thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2016

    Oh Nancy how beautiful. Prayed for Jo's daughter. Hope the,surgery went well.

    Today I am grateful for the orthopedic doctor who gave me a shot in my sore shoulder. Hopefully that will be enough with some physical exercise to resolve things so I won't have that pain anymore.

    Please pray for my grandson who is trying to get an internship for this summer in the computer field. So far he hasnt been called back on the many applications he has submitted except for one where the phone interview was cancelled due to their hiring someone. Love, Jean

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2016


    Together we can make it better, It may

    be sunny or stormy weather.

    Together we can love those tears away and

    make it special in every way.

    And if Your world starts turning blue,

    together we can make it through.

    This old world and you and me , together

    we'll make history.

    From Me to all the wonderful people here.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2016

    Such Beautiful Pictures, Nancy!!

    Lynn and Patoo, I would love to be in your classes!!😃

    Joanne, please let us know how your dear daughter's surgery goes!!

    Thank You, sweet Debbie, for your always inspirational posts!!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2016

    OK, let's try this again. I had almost finished my post, then did something to lose it.

    The flower pics are beautiful. I would love to take pics like that. Trying to learn is on my bucket list. :-)

    Apparently my body has decided to have all the illnesses that I should have gotten in the winter. First the flu and now a nasty cold and sore throat. Thankfully, I am off for the next several days. We finally have nice weather this weekend. Hopefully, this weekend, I will feel better and be able to get out and enjoy it.

    My job seems to consist of periods of total boredom mixed with intermittent bouts of mayhem. No word yet on if I will be getting a second interview for the volunteer coordinator position. I've asked God for a clear yes or no regarding the position. No second interview would be that. :-) And I am totally fine with that.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    Debbie, i love that theme of your poem, We need each other and I hope we can continue to support one another on this thread. This is a very special thread made of of some very committed prayer warriors and i hope we never lose that. it is a ministry that is needed for sure with so many ladies going through the cancer journey.

    We pray for Gina who is having her BMX on May 25. Let's pray that the Lord will be right there with her giving her a peace as only He can.

    Let's pray for a tolerable recovery for Joanne's daughter, Theresa and that the surgery will have take care of the problem stone and that those pieces left will quicly be passed with as little pain as possible.

    Joanne, praying that the Lord will encourage your heart. There is nothing worse than chronic pain to wear you down. Add to that worry over a family member having surgery and it can be exhausting. I pray that you have a really good night's rest and will feel much better tomorrow.

    Jean, thank you for your encouraging words. Praying that your shot will help your shoulder.

    Kathy, thank you for your encouraging spirit to everyone. It does mean a lot to me and I am sure to everyone

    Mini, if you don't get the second interview then it will be an obvious closing of the door. My teaching job was never boring but there were certainly lots of periods of seeming mayhem. There was a satisfaction in it and hopefully you will feel that at the end of the day. I hope you can have time to take some pictures as well. I have spent countless hours studying and taking classes. Photography is much more complicated than i could ever imagine. For me at my age it will be a marathon of continual learning all the aspects that interest me, i am still finding those areas out, I must admit that I have having a ball in this second chapter of my life. It has certainly be an unexpected gift that the Lord gave me and if it wasn't for my cancer it would have maybe never materialized. So good came out of my diagnosis in ways I could have never imagined.

    Patoo and Lynn, I hope your walking class is going well.

    Angie, how are you doing? I have thought of you often and wondered if you are juggling all of your things and still having some time for yourself. Would love to hear from you.

    Loretta, praying for your treatments and wondering how things are going?

    Allison, how are you doing? How is your puppy doing? I know you were asked to be on this committee and i hope that is going well and giving you a sense of purpose.

    Praying that we all can feel the Lord's presence going with us through out the day no matter what kind of day we are in, Gazing on Jesus first gives us a freedom when we tackle our problems they don't seem quite so burdensome. That is my goal.

    Take care dear sisters,



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2016

    Today I am very grateful for couple friends who Invited us to a BBQ at their home. Makes me feel very cared for and included. For many years I felt like an outsider when my hubby wasn't walking with the Lord and now God has given us some lovely couples as friends.

    Please pray for my friend Anna who fell and broke her leg yesterdsy. She is in a lot of pain and has many serious health issues.

    Hope you all have a blessed weekend. Love, Jean

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2016

    It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! We finally have a good day, with several more to follow. Yay!


