thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited January 2018


    The Lord is the healer and provider of our needs. Chris, Lisa, Faith and Jean -- I am praying for healing and strength. Nancy -- I pray for assistance and encouragement in your time of need.

    May 2018 be a better year for one and all.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited January 2018

    Praying for all of your requests on this first day of 2018.

    Hope you got your car working, Nancy. Wish I were there to help with your mom. Lost mine about 3 years ago and miss her so much!


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2018

    Joanne we stayed at the Dutch Host Inn in Sugarcreek and we went to Kidron to Lehmans one of the days. It was really beautiful!


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2018

    Joanne I would have LOVED to meet you! So sorry we missed the opportunity. It was in the teens our whole 2 weeks in Ohio (I was born & raised there in Springfield) but it was 75 when we finally rolled in to Alpine! Had an ice fog last night & in the 20s today but tomorrow promises to be warmer. Here's what we awoke to this morning.

    Blessings to you and your family this new year.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Thank you all for your prayers. It has been very long and exasperating day. The roadside assistance I called through my Honda warranty was not the greatest experience. At one point I was told the tow truck called my mom's house and couldn't reach us and went on to the next person in line. At that point I really thought he was never going to come. They never called. I won't go into all that happened because it is one of those things that you think people can't even make this stuff up!!!!!!! He finally came after dark and the car jump started right away but I knew enough not to trust that. With some good piece of advice from Joanne and probably from her DH I called ahead to this parts store that was open till 9 tonight. I never turned the car off and drove right over to this place who was holding a battery for me just in case. They asked me to move my car in the parking lot after I had turned off the car and it wouldn't start. So I knew then I had made the right decision. Thank you Jesus. They installed the battery in this frigid weather. They tested the alternator and it was okay. I drove back to my mom's and am now praying the car will start tomorrow. The car read minus 6 on the way home and is to drop to minus 17 tonight to break all records. I am praying it starts as my sister and I have just a mindboggling amount of work to do at this point to find furniture for the move.

    Ade, I am glad you and James made it home safely. Freezing fog is something I haven't seen much I don't think. It makes for a beautiful pic but I am sure not what you had wanted. That is something you were so close to Joanne.

    Jean, praying you will be okay.

    I need to get off of here as I have lots to do still tonight. Thank you all for your prayers. I am so thankful to have my working car back. Hoping it still works tomorrow. Take care dear sisters.



  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited January 2018

    Praying for you Jean.

    Nancy, I'm glad your car was fixed..It has been in the negative teens here all week!

    Chris, I hope you and your family are feeling better.

    Praying In Jesus name for all on here to be protected from the cold weather, and from sickness, and any other attack from the enemy as we go through this first week of 2018. ~Amen~


    I thought this picture of my butterfly bush right outside my bedroom window was quite lovely how the snow makes the flowers look like little cotton puffs! It is still coming down here. I'm glad I don't need to go anywhere until tomorrow!

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited January 2018

    NeverForsaken, thank you for the prayers. I found out yesterday my flu has gone into pneumonia even though i have had all of the shots, etc. No wonder I feel so bad! But I am now on antibiotics. The Dr said it is just beginning on one side and I should recover fine. I worry about my family who are all coughing away.

    Thank you for the snow pictures. I lived in Colorado for 20 years and miss the beauty of the snow.

    Nancy, I know you are busy but know you are covered in prayers today.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Dear sisters,

    Thank you for your prayers. The impossible in this move has been challenged again as I have the stomach flu or something. We made a tiny bit of headway yesterday but only the Lord knows how we are going to pull this off. I was fine one minute and then late last night felt very sick to my stomach. I was supposed to be taking my mom to her annual physical today but my sister is taking her instead.

    Lisa, I love that photo. I love that it is a butterfly bush too and you will see why below.

    Chris, I am so sorry you and your family are having to deal with so much sickness. I have had pneumonia only once and I remember how awful it was. I am glad you are on AB and pray that will knock out this sickness. Praying that the Lord touches all of us and heals us from these germs that are invading our bodies. Is there anyone in your family that is well enough to help you?

