thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    Thanks Aurora.

    Jean, I have been praying for your daughter and her family. She will get through this difficult time.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2016

    Thank you my dear sisters. They are submitting the paperwork and waiting for a bed for Alexia. Valentina is a bit better. I have a little less congestion. Grateful and praising God. Love, Jean

  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474
    edited July 2016

    Hello, I am 44 and found this forum just tonight after praying over my beautiful seven year old, asleep after a busy, but happy day. I was worried about our country, my health, his future, finances, safety (fussing if I should keep my next appointment or not just realizing it's downtown the same week as the RNC where they are expecting so much trouble). I still have pain after round of taxotere that wrapped up ladt month and though radiology oncologist felt nothing last week at her three month checkup and that its from treatment, I am so scared it spread to my lungs or ribs (not likely given I had clean scans six months ago, before surgery, radiation and chemo). I dont like backing up my appointment even by a few days!

    Anyway, there was a lot mentioned about God guiding people here and I just want to thank LadyB1234 who I found in another thread with a similar diagnosis. I think of my favorite bible quote of late, I leave you peace, my peace I leave you. Oh how I have longed for peace, especially since my original diagnosis. I stumble upon it now and then and I truly try not to be so anxious...thankfully there's attivan and ambien for the many days my faith falls short (medicines come from the earth and the sensible will not despise them)

    I've read some very kind and loving thoughts and prayers here tonight. Thank you all and God bless you. I will add this to my favorites....

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    Welcome 7of 9. I am glad that you found us. We have had quite a discussion lately with the age thing. We are definitely open to all ages here and we have a lady now that is younger than you are. I am sorry for what you are going through. All of us on this thread have dealt with fear. We are a Christian thread and ladies of faith but we are human and we are not perfect. I think most of us here believe that God put doctors on this earth to help us get through many of our health challenges and there are drugs for a reason. I take Anastrozole as I see you do as well. I had such terrible insomnia after taking it that I have to take Ambien every night now. It is what it is. I don't feel any less of a Christian because the lack of estrogen has caused sleep difficulties. I don't like that I have to depend on this drug but it is what I have to do to sleep. Angie (LadyB1234) is a wonderful woman of God and I am glad you have already met her.

    The Bible says that He is made strong in our weakness. I definitely believe that. This thread is all about encouragement, faith building and praying for each other so you have come to the right place if you are seeking those things. If your dr apt is near the RNC then i could understand your concerns given the state of events in our country lately. Be safe.

    Feel free to post anytime as there are great woman of faith here. Have a good night.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    Good afternoon dear ladies,

    In my Bible and prayer time today I felt impressed to post this question to you.

    How can I be a blessing to others today?



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited July 2016

    Nancy you are already a blessing by your presence here. Me? I'm just trying to pray for each one as the posts come up.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2016

    My granddaughter was not accepted into the orogram. According to my daughter she is not crazy enough! Please pray that something opens up for her to get her the help she needs. God's perfect will. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2016

    Good evening ladies,

    I returned home today from a wonderful ministers' wives retreat. While there, I learned that our retreat chairman, Renea, had just finished radiation treatment for breast cancer. I was able to catch up to her andtalk with her. I was glad I could encourage her....she kept right on her entertainment and church schedule throughout. She is a Christan comedienne as well as a clown and a soloist. What strength the Lord has given her and an inspiring testimony as well

    I have not heard anymore from my friend Denise. Please continue to keep her in prayer.

    Praying for all of you...Ellen

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited July 2016

    Nancy, I agree with Aurora, you are a blessing to us all daily!

    Reading posts tonight. Welcome 7of9! We are here to support each other and praise God for all our blessings. We know He watches over us and guides our lives.

    Praying for all requests and that all are having a peaceful week.

    I have been very busy with company and now having my 11 year old granddaughter here for another week is truly a blessing. We have done several crafts and I am teaching her to cross stitch. Today we went shopping and found some cute clothes for her to start middle school. Fun!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    Aurora and Lynn, you are sweet to say your kind words. Thank you. You all are such a blessing to me for sure.

    Jean, I am sure sorry to hear that Alexia was not accepted into this program. Praying that she will get help from some place soon.

    Lynn, enjoy your granddaughter. You are getting some precious bonding time with her and that is such a blessing for both of you.

    Ellen, I have prayed for you several times this week and I am glad you had a good conference and a chance to give another bc survivor some encouragement. I pray that you have been renewed and recharged. Continued prayers for a job for Stephen and a pastoral position for Clyde.