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2016

    Good evening ladies,

    Here in NC, it's raining...again. There hasn't been sunshine here all week. I hear the farmers are having difficulty getting crops planted, but God is in charge and I know He knows what is best for all.

    I have a prayer request, if you can. Please pray for my son, Stephen.He lost his job this week ( this is Cal's dad). His version of the story is that the HR person came out of her office and verbally attacked him in front of his boss and several employees, using a lot of profanity. When his boss did not intervene, he told them that he thought it best for him to go home for the rest of the day so everyone could cool off. He went into work the next morning and got the landscape crews on the road, then met with his boss....and was fired. He said this woman had worked for his boss for many years and had been combative with everyone. Sarah and I both wonder if she knows a secret about the boss that they are trying to keep quiet. The boss offered no reason for his dismissal, just said he'd give Stephen a good reference. Sarah had left her waitress job last month. So now, there is no income

    I am praying that he will find another job soon...praying this next one will be even better. He is devastated....he has been working 60 hour weeks and really gave his best.

    This lovely damp weather has made the arthritis in my left hip flare up...guess that surgery will be coming before the end of the year.

    Thank you in advance for the prayers for my son...I have given him Proverbs 3:4-6 to read and pray on.

    Also, please pray for Clyde as he preaches at a new church tomorrow, possibly in line for an interim position.

    God bless you all! Love, Ellen

  • car2tenn
    car2tenn Member Posts: 132
    edited May 2016

    Jo-5. I hear your shout out for something for pain. Have you tried a legitimate pain management clinic. There is no reason to be in acute pain...Yes we all have to have some discomfort but there are some wonderful long acting and short acting tablets that are not addictive. Best of luck!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    Ellen, you know I will be praying for your son and family and have been praying for Clyde as he preaches today.

    Carolyn, how are you doing? I think you posted on this thread quite some time ago.

    Joanne, continued prayers for you to find an answer and solution to managing your pain.

    I hope all who make it to church are blessed today and those who are not able to attend can feel the presence of the Lord with them as He is ALWAYS with us.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2016

    I am so grateful for the wonderful BBQ with friends yesterday. I felt normal for a few hours! Love, Jean

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2016

    Dear Ellen!! I am lifting your son up in Prayer right now! How disheartening for him!! I truly believe that Our Lord closes doors that lead to nowhere and opens doors that lead to a brighter somewhere!!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2016

    I made it through the entire winter without catching anything, and now I have been sick all May. My hubby and I are both down with whatever virus it is that is going around. I'm glad I don't have to work until Friday.

    I go to see the oncologist Weds. All my labs were normal, I just need a pap then I can relax for awhile. Someone told me the other day that my oncologist is retiring at the end of the year. I hope I like his replacement.

    I hope you all are blessed today and always.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited May 2016

    Hello! Just checking in after a busy week. Almost done painting! Yea! Had a house guest and now am at my daughter's for a grandson's graduation on Saturday. I have 5 grandchildren from ages 1 to 18! Keeps me busy! I love to visit them. Each one so unique and special.

    Thank you so much for your kind words about my son's family. I am blessed!

    Yes, Ellen, praying for your son. Kathy is right, when God closes a door, He has better plans.

    Nancy, It sounds like you are feeling much better! :)

    Mini, You certainly do not have to have a full time payoff job to feel worthwhile. I agree that God may be telling you to not take on a full time job. Think long and hard about it!

    Joanne, Happy to hear your daughter is doing well, and I will pray that you can find some pain relief.

    Must get to bed......busy days ahead. Keeping all of you in my prayers. Have a feel good, happy week!


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited May 2016

    Oh, forgot.....beautiful photos, Nancy! How can anyone say there isn't a God when His creations are so amazing!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    Hello dear sisters,

    It has been one of those trying days and I am praying that tomorrow will be much better. I am still having GI issues and I think it is just going to take time before it fades away.

    Mini, praying that you can feel much better. I understand the frustration of being sick for a very long time. Praying that you can recover so you don't have to miss your work.

    Lynn, glad you are almost done painting. That is reason for celebration for sure. Have fun at your Grandson's graduation. Thank you for your nice comments on my flower photos. God's creation is so amazing that I believe just studying flowers up close would make a believer out of a doubter. How could those beautiful and creative designs in each flower just happen.

