thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017

    Praying for salvation for Shawn, and continued prayers for all.

    Nancy. he is a pileated woodpecker. We almost always have three here..I believe they are the mom and dad and the juvenile..though every year they are likely different generations coming back. The female this year has either a growth or an injury on the right side of her face, I noticed when I took the photos..but she is also very large and eating and flying well. The one in the photo above is a male, as he has a mustache, lol!

    I have an echo-cardiogram on Thursday, the 21st..Please pray that the Adriamycin has not harmed my heart..I will begin Herceptin/Perjeta on the 28th along with the Taxol..and am counting on my heart to be able to handle it again.(Herceptin).

    Blessings and Love..and may Jesus bring you all that special peace and joy that only he can give!


  • GracieM2007
    GracieM2007 Member Posts: 1,255
    edited December 2017

    Hi ladies! Just finding this thread. I am Christian as well, but also Catholic. I don’t share my story as much as I could because my experience has been that many Christians don’t accept Catholics, and in cases, there are a lot of really bad feelings toward Catholicism in general. So I hesitate. But I believe in Christ. He is my Savior. It is good to know there are so many others who share that belief! God bless you all and I pray for you all to have a very blessed Christmas

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited December 2017

    Heading off to Half Moon Bay for a few of days with a friend.

    Prayers for safe travel and no digestive "incidents."

    Thanks to my numerous tumors, I no longer have full control of my bladder OR my anal sphincter, and have already had accidents this past week. I have to wear Depends ALL THE TIME now. I'm bringing a full package with me, so I should hopefully be okay.

    It really sucks, but THIS IS MY LIFE NOW. ((At least I can still walk with my walker and talk in semi-coherent sentences...))

    I'll try to check in from time to time.

    Blessings to you all.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017

    Ade, praying for a safe trip and for strength for you and James as you celebrate with family.

    Jean, I have prayed for Shawn. I know for many this time of year can be very hard.

    Faith, I am so glad to hear that things are looking up for you and your family. That is great news.

    Paulette, thanks for your prayers. That is a great banner. Praying that your rads will go well this week.

    Lisa, I think we have those types of woodpeckers here but in my yard I usually see the little ones........the Downy woodpeckers. I love to feed the birds too. I have a heated birdbath and the whole nine yards. Praying that this accident spill will not cause you any damage.

    Hershey, hard to imagine you being rebellious but I guess we all probably had our moments when we were younger!

    Gracie, please post again. We have all denominations present here. I saw your post but didn't have time to reply.

    Lita, I pray that you have a great few days of getaway with your friend. Praying it will do your heart good.

    I made it back to church today and it was so good. I got out for the first time in quite a while and took some pics. I will share one with you. Our sunsets are not as impressive as the ones in TX but I was happy to hit this just at the right time.

    Have a great week dear sisters.




  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    Weekend is over, Monday is going to be here tomorrow. So glad no radiation for two days, tomorrow is back to the wagon for five days again. Day #8 tomorrow, praying to God, protect me for less SE.

    Also I’m here praying for Nancy back to her normal life.

    Praying for Lita to have a safe trip also will better control of her body.

    Praying for Lisa for her echo test and minimal SE for the feature chemo.

    Hugs and prayers for all the pink sisters!

    In Jesus name, Amen

    Good night all my sisters,


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017

    Standing in agreement with Nancy and Paulette..Also, added "Thank you" for your prayers for me as well.

    Lita: My heart does go out to you, Dear one as you travel this road..Please know that you are not alone..Our dear Savior is a compassionate companion and a help in all trouble..I know that I am new to this MBC dx, and have at this time few SE's from the cancer and/ or treatment, so it may be easier for me now..but I am a realist and know that suffering is a reality of this disease.



    With this I agree.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017

    Good morning dear sisters,

    Amen to your post, Lisa. I took this pic a couple years ago at our local arboretum when we actually had some snow on the ground. I believe this was talking about the strength of the Oak trees but I saw it in a much different context.

