thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited October 2017

    Lisa, prayers for you and hope no bad news.

    Yes please pray for Northern California, it is so sad to see all these houses and business got burned up to nothing.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited October 2017

    There are now THIRTEEN fires burning out of control here in No. California.

    Now there's one in Novato. They are getting closer to us.

    Fires in So. California, too.


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2017

    Praying for all those affected by these fires, and asking in Jesus name for the efforts of the firefighters to be successful in stopping this devestation~Amen!

    Its hard to believe someone may have intentionally set the fire, but unfortunately there are people who have no care for others.

    Nancy, I know you are very good with remembering names..I do admire that in others since I am not good at all with names myself! Yes, It is sad to come back on here and discover some of the women have gone home already..on other sites as well. Just a reminder of how precious is this life we are given, and to continuee to live it in such a way as to encourage others while we still can.

    There is no sadness in the presence of our Lord..only fulness of joy!

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2017

    Thank you, Paulette!

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2017

    Chris..Praying for a wonderful, pain-free visit with your sweet family!

    Your kitchen looks amazing! Funny, I just bought a new stove too but took it back to Sears just yesterday because it was scratched up a bit..I decided on a stainless steel instead so hopefully it will be a bit more durable.

    Now I have to go back to shopping for one. I hate shopping.

    Too much going on this week to do any shopping anyway..I am staying home until I get that call with results..Then I can breathe again.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited October 2017

    NeverForsaken, I have learned to shop online now. I looked through all the models at my pace from my recliner and wrote down what I thought I wanted. Then I went to a store that had it in stock to look at it before I bought it. I think it helped my energy and stress. I used to buy exclusively from Sears but have switched to Home Depot. Their installers are marvelous and I think their service is better. Prices are comparable. Besides, they are closer to where I live and I am all about convenience these days!

    Living in California, I am concerned about all the fires although I live in the city next to the bay and will be fine. I lived in Colorado a few years ago when we had a big fire that burned across the street from our home. 350 homes were burned across the street from us and I thought that was bad! I cannot imagine the devastation, fear, and sense of loss. It takes years to recover from a fire like that. Pray for the firefighters, Red Cross Workers, and the people who have lost homes and jobs. Whether it is floods or fire, people need the Lord now more than ever.


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited October 2017

    Amen, IntoLight!

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2017

    My eyes are tired from reading all the posts for a few months! Where does the time go??? Since I was on here, I sold my house, bought another and moved....only 3 miles but still have to pack up everything and move it. I now have a fenced in yard and it is a good thing because I now have 3 little rescued dogs. I had one. Then thought she needed a got another rescue. We were very happy. However, I volunteer for a rescue group and about 6 weeks ago, the director called and asked if I would go and get a puppy she heard about living in a rabbit hutch! I said "of course" , thinking I woukd have it for a short time. Wrong!!!! She is still here! I fell in love with her! She has made so much progress! She was a mess, but I got her cleaned up, antibiotics for flea bites, shots, etc. We have all bonded. I named her Emma. So now I have Molly, Bailey and Emma!

    So many new women on here! I pray for this group always - whoever and wherever you are. Women of God. I feel so blessed and have been out of treatment for 2 years. Feeling great. Counting my blessings! I thank God for each day.

    Lita, adding you to my daily prayer list and asking God to give you strength as you fight this horrible disease! He sure helped me through chemo! I recall days of feeling so sick and "just breathed." One day at a time.

    Praying for you tonight and all the families grieving for loved ones from the horrible Las Vegas shooting. And praying for our messed up world!

    Nancy, you are still the backbone of this thread! We had to put my mom in assisted living. Not easy! She did adjust, but she had Dementia and it progressed quickly because she then fell and broke her hip which required a short surgery. Praying for you as you go through this process.

    Also praying for all those affected by natural disasters and that the fires in California get under control.

