thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Dear Father, I’m praying for Lita for for good results and relief her back pains. May Lita enjoys her Christmas with her family with no pains. Also the saline crisis will solve soon.

    I’m praying for Ade husband May his fever and pains subsides soon and speedy recovery.

    Also, praying for Nancy resolved all her health issues and lift her spirit.

    Please pray for my radiation,

    In Jesus name, Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2017

    I am praying for ALL of you and that your treatments will go smoothly and God's healing hand be upon them....& provide the saline you need

    Tomorrow will be day 4 for James and he thinks he will be up to driving the 6+ hours to & from my onc. appointment. (I can drive the majority - just not the city part.) I am betting the doc will say to just keep an eye on my new "breast" lump. I am ok with it - not stressing. We fly to Ohio for family Christmas on Monday and I am concerned about my strength level - or lack thereof - for the 2 weeks. It's a pretty busy schedule to see everyone and not hurt anyone's feelings. Will try to get in some naps. The LORD is my strength and my song and I (ALL of us!) can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us!

    My last photo was yesterday morning and this one was last night. Isn't the Lord wonderful?




  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Beautiful picture Ade...... Dear Father May Ade and James have the strength drive to her appointment and Travel to Ohio so they can enjoy the Christmas and celebrate.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    Good evening dear sisters,

    I thank you all so much for your prayers and they are definitely needed. Basically my body has rebelled at all the high stress I have been under for so long with my mom and my crazy things that have erupted. in my body. I am not in a good place at all and need the Lord to do a work as I am supposed to leave for my mom's on Wed of next week and I am in no shape for that at this point.

    Good news. My mom got a release from her doctor. She has NO remaining issues from this Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. I ask all my doctors if they have heard of it and only one said she remembered studying it in med school and she had never seen it before. Her eye, ear and facial muscles are all normal so that is a miracle.

    I saw my surgeon today regarding the cyst and he said it looks great. I told him about my horrible reaction after the lidocaine shot last Wed to remove this thing on my nose. He said it sounds like you should avoid surgeries in the future. (Yeah like I am signing up for them now!!!! DUH) He said it it comes back he will put me under and take a big hunk out of my back. At least I won't have to fear a repeat of my surgery when I got sick while he was still sewing me up back in June to remove this cyst for the second time.

    I had a free session with a social worker who my oncology dept provides free for cancer patients and survivors and caregivers. She told me I have what they call wonder woman complex. LOL I afraid this ole girl has crashed and burned. Maybe I'll come back as Batgirl ! This lady was a Christian and I had NO idea. God worked that out for sure. My PA gave me her card several weeks ago and I thought what is she giving me this for. She must think I am falling apart. Little did I know. This social worker gave me a referral to see a mind and body specialist. Frankly when I got home today I crashed as I had a very scary four hours early this morning with heart racing and knowing my body was screaming that something isn't right. I will call this person tomorrow and see if my insurance will pay. This person is a Christian as well. The social worker prayed with me before I left. My free 45 min session turned into an hour.

    I have been trying to keep up as best I can but it had been difficult when I have these spells.

    Lita, praying for a miracle that this second RO will have some valuable info to give you. I have been praying against your pain and symptoms.

    Lisa, I am getting an education reading these posts as I have not had chemo and really didn't understand about the saline and the scary stuff that spilled on you. I would have freaked out for sure. I am SO glad you will be going elsewhere for the remainder of your treatments. The day of my breast surgery I had a bag go empty and someone had goofed up along the way. In my case ignorance was bliss because I am not sure what could have happened but someone not even in imaging caught it.

    Paulette, praying that your treatments so far have gone well. It is the daily schedule that is the burden with rads. The beginning of rads hopefully is going fairly easy for you.

    Joanne, thank you for that post. It is so true. If Atheists truly studied the whole Bible it would take tremendous faith to NOT believe in God and the Holy trinity.

    Chris, as I was talking with this social worker and telling her that being on the AI for over three years has totally magnified my emotions she knew this was all too well. She said unfortunately it magnifies them in a negative way. Try not to be too hard on yourself. Try to accept less than perfect. That is what I am going to have to learn to do at this point. We can change with the Lord's help.

