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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited June 2011
    Thanks AteamNana My treatment went well I feel pretty  well a little sore and tired but had prayer at church last night and I believe God brought me through.
  • ATeamNana
    ATeamNana Member Posts: 224
    edited June 2011

    HE is SOOO good....I'll keep you in my prayers.


    I have 4 grandsons and our last name begins with A and my son was an ATeam fan so he has his ATeam and I'm the nana Wink

  • LiveFreeinNH
    LiveFreeinNH Member Posts: 22
    edited June 2011

    Thank you ATeamNana. It went pretty well except they had to return me to surgery to clean up some bleeders..not fun. anaethesia 2X really did a number on my throat and I am very sore from coughing but the surgery sight doesn't hurt much. Vicodine and I do not get along! Trying to go with motrin,

    Thanks for your prayers.

  • LiveFreeinNH
    LiveFreeinNH Member Posts: 22
    edited June 2011
    Dr.  phoned me with the Pathology reports a few minutes ago.
    No invasive cells were present only DCIS cells which had wide margins and all nodes were negative for cancer.
    Praise God
    Thank you all so much for all your prayers

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited June 2011

    Glad to hear the good news.  God is so Good to us we can not tell it all.  I will keep you in prayer it never hurts the more the better.  God Bless you all.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited June 2011

    LiveFree: Congrats, that is great news!

    Jo: Glad you are ok also. I'm so paranoid about bites and scratches on my LE arm too!

    ATeam: Thank you, I'm doing well. So far, so good with this new chemo.

    Our God is an awesome God and is there watching over us all!

  • LiveFreeinNH
    LiveFreeinNH Member Posts: 22
    edited June 2011

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited June 2011

    Hi Gals,

     I haven't been on in a long time.  Glad to read the praise reports and praying for those with current struggles.  I also am requesting prayer.  I almost passed out at work this week while giving a presentation for a training session.  My heart rate jumped to over 200 bpm and the edges of my vision began to go black.  I have tacharythmia and when my heart rate jumps like that I nearly faint before it returns to normal.  My cardiologist has given me three options:

    1. Take the beta blocker that causes me to be extremely fatigued.

    2. Be admitted to the hospital for 5 days to be monitored while receiving Flecanide (which can cause tachycardia) and I'd have to continue the medication for the rest of my life.

    3. Have the cardiac ablation procedure to hopefully cure the problem.  It can also potentially damage my heart.

    I have decided to get a second opinion and will see another electrophysiologist/cardiologist.  All three options are rather scary.  I don't want any more surgical procedures right now.  I'm tired and discouraged.  I would really appreciate your prayers.

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited June 2011

    Thanks ladies for the prayer.  Yesterday I went out for the first time I felt good enough our family went to eat at the restaurant I worked at and saw my co workers and they all said they missed me.  I had fish and chips and hope to be able to work there next year if able.  We went to one store in the mall by the time I walk a little I was pooped out.  It sure takes a lot out of you.  Hope you all have a nice weekend.

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2011

    prayers for you Rocket...

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited June 2011

    Yes, get a second opinion, definitely. That never hurts. Sounds like taking the meds would be the least of the evils. Prayers said for you. Let us know what you decide.

  • ATeamNana
    ATeamNana Member Posts: 224
    edited June 2011

    Rocket ... I will keep you in my prayers also...

    Just dropping in to say Hi to all....Prayers for each of you!

    Nana Marsha

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited June 2011

    Hi ladies Just want to say Hello and God Bless and remember I have my 7th chemo today.  I only will have one left after this Praise God.  Keep me in your prays today Thanks

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited June 2011

    Thanks Jo I was up moving around today and feeling pretty good.  It usually starts hurting on Sat praying not as bad as the other ones.  God Bless everyone and hope you all have a great weekend.

  • ATeamNana
    ATeamNana Member Posts: 224
    edited June 2011 glad you are feeling good today... Praying you will not be hurting on Saturday.

    My anxiety level is exremely high today....severe thunderstorms and Hot electrical smell in sunroom do not help:(   We are hoping the electrical issue is from a small refrigerator we have (it was very hot to touch on the sides and compressor very hot to touch) unplugged it and smell is gone..but I'm a worrier and hoping that is all it is.  Please pray I can get my stress levels under control.....Thanks Marsha

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited June 2011

    Marsha: Hope you are doing better. I saw a saying the other day I like: Worry is like a rocking chair. It will keep you busy, but it won't get you anywhere.

    Hang in there!

  • ATeamNana
    ATeamNana Member Posts: 224
    edited June 2011

    LadyinBama...I am better.....

