thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Dear ladies,

    I am safe at my home now. I got a very late start because my sister came over to the house as I was about to leave and our conversations are never short. Then she wanted to talk on the phone after seeing my mom again today. I am so worried for my mom all over again. It seems as if we take one step forward in this whole new journey with her and then today seemed like two steps backwards. This will be my mom's first night being there alone and I am so concerned.

    She forgot to go down to dinner and are still a little unsure of how she eventually got to the dining room. Her meals have been the sticking point for several years because she basically didn't want to eat a cooked meal. This was the thing she feared the most that she would not like the food. This place bends over backwards for the residents with alternates if you want something else. It is a very small facility so they do not offer but one menu at each meal. If you notify the cook two hours prior to the meal they have other options.

    Last night when I left my mom she was calm and seemingly adjusting after a very rough first night and morning.

    I appreciate your prayers so much and Faith, thank you so much for having your choir members pray for me. Collective prayers are powerful and I have to trust that my mom will adjust. I am sure my mom is not the only person with memory issues but as a new resident even for someone with all their mental abilities working just fine it would be overwhelming. I personally have no sense of direction and get lost in new places all the time. It is not easy as my mom lives completely at the end of one wing of this place. Hopefully she can get used to the meal times and how to get there.

    I could use prayer myself as this is so difficult for me right now to filter this through my brain. I have remained strong under tremendous pressure and tonight I allowed myself to finally cry and let out all that had been building up in me for so long. I know that we did the right thing but I am hoping that my mom can function with the independence she does have in such new surroundings. I was taking the advice of the senior agency that we had caregivers through and the head person told me they thought she should be in assisted living so that is what we did.

    Jean, we will be praying for your endometrial biopsy and I am sure you are glad you will have general anesthesia. Praying that you will get a good report. Glad your got your plumbing problems taken care of.

    Joanne, as I read your New Year's prayer it is so strange but I feel as if I have been in the twilight zone and the fact we are in a new year seems surreal to me right now. Christmas seems like eons ago too. As I begin to think of my own challenges now I get a bit overwhelmed because it is hard to split my attention to my two lives that I feel like I have lead for the last six or more years. I imagine you can relate to that but you are splitting your attention in many directions with concerns over your daughter's and their challenges with their health plus your own and DH's.

    Faith, that is SO great that your blood work and tumor markers came back good. Such wonderful answers to prayers.

    Paulette, I can't believe you are nearing the end of your rads. That is great news and I hope that your skin will hold up well throughout the rest of the treatments. You have had a very long treatment time frame and sometimes the end feels not like we thought it would. I had a big let down which I understand from my doctors is perfectly normal.

    I will only have a few days of returning to my somewhat normal life and then will go back home and spend more time with my mom and trying to support her in this very difficult transition for her. I haven't figured that all out yet. I just need to get some good sleep and then figure it out.

    Take care dear sisters. Those suffering illnesses I pray that God will touch you with healing power. Those who are in the thick of battle trying to beat this horrible disease I pray that God would give you strength and hope.

    Take care and thank you all again for your prayers for me.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    This little guy or gal is called a tufted titmouse. I saw these at my mom's feeders while there. I don't see them at my feeders so it was a treat for me to see them at hers. Even though I am in a very difficult time right now God has continued to shower me with unique blessings which I just knew were from Him to me. He does this for each one of you as well. Take time to open your spiritual eyes, ears and hearts to all that surrounds you. I promise it will put a smile on your face even in times of great suffering and tribulation.




  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited January 2018

    Nancy, those little birds are regulars here..they are so adorable and can be pretty friendly too! They like to peek into my windows.

    I'm so glad you are feeling God's little blessings along this difficult path..That's when he sends them the most.

    I've been praying for everyone on here this week even though I've not posted very much.

    I am asking for prayer for my sister in law, Evelyn who is to have brain surgery next week on the 18th to remove a tumor.

