thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited August 2017

    Thank you Aurora and Faith. I thank each one of you who have been so kind in reaching out to be in one form or another. We are here to lift one another up. When one needs more help it is a wonderful thing to see our little community fly in for extra support. When one feels stronger then they can lift up the others in need. That is what the body of Christ does so I hope NO ONE ever feels like their prayer requests or needs are any less important than anyone elses.

    Lord, I lift up Dianarose who is so sick. I pray that you would cover her and her family with your love and mercy. Help her now in her suffering and only you Lord knows what your plans are for her. I pray that you will prepare the hearts of her family for whatever is to come and that you would give Dianarose complete peace right now in her hospital room. I pray for her friend Micmel. I can so identify with her suffering as well as I have experienced that on this forum. Grieving starts for many before the funeral and I suspect that she is feeling that. I pray that you would give her strength and courage as she goes through this very difficult time.

    Angie M, (Almer) I continue to pray for your healing and pain control after your surgery. Let us know how you are doing when you can.

    Ade, praying for you and James as you maneuver this tough time.

    I am still pretty exhausted and had some extra stress from a situation that was shared by my neighbor who was so kind to change my bandages for so long. Her family needs protection. There is a very serious and ugly thing that has happened and that has been very alarming to me. This morning I was so wiped out I took some of my night meds by mistake. My cat just now threw up all over my pillow and my sheets. Does this smell like the enemy to you! I shall not be shaken by the wiles of the devil.

    Take care dear sisters. I still pray for each of you individually even though I have not mentioned everyone now.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited August 2017

    lord, I also lift up my sisters who are struggling through this awful disease. I especially lift up DianaRose today and ask that you touch her in a special way today. I lift up micmel who weeps for her friend, and the many other ladies here who need rest and relief from their pain and nausea. Thank you for your promise to stand by our sides when we suffer and cover us with your wings of love.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited August 2017

    Praying for Dianerose and MicMel, that Nancy can get rested up and regain strength & peace, that the Lord will lift you all up with His love for you, His healing, His peace, strength and provision.

    James got permission to drive yesterday! YAAAY! But he thinks this is license to overdo now so I have to keep on him and remind him he is still in recovery mode and doesn't want a setback.

    Got our $43,500 air ambulance bill yesterday and just had to laugh. I'm sure that is a minor one compared to what's coming. Praying that the medical institutions will accept whatever Medicare pays and NOT insist we pay whatever it doesn't. (Been there - still making payments!!!) :o(

    Just wanted to share the lovely sunrise this morning with you.

    Blessings upon your day!



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited August 2017

    Praying for all of you, your loved ones, and friends ...


  • Almer
    Almer Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2017

    Good morning, everyone,

    I read through these postings but don't always respond or comment. I think you are all remarkable and that the Lord has given you such great strength, even in your weakness! How marvelous that is! It's so encouraging!

    I had my surgery last Monday (see below) and got the results of my axillary node dissection. 14 out of 21 lymph nodes were positive making the total (with the sentinel nodes) 16/23. I have a PET scan scheduled for Thursday this week to see if the cancer is anywhere else so my main prayer request is that: no distant metastasis. The plan is to have 2 months of A-C and 3 months of Taxol followed by radiation for 36 sessions. The area of radiation has expanded since this last biopsy and there are probably positive nodes in my chest and collarbone area.

    Thank you for your prayers. God bless you all,


  • Almer
    Almer Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2017

    That should have been signed Angie, not Angi Smile

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited August 2017

    Dear Lord, I pray that You bless our friend Angie with Your loving care. Comfort her and make all good things for her. In Jesus' name, Amen.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited August 2017

    Good morning dear sisters,

    I think as a travel this road with all of you bc sisters I am becoming keenly aware that our lives have never ever been just about ourselves but about serving others.

    Ade, all I can say is keep laughing and take big breaths. What else can you do with seeing those huge medical bills..........of course pray about it and and ask God for supernatural provision. Praise God James can drive now. Love your sunset pic. How are you feeling? that banner. So true. How are you doing?

    Angie M., it is good to hear from you and I am glad your surgery is behind you. Praying for your upcoming treatments and we pray for the BEST possible outcome in your further diagnostic tests. Praying your pain is minimal at this point.

    Please pray for my mom as she has all of a sudden been worse since I have left for home. I am hoping it is only the temporary stress of her new treatment plan that is causing this. Her new care plan starts Monday.

    Take care dear sisters. Off to church. Matthew West is going to lead our worship this morning. I am so excited about that.




  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited August 2017

    Praying for Angie that no distant mets are found! Praying for Nancy's mom to accept her new care schedule.

    Thank you for the prayers for Dianerose. She received a third blood transfusion and she's feeling better. She's a fighter and feels she is ready to go home and start chemo again. Please continue to pray for her.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited August 2017

    Good morning dear sisters,

    Praying we can all see the blessings in this day. They are always all around us.

    Praise God that Dianerose is feeling better after her transfusion.

    I will be praying for all of you today.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited August 2017

    Beautiful post, Nancy. Praying your mom does better soon and adjusts to the new routine. So glad her caretaker can be the one to expand the care so she has less to adjust to. May the Lord bless you with peace. Take care of yourself (and that beautiful naughty kitty!).