    That is a good saying...and I do know it is true and I try reallyhard to keep my stress and anxiety in control...My sisters favorite saying is: Let Go and Let God...

    but I really struggle with it...I take Xanax to help with the anxiety...

    So far the smell is still gone and I called our electrician and explained to him the circumstances and what the frig was doing and he agreed it "sounded" like that was the issue since the outlets were not warm to the touch and no smoke on them and the storms have passed,  So I'm trying to chill out and not "rock" too much in my chairWink

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited June 2011

    Hi ladies Heading to the beach cottage for a week hope all goes well and no pain keep me in prayer.

  • ATeamNana
    ATeamNana Member Posts: 224
    edited June 2011

    Lynniea....Hope all goes well and NO pain....hope you can relax at the cottage....Marsha

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited June 2011

    Thank you

  • anumacha
    anumacha Member Posts: 61
    edited June 2011

    I think I worry the docs with the thought I trust God to guide me through this rocky journey and He has a life plan for each of us. I feel blessed that I do not have severe side effects and pray that each day will be better for each one of us dealing with BC. I will keep you ladies in my prayers. God Bless!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited June 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    Thank you all for your prayers and advice.  I saw my ob/gyn a little over a week ago and he told me that the Effexor they had put me on for my hot flashes was possibly contributing to the heart racing episodes.  I decided to try and get off it slowly.  I titrated down and this past Friday went off it altogether.  I have been extremely dizzy, exhausted, and am having trouble focusing.  I can't sit at the comptuer long because it makes me feel nauseated to even try to read the screen.  I had to stay home from work yesterday as I was too sick to drive the car.   I have an appointment with the breast surgeon today and my husband will drive me.  My ob/gyn also decided that I should get a second opinion from another cardiologist.  I see him this Thursday.  Please continue to pray for me.  This vertigo is miserable!  I'm so frustrated that I don't feel well.  I've had enough suffering for the past year and a half.  I'm tired of it and want my life back.  Sorry, I guess I should have sent out invitations to my pity party.  Forgive me Lord for my grumbling.  I'm grateful to be alive, please heal me.  Use me for Your kingdom.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited June 2011

    ((((Rocket))): I've said a prayer that they find out what's wrong and fix it soon!

  • anumacha
    anumacha Member Posts: 61
    edited June 2011

    Rocket I pray that you are feeling better - the dizzy motion sickness is the pits. I took effexor long ago and I had to take OTC meclizine(antivert) even for several wks after I stopped. Hot flashes second time around are worse than first time, plus you ladies can chuckle I am short and have lost weight consistently over the last 5 months, 210 to 176 is a blessing, but get this I am contributing to my hot flashes. My pharmacist was just giggling out of water spritz to back of neck and chest helps, drinking cool stuff and I have my gel water collar plus at home I eat popsicles. Embarassed Yep my rosey red cheeks are ever present... i have a good female internist that coordinates my care with my onc. Sometimes God just needs us to do something else for a little while and take care of ourselves. Unfortunately everything one takes reacts differently for each one of can have a rough patch tooFrown it is just part of this crazy journey we share with BC. God bless and I pray they find a way to get things back in control!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited June 2011

    Well I saw the new cardiologist and he is pushing me to get the ablation procedure for my heart.  I'm still resisting.  The vertigo persists, but is getting a little better.  The cardiologist gave me a calcium channel blocker for the tachycardia, and I took one pill and felt so miserable the next day that I was ready for God to come and take me.  I was so weak and exhausted I could barely make it around a small grocery store.  I decided today that I've had enough!  I didn't take the Tiazac again.  I have more surgery scheduled for July 18th to remove some additional breast tissue from my prophylactic side.  The first breast surgeon missed it and my current surgeon suggested removing it to be on the safe side.  They do not suspect cancer fortunately.  I will take the calcium channel blocker prior to the surgery and the following day so my heart won't act up, but I refuse to stay on these drugs that make me feel like life isn't worth living.  It has been a little over a week since getting off the Effexor and my left eye still will not focus.  I'm going to see my eye doctor this week to get a new contact lens to hopefully correct that.  GRRRRR!  The cardiologist said that my heart problem will get worse as I age.  Fine, I'll do something about it after it gets worse.  I just can't take anymore.  Today was the first day that I actully had a little energy.  I still had to take a nap this afternoon.  I have been sleeping better however since getting off the Effexor and strangely enough my hot flashes have decreased instead of increased.  Well at least there is something positive! 

    Yes Jo, I'm on Arimidex and have been for over a year now.  I still have a lot of joint pain.  My trigger thumb has returned in both thumbs.  I had a cortisone shot in the non LE thumb and it helped for a while, but that shot was a painful bugger!  I just put up with the daily pain in most of my joints.  It does become wearisome after a while though.  I won't stop taking Arimidex however.  It helps me feel as if I'm doing everything possible to keep cancer away.

