thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2016

    Today I am grateful for the grace to keep from getting into an argument with my spouse over an old issue. I woke in some pain but it is subsiding as I begin to move about. Also for a lovely lunch with a new friend from bible study yesterday. Love, Jean

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2016

    Thank you, Nancy, for your prayers!! Praise the Lord, that my son and daughter in law do know the Lord!! They are both listening to our prayers! Things are better!

    Debbie, your poems are beautiful!!! Thank You!! What can I do for you

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2016

    Give Thanks

    Give God the praise for miracles,

    Give God thanks for whom it's due;

    It's never by happenstance

    That good things come to you.

    Always have a grateful heart

    For all the good He brings,

    And you will find that every day

    You'll have a heart that sings.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2016

    Today I am very grateful for waking up with a lot less pain than I had yesterday. Love, Jean

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2016

    Thank you, Joanne, your prayers are working!! Nancy, praying that you have a restful and happy visit with your Dear Mom!!

    May you all find Blessings today, no matter how small!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    Hello dear ladies

    I made it safely to my mom's and that night realized her air conditioning had gone out. So as typical of my visits to her house it is never boring! I am feeling pretty good and I am very thankful for that. It has been pretty much constant rain or cloudy weather but we have been fortunate to miss some of the bad storms that hit all around us.

    Thanks Joanne and Kathy for your prayers and for all of you for your support and for those behind the scenes that are kind enough to send a PM and bless me as well.

    Joanne's daughter is having her kidney stone surgery on May 19.

    Gina, praying for your surgery on May 25.

    Let's pray for these ladies. (this is a corrected date for Theresa.........sorry about the goof.

    I have prayed for every single one of the ladies on our thread and I pray that those we haven't heard from in a while are doing well.

    Debbie, as always I appreciate your beautiful poems and I know we are all blessed by your talents.

    Yesterday, a guy came out to fix the AC and I was so thankful he could come out the very day I called. I got to meet my mom's new caregiver and I really, really like this new one. My mom has been a really good piano player her whole life and even with her dementia she can still play. i could not get her to play at all for me a few weeks ago but she has played two times already and I just got to her house on Tuesday night. I am going to encourage her to play as much as I can because I do think it helps her cognitive ability.

    I do hope to have some time to get to the nature center here and take some pics in between doing things for my mom. My mom had a new roof put on and one of my big jobs will be to clean up all the stuff that fell into the attic. Oh joy! I have a dust mask and some safety glasses and will be good to go once I muster up the courage to start.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    Sorry Joanne. That shows me I should never just trust my memory. I went back and corrected that post in case others have not seen it. Now I need to go back and check Gina's date because for some reason something rung a bell when i heard the date. I am going to scroll back right now and find her post.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2016

    Well I made it through my first 3 days of work without doing any irreparable damage. :-) There is a lot to learn, but everyone is very nice. I have a phone interview tomorrow for the Volunteer Coordinator position. This would be a f/t position. If I was offered the position and take it, I would be off disability which scares me. They say you can get back on if you have problems caused by your disability, but... I am praying for wisdom in this situation.


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2016

    Walking In Victory

    There is another frontier to explore,

    Another mountain to climb.

    God is still God of the universe

    And His promises are mine.

    As I walk with Him my path grows bright,

    And brighter day by day.

    Through eyes of faith I look at life

    And see victory come my way.

    The problems I faced yesterday

    No more obstruct my view.

    God has promised good to me,

    I know His word is true.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016


    Hi everyone,

    My cat decided to throw up on my bed at around 3:00 am today. In the process of me cleaning up i managed to get up off the bed too quickly and fell. My hard suite case on the floor broke my fall but I fell on my side and my right hand broke the fall. I broke this wrist about 12 years ago. I have been up icing it and I need prayer. Urgent care??? Insurance coverage issues out of town etc. My mom has a hair apt later this afternoon. Not sure what to do about that. Getting a hold of my sister might be a challenge on the weekend. Please pray that this is not broken or sprained. This is my dominant hand of course and yes, I just realized it is Friday, the 13th but I am NOT superstitious!

    I have some wrist pain but need to go back to sleep for a while if I can before figuring this out. The urgent care I may go to isn't open until 7 am anyway.