    Angie, praying the Lord will also grant you His peace throughout your treatment and that it does what it is supposed to do - to His glory.

    May the Lord bless Dianarose with strength, peace & healing.

    James saw his local doctor yesterday (YAY - no 6 hours on the road!) who gave a bleak prognosis as several have - that even though they get cholesterol (which isn't all that bad) lower, the mechanism for clogging his arteries (already a mess) will continue because of heredity. We are doing all we can by reading all of the ways to reverse heart disease, we are taking supplements and eating right. We need a miracle from the Lord. I admit I got really depressed yesterday and cried alot out of his sight. But we have to trust in the Lord whatever the outcome and remember that HE has numbered our days. James begins cardio rehab on Monday so I am hoping his strength will return with that. He still has a lot of chest pain (not incision) which bothers me. He hasn't slept more than an hour at a time for some time but the Dr. gave him a medication that he took last night in hopes that this may reset his sleep cycles and he slept well! Praise the Lord (as I did too - because he did!). Thank you for praying, sisters.

    Love to all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited August 2017

    Ade, praying for you and James. This banner is for you and all the ladies who need a miracle.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited August 2017

    Thank you Nancy!


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited August 2017

    Sorry, I haven't posted in awhile but things have been very busy in both good and slightly bad ways but I know all will be well. I'll fill you in later as I need to get some sleep. Our Idaho daughter and family are arriving tomorrow on their way to take our granddaughter to college in Indiana.

    Nancy, praying your mother is okay and adjusting to the change in care. Ade, prayers for James and you. I'm sure the stress of all this is overwhelming.

    Goodnight,hugs and prayers for all.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited August 2017

    Good morning dear sisters,

    I am off to do some blood work and have drank enough water to sink a ship! The transition for my mom has been rocky after the second day. I would appreciate your prayers.

    Faith, praying you have a good visit with your daughter's family and praying your granddaughter has a great year at college.

    Take care.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited August 2017

    May God meet each one of you at your point of need today.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited August 2017

    I thought I would share The Blessing from Susie Larson today as it holds special meaning for me today. I have included her link below so you can receive a new one each day if you choose. I enjoy them and hope you do too...

    May God, this very moment, lift your heavy load and breathe fresh life into your weary sails. May He give you relief from your pain, rest from your fears, and refreshment in your perspective. Sometimes we just need to pause, open our hands, and give back to God the things we're holding so tight. May Jesus help you! May the Holy Spirit infuse you with power and inspire you to trust Him more fully. May your mind, body, soul and spirit experience an awakening as you trust Him with your cares and take Him at His Word.

    Blessings to all today.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited August 2017

    Amen to that Chris! How is the remodel going? The stress level of dealing with a 2 yr old? I have been praying for you and continuing to believe in your healing that your believe you received.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited August 2017

    Hi Nancy.

    The remodel is finished except for a minor repair, so I can now sleep in a bit and not have men in my house every day. I put a picture of it on the Ibrance page but will repeat it here. It is bright, simple, and easy to clean which was my main objective since I still cook for the family when I can. I can cook, but my DD has to clean up afterwards...It is small since we live in a condo, but is sufficient.

    The 2 yr old got sick her 4th day of a new pre-school with a double ear infection. Her mama is now very sick so that has its own stress as I try to help with the baby and not get extra help from her. So far I was only feeling ill 1 day and am doing pretty well right now, so I have some energy at least. I have learned how to avoid her, wear a mask, wash my hands constantly, and sanitize everything when she gets sick.

    Thanks for asking. I am ready to have my peace and quiet back with everyone gone to work during the day. Hope you are doing better. How is your mom? I pray for her peace.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited August 2017

    Chris the remodel is beautiful! Praying you can keep your strength and stay well with the extra care you're giving. The Susie Larson devotional post BLESSED my soul! THANK YOU!

    Nancy thank you for the perfect posters. I don't know where you find them but they are a blessing to all of us. Praying your mother's doing better and kitty is behaving herself!

    As I had posted earlier I have been trying to stay strong for James but he keeps getting told by every physician that basically no matter what he does a cardiac death is inevitable for him. We were getting SO depressed. I cried out to God and Wednesday night our pastor preached about the hope that our Lord offers, that we don't even EXPECT miracles anymore - yet Jesus our Healer is the same yesterday - today & tomorrow, and that no matter what, He deserves our thankfulness for not just what He does but Who He is. This really encouraged James and the beauty of the songs we sang that night made me cry. The Lord touched both of us so wonderfully and I just want to praise Him and give Him glory

    God's blessings be upon you all,



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited August 2017

    Ade, praise God for His faithfulness. And you are right that people don't believe in miracles anymore. Even Christians look at me strange when I tell them God has healed me in a special way. They think I am delusional because I am Stage IV. But how else do you explain my onc saying she should have done more biopsies in the beginning to prove the cancer really was there when they can no longer find the tumors on my liver. She doesn't know our God! Know I pray for you and your husband daily.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited August 2017

