thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017


    How are you doing with all these stress? I have 30 treatments so I should able to finish by end of January.

    Sweet dreams everyone!


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2017

    Four days of fever, severe migraine & body pain, nausea & stomach pain. I am guessing this was the flu - but am thanking the Lord it is over! Thanking Him even MORE that James did not get it! I told the Lord I'd gladly take a double dose rather than James get it - and the Lord kept him form get ting sick. That's my praise today. We were in tee shirts just Monday - ice & snow tomorrow. Crazy!

    Praying for all of you ~


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017

    KLYN, Welcome to the group..and of course I am so sorry about your diagnosis!

    I know you will find comfort and friendship here..and most importantly, we are all prayer warriors!

    Ade, I am praying for your biopsy to go smoothly, and to have good results..In Jesus name~Amen!

    Chris..I do not like to complain either, but I am also learning that sometimes when I do voice a complaint I get more information on maybe how to deal with the issue from someone who has gone through similar..and then there's my family (husband and 3 daughters) who made me swear this time to be more "real" about what I'm going through..honestly, last time around everyone told me how strong I was and needed nothing, even though at one point after tx ended I ended up in the ER with a panic attack that actually paralyzed me head to toe for more than two hours! Believe it or not I really thought I was going home to the Lord that day and had a moment of complete peace amidst the chaos at the hospital! All from holding so much inside..What you said about having solace through the pain is such a gift and such a grace that only our Lord can give!

    Paulette..I pray your radiation goes smoothly and works completely to kill the cancer cells! In Jesus~Amen~

    Nancy, I hope you will have no barriers to being able to visit your mom..Praying for continued healing In Jesus~Amen!

    Lita..The Lord has written out each day of your life and he will equip you for each and every one of them..If the gamma knife is part of his toolbox in order to remove enough of the cancer from your brain to give you quality of life and more quantity too..then we pray in agreement for his perfect will to be done ~In Jesus~Amen!

    Blessings and Love, dear sisters..and may we all find hope, peace and joy this season when we celebrate the ONE who loves us most!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    Good morning dear ladies,

    I will check in later. I am getting ready to see dermatologist today.

    Ade, so sorry you have been so sick. So glad James didn't get it.

    Lisa, I totally agree with what you said about not keeping things inside. I am SO guilty of that. In fact many of my good friends I have not even told about my cyst and my mom.




  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017

    Nancy..Its a hard lesson to learn..I'm still learning it. If it weren't for my family sitting me down and making me promise..I would totally be blowing this whole cancer thing off as nothing again. Hard to do now around them!

    I love that scripture..and it is a promise to us that we can hold onto!


    Somewhere I think I have this with the lettering in white..but can't find it. Isn't it wonderful to know that his thoughts and ways are so far above our own..because, if you're like own thoughts can terrify me sometimes! So glad God knows best always!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    Amen Lisa. That is a beautiful banner and powerful truth in the scripture. Being real with people and especially Christians is very hard because we all have this idea that we have to be strong all the time. A lesson I am still learning in my older age.

    I have had this Christmas song on my heart all morning. There is something about this music and lyrics that just gets to me. I pray that you will take a few minutes and watch this video of Mary. If you listen to the lyrics it can apply to each on of us. Off to the doctor.



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Nancy, praying for your doctor visit turned out well.

    Lisa, life can get so tough especially we have to deal with Cancer, praying for your health and your doctors have wisdom to kill your cancer.

    Ade, praying for your biopsy goes smoothly and good result.

    In Jesus name, Amen

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017

    Nancy, that video was beautiful..I just love Francesca Battestelli's voice. Our youngest daughter sang at recitals in High school, and even teachers would ask her to sing for their classrooms..Her voice is very similar..My girl can actually sing acapella and make people weep! She will be singing for us this Christmas at home here. I've requested 'O' Holy Night' and her Dad has yet to choose a song for her to sing..He jokingly told her he wanted her to sing 'Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer'. We told him he can sing that one all by!

    Thank you, Paulette for the prayer..That is my prayer for all of us..and for continued clean scans for those who have been able to put this disease into remission/ cure.

