thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited December 2017

    I am having another brain MRI on Dec 7. All the symptoms of my 20+ brain mets are back....horrible dizziness, headaches, a huge blind spot that is now affecting vision in both eyes, numbness. They cannot re-do the whole brain radiation again. It's a one-time deal. So, if they can't go back in and try cyber knife or gamma knife, I will graduate on to HOSPICE.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2017

    Lita I am so sorry and pray the Lord will grant you relief.

    We are ALL praying for you Dear Sister!

    Big hugs,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    Ade, thank you for you encouraging words. I am glad to hear James is doing better and it is great to see him with all of your deer friends. I know I have said it before but I would love to have that experience of having wild animals trust you enough to become your friends. I am very sorry to hear you have found another lump. I have heard of mammograms missing tumors but I thought ultrasounds were more accurate. I guess they found something but that something was not what they thought. I am praying that this lump is going to turn out to be something that is not cancerous. I can only imagine how you are feeling. Can you contact your MO before your apt. That is a long time to wait with apprehension.

    Am I understanding you right...........are you traveling to Ohio to be with your family? I will be praying for strength and for peace as Hershey's banner appropriately has stated such a powerful verse.

    When driving home the other night I prayed for that peace that passeth all understanding and I received it. His word is true and right and the power of the Word is within us. We have to tap into that and stand on His promises. He will never fail us. EVER.

    I had my last (hopefully) trip to urgent care last night as a follow up. I did get to see the same doctor as I had seen the last time. Usually that is not the case. She said it looks like the infection has cleared up and that is the same thing the NP that saw me last at my mom's said as well. However they both said diifferent things on what my surgeon might do. I trust the lady here since she knows my surgeon. She said since this has recurred in such a short time she said he will probably want to go in again and to deeper. I did not call his office today as this is his big surgery day. I will call him tomorrow and hopefully he can see me some time next week. I have a new regimen now which will involve my neighbor who I had hired as my personal home nurse. She is not a nurse but is very willing to help. She will come over twice a day to change the bandage. I have to go without a bandage for a couple hours as well. I finally got to see what this place looks like and it is a pretty big hole. It is much deeper inside where I had surgery. I do not relish what is to come as I had repeated infection after my surgery in June.

    The interesting thing is my neighbor knows I am a Christian. She came right out and asked me my opinion on some things and I had to be honest and tell her I would stay away from these things. I won't go into all of that but the thought occurred to me today that maybe my cyst came back so that I could have more direct conversations with her about the Lord. She said her 10 yr old son has been asking a lot of questions about God. They don't go to church. Their little girl this summer who likes to follow me around when I am working in my flowers said something and I said well I have to go to church tomorrow. She said what is church. It is hard to imagine that but very typical of many families today. So my work may be just starting and the cyst was the thing that may bring about some good in the long run. I told her she could go to church and that there is a great program for kids in our church. So we'll see.

    My sister figured out that on my mom's old phone someone had accidentally turned the volume down. So now my mom can hear me on the phone. I bought her a new cordless phone but she has trouble remembering how to use it. I did get to talk to her tonight. I called last night and was very worried because she didn't pick up at all.

    She will be getting a new furnace next week. Not sure how the bandage changes are going to happen this weekend when the caregiver doesn't come and not sure if the visiting nurse will say we can get more days or not.

    Paulette, I guess there is never a good time to have cancer treatments but to land on Christmas and New Years is certainly not what you would chose if given the choice. You will get through this just like you did day at a time.

    Lisa, is sounds like you and Paulette may be on similar timelines with Taxol.

    Hershey, are you near the end of your Taxol?

    Jean, glad to hear your hubby is doing better.

    Lita, I know how awful this must be for you to know the brain symptoms are back. You have defied all odds before and the Lord has given you more time here than you had thought a few weeks ago. Only He knows what will happen but I pray that you will have peace whatever that is. You know we are all praying for you. I pray against fear and anger and all of the normal things that you are probably experiencing. I pray for a supernatural strength and peace to come over you during this difficult time.

    Take care dear sisters and have a good night.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    I pray that all who are going through the storms of life will run to Jesus and take refuge in Him. Don't fight your circumstances but let God show you his plans through them. Remember His plans for you are much greater than you could ever imagine for yourself.




