thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited September 2017

    Hi all. Well I finally got my chemoinfusion but this facility takes a long time I came in at 9:30 and I was done with chemo at 2:00 now I'm waiting for the paratransit bus to pick me up. Yhey had to put me on the "will call" list because of the long time the infusion center took so now I wait.

    My family is prepared for the hurricane but prayers always needed and welcomed.

    In Christ 's love


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017

    Aurora, I am so glad you got your treatment. I bet you are exhausted. I hope it doesn't take that long every time. I have been praying for you and your family and all the residents in the path of Irma. I hope you made it home safely.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited September 2017

    Lita, so glad to hear from you and thanks for updating us and checking in. My intercessory prayer group has you and your family covered (daily) and I have added the specific prayers. I also hope you were able to get some rest. We arealso praying for minimal affects to your neurological functions during and after your rad treatments.

    Love across the miles,


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited September 2017

    Thank you, Angie!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017

    Lord we ask for protection for all those in the path of the hurricanes. It is hard to imagine the destruction and misery and loss that these storms leave behind. I know this is one of those hard times when you asked us to trust you. In our human state it is normal for us to ask why. In our Christian state we asked how can we get through this with your help.

    Most of us know someone in Florida and in the states affected by Harvey. We pray for Aurora and her family and pray that they will be safe.

    One of our sister's Kath who is with the Lord now lived in the Naples area and I pray for protection on her husband and her twin boys.

    Lita, continued prayers for you in this most difficult time.

    Ade, how are you and James doing?

    Angie M. how are you doing with your treatments?

    Angie (CA) it is good to hear from you. How are you doing?

    Hershey, how are your treatments going?

    Faith, praying you will get some relief soon.

    Chris, how are you doing and your little 2yr old grand daughter?

    GrammySher, how are you doing. Any answers yet?

    Joanne, praying for your family who lives in Florida.

    Jean, how is your grandson doing in his new job? How are you doing?

    I am praying for all of you.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited September 2017

    Praying for all the many needs here and especially for those suffering with breast cancer and dealing with these hurricanes also. May everyone in harms way be safe.

    Nancy, thank you for asking, I'm feeling somewhat better physically, my foot has responded to the cortisone and exercise. However, as our trip gets closer, we leave in two weeks, I'm becoming more anxious about how I'm going to manage everything and if I'll have enough energy to really enjoy it with my DH. I'm worried about my lymphedema flaring when I fly. I also have blood tests tomorrow with results and an MO visit on Tuesday so praying for good reports there also.

    I pray you and everyone here is well and just trusting in Our Lord that all will be well.

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017

    This is a song which I think we can all relate to by Mercy Me.

    Praying for all of you and especially for the people in the path of the hurricanes and tornadoes. You may have to stop it as I think this loops with other upcoming songs.



  • Almer
    Almer Member Posts: 23
    edited September 2017

    When I walk through deep waters

    I know that You will be with me

    When I'm standing in the fire
    I will not be overcome
    Through the valley of the shadow
    I will not fear

    I am not alone
    I am not alone
    You will go before me
    You will never leave me

    In the midst of deep sorrow
    I see Your light is breaking through
    The dark of night will not overtake me
    I am pressing into You
    Lord, You fight my every battle
    And I will not fear

    You amaze me
    Redeem me
    You call me as Your own

    You're my strength
    You're my defender
    You're my refuge in the storm
    Through these trials
    You've always been faithful
    You bring healing to my soul

  • Almer
    Almer Member Posts: 23
    edited September 2017

    It'sheart-warming to read the encouragement and caring through this thread. Thankful to God for each one of you!

    I finished my first round of high-dose Adriamycin/Cytoxan on the 14th. A bit rough day 3, 4, 5 after treatment but then the Lord touched me, strengthened me, brought me out of the sickness and fatigue and I've been able to work the past 5 scheduled work days! Chemo again this Thursday. Enjoying a visit from my son from CA and my daughter from KY. 😊

    God bless you all, and may you feel His presence in a mighty way!