    Jean, did you get in to see your doctor?

    I am not sure if I shared this or not but I have been in an ongoing photo competition with the the neighboring county and not the one in live in. The competition started in May and ended a few days ago. All photos have to be taken in their forest preserves and within the timeline of this year. The judges pick one winner for each month and then it is online voting to see who wins. They have a separate Instagram account where they will pick photos they especially like and then feature those which has nothing to do with the competition. They have picked several of my photos for Instagram which I have been thrilled each time. The Lord knew I wanted to share my photos with a larger audience and it has turned out this is one way of doing that. This photo below I actually thought I had a chance to win December. I was voted for honorable mention for Dec. However when I looked later this photo was voted the best of nine photos of over 1000 on their Instagram site by the public's reaction to them. I was very thrilled with that. I have only really been into my photography for three and half years and it has been the silver lining to my breast cancer. Last year I did a big project of publishing a butterfly calendar for 2017 and donated the proceeds to feed the homeless in my hometown. I wanted to do another project like this year and as I waited on the Lord I did not get any leadings. Now I understand why that was with my own heath challenges and my mom's moving situation. I want all my photography to bless others and if I sell any more in the future I want it to go to charitable endeavors. Hope you enjoy this photo. I took this very quickly before leaving for my mom's in Dec.




  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited January 2018

    Thanks for all the prayers: The MO arranged for a consult with RO this am after she got the MRI/PET results back. I will start a series of 5 sessions to the sacral spine tomorrow to help with fecal incontinence.

    RO isn't making any promises as there are no guarantees. He said once the nerves are damaged down there, often times they do NOT come back. (So I may be stuck wearing Depends...) But at least, we can hopefully keep it from getting worse and not causing full bladder incontinence as well. I'm still okay on the bladder front...but I've had a couple of close calls.

    I have to have imodium and lomotil on stand by because the additional rads could cause diarrhea. There might be some painful urination, too, he said, but we'll see.


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited January 2018

    Dear Lita, feel s bad that you suffer so much, praying for you to find a way to get over some of the treatments without so much pains.

    Nancy, from what I heard many got stomach flu, could it be our bodies are so weak now or regular flu turned into stomach flu? Praying for you to get better soon.

    Lisa, what a lovely snow picture.

    I’m done my #18/30 radiation body is getting tired and lost some appetite also. Skin is turning red also. Praying for my skin to hold up for 12 more sessions.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2018

    I am going to see the gyn Friday about the vaginal bleeding. My new tenant's stepmom works for him and arranged the appontment when there were no openings till February. He posponed his vacation and is coming in on Friday just to see me! Isn't God amazing. Hoping it is a minor issue. I have been on tamoxifen for about 2 1/2 years. Love, Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2018

    Lisa & Nancy - your photos are beautiful. Isn't our God amazing!

    Paulette - I pray your skin will supernaturally hold up and that your treatments will not harm your body but rather will work for your healing to God's glory.

    Jean - so thankful for your appointment that the LORD arranged for you! Praying for a simple reason for the bleeding and nothing serious.

    Lita - I am SO sorry for the pain and suffering you are enduring and I pray the Lord will grant you whatever it takes in His grace to be strong until He comes for you.

    Nancy - what a trial you have been through! You have to be saying enough is enough already! But God knows what the limit is on your endurance and won't take you past that. His grace will sustain you through all of this and you will see His hand in the end I am sure. I pray the troubles will iron out now and things will finally go smoothly for you. I was thinking that if your mom had to be told over and over "for the first time" it just reaffirms that you are doing the right thing for her as she can't get along alone with that little short term memory. She will be well cared for now and she will adjust as my mom did. You will have the peace knowing she's ok. Feel better soon.

