thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • capinva
    capinva Member Posts: 53
    edited November 2016

    Morning dear Christian sisters and brothers,

    The election is over and no matter who you voted for God is in Control. Love the song by Steven Curtis Chapman. I was reading last night about kings who did not obey God but still God is and was in control. Just continue to pray for our country and all the leaders.

    I had my gall bladder surgery and everything went well. I have been taking it very easy, actually watching Christmas movies. it has been nice not to be watching the news and to see faith and family on movies.

    Has anyone seen The Truth about Cancer videos? How do you feel about this information? I am torn. I would love to know if anyone has seen it and your thoughts on it. There is so much information out there and even though I am stage IV I don't feel like its terminal. But I want to do what i can to combat the cancer cells.

    Nancy thank you for sharing the song this morning.

    Jo thanks for the banners this morning.

    It's a beautiful day to be alive and the peace that i feel is beyond understanding knowing that God is with us and He reigns.

    Hugs to all and I pray that each and everyone has a better day today and pray for healing for all of us.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2016

    I am stunned and grateful that the election is finally over. I have been up since 4:30 and been praying for our new president. He needs our prayers for sure. Let us try to treat those who are scared or angry about the outcome with love and compassion. We need to give this man a chance. We need to pray also for godly advisors to surround him and for humility for him and for us all. Love , Jean

  • capinva
    capinva Member Posts: 53
    edited November 2016

    amen Jean. Thank for reminding us.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited November 2016

    Thank you, Jean, that man definitely needs tons of prayer.

    Most people out here in California are absolutely devastated. Grieving. Shocked. Appalled. My daughter said people at her university are contemplating suicide pacts because of this...especially LGBTQ students. I told her to tell them NOT to do this. If you kill yourself, HE wins! Depriving the world of your youthful gifts, talents and productivity gives him another victory that he does not deserve. Rather than give up, it's time for apathetic youth to get off their rears and mobilize/organize like we did in back in the 60s and 70s (and for me, also into the 80s).

    Women like me, who remember what it was like, will NOT stand for misogynist tendencies from our commander in chief. We will NOT go back to the 1950s where it was perfectly fine for a man to swat a secretary's behind as he asked for his second cup of coffee or threaten to fire/demote her if she didn't "put out" after hours. I will NOT go back to the 1970s and face the sexism and discrimination I faced running my house painting business as I put myself thru college and grad school. We will NOT go back to using knitting needles, coat hangers, crochet hooks, penny royal and black cohosh, or desperately shooting bleach "up there" with a syringe to get the job done, and possibly dying in the process. We will NOT disenfranchise and marginalize minorities, legal immigrants and indigent individuals.

    The man needs our prayers, and so do WE.

    A couple of days ago, I predicted if that man won, there would be rioting in the streets. And indeed, there WAS rioting in the streets up in Oakland last night when the verdict came out. I pray that we can all come together, but, once again, I predict that it won't happen in my short life time. There is way too much distrust, anger, and division out there, and if we think we've seen discord before, we haven't seen ANYTHING yet. (A friend of mine in LA is stock piling canned goods and water...)

    How am I dealing with my despair and disgust? I now refuse to watch any more of this on TV. I have St IV, as well as a cardiac condition, and the stress hormones no doubt will continue to FEED my growing cancer, worsen my arrhythmia and raise my blood pressure. I CANNOT let these things happen if I can help it. So I will have to let others 'fight the power' for me while I fight my own battle with Mr. Cancer.

    But our Lord and beloved Savior IS the true power we must cling to now in these desperate times...He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is STILL in control, and He allowed this to happen. And it's a GOOD thing. We've been complacent and ho-hum, "politics as usual," for far too long. I pray for our youth. I'm no longer in any shape to do all that much (except perhaps write...) but they can. The future is theirs and they have to help preserve this nation and the hope our flag represents.

    "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation UNDER GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for ALL!"

    God bless us,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2016

    Our country needs Jesus. We need to proclaim this to the rooftops. THIS is what is going to bring our country together.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2016

    Jean, she is simply beautiful! May God's hand be evident in your situation to His glory.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2016

    YES, Jean, I completely agree with you! I had complete peace after I voted because I know how BIG our Heavenly Father is and that He has a plan that nothing can thwart. I read in Job 37 & 38 when God Himself told Job in no uncertain terms how majestic and powerful He is and it gave me such faith that no matter what - HE is in control!

