thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017

    Good evening dear sisters,

    Aurora, I am so glad to hear you are out of the hospital now and can celebrate with your family tomorrow. I pray that your dizziness will be managed with the steroids. I do hope that rads to the brain will work and you can have more time with your family, God Bless You.

    Hershey, thank your for your prayers and your beautiful banner. I pray you have a wonderful Christmas with loved ones.

    Faith, I am so glad you are feeling better and feeling well enough to sing in your midnight concert and mass. Music is such a great way to lift your spirits and all those who get the pleasure of hearing a great concert. I pray that this will be a wonderful time for you and your family. Thanks for your prayers and understanding of how difficult this whole move is not only for my mom but for me as well. I am taking it one day at a time and not borrowing trouble from tomorrows worries which is so easy for me to do. Have a wonderful time and I know everyone here understands the need for taking a break from cancer.

    Joanne, thank you for the beautiful banners. They are a great reminder of just how special this birth in Bethlehem really was and how the birth of Jesus in our hearts is as current as the daily news. Praying for you and your family with all of the trials they are going through. I know how this is a burden for you.

    My mom and I had a great night last night as we went out to eat after her hair apt and then drove around looking at all of the pretty Christmas lights. She was very engaged and really enjoyed it. God is honoring my hope that my mom and I would have a very special Christmas before the reality of her moving sets in. She is really not understanding what is to happen and I am not pressing the issue until after Christmas.

    Have a wonderful time dear ladies. I pray that each one of you will have a memorable Christmas and that each of us can appreciate that every day is a gift.




  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited December 2017

    I won't be checking in for a couple of days - so I can enjoy Christmas with my family - so I want to wish ALL of you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017

    As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we here in IL are definitely experiencing a white Christmas. I heard someone at my mom's church say this is the first white Christmas we have had in seven years. Whatever climate you may be in during this blessed time I pray that you will be with loved ones and friends during this very special time of year. In the midst of turkey or pumpkin pie or whatever goodies you may be indulging in I pray that you take time to remember how special this season is. I pray that Jesus will live in your hearts and that you can feel His presence not only at Christmas but throughout the whole year.

    Merry Christmas,




  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited December 2017


    Wishing everyone a Christmas filled with love, peace, and His presence.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Aurora, I am praying whatever is causing your dizziness will quickly pass and you will feel stronger. Also, you can be with your family soon.

    Nancy, I pray that Christmas with your mom and your sister is filled with joy and God's love.

    Lisa, love both of your pictures, especially Buddy in snow! Also praying for you and your family have a blessed holiday.

    Lita, I pray that the MRI could able to find the cause of this numbness and you able to have treatment soon. May you and your family have a wonderful holidays.

    Merry Christmas to everyone.... here is my baby


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2017

    Wishing everyone here a blessed Christmas. May Emmanuel, Jesus be strong in your heart today. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Merry Christmas to everyone ..... I’m a day late!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017

    Okay dear ladies, I just couldn't resist. Not my usual post but know this is a little tongue in cheek humor.

    The format is a little goofy so you have to scroll through using the arrows to the right.

    Twas The Day After Christmas


    Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the house, Every creature was hurting -- even the mouse. The toys were all broken, their batteries dead; Santa passed out, with some ice on his head. Wrapping and ribbons just covered the floor, while Upstairs the family continued to snore. And I in my T-shirt, new Reeboks and jeans, Went into the kitchen and started to clean. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the sink to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the curtains, and threw up the sash. When what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a little white truck, with an oversized mirror. The driver was smiling, so lively and grand; The patch on his jacket said "U.S. POSTMAN." With a handful of bills, he grinned like a fox Then quickly he stuffed them into our mailbox. Bill after bill, after bill, they still came. Whistling and shouting he called them by name: "Now Dillard's, now Broadway's, now Penny's and Sears Here's Levitz's and Target's and Mervyn's--all here!! To the tip or your limit, every store, every mall, Now chargeaway-chargeaway-chargeaway all!" He whooped and he whistled as he finished his work. He filled up the box, and then turned with a jerk. He sprang to his truck and he drove down the road, Driving much faster with just half a load. Then I heard him exclaim with great holiday cheer, "ENJOY WHAT YOU GOT ... YOU'LL BE PAYING ALL YEAR!" Author Unknown 


    Please be sure to include credits with all submissions.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017

    The day after Christmas.