    Angie M.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited September 2017

    Yea, Almer!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017

    Amen Angie. Beautiful post. One treatment closer to the end of them! We will be praying for your treatment on Thursday.

    As we see the destruction of Irma we pray for all those who have weathered the storm. We pray for all of those without power. Aurora, I hope we can hear from you when you are able and praying you and your family are okay.

    I know this is not over and some are still experiencing the wrath of this weather.

    Faith, we will be praying that you have an awesome trip and that you will feel good and have no problems on your vacation.

    Ellen, praying that you and your family are safe from this storm.

    Lita, we continue to pray for you and your family.

    As we remember 9/11/2001 and how our country has changed forever it reminds us how much we need God. From the forces of terror to the terror of the forces of nature we need a stronghold and an anchor in these troubled times. That anchor is Jesus.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited September 2017


    I wrote this prayer last Thursday when I started whole brain radiation. Today I go in for my third session. May this prayer hold true throughout my entire treatment, and once again may the cognitive and neurological dysfunction be minimal and tolerable.

    I pray this in the Mighty name of the Father God, and in the name of His Son, our beloved Savior Jesus Christ, and in the name of the Blessed Holy Spirit. AMEN! AMEN!

    We are ALL His miracles, ladies.

    Peace and blessings to you all,


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited September 2017

    Those are beautiful and powerful lyrics, Angie M. Thank you for sharing!

    Prayers to one and all.

  • Almer
    Almer Member Posts: 23
    edited September 2017

  • Almer
    Almer Member Posts: 23
    edited September 2017

    Just a Little Lump of Clay

    I want to share a blog (link seen above) that a precious Christian friend of mine, Kristy Furlow, has been writing throughout the past 16 months since her husband Clay was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The link might open to the most recent entry which is about what appears to be his last days on earth.

    This blog has blessed me beyond measure because it illustrates in a powerful way the love, grace, peace, and comfort of God in the life of someone who relies solely on Him. I hope you can read through it over time (from day one to today) and be strengthened and ministered to like I was. God bless!

    Angie M

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017

    Lita, saying Amen to your prayer and that these treatments will give you much more time to be with family and friends.

    Hershey, how are you doing?

    Angie, I love Kari Jobe. Thanks for sharing her powerful song and lyrics.

    I will have to check out the blog later this evening.

    Praying for those in the areas that still have no power. Praying for those still displaced in the Houston area. It is hard to wrap our brains around all this destruction and need. Praying God will provide through the hands and feet his people, and that includes all of us.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited September 2017

    Hello everyone specially hello my dear Nancy thank you for everyone here that prayed for us. Thank God He is family faithful and he is the Great I AM! Not only did he protect us from the storm in our own home, He provided a means to cook without power and now: POWER IS BACK!! My family and I were discussing traveling to Miami where my daughter's father lives since he never lost electricity in his apartment. But before we reached a decision the lights came back. Aleluya! Glory to God! We are safe we are comfortable. Now we pray for those who are not as blessed that they may recover soon.

    Amen amen


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017

    Aurora, it is so GREAT to hear from you. I am so glad to hear that you are okay and that you have power now. I am watching the tv show with all the celebrities raising money for all the hurricane victim's needs in the aftermath. I have been tearing up all evening watching this. The destruction is horrible but the love and support from so many coming together as one is truly inspiring.

    Thank you for posting. Again I am so glad you and your family are okay.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited September 2017

    Almer, i read a lot of the blog Clay's wife has been writing.

    My prayers are with that dear woman and her 3 children. She's only 40, and to be losing the love of her life to hideous glioblastoma brain cancer...we omust all count our blessings and hold them up.

  • Almer
    Almer Member Posts: 23
    edited September 2017

    Lita, I'm thankful you were able to read some of it. We heard tonight that Clay went to be with Jesus at 7pm, with his family around him. My heart is both sad and rejoicing: he is without pain, his body is whole and without disease again and he is sitting at the feet of the One he loved most in his life. But his dear wife, 3 children, parents, brothers, and relatives are certainly going to be missing him tremendously.