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited December 2017

    We should never have to fake our emotions here. Glad your cyst is healing better Nancy and hopefully it will for the last time. I did have the biopsy yesterday (Wednesday) and will get results next week. Now resting. Asking God for strength.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    Dear ladies,

    Please pray for me. I am having a severe reaction to possibly the shot they gave me in my nose yesterday to numb it before removing an inflamed mole or whatever. I reacted yesterday and I thought it would pass. Today my forehead started burning and I looked in the mirror and my whole face looks like I have a bad sunburn.

    I had to cancel my endocrinologist apt that I would have left for within the hour. I have a call into my dermatologist and they are with patients and are supposed to get back to me asap.

    I am scared and have felt totally off yesterday and today.

    I would appreciate your prayers.

    Aurora, glad your biopsy is over and praying for a good result.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited December 2017

    God we pray in your r Holy Name for healing for Nancy. She’s the best we can have in remembering others but someone has to remember her. Please send her to the right doctor s that can heal her through you. In your name Jesus Amen 🙏


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited December 2017

    Nancy, I pray that God alleviates your distress and fears. I pray that any discomfort resolves quickly. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

    Aurora, I pray that you receive a good report next week. In Jesus' Holy name, Amen.

    Ade, I pray that God lessens your anxiety as you wait to see your doctor. Praying in Jesus' name and for His glory, Amen.

    Lita, I pray that you receive encouraging results from the brain MRI. I pray that you are a candidate for cyber knife or gamma knife. In Jesus' powerful name, Amen.

    Paulette, I pray that your first radiation treatment went well. In His name, Amen.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Dear Father, I pray for Nancy her discomfort will disappear fast, and her health will return back to normal.

    Aurora, I pray for your report will turn out good

    Ade, I pray that God will take care of your anxiety,

    Lita, I pray that God will give the best wisdom to your doctors so they perform the best cares for you.

    In Jesus name, Amen.

    P. S. I had my first radiation today and it went well, thank you for all the prayers and God always listen.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    Thank you dear sisters for your prayers. I did not have to go to the ER but was totally worn out after the doctor called me. She is pretty miffed at my whole reaction. I have lots of allergies to foods and meds etc. She said do you want me to add this to the list. I said no because I have had many of those shots in the past. I just said I have been under a tremendous amount of stress with my mom's situation and everything else.

    If I have any more hear palpitations I am supposed to go to the ER. I have not but I am still on edge so something has messed up my whole body.

    I hope to get back to normal and if I have not kept up with all of you I hope you understand.

    Paulette, I am glad you got your first rads out of the way.

    Ade, praying you feel much better.

    Thank you all for your prayers and posts. I really do appreciate it and it means so much to me.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2017

    Nancy, praying this all resolves quickly. Love, Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2017

    Nancy we are here for you lifting you up to the Lord as we all do for each other (and you so faithfully do for us). May the Lord grant you peace that permeates your body, mind and spirit. May you see His loving care for you even when things seem in turmoil. HE is your ROCK - stand firm in the faith you know so matter what.

    I am much better - thank you all for prayers!

    We got a rare snowfall here in southwest TX and have enjoyed it (even though there ARE no snow plows here!)

    May the Lord provide for your every need and grant you peace, healing and strength as you draw near to Him.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    Thanks Jean and Ade and everyone who has prayed for me.

    I am still feeling the effects of the reaction but not as bad. I am praying that I will return to normal soon. It has effected my thryoid meds so I have not taken any for the last two days and that has helped. When I have too much which I think was the problem of the lidocaine somehow interacting with the thyroid meds and producing too much which was in a very simple way making me feel like I was losing my mind and about to jump out of my skin.

    I get an allergy shot today and wondering if any other surprises might be lurking. I will give them fair waring and see if they still want to give me the shot.

    Ade, I am glad you are feeling better. Snow in Texas and you even have the proof. LOL Such a beautifu view you have. We haven't had any here yet but it has been very cold.

    Chris, I am glad you enjoyed the video. What a blessing to have a daughter with a beautiful voice. I did get to see Francesca several years ago at an outdoor concert. She was really pregnant and it was really hot so she was struggling a bit with all of that but her voice is amazing.

    I got word that my mom was able to get rid of her eye bandage. That was great news. However my sister is having trouble receiving my emails so my news of what is going on is sketching at best because my questions are going unanswered.

    I pray that you all are doing well. Praying for you dear sisters.



    Colossians 2:2-3New International Version (NIV)

    2 My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

    Sorry if I already posted this pick. My mind has been lost for a while now!!!