    Photos borrowed from internet. Not my furbabies.



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Hi all the ladies, I’m praying everyone are doing better.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017

    I am not getting any email notifications for some reason. Paulette, that rose is beautiful and your precious little dog is adorable. Hope you are doing well and I imagine you have resumed your rads now.

    I did break the news to my mom today that we will be moving soon. I think it went as well as it could. I would appreciate your prayers for my sister and I to find furniture to ready the apt for her. We are in frigid and dangerous temps right now so the timing is certainly not great but I know somehow it is going to work out. I am supposed to go back home on Jan. 10 so we have an enormous amount of work to do in a very short time.

    Take care dear sisters.



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Nancy, I know it is hard to say goodbye to a house you grew up, especially your mom. Will pray for you and your mom to give you strength for this move, love your pictures of your dog and cat also.

    I’m almost half way of my radiation, thanks God my skin is holding up well. Just have some fatigue and appetite is not as good as couple weeks ago. Other than that I try to be upbeat about everything.

    Happy new year to all of you.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017

    I hope everyone is doing well after a very busy time.

    Paulette, I am glad you are half way through and your skin is holding up.

    Aurora, how are you doing?

    Lita, how are you doing?

    I pray those who are beginning new treatments and those continuing treatments and those finished with treatments are doing well. I do pray for a good 2018 for all of us.




  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited December 2017

    Still waiting on clinic to call me on brain radiation. Tomorrow I have appointment with oncologist to see on everything else. Still feeling lightheaded and dizzy.


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Aurora, I hope you get a good report! Praying for you.


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017

    Praying for you Aurora..I'm so sorry for this new development, but I am encouraged with your strong faith.

    Nancy and Paulette,I'm so happy you are both experiencing some peace in your situations.


    I got some pretty awful news at my MO appointment yesterday.

    I have a genetic mutation in the TP53 gene..which is a very important gene (nick-named the "Guardian" of the genome)..This is where the instructions are kept like a blueprint to create the proteins needed to suppress tumor growth,

    I still need a blood test to determine which kind it is as there is a whole body type..meaning I would develop all kinds of cancer (which is unlikely I have since I've never had any other cancers in all my years)..and then there's the type specific my case I will continually develop breast cancer tumors..resistant to many of the chemotherapies..especially Adriamycin (So I went through that for nothing!)

    The worst news is that it is usually passed down to my three daughters and three granddaughters will all be tested for this.

    Please pray that they do not have this mutation! I've been in tears since yesterday..especially while having to tell my children this over the phone!

    There is currently no treatment for this mutation and the prognosis is very bad. (less than a year survival)


    Only God is in control of that!

    He has written out each of my days..even while I was still in my mother's womb..

    And if he decides to take me home sooner than I thought..It is for reasons only he knows..and he knows best!

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas..I sure did! I had all of my children and their spouses up..It was a fgorgeous white Christmas..and the meal turned out pretty awesome!

    Praying we all have a good 2018..I know each year has its ups and downs..but we are told that we can have peace and joy in both!

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Never, I’m so sorry to hear about your Gene news and praying for you and your daughters. Put your life on God’s hands only he knows what would be next in time Line.

    I finished my #16 radiation today I have some burning sensation at my armpit, so glad I’m going to have three days off. Hope skin will get better soon.

    Pray for everyone have a peaceful time, will check back later.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017

    Aurora, I hope that your medical team can do something for your dizziness. You are a trouper and have handled yourself with grace and strength through out your time on this forum. We will be praying for you that you can have radiation and that it will be effective.

    Paulette, I am glad you get three days off. Towards the end of my rads the machine broke down for four days and I had a few days off and it really helped my skin which was breaking down pretty badly at that point. I hope these days will have amazing healing results for your skin. Love the photo and verse.