    I would appreciate your prayers. Thanks



  • bikefam
    bikefam Member Posts: 98
    edited May 2016

    Bandwoman: You have alot going on. I will keep you in my prayers for sure.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2016

    I'm so sorry about your fall. Sprains can hurt worse than a break. I pray there is nothing serious.

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Ours is supposed to be cold and rainy. I am so ready for nice weather.


  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited May 2016


    Continued prayers our dear sister. Please let us know what the Dr say.

    May you all have a blessed weekend enjoying His presence.

    From my daily devotional "Choosing Life"




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2016

    Oh dear Nancy. Hope you are ok.

    Today I am very grateful for the sunshine and the garage sale in town we're going to where I will be able to do some walking. Both hubby and I saw our endicrinologist yesterday who was concerned enough to order a test just see if my husband's prostate is ok. Also a test for me to see if I'm losing bone. Also she increased my thyroid med. Hubby is back on diabetic medicine as it seems his sugar has gone up. Hoping all will turn out well. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    Hello dear ladies,

    I was not able to work things out yesterday to get to the urgent care because my mom had an apt that was going to be hard to reschedule. I decided to put it off until today. I am actually much better today and i so appreciate all of your prayers. I am feeling sore in a lot of places as you would expect but the good news is the doctor that saw me today thought it was probably a sprain. I opted to wait on xrays and she had given me that option. As hard as I tried to cover all bases with my insurance yesterday before going anywhere there were still some issues that I wanted to further check on regarding the xrays. She offered to give me a splint and I opted out of that as well. i just said if it is worse I can buy one over the counter. I really don't think I will need one as I felt much worse last night that today and tonight.

    Carla, thank you for your prayers and i apologize for not mentioning you on my post the other day. I realized as soon as I saw your post that I had not added you to my prayer list that I refer to so I need to be sure and do that. I have not been operating on all cylinders lately but hopefully that will change very soon.

    G, thank you for your prayers and your post. I do have to remember that when I am at my moms I do everything that I know to do and still go home beating myself up over things so that was a good reminder for me. I did an INCREDIBLE amount of patience when dealing with her. The funny thing is I was known as being a very patient teacher especially dealing with beginning band students. I guess God is showing me that I still have room for growth in that area that I thought I had down pat. Did you see your Happy Birthday post for you? I know you are so busy and I can't imagine you doing all you do but if you have time to scroll back there is a post just for you.

    Mini, praying that you have clear direction in staying put in your PT job or trying the FT again.

    Jean, hoping you and hubby's meds can be adjusted. I have been readjusting my thyroid meds and even changed it again today. It seems to be an ever going challenge for me lately.

    Debbie, I agree with Joanne. You should look into putting all of your poems in a collection if you haven't already. I am sure that Christian publishers are always looking for a talented writer.

    Ellen, thanks for your prayers and behind the scenes ministry to us.

    Joanne, thanks for your encouragement and your funny cartoon. Yes, there are some days that black cloud seems to be hovering overtime with me. I did live through Friday the 13th and even though I am not superstitious I was glad to see that day come and go as it was a challenging one for sure. I was just outside a few minutes ago and it is definitely cold out there for May. I am glad that you didn't get a lot of flowers planted yet with this crazy weather. I had to remind myself today to be thankful that my fall could have been much worse after I found myself feeling like I had lost a couple of days but I know you too have to remind yourself how far you have come and a month from now you will look back and again see how much improvement you have made from that time to now. I know a grateful heart is much easier that a grumpy spirit and I had a lot of that going on yesterday! I also realize that when you are in pain it is much harder to have that thankful spirit so I can certainly understand those days when you don't feel the gratitude. Continued prayers for you and thank your for all of the prayers for me.

    Have a good Sunday dear sisters.




  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2016

    Jo - Yes, you remember correctly. My first attempt at going back to work didn't go well. I don't know if it was the job or me. I just read an article about returning to work that said not confuse your having a skill set to do a job with actually doing it EVERY day. And yes, disability is usually difficult to get. I was surprised to get it my first try. I have one voice in my head telling me that I got my disability because I shouldn't go back to work. Another says, yes, but maybe God healed you enough to go back. I'm going to go ahead with the second interview, but I really need to carefully consider my choice.

