thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited September 2017

    Praying for Ade and her DH and praying for you Nancy that the issues with the care of your mom can be smoothly resolved.

    My family and I are doing well. Our subdivision is the only one with electricity in miles it is such a miracle from the Lord. We have enough food for us but the stores are almost empty. Please pray for those less blessed. They don't expect the schools to open until about the 23rd of September so my grandson is home thank God he's taking it well. My daughter's job in Naples is underwater and the office nearby is without electricity. Praise the Lord we are ok!

    Will keep you posted.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited September 2017

    Aurora, I can't imagine what you, your family, and your neighbors are going through. I complain when I don't have water for a few hours while they are doing condo maintenance, and I complained loudly when the city cut off our electricity for 8 hours and I couldn't climb our four flights of stairs! I shall be thankful for what I've got next time. I am praying daily for you. I have several friends affected by these storms. God bless.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017

    Thank you Aurora and eveyone for your prayers.




  • Almer
    Almer Member Posts: 23
    edited September 2017

    No More Night Hoping this powerful song will leave you rejoicing in the future that is ours.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017

    Thanks for sharing that video Angie. I am a retired band director and nothing can usher me into the presence of the Lord faster than anointed music. I needed to hear those words tonight. I love this song and I love David Phelps. No more pain, no more tears....................the lyrics are powerful. It has been a difficult last few days and it helped to be reminded that in heaven it will all be worth what we are going through here. I have just dealt with death this weekend when a former coworker lost her Dad suddenly. As I see my mom's downward spiral I have felt a lot of grief in that as well.

    I was able to talk to a couple of assisted living facilities today for my mom and gathering facts. The financial and emotional impact of this is pretty overwhelming. It is very difficult trying to do this long distance and I am counting on my sister to visit these places before I go back in October.

    The application process sounds time consuming so this will not happen overnight for sure. We need time to prepare my mom as well and I would appreciate your prayers in this regard. It is going to be an uphill battle.

    Praying for all that are in treatment. Praying for situations that we need God to come in and comfort our hearts when the path looks dark and scary. Praying that we can all trust God in all of our situations. We all are on different paths with different obstacles but the one common theme is we HAVE to trust in God to get us through. I ask for peace for all of us as we charter the new and unfamiliar waters as we navigate through the deep waters.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited September 2017

    Nancy, I'm so sorry for the stressful situation you are dealing with now. I am praying that things resolve easily for you and your Mom.

    Aurora, praying for you and all dealing with the aftermath of the hurricanes and praying that the next one heads out to sea.

    Ade, still praying for both you and James that his health improves and you can get some relief from the stress of dealing with it all.

    My DH and I had a nice day yesterday as we drove to Wisconsin to watch one of our granddaughters play in a golf tournament. She's on the Oregon State golf team and we've never been able to watch her compete since all the tournaments are usually out west. It was so good to see her as it doesn't happen often since her home is in Idaho. However, we stopped for dinner on the way back home and I think I had some bad food. I've felt awful with stomach issues all day. Now, I'm trying to get ready for our trip on Sunday and I'm feeling very stressed about being sick. I'm just not a very good traveler so I would so appreciate your prayers that all goes well for us. It seems silly to ask for prayers for this when there are so many needs out there. However, I trust that God will hear all our pleas for whatever is happening in our lives.

    May God hear all our prayers for your troubles.

    Hugs and prayers,

    Faith ( in the future).

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited September 2017

    Faith, no need is too small or prayer request too minimal for God. I will pray you feel better for your trip.

    My DH threw up all night Sunday night so maybe it is a bug that is going around? I had to watch the 2 year-old while she tried to recover yesterday. I am exhausted today! but I did ok. We walked down to the bay and she just took off to the water so I had to run after her. I let her play on the swings and slide awhile but then she threw a fit when I told her we had to go back (yes, she is very strong-willed.) I can't carry her longer that a minute so I had to just wait it out. Eventually we were able to walk back. I had to bribe her of course. Most of the time she is sweet but I think she was acting out because she knew her mom was home without her.

    My hour at a time!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017

    Faith, praying that you will be just fine before you have to leave on Sunday. I am glad you got to see your granddaughter play in her golf tournament but sure sorry you got sick after eating. Praying you are just fine today and can concentrate on packing and having a wonderful time.

    Chris, praying you do not get sick after taking care of your family that did. I am sure you have your hands full on any given day with a 2yr old in tow.

    Aurora, praying that your daughter will be able to get back to her workplace soon. Praying you all have enough water, food and supplies as it sounds like those are still in high demand.

    Ade, praying for you and James dear sister.

    Lita, praying your rads treatment is doing it's intended job with no other damage to good cells.

    Angie, Hershey, GrammySher and all those in treatments.......praying for manageable SE's and good results with treatments.