    Ladies, as I have shared in the past I have continued to have unresolved GI issues that started in March. It has been a roller coaster ride that I felt like I had had enough and need to deal with this further. My pcp initial tests in April showed nothing but obviously something is wrong. My gastro doctor was booked clear through the end of Oct so I am seeing his PA tomorrow. There is another hitch. If I can't get the scopes in before Jan then my new insurance will not pay for it. I start Medicare next month and will go into the plan from the State offered to retired teachers but that won't kick in until Jan and the enrollment is not until the fall so knowing exactly what will be offered is still a question mark. I did call one of the plans today which I would most likely go into if still offered and my gastro is not in the plan.

    I would appreciate your prayers that I can get some answers and some relief and wisdom in knowing how to proceed with new doctors. I have already emailed my pcp and ask for a recommendation. Please pray that I can get these scopes done in the near future I will know what I am dealing with.

    Have a good night dear sisters.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    Psalm 16:11New King James Version (NKJV)

    11 You will show me the path of life;
    In Your presence is fullness of joy;
    At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited July 2016

    Nancy: AMEN to the banner and the passage.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    Good evening dear sisters,

    I finally got a diagnosis after months of GI issues. The day I visited the flower and garden show on March 19 I ate a salad at a food court. I was not familiar with any of these places and had never been there before. More than likely there was some bacteria or something that caused me to get so sick that next day and the following week. I have hobbled along with colon issues for weeks and then it seemed to travel to my stomach. I had looked this up before and thought maybe it was what I have. The doctor didn't use the word Chronic but I have seen it listed as Chronic Post Infectious IBS. Basically that means that there was some initial food poisoning or some such thing and then that resolves but bacteria is left in the colon and turns into IBS. It can last for months as mine already has. I have seen some people talk about it lasting for years. The doctor said this could last for months and then said it already has for you. I have been given some meds to see how this will work when I need them. I am not sick every day and I have had some days all in a row of feeling good and thinking it was over only to have the next week of feeling miserable. I have had my insomnia issues resurfacing and last night I got very little sleep and I know it is clouding everything that I feel tonight. I am upset and angry. I am not mad at God. I don't know if I have ever felt that. I am just angry at the devil perhaps. I loved the PA that I saw for the first time. Unfortunately when the end of the year comes these doctors will not be covered by my new insurance so I will have to start from scratch. I have seen my gastro doctor for many years and he is top notch. The good news is she (PA) did not think I needed any of the scopes so that was a total relief. I was not due for two more years on those anyway.

    I would appreciate your prayers for wisdom in doing whatever I can to move forward and not have this totally disrupt my life as it has been doing.

    When I posted that banner early this morning when I couldn't sleep I didn't know how appropriate it was going to be for me. In fact when I was in the week of getting my bc dx the Lord gave me that verse as if He were standing right in front of me. He said to me I will never leave you or forsake you. I certainly know that was true in my bc journey and it will be true for me and you moving forward in whatever we are facing.

    I know many of you are dealing with much worse things than I have and I apologize if I sound like I am whining.

    Have a good night's rest dear ladies.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited July 2016

    Nancy, I'm sorry you're dealing with this on top of what you went through with bc. I can certainly understand you being angry about this. You are a much better person than me for I have in the past sinned by blaming God for my troubles. I have since turned around and what has helped is remembering that He is greater than my anger and loves me inspite of it. I am not saying you are angry at Him I'm just saying if you do don't feel guilty, sometimes our humanness gets the best of us. That being said I will pray that you can reach remission with this illness so that you can resume your normal life, and if that not be God's will, then I will pray for Him to give you the strength to deal with it. I know it's easier said than done but put yourself in His hands and rest. I will pray for that as well.

    I'm there with you in Spirit.


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2016

    Nancy, thanking God you know what the root cause is. praying for healing for you. are not whining! Here for you and praying.

    Jean, praying for your family and that your granddaughter finds a place that will accept her. Praying for strength, patience and peace of mind as you look for the right place.

    All, praying for all requests spoken and even those unspoken! Praying fort those in active treatment that there are minimal to no side effects, that you are able to rest and recover and that your medical team is supportive, shares information readily and praying for the strength of your household and family.

