thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2016

    Good evening dear ladies,

    Aurora, so glad to hear things have gone well for your aunt and mom and that your treatments are going well. Thank you Lord for answered prayers.

    I got a a PM from Char today and she wanted me to let you all know that she is doing well. She just completed her third half marathon in May with one of her best times. She sent a pic and looks terrific. Her Dad is not doing well and he needs our prayers. His kidneys are not good and Char is in the uncomfortable position of deciding on the amount of meds which can adversely affect one thing or another. She had a difficult school year with the new state mandated evaluation system in place. She is debating about teaching one or two more years. Let's pray for her with all of her challenges she has now.

    Joanne, I hope you have a good night. Continued prayers for your pain and for solutions.

    Have a good night everyone.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2016


  • Joy_1
    Joy_1 Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2016

    Thank you Jean, In only a week of participating in this thread, my outlook has changed so much! I was even thinking about it driving to work this morning. All these women, supporting each other and in prayer all day for each other is the most wonderful thing! You all have helped me feel better about what I am doing. You've been kind, and I now feel like I have a place to turn with any situation. And I hope that I will be able to help someone else in turn.

    Have a wonderful day,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2016

    Yesterday and last night I was having a lot of difficulty with resentment toward my dear hubby. I asked God to remove the resentment as I could not do it. Today I am much better with it. I am so grateful. God is so good and faithful. I need to work on acceptance of my husband's handicaps. His limitations do not mean he cares for me any less. Love , Jean

  • Joy_1
    Joy_1 Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2016


  • ARCats
    ARCats Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2016

    Joy 1,

    Welcome! I just recently started to post here. It is a blessing to have ladies praying for you, and that do understand some of the struggles, fears, and questions that we share as BC recipients.


    Don't be so hard on yourself. God knows where we are at, and the direction that we're going The process we go through to get there is a long one.

    God Bless

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited June 2016

    Faith, lifting up the mother and her daughter that has been diagnosed with MBC. Also welcome! I don't post as much as I use to but still read this thread and pray for the request put forward.

    Nancy, thanks for the update from Char. I so miss some of those that posted regularly when I joined. I hope you are doing better. My gi track issues flared up again about a month ago. I do believe it was a result of the Zometa but the docs say no. So I am back on prescription Prilosec. I am also going back to my naturopathic onc in a few weeks to see how she can help.

    Aurora, answered prayers and so glad to hear the good news report!

    Ladies, lov the response and encouragements to the the question on taking meds! amen and amen!

    Praying always for those on this thread!

    Lucy, always on my heart and in my prayers

    Love across the miles,


  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited June 2016

    I am always amazed at how the Lord can put the right people in our path at just the right time. Sometimes Christians and sometimes people struggling with similar issues. We were at a business mixer but we ended up having a long talk. I have been struggling with the decision to switch MO's. I just am not comfortable with him. I don't feel like he cares about anything but chemo therapy. I discussed it with my breast surgeon and was given a recommendation and then when I talked a women at the mixer I asked her who she saw and she gave me the same name as the MO. But the deciding factor was when she asked me why I didn't like my MO and I told her that he only seemed concerned about the fact that I did not do chemo and he seemed to only focus on that issue and not on how I was doing. Then I said I felt like he didn't make enough money on me. She looked and me and said that she consulted at that hospital and that is the opinion of a lot of the staff. He only cared about the money he could make on Chemo therapies and not what was best for the patient. She was surprised to hear that I feel that way as a patient. I no longer am questioning my decision. I feel like the Lord gave me a wonderful affirmation that I was making the right decision.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited June 2016

    Lost In His Precious Love By Regina Wiencek

    How I cherish times like these,

    When I can lay aside

    The cares and worries of the day

    And rest at eventide.

    I sit alone and meditate

    While twilight shadows fall.

    Birds have hushed their cheerful songs;

    Sweet peace lies over all.

    Fireflies begin to glow

    In meadows all around;

    A patchy mist is hovering

    Close to now obscure ground.

    In the darkening firmament,

    Countless stars appear.

    Heaven is so far, and yet,

    God's presence seems so near.

    How is the earth so beautiful,

    So grand the skies above?