    Nancy, the song you shared is awesome - just what we needed.

    Charlotte we are so glad your gb surgery went well - prayers answered! May the Lord continue your recovery, make it complete and grant you strength. I haven't heard of the 'Truth About Cancer' videos. I bought a book that says the traditional treatments don't really have any better effects than more natural ones - they are just big money makers for pharmaceuticals and physicians. Haven't made the time to read it yet. Interested to hear what others think.

    Mini - praying your eyelid ordeal will be ok. I can't imagine having a biopsy that on an eyelid! May God grant you peace.

    Tracey - praying your melanomas are gone with treatment however God wants to do it.

    On the home front - James has had another fever bout since Monday so I have to hold down the fort whether I feel strong enough or not. (It's what we do - right?) The specialist wanted him to have a blood culture done locally & results sent to him (He's 3 hours away). He said to do it if the fever hit 101-102 and my husband heard "102 or over" so he hasn't gone for a culture. :o( Frustrating! The fever is 101. He is in bed and I can't convince him of what I heard the Dr say. He has suffered these fever bouts for YEARS - I would think he would WANT to go get the culture and perhaps finally get a diagnosis! The Lord does teach us patience the hard way.

    Praying for all of you with love ~*~ Ade

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2016

    Good evening friends,

    Some of you may remember my prayer requests for a former coworker named Denise. Today DH and I were at a local restaurant having breakfast and she came over to our table. I was so glad to see her! She looks well and walks around better than I do. She has finished one kind of chemo and in round 3 of 12 of the last. I don't know the stage of her cancer but I was told it was aggressive. Please pray for her as you do for each other. Like some of you, she has lost a son and cried many tears over family issues. She taught for over 30 years and was tutoring when diagnosed. Very positive and still smiling.

    Trying to get a few errands done before surgery...haircuts, groceries, a trip to Moms on Sunday.Please say a prayer that this visit goes smoothly.

    Love and prayers to you all....Ellen

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2016

    Thanks Tracey. I was amazed at what they can do now with the MOHS and reconstruction. Some of the before pics were horrible, but they looked great few months afterwards. It's amazing how the body can heal.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2016

    Ellen, praying for healing for Denise, that the se's will not be bad for her and for peace, healing and reconciliation in her family.

    Praying your surgery goes perfectly and your healing swift and complete.

    I am on Exemestane - generic for Aromasin (aromatase inhibitor) which prohibits production and absorption of hormones. Hormones help regulate metabolism and mine seems to be missing entirely now. I am so distressed to be packing on the weight. I have never weighed this much - even 9 months pregnant! It's not just because I look awful but my torn meniscus is acting up with pain and I pretty much hurt all over. I feel like I am in a sumo wrestler suit! Anyone else dealing with this? What can I do? I could eat lettuce all day and walk 8 miles a day and still have this. I don't mean to whine - so many of you are dealing with SO much more - I just wondered if anyone else is in this boat.

    Hubby has had fever since Monday. He had a decent night & I hope this is the tail end of this bout.

    Blessings on your day ~*~ Ade

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2016

    Good morning dear sisters,

    It has been a bit stressful dealing with some of my mom's issues, my cat and of course the whole country now. There were some legal papers that got lost in the mail to me and they had SS#s of my mom and me on it. The second batch they sent we thought got lost as well but thankfully I finally received them. I just found out my mom's caregiver gave her two week notice so I will have to deal with breaking in a new lady when I am at my mom's for Thanksgiving. The caregiver is only there on a very minimimal basis but it is important that we get someone that treats my mom well and does a good job for her when she is there.

    Jean, Valentina is so precious. I continue to pray that Alexia will return and be ready for rehab.

    Mini, praying for your skin cancer.

    Tracey, glad you got yours deal with and doing well.

    Patty, hope we hear from you soon and see how your surgery went. Praying for a speedy recovery with NO complications.

    Ellen, we will be praying for your surgery for this coming week. I am glad you got to see your friend and we will be praying for Denise that she can get through her treatments and that they do their intended job.

    Ade, so sorry to hear about James temp starting again. Praying he is better today. I know weigh gain with some of the AI's is a listed SE. I am fighting with all of my might to lose another 10lbs. I have lost maybe 30 gradually over several years. I swim a half mile on many days of the week but I was finding the didn't do much for weight loss but more toning. I found out I was severely gluten intolerant three years ago and by eliminating that the weight started to come off. If you can walk I would walk as much as you can as see if that helps.