    Love Across the miles,


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2016

    7of9, welcome! So glad to see you here! I am praying for you as you go through treatment and also for your family and specifically your child. I love the scripture that you have been leaning to. If it was not for the peace that he gives us/me I not sure how I would have made it. It is his peace that keeps me anchored in the midst of the storm -- and I believe he has given us medicine for these earthly bodies and to take when needed. I am often directed to take Ativan and Ambien when needed and lean to the medical community that he has equipped to deal with my pain that waxes and wanes.

    Please continue to visit here and share your thoughts and prayers. What I like about this thread it is more than quotation of scriptures and a rosy picture of life. Those here share how yet wrestle with our fear, anxiety, mental and emotional state, physical pain, fatigue other "human" things that this journey throws in our path. Yet we encourage and help each other to stand strong in our faith and continue to trust and walk with our Heavenly Father and there are many times we encourage each other to just lay in His bosom for healing, rest and comfort. For he will renew our strength.

    Can't wait to get to know you better "virtually" and praying for you.

    Love Across the MIles,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    Thank you Aurora and Angie and Joanne. I woke up today with a heavy heart but I just told myself the only thing different is there is a word attached now to how and why I feel the way I do. Jesus overcame the world and He will overcome this "word" attached to me. I will press on as I always have and Jesus and I will walk through this together. There is no other way to do this without being totally defeated so I am choosing to walk with Jesus and have Him give me the wisdom and strength I need to go through another challenge.

    Thank you all for praying with me and supporting me. It means the world to me.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    2 Corinthians 12:9 New International Version (NIV)

    9 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

    In My Jesus Calling devotional today this phrase jumped off the page at me. "Throw off this oppressive burden (worry) with one quick thrust of trust."

    Have a good day dear ladies.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    Amen to that post Joanne.

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited July 2016

    Amen Joanne! Both songs are lovely, but I never knew of the origin of Because He lives, it certainly shows how in the face of adversity God is in control and gives us peace.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    Joanne, I am attaching this to go along with your post. This was obviously recorded some time ago as some of the people are now with the Lord but the relevance is still the same because GOD NEVER CHANGES. This video is so uplifting. Please take a moment to listen. We need to hear that God is still in control no matter how crazy this world we are in now seems out of control. We can face tomorrow because.....................



  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947
    edited July 2016

    Nancy, I am glad you finally made some headway with your issues. I have been really busy lately with work so I have not been around much. I think and pray for all of you often. Your diagnosis reminds me of something a physician said to me a long time ago. I was traveling out of the country. She told me to take pepto bismol with me and always keep some in the house. If you eat something and start to have mild stomach issues take it for a couple of days. until all symptoms are gone. She said it can save you from a lot of grief later.

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited July 2016

    Amen! Joanne, thank you for posting!

  • ARCats
    ARCats Member Posts: 105
    edited July 2016

    Hello everyone, it never seems to be enough hours in a day to do everything that my heart desires to do. I always do read and pray for the needs that are posted, but with my job and recently my family moving, I've stretch myself thin.

    Nancy, I'm sorry what you're going through and I'm praying for healing, or that whatever your feeling subsides.

    Jean, I was praying for Alexia and your daughter, only God know why things play out the way they do. Keep praying.

    7of9, welcome to a group of ladies that have a heart and love for the Lord. And as someone else mentioned, we also bring the human part which are the trials of life that we deal with on a daily basis here for prayer. So please feel comfortable and post your needs, because someone will be praying.

    Joanne, thank you for reminding us of that beautiful song. When I came back to the Lord after many years of being away that was one of the first songs that I listen to over and over again. It was special then and will continue being special in my life.

    To all the other ladies and sisters in Christ, God Bless and know that you're all in my prayers.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016

    Good evening dear ladies,

    Joanne, thanks for your banners and your prayers.

    Glenda (Brutersmom) thank you for your input. I know GI issues can be so tricky and unpredicatable.

    Arcats, thank you for your prayers and concern. It sounds like you have a lot going on for sure. We appreciate your posts.

    Good news. I had my almost all day photography workshop today. It was a very long day but it was a great workshop and I didn't have any GI issues at all, praise God. I was with a friend and I just said if I start having a lot of pain I will just have to leave but I made it through. I haven't had an all day class like that for many years. So I considered it a huge victory and thank you for your prayers. I am absolutely worn out but thankful I was able to go.

    Have a good night dear sisters,



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited July 2016


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited July 2016

    Beautiful Nancy. Amen, Lord I acknowledge You in my life, please let your presence be felt by all in my family and all of us who have gone through or are going through trials, tribulations and illnesses. In the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen!