  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017

    Nancy, I am praising the Lord that your infection has healed and praying the surgeon will not have to go any deeper..and so happy to hear the problem with the phone was the volume and not your Mother, and that she can hear you again. I myself live ina rather remote area and I do not know what I would do if I could not hear my loved ones on the phone!

    My schedule for Taxol will likely start after the New Year, as I will be due to start on Christmas day, otherwise they may schedule me for later in that (Christmas week) I am unsure at this time. I too will have radiation for the first time in my life sometime after the twelve weeks of likely March or April?

    Paulette..How are you doing on Taxol?

    I had Taxotere/Carboplatin in 2014..It was a heavy dose, but not as rough on me as this A/C.

    Ade..I am praying the lump is just a lump and nothing more..Yes, our Dear Lord gives us strength for each day..the trick is to not run ahead of him and heap up a bunch of days all at once to worry over!

    Lita..We will just have to be praying that they can use the Cyber or Gamma knife to control the brain mets! I know you have courage and faith..but this trial has to be the most difficult for you, especially as you are dealing with these symptoms. it sobers me to think that this is possibly in the future for me too. My daughter's MIL just found out last week that she has a brain met from lung cancer..I do not know, but I don't think she has a very strong faith in God..I pray this will change for her soon. Please Pray!

    I honestly don't think I could get out of bed if it weren't for my LORD! I'm sure I would just give in to depression and hopelessness.

    I'm still coming to terms with this diagnosis, and it often catches me by surprise..I definitely am learning to take more time out of each day to be grateful for the things that really matter..and that is the people that God has placed in my life..I too have found a way to connect with others whom I likely would never have because of the illness..and this seems to make me more ready to speak of my faith with them.

    Nancy..I'm glad you liked my sunset..It was taken in the Springtime back in 2016..I have plans to get over to my daughter's place soon to have a fun day with our cameras..but with the Holidays coming and the chemos, there's been no time for it. Our three daughters are coming here for Christmas with their husbands, but the grandkids will be with their other parent this year. I am excited, but will be happy when things settle down afterwards and I get on some sort of schedule with the Taxol and radiation..then on to Herceptin and Perjeta.


  • Chips530
    Chips530 Member Posts: 20
    edited December 2017

    Nancy,Thank you for the reminder that God is always with us.I just prayed for you & your Mom & thanked God for his many blessings. You reminded me that even though we face many troubles in our lives ,that we have our faith to keep us strong.

    My Dad had shingles on his face,late in his life.Oh,how awful it was.The doctor was worried that it would damage his sight but it didn't.

    I have been sick all week(think it's a sinusis infection)& yesterday a water main broke here in town ,so we've been on a "boil water" order.I'm suppose to get three teeth removed(sedation again) Monday & I was beginning to feel "poor-me"Needed to change my attitude to one of Graditude !


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    Lisa, I sure hope Taxol will not be as rough as your A/C has been. I understand being anxious to start. I was like that as well and my RO even started my radiation a little bit earlier than she would have preferred but for me it was an insurance issue too.. I hope you do get some camera time. I was just reading an article mentioning how important camera time is for many people. It is a type of therapy. I know for me that is the case. When I am feeling overwhelmed my swimming can alleviate much of that but I won't be allowed to swim for quite some time with this big hole in my back. As wiped out as I have been I went out with my camera the last two days.

    Dianne, I know when I am sick it is so easy to have that emotional strength drained out of you that it is hard to fight off those emotions. You are wise to make an effort and a choice to have an attitude adjustment. I remember one of my coworkers saying to be you are allowed to have a pity party with your bc from time to time and I have heard another sister with BC say just don't stay there too long.

    When it rains it pours and I enjoy mentally ticking off all the tasks that i have to do and especially the ones I have not been looking forward to.

    I am a firm believer that if we can get past our own poor me and woe is me place even though many will tell us we have every right to feel that way that is the worlds view of problems. In God's realm we are to be thankful in ALL things and there really is an emotional lift when we can discipline ourselves to choose to be thankful. The enemy's goal is to kill. steal and destroy us. One tool he HATES is praise and thanksgiving. It is a great weapon.

    Sometimes that may be a daily battle but the more we realize how important it is I hear that our actual brain chemicals can change when we adopt the regular practice of looking for things to be grateful for.

    I pray that you all have a good night.

    Faith, how are you doing?

    The are you both doing.