    I think of God and find myself

    Lost in His precious love.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited June 2016

    Love is giving for the world's needs,

    Love is sharing as the Spirit leads,

    Love is caring when the world cries,

    Love is compassion with Chistlike eyes. --Brandt

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited June 2016

    Good evening ladies, it is almost midnight here but I wanted to get in the thread and check on things. This will most likely be my last post as I will be unable to maintain checking in like I want to there is just too many things working against me. I think I will try to go to the local support group here in town. We just returned from Arizona on vacation it was extremely hot but I did a spa treatments which were wonderful. My husband just got a promotion and we found land and are in the process of building a house so his mother can move in with us. I often feel like my right hand has pins sticking in it an I am totally tired of all the various things I am doing to make it better. I continue to work and teach classes on the side and will continue as long as I can. We still are looking for a new church and I continue to meet more BC survivors and fighters. I know it is all for a reason and I am to witness and be witnessed to in oder to truly see the awesomeness of God's work. You continue to be in my prayers, as I know you keep me in yours. Be blessed and take care.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited June 2016

    Debbie (foots) love the post.

    Lucy, SheAngel, Debbie from Ireland, longtimesurvivor, Eileen, Saltyjack, Mema, Polly, Deborahanne, Mags, Vicki1960 and others miss ya and continue to keep you in my prayers.

    Love across the miles,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2016

    Hello dear ladies,

    I imagine many of you are involved with Father's Day activities. I hope you all have a great weekend.

    Joy, I love your banner (as we call them here) and I love that verse. I had a group from another church praying for me because of a close friend and they made me a little pot holder with that verse attached. I keep it on my refrigerator and that verse continually gives me comfort in trying times.

    Arcats, I hope you are feeling at home here and free to post. You may know Jason Gray the Christian singer. I saw him last night in an outdoor concert with the JJ. Weeks band as well. Jason has a stuttering problem which I had no idea. I noticed it right away when he first spoke. He did not talk about it till later and was very open and humorous about it. You would never know it in his singing as he sings beautifully. I have a feeling you may know his music.

    Angie, it is good to hear from you. Char mentioned you and I know she misses those people we all started with on this thread as well. I am sorry to hear about your GI trouble. I continue to have trouble. Mine has seemed to travel from my colon to now my esophagas and I am praying it is not my hiatel hernia getting worse. I am planning on calling my gastro office on Monday and probably set up an apt for those dreaded scopes. I have been in contact with Bev as well and I do miss those ladies posting but life moves on beyond cancer as it should. I continue to pray for you as I know you are a very busy person. I hope your alt person can help you with your GI issues.

    She angel, I continue to pray for you and I know it has been a hard time for you with unresolved health issues, your church situation and now moving. Congrats on your DH's promotion and your new house building dream coming true. You are one busy lady so I can understand having to give something up. I do hope your idea of doing a local support group will be beneficial to you. I will definitely miss your posts. You always had some positive words of encouragement for all of us. I hope you will check in to see our posts to you. I do pray for you and will continue in that.

    Debbie, so glad to see your posts. Thank you for your uplifting poems whether your own or someone elses. We do appreciate it and are encouraged by them. So glad you have a young service dog in training. That is an answered prayer for sure! Continued prayers for your needs.

    Glenda, maybe an MO change is in your near future. I had contemplated that a couple years ago and decided to stay with my guy. We don't always see eye to eye on things but in the end I know my body better than he does and I have to realize that I react differently to meds than the normal person and he doesn't get that yet.

    Joanne, praying that your B complex will bring great benefit to you. I continue to pray for your unresolved pain and your projects you have been working hard on.

    I volunteer at an assisted living facility with our church ministry to nursing homes. This young man and I have been doing this together for several years. I forgot to check my voicemail today as a neighbor was at my door talking when the phone rang. Long story short my partner didn't show up but he had left a message saying he may not get there in time and for me to go ahead but I didn't get that message until after the fact. We do a mini church service for the residents. I usually share some life lessons I am going through. I have talked about you ladies on more than one occasion. I was going to talk about the fact that God isn't concerned with our ability, our lack of ability but our availability. When I was waiting for him to show up I thought I will just sit and talk with these people which I did and we chatted about nothing in particular but I think they clearly enjoyed our time of just sitting around and chatting. When I left I ended up spending another half hour in the parking lot talking to a spouse I had met inside who was visiting his wife and brought along their cute little dog. As I left I thought yes, Lord I hear you loud and clear. AVAILABILITY. That is what He wants from us and from me!