    Lisa, I am so sorry to hear this news. I think the best news would be that it turned out to be a false positive as Joanne has mentioned. You have a strong faith and I know that whatever will come you will get through it with the Lord's help. I don't want this to sound cliche as I don't mean it to be. Know that we will be praying for you during this most difficult time.




  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited December 2017

    Hello Ladies,

    I have been reading posts as I am not on here as often as some. However, I do get back and catch up. I see some new women here and pray for you as well as those of us who have been on for awhile. Breast cancer changes your life....that is for sure. I am thankful and grateful for everyday I wake up and feel healthy. Some are not so fortunate and are dealing with other complications. I especially pray for you and ask God to keep you in his care. As one of you said, God has a plan for each of us. I know, for me, I keep asking God to direct me each day and help me to be the best I can be... a little kinder, a little more patient, a little more giving. And to help me know what His plans are for me.

    Aurora, we met at the luncheon in Mt. Dora a couple years ago. I pray you will get better and be able to enjoy that precious grandson! Nancy, I pray the move goes as smoothly as it can.....and that you continue to be strong. Thank you for your continued photography and writings.

    May God bless us all and bring good news and happy times in 2018.


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    New Year is coming around the corner, may we all have a better 2018. I told my husband that I’m not going to worry about the things aren’t under my control, if God wants to see him there is nothing I can do. All I can do is praying for a painless way to go. And I am thankful for the good years he gave me. All I can do is put my life on his hands. I’m not giving up my life, I learned to trust him.

    Lisa, it is such a bad timing to find out all this bad news, put your faith in God, he will take care of us.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017

    Lynn, it is good to hear from you. If I am trusting my memory the last time you posted you had added a new dog to your fur babies and I thought you were going to move. Did you move? I hope you are doing well. How great that you got to meet Aurora.

    Paulette, that verse seems to be a running theme over the years. I love that verse. While I was going through my treatments this ministry called Common Threads from another church had been praying for me because of a good friend. They brought me a pot holder they had made for me and attached was that Isaiah 41:10 verse. I have that on my refrigerator and I can't tell you how many times I have looked at that verse on my fridge and have been comforted by it. Your words are a great inspiration. Leave it all in God's hands.

    My mom is a bit under the weather today so we will be staying home from church. It is so unbelievably cold that it is going to be difficult for us as we move. Please pray for us. So many things have to come together so quickly and the clock is ticking for me on the time I am here. We need a miracle at this point on all fronts. I know that when we look back we will see how God ordered our steps but at this moment I just see utter chaos and insurmountable odds but God can work best with those circumstances because when things do fall into place we will KNOW it was only by God's grace that we made it through.

    One very difficult thing is I have to tell my mom over and over again as if it was the first time that she will be moving. I cannot tell you how difficult this is. I am learning how to frame it in a positive way and that seems to calm her down.

    Ade, I don't know when you are traveling back home but I know you are more than likely in the deep freeze where you are now as well. I pray for safe travels when you return to hopefully a much warmer climate. I pray you are holding up and that James will soon get that long awaited treatment.

    Praying for all of us as we end this year and look forward to a New Year. I am not one to make New Year's resolutions but I definitely take time to reflect on the past year. Each year brings challenges and blessings. Some have had more challenges than they would have chosen for themselves but in the end how we frame it in our minds is what can make us or break us. The attitude of gratitude is not just a catch phrase that sounds good but it really is the key to living a victorious life. When I get in a negative pattern of thought everything seems more difficult. I know for me right now I need to try to change my attitude. This morning I was praying as I felt that old negative pattern creeping in and I just prayed Lord help me to change my attitude. I really felt like He was saying IT'S UP TO YOU TO DO THAT. I realized in that second that yes, it is my choice to continue the negative or try to change my thought pattern. I believe God helps us do that but WE are the ones who have to first chose to look for the good and the positive things.

    Take care dear sisters.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited December 2017

    Good morning dear sisters in Christ. I pray that those of you having this frigid weather are able to keep warm and safe in your homes.

