thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2016

    I'm so sorry Joanne. I know how it feels to have the want to but not can do. It can seem like there is no end, but our God can still a good work in us and through us. I hope you feel better soon.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2016

    Aww! Joanne!! I am so sorry that you are not feeling well! I would definitely talk to your doctor to ask him about the probiotic you are taking! Prayers for healing!!

    Hi, Nancy, yes, glad that you got home safely! You are a wonderful daughter!!

    God Bless You, All!!

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited June 2016

    Prayers for freedom from pain Joanne. I have my first Mammogram since surgery coming up on the 13th. I have been on anastrozole since October and I am having a lot of burning in both my hips. Walking helps but as soon as I sit down to drive or do computer/paperwork it starts right back up. Advil takes the bite out of it but doesn't take it away completely. It has been 3 weeks and Joanne I hear what you are saying the pain really wears you down. I see my internist tomorrow and I will discuss it with him before calling my MO. I don't care for my MO and plan on switching for my next visit in August.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2016

    Praying for all of those in pain. I know that many of us deal with this issue and it is hard to not concentrate on it. Try focusing on the Lord who is our source for ALL things. He will make a way where there seems to be no way. He is our rock when we are overwhelmed. He is our rock in every situation we face. Look to Him and thank Him in advance for what He is about to do for YOU.




  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2016

    My doc thinks my shoulder and arm pain is from a pinched nerve, not arthritis. That's the good news - relatively speaking. The bad news is that it is in my right arm. The treatment is generally a cortisone shot, but with lymphedema, that's not good for me. I'm hoping they will find another alternative if it is confirmed I have the pinched nerve. I go for testing on the 13th.


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited June 2016

    Nancy, thank you and all who keep this thread going. It truly is a prayer ministry. I've been reading it for awhile and it's been very helpful. I really do believe in the power of prayer and God's healing grace which I pray HE will rain down on all of us fighting this battle. Today, I am most thankful for the good news of finding that I do not carry the breast cancer gene especially since we have 3 daughters and six granddaughters to worry about. We also have a son and four grandsons and while it is most worrisome for the women in our family, men are also at risk. So, tonight I'm am praising God for this wonderful news and asking for the strength to continue my battle.

    I am also asking for prayers for one of our sons-in-law as he has been out of work for many months, praying he finds something soon.

    We have a saying in our parish that I love. "God is great all the time, all the time God is great"

    Praying that you all have a pain free good nights sleep.

    Faith (in the future )

  • ARCats
    ARCats Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2016

    Hello everyone, I was diagnosed Dec. 2014. At first I took a couple of weeks to decide if I was going to do anything that the surgeon had recommended. There was a part of me that thought just do nothing and wait and see. Then I thought of two things, first at how this all came about and second the surgeons last words to me, he said if I didn't do anything he would really be worried for me.

    I normally would schedule my mammogram around summer time and for whatever reason summer came and went in 2014. Fall came and I thought well I will leave my testing for maybe the next one or two years since it didn't matter because every year the reports came up negative. I was in my kitchen the week before Thanksgiving and I rubbed against a dinning room chair and I felt a sharp pain when my right breast rubbed against it. I looked and it was red and warm to the touch and I really didn't know what to make of it. I went to work like normal and passed by my doctors office in the evening and asked for an appointment and when I told them that I had found a lump they were able to get me in the next day. The next day I went and was ready for the doctor to aspirate I think it's called, but she took a look and said that she was going to refer me to a surgeon. I went across the street and made an appointment and was seen. He said he thought it look like an infection and prescribed antibiotics and this continue until the middle of December. He then stated that he couldn't keep giving me pills because this infection was not going away and he recommended surgery to get a better look at this because it was a lump. By the time surgery and the diagnosis came it was January of 2015. The lump wasn't cancerous but what was next to it was, and he said that if they hadn't gone in and I didn't get tested this could have gone on without being detected.