    Have a Happy Father's Day dear ladies.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2016

    Hello ladies. I haven't been on for awhile. Things have been a little hectic here. My DIL's mom was in the hospital for a week with a blood clot in her stomach. She's home, but is still in pain. The clot is not fully gone, and she had blood sugar levels in the 500's. God really protected her. She could have died. Thankfully, they found the clot in time. And they gave her blood sugar levels in check.

    I had some dental surgery Tues. It's doing well but there's still quite a bit of pain. And the antibiotics and pain meds are killing my stomach. Please pray that I get through the next 5 days without too much damage to my stomach. And also that the bone graft works and I grow more bone in my jaw. I am in bad need of dental implants, but I have to grow some bone first. None of this is covered by insurance, and it is costing a small fortune. My husband has a similar surgery next week, but not as large of an area, so hopefully, it will hurt him less.

    Joanne, I pray that you find some some relief for your pain. Even when we know that God is with us, it is still hard when you live each day in pain.


  • ARCats
    ARCats Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2016


    Thank you for mentioning Jason Grey. I enjoy music but I'm terrible at remembering the names of the artist. I just listen to "Remind me who I am", really great lyrics, and again it seems that you knew what I needed to hear. I pray that the Lord gives you strength and continues using you to always be available for his glory.

    God gave me the opportunity to work with the elderly and now I'm able to visit them in ALF's and nursing homes. I pray for them and with my phone I'm able to play songs for them. Many of them may not understand because of their condition but I believe God has placed me in this position for such a time as this.

    Wishing all of you a Happy Father's Day. God I pray for health, peace and joy for my sisters in Christ.

    God Bless.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2016


    Dear sisters I have some sad news to tell you. Char had sent me a PM and asked about Lucy's last name. She did some research and found out this news:

    Lucy Ellyson of Shelton, Washington born July 12, 1957 passed away May 17, 2016

    Steven Ellyson of Shelton, Washington born May 1, 1955 passed away on May 25, 2016

    I had prayed for them so many times and had the impression that this might happen. I didn't think that she would pass before him but the Lord knew they were to be together. I am so glad that Char asked me about her and so glad she did some research to find this out. This is not the first time we have searched for our beloved sisters on this thread. In fact Lucy is the one who had mentioned having a buddy system where no one would be left out and we would know how to get in contact with someone if they stopped posting. Our thread has been in so much flux this past year that it is a little more difficult now. We have had ladies come and go and some staying for a short time only. If any of you have any ideas on this please share with us. This is another reason I stopped posting the prayer sheet because we had so many, many people that it would just be completely overwhelming to pray for everyone on the list.

    Lucy was such a special person. She and Kath were both such positive people who remained such strong witnesses in the face of suffering. I can say the same for Anita and for Becky and Sue and Kate W. We never did hear news of Anita and Becky's passing but we figured it had happened. When Lucy found out that Steve had terminal cancer it was such a blow to her. When her cancer spread to her liver I knew it was going to be difficult. Her last log in was at the end of January and we will probably not know what all they went through and maybe that is just as well. I had to scroll back to a Mother's Day post from last year and Lucy had posted some pictures and one was a note from her son and family that had sent her flowers for Mother's Day. If you feel so inclined to do the same you could send a card to her son. I don't want to post that private info but since Lucy already did probably without realizing it you could get his address and name if you look at the whole post. He is in Olympia, WA as he abbreviated the town in his return address. I found a similar zip code so was assuming that is the town he is in.

