thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited April 2016

    Lost In His Precious Love

    How I cherish times like these,

    When I can lay aside

    The cares and worries of the day

    And rest in eventide.

    I sit alone and meditate

    While twilight shadows fall.

    Birds have hushed their cheerful songs;

    Sweet peace lies over all.

    Fireflies begin to glow

    In the meadow all around;

    A patchy mist is hovering

    Close to now obscure the ground.

    In the darkening firmament,

    Countless stars appear.

    Heaven is so far, and yet,

    God's presence seems so near.

    So grand the skies above?

    I think of God and find myself

    Lost in His precious love.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2016

    Yesterday, I was a slug. Took the day off, napped, read, ate and generally just lay around. I worked on not beating myself up about my choice to take a rest day. I am grateful today for the beautiful sunshine, for the opportunity to go to PT, for the energy God is giving me to go out in the morning to walk. For my friend finally getting to rehab. Love, Jean

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2016

    Jo-5, wonderful posters! They jump start my day!!!

    Thank you, Patoo, for your encouragement with my son's marriage! It is really getting my husband and I so discouraged and depressed! I am usually a very upbeat person! I accept God's challenge to see us all through this!!

    Please know that all of you here are in my thoughts and prayers!!

    Praying for your bloodwork, MySunshine!!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    Kathy, here is a banner for you and everyone. I know it can be discouraging when we pray for something and it doesn't seem to be happening the way we want it to. I will continue to pray for you son's marriage and that the Lord will lift your spirits as well. I have been reminded so many times this last year that when I am burdened by someone or something that the Lord kept telling me it this person is NOT your responsibility but mine. I knew I was called to support and pray and love and encourage but ultimately it was not my responsibility. I had to many, many times keep laying my burdens at Jesus feet and even though I may have had to do that a ton of times I would get relief. When I started to feel burdened again I would repeat the process.

    G. i was able to listen to that video. You go to a fantastic church. I listen to John on TV. Love the live music and what a dynamic singer on the video. Thanks for sharing that.

    Joanne, praying that you will have a better day today.

    Jean, one day at a time. I have had so many days of not doing much and I know I am the type of person that if I don't accomplish something I can feel guilty about that and that is something we both need to get over!

    Thank you Debbie for that beautiful poem. You have such a heart for the Lord.

    Praying for you dear sisters today.




  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited April 2016

    Nancy, we are still traveling. In Las Vegas right now. Next week will be going to Zion/Bryce canyons and Arches national parks, then to see granddaughters in Colorado and home on the 17th of May. Been a good winter for us.

    The ENT said that the saline solutions dry out too fast to be much good, that is why he recommends the A&D ointment.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    Vickie, as you know I have been getting into photography. My first big desire was to travel out West and take pictures of the Red Rocks. Bryce Canyon would definitely be one of my places I would love to photography. I have seen pictures and the formations are just gorgeous. I hope you have a great time as you continue your travels. Thanks for the info.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend. I have started a couple of digestive enzymes today and please pray that this will help my GI problems. Thanks. I am feeling better in general so that is definitely answer to prayers but the GI issues are still not good.




  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2016

    Joanne - The gel I have is Voltaren, topical 1%. I also have a friend that works in a Drs office that swears by Preperation H mixed with Aspercream. Never tried it, but she says they are both anti-inflammatory and everyone in the office uses them all the time.

    My first day on the job is tomorrow. It's cool and rainy here, so I don't think it will be too busy. I'd like a couple of slow days to get my bearings. :-)


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited April 2016

    I'm Sure God Knew

    I'm sure God knew that we would need

    A reassuring touch

    When He made a friendly handclasp

    That warms our hearts so much.

    I'm sure He knew that skies of blue

    Would ofttime turn to gray;

    He put the sunshine in a smile

    To chase the clouds away.

    God knew, I'm sure, that you and I

    would need a helping hand,

    Or a kind word, to let us know

    Others care and understand.

    God must have known our hearts would need

    A special kind of cheer;

    I'm sure that's why He sent dear friends

    To journey with us here. By Kay Hoffman

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    Amen, Debbie. That is so true. Still praying for you dear sis.

    Joanne, praying that you have a better day tomorrow. Lord help Joanne with her pain that she has that has been so bad. Help her to find ways that will help for her shoulder and back especially.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2016

    Thank you so much, Nancy!!! The poster was exactly what I needed

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2016

    Joanne, praying for your pain relief.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2016

    Dear merciful Lord Jesus, please touch Jo and ease her pain.

    I thank you for your provision in meeting all of our needs today.

