thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2016

    Ah Nancy, you remember such details. Hug My butterflies and ladybugs (big smile). Thank you so much! I hope your GI problems are doing much better. The pics are beautiful. I hope the mod's can change this thread as you suggest as I have had many about this thread and the initial shy away from it due to the "over" 60. There are not many spiritually focused threads on this site where we an openly proclaim your faith while still being "mortal" and admitting our fears, anxieties and concerns. I also love the closeness of this group and the compassion. Let me now if you need assistance is stating the case.

    Jo, I pray that you are feeling better with minimal pain. Also praying for your friend with kidney problems and the family.

    A8PG, congrats on the anniversary and Live it up.

    ARCats, praying for your co-workers family and friends and all that knew him. May they lean on our Heavenly Father during this difficult time.

    Joy, I have went before the throne of Grace for your mother, your sister and yuo. Praying for your family's strength and provisioning as you care for your mother. BTW, when I joined this thread that was my first question. Can I join? I am not 60 but need a thread that is spiritually centered. I was opened with welcomed arms.

    Debbie, as always I love you work and that of others that you post. So uplifiting, encouraging and ministering. Yes there is work for us to do!

    Aurora, thinking and praying for you always.

    Patoo, miss ya. How are you doing.

    Love Across the miles,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    Arcats, prayers for Tony's family and for the loss his coworkers and friends feel. I am sorry that I somehow missed this but as I was rereading the posts I realized I did not mention that but will be praying. I was just getting ready for bed and wanted to check something out and an interview from Lauren Daigle popped up about her losing her grandfather. I felt the Lord leading me to watch this even though it is almost 1:30 in the morning. Her #1 song on the charts I will Trust in You came about during this time of losing her grandfather. It is a great interview if you can find it and for any one who has experienced a loss. I love her attitude regarding that whole grief process.

    I am sorry for your loss.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    Angie, thanks for offering to help with the mods on a name change for this thread. Maybe if it came from several of us then they would listen. My issue was they have our thread buried under the over 60 thread so it makes it even more difficult for anyone to find us I think. Let's pray about this. I don't think there is anyone on this thread that would object to our including all ages on this thread. As I have mentioned before the intent when this thread started was being motivated by other factors that have nothing to do with the thread now.

    If anyone has any input on this let's have a discussion. All of us make this thread alive so we should have a say in how we want to move forward.



  • ARCats
    ARCats Member Posts: 105
    edited July 2016

    To Nancy and to all those that have been praying for Tony's family and friends, Thank you.

    I think it's a positive move to include all ages. It's sad to think that there are younger people that are dealing with BC, but they're out there. It's possible if the thread is worded differently they would be more incline to join in and ask for prayers, or would just post with us about their experience.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2016

    Good morning ladies,

    I agree that a change in name for our thread would be a good idea. Mixing ages would give younger women a seasoned mentor to support them as well as interaction with peers with bc issues. Even at my age, I had few folks I could talk to about my emotions and medical issues, since I knew few women who would talk openly about breast cancer. Fewer still were Christian women. I visit and read this thread daily...and pray. Other than contact the moderators, is there any thing else we can do?

    Nancy, thanks again for the gorgeous pictures. All of you that send out banners and pictures...thank you! God uses so many different ways to encourage and strengthen us!

    Hoping all have a good weekend...for some God-centered inspirational patriotic thoughts, check out David Barton's website, Wallbuilders.

    Love you all...Ellen

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2016

    The name of the thread I believe is fine. It is where it is located that many may not find it if they were not invited like a lot of us younger ones were. There is always the option to start a new thread under the spirituality forum. Which will then allow this thread to remain. I ran into another member (and others earlier in my journey) who are my age and hadn't thought about looking under this forum and searched the spiritually forum to find a thread similar to this. Again maybe the route is to start another thread

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2016

    Following Him

    Have you ever had the privilege

    Of seeing a shepherd lead his sheep?