    Thank you Gals for all of your prayers, encouragement and advice.  I don't know what I'd do without you!  Thanking the Lord for each one of you.  Blessings!

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited July 2011

    At age 70, I guess I qualify for older women. But really there should be a thread for all Christians! God sees hearts, not ages.

    I'm finally through the marathon of biopsies, tests, diagnsis. Set for chemo before mastectomy. Now have a week to wait and hopefully read more on these forums.

    Just wanted to check into this forum. Have been surrendered to the Lord for almost forty years and have learned (after times of spoiled fits and rebellion) that he is faithful, all wise loves each of us more than we can possibly imagine, and will bring good out of all things.

    Am hanging onto Isaiah 41 - Do not be afraid, I am with you, do not be dismayed, I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteus right hand. Also to a verse in Corinthians somewhere - paraphrased: Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before him.

    Death isn't the scary part - when I was going through tests I pictured walking into Jesus arms after this life is over. But all the stuff we go thrugh before that... Sometimes scripture brings peace. Sometimes not so much. But, thank God I have learned finally to praise him whole heartedly in all things. 

    I started reading the posts in this thread and there is so much research, etc to do, I skipped to the more recent ones, sent a few prayers up for you. If Ican I will try make this topic a priority. I've always told the Lord he really should have put more hours into a day  ;) I'm still trying to work on my forum profile.

    It was wonderful seeing that there is a group of Christians here. If Chemo isn't the nightmare I'm imaginging, there will probably be losts of time after I start.


    (They call me Peggy, but it is officially Margaret. Margaret means "pearl" Pearls are formed by specks of irritants in the oyster. The oyster deposites mother of pearl around the speck. Isn't that the way God works! He takes the hard things and forms us into somethng beautiful.

    Each of you are fearfully and wondefully made!

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited July 2011

    Are the other Christian threads easy to find, Jo? I've been spending the day reading about all the side effects and helpful tips, plus making a list of things to get ahead of time.Took all day just to get through the April thread covering one of the two meds I will be getting. Can't find one with the combo I'm having. But there is likely a lot of overlap. I haven't even started reading the chemo tips. Will likely start with the last posts.

     I read on one thread that for certain months there were actually arguments. I can't imagine anyone, Christian or not, wanting to argue with others who are needing encouragement. Glad I found you. Thanks for responding to my message!


  • anumacha
    anumacha Member Posts: 61
    edited July 2011

    Hi Rocket, I am so sorry to hear that you are going through all this. I will keep you in my prayers.

    I started doing low dose Elavil(amitryptyline) for nerve pain postop. I also take Arimidex and with RA and old fractures...I was miserable 24/7. I did motrin, vicodin and tried alleve. In the winter a heating blanket on low helps but summer I had them increase my elavil(it is also an antidepressant) and chang to pain med plus ibuprofen. It is helping...I actually started I actually started feeling better after a wk to 10 days. The Elavil treatments have been used at Veterans hospitals for nerve pain, my friend that worked there suggested it.

    Hi JO - I agree unfortunately we do get people who have to have drama. Life is just too short for all of this, besides the fact it is up  God. I  just feel we need to be supportive of each others individual decisions. My decision is right for me, but would not be ok for someone else.

    God Bless all of the folks dealing with BC.

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited July 2011

    Last one of end Chemo test today and see the surgeon on the 14th to see what the next journey holds.  Praying for good results of test.

  • wan2bwell
    wan2bwell Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2011

    Sorry it has been such a long time since I have been here.  My ten year old daughter is having a ball during summer break and her really old Momma is having a hard time staying in the game.  I would not trade this time with her for anything as you know, but I am sorta whipped.  My PS told me yesterday that there is an opening on 7/15 to do my exchange from TE to the implants.  I wanted to change the surgery date so that my daughter could participate in soccer camp. (maybe me too).

    I made a mistake and read the Mentor book about all the terrible things that "can" happen with the implants and I really should not have read it.  I know that my God is not a God of fear, but of Love.  I would really appreciate each of you remembering me and my family during your prayer time on the 15th and pray for my surgeon as well.  She is just terrific and is doing this at 7:30 in the morning just to accomodate me. 

    Glad you found us Peggy, there is always room at the table for one who loves the Lord and these ladies will support you and help you every way they can.  Praying for you Lynniea that the next journey will be full of good health! 

    Each of you have inspired me in different ways, but I love you all.  I will continue to pray for you and know that Our Lord will provide exactly what is needed for each of us in accordance with His mercy and grace.