    Lita, my prayers are with you, too. What a sweet, courageous spirit you have! I pray you feel God's presence in every moment of everything you go through.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017

    Angie, I am sorry to hear about Clay. I had read maybe the last post while he was still alive. It is heartbreaking knowing the kids are so young. Prayers for this family.

    I could use prayers for my family. As many of you know my sister and I are caregivers for my mom who has dementia. We had to increase her home health care drastically just a few weeks ago and we need wisdom and direction for future care. The maze of things to do is mind boggling.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited September 2017

    Nancy, I know these days are very difficult.

    My DH and I went thru all this with his late mother in the early 2000's, and I had to navigate thru a lot of stuff when my father had a massive stroke back in the 1997, leaving him totally paralyzed. It was a LOT of work coordinating care and care giving. Amazingly that was 20 years ago. My, how time flies. Dad passed in 2005. Can't believe it's been more than a dozen years already. Sadly, my DD never really got to know him well because she was only 3 when he had his terrible stroke.

    DH's mom's decline was a bit slower, but she also had a stroke and we were able to have her here at home with us for a while, then back to her home, then in a senior apartment, then assisted living, then finally to a residential board and care facility a few blocks away from us. She succumbed very peacefully to a heart attack in Jan 2012.

    You will indeed have your work cut out for you. Let prayer and the Lord guide you during this challenging time. Every parent has different needs. God did not use a cookie cutter on us! Do realize that there will come a time when your mother will not be able to stay safely at home by herself. You need to start doing some legwork NOW so that her future placement is not as daunting when the time does come. I'm sure there are some fine facilities out there for her. The problem is CONVINCING her that it's time to go for her own good. Round the clock home care is astronomically expensive...DH and I know that for sure. If your mother is still ambulatory and can still toilet herself, you might be able to find a reasonably priced care facility for her. The more help they need (diaper changes, hand feeding, etc.), the more expensive it becomes.

    I pray for you during this time, dear friend!


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited September 2017

    I am praying for all of you!

    James went to the VA clinic the other day and I reminded him JUST before he went back to the exam room to ask the doc about his memory loss and his increased tremors - AND HE FORGOT! They don't allow spouses to go back to the exam rooms or I would have. His memory - or lack thereof - is alarming me. He's on supplements for brain health and we are exercising together, and his oxygen is good...but his memory getting worse. First I almost lost him physically (TWO heart attacks in July/open heart surgery & another for a stent) but now the concern added is his mental state. I know the Lord is sovereign and He has reasons beyond our comprehension - but I am really weary physically & mentally. I don't even pray (for me) to feel better anymore - just gave up on the cancer meds and all the supplements I had been taking. Not depressed - just weary. Could use some sisters praying along with me on all of this. Thank you!

    Lita our womens group prayed for you Sunday night and the church has been lifting you up too in the Sunday mornings & Wednesday evening services.

    Nancy - it's so hard to parent a parent. May the Lord make the transition that is inevitable an easy one for you and for your mom. There is an elderly couple from church who are experiencing mental & physical decline. Their 4 children live states away and aren't concerned because they don't deal with them on a daily basis as we here do. They are aware how bad their parents are getting. The wife has dementia and is getting worse, the husband refuses to get some help and he is failing and gets angry with her. James & I aren't able to help them like we used to do but we are really concerned. God bless you, Nancy for BEING concerned for YOUR mom. May the Lord provide you the answers you seek right in time.

    Aurora, Nancy, Faith, Angie, Hershey, Lita, Almer & all - Keep trusting in the Lord with all your hearts. He is our hope and help in times of trouble.

    Love to you all -


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited September 2017

    Ade I'm praying for you specifically that the Lord renews your strength. I know it is hard to continue on this road but remember you are not alone. I will continue to pray for you and your DH.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited September 2017

    Ade, I am praying for you and James daily. It is so hard when you are weary and feel alone. I am praying God intervenes and sends you the help you need, and peace in your daily struggles.