    They may not know their destination,

    But feel his love within his keep.

    He may lead them from the mountain top

    Into the valley below...

    To escape the brutal winds,heat,or snow.

    They follow to plentiful pasture

    And safety of the fold.

    If any lamb becomes fearful,

    In his arms he'll lift and hold.

    So it is with God and us---

    He's the Shepherd of our lives.

    All we have to do is follow;

    He is the answer to our cries.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    Good evening dear ladies,

    I have been silent letting those of you who wanted to express their views regarding the name of this thread and the issues surrounding that do so. I have been praying about it and have many unsettling thoughts now. I am very hesitant to say too much when this is so public. One thing I didn't realize is at the beginning of this thread it says basic contradictions. It says Middle Aged to Older Christian Women but then says it is for those older than 60 and the forums are age appropriate. I don't think I noticed that. I did know that our thread got buried under the over 60 year old topics and I am pretty sure it didn't use to be there.

    Our thread has a lot of history and I really would be sad to see us leave that thread for another. I think reading back even years ago and reading what was said can be helpful. Some may want to go back just to see what the thread was like when it started. We have a precious history of an obviously caring and compassionate group of women which even though it changes with different ladies over time those characteristics seems to stay the same. I think that is what attracts new people to our thread.

    I have been on a online worship board many years ago for fibromyalgia. Things went along pretty well and then I think it eventually became outright spiritual warfare. Witches took over the thread after I left it and ruined the Christian aspect and it ended up being shut down. We shared a closeness like I feel we have on this thread and it did not last.

    I have read some of the atheistic views from some of the ladies on the other threads. As the world goes and their view of Christians I don't think it is any different on BCO in general.

    If I thought we could have a way to make known to others that we are open to all ages of Christian ladies without jeopardizing what we have I think many of us would be all for that. I have thought about starting a new thread and then direct the ladies to our thread but I am not sure if I could put a link with our topic where they could just click on it and take them to our thread here. There is another thread that called 40-60ish or something like that. They are not listed like we are and it is not a Christian thread. I think that thread started give or take a year either before or after ours startedI . Maybe that would be a problem of getting those threads mixed up.

    In some ways Joanne's comment if it isn't broke don't try to fix it may be a wise comment. I know that some of you were invited to this thread by others on here. I think that is a good thing if you feel someone on another thread is a Christian. I do not see any reason to have any age barriers.

    I feel very restricted in what I would like to say and maybe it could be said in an email instead. If the thread gets too big it is somewhat like a small group in a church. Once there is too many people it can lose a lot. I was feeling that a bit this year and it is one of the big reasons I never updated the prayer list. We used to be able to keep track of everyone and call out a search and rescue if we hadn't heard from someone in a few days. Now that isn't quite possible because there are many ladies on this thread. Some have chosen to post only occasionally and some may not even check in for months at a time. When I first came on this thread two years ago there was a core of ladies who really did pray for each other. From that I started posting prayer needs and listing everyone on the thread so it would make it easy to pray for all our ladies. Our thread has gone through some big changes this past 12 months and sometimes I have no idea what the Lord is doing. When i think it has slowed down to a crawl the Lord breathes life into it again. I see this as the Lord's thread. I don't know what the future holds but I pray that when new people come on and continue to say the positive things they do about this thread that we must be doing something that pleases the Lord. That is my hope for this thread that we can be pleasing to God and lift up and encourage those who need it and that we can be a little community bound together with the common bond that we all love Jesus and realize that we are nothing without Him. I pray that the Love we have for the Lord will translate into love and compassion for our fellow sisters in Christ and that we can be lifted up each day as we come here and read banners and scriptures and look at beautiful pictures of God's creation and we can share our talents and gifts with each other whether it be a poem or a heartfelt post or a quick I am praying for you statement.

    It is very late and I must get to bed. I realize with this being a Holiday weekend many may not be reading for a few days but I do hope those who consider themselves an integral part of this thread will read eveyone's post and let us know your feelings.