    Also, I thank you for your prayers for me as I began the Herceptin /Perjeta Monday. I had no side effects at all! I took the immodium as advised by my MO (only I just took it twice the day of infusion)..but it only constipated me for four days, so I'm glad I did not take it beyond that first day. I am back to normal now. I also had a blood test done that day, and was told that that is far more accurate than the test done on the tumor for that genetic (P53) mutation..and as mentioned on here before..false positives/negatives are common when they only test the tumor. We should have the results when we see my MO on the 22nd. I'm asking for prayer that it was a false positive that first time.

    Thank you, ladies..and like Nancy reminded us..May you open your eyes to all the little wonders that God has sent your way today!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Good evening dear ladies,

    I have busy trying to get caught up at home. Going through three weeks of mail is NOT by idea of fun. I have spent much time on the phone with my sister. It has been a difficult time for all of our family. I will be returning to my mom's but I have not decided when. I still need to decompress a little.

    Lisa, I imagine that those birds may come to my feeders but I never see them. I finally got outside and filled all my feeders yesterday and replenished my water in my heated birdbath. Today there were a flock of starlings that flew in on my birdbath...............and strangely enough there were some robins. I had heard of wintering robins before and I saw four of them on my birdbath for sure after the starlings took off. Strange.

    Ade, how are you feeling? I know the flu season has hit hard here in Illinois and it sounds like it is a more serious strain than last year. How is James doing?

    Chris, how are you and your family feeling after all the sickness and pneumonia. I took me a few weeks to recover the one time I had that and that was before bc.

    Lita and Aurora, how are you both doing with your radss?

    Paulette, you are on your last few treatments I imagine. I know you will be so glad to be done with them. I know your concern for the future. I am single with no kids so when I think too hard about the what ifs it is scary. If my mom had not had my sister and I have no idea what she would have done. I am glad my Dad passed first because I don't think he could have stood watching her mind fade away like it is.

    Lisa, praying for a good outcome for your SIL, Evelyn. I have an aunt who will be 90 this week and she had a brain tumor removed years ago. Hopefully your SIL will have a good outcome as well.

    Mags, I am not sure if you are still checking in but I pray that as you find your new normal without your DH I pray that you are doing well and assuming your cousin is still living with you which I am sure is a great comfort. Thinking and praying for you.

    Hershey, how are you doing? I would imagine that you are done with your Taxol now is that right?

    Jean praying for you as you get ready for this biopsy in a couple weeks.

    Joanne, praying for you and your family as you all deal with a variety of health issues.

    Faith, praying you are doing well in this New Year and staying warm.

    Ellen, I hope you and Clyde are finding your new church home a great place to be and to grow.

    I would appreciate your continued prayers for the adjustment that my family is going through. In some ways it feels worse than a death to me but I pray that my mom will adjust quickly which will take this burden of concern I feel now away a bit.

    Have a good week dear sisters.




  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2018

    Hello everyone and praying each one is having a pain free weekend. My brain radiation is over but the effects won’t be known until the second or third week after the last treatment which puts me around February 12which is when I have my follow up appointment. In the meantime I still have side effects. I’m slow to my feet and I’m feeling lightheaded and foggy. I would appreciate prayers.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Aurora, I know this must be such a difficult time for you and your family. I pray that these SE's will diminish and that when you go to your doc apt in Feb that the radiation will have been successful. Lean on Jesus. He is right there with you during this time.



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited January 2018

    Aurora, will continue praying for your recovery, praying your SE will be disappeared soon.

    Nancy, it is so hard to watch your mom aged and you only can do so much to help. Praying your strength to handle these crises and praying for your health also. Do take care yourself, because stress can do number on you. Take it easy my dear friend.

    Yes I'm about finish my radiation, only five more sessions left, all 5 are going to be boosts. This treatment journey has been long now I need to deal with what happens afterwards. I need to change my life, put my exercise programs in place, also arrange all the doctors appointments one by one. Taking a deep breath..... then I am going to find a church which I can call home also. I want to see what God plans is for me.