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited December 2017

    Thank you Nancy. I am praying that everything will calm down for you and that you can relax and let your body do some healing. I am also glad to hear that things are improving for your mother.

    I live in Southern California but fortunately about 30 miles south of the fires. We are fine although the school where my daughter works was cancelled for today due to the fire danger which is very close there. So far the air is not very smokey here. I got a Zometa infulsion yesterday and am struggling a bit today, but not bad. My granddaughter is sick with a fever, so I am wearing a mask which I guess will help with any smoke and ashes too. Gotta look on the positive side!


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017

    Continuing in prayer for you, Nancy..That picture is so peaceful.

    Praying for good results for your biopsy, Ade..What a gorgeous view you have!

    Happy to hear your first rads went well, Paulette..this gives me hope too.

    Chris, I'm praying for better days ahead concerning the SEs from infusion..That's good you are away from the danger, but such devastation and with the smoke pollution too..I heard on the news yesterday that so far there are no serious injuries, so praying that does not change.

    May you all have a blessed and safe weekend~Lisa

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Will continue to pray for you Nancy, hope you get back to your normal self soon. Happy that your mom is doing better.

    Chris, it’s such a sad news for the fires in Southern California, I live in Northern California we had big fires couple months ago. Watch out for the air quality, you might have sinus problem.

    Praying for minimal side effects for anyone who is doing chemo and radiation, also praying for Lita for better days.

    Prayers and hugs for everyone, have a good weekend,



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    Good evening dear ladies of faith,

    I went to get my allergy shot this afternoon. I suspected the nurse would say no way under the circumstances. It was very interesting the way it all played out. I was sitting behind these ladies that hadn't seen each other for a while. The nurse came out and said this must be a Naperville schools reunion. She mentioned the district we all taught in. The ladies turned around and looked at me and I said I am retired. It was nice chatting and getting to know them a little. One was teaching at one of the schools I retired from. As this lady went in for her shot I was left talking with this other lady.

    I am not usually the type of person that would open up to a stranger I had never met but this lady had a spirit about her and she said she was the school counselor of a junior high. They were both good friends of a fellow band director who just had a baby so that was fun hearing that news.

    Anyway as it turned out the nurse said NO shot today. She said do you want a shot knowing it could reek more havoc on my body and I said no. We were able to reschedule before I leave for my mom's.

    So the way it worked out I ended up going down the elevator to the parking lot with this counselor I had just met. I said well I guess I made this trip for nothing because she didn't want me to get the shot. This lady said to me maybe it was meant to be. I said I don't usually share personal stuff like this to a stranger but it was good for me to be able to get some of this off my mind to someone else. I do think this lady was a Christian. She had a sweatshirt that said Hope on it. Not sure what that was but after she said that I thought yes, it was meant to be. I needed to share in person with someone who would listen and it really helped me alot.

    I was still feeling the effects of this reaction and interaction to meds but tonight I am feeling more myself. I am so thankful for that.

    I watched a Netflix movie tonight called The Case For Christ. It is also an international best selling book written by a Chicago Tribune journalist, Lee Strobel. I saw him interviewed a few weeks ago and that was the first I had heard his story. It is an interesting movie and knowing it is based on a true story makes it very powerful.

    Chris, I have been praying for the wildfires in CA and I knew this might be a issue for some of you. We have three ladies that come to mind from this thread who live in CA. I have prayed that these horrific winds will calm down so the fire fighters can get a hold on this horrible spreading fire and put it out. Praying for safety for all the people and animals in it's path. For the devastation of property that has already happened I pray that you Lord will raise up hope in these victims to be able to grieve but to move forward and to rebuild their lives and their homes. I hope you feel better from your SE's from your treatment. I pray that it will continue to do it's intended work.

    Lisa, thank you. I am believing it is benign as the doctor thinks but it did get sent off to the lab for certainty. I like that picture as well. Can you imagine what that would be like to be one of the shepherds who witnessed Jesus and felt the impact of what this meant for them and for the world?

    Paulette, thank you for your prayers. Praying that your rads will go quickly for you.

    Lita, how are you doing? When will you find out if you can have the gamma knife I think you called it? Praying for your pain and discomfort.

    Hershey, when do you finish your treatments? Thank you for your prayers for all of us.

    Faith, I hope you are doing okay. We miss hearing from you. If you want to just take a break I totally get that. I do hope you are feeling better.