    Ellen, Char, Bev and others who read and pray behind the scenes we are appreciative of you ladies and I pray for you too.

    Take care.


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Nancy, praise the Lord you are doing better and your mom also doing better.

    Lisa, my SE with taxol was Neuropathy and 2/3 my feet were numb and my fingers all numb. I had only 9 weeks can’t finish 12 weeks of taxol. Pray that you have better time than I do. Some ladies didn’t have neuropathy at all.

    Dianne, I hope you feel better soon.

    Ade, pray that is only cyst, it is such a tough time.

    Hershey, how are you doing with taxol??

    Lita, you are always in my prays, pray God will give you all the peace.

    I am enjoying the windows of peace, waiting for my radiation to start. My neighbor asked me to see the church performance and I still worried about going into crowds. I spoke to my nurse friend, she suggested I should stay away until I finished my radiation. So much nasty flu is going around now, and the flu shots we took was only 10% effective. Am I worry too Much?

    Hope everyone have a good weekend!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    Dear sisters,

    I pray today that you will be intentional about looking for God's hand in this day. You will see so many blessings around you that I pray it will give your each hope in your situation.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2017

    A dear friend once told me..."We all have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Just don't pitch a tent there." Love, Jean

    PS. There were times I not only pitched a tent but set up a whole campsite while I made plans to build a cabin!

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017


    Paulette..Best to be safe about the granddaughter has it and she had a flu shot in October.

    I will likely get the neuropathy as I did have it when I was on taxotere back in 2014..I never really got back to 100% feeling in my fingers..more like 85-90%, so I will have to cross that bridge when it comes. Hope radiation goes smoothly for you, I bet you are looking forward to when things slow down and you can resume a more normal pace? I know I am looking forward to the New Year and being on a schedule with targeted therapy every three weeks..of course radiation will still be in the near future.

    Yes..Thanking and praising our LORD are powerful weapons..and also give us joy (He inhabits the praises of His people and in his presence is fulness of joy..the joy of the LORD is my strength!) This was the 'Trifecta' that got me through surgery back on December 26th 2013..and now still carries me through these days..and the ones to come ahead, I know.

    Blessings & Love~ LIsa

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Never, I still have neuropathy on my hands, feet is a little better. How many time of taxol are you going to do? Some people don’t have much SE on taxol, for me I got reaction on infusion time, it made it so long.

    I tried to be careful stay out the crowds until I finished my radiation. I took my nurse friend suggestion,

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited December 2017

    I wear ice booties and hold ice packs while I get my taxol txs. It's supposed to help with neuropathy in hands and feet. Eighth tx this week. Wont know if it works or not for months.


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Lita - so glad you are here, praying for your infusion!!!

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017

    Praying the Taxol works for you, Lita..How many are you scheduled to have? Is Taxol something you can get more than once..I think I read somewhere that Adriamycin is so toxic you can only have it once in a lifetime. I had Taxotere last time, which is a sister drug to taxol.

    Paulette..I get twelve one /week.

    I never got it in my feet before..I get so cold all the time or else I would try the ice.

    I do however chew on ice, and so far I have not got mouth sores, though I did have them twice four years ago on Taxotere/Carboplatin.though My tongue does feel fuzzy though.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Never - prayers for your taxol infusion, keep neuropathy away from you. Even I stopped taxol for 3 weeks, my tongue still feels fuzzy, wish this SE goes away soon.

    Praying for Nancy hope her infection got better.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    I have had several days of a crushing headache and just not feeling well. Good news is my cyst infection is looking much better. My neighbor comes over twice a day to change the bandage since I can't reach it. The bad news is I have a mole on my nose that is inflamed. I wear glasses and it hits right where my glasses rest on the side of my nose.

    I called my dermatologist today really not expecting to get in as she books way out. They must have just had a cancellation and I will get to see her this Wed. I have to go to her out of town office but I was thrilled to get in. I will also have my annual endocrinologist apt this week regarding my thyroid. I have pretty large nodules and we have gone back and forth whether I should have surgery or not. I hope I can get a free pass on the biopsy this year since I have been pretty stable for a few months.