    Lynn, it's good to see you again, I know it's probably colder there than usual but you are lucky to be in a little warmer place for now. I'm praying for the same things as you that God may bless us all and bring good News and peaceful, happy times in 2018.

    Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear the bad news of your gene test but take hope in the wise words of Joanne, especially the part about, it only means you MIGHT have cancer come back or you might NOT. I will also pray that it was a false positive. I know those things happen more than we think and the anxiety that comes with it can be so devastating. Trust in God!

    Paulette, also praying this short break from radiation will help your skin heal a bit and that the radiation will erase all signs of cancer.

    Ade, praying for safe travels for you back to a warmer climate. Also praying now that the New Year is here, James will be able to get the new medication he needs and it will work miracles for his health and your anxiety that goes along with all this stress.

    Nancy, you have been on my mind and in my prayers so much as I know just how awful this cold weather is and I can't imagine how hard it will be to get this move for your mom done in this deep freeze we are in. Not to mention the anxiety that goes along with all of this. You are so right about changing our negative thought pattern. It's not easy but I believe it's the devil trying to break down our trust in God. I have had a wonderful period of feeling good and enjoying the season with my family and now all of a sudden I'm feeling anxious again and getting heart palpitations for no reason I can think of, other than the devil trying to do his thing. He really doesn't like it when we place our trust and hope in the Lord.

    May 2018 bring us all good health and happiness. Sending prayers and love to everyone.

    Faith ( in the future).

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2017

    Prayers,going up for a blessed New Year for all. Love, Jean

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited December 2017

    Prayers are going up for all of you who are going through extra trials right now: Nancy, Lisa, Aurora, Lynn, Paulette, and anyone else I have missed here. I spend time each day in prayer over this site.

    Would you add me to the list for a couple of days? We are all down very sick with colds and a nasty cough (DD, DGD, DH, myself). Of course, mine is worse, but my DH tends to go into pneumonia even though he has had the shots. This means no one feels well enough to take care of anyone else! I have not seen the Dr yet but plan on calling first thing Tuesday. I thought I would be ok as the last couple of times I was able to kick it fine and my fever was low, but I can barely get out of bed, and haven't eaten in a couple of days. Yes, I know, and I am trying... I guess it is a good thing my brother and family couldn't come to San Diego for New Years as they planned. My brother-in-law had a stroke and it cancelled everyone's plans. He is doing well. He is home and doing rehab well and it looks like he will have a full recovery.

    It is always something! But God is good. I know He has my tomorrow in His hands.

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2017

    Into Light/Chris..I'm praying in the name of Jesus for your recovery from this bug..and of course your family as well. It's been many years since I had to deal with being so sick and having my family so sick at the same time like that..but I do remember what a challenge it was for us all. We ran out of bedding too as everyone had been sick on laundry had to get done too!

    Thank you all who have encouraged me with your prayers and wise counsel. I have been researching with the help of all three daughters and one of their friends who is a very smart science geek (very nice to have one of them around)..Although the prognosis is not good, we did find out that the inherited strain of the mutation is very rare in an T1 or early stage that along with the fact I never had any other cancers for the first 48 years of my family history and no children with cancer in early life..It's doubtful this was something I was born with and more likely something that happened after the first that is a relief.

    I will also keep in mind to ask for retesting to see if it is a false positive.

    I am also encouraged that with regular PET scans now we will be able to deal with whatever may (or may not) come along regarding tumors. My faith is being tested..but when our faith gets tested that means it get proved to be stronger with each test.

    Paulette..I hope your rads are going to go smoothly this week. How many have you got left?

    The first Taxol was very easy..and I am happy that I do not have to travel very far for the next one next Monday!

    May our LORD keep you all in his perfect love and care this new year.. and I am standing in agreement with you all that 2018 will be a better year for each of us! In Jesus~Amen~

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited December 2017

    Chris, praying that this sickness you and your family have will be short lived. That is horrible when there is no one to take care of you. Hang in there and know we are praying for you all.

    Lisa, I am glad to hear this news and praying for a much better scenario than the one you thought might happen. I am glad you are going to be retested.