    I'm saying all of this because I truly believe that the hand of God was working in my life, and the outcome could have been different if I hadn't gone through the surgery. Without knowing what was going on in my body this stage 0 could have been much worst. I really don't know what to think, but I've had the opportunity to tell others and give God the glory because no one knows the future and he is control. So if my situation helps someone come to the realization that we are in God's hands, and only he knows the reasons we go through our storms. Then for that I'm grateful that I can share this with all of you.

    God Bless

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2016

    Good evening ladies,

    I am really worn out tonight as I am trying to do flower shopping to make up for being gone for three weeks. I am pleased to see some new ladies posting so I wanted to say welcome to them.

    Mini, I don't know what you think of chiropractors but they deal with pinched nerves every day. I saw one for years before my retirement. Praying that you can get some relief. I have never heard of a cortisone shot for a pinched nerve but obviously they must do that.

    Faith, welcome and I am pleased that you have been helped by this thread. I am sorry for the reason you are here though. I know there are ladies out there who read and never post and sometimes someone will post after having read the posts for a while. We have several stage iv ladies who have been a part of this thread. Feel free to post anytime. Father, we pray for Faith's SIL who is out of work as you know. We pray that you would provide him with that perfect job so he can provide for his family. Lord you are the God of hope and we pray that you will infuse this man with hope for his future and what you are about to do for Him.

    Let us know how you are doing and what happens with your SIL's job prospects. We join you in praise to God for the good news regarding the cancer gene. A huge relief for you and your family I am sure!

    Arcats, thank you for your post. It is encouraging to hear good news of what God is doing in our lives. I too have a very on the ball radiologist to thank for my situation. My radiation oncologist told me that she herself would have never detected my tumor from looking at my mammogram and thanks to this radiologist my situation could have been much different as well. Feel free to post anytime.

    I hope that you have found blessings in this day. I have been really torn after returning home from my three week stay with my mom and have been sad and distraught over what the future holds for her and the hard decisions we may have to make. Some of you know my swan family story and how God used these swans to give me a bright spot in my day during rads in 2014. In my flower shopping today I decided to visit this beautiful flower shop that I would pass on my way to rads. Since it was so close to the pond with "my swan" I decided to see if they were back as I had not seen them when I drove by in May. I didn't see them so decided to get out of the car and go on a search. I never did see the two adult swans but I did see one that was possibly on a nest. If they had babies again I would be SO thrilled. That is what ignited my passion for photography and I see it as a true gift God gave me as he brought something good out of my cancer journey.

    We have so many new ladies since I have posted this pic. I am going to find it and post it again and hopefully have a new family of babies to post in the near future.

    Joanne, praying you had a better day in all ways.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2016

    Good morning ladies,

    Praying that we all can trust the Lord for ALL of our needs today. Remember to look for those unexpected blessings as they are everywhere.




  • ARCats
    ARCats Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2016

    I have no idea what some of you are going through, but Nancy the pictures that you have taken and the ones you bring with inspiring words are so beautiful. They make me smile and at this time I'm on a 6 month waiting pattern which I don't know why I can't stop thinking about it. During the time I was getting radiation I had no choice but to deal with it every day, but now after all this time I keep thinking about this and wondering. I just don't know why I keep getting drawn back, I have been on other forums and I've told them that I was praying for them and that God was and is in control. Even though I enjoy reading especially in this board how positive people do stay, I just never realized how many lives are effected by this. No one is immune to news that will impact you for the rest of your life, I guess all I can do is decide how I'm going to react to it.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2016