    Ade, I feel for you as you deal with James sickness. I was so hoping he would not get what you had. I am glad he is better. I LOVE your pics. So how much did you pay that bird to pose for you. LOL I am praying that God will give you both strength for the long trek to your MO tomorrow. I am praying that you will get a good report and that this suspicious lump will be nothing to worry about. Also praying for your trip to your families and that the Lord will give you supernatural strength as you enjoy your family.

    Faith, praying that you can get over this cough. I have been praying that this issue with your family will be resolved so it won't ruin Christmas for you.

    Take care dear sisters. If I am not posting you will know I probably need prayer.


    Nancy (excuse errors)

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited December 2017

    Dear Nancy, sounds like the Lord has delivered you to the appropriate hands of these Christian women. Hopefully you will get your strength and comfort back into you. You’ve been needing and I’ve been praying for a break for you. May the Lord help you to accept that we can only do so much. He takes the rest.


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Nancy, you need to take care yourself, God has his way to take care of you to send you this Christian social worker and please don’t put too much stress on yourself. Will continue praying for you.

    I’m going for my 5/30 radiation today, my skin looks little pink, but I have some swelling on my breast and armpit already. I could use some praying hopefully the swelling won’t get worse. Thank you.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    Thank you Aurora and Paulette. I am very aware of how God has strategically placed people in my life to lead me to where I am now. I am waiting to hear from this person that was referred to me. If they don't take Medicare then price will definitely be an issue.

    Aurora, have you heard anything from your liver biopsy?

    Paulette, I think what you are experiencing is all normal stuff. Praying that it will be tolerable.

    Ade, praying for the loooooooooong trip and for strength for both of you and a good report.




  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017

    Nancy..Thank the Lord for sending you a good Christian woman to help you with your super woman syndrome! i know what that is, and I know that though we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us..that doesn't mean he wants us to do all those things at once! I am praying for continued rest and healing for you between now and next week when you make that trip to your mother's..and Thank the Lord for her good report!

    Continued prayers for you, Ade as you are probably done with your appointment by this time..Hope the news is all good news! And I hope your husband is feeling better today..I know after a long day you are both at home resting now. Also praying for a safe and happy trip to be with family in Ohio next week.

    Lita, I am encouraged that the brain mets are smaller and not worse..And I pray your veins held up well today!

    Paulette..I am praying for your swelling to go down..Did they give you anything for the discomfort ahead of time just in case you have some pain?

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    What a lovely picture Nancy, I live in California so I don’t get around to see snow. Believe me I don’t miss it. I’m praying that you can rest up so your body have energy to fight off what this infection,

    Never thank you for your prayers. I don’t think I would have any pains tonight, I do daily radiation so I will see them again. Only pain will be peeling I don’t think I will get there that fast.

    I’m praying for Lita, May God look after all her pains and suffering.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited December 2017

    Please pray for my very best friend, Pat, who was put on hospice today. She was dxd with esophageal cancer the same week I was so this has hit me hard. Please pray for her and her dear husband who has faithfully stood by her side these 19 months. I missed getting to see her a few months ago because I was very sick and didn't want to infect her, and now she doesn't want any visitors. (She lives 3 hours away.) But God is by her side and has been faithful to her.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2017

    We are alive tonight because of the Lord's intervention & goodness. We got up this morning at 4:45 and I signed in at the oncology office at 9:50 in Midland. They drew blood at 10:30 and we sat in the waiting room for TWO HOURS until finally James let me ASK them how much longer it'd be. They said my appointment wasn't until TWO! (Thanks for telling me - they had said ten!) So we had some pretty yucky food in the cafeteria at the hospital then rested in a sunny quiet hallway until two. Then after seeing the doc we headed to WallyWorld to get the car lubed, groceries & gas and headed toward home. Right about Cracker Barrel a car being chased by police shot over the interstate, flew down over the embankment and SMASHED top down on the access road RIGHT WHERE WE WERE JUST SECONDS EARLIER! We certainly would have been killed (as unfortunately we suspect whoever was in that car was). Down the road a couple of hours a semi went to pass us but another semi came around the corner (it was dark) while the one passing us was in HIS lane and we were beside him! James slammed on the brakes and the truck swerved back in front of us. There would have been a head on truck collision - and/or we'd been side swiped off the road. GOD IS SO GOOD and we praise Him for His protection! Thank you all for your prayers. I am praying for all of your requests and concerns. (we're going to watch this lump & return to onc in 6 months).