    My mom has her assessment at the assisted living facility today at 1:30 central time. I am pretty nervous about this. I don't know if they will take her or not as her mind is worse since her shingles treatments. I would appreciate your prayers for her and this situation to see if they can even take her. My sister will take her as I will not be at my mom's until tomorrow evening.

    Praying for you all.




  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017

    Dear Heavenly Father, Please help Nancy with her Mom today..Give the one who is to assess her the grace and clarity to assess her well in the light of her present needs..Please give Nancy and her Mom the ability to clearly convey the realities of her situation, and please prepare her Mom's heart for the next phase of care which may very well be assistance beyond that which family members can realistically provide for her to feel a sense of peace in the place today, knowing that you yourself have gone forward with them preparing their every need there..and please give Nancy and her sister both peace in their hearts knowing that they are doing what is best, and depending totally on you to help their family through all of this.

    In Jesus' Holy Name~Amen~

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017

    Thank you Lisa. Actually I am not going to be there for the assessment. I live three hours away from my mom and am not traveling to her house until tomorrow. So this rests on my sister's shoulders now. I know she wishes I could be there but because of my bad reaction my allergy shot was changed to late yesterday. God knows the situation and I do appreciate your prayers. Praying for you for this echo test as well.



  • GracieM2007
    GracieM2007 Member Posts: 1,255
    edited December 2017

    Just having time to get back on. Had posted earlier, but deleted. I am enjoying reading your texts, and am glad there are so many Christian women in the site. God Bless you all

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017

    Welcome Gracie. I see you have been around for quite a long time. I am sorry that we all have to meet under these circumstances. Feel free to post whenever you want to. We have a lovely bunch of women on this thread and would love to have you join us.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017

    Paulette, praying that this week of rads goes well for you. I am sorry you have been having SE's early on. I remember turning pink and in fact all of these years later they tell me that I am still holding on to that a little bit. I did not start peeling so early so I hope this does not continue for you through out the course.



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Nancy, I’m doing pretty good, God have been watching my shoulders and answered my prayers.

    Dear God, please help Nancy’s Mom for her assessment and praying for her trip to her mother tomorrow,

    I’m praying for all the sisters who are suffering and please give them strength and ease off their pains,

    In Jesus name Amen.

    Merry Christmas to all of my dear sisters.

  • prairietwin2
    prairietwin2 Member Posts: 11
    edited December 2017
    Prairietwin2. Diagnosed with stage 1, grade two a year ago. Had lumpectomy, chemo, rads and now Letrozole! I am the oldest on here now. 71. I am a believer and have known the wonderful care of my Heavenly Father. Great to be on a site with good language and lots of hope! I live in Canada.
  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited December 2017

    Dear friends, I need to post and let you know my dearest friend passed yesterday. Thank you for your prayers. She went peacefully. She had a rare cancer in her esophagus that spread quickly after a year of trying to find something that would work. I know she is with her Lord and Savior, and I rest knowing I will see her again someday. As I grieve, I am comforted in prayers.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017

    Chris, I am so sorry for your loss. I pray for Pat's friends and family that they will be comforted. I lost a dear friend from this thread a year and a half ago and it was devastating so I can appreciate your sense of loss.

    Matthew 5:4King James Version (KJV)

    4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017

    Prairie, welcome and glad you found this thread. Actually you are not the oldest and I know of at least one person older and possibly two that are a few years older than you. I hope you feel free to post whenever you want to. I just ask one thing. Can you keep that Canadian air up there? LOL

    Ladies, my mom had her assessment at the assisted living facility and they did take her. The nurse picked up on the fact she was NOT happy to be there so she acted as if she was just visiting the place for future. Actually that future will be coming quickly. I will be at my mom's later this evening. I would appreciate prayers as my body is still not back to normal from this bad reaction I had. My heart rate is too fast and I am completely off my thyroid meds for the time being. I know it is going to be extremely stressful for me. I am usually with her for three weeks but I am not sure if I will need to come back home and then go back down again. We still have to buy furniture on top of everything else and we couldn't do too much until we knew they would take her. I will post when I can.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited December 2017

    Nancy, I am glad they will take your mom, and pray she will accept and even learn to like her new surroundings. It sounds like the nurses are already working to make her feel welcome. Now I pray for strength for you and that you will feel better and strong as you continue. I know God answers even our smallest prayers.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Nancy, so glad they accepted your mom and pray you have a safe drive up to see your mom.