    This may sound crazy but...............I had a pneumonia vaccine last year and needed a booster this year and I was told I would never have to have another shot. After having that shot I have had all sorts of pain crop up. The cyst got infected, I have terrible pain in my little finger, now the mole on my nose is inflamed. I don't tolerate many meds and I am wondering if this is a reaction to this shot. My temp is usually way under normal and I am guessing that is because of my thyroid issues but now my temp is close to normal which usually means I have fever.

    My sister tells me my mom's eye is looking much better and the shingles on her ear are much improved. She will be getting her new furnace installed tomorrow. I am praying my mom will come out of this with no long term issues.

    It is the 60's here today. Not complaining about that!!!!!!

    Praying for those on Taxol that you can get through the treatments. Those who are having ongoing treatments I pray for you to have the strength to endure.

    Ade, praying for you as you wait. I know that is so hard to do.

    Faith, how are you doing?

    Take care dear sisters.



  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017

    Taken from :Pneumococcal 2017 SE's

    Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

    Call your doctor at once if you have a serious side effect such as:

    • high fever (103 degrees or higher);
    • easy bruising or bleeding;
    • swollen glands with skin rash or itching, joint pain, and general ill feeling;
    • pale or yellowed skin, dark colored urine, confusion or weakness;
    • numbness or tingly feeling in your feet and spreading upward, severe lower back pain;
    • changes in behavior, problems with vision, speech, swallowing, or bladder and bowel functions; or
    • slow heart rate, trouble breathing, feeling like you might pass out.

    Less serious side effects are more likely to occur, such as:

    • low fever (102 degrees or less), chills, tired feeling;
    • swelling, pain, tenderness, or redness anywhere on your body;
    • headache, nausea, vomiting;
    • joint or muscle pain;
    • swelling or stiffness in the arm or leg the vaccine was injected into;
    • mild skin rash; or
    • mild soreness, warmth, redness, swelling, or a hard lump where the shot was given.
  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    Thanks Lisa. I appreciate all the info.

    I feel like I am going to pass out but that is because of the sticker shock and inconvenience I am experiencing from my ISP sending me a letter than my modem for my triple play is not going to work when they update their speeds. I took a trip to my local Best Buy and they don't have in stock what I need. I am a bit overwhelmed because I really don't have time to deal with this before leaving for my mom's again. I will be gone for three weeks. I will probably have to hire some person to come out as I am tech savy but when it comes to setting up a whole network with many devices I don't want to mess this up. I am a bit overwhelmed with everything else that is going on. Please pray that I can get this taken care of before leaving.

    When I return later in Jan I could conceivably have no phone or internet or TV if I don't deal with this asap. Finding the equipment in time is the challenge.

    I keep telling myself I am NOT going to let this steal my joy. Breathe and repeat!!!!!

    Thanks again Lisa.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited December 2017

    Nancy, sorry one more hurdle on top of the others. You are always so strong but you must also rest on the Lord. Being w/o internet is not easy so I hope you can get it fixed before your next visit to mom. Still praying for your “hole” on the back and for your mom. Praying for your wellbeing.


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited December 2017

    I will have at least 6 mos of Taxol treatments...unless my follow up brain MRI comes back bad this Thursday.

    If they can't do anything more for my brain mets (cyber knife or gamma knife), as I said in a previous post, I will be stopping all treatment and moving on to hospice. There will be no point in suffering anymore with this madness. I'm ready to go home to my Lord and Savior.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    Dear ladies,

    If you are like me sometimes we read scriptures that we have heard a thousand times such as the one below but when I think on those last few words God with us it makes the realization of Jesus birth so completely unbelievable in our human understanding but unbelievably wonderful as we have faith and believe. God is with us and he dwells within us. That is the miracle that surpasses all human understanding.

    I have been stressed to the max the last few days and today I got news of something else which I will share later with you and I know that it is only God's grace that I am still standing. I know that some of you are going through so much more than I but I know that God's grace is sufficient for each and every one of you no matter what.

    Lita, no one would want to be in you shoes right now amidst suffering and pain. There is something so much greater than any one of us can imagine waiting for you and for each one of us who believe in Jesus and that he died for us in our sin. I do pray that you will not have to suffer for long. The waiting for what God is going to do must be so difficult. I believe there is a purpose to this that you will eventually understand. In the mean time know we are all praying for you.