    Faith, I am so glad to hear you had a good Christmas with your family. If you think back to a few weeks ago it is evident that God answered prayers for you and your family. I pray that this anxiety will leave. I think the after Christmas blues is a very real thing for most people and then adding that to what you are dealing with makes it even more of a challenge. Praying for better days and certainly warmer days.

    Jean, praying for a safe and warm New Years for you.

    Dear ladies I have an immediate prayer request. My mom does not have a garage and the wind chill last night was well below zero. My car is dead today. I bought it brand new 2 1/2 years ago and have very few miles on it. I had it serviced before Thanksgiving so I am not sure what is the problem. Because it is a holiday weekend I have called no one yet. I am running low on food for myself. I went out late last night and got a few groceries and if had only known what was going to happen.......................I have to eat gluten free so that rules out many things for me. I have Honda roadside assistance but if it is deemed that I need a new battery I am not sure how that will work. Besides I imagine they would tell me about a million other calls have been called in before me. God will work this out somehow. I would appreciate your prayers. My mom has not been feeling well and we both have head congestion and probably allergies.

    I have prayed for all of you today and those in cold climates be safe. Those in treatments I pray that as you resume I pray that they will go well.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited December 2017

    Nancy, I am so sorry to hear about yet additional problems for you. I know with Auto Club they will bring a new battery right to your car and put it in for you. I have had that done a couple of times; once at work and once at home. It may work for you Honda Service also. I am hoping you and your mom only have allergies. This flu I have started out like a simple cold--so deceptive! I am praying it is nothing more and that you can get food too. Do you have a store near you that delivers? That may be a quick solution. Take care.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2018

    Hello again! We got in last night after a REALLY busy 2 week Ohio trip. The temp up there ran in the teens not counting the wind chill and we came home to cold fog in Dallas Ft. Worth - same in Midland where we picked up our car & drove the rest of the 3 hours home (After getting up at one a.m.!) It was in the 70s with blue sky when we pulled in - Like Heaven to us! When I saw our beautiful mountains I told James (in jest) to pull over and stop so I could kiss the ground! Today's another story as the front rolled in like a white wall just before church this morning. Brrr! But it is only a couple of days.

    The whole first flight a fella just one seat over coughed the entire time and all 4 flights were full of coughing sickies. I first prayed the Lord would protect us from the barrage of germs then the Lord tapped me on the shoulder and I realized I was being self centered and I then prayed for all of the sickies. :o) We were SO blessed that even though we were on the go constantly and felt a bit run down we did not get sick! We don't feel well today but maybe with rest it won't go into the bad stuff.

    We got to see the Creation Museum & Ark Experience in KY, spent 3 days & 2 nights in Amish country in northern OH, visited the Air Force Museum at Wright Patterson in Dayton, and had 2 Christmas gatherings - one with James' 2 siblings and their families plus our 3 kids & families, then another Christmas day with all three of our children and most of their families. Got to visit our old church and met with some friends we haven't seen in 6 years. It was wonderful and now I have updated pictures of everyone. We will probably never get to do that again (realistically) but it was a treasured time of memories.

    Thank you for not forgetting us in prayers - it means so much, and the Lord answered EVERY prayer concerning our trip. I have caught up on your posts and will continue to pray for all of you - especially the ones who are suffering so and the fearful ones. I wish I could hug you all and tell you it will be alright. What I can do is lift you up to the Lord in prayer and reassure you that Jesus loved you enough to die for you and He won't forsake you now. He may seem far away but He hears your heart's cries and sees your tears and loves you more than you can ever imagine. May He bless and keep you in His arms and bless your new year with His comforting presence.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2018

    well here it is 2018. It seems the last year has just flown by. We were very blessed with my adopted granddaughter Alexia having a visit this Christmas season from two of her birth siblings who were adopted together at the same time she was.

    I have a prayer request for myself. I am on tamoxifen and one of the side effects is thickening of the uterine lining and possible uterine cancer. I had some bleeding that I noticed last night when I got undressed. I am going to have to see a gynaecologist and find out what's causing it. Please pray, thank you. Love, Jean