    Have a good rest of the week everyone. God is good.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2017

    Good morning ladies. I dont post often now but I check in most days and pray for you as I read. These days most of my time is spent taking care of myself and my husband who has mild dementia. I've been praying that this will not progressed rapidly. I would love a few more years with him knowing me and are enjoying life now that I am not fighting breast cancer and hip replacements. I am great very grateful that my grandson Bob now has a job and at the moment is training in Ireland. He will be back at the end of the month. And is doing well. My granddaughter seems to be stable for the moment and spends her time working and with my great-granddaughter Val at my daughter's house. Hopefully she will soon get things on track and do what she needs to have the order of protection removed so that she can be a true mother to her daughter. I am thankful for the many blessings. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited October 2017

    Dear ladies,

    I will have to respond when I have more time and energy. It has been quite a day. God is working in amazing ways. We had an exterminator out for the snakes in the basement and they set glue traps all over. The owner asked about some bicycles in the basement and then offered to bring a trailer and haul things out of the basement for us. I can't tell you what a gift that offer was. It spurred my sister and I into fast action so we spent all the rest of day working and throwing things out. We will do the same tomorrow. After we had worked down there until almost dark my sister flashed a flashlight to see if she had picked up all the goodwill bags and saw a large snake crawl under something and disappear. Ugh!!!

    The lack of manpower has been a stumbling block for us so this man offering to help us haul things out has definitely been a God send. I can't help but thing that due to the snakes we would not have had this offer. God does work all things for good and He reminded me of that fact several times today.

    Chris, I love your remodeled kitchen. Your grand kids are so cute!

    Paulette, welcome. Feel free to join us any time. Praying for all of these fires and that lives will be saved. Such a horrible situation and like those have lost homes in the hurricanes and floods and earthquakes it is so very difficult to see your home destroyed and the helplessness they must feel when they are utterly homeless.

    Joanne, thank you for that post. I truly have had some moments the last couple of days when I have been full of anxiety as to how we were going to handle my mom's situation. I clearly heard God speak to my heart and basically say trust me, it is going to be okay.

    Lynn, it is do good to hear from you. Wow, moving again. It sounds like your fenced in yard will be perfect for your three rescue dogs. So glad you are doing so well and have taken the time to catch up and post. We need to hear these uplifting stories to encourage our hearts.

    Jean, I am so glad to hear your grandson is doing well and your grand daughter is becoming more stable. That is such great news. I pray that your DH's situation with me a gradual decline as my mom's has been for mostly the last six years. It is absolutely a challenge and patience and tolerance are words you will find yourself praying for alot. When things get difficult I have to tell myself this is not my mom speaking but the disease. That help to not take things so personally.

    Lisa, praying for that peace that passes all understanding as your wait for your lab report.

    Lita, praying that you are sleeping better and that you are having improved pain control.

    Signing off for now. My mom's 92 birthday is tomorrow so I may not have a chance to post with all going on in the basement and then being gone in the evening.

    Take care. Know God will meet you at your point of need. He will never leave or forsake you.

    As I was going through some of my Dad's things I found something he had written on a notepad. It said when satan is reminding you of your past mistakes you need to remind him of his future!!!!!!!!!!! I love that.



  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2017

    Still no test results. I even checked the online patient portal. Nothing yet.

    My heart goes out to all who are displaced from their homes from the hurricanes and now, these fires..And those affected by the shooting in Vegas.

    So much going on in our world..It can be overwhelming, but God is still in control. He always willl be.

    Praying for all here on this forum facing health and personal trials..In Jesus may we find our rest and hope. Praying for our families too.

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2017

    I just found out that the tumor is a metastatic breast cancer!

    My daughter is on her way home now..husband will be home soon too.

    Thank you for praying, it's not the answer I wanted, but trusting God still.

    Please pray for me.

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited October 2017

    Never forsaken so sorry to hear you have had a recurrence of your original breast cancer. I don’t remember reading where is your tumor but I invite you to visit the stage IV forums for information on treatments. I too have metastasis in my bones but praise God is controlled by chemo. I took other treatments before getting chemo and I have now been stage IV for 4 years. I feel well most of the time except for some nausea. I will pray that your doctors find a treatment that works for you soon. If you would like to “talk” send me a pm


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited October 2017

    Jean, I am lifting you up in prayer that God surrounds you with His love and peace. May your family provide you comfort and the love you need right now.