    I am feeling better but James is still very sick with flu. There was a young man one seat away on one of our flights who coughed without covering his mouth the whole 3 hours! I was on Doxicycline when we got sick and I think that lessened my symptoms. James' sternum hurts when he coughs so he is not coughing deep enough and I fear pneumonia may be hatching. He (a nurse) is the WORST patient! We finally have temps in the 40s this morning so that's very welcome even if it is sprinkling out.

    Blessings upon your day, Sisters,


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2018

    Happy 2018!

    Sorry I've been slow and late with greetings. Our internet went down over the weekend, as well as our phone and TV. Then I've had to relocate all my sites and load them back in my IPad...the outage erased my "Favorites"... Not sure why.

    Praying for all of you during this record cold that has taken over a bit of our country. Here in NC it's been extremely cold for over two weeks, which is a bit unusual. Most of our winters have a two or three day cold front then it warms up to the 40's....not this time! Hoping that our flies and mosquitoes have frozen!

    We had a little snow last night, our first. Counties around us got more than our little area; my son lives 100 miles NE of here and is running a snowplow this morning at the university where he works.Checking on Mom Later today, who probably got more snow than he did.

    Nancy, praying for some healthy days to come your way so you can accomplish what needs to be done for your mom. That stomach flu is bad stuff...and it takes several days to feel better after its done! Hope your car is continuing to start in that frigid weather....being without a vehicle is such an inconvenience! If you want a good laugh, the Swiffer commercial with the cat left alone during the day makes me think of you and Cammie!

    Paulette, hang in there! Radiation affects people differently, but it does have some unpleasant side effects. My friend Fonnie, whom I met 7 years ago during treatments, would count down the days with me until the last one.18 of 33 is more than can do it😉

    Ade, hope James will improve. I hope it doesn't go into pneumonia...will pray against that.

    Jean, hope they find nothing wrong at your appointment. I've been back on Tamoxifen since August of 2016 ( after a year off Arimedex) and have handled it better this time around.

    All of you, whether I named you or n,ot, I pray for you to have days of feeling good with few SE. I appreciate the small joys of life now more than ever and I bet you do too. God is bringing ( or has brought) us through this disease....all glory to Him! I read this thread daily although I seldom post.

    Christ's love to you all!


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited January 2018

    Lita..I'm praying the rads will help and that the SEs will not worsen. At least there seems to be a plan in place now. I also pray you are finding some joy in the midst of all this..even if it's in the little things in life. I know how much I enjoy watching the birds and the weather from my bedroom window on those days that I am feeling down. I've already told my husband that I would want to be able to do that for as long as possible..even if it means a hospital bed in there when the time comes. But that is just my may not work out that way.

    I've been MIA for the last couple days because my daughter and granddaughter came up for a visit and they've just left.

    Paulette.. You are more than halfway there..You can do it..and we all will continue to pray along the way for your skin to hold up and relief from any pain you have. I am going to get a second opinion regarding my own radiation since I have a couple months before it starts and I need to possibly change doctors anyway since he decided not to tell me about the genetic mutation for two months and now I feel like I cannot completely trust him any longer..I need to understand if the benefit outweighs the risk in my case now..why create another problem if it won't help the problem it is supposed to help.

    Ade..I am praying In Jesus that James is not coming down with pneumonia! ..I think in general doctors and nurses make such terrible patients because they understand more than the rest of us and have seen things go either way, good and bad in the past with their patients..but we are not all the husband is freaking out about the possibility of one of the drugs I will be starting on mOnday possibly giving me bad diarrhea..he is worried it will make me bed-ridden and lessen my QOL. I reminded him of who I am and that I will always strive to make the best of things regardless..and I am the judge of what quality of life means for me. Again, as with the radiation..I do not know what is to come in terms of SEs..but it will be a matter of benefit vs. risks..and that is true of each one of us.

    Jean..what a blessing to have a doctor who would postpone his vacation to see you..You are surely in good hands! Prayers for good news!

    Nancy..What a gorgeous photo! I'm so glad you are sharing your talent with many including us here!! My daughter uses instagram a lot with her photography too and it has led to some pretty good sponsors and free products for her.