    It snowed here today. I am so over this weather. I want it to be warm. Actually, I want it to be hot, but I'll settle for warm and sunny. :-)


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2016

    Dear Nancy, prayers for healing!! My goodness, you have been through a lot! God gives challenges to strong people! You are one tough cookie!! God Bless You!! Please keep us posted!!

    Dear Joanne! Prayers for your dear daughter!! I have had kidney stone surgery, it was not that bad! The good news is I have not had a painful kidney stone since!! Hope everything goes well'

    Dear Mini! Prayers for discernment on whether to go full time!! I know that is a big decision to make!! God will get you through this!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    I hope you all had a good Sunday. I was able to make it to church for the first time in several weeks and that felt good. I am doing better in general and am very thankful for that. I am still sore from the fall but this could have been so much worse that I am amazed that i didn't half way kill myself,. Kathy, sometime I feel more like a limp noodle more than a tough cookie. LOL I have heard that it doesn't matter how many times you fall but how many times you get up that counts. I imagine that was probably not intended to be taken literally though!

    Mini, if going by what Joanne mentioned it is harder getting disability the second time around in Ohio I would think that might be the case in other states as well. I do hope that you pray about that aspect of it. I would think that once you had a chance to spend a good period of time in a PT job that would give you a better indication of how you could handle the rigors of a FT job. I am not telling you want to do but to consider all angles and options. I pray that the Lord will make it very clear to you what He wants for you.

    Have a good night's sleep dear ladies.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2016

    Ladies I am so thankful for an amazing night sleep last night. I slept a total of almost 10 hours, 6 of them without waking up at all! I must have been a lot more exhausted than I realized. I've been doing a lot of crying lately and I think it may be hormonal from the estrogen suppressant drug I am on. All and all I am doing very well, just adjusting to suddenly being an old lady. Teehee. Nancy I am very glad that you didn't hurt yourself more seriously. Ladies I pray that all of you have a beautiful day in the Lord. Love, Jean

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited May 2016

    imageimageOh, my goodness! Just checked in after a few busy days. Happy to hear your wrist is better, Nancy, but sprains are painful too! I hope your visit with your mom goes well. How nice she played the piano!

    Kathy, Good to hear your son's marriage is better. I have been praying for them. My daughter is bi polar and that causes issues in her marriage too. When out children hurt, we hurt for them. I did just return from a wonderful visit with my son's family. They are moving to Hawaii in two weeks. He will be the administrator of the Pearl Harbor Hospital on Oahu. (Maybe I said this before....?) Anyway, proud of him. Guess I will be going to Hawaii!! Photo here of a month ago when the girls were in a wedding. Wonderful, Christian family.

    I am STILL painting! I hope to be done by the time I go to my daughter's in another week for my grandson's graduation! And, of all things, Patoo and I are each leading a walking exercise class here in The Villages! The leader had to step down because of her husband's health, so we took over! We will see how this goes!!!!

    Prayers go up for all here every night! God is my strength and He gets me through every day!

    Have a good week!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    Hi ladies,

    A quick check in before doing some needed things at my moms.

    Jean, I think these AI's definitely have an effect on our emotions. I know it is a bummer but as I consider the alternative I will hang in there with it. I do find exercising helps. Since I haven't done a lot of swimming lately I can tell a difference. I am going to start walking at my mom's until I can get back home to my swimming,.

    Lynn, your son's family is adorable. I am sure you are very proud of your son and his beautiful family. Hawaii, what a great place to visit! The last time I painted was quite a long time ago in my apt before I had my house. I am a VERY slow painter so I can appreciate all the work you are doing. I found that I could not tolerate the smell so I have to have my painting hired out now. I did some wallpapering years ago and that took me forever. Glad you are feeling up to it. That is great!

    Let's remember to pray for Joanne's daughter, Theresa who is have her kidney stone procedure on Thursday, May 19. She is having what I think you call lithotripsy where they try to blast the stone. Sounds awful but hopefully it will do the job. Let's pray as she goes into this for victory over fear and apprehension.