    Nancy, it sounds like God is moving that mountain one shovel full at a time! Praying for strength in your work today and joy as you celebrate your mom's birthday.

    26 My flesh and my heart may fail,
    but God is the strength of my heart
    and my portion forever. (Psalm 73)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited October 2017

    Lisa, I know you must be in a state of shock. I pray that your daughter and husband will give you strength and that God will give you the wisdom and direction and PEACE that you need right now. I will be lifting you up throughout this day. I am so sorry that this did not turn out as you and we all had hoped and prayed for. We have ladies that have been in stage four for quite a long time and I pray that you will have a great oncologist that will provide just the right treatment for you.

    Chris, thank you. I do appreciate your prayers for strength.

    Joanne, I love that scripture that says He carries the lambs in His heart and close to his heart. There is a lot of comfort in that.

    Take care dear sisters. Lot's going on here on the home front.



  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2017

    Thank you Nancy and to all on here who prayed.

    My surgeon called us last night and we will meet with him on Monday. My oncologist has been in the 'business' for more than thirty five years and is the best in our area. I know he will work out the best plan of action for me. My prayers are now that this one small (9mm) lesion was the only one and there has not been more spread. The good news so far is that it has all the receptors (triple +) so there are targeted treatments.

    Had a good cry and a good sleep, now on my way to the apple orchard to get my annual hot cider donut!

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2017

    Thank you for the invitation, Auroaya..I will go there very soon. Husband has the day off today so I am going to go play for awhile.

    I am so happy to learn that you and others are doing well despite stage 4 BC..That is very inspiring to me.

    This is the scripture that I found shortly afetr getting the news:

    So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you and help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.(Isaiah 41:10)

    The word "dismayed" is exactly how I was feeling..still am.

    Thank you for the encouraging scriptures also, dear ladies! he carries his lambs close to his heart..Love that!

    God truly is the strength of my heart and always will be!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited October 2017

    A few years ago there was a terrible drought here - didn't rain for something like 18 months! Then a huge wildfire swept through and devastated alot of acres. The fires stopped short of where we live now but many folks were not so fortunate. We're praying for the folks on CA and the brave firefighters in the battle.

    Hello to the ladies I haven't met yet ~*~ I am praying for you all, and we know the Lord HEARS our prayers!

    Hope your mom has a great birthday today Nancy! (NO SNAKES INVITED!!!)

    We got some hope as James FINALLY - after THREE MONTHS got to see his cardiologist this week. The doc said that James is a poster boy for the extremely expensive injection therapy for his cholesterol, since he can't take statins. They have put in an application to get it free for him (It is over $1,300 a month). We're trusting the Lord to use this to save his life.

    I have an onc appointment in December & we are trying to coordinate James' appointment for the same day since it is three hours away. I lost my planner so have tried for THREE DAYS calling my onc to find out my appointment date, but getting a machine - and they don't call back! Who does that! grrr

    May our Lord bless and sustain and encourage you all with His lovingkindness,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited October 2017

    Dear ladies,

    I will post when I get back home. It has been a crazy last few days but my sister and I got done in my mom's basement what I thought would take us months. So needless to say I am exhausted. I have a little reunion with three other teachers on Sunday. We have not all been together in 44 years. We all started our teaching careers together. What is bringing us all together now? Breast cancer. One of my friends is going through chemo now and I know it has been rough but she won't really say. She lives alone as I do and that can be hard. Two of the ladies came to see me at my cancer clinic after one of my treatments. I hadn't seen one of these ladies for over 35 years I think. She lives in Canada now.

    Lisa, praying for your MO appointment for Monday.

    Ade, that is such hopeful news regarding a new treatment for James. Praying that will work out.

    I have to go as it is late already and haven't started packing up yet.