    Speaking of the record low temps..This morning I got a call from my Son in law that he and our daughter and all their pets were in their jeep waiting for the fire department to come because all the smoke alarms in the house went off! Well, after they got checked out and everything was will NEVER guess what happened..OUR smoke alarms went off too (we live almost 20 miles apart)! My oldest and our granddaughter were visiting overnight and it all happened just after I hung up with my other daughter and we were discussing it! I believe it was because of the -30 F. we had this morning ..all schools in area are closed today. Funny thing is my daughter had been trying to wake my granddaughter up for nearly an hour..Boy oh Boy, those alarms sure did the trick!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2018

    Feeling worse than I did a week ago when I caught the flu. James is doing a bit better and his coughing has improved. THANK YOU for praying!The blessing is that when one of us feels really badly the other is given enough strength & relief to get the necessities done. The Lord is so good. Praying you all stay free of influenza. You certainly don't need that on top of the everyday things you're having to deal with! This sunset was a nice surprise ending to our day & I wanted to share it with you.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited January 2018

    Ade, the sunset is beautiful! thanks for sharing. I am praying you get well quickly.

    I feel like I am finally getting past this flu and pneumonia. I don't feel great, but I was able to do a little today to help take down the Christmas Decorations. I will try to put the house back together tomorrow. Thank God for my DH who crawls up the storage closet so we can get to the bins, then crawls back up and organizes them for next year. We are expecting rain Monday (Can you hear Southern California shouting!) so we need to get everything done so it doesn't sit on the patio in the rain.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Thank you all for your prayers. It has been one of the toughest times that I have gone through in a very long time. If anything could have gone wrong with preparing for my mom's big move out of her house of 68 years it just kept happening. The final straw was when my niece who was coming from Iowa to help us move could not come because of the bad weather predicted for tomorrow especially. We are coming out of the deep freeze but into precip which might include ice, snow and a mix.

    I have not felt good for several days but today have been a bit better. My mom is starting to get sick too. I just had to push through as the time for be to go back home on Wed was approaching. Yesterday it just felt like insurmountable odds but today has been much more encouraging. Yesterday I bought a Lazy Boy chair and it was delivered today. My sister bought some new mattresses and they were delivered today. I bought a new TV today and my sister and I spent all evening trying to set this thing up. Neither of us knew what we were doing but we did get it up and almost running. The cable is not working and we will have to deal with that tomorrow.

    I think my sister and I both felt more encourage and like this is really going to come together. This is the first I got a chance to see my mom's new apartment. It really is nice and I do think she will like it. The really big thing right now is that she is so extremely picky about eating that we are all fearful of how that is going to work out. This is an assisted living facility. She can eat breakfast in her room and fix her own but they strongly encourage the residents to eat in the dining room.

    My mom was getting so scared of this move and she got furious with me yesterday and was just impossible to reason with. She seems more accepting of it tonight. My heart breaks for her because I know how difficult this is for her to imagine leaving the house my Dad and her had built all these years ago.

    My sister has a good friend that has a good friend in this facility. She told my sister to be sure to tell her the day my mom comes so this lady that lives there can make a point to look her up and make her feel welcome. That was a God thing for sure.

    So thank you all for your prayers. I have felt like I have been stretched to my limit and then some but now feel so much better about things. Don't get me wrong..........we still have lots to do but I see the light at the end of the tunnel now. Thank you for your nice comments on my sunset photo. I really appreciate that as my photography is so important to me and I want to improve my skills so much.

    Lita, praying for these rads will help with the fecal incontinence. You are such a fighter and I would not be one bit surprised if you keep going forward in this battle.

    Paulette, you are over half way finished and that is something to celebrate. I pray that you can deal with the skin and fatigue issues. The nice thing when it is over is that the skin heals pretty quickly. The fatigue does take a while to get over or at least that was my experience. Hang in there. You will get through this.