    I know so many of you are new to the thread but as we have done in the past if any of you who knew Lucy would like to share your thoughts about her this would be an appropriate at time to do that. I know she loved so many on this thread and was so encouraged by us and certainly she was a light to all of us with her optimistic attitude a smile that would light up a room. We will miss her terribly. Let's pray for her family. I know a big concern she had was that some of her family did not want to hear any news of the gospel which I I know was a serious concern for her. Of course we do not know what all transpired in the last few months but needless to say her family needs our prayers. To lose one parent is hard but to lose both parents a little over a week apart is really hard to imagine how difficult that would be for them.

    I hope everyone who knows Lucy will see this.

    Char, thank you so much for bringing closure for us even though I know you hated to share such sorrowful news.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited June 2016

    I did not know her but my condolences to all who knew her and to her family. May Jesus come soon and reunite us all!


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited June 2016

    Just a Whispered Prayer

    Just a whispered prayer

    Will bring the Savior to your side,

    To lift all your burden

    And bless, whatever betide.

    Cast on Him your care!

    Christ Jesus gave His all for you,

    To bring you salvation.

    Just a whispered prayer

    Will bring His blessed presence near,

    To heal your heartaches

    And cast out all Your fear.

    Come to Him in prayer

    Though weak and falter be!

    Your faith He'll strengthen;

    Bring new horizons you'll see. By Kathryn Throne Bowsher

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited June 2016

    Be not weary, Christian warrior,

    Buckle on thine armor tight;

    Be strong and face the battle

    In the power of His might.

  • capinva
    capinva Member Posts: 53
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning

    I haven't had posted in several weeks, life got hectic. School ended this week and now I can get caught up on the things that just kept piling up with the end of the year testing.

    I saw the ONC and this chemo treatment is really working. I know God orchestrated this treatment plan and I am so thankful to be feeling good and have energy to do more things that are normal. Our God is awesome.

    Even though I may not post often I do pray for you ladies. I am sorry to hear about Lucy.

    Footprints thank you for your lovely poems. I love reading all of them. I have a lot of reading to catch up on. I just wanted everyone to know that I am here and doing well. Praying for all and I hope and pray everyone has a great Lord's day and Father's day.


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2016

    Good morning, ladies"..

    Nancy and Char, thanks so much for checking on and letting us know about Lucy and her husband. I went back and reread several PM that I had from her. What a wonderful, encouraging lady she was. She lived in ABQ in earlier years and we spoke about going back there ( those long time folks here know that my husband' sgrandchildren live there, along with his oldest son). She always had words of comfort and encouragement for us. I know she is with Jesus, free from pain,worry, and earthly sorrow.

    God's blessings today on all of you and your families. We serve the greatest Father of all....and give thanks for our earthly fathers, who worked hard and sacrificed earthly things. I was blessed with a Godly father whose humble spirit was such an example for all.

    Praying for all today...for a day without pain and side effects.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited June 2016



    This was their little dog, Millie who they had to put down last year. All in God's timing.


    They loved to go camping.


    A loving and happy couple. Together forever now.

    Thank you Char for providing these pictures from Facebook.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited June 2016

    While I am a recent visitor to these forums and didn't know of Sue, I'm sorry for the loss you are all feeling and I will pray for all of those who are losing dear friends and family. One of my dearest friends, Rosemary, is fighting a different terminal cancer right now and I can't image how awful it will be for her family a and friends when she loses this battle. She has such a beautiful uplifting spirit.

    I came to this forum today to thank all of you who have been praying for the woman and her daughter with MBC. I've been searching the other forums for news but so far, I've found nothing. I'm sure they need our continued prayers.

    I also came to praise God for giving me such beautiful summer days and the knowledge to appreciate what a gift they are to us. I haven't really shared a lot of my story but I had BC 25 years ago and after surgery, chemo and five yrs. of tamoxifen, I've been having a wonderful life, married to a loving man for almost 56 yeas with 4 great kids, in law kids and 10 amazing grandchildren. Now, the BC has come back in my lungs, and needless to say, I've had a very hard time dealing with it. But, lately, I can feel my spirit being lifted and I know it's the prayers of many family and friends, as well as here on these forums that are helping me to enjoy life again and look forward to many more years of Joy. As I was walking the other day, I was thinking I couldn't remember a summer day I've enjoyed more and for that I am praising God.

    I hope you all can feel Joy and God,'s healing graces today and always.