    When we get older I found people around me went to join God one by one by one, so sad.

    Christmas is right around the corner, we should keep our spirits up.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017


    I made it safely to my mom's this evening. There was a gorgeous sunset which helped make the drive seem faster.

    I hope to cherish this last Christmas together in the house I grew up in before we move her. Thank you for your prayers. It is evident God is leading us in this new journey.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2017

    Nancy I am so happy that they accepted your mom and pray that she will adjust easily and not be overwhelmed by the fear of leaving her home. I pray all of you have a beautiful day today in the Lord and your needs be met by our loving Savior Jesus. Love, Jean

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited December 2017

    So here's the long and the short of today's visit with the MO…

    She and the RO are disappointed that the WBR didn't shrink my 20+ tumors down more dramatically, as evidenced by the fact that all my symptoms have obviously COME back. RO is not planning to do anymore brain rads at this time. I have been told that I can "up" my steroids if I want to, and that might help with the headaches, dizziness, etc. Okay. We'll try that.

    The MAIN source of concern for the MO is that I've lost control of my anal sphincter muscle, and I can no longer do Kegels either. Numbness in both butt cheeks and back of thighs is spreading. MO wants to do a spinal MRI ASAP. I'm scheduled for the MRI on Dec. 27, and because of a scheduling conflict, I will have to re-schedule my chemo infusion, which was originally scheduled for that same day. Doable. This means I will probably have to have more rads to the lower spine…if they can go back in there from possibly another angle because I've already had rads back there before.

    It never ends.

    Also RIP to the moderator of my live cancer support group in Fremont. She passed away peacefully last night after being on hospice for about six weeks.


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Lita, I’m praying your tumors will shrink from all the chemo Dear God please help Lita, take her under your wings. In Jesus name, Amen.

    Nancy so glad you made it to your mom’s house to spend your holidays together. May God with you all these time.

    Merry Christmas to all my dear sisters.


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017

    Welcome Prairie..but sorry that you have to deal with this disease.

    Nancy, I'm praying for continued strength for you as you are there with your mom..and may your Christmas together be a blessing. I love the cardinal! And what a gift to drive through the sunset! I love doing that.

    Chris..I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad that she went so peacefully.

    Paulette, that poinsettia picture is gorgeous!

    Lita..I stand in agreement with Paulette and also pray that they find the cause of your lower back and bowel problems..and that there will be a way to repair it.

    Good news, Ladies!

    My Echo test came back good..My heart stood up to the red devil! Thank you for praying.

    Weird though, the report says that my mediport is in the way and should consider repositioning.

    I see my MO next Thursday for the first Taxol/Herceptin/Perjeta..although I've had Herceptin before, and taxotere..I'm nervous because I have to tell him about his nurse spillin and not cleaning the Adriamycin off of me when it leaked out last time..but he has to know about it because her actions were dangerous and she could hurt someone if it happens again..and it would be him whose practice would pay the price for her blunders. I shudder when I think about how my granddaughter was there when I had the first chemo back in October!

    I will not be online for the next few days as my family are headed up from Indiana tonight until the day after Christmas. I will remember to pray for you all every day though!


    And may the Lord bless you and keep you all throughout the New Year!



    And Buddy!

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited December 2017

    Pass it on. I’m in the hospital. Not good news after four weeks of Gemzar in the liver seems it went in the brain. Dizzy all week. Fell yesterday. I can hardly type


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited December 2017

    Auroara, I am sorry to hear this. Lord, please take Auroara in your hands and touch her body. May she recover from this issue that is causing her dizziness, and may she be able to celebrate Christmas out of the hospital and in her own home.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017

    Aurora, I am so sorry to hear this news. You know we will all be praying for you, If you have to spend Christmas in the hospital I pray that you will have loved ones around you. I pray that this dizziness will be able to be treated and that you have not broken anything,

    Lita, I know you are having such a time now. I pray that there will be something that can help you with this numbness in a critical area of your body. You are a fighter and if there is more time for you here then I know you will find a way. We will be praying for you.