    Jean, you are fortunate this doctor is holding off his vacation to see you. That is pretty impressive, Praying for a good report,

    Ade, I am sorry that you are feeling worse. It is good that someone is better to lift the other one up. Thank you for your nice comments on my sunset, Your sunset pics are awesome,. I sure hope you both feel much better, I pray that you had a time of making great memories with you family over Christmas time.

    Lisa, your fire alarm situation sounded like fun in the frigid temps. NOT. Glad nothing was wrong. I hope your treatment doesn't cause some of these known SE's for you and that you will tolerate it very well. Glad to Instagram was helpfuil for your daughter. I have never had an individual account but have considered it quite a bit this past year.

    Ellen, yes that commercial with what looks to be a Ragdoll breed does look very much like Cammie and certainly acts like her. I told Cammie maybe she could be a star on TV and make us millions. LOL I would become a stage mom................OH NO. Not good. I hope things go well with your mom's visit.

    Chris, I am glad you are feeling a bit better. I hope you can get your decorations down. I have some outside decorations that need to go down for my mom. It has been so unbearably cold that maybe I can do it the next two days which should be much improved temps.

    Faith and Joanne, thank for your prayers and praying that you both are feeling better too. When I spent a long time with the salesman when buying the TV today he was sick and should not have been working. I just prayed he was not contagious as my system is so down right now. He had a bad cough.

    Well I need to sign off as I am falling asleep as i type this.

    Praying that the Lord meets each of us at our point of need. I have said this so many times and that is run to Jesus. I have been doing that alot when I felt like I could not take one more stressful thing. When we are in the midst of that just remember that your feelings are NOT a measure of your faith. The enemy can try to convince you of that but remember He IS A LIAR.

    Sleep well dear sisters.



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited January 2018

    Nancy, I can feel how stressful from your words, 🤗 hugs!!! Hope you feel better and get more strength to handle all these works. I moved my father to assisted living years ago, I was lucky that I had plenty of helps and I was healthy at that time. Seriously that is a stressful moves especially mentally.

    Dear Father, Nancy can use all the helps to ease off her stress, and please give her strength to keep up with all these works. In Jesus name, Amen.

    I finished 20/30 radiation, skin looks red but manageable, nipple has a little crack but it isn’t bad. Resting the weekend I hope it helps. Next week will be my last 5 days for whole breast then move to boosts. Dear God please look after me. Amen.

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2018

    Hello everyone and praying for you all. I’ve been getting radiation to my brain since after I fell they found a tumor close to the base of the brain stem. I’ve been on steroids and anti-convuslents I feel a little bit out of it. Prayers welcome. I continue with chemo as well.

    I hope we all see better days.


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited January 2018

    Prayers for Nancy and her sister and mom and for all who are dealing with seasonal sicknesses..and prayers for Aurora for successful treatments and relief from worsening SE's..and for Paulette as her skin is painful from the rads..Please Lord, help each one as we draw nearer to you in our hearts with prayer..Please strengthen our faith as we give you honor and praise in all things..trusting that we are held in your care and that you will deliver us from our suffering and fear.. In Jesus we pray, Amen


    i snapped this picture on my phone the other day as I was about to leave the house..I happened to turn around at the last minute to see the light from a window decoration shining across my sketch that was sitting on my easel. Glad I turned around just then!

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited January 2018


    So glad that you gave us an update! Wishing you all the best.

    Does your radiation onc have you on Namenda/Memantine? That's an Alzheimer's med that is supposed to help minimize the cognitive damage and neurological deficits that radiation to the brain can cause. How many radiation Tx have you had? I had 10 session of Whole Brain Rads (WBR). Thanks to the Namenda, I've hardly had any cognitive/memory problems at all. When I get aggravated or excited, I sometimes have a little difficulty finding a word, but I eventually find it :o).

    I was doing pretty well for a couple of months after WBR, but now the 20+ mets are growing again, just as the dr said they would. I have no illusions. I'm Stage IV, and I have to accept the fact that they will eventually start growing. That's just the way it is.