    I am grateful for the energy to walk a little over a mile this morning. Please bless the visit with later with my friend who had the knee reconstruction. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited April 2016

    It is a dreary Saturday here today with more rain. We have had many days with little sun but the grass is really green and things are blossuming out and the trees have leaves now so spring is really here even though the temps don't think so.

    I think we could all use this in our lives for this day and for the future. Have a great weekend dear ladies.

    Let's pray for Ellen and Clyde as they will serve in their ministry in their church tomorrow for the last time.





  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2016

    Well I survived my first day on the job. Lots to learn, but everyone was very nice. I think I will enjoy it once I get settled. It will alternate between a 2 day and 3 day week, which works great for me. It will give me a chance to rest up between weeks, and lets me still get in some yoga and grand baby time. :-)

    I don't know about the rest my northern sisters, but I am soooo over this weather. I'm ready for some sunshine and warmth. I'm tired of the cold and rain.

    I hope you have a great weekend.


  • bikefam
    bikefam Member Posts: 98
    edited May 2016

    Mini, sounds like a perfect job. I'd like to go down to working part time to have time for grandkids and hobbies. Maybe someday soon.

    As another MIchigander, agree with you about the weather. Had a fairly nice day yesterday and finally got out to start some of the raking. This morning it is drizzling again. Will see what it looks like after church.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2016

    Good morning dear sisters. I have a prayer request that I'm almost embarrassed to post considering the very serious stuff some if you are dealing with. My hair is falling out, not to the point that I need a wig yet but it is getting very thin. My chemo doc and I think it is due to the AI. I have been asking for grace to accept this new indignity and to keep enough hair to not need a wig.

    Hoping and praying you all have a blessed Sabbath and are able to rest in Jesus arms. Also For easing of Jo's pain.

    I am grateful for the ability to get to church later. Love, Jean

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited May 2016

    I use Nioxon for thinning hair. I have the shampoo, scalp therapy and the mouse. It has helped. I use # 2 because I have very fine hair. I think the choices are 1-4 based on the type of hair your have.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2016

    prayers for you, Jean! What AI are you on?

    Mini, it sounds like a very nice job, perfect hours!!

    Thank you for your prayers for my Son's marriage!!

    Wonderful Sermon at church today!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    Hope you dear ladies had a good day. I am posting one of my first attempts at using my own photo to make a banner. I posted this last year around this time. Ellen had asked me if she could download it to her phone and I was honored that she asked. I am posting this for her today as i can imagine this was a difficult day for she and Clyde as this was his last sermon at the church they are leaving.

    Mini, i hope your pt job works out really well for you.

    Kathy, continued prayers for you and your son;s marriage and family

    Jean, I have expressed concern for that very thing with my hair dresser a few weeks ago. I guess I didn't realize that females can also have male pattern baldness. YIKES I know my mom and one of her sister's had thinning hair on top which is what I am experiencing. I don't remember being so alarmed with it until being on my AI for coming on two years in a couple of months. My hairdresser mentioned Minoxidal (sp) and she said if you use it use the one for men and not for women as the men's version is more potent. She said once you start using it though you can't stop or the same issue will return. She mentioned this product I believe was called Root Cover and tried some on me and it really did help alot for appearance only. We have Sally's in this area and you may be able to find it online. I have not bought any because I wanted to check it out first and haven't done that yet. I also use a product called Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails which has Biotin among other vitamins. You can buy that online if you google it. I started taking it as soon as I realized my Ai could cause hair thinning. I can't say if it helps or not though. My nails look great. I think my hair is healthy but not sure where the source of the hair thinning is really coming from.

    Brutersmom, I imagine in real estate you are very busy now. My next door neighbor is in real estate and he talked about putting in 100 hr weeks. YIKES

    Carla and Mini, I agree that this weather is ready to be done and over with in my opinion but of course no one asked me. LOL

    Joanne, hope you are feeling much better today.

    Debbie, continued prayers for you and your needs dear sis.

    Ellen, I have been praying especially for both of you. This one is for you .




  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2016

    Good evening sisters ,

    Thank you for your prayers for us today. There was some sickness that kept a few at home, but overall, there was a good crowd at church. A couple who used to come with his grandfather were there...grandfather has gone to be with the Lord and they went to a more contemporary church. They have 2 darling thoughtful for them to come for Clyde's last Sunday. Our church family had a sandwich lunch after the service, and we got to say goodbye to most. I think some are beginning to realize that maybe they didn't support us like they should and they should have been more helpful. We wish blessings for them all, and that they will follow God's guidance in selecting a new pastor.