    Charlotte I sent you a PM but so glad to hear your surgery is over and you have had some nice time to watch some pleasant movies.

    I am praying for all of you and especially the stage four ladies.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2016

    Today I am grateful that our country now has a chance to unite and have peace. Praying for God's wisdom, protection and strength for the new administration. If we ignore the rhetoric there have been some hopeful signs. I agree with Lita that those who were so devastated by the election results need our earnest prayers. God is still available and willing to help us through this difficult time. We need Jesus.

    My hubby finished his tests yesterday and sees the doctor on the 22nd. I am very grateful he is less disoriented since his meds were cut down. I see my chemo doc in a few weeks. I had the runs and some bleeding today. Guess it's time for another colonoscopy. Yuk! Hope the anal cancer hasn't returned. Been clear since the end of 2008! I called my endocrinologist also today since I've been getting a lot of headaches. My daughter has a family court appointment about Valentina and custody on Monday. Much going on but God is in charge.

    Praying for all going through surgery, treatment and dealing with recovery and family issues.

    Love , Jean

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited November 2016

    Ade: I REALLY worry about the weight gain issues associated with AIs (I hear all them have that potential). I'm still on first-line Xeloda, but that may change. Scan results today show all but one area stable (I'll take that, Thank you very much!) But two suspicious areas near in the thoracic spine where I was radiated in May. RO says we can't radiate that area any more, so we'll stay on Xeloda until I have a PET scan in February to decide what to do next.

    I am praising God...only two areas of possible progression!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2016

    I'm gratefully praising God today for my after care PA who is getting me an appointment next Friday at Sloan Kettering to check out the bleeding which I had again this morning. Also for the tools of my 12 step program that have taught me how not to obsess over things. God's peace is wonderful.

    I pray all here have a blessed weekend. Lita I am glad for your good news. Nancy thanks for the prayers. I hope you find a good care person for your mom. Ellen I pray your hip surgery goes well this week. Jo I am praying all goes well at court with your great grandchildren. May God protect them. Ade, Charlotte, Mini and Tracys may God meet all your varied needs. Love , Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2016

    Good morning dear ladies,

    Angie wanted me to tell you that she is praying for all of you. She has a full plate and she needs our prayers as well.

    Lita, that is great news about your situation. Praying all areas will be stable soon.

    Jean, I am glad you were able to get in to check out this bleeding. I just had breakfast with a friend who was sharing a miracle of sorts which I won't go into and hers had to do with bleeding but it turned out to be vaginal dryness. We know that the AI's cause that so hoping for the best.

    Ellen, we will be praying for you for your hip replacement surgery this coming Thursday. Praying that you can get all the organizational things in place before hand.

    Patty, prayers for healing after your bilateral mastectomy.

    Joanne, continued prayers for this court situation. At this point Joanne has shared that they are actually hoping that the case goes into the new year because the judge they have not been happy about will be replaced with a new one in January. Let's continue to pray for protection over the children in the mean time.

    Have a great day dear ladies. I think the true fall weather has finally hit our area. We had a nice run of above temps and it was a true blessing.




  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited November 2016

    Hi everyone please pray for me my new treatment (Xeloda) has me in great discomfort due to foot hand and mouth disease I can hardly eat and walk. The good news is that my daughter has accepted a good paying job with excellent benefits however we'll have to move to Naples, Fl anyone know of a good oncologist in that area?

    Thank for your prayers and your all in mine.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2016

    Today at the mall with my great-granddaughter Valentina . One of lifes blessings and joys in the messiness. God is good. Love , Jean


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2016

    Jean, your little Valentina is so precious! So glad you get this time with her! We just found out we're getting another great grandchild this summer in Ohio! We have 2 great grands in Ohio now, 3 grown grands there, one grown in Alabama, 3 small ones in Ohio, 3 small ones here in our town in TX, and 2 small ones in Mexico. Wish I had them all near but we are just thankful they are all ok, So glad your husband is doing better & praying the bleeding & headaches will stop for you with NO more cancer!

    Lita, bless your heart, it is my prayer that ALL of your cancer is just GONE (as is my prayer for everyone here!) but until and unless that happens may God continue to grant you that marvelous sustaining faith and outlook with which you inspire all of us.

    Aurora, we're praising God about your daughter's great new job, but SO sorry you are suffering so on your new med. I can't imagine how rough that is! May the Lord wase your pain and take away that side effect, and BLESS your move in every aspect, providing a really GOOD oncologist.