    Ade, praying that James will be able to hang in until Jan when He can start treatments which will really help him. Praying for you as you recover from the flu during this very busy season. Are you playing your flute for some of your Christmas services? I loved playing the flute even though clarinet was my main instrument.

    I know some of you are really struggling and I pray that you can get a breakthrough in you circumstances. I am thinking of Angie who really needed to get disability during her treatments. Praying that will happen.

    Praying for Aurora for a good result from this liver biopsy.

    I pray for Dianne as she recovers from surgery and gets ready to start treatments.

    Praying for Angie and Ellen, Joanne, Char and Bev and Jean for ladies who post sometimes and for those who may read behind the scenes and keep up without posting. We appreciate all of you as I know many of you pray as your read the needs.

    Thank you all again for your prayers. I have still not shared one of the big things that is stressing me so much because I don't think the timing is right yet. I do covet your prayers for my mom, sister and myself. This is such a difficult time for me and I am trying to maneuver this highway without wiping out!

    Have a good weekend dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited December 2017

    Hello my dear sisters in faith, As Nancy mentioned I have been taking a break because there has been so much going on for me physically and mentally but I have been reading on occasional and praying for your needs. There are so many it's hard to mention them all. I think I told you that the results of my biopsy was all good news and for now I'm off the Ibrance. At first I was very stressed about this because while I feel better off of it, but it's only a matter of time before the cancer will grow again and I will be back on that or something else. I think I've come to terms with that and have learned to trust in God.

    However, the broncoscopy I had, left me with a very irritated lung and I've been coughing almost nonstop for the last three weeks and not sleeping. I finally went back to the Pulmonologist and I have a couple of new meds that seem to help a bit, however there is something else that is keeping me up nights and a big burden for our family. Without going into details, two family members got into a big argument at a family gathering. I honestly did not hear all of the conversation so don't understand why one is so upset. One has apologized and the other is not ready to accept this. Both members have been dealing with lots of stress so that adds to it all. Apparently the offended person has been harboring hurt feelings for years and I was unaware of it.

    As I am writing this, I just received a text telling me to tell the other person to stay away. My heart is breaking and our family needs so many prayers right now. There is no good time for this to happen but at Christmas it is so much worse. I'm trying to trust that God will answer my prayers but it's so hard to have faith sometimes.

    Please keep my family in your prayers, I intend to take a small break as things are so stressful now but I will be reading and please know I will also be praying for you.

    Love and prayers, Faith

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    Faith, I am going to send you a private communication.

    Dear sisters,

    I had another reaction today with my face burning and my wrist this time. I am afraid that this is going to be an issue I will have to ride out because I really highly doubt that any doctor is going to figure this out anytime soon.

    Hope you all are doing well. We had a tad bit of snow so it feels more like winter here.

    Take care.



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    At first I’m so happy for you Nancy, now you are not feeling well again, dear Father please look after Nancy, she is having all kind of reactions lately, please lift her spirit up and take her under your wings.

    Faith, sorry that you are having so much pains from BC, at the same time your family members are fighting. Praying for them to make up and understand each other points of view. Also may God look after you and take away all your pains.

    In Jesus name, Amen.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited December 2017

    Prayers going out to Faith and Nancy.

    Would appreciate prayers for my back pain, which is getting worse, also prayers for a good MRI report.....still haven't received any news yet.

    If I don't hear something by noon Monday, I'll contact the MO and see what gives.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited December 2017

    Lita, I am praying God touches your back and the pain goes completely away! Also that your results give you reason to celebrate!

    Nancy, you certainly don't need more, and I am praying God sends a sense of stability to your body and touches your reactions and infections, and that He sends you peace and rest.

    I missed church today because I overdid it a bit this week--entirely my fault as I should have known better. I struggle to get up early after a long week. I am learning I don't handle any form of stress anymore so that makes this Christmas a little difficult as I want everything perfect. My "To Do" list needs to be finished before all of my stress leaves, and that is stressful in itself! It is a vicious circle.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2017


    GOOD MORNING, Sisters.

    Joanne, THANK YOU for sharing perfect words about Jesus' coming - as a baby first, and as our Savior coming for His bride. It is important to keep the whole picture of God's beautiful plan for us and not just focus on the manger. I believe you're right about His coming and I pray we are all ready and found working for His Kingdom when He comes.

