let us know how you are doing so we can know how best to pray for you.

    Lucy and Steve are continually in my prayers as well.

    Debbie, praying that you will be able to get a service dog and that you will be able to have all of your immediate needs met. Thank you for all of your beautiful posts and prayers.

    Have a great day everyone.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2016

    Nancy, praying that your digestive issues resolve soon, and so happy your tests came back negative!! So sorry about your nosebleed, that can be scary!! So glad it stopped!!!! I am doing well, thank you for asking!! I just worry a lot about family issues!! "Let Go, Let God."

    Joanne, rhubarb crisp, Yummy, but now rest!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2016

    Kindergarten, special prayers sent heavenward for your DS and DIL that they will Let Go (get out of eachothers way) and Let God (know that they cannot do this on their own).

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2016

    Thank you, Patoo!!

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited April 2016

    Hi Sisters,

    I'm home safely from the prayer rally. Thank you for your prayers. It was truly beautiful. To hear God's children crying out for our nation, praying together with complete strangers, asking God to forgive our nation of her sins and also asking for own personal sins to be forgiven. I must be honest as I took the time to take this moment in, I reflected on who was in the crowd and the generation gap that I saw. I wept as I looked around at the faithful saints still believing that God could help us. There weren't many young families or young adults there although I know there was some. I wanted to walk up to every faithful warrior and personally thank them for not giving up on our country and to continue to believe that God will raise up the next generation to have the faith to believe that nothing is impossible!

    Please know that I am thankful to glean from each of you, that on the days when it seems my family and I are fighting an uphill stream, I remember that I am in training & that resistance is growing me. I want my children to remember that we stood for God and that although unpopular, we chose to stay the course.

    God bless each of you this evening. Thank you for always blessing me with your faith & your perseverance.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited April 2016

    In My Heart

    I feel Your love surround me

    As I sit and think of You.

    In these moments of solitude,

    I feel Your blessing true.

    What have I done to deserve

    All the love You bring?

    I bow in holy reverence

    To You, My Savior and King.

    Please stay with me always--

    I need You everyday

    To show me the one true path

    As You guide me on my way.

    By Dona Marnoney

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2016

    G, Your children are blessed to have you for their mom. So many families today are too busy and do not make worshiping God a priority.

    Still praying for you, Nancy! And for others too!

    I had sent a PM to Lorraine and she replied. She said she was doing better after her second treatment. Her doctor had reduced the dosage.

    Still painting my day it will get done! Tomorrow is my 3 month bloodtest day. Ugg! More tumor markers. Next week I see a new Nephrologist and also my oncologist for the 3 month check and go over bloodwork. Ohhhhh, I do not like this! I am just going on with my life and doing what I want, eating healthy foods and getting a lot of exercise. Worry does not help anything! I trust my God to guide me. I give thanks many times everyday that I feel good and my hair is growing in so I can not look like a Cancer patient!

    It is almost midnight and I need to get to bed!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2016

    Greetings fellow cancer warriors. Praying for courage to fight the battle for all today. I'm so grateful that God gave me the energy to walk a mile yesterday. I took an Aleve and it seemed to ease the stiffness and pain. I took another this morning and hope to walk again today. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2016

    Good morning prayer warriors,

    Our Bible Sudy in Corinthians is almost finished for the year, but in reading the commentary this morning on 2Corinthians 12, I read this statement and wanted to applies to all of us, whether we are dealing with cancer issues, family problems, or personal problems..."God says that it is precisely in these moments, when we are at our worst, we are well positioned to experience His best; His power at work in us and on our behalf"

    What a comfort ! Praying for encouragement and loving care fro an unexpected source for all today!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    Good morning dear ladies,

    I will write more later. I have read all the posts and I am praying for your needs.




  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2016

    Joanne - I can't take many meds; they kill my stomach. I have found that yoga makes a huge difference. I only have to use a topical gel anti-inflammatory (Rx). Yoga is not just for the super limber and young. We have classes with ladies up to 80, and all levels of ability. Gentle restorative is great and there are a lot of modifcations that can be done. I wouldn't have thought I would get so much relief. I could really tell the difference when I was in Florida for 6 weeks.

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited April 2016

    Nancy, As for your nose bleeds. I used to get bad ones. Enough that I had to go to the ER. PCP referred me to a EENT and he told me to use a little bit of A&D ointment on a Q-tip in each nostril, 2 times a day. That was a bit over 2 years ago and I have been doing that and haven't had a nose bleed since. He said it keeps the nose tissue moist. (has fish oil in it). Have to buy it in the baby department...


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    G, i am so glad you got to go to this prayer rally with your children. This will have an impact on them so kudos to you for taking them. I guess sometimes I live in a vacuum because I go to a very large church (some call it a mega church) that has a ton of young people involved in youth groups and choirs and mission trips. Our church is alive and vibrant and hopefully very relevant to the community that we serve. That gives me hope because I know our church is not alone in this. I know that the millennials are now the largest generation surpassing the baby boomers and their values are much different that ours in general. That is disheartening but God has been very patient with our country. I know He has to be encouraged by these prayer rallies and for the Christians who are believing and trusting that He is still in control because He is.

    Mini, how is your new job going?

    Joanne, I doubt if I could do yoga either but I know it really helps a lot of people. I have not heard of Ayr but will check that out. Praying that you get to the point where you can look back on the many months post surgeries and say I have come a very long way and be encouraged in that. I guess it is like a marathon runner who paces themselves for the long haul. I know that is easy for me to say but know I continue to pray for your pain every day. Thanks for those banners. As always right on for what I need to see.

    Vickie, it is good to hear from you. How are you doing? Are you back home now or still traveling? Thanks for the tip on the nose bleeds. I will have to check that out. I used to religiously use saline spray and some how got out of that habit. I may need to revive that habit too.

    Lynn, thank you for your continued prayers. Hats off to you for all of your painting. Praying for your blood tests. I know that is such a stresser with these tumor markers. Maybe this new doctor will offer a fresh perspective on why your markers have been up even though tests seem okay. I am glad you heard from Loretta and that she is doing okay. I continue to pray for her too.

    Jean, keep up your walking. Good for you!!!!!!

    Ellen, my devotional today was along the same lines. Praying for you and Clyde as you approach your last Sunday of ministry in your church.

    Aurora, how are you doing?

    Debbie, continued prayers for you dear sister for a new service dog. Thank you for your beautiful posts. They encourage me and all of us.

    Have a good night dear sisters.