    Joanne, may the Lord's timing on the court hearing be perfect and may He grant the hopefully new judge wisdom and compassion,May you feel God's peace being assured that He loves you and is in control of every aspect.

    May Angie receive the Lord's peace and see His hand move in wonderful ways in all of the things she is dealing with right now. May she feel our love & prayers.

    Praying Ellen's hip replacement goes perfectly and her healing be complete without complication, as well as Patty's recovery. (You will feel 100% better getting those blasted DRAINS out! Really!)

    My James had a good 2 nights and we went to game night & decorating Operation Christmas Child boxes last night at church. It was SO great for him to get out and have some fun again. He is tired today but hopefully no more fever returns.

    Love & God's blessings to all of you. ~*~ Ade

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2016

    Aurora, I am sorry to hear about the SE's from Xeloda. I know there have been some ladies posting on here in the past to similar SE from that chemo drug. I think Charlotte mentioned she was on that before gallbladder surgery. I sure hope that they can find something to help alleviate your discomfort. You may remember Kath that died in March from this thread. She was the CEO of NAMI which was located in Naples. I believe she was with Sloan Kettering and I know she absolutely loved her MO there. I don't think she ever mentioned his name to me but maybe you can do a little online research. Congrats to your daughter. That is such an answer to prayer. I know moving is a chore and we will certainly be praying for strength for that.

    Jean, sorry about the mistake. I know your bleeding is not vaginal but I had a temporary brain fog moment which seems to be happening lately. I pray that your precious little Valentina can feel at home with your family without her mom right now. She certainly looks happy in the photo!

    Ade, glad that James is doing better and how nice that you could volunteer your time with him for a great cause.

    Ellen, praying all goes well at your mom's tomorrow.

    I have a prayer request for my 91 year old mom who is still living alone. Those of you who have been around for a while know that I spend about four months out of the year with her to help her out. She lives three hours away but my sister lives in the same town but is still working. My mom is having trouble with her hip and she claims she has not fallen. She is having trouble walking. I talked to her on the phone today and said we may have to see her doctor before her annual visit that I will be with her for but that is not until the beginning of Jan. I will be there for a week at Thanksgiving and three weeks at Christmas but if she had to have surgery I am not sure what we will do. She has been extremely fortunate that she has been in good physical health since my Dad died in 2005 but she does have dementia and does not want to live any other place but her home. I would appreciate prayers for her and wisdom for my sister and I if things do not resolve quickly.

    Have a good night dear sisters and if you can check out the supermoon which I can see tonight but is supposed to be in it's full glory on Sunday night. This won't happen again for many years to come.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2016

    Hi Nancy,

    It is so good to see this thread is still going. God continues to send his children here. He will never allow a good work to fail. Blessings to all those that have recently joined this thread. So many wonderful women here to encourage each other and pray for one another.

    I had my three year clearance this past August. Praise God! Still keep in contact with Bev and Deborahanne. Still contemplating retirement although next year would be a better choice. The year has been hectic and I am handling the new teacher evaluation system better the second year. Work is still demanding and stressful but. god is bringing me through it.

    My dad is still with me. It has been very rough but I am so grateful for each and every day that the Lord gives me with my dad. His kidneys have been holding but juggling his Lasix amounts has been difficult. Too much, shut the kidneys down and not enough and he drowns in his fluid retention. Not sure whether the kidneys will go or other organ failure. We bought a baby monitor so I was not going downstairs so often at night to check on him or sleep on the sofa. I still have have lots of sleepless nights. I use that time to pray for this site and those around me in need.

    My hubby built my dad a ramp off our front yard as it is a good slope down to the street. He did a nice job on it. I am so blessed to have him and he is so good to my dad.

    Nancy, I am praying for your mother and the decisions you must make for her. As you know I went down the same road.

    My hubby continues his weekly infusions. He has been having other issues and just had an MRI. The doctor has not gotten back to him on it but there is what they believe to be a benign brain tumor present although small. We got the report but no word from the doctor yet.

    My running was curtailed for awhile. I was having heel problems early this fall. Got a shot but it gave some relief. Training for a 10 miler last Sunday but got sick on Friday with a nasty head cold. No doubt stress and feel it was God 's way of saying not this time. They did find arthritis signs in my right heel.