    Now, to see where God is leading us. We both have a feeling of relief from the phone ringing and texts. I know we will miss the people,but we can still be their friend, there when they need us.

    Nancy, thank you for that beautiful banner...I have it saved in my photos on my iPad. That is one of my favorite verses.

    Battling some type of cold/sinus bug, but feel ok..just sound rough. Thanking the Lord for the ability to go to church, ride to my BIL grave ( today was his birthday) and enjoy my first Sunday night meal out in awhile.

    Praying blessings and healing on all of you...Love, Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    Good morning ladies,

    I will check in later. Hope you all have a great day. The sun is out here. First time in days.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    Ellen, I am glad you both are feeling some relief. I hope that you will be able to keep some of those friendships in place. Praying you get over your bug. Praying for God's leading as you both take a new journey into a new chapter of your lives. Praying for abundant blessings and opportunities to minister.

    Joanne, I am not jumping into any drastic hair product at this time. I have not even ever dyed my hair before so that would really be a big move for me. Did you find that your hair thinning improved once you were off of the AI. I didn't realize anesthesia could cause hair thinning. You had so many surgeries in a short period of time it might be more apparent. Praying that you can find something to relief all of this pain and praying you have many, many more good days in the near future.

    I hope you all have a good evening and a good week.



  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited May 2016


    I was just checking the threads before going to bed and saw your post on your pain. I'm lifting you up in prayer tonight. Peaceful sleep & healing as your body rejuvenates in the night watches in Jesus name!!!!

    Thank you for sharing on the hair thinning. I had no idea!!! Makes sense though you and I had a lot of surgeries last year, they never mentioned that to me. :(

    Nancy I love your beautiful flower picture with Gods word. Bringing some life into our days. Love!!!!

    I saw the K-love Bible tour last night here in San Antonio with my oldest and just loved it!!! Cried most of the night, praying crying out to God, praising Him, worshipping him & thanking Him. It was a beautiful night. I wasn't even suppose to be there. My bc sister friend texted and said she couldn't make it but wanted me to go instead for my birthday. What a beautiful gift it was. I am so thankful.

    Prayers for everyone this Monday evening.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016


    TO G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (or at least I think that is what you meant)

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2016

    That Is What I Know

    Few things in life are certain,

    But I know beyond a doubt,

    Faith in God is one thing

    That I cannot live without.

    I don't know what each day holds,

    Yet, the Lord is at my side,

    And through prayer, I'm confident

    What I need He shall provide.

    Oh, other might let me down,

    But God is steadfast and true;

    He will take good care of me...

    And do just the same for you!

  • GinaSC
    GinaSC Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, This my 1st time on your forum and am so glad I found you. I'm 51, was dx on April 15th, 2016 with a 7.5cm, slow growing IDC. I've met with my BS, PS & Oncologist. Today I have a follow up with my BS & hope to finally have a schedule date by the time I leave his office.

    My Christain counselor of 5 yrs asked me how I'm doing spirutually, my response was that I have never once asked 'why me', never blamed him or been angry with God. if she hadn't asked it might never have crossed my mind. I'm so thankfuli've drawn closer to him because of the BC. How great is that?

    I am very frustrated things are not moving as quickly as I want. To hear your BS say the tumor is the size of an orange sounds urgent to me but it seems everything is not moving as quickly as I want can also be irritating. I want a BMX knowing the left side is cancer free at the moment. I do not want to worry every day if there is a tumor or not. I knew that the moment the BC was dx.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    Hi Gina,

    I am glad you found our thread. I am sorry for what you are going through. We have all been through that initial shock. I know the Lord will be with you through this journey and you have already found that you will find yourself getting closer to Him as you move through this time with Him. We will be praying for you. If it is slow growing take comfort in knowing that your cancer team knows what they are doing and it will all fall into place soon. We are here to pray and to share. Feel free to post anytime.



  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited May 2016

    Hi Nancy,

    Yes it has been very busy. Seems like I am in a little lull this week. Thought I would check in to the site. Praying for everyone. Looking forward to warmer weather and sunshine.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    Debbie, thank you for your poem. Still praying for your spoken and unspoken needs.

    Brutersmom, glad you have been busy. I think the housing market in general is making a recovery, at least in this area.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Praying for all of you dear ladies.




  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2016

    God's Undying Love

    Whenever you are sick or discouraged

    And everything seems to go wrong;

    Put your hands in the hands of the Savior,

    The hands that are loving and strong.

    He promised us "strength for the weary,"

    He promised His undying love.

    So, if you can't take it anymore--

    Turn your eyes to the Father above.