    Nancy, I haven't forgotten to remember you and your mom in daily prayer. I understand your situation very well. My parents died 5 years ago, 4 months apart, and they went kicking and screaming into assisted living. They even moved themselves out after a couple of weeks, but had to be put back in. By then they understood the need. It was rough at first, but my dad ended up loving the social aspect. They both ended up in hospice care at the same time. My brother lived close but I was 1200 miles away. I flew there as often as I could but I was not sick at the time. I pray for your strength.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017

    Ade, I am fervently praying for you and James. When my Dad had open heart surgery it was so difficult for all of us. Then when he got prostate cancer and eventually mets to the bone I know how weary my mom was so I can empathize with you on how difficult this must be for you.

    You may smile at this but I taught my mom how to drive so I have been in that role reversal for longer than I care to remember. When she took her driving test after I had given her the Reader's Digest cram session in driving lessons before returning to my teaching position I had scouted out the route the guy usually took the people seeking to get their license. We practiced that route MANY times. So when the day came I was nervously in the DMV as I watched the man take my mom on her drive of her life. My heart sank when they turned out of the parking lot the WRONG way that we had practiced. She did get her license anyway but I so remember that like it was yesterday. My mom lost two fingers of her dominant hand in a terrible car accident when she was nine. They thought she would lose her whole hand but thank God He had other plans. She had a terrible fear of driving...........hence not having her license till well into her adult years. She was a great piano player even with only two fingers and a thumb on her right hand. She has been a survivor for sure.

    Lita, it sounds like you have been down this path I am on quite a few times. I have been spending 3-4 months living with my mom for the last six years. She is three hours away. So I have already had a lot of work cut out for me already as I was trying to keep up her house and her car. It was only until my cancer hit that I just didn't have the energy to continue doing the house work and the car maintenance and we hired some minimal caregiving. This however is a whole new chapter. I am in the process of trying to gather as much info as I can long distance before going back in a few weeks to stay with her. My sister is going to have to do some legwork hopefully before I return. She just retired in May so has the time to do this and lives in the same town as my mom. There are facilities but many do not take memory care residents and many will shoo you out once your money runs out. Neither of those options work for us. I do have a short list at this point and hopefully my sister can do the needed leg work. My Dad died in 2005 as well. He had prostate cancer that went into the bones. He was in the hospital and we knew he would probably have to go into a nursing home because my mom was just beyond worn out. His MO saw him on a Friday night and he unexpectedly died on Sunday afternoon. His MO called the house and she was shocked. The Lord took him home so that he would not have to suffer and we would not have to suffer as well. Looking back it was a blessing but of course at the time it was a shock.

    We just changed my mom's plan of care a few weeks ago and I really thought that was going to work in the short term. However we have to go to more extensive plan to keep her safe.

    I am fervently praying for you as well. How many rads treatments will you have? Praying for great results with no damage to the good cells.

    Chris, thank you for your prayers as well. I am sorry to hear you lost both of your parents and so close together. My mom told me she would rather be dead than move from her home. However since having increased her home care she has enjoyed the company of her caregiver and that is a shock to me. So that tells me she may adjust to assisted living better than I would have ever imagined. How are you doing?

    Have a good night dear sisters. I am madly doing many loads of laundry today and tonight as my washer is going to be picked up for major repair tomorrow and I won't have it until M or Tues. This is a case where buying the extended warranty will pay off.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited September 2017

    Ade, I am praying along with you and for you and James. I can understand your just feeling weary. My issues are different than yours but weariness is a part of my life too.

    Lita, I don't know where you get your spirit but I so admire you and the fight you are giving this cancer. You are always in my prayers.

    Nancy, I'm so sorry you are dealing with even more issues with your mother. We had to put my mom in afacility for Alzheimer's, and she fought us all the way. I was so lucky to have my brother and his wife living near her and taking care of things. I'm not sure I could have managed it long distance. She was 300 miles away and I was working full time. As was said, it's hard to parent a parent.

    Keeping everyone here in prayer always. May our dear Lord lift you up and carry us all through the storms of our lives.

    Love and prayers,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017

    Faith, praying for you as well.



    Psalm 42[a][b]

    For the director of music. A maskil[c] of the Sons of Korah.

    1 As the deer pants for streams of water,
    so my soul pants for you, my God.