    I will check in later. Hope everyone has a great week.




  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2016

    Joanne & Nancy - I told my husband today that if I don't go back to work I need to change the narrative that's running in my brain basically telling me that I need to work a paying job to have value in this society. It was so hard for me to quit working to begin with, I don't know if I could go through that again.

    I had my lab work today and will see my oncologist next week for my quarterly appt.


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2016

    Just Alittle Faith

    Just alittle faith made the blind man see,

    Just alittle faith can do the same for you and me.

    Just alittle faith can help you each and every day,

    And just alittle faith and you'll never lose your way.

    So have just alittle faith when things go wrong,

    And you'll find yourself singing a beautiful song.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    I hope everyone is having a good day.

    Debbie, yes, just a little faith is all we need. The size of a mustard seed can move mountains.

    Mini, I hope you don't force yourself to take on a FT job because of your narrative which is the world's narrative and not God's. I certainly don't mean it is wrong to work FT but I hope you would do it only if God opened doors for you to do so.




  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2016

    Dear Lynn, You have such a beautiful family!! Thank you so much for your prayers! The power of prayer is so amazing!!

    Dear Joanne!! Praying for your daughter!!!

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited May 2016

    Hi Group, just peeping in to see how folks are doing an get my prayer list together. I think things are going well but there seems to be a lot of things going all at once. One of my close and most spiritual friends is battling depression since they started her on the hormone blockers for her estrogen fed cancer cells, she has asked the plastic surgeon to remove the implants and I keep meeting people who have had some form of BC, it's like some kind of epidemic. I don't feel like I have any normalcy because just as things seem like before this ever happened I am reminded by the pain in my hands, the stiffness when I sit too long, the numbness in my chest, the follow up appointments, the appointments with acupuncture and massage. Just a lot of reminders of something that I feel was a fog I drifted through for a year that I would like to get past. But enough of my ramblings something was said in church Sunday that made perfect sense, "let your faith in Jesus be greater than whatever you are facing". God bless.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    She, it is good to hear from you. I continue to pray for you. I know that you are certainly not alone in thinking once I get my life back I will...................... I think many of us have struggled with the affects of the drugs and all the SE's that come with that. I am having such a time with my fingers and I can relate to some of the things you are saying. For some odd reason that the specialist can't explain I lose the function of several fingers on my dominant hand when I am lying down or sleeping or on my computer too long. I pruned some trees in Sept and they have never recovered. I am almost wondering if my cancer drug is contributing. I know that time and time again even though I know this I realize that when I focus on my problems just as in my photography the other things are out of focus. That is true of Jesus in our lives as well. If we focus on Him our problems seem not as front and center as they do when we are concentrating on them and Jesus becomes more distant and out of focus. We all know how to fix that focus but we just have to continually remind ourselves to do so. Praying for you sis.

    Lynn and Patto, i forgot to mention that I hope your walking exercise group is a blessing to all involved. You go girls! I started walking yesterday too.

    Have a good evening ladies.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    Hello dear ladies,

    Let's remember to pray for Joanne tomorrow. Her daughter is having her kidney stone procedure on Thursday. Joanne needs prayer as this is going to be a very physically hard day for her as she and her DH will be at the hospital with her daughter probably for many hours and this is very hard for Joanne. Let's pray that she will not have unmanageable pain and that her daughter's surgery will be successful.

    Ellen, glad you are safely home now. Will write later.

    Have a good day everyone. I am going to go out and take some pictures at this neat hidden garden that I found yesterday as I was scoping out places to take pictures as it was raining nonstop yesterday. It is finally a nice day out today. YEAH!




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2016

    Today I was blessed to see my friend at rehab where she is recovering from a knee reconstruction. I was able to walk a bit though not as much as yesterday. Mini, my sense is that God would not have you return to full time work at present. I also sympathize with all of you who are still experiencing results of treatment some of you many years later. I don't believe we ever go back to normal but we begin to adjust to a new normal. I seem to be just at the beginning of that journey. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    Praying for Joanne's daughter Theresa as she has her kidney stone surgery today,

    Joanne, praying you have a safe trip to the airport to pick up your other daughter.

    Here are some pictures I got yesterday.