    I take medical marijuana (CBD tincture, the non-psychoactive form, so I don't get "high") to keep seizures at bay, and it really works well. I still have headaches, and I just try to tough them out. I don't want to take too much acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) because those drugs really mess with my liver enzymes, and because I have liver mets, I'm trying to keep my liver as clean as I can. It has to work hard enough clearing out the chemo drugs and other stuff I take. I will be on steroids for the rest of my life to help with the light-headedness and dizziness. I always walk with a cane or a walker - even in the house - because of falling issues.

    Keeping everyone else in prayer, too.


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2018

    Lita I only have to have 3 brain radiation the doctor said the tumor is close to the base of the brain. I’ll mention to the rad onc the medicine I am having a difficult time managing my cognitive se’s . I’m dizzy and confused and can’t carry long conversations

    Please pray for me



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Aurora, praying for you as I know this is so difficult. I am praying the rads will do their intended work. Praying for strength in all areas.

    Lita, praying for you as well as you keep in the battle. You are a fighter and I have said it before that I would not be one bit surprised that you keep hanging in there and beating the odds.

    Paulette, it has been so difficult and today was real challenge. Thank you for your prayers. Praying as you enter your last stretch of rads and that your skin holds up.

    Lisa, thanks for your prayers. I love how the light hit your sketch. That is a very unusual and amazing shot. I am feeling better physically and I sure hope my mom feels much better as we may move her over to the new facility possibly tomorrow. I hope you are doing well on your treatments so far.

    Take care dear sisters. I need to come back home on Wed and have some blood work and some needed apts and pay some bills and then I will probably come back for a time and see how my mom is adjusting. I would appreciate your continued prayers.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2018

    Well I saw my new Gyn on Friday and he was wonderful. After my internal he said due to the atrophy he would not out me through the "torture", his word, of an endometrial biopsy without anesthesia. I have an ultrasound tomorrow and then he will schedule the biop. if the lining has thickened. I also see my chemo oncologist and cardio oncologist this Thursday at Sloan-Kettering. It is a 3 hour trip but worth it for the care I get there. We had a broken pipe that froze and a flood downstairs but a plummer is coming tomorrow. Just inconvenient, not a tragedy. I have learned the difference praise God.

    Nancy, Lita, Aurora, Paulette and all of you, I've been praying as I read. Love, Jean

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited January 2018

    Lisa, that’s such a good sketch with the light just wonderful.

    Lita, praying for your rads battle and keep Cancer at the bay. Praying for your energy will retune so you can get around more.

    Aurora, praying the rads will do the work, and your strength will return soon.

    Nancy, praying for your appointments and your mom adjusts to the new environment. Also have a safe drive back home.

    Zjrosenthal praying for good reports from all these tests and scans you are doing, also praying for your plumbing problem.

    In Jesus name, Amen.

  • sandibeach57
    sandibeach57 Member Posts: 1,387
    edited January 2018

    One of my New Year's Eve resolutions is to keep faithful to my daily prayers. This thread will help me. Thank you. I will be following and offering prayers to all of us in this crazy mess.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Welcome SandiBeach. I am sorry that you have joined the club of sisters no one ever would wish for. I think your New Years resolution is a great and challenging one. I hope this thread will inspire you to stay disciplined.