    QUESTION: My onc said the markers are not accurate for breast cancers so he didn't do any on me. Is this true? I have very little breast tissue left - but it seems from what I have read from you all that it comes back in the lungs, bones, liver or brain - so why would you not do the markers???

    Hugs & prayers,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    It is quite late and I need to get to bed. I had a late night doc apt tonight and came home while my neighbors were gone and took some surprise pics of their decorated house. Their cute little dog happened to be peeking at me through the blinds so that made it perfect. This is the neighbor who was so good about changing all the bandages. I have taken one of the pics and I write on the photo in photoshop. I will pay my neighbor as I told her these were not freebies and will give her kids some money. Actually she came over today and is using my house to hide her presents as the older boy was getting anxious and starting to look through closets. LOL

    I had to skip my thyroid meds again today. I am not sure how long I can do this. I had a good day and got some cleaning done which made me feel not so overwhelmed.

    My incision where the cyst was was feeling itchy tonight and that is what happened before it got badly infected. With my history with infections with this thing I am trying to not think of it and try to believe in complete healing and never to return.

    I did get an email from this mind, body person. They do not take Medicare Sadso it is going to more than likely be a very expensive journey if I chose to do this. At this point this person doesn't know I will be out of town for three weeks or possibly more. I did not want to share this with you but I am going to anyway. We got the word that the assisted living facility has an apt for my mom. Since my mom doesn't understand yet that we will be moving her I was hesitant to share it on this public forum. However this is the tremendous stressor that has been probably the straw that broke the camels back. We still don't know when the apt is open yet. Someone died and we have to wait for the family to clear out the place and then our seven day time clock starts when we have to commit. I just have to be in better shape than I have been so I would appreciate your prayers for this move. My mom does not want to leave her home and has repeatedly told me that would be the end of her.

    Yes, Lisa, I can see the Lord working things out and wanting me to trust Him in His timing. I have never considered myself wonder woman but I think some of my friends are not too surprised. Frankly I am not sure how to change. I chose to be my mom's caregiver and that is where most of this stress has come from. My own health issues are the other big thing. I learned to say no to things when I was teaching. I was teaching two jobs though. I taught all day at school and then came home and taught private lessons. I guess I have been on that kind of track for a very long time. God is going to have to show me how to do it.

    Chris, I am so sorry to hear about your best friend Pat. It is so hard to watch and the grieving is so real and painful. I feel for you and pray that your friend will not have to have a protracted period of suffering.

    Ade, I am glad you and James made it home safely. What a trip you had and praise God He was looking after you and protecting you. What a disappointing situation to find out your apt was way later than you had thought. Also not really having any answers must have been frustrating. I am supposing that if it was something they were concerned about they would not wait for another six months.

    There was a lady on this forum from the past and she would have those tumor marker tests and get herself all riled up when other tests were not confirming any other cancer in her body. During that time a few ladies would say that their MO's would say the tumor markers are not always accurate. I have never had them so I have no personal knowledge of them but just what ladies have shared here.

    The proliferation rate ( I believe it was called) on your original pathology report should give you a rate. This tells you how fast your tumor was growing. If is is a slow growing cancer then this may be the reason that your MO decided to wait for six months. If you don' t have that report I imagine you can request it.

    Joanne, I am praying that this new mind body person will have some positive treatments to get the stress out of my body. I know without my swimming that has been a big hit to my body. Looks like God was certainly looking after Dan that day in his truck.