    Jean, glad your BBQ went well. I pray you have more social events like this to enjoy.

    Kathy, I continue to pray for your son and DIL.

    Ellen, praying that everything went well yesterday as Clyde was guest preaching. Continued prayers for your son's job situation.

    Joanne, continued prays that you can find a good balance to your pain challenges and your GI challenges as well.

    Have a good night's rest everyone.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2016

    I'm thankful for being able to walk both yesterday and today over a mIle and without a cane. I am grateful that I am recovering from the hip replacement. It is slow going getting my energy and endurance back but my surgeon's nurse said it will take time and effort but that my healing is on target. Please keep hubby and I in prayer. Our enemy is trying very hard to divide us. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    Let's remember to pray for Gina, a new person who recently posted on our thread. She is having a double mastectomy tomorrow, Wed. May 25. Let's pray for a successful surgery, good pain control afterwards and a speedy recovery as Gina begins this journey.

    Mini, I thought I saw an email notification of a post by you but it has apparently disappeared. I had that happen to one of my posts recently on another thread. Praying that you are feeling better.

    Jean, praying that you do not get discouraged as you gain strength and as you face relationship challenges. Hang in there. You have Jesus right by your side.

    Have a good evening everyone and a good night's rest.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    Hello dear sisters,

    Let's remember to pray for Gina today who is have a BMX today.

    Joanne, thank you for sharing that devotional. Jesus is with us during the storms of our lives. It is when we come to the end of ourselves that we realize that.

    Have a good day dear ladies.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2016

    Nancy I've been praying for Gina today.

    Thanks all for prayers as I am feeling very encouraged today. So grateful. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2016

    I am so thankful to have woken up very early today with no pain or stiffness. Also amazingly calm and peaceful in my spirit. Thank you Jesus. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    Gina, praying for good pain control after your surgery yesterday. Praying that you can feel the Lord's presence with you as you begin this journey.

    Jean, glad you are feeling good today. Have a great day dear sisters.




  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2016

    I think I'm over the worst of my cold. I was able to do yoga today. I forget sometimes how much pain relief I get from yoga until I can't do it. I have an appt next week with my doc. I am having pain in my fingers and wrists. First it was just now and then, now it's pretty constant and seems to progressing up my arm. I hope it's not something that I have to take medicine all the time. I can't take anything like ibuprofen on a regular basis. It kills my stomach.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend.


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited May 2016

    Praying for Gina tonight. My BMX was 14 months ago and I started chemo a year ago. It is fresh in my mind. It was a tough year. I thank God daily for my recovery.

    We are here for you, Gina. Please let us know how you are doing. If I can help, please PM me.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2016

    Prayers for Gina!!

    Thank you, for the wonderful devotional, Joanne!!

    Mini, prayers for healing

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited May 2016

    Prayers sent for Gina. Work has been busy. Weather has gotten quite warm. Love the sunshine. Turned the A/C on this morning and nothing happened. Humm. It might get a little toasty in my house today. Been having some joint pain. Think it is from the Anastrozole. I have an appointment with my regular doc on Thursday so I will discuss it with him. My 100 year old Aunt died this morning. She is finally free from her suffering. She died from heart and kidney failure. Prays for my cousin Joan and Ty as the make plans for her funeral and grieve their loss.

    I hope you all have a great weekend and find joy every day in his name.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2016

    Glenda, You are in my thoughts and prayers, and for your family as well. Your Dear Aunt is now your sweet angel

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited May 2016

    Hello ladies,

    I have been busy with family the last few days. Praying for Gina in her recovery.

    Praying for Glenda's family as they grieve the loss of their aunt and make end of life preparations.

    I hope everyone is having a chance to enjoy family during this Holiday weekend. Let's remember all of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country and for all the men and woman who serve to protect our country. God Bless all of you and God Bless America.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2016

    For some reason I wasn't getting notified of posts for the last few days. I am grateful for recovery today. Hope Gina is doing well. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2016

    Hello dear ladies of faith,

    I am back home now. I know we are all busy with our lives. I hope we can still be a ministry to those in need when they visit here as our thread seems to have slowed to a crawl. This banner bares repeating. Our hope is in the Lord and with hope comes expectation. I pray that for those feeling down today that they can develop an attitude of expectation of seeing blessings from the Lord this day.

    I still see this thread as a prayer ministry and I hope that those in need will feel free to share their prayer requests.