    Aurora, how are you doing? How is your daughter recovering from her surgery? I called my internet provider last night and I was really scratching my head after I got off the phone. He tells me my modem will not need to be switched out. (I am thinking then why did they send me this letter.) He said if I update to be sure it had a certain three things. After searching last night for a long time I am convinced that what he is mentioning is NOT out there. Maybe this is a ploy to rent more equipment from them. He said the change in our area may happen in one to two months so for now I have plenty on my plate already. Hopefully he is correct in what he said regarding my modem.

    Take care dear sisters.




  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited December 2017

    Hi Nancy hoping all the different issues do not pile themselves. Me and my daughter are doing well, thank God, last week we spent more time together and this week that morrow she'll take me for a liverbiopsy and after I will wait in the car while she does some Christmas shopping.

    Hope you're doing better in your cyst.


  • kLYN1459
    kLYN1459 Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2017

    I am 58 and I was diagnosed in August of 2017. I am a Christian and I Love my Lord and I would love to have someone to talk to because I as well don't like profanity. I don't need it to get the point across. It would be a pleasure !

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited December 2017

    kLYN, you will be happy on this thread then, because I have never read profanity from anyone here. Feel free to chat here. We welcome you although we are sorry you have to be here.

    Nancy, I am thankful God teaches me something new every time I read scripture; especially when it is one I have read multiple times before, and I am thankful every time you post and remind me. Our unique battles are difficult for each of us, and even the smallest problem adds up when you look at what we all are going through. I am reluctant to post a complaint when I read what others are going through yet I know my God cares for even the smallest sparrow and wants me to run to Him. I have begun reciting familiar scripture passages when I go to bed since I can't get to sleep easily anyways, and even in those God teaches me and gives me solace even through my pain. Thank you for your faithfulness here even through all of your troubles. God hears, and like Job, speaks to us through the storm.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    KLYN, welcome to our little corner of BCO that believes in Jesus and can freely talk about it. I am sorry that we all have to meet under these circumstances but I think you will find that there is a lot of comfort in being able to share with other women going through the same disease even though we all may be in different paths on this highway.

    This is hopefully a place to be encouraged and uplifted, a place where you can pray for others and in turn be prayed for. We all have our times of venting which is healthy but we try to do it in a Christian context. Feel free to join in as much as you like. We welcome all ages even though our title of this thread may not say that.

    Aurora, praying for your liver biopsy. I think you had a typo in your post and not sure you meant tomorrow but I will be praying for you whatever day it is. My cyst is looking very well. I have been through this quite a few times where it looked great and the surgeon said it looked great and then one or two days later it was filled with infection. I will see my dermatologist for this thing on my nose tomorrow and if time I may have her look at the cyst and give her opinion. I will see my surgeon on Tues of next week and I have no idea what he will want to do. I just know I can't have surgery before I leave and because of my track record I would not be able to go to my mom's as planned then. Thanks for asking. Praying for a good outcome for you.

    Chris, thank you for your encouragement. I hope no one who really needs to talk will hesitate just because they feel their problems or challenges are not as great as anyone else's. That is what friends do is share and lift one another up. I hope that we can feel like we are all friends even though we may not even know each other's name or where we are from it really doesn't matter. I have made some lifetime friends from this thread and connecting in cyberspace and establishing bonds cannot be denied. Here is an aside for you or anyone who wants to try this. I have terrible insomnia and that was magnified from my cancer drug that I take. I have been drinking a very large cup of chamomile tea at night and I have had some great nights of sleep lately and I am so thankful for that. If you have not tried it I would recommend trying some. I like the vanilla flavored kind. Take care. Speaking scriptures before bedtime is a great thing to do!!!!

    Off to fix dinner as I look at how late it is. YIKES



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    I know I have been away the last few days, I’m trying to finish my Christmas shopping before my radiation. And I will start my radiation this coming Thursday.

    Nancy, you got so much going on in your life, pray to God give you the energy and get through everything smoothly. From what I heard now they have made pneumonia vaccine stronger, so we need two shots instead of one. Prayers for your minimal side effects from this shot.

    Lita, praying for you to have a better outcome from cyber knife or gamma knife. Doing taxol is not an easy road for me I hope it is better for you,

    KLYN sorry that you have to join us, speak freely here and this is a great group.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    Paulette, praying all goes well as you start radiation. How many treatments do you have to have? The beginning of treatments are nothing compared with what you have already gone through. Hopefully it will go quickly for you.