    Paulette, praying for you as you go through the daily treatments. Thanks. I wish I could say that is one of my photos but it is not.

    Lita, continue prayers for the pain and discomfort and for wisdom for you and your doctors.

    Aurora, continued prayers for a good report on your biopsy.

    Faith, praying for you and your family issues.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017

    My doctor only began doing the tumor markers after first tx ended..and he said not too reliable..Mine have never gone up, and I did get a as far as I'm concerned that is good proof of that unreliability.

    Nancy, of course this is a stressful situation for you about your mom..My prayers are with you! You must do what's best for her and if your health is suffering so, then that is not good for you or her..sometimes God will close one door and open another, and we must trust that he himself will walk with us through that door into a new place in which he has equipped for us for this time.

    Ade..I've had similar experiences in traffic which only the Lord's angels could have been credited for preventing harm to me and/or loved ones..Your post today reminded me of how important it is to always pray for those who ask!

    Joanne..I pray for your continued peace with the pain that you endure..I just heard a very good sermon yesterday about how God can bring us through pain with the taste of joy and promise of his future glory to come! (1 Peter, Rom. 8:18) The young pastor's own wife suffers from cystic fibrosis, and she gave a powerful testimony too).

    "While other worldviews lead us to sit in the midst of life's joys, foreseeing the coming sorrows, Christianity empowers its people to sit in the midst of this world's sorrows, tasting the coming joy." (Tim Keller)

    Chris..I'm so sorry about your dear friend, Pat.

    i pray that she will not suffer, but will be kept comfortable and her husband will be taken care of as well...May they both sense the presence of the Lord at a time when he is most needed..In Jesus~Amen. Also, I pray for your peace of mind at this time as I know those dark thoughts may try to fill your mind as you experience your friend's disease progress to the end..I stayed awake all one night after reading about the passing of a local 30 year old woman in our small town. She fought this disease for two years before leaving behind four small children and husband and many family members. She was a strong woman of faith, and I knew she was with the Savior in glory, but it still hit me hard thinking about the pain left behind for her young family! I did not know her personally..but we shared the same disease, and I believe that was what made me feel so much distress just hearing the news..I am so very thankful that I was allowed to raise all of my children into adulthood before getting sick..My heart truly breaks for those young women whom I meet who battle this..and of course my greatest concern is for my own three daughters..that they will not get this either!

    Paulette..I'm so glad you don't have pain! Yes, I suppose the peeling may be like a sunburn? I hope you have a nice day today and can do something fun as you go out for your radiation today!


    Blessings & Love~Lisa

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2017

    Yes, Joanne that IS a miracle concerning your husband's accident! So thankful for God's goodness on your behalf as well.

    James was pulling fence row with his old 8N Ford tractor years ago and he fastened the chain to the rear instead of the middle under side so the tractor reared up on the back wheels and came backwards falling on him! He came up to the farmhouse white as a sheet and I saw the tractor upside down with smoke pouring out. He was UNHARMED! He said "someone" dragged him out from under it. There was a dip in the ground where his body was and the steering wheel shaft and muffler were totally smashed into the ground. MANY farmers have had this kind of accident and we are told most do NOT make it. There are ANGELS among us.

    Praying for all of you today and also for Pat. May God's gentle peace be with her as He comes to take her home.

    Nancy I am thankful for the intervention the Lord is providing to help you get trough these times. They are not forever but just for a time. Again, my mom fought the transition at first (a few days) but then she grew to love all of the attention she received and to be thankful she was no longer alone. They took really good, loving care of her and we knew she was safe which gave us peace. As she was passing her care staff took time away from their duties and stood around her bed praying. When she had passed away one of her favorite aids ASKED to give the final bathing, which she did in tears over her, being ever so gentle. That is priceless.