    I have a prayer request. My colleague, art teacher asked me to pray for her teammate who was having some health issues. She then told me that she felt she needed to share in confidence her condition. The girl is working part time as our other art teacher, is 35 yrs old and has known that she had a lump in her breast for awhile. She had it biopsied this week and it is BC. It has spread. Not diagnosed as to what stage and I believe that there may be mets and not just in the lymph nodes. Girl did not join our sick bank because of finances and most definitely will be having some chemo and or radiation. Her name is Lacey and she has been hoping to get a full time position so she can start a family. My friend told me because she knows how outspoken I have been about seeking treatment and how we are seeing this in younger women. My friend is going to suggest She come and talk to me and I may eventually try to get her here if the Lord leads. I have another Christian teacher friend in my building that had a mastectomy and has been in remission. I am praying that God will allow us to minister to her. It is hard to see her and pretend I do not know but I know; but God must have wanted me to know for a reason. My heart just breaks for her and it makes me think of our Kate.

    It is good to so many of you still here. Jo, Mini, Jean, Angie, Kindergartener, Patoo and Ellen. Praying for Deb Foots. Has anyone heard from Deb from Ireland? Praying God will meet all your needs, whether surgeries or family issues, pain, anxiety and sorrows. Nancy...God bless you for leading this group. Your photos continue to dazzle me. Congrats on your winning entries.

    Lita: I read something you posted about your brother. I don't know his history but I saw COPD and congestive heart failure. I encourage people that hear having COPD to be tested for Alpha 1Antitrypsin Deficiency as they are finding that more and more adults diagnosed with asthma or COPD actually have this. Congestive heart failure can also result from it as it progresses. This condition is hereditary and the gene can likely be present in siblings and their children. It is incurable at this time but can be slowed down. Sorry for budding in when you do not know me but as time goes by this deficiency will be more common then first thought. Take the information however you wish.

    Aside from working 10 to 12 hour days, I feel at peace. My pastor shared this with us two weeks ago and I thought how true it is. The saying "The grass is always greener on the other side" is not true and neither is the grass greener on your side. But the grass will always be greener where you water it. So water that which is important to you and it will grow and that which is not will turn brown and die." How true is this that if we concentrate on that which is important, other things that are not important yet trouble or concern us will fade away.

    May God's grace be sufficient for each of you and may He encompass you with his peace.


    PS Thank you again Nancy for keeping me on your prayer list and way to go Cubs. (Pittsburgh is a big rival of Cleveland so I am glad they lost.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2016

    Hi Char,

    It is so good to see your post and to know your Dad is still with you albeit difficult I am sure. I still keep in touch with Bev too.

    My mom was told she had a brain tumor many years ago but it was benign and they never did anything about it. Hopefully your DH's situation will be not a serious one. I am glad to hear how good he is to your father. That is a blessing.

    My mom's present caregiver gave her two week notice on Thursday and I was sure upset to hear that. We really liked her and she was a Christian and really treated my mom well. She will get a younger gal this time around, She will have had four caregivers within a years time but they all had good reasons they left and we liked all of them in their own way. I especially liked this last one. I will be at my moms the week of Thanksgiving.

    It is my sisters last year as a teaching assistant. I am glad she will finally be retiring but it is going to be a hard transition for her I am afraid.

    I know your evaluation system was unreal. The teachers here went through that after I was already retired and talked about staying up till all hours of the morning and then their work wouldn't save online. They were pulling their hair out over it.

    Deb (foots) has been through a hard time and I think she could use prayer. We heard from Debbie from Ireland a long time ago and she was not doing so well. If I am remembering she had to change treatments because her tumor markers were going up and she went through a time of discouragement but her church friends were helping her. We haven't heard anything since then and that concerns me.

    I got an email from Angie last night. She could use prayers. She has so much going on with work and ministry and was quite sick for a week from an infusion. She doesn't say much about her own situation usually.

    I am sorry to hear about the teachers in your building with bc. So many are dealing with this. I hope you can retire sometime and have some time to relax a little. You are always pushing yourself so hard.