    Love, Faith

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited June 2016

    Thanks Nancy and Char for finding out about Lucy and sharing the pics. My heart broke and still breaks at this news as we PMd often. I have missed her banners, words of comfort and encouragement she always had for each of us. She like many here are an awesome example of faith and hope. I am sad in this temporal space to lose such a light of hope and encouragement. However, I rejoice and praise God that she and Steve are with Jesus, free from pain,worry, and earthly issues that they had to face. That she has met our Lord and Savior our King of Kings. My condolences to her children, family, friends and co-workers. My the seed she planted be watered by others so that God will get the increase in her children's lives. All that knew Lucy on this thread understood that her continued prayer was that her Children would come to know Christ.

    God bless all and may he continue to richly bless each of you. Continuous prayers for each of you in active treatment. Praying for those that are able to move beyond this journey.

    Jo, continue prayers for pain relieve and manage.

    SheAngel and Jo, praying for the church situation.

    She will miss you much on this thread! Praying that you will stop by every once n a while to say hello and provide w praise report! Congrats on your husbands promotion

    Love across the miles,


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2016

    Thank you for sharing the picture. It makes me sad. I know God gives us what we need when we need it, but I can't imagine being a couple where both partners were dealing with cancer at the same time. It was hard enough being on again off again with my husband when we were sick. But it would give you unique insight. Hopefully, they were able to find comfort in each other until the end.

    There are days where I am overwhelmingly happy, and those where I am overwhelmingly sad. Today has been both. Life is so fleeting. I know that we all start dying the moment we are born, but growing older and having cancer brings it right home some days. I don't know how people without faith do it. I know I couldn't.

    Blessings my sisters

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited June 2016

    Amen to those verses! Thank you for posting them Joanne. Today has been a day of losses and reminders of people we've lost. In addition to Lucy another mbc patient lady in the closed facebook group I belong to passed away this morning. She was full of vitality and was a guiding light in the fight for more research for a cure. She will be missed. Sarita Joy Jordan.

    Today also marks the 2nd Father's day without my father. Alberto Ayala passed away on March 6th 2015. I was blessed by God to be at his death bed and be able to say my good byes and ask for forgiveness. I pray I may be able to see him again someday in Heaven.

    Praying also for all the victims and their families from the Orlando tragedy. I live in Orando and there isn't anyone that hasn't been touched one way or another by this. Yesterday in my church, the theme was HOPE. HOPE that someday all the tragedies, death and pain will cease to exist forever.

    Thank you ladies for being here.


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited June 2016

    God's faithfulness we've known throughout the years,

    His oneness with us in our joys and tears;

    So many times the Lord has helped us through,

    Has answered prayer and given strength anew. F Hess

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited June 2016

    When I die

    When I die, sing no sad song for me,

    And cry no tears for you see, My death

    will be a kind of a pleasure for me. Because

    I will be no more pain I will be set free!

    Don't stand by my grave and wonder why?

    Why this person had to die. Because I will

    be with Jesus and my love ones You see,

    And oh how happy I will be. By Debbie

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited June 2016

    oh Nancy. :(

    I was so saddened to read the news you shared on Lucy and her husband both passing away. My heart felt condolences to their family and friends. Lucy like Kath were on the Triple Negative boards and both reached out to me via private message to encourage me to join you all. Lucy was always so bright and loving and I never saw any posts from her that didn't encourage you even when she was asking for prayers and it seemed hopeless, she still chose to trust in God. It's examples like hers and so many of you on here that help the next generation to stand firm in the faith, fight the good fight & remember that we are daughters of the King of Kings!!!! May all those that knew and loved her be comforted as they grieve. We have the hope of meeting her & her husband & we will stand in the gap believing that every single family member will be with her one day!!! She is home now in the presence of the King!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2016

    I am so sorry to have been off this wonderful thread so long!!

    Nancy, thank you for your prayers for my son and DIL!! I so appreciate your prayers and encouragement!! So glad you are swimming again!! So sad to hear about Lucy and her husband!

    Joanne, thank you for your wonderful and encouraging posters! Prayers for continued healing!!

    Praying for you all!!