    Every one of us is under serious stress attacks. We are God's daughters and the enemy knows it, so he attacks harder than on a wishy-washy lukewarm Christian. If ever there was a time we are to be immersed in God's Word and in constant prayer communication with Him it is now. He has a time and a purpose for everything and HE IS SOVEREIGN - He has complete control and will NOT let the enemy win over us. Trials and stresses may (DO!) come against us but we are HIS and cannot be snatched out of His loving hand. When we draw near to God He draws near to us - this is His will - for us to know and love and trust Him no matter what. May He be glorified in our lives today as we submit to Him in love. Be strong in the Lord and in His might and He will lift you up in due time.

    With love,


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017

    Ade..That tractor story gave me chills..My boss was killed suddenly that way!

    you are also very correct about the enemy..who is called a lion who seeks to devour..he comes to steal our joy..But God is our source of that joy, and it is up to us to guard against the enemy's attempts to take it from us..I believe prayer to be one of the best ways to guard well as praise..PRAYER & PRAISE!

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited December 2017

    My prayers to God for all of you who may be feeling sorrow, fear, loneliness, or grief.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2017

    AMEN - HE IS!


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited December 2017

    I was always told the closer we are to God, the more the enemy wants us to falter.

    He doesn't care about the atheists and agnostics....he already has them in the palm of his hand. He wants the strong Christians back. Anything to take our eyes off of the Lord's joy, peace, hope, and love, that's what the enemy strives for. It's a constant struggle.

    That's why we have to stay strong in scripture, prayer, and fellowship with other strong, spiritual Christians.

    This thread is very helpful for that. Dealing with Metastatic BC is especially hard, and I honestly don't know HOW the atheists and agnostics on this board really do cope. Truthfully, I would have literally blown my brains out months ago if I didn't have my Lord and Savior to sustain me. I mean, seriously, what's the point if you don't have God in your life? I know some of these women have families, so they keep plugging along for them, but what if you have no one? It would be easier to end it all (and I'm sure some women have actually done that).

    We have "End of LIfe" options out here in California now, but I can't see myself going to that extreme. I don't have the right to do that. Only God has the right to take me back home in HIS OWN TIME.

    Of course, when things get really bad for me (and they will - I have brain mets now), I will resort to VSED (voluntary stopping eating and drinking) so I don't prolong my inevitable "transition" home. But God will STILL be in charge of that. It's actually BAD to continue eating when you're deep in hospice because it's very hard for the dying body to continue processing food, moving it thru the alimentary canal, forming stools and evacuating them thru the anal sphincter. It takes too much vital energy from the deteriorating body, and when one is on hospice, they really don't feel like eating much anyway. But the body can go for WEEKS without food. Not so with hydration. My Advance Directive stipulates no feeding tubes or IVs. Most hospice workers will help with VSED and honor your wishes.

    Sorry for the turn this post took, but that's where I'm at these days. Any one of my 20+ brain mets could hemorrhage at ANY TIME, I've been told. I told my husband I DON'T WANT to be kept alive if that happens (it will be like having a really BAD stroke if I survive the brain bleed). Just stop all nutrition and fluids and let me go home to Jesus.

    Praying for everyone's needs. And may our Lord continue to surround us with love, peace and care.


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited December 2017

    Amen. Thank you for posting those Jo.


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited December 2017

    Jo, thank you for posting the prayer and scripture.

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017

    Thanks for such encouraging scriptures.

    Joanne, I came to the Lord when I was twenty..but I actually started to doubt a few years later..That's when he made his presence known to me in such a way..I will never doubt again! Since then I've had many experiences that could only be attributed to The Lord Jesus ..The Holy Spirit is a very real helper..and I've needed a LOT of help over the years! As Lita said..I do not know how I would be able to live with this diagnosis of MBC without knowing that there is a loving Father in Heaven who gave us his son..and that son right now at this moment is preparing a place for me so that where he is..I will be also!

    Another scripture that gives me much joy is:

    John 3:2-3

    Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

    And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.

    Remember when Jesus appeared to the disciples after his resurrection?

    His body was able to appear suddenly even in a locked room..and he did eat with them, and they were able to touch him and speak with him! Our heavenly body will be like him! It will be able to defy the laws of physics..It will be glorious!

    No more lumps and bumps and sores and pain.