    Have a great night and a happy and safe 4th of July. Sunday is my churches 49 anniversary which coincides with the July 4 so we have a big festival tomorrow all day and night which concludes with an outdoor Christian concert and fireworks. It will be a fun time.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2016

    Beautiful Debbie!

    Praying for all this holiday weekend.

    I lift up those going through chemo. Remove all anxiety and I ask that you comfort them. I pray for minimal to no side effects and pain. Those that are awaiting surgery fill them with your peace and surround them with your love. Remind them that you are Jehovah-Rapha and the great physician. That you Lord God will guide the surgeons hands and with pin point accuracy remove the right number of lymph nodes, get clean margins and ensure mastectomy are without any complications. Those that are in radiation Lord I pray that you protect the skin and that there be no to minimal skin issues and that there is no fatigue or any complications. Lord my sisters that are post treatment continue to strengthen them as they recover or adjust to any hormonal treatment. Father I ask that you strengthen each of us as we walk these journey before, during and after treatment. Father my sisters that will be in treatment for the rest of their lives I am praying for no progression and NED for many years to come. Praying for the families and support teams. Strengthen, comfort and let them rest in your bosom. Bless anyone that is hurting or facing fear. I ask that you send your ministering angels and encamp them about and let them know your Word promises that You will never leave them nor forsake them. Wrap them in your loving arms as they rest in your bosom to be refilled and guided in thoughts of peace, joy and comfort. This I ask in Jesus Name. Amen.

    All have a blessed holiday weekend. Be safe and praying that each of you enjoy family.

    Love across the miles,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2016

    Amen to Angie's prayer. My opinion only....I dont think we should mess with the name of this thread. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    That is a beautiful post Debbie. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.

    Angie, a beautiful prayer and I saw amen to that. I have some new butterfly pics I will post later.

    Joanne, amen to your banner. Praying you can rest and relax and take some me time now.

    Thanks for all of your input. I am still praying about the situation but my feeling at the moment is that we should not do anything drastic to change anything.

    Have a wonderful and safe holiday.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2016

    I tried to send this last night but somehow I forgot to hit send and deleted the post. I was feeling forlorn over not have any plans for the 4th of July holiday and as I was lying there last night my husband and I started to hear some loud noises and looked out the front window to see that our neighbor had set up his own personal fireworks display right in front of our house on his property. What a wonderful gift from God who shows me he always gives me everything I need, even fireworks. I am so grateful. We also had a wonderful sermon at church this morning. It really spoke to me as it talked about detours in our life plans. I'm sure we can all relate to the detours we've experienced over the last years with our health issues. God has used every bit of them for His glory and for our good. I wish you all a blessed Sunday and a blessed holiday may God bless our country and bring us back to the center of His will. Love, Jean

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited July 2016

    Angie, amen to your prayer and thank you for remember to include those of us in permanent treatment. Jean, I can relate to having your own private fireworks show as that's exactly what happened to me last New Year's Eve.

    Thank all for keeping on praying for all of us. My vote is for not changing the name or anything about this thread.


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited July 2016

    Just popping in to say hello. Been a busy week. The dental surgery is healing well and the pain is gone.

    This weekend has been full of hot air balloons, Thunder Birds and fireworks. I can't believe that my twin grand babies are going to be four next weekend.This summer is blowing by.

    I hope you all have a safe and happy 4th of July.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2016

    Also just popping in to say Hello to you all. Prayers going up as I read and as I now type for you all to feel the absolute peace of our Father surrounding your every being. He breathes blessings up, down and all around you. Just reach out and pluck them as needed as they are given freely out of love.