    Praying for all of you.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited September 2017

    I am not able to retain each individual prayer request like Nancy does but be assured I pray for all of you in this group. Our God knows.

    I would like to request a special prayer for all the people in my hometown Mexico affected by the earthquake. My family members and friends are ok but so far there has been 44 death and many caught in the rubble.

    Earthquakes, hurricanes, inundations, Signs of the times.


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited September 2017

    Yes, indeed Aurora, it certainly is. When I can't sleep because of the steroids, I pray for everyone.


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited September 2017

    Thank you all for your prayers, they are most welcome and I can feel them working as I feel a little better today. Intolight, I pray you don't get sick with germs flying around the house. Take care and get some rest, taking care of a two yr old is exhausting.

    Aurora, I'm sorry that earthquake was in your hometown but glad your family is safe. I think you're right, these things are a sign of the times.

    Lita, you are at the top of my prayer list, I so admire your courage and spunk. Keep it up and you can get beat this beast yet.

    Nancy, I'm praying some of the issues with your mother are getting resolved. I'm sure the worry and stress are awful for you.

    I pray you all have a good nights sleep. It's so good for us.

    Hugs and prayers,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017

    Hello dear sisters. My email has been down and is finally up. I depend on that for notifications from this forum.

    Aurora, you and your family have been through so much. This earthquake is just so sad and scary for the people still looking for loved ones. Yes, our earth seems to be in a tailspin for sure. It feels helpless watching all of the events going on in the world and it seems like things are totally out of control. That is where our prayers are powerful. We have NO idea just how powerful they are. God is still in control no matter what things look like. These things have all been predicted in the Bible so we as Christians should not feel hopeless. That doesn't take away from the fact that so many people are suffering and we are called to do what we can. We can pray for sure.

    Faith, I am glad to hear you are doing better. Praying for a fantastic trip for you and DH and that you will feel excited and really enjoy the whole experience.

    Lita, how are the rads going?

    Ade, you and James are covered in prayer.

    I am waiting on a call from a director of a facility that has both assisted living and a memory care unit. My sister did get to visit one of the places I talked to yesterday and I think we are both not really sure what my mom's needs are going to be and whether assisted living will be enough support. I would appreciate your continued prayers for my family.

    Praying for you dear sisters.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited September 2017

    Finished my last whole brain rads session, and to celebrate, I had the pastor who will officiate at my memorial, when the time comes, over to go thru the program and the songs, verses, etc.

    He praised me for this GIFT I have given my family, facing the task head many people don't do this and just leave it up to their family, and some times they don't have a clue, which causes unnecessary stess. He wished more terminal people would do this ahead of time so they can have the service they want. I selected my hymns, old and new testament verses, order of program, etc. All I have to do is send him a decent photo, and he'll put it in a file, and when the time comes, he'll add the final day, print it, send it off to be copied, and we're done.

    I have to do this because any one of my brain tumors could hemorrhage at any time, and then I'm in the arms of Jesus.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017

    Lita, only the Lord knows when He will take you and I am so glad you have had more time to get your affairs in order so that it is a bit easier on your family when the time comes.

    You sound at peace and for that I am very grateful. You are a strong and brave woman showing much courage during this most difficult time.

    You have nothing to fear with Jesus on your side. You are His and He is yours.




  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited September 2017

    Amen Nancy! Lita you are such an inspiration I'm in awe. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers. His will be done.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2017

    Hi ladies. I don't check in as often but pray as I read daily for the requests. We had a storm of sorts here. My hubby was diagnosed with Alzheimers yesterday. I am still trying to digest this. Please keep us in prayer. Love, Jean

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited September 2017

    Jean, I am so sorry to hear of your DH's diagnosis. This is a tsunami, and I cover you with prayers.

    Lita, the peace of God is evident in your posts, and an example for all. I only pray for that kind of peace and example when it is my turn. May God surround you with family, love, and an abundant of blessings.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017


    I am so sorry to hear your news. You know I will be praying for you for strength, grace, wisdom and patience. This is a lot to take in but you are strong and smart and will know what to do every step of the way with God leading you.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017

    I think we all need grace and peace in our varied circumstances. I am asking for each of us to be supplied with the grace and peace that God so willingly supplies for us each day to meet our needs.

    I heard this on the radio as I was running some late night errands last night. The pastor said prayer is the power that propels us on our path of need. I am sure this is a very loose translation but that is he gist of it.

    God bless each of you as you travel this day hopefully with prayer propelling you into His grace and peace.




  • Almer
    Almer Member Posts: 23
    edited September 2017

    What God is doing in each of you is inspirational! There's much going on right now in my church family and I can't respond in length here but know you all bless me and I pray for you.