    Here's another favorite verse about our Lord:

    There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: John 1:6

    I believe that that light spoken of in the verse above is eternal..and that is what we truly are..that is our spirit.. and it comes from Christ.

    This life is but a drop in the bucket compared to eternity..But because it's all we know it is impossible for our minds to comprehend what is to come!

    Lita, I know it's hard for us to think about end of life, but it is a fact of life. My prayer for you is the same as it is for any of us facing a certain home-going..That you will have perfect peace -No fear..Comfort for you and family (The Lord's comfort )..and No pain.

    And you are so right, it is in God's time when we are called..

    As Psalm 139:16 says:

    "Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began."


    Here's 'Mr. Woody' at the feeder yesterday..


    And Here's a message of love left for me to see this morning? lol!

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited December 2017

    A childhood neighbor friend invited me to Vacation Bible School back when I was in elementary school. Back in those days, it was held at someone's home.

    I accepted Jesus at VBS. He has guided my steps since then. I don't know how I would have turned out if it weren't for the Lord. I had a difficult childhood (alcoholic father, indifferent mother with her own psychological issues, physical abuse, etc.). All of my brothers have abused substances. I was the only one who didn't - and I think it's because of my faith.


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited December 2017

    Joanne I received Jesús as my personal savor in 1987 when I started attending church I was already 27 and I questioned everything the people at that church were very patient with me and when I asked to be baptized I still had doubts but they went away with time. Jesús has been with me in the good the bad and the ugly I’m the one who turned her back on Him. And since 2010 He started preparing me for this last run inmy Christian race. You have to have some kind of Jesus to stand this final race.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited December 2017

    Joanne, I was led to the Lord at the foot of my kindergarten Sunday School teacher. I know I was saved and remember it even 60 years later. I did, however, rededicate myself at the age of 17 when I realized God was not standing over me to try to catch me at a sin and condemn me, but to welcome me and all of my sins and inadequacies with open arms. Although I have had doubts, I never turned away again. God has never failed me and is always with me even today when I am having a not-feeling-so-good day. My emotions and tears are on edge today with many things happening, but I sit in peace knowing God is still here and my faith is not dependent upon how I feel.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2017

    Dear ladies,

    It has been a blessing reading your posts and scriptures and beautiful banners from Hershey and Joanne. Some of those scriptures are my favorites. Lisa, love that woodpecker pic. That heart I believe is God's little signs and blessing he gives us all the time if we can just open our eyes and be intentional about looking for Him and his blessings.

    I have shared my testimony a few weeks ago so will not repeat that but I am enjoying hearing all of your experiences coming to know Jesus as savior and Lord. He has never failed me and He never will.

    Ade, your tractor story with James being saved was a miracle! When do you leave for Ohio?

    Paulette, I remember someone telling me to treat myself every Friday as that marked a week down for rads. I never actually felt like doing that but I would go to this lake and just sit and be grateful for the weekend and grateful for God getting me through each week. Maybe something to reward yourself would be something to look forward to.

    Lita, I believe what you say about how the enemy is after us and leaves those who don't believe alone. I have had so many crazy things happen that I know I have been under continual attack. On Sunday my car battery was flashing on my dashboard and I had just had my car serviced a few weeks ago. I also that same day found my missing Saturday newspaper on my roof! Last night when I was waiting for this mind body person to call me my phones all went dead! Cammie, my cat has decided AGAIN to completely stop using her litter box..................and so it goes. All of those things resolved except for Cammie. Working on that one.

    The lady never did call me as I was able to check my voicemail on my computer. I never received any more emails and I thought possibly I could see her today. I guess it was not meant to happen. I contacted my dr in charge of my thyroid meds and he sent me a blood draw order. I flew to the lab yesterday before they closed. I got results and talked to my doctor's office. I have pretty much been off the meds for a week and when I tried to resume I got much worse. So I am to stay off the meds and retest in a month. If I start feeling sluggish I am to call his office and then go from there.

    I feel your prayers and have had a couple of days of doing better once I get past the morning. That is when I feel this inner shaking or whatever. It is hard to describe. I am very in tune with my body so I can understand many not having a clue what I am talking about.