    Though the thread is in the 'Older than 60...' forum and titled 'middle age to older...' I had really forgotten that and have pointed several people here over time without a thought to age so I don't think changing is the answer. People will find it as the Lord directs.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2016

    Happy Independence Day to those here in the USA , and a blessed Monday to others,

    I took awhile last night and read through posts on this thread from the beginning...recognized dear Jo and Patoo as two of the earliest encouragers. As I read the other input from ladies here, along with the earliest posts, I agree with most that we should remain with the same name...I was amazed at the number of younger women who found this, despite the age numbers. I know it has been such a blessing tome these last two years, and pray that more will join us.

    God has truly been gracious to me, and your prayers and posts have shown me how His love is shown through strangers we will never meet here on earth. What a blessed reunion we will have someday...we won't look the same, but we're supposed to be able to recognize other saints!

    When you think of it, please say a prayer for my son, who is still unemployed; my husband, who is struggling with health issues and waiting for God to show him the next step in ministry, and for me, as I deal with increasing pain from hip arthritis. I read the posts and prayer requests everyday, and pray for you according to need.

    You are all so special....May God wrap you in His loving arms, and give you peace and freedom from pain.

    Love, Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    Hi Ellen,

    Thanks for input regarding our thread. I do continue to pray for Clyde and Stephen and will be praying for your hip pain. I was thinking that your long range planning was to have your other hip surgery in the fall. Is that still the plan? I know the prospect of going through all of this again has to be pretty daunting but you will get through this just like you have gotten through your other health challenges. We will be praying.

    My exciting news is that "my swans" have three new babies. I think they might be about two weeks old as I have been checking in on them. I tried to get some pics yesterday but they are very protective at this point of their little ones and don't stay in the water long. I had hoped to try again today but haven't felt great today. I have worn myself out going on photo opps and concerts this whole week. It has been fun but very tiring. I am resting up for the fireworks tonight.



  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited July 2016

    Good evening dear sisters in Christ,

    I know that there are a lot of discussionson name changes and such for our group and I trust completely that the Lord will do as He wants for this since it's His thread really. So as someone who is 41, I've been coming here since age 39, I really enjoy the conversations, the true blessing of women standing together in prayer & encouragement. Most importantly the thing that ties our hearts together is our love for our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. As you know I was invited here and didn't find this thread very easily when scrolling through the board names. Even so I feel I need to pass on the kindness that was shown to me by Kath & Lucy. They sought me out by being in other boards with me. I will do the same & invite others the Lord puts on my heart to come and hear the message of the good news. I submit to the authority on here and will do what you all feel is best.

    God bless you all & God bless America.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    Thank you G. I hope you had a wonderful anniversary/4th of July celebration. I remember finding this thread in the wee hours of the morning when i couldn't sleep. I did not understand about setting threads as favorites at the time and I remember going back to find the thread and having a lot of trouble. I have heard some of the ladies in the past say that they definitely felt like the Lord directed them to this thread. I would like to think that is how everyone got here either by invitation and leading through another sister or by the Holy Spirit. I definitely feel that if the Lord wants someone here He will make a way for them to find us and keep finding us.

    I know a Bible study I used to be in when I was a new teacher at the church I was attending had the most mixed age group of any group I have ever been in since then. It was such a blessing. I formed long lasting friends with several of the ladies and after years and years later we still keep in contact with each other. We had high school kids, a very old woman and many of us 20 somethings and middle aged people. The beauty of this group wad that we had different perspectives but had the love of Jesus as our Savior as the bond that held us together. We came from different walks of life but that didn't matter.

    I would like to think that this thread has some of that as well. We certainly have diversity in the fact that we live in all four corners of this country and some from other countries. We have different cultures and races represented and certainly different denominations. It certainly has been a very special bunch of ladies and my prayer is that this thread will continue to thrive for many years to come and to bless and encourage ladies as they go through their bc dx and their treatment journey. We have lost several ladies on this thread in the short time I have been here. I think that has possibly allowed us to get closer. There really is something special about having the Lord in our hearts and having a challenging diagnosis in common as well. It is different than my relationship with my Christian friends. There is an understanding that goes deep into our souls that we may not share with either our family or our friends who have not been down this path before. That is what makes this thread so very special. There are definitely support groups out there but to find a Christian support group like this may be harder to find.