    Thank you for your nice comments regarding my photography. I just had another one of my pictures make the online winners of the week today and am waiting to see if it makes the paper. I had a very cool thing happen this week when I left a comment on a pro photograhers blog and website. This lady has gorgeous photos of flowers and butterflies and loves similar kind of photography that I do. She lives in the Chicago Area and is the premier photographer for the Chicago Botanic Garden. I just decided to tell her a bit of my story and how her photography really inspired me. I thought that would be the end of it and would never hear from her. That night I got a long email from her and she said her husband didn't know what was going on.She read my email quietly in front of him and she started crying. I was so touched that my email touched her. We wrote back and forth a few times and she gave me her email address and wants to meet me. She wanted to see some of my work so I sent her some pictures and she said she was really impressed with my photography, Oh my gosh. I will cherish those words forever. I hope to take one of their conferences in the winter. She is with a whole group called Out of Chicago. So that was my highlight of the week after the Cubs won the series. What a ride this November has been. I still have flowers blooming but just last night my flower beds got zapped finally. I am selling a Butterfly Calendar of my photos as of a few weeks ago and that has been quite exciting. It is sold at one of the local stores near me as well.

    I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and hope your heel gets better. I have heel spurs so walking is not my best form of exercise and running and I never did get along. I am still swimming.

    Take care and will be praying for your family.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2016


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2016

    Joanne, Amen to all of those banners.

    Ellen, we will be lifting you up in prayer as you have your other hip replacement on Thursday, Nov. 17.

    Patty, I pray that you are doing well in your initial phase of your recovery from surgery.

    Charlotte, praying the same for you that you will be able to resume you chemo soon and that you have a quick recovery from your gallbladder surgery.

    Char, will be praying for this teacher who is waiting to get her stage results.

    Have a wonderful day dear sisters.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2016

    My daughter went to Family Court today. It seems Valentina''s father wants custody. I am so grateful the same God who saved me knows,what is best for her. Breathe Jean and trust!. Praying for all needs here. Ellen please let us know how the surgery goes when you have time. Praying for you . I have an appointment Friday to check out the cause of my bleeeding. Love , Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2016

    I shared this on my facebook page (only my friends can see). I hope it's ok with you all. You're an inspiration!

    'I follow a blog site for older Christian ladies with breast cancer and am amazed (and dismayed) at the horrible side effects of the meds and treatments these poor souls are on in order to save - or simply prolong their lives. They don't complain - they just lift one another up in encouragement and prayer.

    I don't LIKE the side effects of my meds either - but as I endure them I realize that my meds are working, doing what they were designed to do, so I will be thankful.
    This is the attitude we can have regarding the trials and heartaches in life. We may not see it at the time, but God is ALWAYS at work through and in us to produce character, perseverance and hope (Romans 5:3-4) and to conform us into the image of Christ.

    It IS hard to "count it all joy" when you're smack in the middle of it - but when you see that it is God's loving, faithful hand to complete the good work He began in you it gives us a whole new perspective and we CAN be thankful.

    Blessings upon your day!'

    ~*~ Ade ~*~

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited November 2016

    Ade: You hit the nail on the head...we often ask "Why in the heck did this happen to me? I ate well, didn't consume too much junk, exercised, didn't do drugs, etc., and I still got darn cancer! Why??!!"

    We know God is NOT the author of bad things, but he does ALLOW certain maladies for His purpose and HIS glory. Maybe He "allowed" this to happen to us so we could be a light and an inspiration to others. Even tho I have Stage IV cancer and only have months to live (my MO and RO were both very honest w/me) I have been blessed in so many ways. I have made wonderful new friends on this board and wonderful new friends in my "live" support groups. I no longer have to work at a job that brought me more pain and stress than joy and fulfillment; I can now try and focus on my third novel (but it's very hard because the cancer Tx also affect my eyesight, and I get very fatigued both in mind and body). But that's okay.

    Treating and coping w/Stage IV is a delicate balancing act: We want to try and knock back the cancer, yet we also want to maintain a halfway decent quality of life. Sisters and brothers (remember, men get breast cancer, too!) w/St I and St II are expected to tough it out and deal w/miserable side effects because the Tx will indeed save their lives and give them an additional 20-30+ years, but St IV people may only have 20-30 MONTHS, and we don't want those months to be totally crappy. We do our share of complaining on these boards because we know our sister warriors understand the almost constant gastrointestinal issues, the toenails falling out, the hair loss, the fatigue, the joint pain and the hot flashes/mood swings. We "let it out" here so we won't burden our loved ones with it.