    My mom will have her assessment at this assisted living facility on Tuesday and I was not planning on being there until Wed night. I have a late apt on Monday night which I can't cancel so I will more than likely not be there. My sister of course would want me there and I know she is a nervous wreck over this assessment. We are both questioning whether my mom will have enough help there as she has gotten worse since her crisis with the eye and ear and face issue. I would appreciate your prayers for my mom, sister and myself.

    I am praying for all of you and Lita especially. I know this has been a long and hard row for you lately and I pray in agreement with Lisa's prayer for you.

    Lisa, BTW what kind of woodpecker is Mr. Woody? I don't think I have seen one like that. He is a beauty.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited December 2017

    I accepted Jesus as my personal savior in junior high school. My parents were active, practicing Christians in a little church located in a small community; there was never a question in my family that my siblings and I would follow Christ. I was a bit rebellious in my 20's, but Jesus never left me. He was and is a kind, patient gentleman. I love the Lord!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2017

    James & I met at age 18 in the fall of 1969 at college and fell instantly in love. Our 2nd date he proposed and I said yes. (Drive in movie - Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid). We joined a teen Bible study and sought the Lord together until in our 30s (with 3 children by then) when we were invited by his twin brother to a crusade in Columbus Ohio on September 10th 1983 and we prayed the sinners prayer together. Have been walking hand in hand with Him ever since and we have seen many miracles. All three children are saved and we're praying in all of the 15 grandchildren & great grandchildren too. If your church or Bible study group ever gets a chance to do the study BEHOLD YOUR GOD - DO it! It made a BIG difference in our walk with Jesus!

    Leaving for Ohio Monday morning so won't be posting much - depending on computer access - after that until the first of the year.

    Praying for you all -

    with love -


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2017

    Greetings dear sisters. I don't post as much but do read most every day and pray for you. I would like to rrquest orayer for our tenant Shawn who lost a 14 month old daughter a few years ago at Christmas time. He is going to our Blue Christmas service next Wednesday. It's a special service for people who are grieving at Christmas time. This man is not yet saved. Please pray for him. Love, Jean

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited December 2017

    Good Morning dear sisters, it is a beautiful day here with sunshine and it just makes everything better. I'm just dropping in to say thank you so much for all your prayers. I know they have helped as there seems to be a thaw in our family drama just a little. It may be a good Christmas after all if a bit strained. I'm feeling much better with a little more energy since my coughing is getting better. If I could just get some sleep I'd feel really good. I know I'm not sleeping because I'm trying to do too much as we all do but I got so far behind when I was feeling so awful and I'm trying to catch up now. There's always something that causes unexpected interruptions. Right now our granddaughter arrived on Thursday from college and we are getting ready to drive her to the airport for her trip back home to Idaho. We love having her but we were told she was spending the weekend with a friend so it was another unexpected interruption, although a good one, still stressful.

    I have been taking a break from the forums because life is so busy and it's good for me to put cancer on the back burner for awhile. However, I'm not taking a break from my trust in God and I pray for all of you every night. I just quickly read through your posts and I thank you all for the beautiful prayers and banners you have posted. They so speak to my heart. I wish I had time to address each of you individually but know you are always in my prayers. You may have seen the following quote but it surely bears repeating, and explains our stress at this time and I hope puts a smile on your faces.







    May you all have a beautiful, peaceful Christmas. Praying the Baby Jesus brings you Joy and Good Health in the New Year.

    Sending lots of prayers and love, always know I'm praying for you all and all your needs and concerns

    Faith (in the future)

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    I was in catholic elementary schools for few years, when I came to U.S. I happened to take a Chinese class in church and that’s how I met Jesus. I have left church for a long time during college, and I came back because I realized I always believe in God. I was too busy with my life and trying to control my life. Then I realized nothing is under my control. I learned to be humble and opened my arms for Jesus. He is the one who gave me the second chance in life.

    I’m here praying for Lita, Nanacy and James .......