    Nancy, may the Lord stop all of the reactions and infections and give you peace and comfort so you can enjoy the wonder of this season celebrating Jesus' coming as a baby to show us the Way.

    Lita I pray for GOOD results and relief for your back. May you, despite the pain, be able to find joy in Christmas because of what it means to you, especially knowing that you have the blessed hope of eternity with Him (as we all do). You are an amazing woman and your battle is not in vain. Bless you!

    James is still sick with whatever it was I had - fever, tummy pain, nausea, bone aches, migraine - (miserable stuff!) and I pray he can regain strength for our flight & 2 week trip a week from today. He has to drive me the 3 hour (each way) trip to my oncology appointment Wednesday and I told him I will gladly cancel it - but he had a FIT and said NO. I can drive the country part but not the city part.

    I know how family upsets can put a damper on the celebrations and gatherings - praying for peace in all of your families and joy and love!

    Have a blessed day!


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017

    Yes, Joanne..what a wonderful reminder of the hope to come that is in our Lord's soon return!

    What a gorgeous skyline, Ade! I pray James will feel better to make that long drive..Wow 3 hours?Bawling

    Nancy, I am still praying that these issues will soon be resolved..I especially pray for the Lord to give your doctors wisdom.

    Lita, i am praying for both your back pain and your MRI result. I too have a terrible back condition that preexisted cancer, but the cancer sure has not helped with it as I now get awful spasms as well as my usual pain.

    Faith, I am like you when it comes to my anxiety level not being very good whenever I have things that I need to do..that to-do list is piling up on me as of late too with the Holidays and family visiting..I started a project of hand-painting cards only to discover my scanner won't work anymore, so will have to scrap the project and hurry up and send out store bought ones instead!

    And as you all may know, yesterday was my last AC infusion..and I did not have my regular nurse Pam, but another nurse (there's only 3) gave me the infusion, she always makes a lot of mistakes with the patients, and I've only had her a couple of other times when the first cancer. Well, she didn't notice a leak in the line where she needed to cap it off at a junction..Thank God Jeff was there and noticed it, but not before the Adriamycin was dripping onto the chair, my jacket, and yes..then it dripped onto my fingers!..I yelled for did the other patients and their guests in the room..she was nowhere to be found once again! (first time there was a lot of blood coming out of my port into the line because I went empty, and she could not be found)! Well, I only had a couple tissues to sop that stuff up off my hand when she came in. She said she'd get me a washcloth then ran back in with some bleach wipes to clean the chair but no washcloth for me! Then she had to disconnect me from everything and tend to the port etc. My husband sat there with his eyes so wide I thought they'd fall right out of his head!

    Well, needless to say I ran right for the bathroom and washed my hands off really good! I thank the Lord there are no blisters or burns or anything. When I seen that red stuff (Adriamycin) on my hand I asked her if I would be ok since that is very toxic..she said oh yes, you're fine.

    This makes me so happy now especially knowing I'll be getting most infusions elsewhere..with the modern IV's, not the bags hanging and and needing a nurse to monitor when done. (or the patient) as is often the case, but doesn't work if you fall asleep for a while.

    There is a nation-wide shortage of saline here in the states, so I did not get a bag of it as usual, instead there was just a syringe full added with each med. I really make sure I hydrate well though. I do notice more of a headache this time. It's usually from the anti-nausea med. I am taking Aleve for it as usual. I asked the nurse about it and she said it was from the hurricane and then the CA fires destroying the 2 production factories that supply it to the US, and that we are asking for supplies from Canada and other countries now. She said their office only had one box containing only 25 bags..and that was only Monday!! It is a small center, but attached to a very large hospital. I hate to think how much is needed for the hospital. I pray this gets resolved very soon!

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited December 2017

    The saline crisis is a real problem for a lot of us.

    I hope I don't get another blown out vein tomorrow. I NEED the saline running concurrently with my infusions. They ran out last week, and my vein puffed up and hurt for days. I had to ice it, etc.

    Oh well.....those are the breaks.

    MO contacted me. My 20+ brain mets "appear" just a little smaller, but I'm still having lots of symptoms. She's sending results to another RO for a second opinion. So, we shall see.

    Never....that Adriamycin experience would have freaked the crap out of me. That stuff is REALLY TOXIC. Our onco nurses gown up and mask up when they handle that stuff. It's a big deal out here.