    Thank you Arcats. I am glad the pictures have inspired and encouraged you. I think that most of us will agree with this thought even though we are Christians. When we get the initial diagnosis of bc we go through a state of shock and fear. After that comes the battle mode which I think most of us go into. I know I had tremendous support from so many people and that of course was uplifting. I got closer to the Lord which I think for many is true also. The part that many of us did not expect is that we may have a tougher time after it is all over. Some may call it post traumatic stress disorder which most of us only associate with those who come back from war. Going through treatments is a war. It is a personal battle but it affects your family and friends and community probably more than we will ever know. There are many that watch us and see how we react since we are Christians as we go through our cancer journey. After all the attention and cards and flowers stop coming then the reality of it all hits and for some it hits very hard. Some realize that the cancer drugs we have to be on for a long time cause many side effects we weren't counting on. Some have pain from their treatments that they were not expecting. The fear does rear it's ugly head every time we have to have a follow up mammogram. We all have felt this on this thread. We are not super human beings here. We are Christians living in an imperfect world trying to honor Christ in our lives as best we can. We go through that word the the Christian world doesn't want to admit and that is depression. When I was out buying flowers yesterday and spending much time in rush hour traffic I was listening to my usual Christian radio station and they were speaking with Sheila Walsh. She was a very recognizable figure in Christian TV ministry many years ago. She talked about her struggle with depression. She actually ended up in a psych ward for a time. She used this phrase that God sometimes allow us to be imprisoned to truly set us free. I found that amazing. She used another phrase that mercy is hard. She said God give us mercy soaked in grace.

    I certainly didn't mean to go into all of this but many times on this thread when I feel like God is wanting me to share i just start typing and these things come out.

    I just want you to know that you are not alone and that you are perfectly normal in your emotions. It is nice to know that many of us share the same battles with fear. The difference with this thread is that we can share the victories because there are many of those. If we look and expect to see God working in our daily lives we WILL see it because He does bless us all the time. He will give us the strength to tackle whatever journey we are on. I absolutely believe that even though we may not "feel" it. Our faith is not based on feelings. I have to tell myself that over and over and over...........

    God bless you sister. I hope you have a good day.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2016

    Good afternoon, ladies;

    Welcome to the new ladies! A couple of years ago, I was the newbie here. I have felt comfort and peace from many ladies who have posted here.

    One thing you won't find here is judgmental attitudes; that is because our mission is different. I was on a couple of other threads and sometimes felt that my questions or comments were ridiculed, sometimes even with langauge that I personally don't use. I was blessed to find these dear prayer warriors as I was finishing radiation after my second BC diagnosis. I read posts nearly everyday, but post only when I feel led. I have been through all the emotions mentioned above-- fear, sadness, anger, frustration. Nancy is one of our " rally leaders" to prayer, and along with several others, shares comfort, encouragement, and care to all who find themselves on this journey.

    Glad you have found will be encouraged and strengthened by the strong faith and experience of the women here.

    BTW..those of you who have been on here awhile may remember my prayer request for a friend and church member with an autoimmune disease..we actually went to see him when we were on a weekend trip. Well, HE IS HOME!!!! His wife is still setting up nursing help but as she spoke verbally so long, he has come home. He had been in a hospital/crucial careassisted living setting for nearly 7 months. She gives praise to God...he is actually showing some improvement already. Whether he will fully recover is in God's hands, but his being at home is a testimony to her strong faith and the prayers of many.

    Have a blessed weekend...God is faithful!


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2016

    Welcome to our new friends! These are great ladies. I don't come here everyday, but I follow the thread and keep you in my prayers.

    Nancy - The cortisone shot would be for the inflammation I have now in my shoulder and elbow. I'm good with chiropractors, so I'll be going to see mine. I also have a Tenz unit that I started using yesterday. Hopefully, I can get the arm calmed down.

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.


  • ARCats
    ARCats Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2016

    Thank you all for your prayers, kind words and an opportunity to share my feelings. I will pray for strength and wisdom because as Nancy put it so nicely we are warriors that go to battle, and sometimes we will be going through the same issues and other times we will be at different places. I pray for all that are dealing with pain that you feel the hand of God giving you strength and peace, and that God continues to work in us and through us.

    "The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." 2 Chronicles 16:9

    God Bless

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2016

    Dear ladies, thank you all for your posts. Thanks Ellen for hearing the good news of this man being able to return home. Thanks for the scripture Ar. That is a great one.

    I wanted to share a very personal moment with you. When Kath died on March 9 I was shattered. I was shattered for her husband and her twin boys she left behind. This song sung by Danny Gokey was a finalist on Amercian Idol just a very short time after tragically losing his wife. This song has helped me get through the pain of loss. I can now listen to it on the radio without tearing up except right now is not the case.