    Paulette, hows the rads going. I do love your poinsettia pic.

    Lisa, love your pics and your cute dog, Buddy. Praying you have a wonderful Christmas and a good visit with your MO. Yes, he needs to know what happened with this last horrible situation.

    Jean, praying you are doing well. Thanks for the prayers for my mom.

    Chris, praying you will be able to enjoy your Christmas even though it may be a bittersweet time for you.

    I will check in as much as I can. We will start efforts to move my mom after Christmas is over. I have not said a word to her about it and plan to wait so we can have one last Christmas in her home.




  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited December 2017

    Aurora, I pray that whatever is causing this dizziness will quickly pass. Also, prayers that nothing was broken in the fall.

    Nancy, I pray that Christmas with your mom is filled with the light of God's love.

    Lisa, your Buddy is a handsome fella! Prayers that you and your family have a blessed holiday.

    Lita, I pray that the MRI is able to pinpoint the cause of this numbness and that treatment is readily obtainable. May the comfort of Christ be on you and your family.


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited December 2017

    Merry Christmas dear friends, I realize I've been MIA lately for a few reasons, mostly I've not been feeling very well and also was stressed about all the testing I've had done and a few other things. However, I just want to let you know, I'm feeling much better and I have been praying for all of you. Rejoicing when things go well for you and and praying for strength for you when you most need it. I am most grateful for your prayers that I truly believe has given me some energy and strength. I am going to sing our Christmas midnight concert and Mass for the first time in two years as I now have some energy and "some of my voice back" thanks to your prayers.

    Nancy, I'm so glad you made it to your Mom's house while driving in a beautiful sunset and that your mom has been accepted to the facility. I know that is both a good thing and a heartbreak for you and I'm praying you and she will find some peace with this transition. Also praying this last Christmas in your childhood home brings wonderful memories and joy to the whole family.

    Aurora, I am so sorry to hear your latest news. I will be praying the doctors find some relief from the dizziness for you and the Dear Christ child brings healing and a joyful Christmas wherever you have to spend it.

    Lita, there are no words to express how sorry I am for all you have gone through and are still going through. You amaze me with your fighting spirit as you battle this awful demon. I pray for everyone here but you are at the top of my list daily. May the Christ child bring you peace, comfort and joy in the midst of all your trials.

    Never forsaken, so happy your test results were good. I also had the "red devil" 26 years ago and it was tough but I'm still here to tell my story. Enjoy your Christmas with the good news you've been given.

    Paulette, thank you for always praying for us and lifting our spirits. You are an inspiration to all of us.

    Prairie, I'm sorry you have to find yourself here but welcome, these are a wonderful group of Christian ladies who will help you get through this awful time. BTW, you are far from the oldest here, I'm 77 and I think there are a few older than me here too so try to think young not old. It helps you do things you never knew you could. Enjoy, this Christmas even though you've been given a trial to go through.

    To everyone, including the ones I've missed, I pray you all have a wonderful Christmas, with peace in your hearts, knowing God gave His only Son to save us and the world.

    Lastly, one other reason I've been missing is that I find I'm able to put cancer on the back burner if I'm not constantly being reminded of it and that helps my peace of mind which helps heal my body and soul. I will continue to pray for you but I may be taking another short break. I'll see you soon! 😍 🙏🏻 🌈 🌅

    May you all have a Joyful Christmas with peace in your hearts knowing God sent His only Son as a gift to us and to the world.

    Love and prayers for all,

    Faith (in the future).

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited December 2017

    Thank you to your prayers I was let out of the hospital in time for Christmas Eve which is what my family celebrates. My dizziness is controlled with steroids but definitely will be going to radiation to the brain. Once in high dose. It’s all I know or understand but as long as the lord wants me here I’ll be here.