    I will post later when I am settled back home.




  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited October 2017

    Dear Friends:

    I have to ask for prayers needed for my aging sick mother. She’s in the hospital in her hometown in Mexico. They’ve diagnosed her with gallbladder stones except she has no gallbladder having had it removed decades ago. So the stones made of bile have accumulated in the liver. She’s 83 years old and her attending doctor is recommending surgery. We are waiting for the surgeon to see her and see what they recommend.

    It’s a loose loose situation if we go with the surgery because of her age there’s a chance she won’t make it. If she doesn’t have the surgery she’ll be in pain all the while getting worse till the end comes. My father died two years ago and she misses him so I know she wishes to join him soon.

    I’m at peace but sad because either way I can’t afford to go see her right now. But thankfully she stayed with me for a month this summer and cherished each other.

    Prayers for wisdom for her doctors in deciding what course of action to follow and for my mom to be in peace either way.

    Thank you sisters.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited October 2017

    Aurora, may our Lord grant the medical team divine wisdom, may His healing hand be upon your mom, and may He grant you peace in whatever unfolds. I'm so sorry you are faced with this.

    Lisa, Chris & Joanne - praying the Lord is granting you strength in Him and peace. Hershey how are you doing?

    Nancy, did you find THE place for your mom? Did you have THE conversation with her yet? Hope your reunion was a blessed time. Rest up when you get back - you need it!

    Lita, wondering how you're doing & praying for the folks battling fires there.

    A pharmacy somewhere in TX called today to get James' drug insurance info (of which we have none as of yet) so she can fill the $$$$ ($1300+ per month) prescription from the cardiologist! We are confused. Thought it was going through a grant program. Guess we have some phone calls to make. :o(

    Praying for you all with love,


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited October 2017

    I have been praying and reading scriptures, asking God to give me strength to fight this battle.

    I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings untilthe disasters has passed. Ps 57:1

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited October 2017

    Good evening dear sisters,

    I am home now to flooding all around our area. I had trouble getting home from my little reunion last night because one of the main roads through my town was closed. We had an awesome time but I am exhausted beyond belief.

    Aurora, I saw your post earlier and have prayed for this awful decision that has to be made. I had an unexpected doctor apt this afternoon so I didn't have a chance to post until now. I pray for peace for you. I completely understand how hard it is when you are away from your mom and feel helpless to do anything from a distance. I pray for your mom that she has some relief from the awful pain she is probably in. I pray that the decision can be made quickly so you will not be left hanging.

    Ade, I sure hope that James can get these meds soon and that the red tape and bureaucracy can be cut through asap to your advantage. My sister and I visited only two places but spent a long time at each. Both had waiting lists and both required substantial deposits to even get on a waiting list. We paid for one and opted not to put a deposit on the other but still have not completely ruled the other one out. The "other one " called me today and left a message and I need to discuss this with my sister and see how we want to proceed.

    I have not talked to my sister since the very generous man came with his trailer today to haul stuff away for us. My sister continues to see more snakes but I never did seen any all the times I looked and was down in my mom's basement. The critters seem to be smart enough to avoid all the glue boards put down to catch them. It is a great concert or course as we know snakes can climb. We did not have the "talk" with my mom as my sister did not think the only time we had left together was not the right time. The Lord has it under control but it is hard being back home and not being able to do anything from here. I can pray and we ALL know how powerful that can be.

    My reunion with my friends was awesome. My friend going through chemo started what she called her first round in August and had several weeks in between treatments. She is now in weekly treatments of Taxol for twelve weeks. That seems to be the new mode of treatment. Have any of you know of this kind of regiment?

    My mom played the piano for me. I knew it might be the last time I ever get to hear her play so it was savored for sure. For a 92 year old missing two fingers on her right hand and her challenges she amazes me. She mentioned me putting up Christmas decorations for her so I actually hope we get to have one more big holiday season in her home.

    How is everyone doing?