    Thank you all for being here. My love and prayers are with you,


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2016

    Lita, you're a brave, honest, spunky woman who is glorifying God before she goes to meet Him and bask in His wonderful Presence forever. Most likely the time will come when you won't be able to post here anymore but I want you to know how much you are admired for your gumption and faith and how much we all love you. I am still new here but you have made a profound impact on my journey with this disease. I may be in your shoes someday and if I am I want to be as brave and strong and a testimony to God's grace that you are. God bless you, sister and may you feel His love surrounding you more everyday. Love, Ade

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited November 2016

    Lita as you know I'm stage IV too and I was diagnosed stage IV three years ago. At the time the doctor told my daughter I had months to live and yet here I am. I know of dozens of cases on these boards of women who are living with this dx for ten, 15, 20 years.

    All I'm saying the only one who knows how long we have is God himself and I choose to believe He still has me here and will keep me here for as long as He has a purpose for me.

    My purpose is to see my daughter well established as a lawyer and my grandson grow. And if possible I'd like to see a granddaughter .

    Everything is possible in God's will.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2016

    Good morning dear ladies,

    Ellen has her hip replacement surgery for tomorrow. Let's keep her in prayer.

    Joanne, has not been feeling well or her DH. I know she would appreciate our prayers.

    We have so many new ladies that have come in lately. I know we have prayer warriors behind the scenes who may not post much but do pray.

    I want to list the stage four ladies (that I know of) from this thread who I know would appreciate prayers.

    Aurora, Faith, Lita, Charlotte, Allison, Mags, Debbie from Ireland. I know I am leaving some out who have stayed only a short time.

    We have lost Sue, Kate, Becky, Anita, Kath and Lucy and her husband Steve.

    These ladies who are with us now and those who have passed have shown us bravery and courage in the midst of great suffering. Some always seemed to be cheerful even though you know that they had tough times and some have vented and showed their honesty and sometimes anger. I know that what I have taken from this is that I need to find a way to live in the moment and to appreciate each day that I am given. If I am having a rough day I pray that God will see me through it and pray that tomorrow I have a chance to start over with renewed hope and strength. I have a renewed compassion for those who suffer and realize that if I am given another day I need to be grateful in that and hopefully be a blessing to others. I think that is the biggest gem I have discovered is that gratitude brings so much joy. When the Bible says the joy of the Lord is our strength I think being grateful and expressing that to God releases something in us that renews and restores us. I cannot imagine what it is like living in stage four cancer but I have seen in others that their reliance on the Lord becomes stronger.

    I am happy for those who have come and gone from this thread and are now living their lives hopefully in good health and happiness.

    I know that words are powerful and I know that the written word can be misunderstood and it is not like talking directly to someone to understand the tone of what they are saying. My mission on this thread has always been to lift up and to encourage and to point to Jesus as our help and our solution and to pray. I feel like the Lord put me here and as long as I feel that is where He wants me I will be here.

    I pray that each of you can find the blessings in this day and for those who are suffering I pray that the Lord will help you through each minute of this day giving you pleasant distractions and relief.

    Prayers also for those who are recovering from surgeries. Patty and Charlotte in particular.




  • quiltspice
    quiltspice Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2016

    Thank you Nancy for your post on prayer requests. For someone like me that is new to this forum and BC, it takes some time to get to know the ladies here and each pathway. I so appreciate prayers and feel privileged to pray for others.

    I just received word that my surgery has been bumped into January (5th) from December 22. (and originally I heard it would be late Nov). I'm trying to remain positive about this: won't be in the hospital over Christmas, etc...... but there is a part that is worried about the time frame- over 3 months from diagnosis. It is a very small tumor > 1cm. E/P + HER2- but I'd like it to stay that way!!!! My PS team has changed now as well...... but I'm fine with that. It's just hard when I wrap my mind around something, like a date for surgery, the PS team, etc....... and then to have it changed. Also on the plus side I will save $3000 to wait until next year. My emotions are up and down and honestly I there are moments where I feel alone and forgotten...... :( Also, another huge piece to this is that I am having BMX with DIEP, so it takes a lot to get all the surgeons on the same date especially during the holidays.

    I hate being so wimpy..... especially when I have a Savior that is strong and mighty!!! This is part of my walk..... to trust when things get hard or don't go my way. Way back in Sept I was given a word as I was praying for friend that was going through chemo: Patience. I thought that was an interesting "word" to get 'for her'..... she was such a Godly and patient women. At one point I thought hmmmm, maybe it's for me too....... and yep...... right on target. Patience. :)

    Thank you dear sisters in Christ for this forum and YOUR patience, and love that pours through with every word written here.