    Dear sisters, we finally moved my mom into the facility yesterday afternoon. I did not think we were ready but since I had to go back home on Wed, Monday (yesterday) was the day we could have her orientation sessions with the director. My mom was so scared and overwhelmed and confused and upset it just broke my heart. The nurse at the facility suggested I stay overnight with her. I was not prepared for that so that was pretty stressful but I did stay the night and it was pretty much a nightmare. My mom got up about 10 times in the night and neither one of us got any sleep. I was trying to sleep in the new Lazy Boy chair i bought her. I could not sleep and she was so distraught not knowing where the light switches and the rooms were it was just overwhelming to me. She kept saying she hated it there and why did she have to leave her home. I ate lunch at the facility with her and the food situation was the biggest concern we all had as she is so picky. It worked out okay but what was so neat was this lady announced the events of the day and said and Pastor Sally will have her Bible Study at 3 today. This lady was my mom's pastor in recent years. This one lady came up to my mom and said Pastor Sally said someone she knew would be coming here. This lady offered to go down to my mom's room and have her go to Bible Study with her which she did. I had an apt with my mom's financial person so I didn't go. I was going to take care of some things and then go back later in the evening. My sister was going to stay with her for the first time ever, I have stayed with my mom for many, many months over the years but my sister is married and never has. When I got there tonight my mom was like a different person. She was relaxed acted more herself and i cannot tell you what a gift and answer to prayer that was. I was able to come back to her house with a much less heavy heart. It is still very hard to stay here in the house without her being here.

    Thank you for your prayers. My mom has a long ways to go to learn the myriad of new things thrown at her all at once so she is going to need a miracle. The staff at this facility is just awesome and I can't tell you how comforting that is. I will still worry when she stays through the night my herself but hopefully we will have helped her transition into this.

    I am emotionally and physically exhausted. I will be going back home tomorrow and have to deal with my own health challenges. I hope to come back and see how she is doing very soon.

    Praying for your needs and praying for breakthroughs for many of you and for provision for those going through difficult treatments.

    Take care dear sisters and thank you so much for your prayers. I did not have internet at my mom's yet so being without my computer was difficult. We still have many things to get in place and many decisions to make which will not be easy but I know that we will look back and see how the Lord was guiding us from the beginning.

    Have a good night dear ladies.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2018

    Nancy, I can only imagine how difficult this has been with your mom. You must be exhausted. I will continue to pray for her adjustment. By the way, my endometrial biopsy is scheduled for January 26th. It will be done at the hospital under anesthesia praise God. Also my Plumbing is fixed no more leaks. Thank you all for the prayers . I am hoping that the biopsy will show no cancer. Love , Jean

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited January 2018

    Nancy, I've been praying so hard that this move for your Mom would be okay and that you could find some peace too. I went to choir practice last night and we always pass a basket for people to write notes for anyone or anything they need prayers for. I put my prayers for you and your Mom in this basket. Prayers by our choir have been known to work wonders and I hope it helped you and your Mom. I believe God answers all prayers in His own time but it seems as if it's a collective prayer, good things happen sooner. I believe the same is true of the prayers here by so many faithful sisters.

    I want everyone here to know that while I haven't posted much lately, I've been reading and praying for all your needs. I also want to thank you for praying for me. Today, some of my prayers were answered when my blood work came back with good results and "good" tumor markers as my MO said. He doesn't often say they are good, so that was happy news. I also had my first Prolia shot in my belly for osteoporosis and it wasn't nearly as bad as I was afraid of. Now, I pray it builds up my bones and there are no side effects.

    Jean, I will pray your biopsy is normal with no signs of cancer. Jo, that New Years prayer is a really good one to remember when things are not going well and we get discouraged. Somehow God will give us what we need to cope and manage our problems.

    Nancy, I hope by now you are safe back at home and will have a good nights sleep which you so clearly need. I will continue to pray that your mom adjusts to her new home and you will find peace with this decision. Also praying that your tests and appointments go well too.

    Love and prayers for all here,


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited January 2018

    Faith, glad to hear the good news, praying for no SE for your Prolia shot.

    Jean, praying for your biopsy turns out to be normal. Glad to hear your plumbing fixed smoothly.

    Nancy, after read your story made me think about what would I do for my future. I don’t have kid so I need to handle everything by myself or my husband. I’m happy to hear your mom is accepting he change, I still remember my dad used to call me every other day. Praying you have a safe trip home and your health also.

    I’m on my 23/30 radiation, tomorrow will be #24,soon will be finished. I have mixed feeling for my future. I need God to guide me for his plans.