    Lita, I had hoped to get some pics of my yellow begonias which I cannot believe are still blooming at this late date. We are possibly having a frost tonight and I didn't have a chance to take any pics while it was still light but I was thinking of you in all of this. I had hoped to post some pics of them. My New Guinea Impatiens are blooming like crazy in two flower beds and this is truly a miracle for this late in October for this area.

    Take care dear ladies. I pray for each of you regularly.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited October 2017

    Paulette, I just now saw your post. It takes me a looooooong time to type what I want to say so you beat me. I pray that God will give you the needed strength to get through this difficult time. When I have had tough times to get through where I felt like I had no strength of my own I just talk to myself out loud and say YOU CAN DO THIS. I have done this for many years and I do believe that it does help. It is stepping out in faith and saying that God is enough for my situation. He WILL get you through this.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited October 2017

    Hi ladies,

    This last Taxol treatment week has been a tough one. Worst diarrhea I've ever had. Thank the Lord I was wearing a pair of Depends!

    Yes, Nancy, RO's like to do weekly Taxol Tx on some BC patients, usually the Stage IV ones, because it keeps a more consistent dose in the body, and the weekly Tx are supposed to be more tolerable than the "dose dense," once every 3 wk infusions (but just tell that to my poor colon...).

    Been having headaches of late...I just hope it's the Taxol and NOT brain tumor progression. My next brain MRI is not scheduled until next month.

    My veins are starting to blow out - RO doesn't want to put a port in until AFTER the MRI. If there's major progression, they will put me on hospice. There will be no point in continuing if the 20+ tumors aren't under control from the whole brain radiation.

    I am completely at peace about it. I know I am in the Lord's hands, and if He wants me to come home sooner than I'd planned, I'm okay with it.

    Blessings and peace to you, my dear sisters,


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited October 2017


    After I read your post, I don’t know what to say. I’ve been asking God for strength because I feel so weak and broken. When I read yours I feel sad. I can only share something I read

    “I am with you and wil watch over you wherever you go ... I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you” (Ge 28:15)

    I read this morning I hope that will bring us peace.

    Bandwoman - thank you!! I know God is watching over our shoulders.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited October 2017

    Lita, praying your MRI will show that the rads were effective against all those tumors. I am glad you are at peace. I know God is giving you more time than you thought and I am sure you see each day as a gift. I just wish you didn't feel so lousy. BTW my friend having the weekly Taxol is Stage 11 but is have it that way for the reasons you mentioned.

    I am fighting off a stomach bug and waiting to hear from my oncology dept whether I should cancel my apt for tomorrow. I don't want to give other patients with weakened immune systems anything else to deal with.

    Paulette, that is a great scripture for all of us. Thanks for posting that.

    Aurora, any decisions made for your mom yet?




  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited October 2017

    Hi everyone Lita I’m still praying for you and you Nancy. No no decisions yet, she’s stable and not in pain thank God but running a little desperate. She’s at the general universal insurance hospital but they may transfer her to a private one if they find they cannot treat her where she is. So we are waiting on burocracy to turn it’s wheels.

    Please keep praying.


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited October 2017

    Dear ladies,

    I don't post often but I read all your messages and pray daily for your needs.

    I have Taxol #8 this Friday. My white blood cell counts have been very low, but my red blood cell counts have remained stable since my tranfusion. I am grateful for that. Once Taxol is finished, my oncologist is giving me one month off before beginning radiation. To say I am looking forward to the drug holiday would be an understatement. I will need to schedule a radiation consultation, follow-up CT scan, and some blood draws during the time off, but not having infusions ... priceless!

    May the Lord's grace and provision meet all your needs and situations.

    With love and gratitude,


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited October 2017

    Hi Hershey, taxol such a beast I’m going for #6 this Friday, will keep praying for everyone and Lord will look after us.

    I was telling my PT this morning, I’m going to count my blessings now. Thanks God that I woke up and smell the fresh air, I’m fatigue, Lord gave me an afternoon nap so I feel better. Oh Lord please give me strength so I can knock down this taxol beast!