    Chris I rejoice with you! Yes God DOES do healing miracles today! When our first born son was diagnosed with ADHD he was put on Ritalin. But it gave him a roller coaster effect & a dose had to be taken at school which was a stigma. He was 10. So they put him on Cylert SLR which was a slow release drug. It caused Tourettes Syndrom - which became MORE of a stigma at school. We gave our hearts to Jesus that year and at the event where we prayed for salvation they had a healing prayer and we lifted Jamie's diagnosis up then to the Lord. He was healed of Tourettes which was 92% permanent into adulthood for most people! When we took him for his Pediatric Neurologist appointment we wanted to see what the doctor would say and he said he couldn't find any of the symptoms in Jamie! We witnessed that the Lord had healed him and the doctor said we needn't return unless we had a concern. YES Jesus heals today! Hallelujah!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited August 2017

    Good evening dear ladies,

    I haven't been home long. I was able to attend a free Christian concert tonight at a local church. I had heard this artist on the radio and was NOT expecting the powerful messages she brought forth in her music and in her sharing her life. I have rarely seen someone so comfortable and unassuming on stage. He name is Ellie Holcomb and if you ever get a chance to see her go for it. I suspect that she will have a special ministry for young girls who are having self esteem issues.

    She had a song about the Red Sea Road when God performed his miracle in the parting of the Red Sea. She spoke about having those Red Sea moments in her life and we can ALL identify when we are between a rock and hard place waiting on God.

    I have not felt good the last couple of days being hit with this awful fatigue which comes out of nowhere. I wasn't sure if I was going to feel like going to this concert but I did anyway. It was such a blessing to me and like a balm to my soul.

    Yes, I believe there are miracles every single day. Some amazing and some small that we don't even recognize them. Since coming back from my mom's I unpacked all my bottle of pills and supplements which I have many. I have to use a pill cutter on some of the supplements and drugs. After unpacking I could NOT find the pill cutter anywhere and I knew I had taken it to my mom's. I looked everywhere and the state I have been in coming back from my mom's I knew I could have put it anywhere!!!!

    I went to Walmart the other night and bought one and it broke after using it on my heavy duty calcium pills. I went to Walgreens and the kind they had looked as cheap as the one I had already bought and broke. Finally today it occurred to me to pray about it. DUH !!! Why didn't I think of that days ago. I kid you not, the second I prayed the thought entered my mind that maybe it was still in the bag I had put away in my closet. I saw the bag folded up and I felt he bottom guessed it.......something was in the bag. Yes, it was my pill box. Maybe a small miracle but a huge relief to me and a big one in my mind.

    Ade, I have been praying for a miracle for James every day and for peace for both of you. I am glad you were encouraged by your pastor's message. I loved your story about your son. Praise God.

    Chris, I love your beautiful new kitchen. I would love to do that as well but there are many things in the upkeep of my house that require attention and that is not a have to at this point.

    Regarding my mom's new care it has been a transition. I have not called my mom on purpose this first week. I am going to wait until the weekend and then see how she is doing. My sister has been giving me some updates and it has been a mixed bag. I would appreciate your continued prayers. This was SO difficult for me coming back during this time of new care.

    I just posted this banner a few days ago but it just seems appropriate to post it again. Have a good night dear sisters.




  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited August 2017

    Ade, my oldest brother has been battling congestive HF and COPD for over ten years, and he's still here!

    He attributes it to God, as he is a strong Christian. His drs are amazed he's still here.

    About 1-5% of all cancer patients have SPONTANEOUS REMISSION without Tx, and drs can't explain it. But we can explain it....GOD.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited August 2017

    Back yard is finally done...


    Now we have to put the garden furniture back.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited August 2017


    DH and D dog on back bedroom landing with Lou Seal (Giants mascot) and mini Olaf.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited August 2017

    Lita, beautiful! I love the flowers and that it will be easy care. I still have to do my little balcony but I can't decide how...I am a procrastinator because I want it perfect. Nice job!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited August 2017

    Congrats on completing your backyard, Lita. It looks beautiful.

    To be honest I have felt pretty awful for the last many months. My recent blood work has offered a very simple solution. My thyroid meds need tweaking. I won't see the doctor until the 30th but he has allowed me to do some minor tweaking in the past so I will do that.

    I have posted this a long time ago and hope it is new to most of you. It has some good practical advice from Mother Theresa.

    Nursing home day so I need to prepare. Have a great weekend dear ladies.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited August 2017


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited August 2017

    Good morning dear sisters,

    As we prepare for the experience of a lifetime (or so we are told) with the total solar eclipse on Monday it makes me think of how amazingly vast this universe is. With billions of stars and planets that haven't even been discovered yet how do we fit into this as mere mortals. That is the amazing mystery of God. He created EACH one of us and like us is no other. He knows everything thing about us. He knows our thoughts. He loves each one of us and fervently wants a relationship with each of us, His children. So when the eclipse happens tomorrow whether we get to see it or not we can take that moment when it happens and reflect on just how great our God really is. The scientists will of course make in into something completely different but we know the truth and we know who our Creator is!


    I will be watching on TV as all the glasses have been sold out for days in this area.

    Have a great day dear sisters.