    Lita, is there someone who can give us updates on you when/if you can't

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited September 2017

    Angie M,

    Another member, Kandy, created a topic just for Lita:

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017

    God gives us the beauty of nature all around us to enjoy his creation. Now that we are in fall even though the temps here don't show that the leaves in this area are turning and we can see God's handiwork all around us. Some of you have beaches and deserts and mountains to reflect His glory. I hope those of you who can will be able to enjoy those wonders this weekend.

    Pray for Faith as she and her husband travel.

    Angie, Lita recently mentioned that she had given her DH the password for BCO to let us know how she is when she is not able. That link that Hershey reminded us of is probably the place he would put any info I am guessing.




  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited September 2017

    I have finished my Whole Brain Radiation sessions.

    So far, minimal neurological dysfunction (PRAISE GOD!). What I have noticed, however, is that my taste buds have changed completely (yes, taste buds, smell, etc. are controlled by the brain, too). Everything tastes bland now, and I have to force myself to eat, but that's ok.

    I will start my weekly Taxol infusions on Oct. 3.

    Thank you for your continued prayers of love and support. I DO FEEL THEM!

    I'm beginning to have some tumor pain in the lower surprise there...since I've been off Xeloda pill-form chemo for a little over a month now. (Can't do rads and chemo at the same time...too hard on the body.) MO thinks Xeloda stopped working in May/June. While I've enjoyed this "chemo vacation," I am concerned that the little cancer demons are running amok without a heavy-duty enforcer to keep them in line.

    I am still taking about 30-40 mgs of CBD tincture per day for the pain, and I still can't sleep more than 2-3 hrs per night because of the steroids.

    I am starting to SLOWLY tapering off the Decadron steroids and upping my daily Alzheimer's meds for the coming neurological deficits. The RO says I will have to stay on the Alzheimer's drugs for AT LEAST six mos.

    Thank you for being there, my dear prayer warriors,


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited September 2017

    Sorry I haven't popped in very frequently lately - but I pray for each of you. Allergies are crazy and I broke yet another tooth while FLOSSING! Can't get my throbbing jawbone fixed until Wednesday unless they get a cancellation. But this isn't NEARLY as bad as what most of you brave ladies are facing & going through. I AM praying for all of your needs.

    Jean I'm so sorry to hear of your DH's diagnosis! That's what I am fearing for mine. He was SUPPOSED to mention his memory loss to his doctor - but FORGOT - and I am not permitted to go back with him in this tiny VA exam room. He doesn't realize how bad it is getting and it scares me. I understand how you feel and pray for the Lord to help you through this.

    Lita, you amazing woman! You inspire and bless us all with your courage & faith and we're ALL praying for you! Praise the Lord the rads are over.

    I wanted to let you all know that the little boy (Nicholas) with 10% chance of survival from his aggressive brain tumor last year had a CLEAN MRI last week! Thank you all for praying for him. He is a living miracle - glory to God!

    Nancy I pray the LORD will make straight your path concerning your mom's transition. He can do amazing things in peoples' attitudes and can grant you peace for your anxiety over this.

    We have two grandbabies (ages 6 & 8) in Cuernavaca Mexico and have not heard if they're ok or not. Prayers appreciated!

    Love to you all,


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited September 2017

    Lita, Yoo-hoo on finishing rads. Will continue to pray for you. Ade praying for your grandbabies to be ok and for you to hear from soon. Please keep your prayers on the victims of the earthquakes and the hurricanes going. Please.

    Thank you


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017

    Lita, you are a warrior in every sense of the word. I am so glad you are done with rads. Praying against pain and SE's in your upcoming chemo. God is obviously giving you more time here and I know you are so grateful for that. I know you will make the most of each moment.

    Ade, you are going through a stretching of your faith in spades!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am praying for you little grandbabies that they are safe. With teeth, allergies and dealing with James' challenges you have way too much on your plate. You WILL get through this awful time.

    Aurora, how are things going in all the aftermath? How are YOU doing?

    How do we hang on??????????? By NOT letting go of Jesus hand.




  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited September 2017

    Continuing prayers for Lita and Ade and everyone else. Me and my family both here and in Mexico are fine praise the Lord. I did hear from three people indirectly known to me who died on the earthquakes. Please pray for the victims and their families. I had chemo Friday and other than the long ride to and from the infusion center I’m doing well.

    Praying everyone is having a nice pain free weekend.


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited September 2017


    Embracing my new look. My hair was falling out in handfuls. Thanks to my DH for buzz clipping and hand shaving my head.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited September 2017

    Lita, bald is beautiful on you!


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited September 2017

    Lita, I agree--you are beautiful in bald!

    Nancy, thank you for the banner yesterday. Some days I just want to give up.

    Prayers to you all for a blessed and positive new week.