    I know you all have made my life much richer for having sisters to share our concerns and our joys with each day. It is a place you can always go day or night and know that someone will respond when they see your post.

    I love all of you and I hope this thread continues to thrive and to grow with the ultimate goal of lifting up Jesus and recognizing that we have LIFE because of HIM. We also have the comfort in knowing that when our life ends on this earth it will continue with the Lord for eternity and we will get to see each other and to meet in heaven if not before. I don't understand how it will all work but I just know that it will.

    God Bless all of you and have a good night and a good week.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    Joanne, thank you for reminding us of our country's Godly heritage in your banners. If ever there was a time that we need to pray for the healing of our country I would say that time is NOW. It is so important that we pray for our leaders and our leaders who will be newly elected sooner than we think. It is time for Christians to stand up for what they believe in.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2016

    Today I am very grateful for having been able to take a broken up 2 mile walk outside. The weather was a bit cloudy and breezy which made it perfect. I'm also grateful that I have the opportunity this afternoon to attend our chronic disease support group at church. God is so good. Praying that all of us have a beautiful day in the Lord with lessening pain and more healing. Love, Jean

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited July 2016

    Nancy, you definitely describe how precious this group has become for me, I visit other threads but thanks to you all since I started coming here my walk with God has been strengthened. I thank God and all of you to have put this group in the middle of BCO and I pray that He continues guiding others to come who may be needing the kind of support I've found here.

    Praying for all of you to have a peaceful pain free week.


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited July 2016

    Nancy and Aurora, you both describe a lot of the things I feel about this thread. It is a place to come and share and know that others will understand your fears your prayers and your hopes. As a fairly recent member here, I've been reluctant to share my thoughts on the name change. Also, I am most definitely in the older woman category and that is how I found this thread but I'm very glad younger women are finding us as I feel I can somehow offer hope to those facing this battle for the first time. I also believe that God will help those who need this special place to find us.

    I don't post often but I always read your thoughts and prayers and keep you all in my prayers.

    Faith (in the future)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    Aurora and Faith, I am glad that you echo my feelings about this thread. I know both of you have ongoing treatments and I am glad that there is a thread you can feel support and prayer from. PTL

    Joanne, praying you feel much better today.

    Jean, keep up that walking. That is so good for exercise.

    I pray that you ladies have a great day. It is raining here today and we need the rain so much so I am thankful for that.




  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited July 2016

    Hello all. I'm feeling well and enjoying the sunshine, even though we really need rain.

    Please pray for a dear friend. He retired 2 years ago and was loving his life. About two months ago he was diagnosed with colon cancer. They moved him to hospice today. He is not expected to last long. He is asking for a peaceful transition to his heavenly home, and for his family as they go through this difficult time.


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited July 2016

    Amen! Thanks Joanne.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    Good evening dear ladies,

    Mini, prayers for your retired friend who is in hospice. Praying that he will not be in a lot of pain and will be able to go peacefully.

    Joanne, prayers for Frank in his recovery and for his poor wife who has so much on her plate right now. It is a miracle that he has even survived his ordeal. I am thankful for that but I know he has a long ways to go. I pray for strength for Shirley who is trying to hold it all together and I am sure is stressed beyond belief. I pray that the Lord will get them through this very difficult time and I pray that many will come forward to help them in this crisis and am glad to hear their church is bringing in meals.

    Have a good night dear ladies.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2016

    Please pray for complete healing for Linsey. My daughter's friends dtr. She was in an accident on her 4 wheeler and destroyed her leg in a severe twisting fracture. She had surgery on Tuesday and they have saved her leg but faces a lot of rehab and long recovery. Prayed for Jo and Mini's friends.

    I am grateful that my kitty is home and doing well after her dental surgery. Love, Jean