    Please take time to hear him talk a little before the song. I think it will minister to you as it has to me.

    I wanted to add that it takes many ladies to keep this thread going. It is a community effort which has been going on for a long time and I believe will continue for many years to come for those who need a place to come for comfort and support and prayer.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2016


    I am praying that you will be able to get into this doctor and won't have to wait until Aug. I don't want to bore the ladies with my swan story so thank you. I think we have all had our share of discouragements and felt like we needed some encouragement in what God does in our lives and how he can bring good out of a bad situation. Have a great Sunday dear ladies. I will be going to my church that I have not been to since Easter because of my long sickness and being at my moms.




  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited June 2016

    Welcome to all the new ladies. I have been on this thread for several months and have found it to be a source of comfort. While I only log on every couple of days, I do read everyone's posts and pray for your needs, even if I do not post myself.

    God has been so good to me. There is not a day that goes by that I do not thank Him over and over for getting me through my journey with breast cancer. While I know it is a life-long journey, I am so blessed to have recovered as well as I have. I am also thankful for my children and 5 beautiful grandchildren and just returned from my grandson's High School graduation.

    Those of you who know Patoo, we are each leading an exercise class and subbing for each other! Who would have ever thought that I would be doing this now when this time last year I was flat on my back going through chemo! God has certainly been merciful to me!

    And, I have an interview on Tuesday to be considered for one of 25 women to be chosen as community representatives for Living Beyond Breast Cancer. It is volunteer and a 2 year commitment with a lot of responsibility. There is a 4 day training if I am chosen AND if I decide to do this. I would appreciate prayers as to this decision.....if I am chosen. While I was going through surgeries and treatments last year, I prayed to God and said to show me what plans He had for me, I am thinking that this is part of that and I need to "pay it forward." I have a busy life and this would be one more volunteer thing for me to take on, so am not sure what to do. I am praying that I will know.

    Thank you to all who keep this thread going. You are very special women!

    Be thankful, be well, pain free, and have a wonderful week.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2016

    Beautiful poster, Joanne!!

    Welcome to all the new ladies!!you will love this thread!! So encouraging and comforting!!

    Nancy, I will listen to that song, now! Thank you for sharing!!

    Lynn!! Prayers for discernment!! I so believe that Our Lord is nudging You!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2016

    Dear Nancy! I just finished listened to Danny Gokey, story and song! So emotional❤️ I am going to share this with my women's circle at church

  • ARCats
    ARCats Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2016


    Last night I had an opportunity to listen to Danny Gokey. I went on youtube to listen to other songs by him and his life story and I went to Amazon and purchased the CD. Thank you for sharing.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2016

    Good morning or afternoon ladies,

    Joanne, praying you can get satisfaction when calling this doctor today. Praying that you have a better day as well in all areas.

    Lynn, praying that if it is the Lord's will you can get this position with Living Beyond Breast Cancer. You sure are a great example of that with all the painting and traveling and entertaining you have done just a year later. Tell Patoo hi for us and I hope she is doing well too. How is your exercise class going?

    Ellen, praying for this interim pastor position for Clyde and praying for a good job for Stephen.

    Kathy, continued prayers for your son and his wife. That Danny Gokey song has played so many, many times when I have just turned on the radio, just get in the car and even as I was walking down the long hallways of my church yesterday it was playing from the sanctuary. The Lord has used that song for me in grieving Kath and grieving my mom's failing mind and coping with slowly losing her. Danny has a new wife and kids now and has moved beyond his pain and loss and that is the point to the whole song. We have to turn that next page in our lives or we will never see the new chapter that God has for us.

    Mini, hope your tens unit is giving you some relief. Praying you can get some help for this pinched nerve. No fun.

    Jean, are you still out there?

    Gina, I pray that you are recovering nicely from your surgery and prayers for strength as you begin your bc journey. Let us know how we can best pray for you.

    I would appreciate your prayers. I felt absolutely horrible yesterday and it was so discouraging as I had thought my GI situation was getting better. When I fell at my mom's I was fortunate to not have broken anything but it apparently wrenched my back in an area that has been troublesome and the area I had PT on last year. I am dealing with stress concerning my mom and some issues regarding my family and just needing an infusion of hope and healing to my mind, body and spirit.

    Prayers for you ladies as well.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2016

    Hi Arcats,

    We must have posted at the same time and I didn't see your post come in till later. I have heard Danny in a radio interview this weekend and I am not sure if I am getting it mixed up with what he shares on that video I posted but when he talks about auditioning for American Idol just weeks (I believe) after his wife dying he said he knew that doing this might be an opening to bless others. The fact that you bought the CD is evidence of that already. The way God works is truly amazing and he is always weaving our lives in with others to make a beautiful tapestry.

    I did want to ask you if you are a cat lover? Cammie is the resident queen of my house hold. She is a Ragdoll (cat) with lots of personality and mischief!

    Have a great day.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2016

    Joanne - I have, indeed, thought of this as being a sign about working f/t. I have pretty much given up that thought, and am now trying to figure out what I should be doing. I feel quite adrift right now, but God's timing isn't always in line with our timing. You'd think that would get easier as we get older, but it doesn't. Not for me anyway.


  • ARCats
    ARCats Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2016

    Hi Nancy,

    Danny's music did touched my heart, I had being hearing that song on the christian radio and I did catch some of the words, but this time I really listen to the lyrics. I've asked God to help me understand and if not to guide me because I've gone through things that as humans beings we go through. There was a while there that I felt that my heart did stop beating, and the words in that song are for me, and yes, God does work in mysterious ways.

    The question about my babies, I've always had cats in my life since I could remember. At this time I have 3 babies, 2 girls and 1 boy. All adopted from family members that had them but couldn't keep them. They don't care who we are, what we have or don't have, they just love us unconditionally, of course after you feed them. I've always told God he made them for a reason, for people like me, that would enjoy them.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited June 2016

    Praying for you tonight, Nancy. Prayers that you will feel better physically and emotionally. Dealing with family issues can definitely be stressful, especially when we feel helpless and not know what to do to help. I have been through this with my mom and my daughter. I just keep praying for guidance and try to understand that some things are not in my control. Life sure is a roller coaster of ups and downs.

    I will say "hi" to Patoo. She is really enjoying the activities here in The Villages. It is a great place to live.


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited June 2016

    From make you smile.....


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2016

    Arcats, I figured you were a cat mom. Yes, I grew up in basically a cat family and I had rabbits for a time as well (only one at a time) Yes, the words to Danny's song are really, really good and for all of us.

    Lynn, thank you for the prayers, the banner and especially the poem. LOL Yes, Cammie has done that one too. I was INSIDE the house and she comes running by my chair with this live mouse in her mouth. She is an indoor cat only. Ummm

    Have good night dear ladies. God is answering prayers today and for that I am grateful.



  • roziekat
    roziekat Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2016

    Just want to say I love my lord...glad I found this site. My first chem is on wednesday. .make god be with me.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2016


    I am glad you found our thread. You may want to set it as a favorite. I remember two years ago finding this thread and then I had a terrible time finding it again. We will be praying for your first chemo on Wednesday. We pray that God will be right there by your side as you enter this new realm of treatment. Praying that you do very well on your treatment plan. Please let us know how you are doing. You sound like another cat lover. Take care.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited June 2016

    Altough I have not posted in a while I read almost every day and pray for those on this thread and those that we have not heard from for a while.

    Praying for all of the new members that are in the waiting room that maybe filled with anxiety or anger because of the unknown. I ask the Lord to bring you peace, clarity and be your anchor in the midst of the storm as he removes anxiety and replaces it with clam and removes anger as he covers you with peace and holds you in His loving arms. Those that are starting treatment praying for minimal side effects, no pain, your treatment plans and wisdom in balancing families, jobs or other responsiblitues as you go through treatment. Praying for the strength of your support team.

    Continue to let us know how you are doing or ask questions as we are here to support you as those before us supported us!

    Continued prayers for all and may God continue to hold each of us in his bosom.

    Love across the miles