    I have been busy because I'm trying to help other people I met during radiation. Met with this lady who is a little older than me, she needs some helps and supports so I'm trying to help her out. Will like to use my life experience to help other I still think that's what God's plan for me.


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited January 2018

    Praying for all of you.

    Hope things ease up for you, Nancy. Watching a parent struggle like this with memory issues is very hard. Hopefully the staff will step in as needed. You have to step back and let them handle it. You're paying good money for her care in this facility. You have to take care of yourself or your own health could be jeopardized. Nobody wants that with this horrible flu going around. Two of my friends out here have already been hospitalized. Hand sanitizer and maks will be employed when I see my mo tomorrow and we decide on a new chemo plan.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2018

    Nancy, I agree with the others to take care of yourself. I remember with clarity the day we put my mother-in-law in a facility after she lived with us for 2 years with increasing Alzheimers. I had to walk away in tears and trust God. It turned out to be the best decision we made for her. She got better care than I could give her and it was far better than the bread and butter she lived on before we discovered her condition when she lived alone. (n another state--a long story...)

    Aurora, I am praying your SEs will improve quickly and you will have good QOL.

    Paulette, I applaud you helping others during your own struggles, and I will pray your last 5 treatments will go easy for you.

    We are doing much better after having the flu, thank you for asking. The family are all back to work and off all meds, but the baby still has a runny nose. I still have an occasional cough, but it is improving and I am sleeping at night. I also am getting my energy back although I had to just sit at the beach instead of walk it today. (The joy of living in San Diego in the winter is I can still go to the beach almost every day!) I decided to not attend church until I am fully recovered and this flu runs its course in the community. I am reluctant to wear a mask at church as the chapel is rather small and "close" and I do not want to go through this again.

    I didn't mention everyone, but know I read and pray for each of your posts every day. It is the one thing I can do!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Thank you ladies. I realize this is a process just like grieving and it will get better with time. Trusting God is the key and need to repeatedly give my Mom to Him.

    I will check in later. I am resuming swimming for the first time in a long time. Praying my cyst incision cooperates.

    Check next post.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018


    One dear sister is having a birthday today. Will she reveal herself to us????????????



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    You make a sweet and cute couple. Hope you had a great day. Sorry for the large font.

    As I was reading my devotional today a phrase jumped off the page at me. Transform your fear into confident trust. Of course God is the one who does that for us. We cannot muster that up on our own. I think that is going to be a big phrase for me in the coming weeks. I think maybe others might like to adopt that phrase as well.

    Checking in later.



    Joshua 1:9New International Version (NIV)

    9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited January 2018


    Heading to my #26 radiation today, Happy Birthday.... Jo

    Dear Father please give Nancy strength so she doesn’t has to worry anything. Give her peace in her mind,

    In Jesus name, Amen,

    Helping other actually give me joy. I really think God’s plan for me is to help other as I get older. I will have more compassion to other.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited January 2018


    Joanne, Happy Belated Birthday!

    I started radiation therapy after New Year's. Other than the daily time commitment, so far it has been relatively uneventful. I'm still not clear if I will have 30 or 35 treatments, though. Oh well, "Que será será. Whatever will be, will be..."

    Although I don't post often, I read and pray over messages every day. Please know that you are all in my prayers.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Lita, praying your MO will have some chemo options for you. You keep defying all odds so I will not be surprised at all if there is something out there to give you more time.

    Chris, I know many have been through this before and I am sure you can identify with all the myriad of emotions that goes into placing a loved one in a facility they need to be in. At swimming today I ran into a lady that I have bonded with over the last few years. I don't see her often but saw her today. She told me her mother passed away in November in the nursing home. We had shared the struggles of caring for an elderly parent. We both have been through the BC journey as well. One thing she said was that putting their mother in the nursing home was harder than dealing with her death. I fought back tears as she told me about watching her mother take her last breaths. I know we did the right thing but coming to grips with that for me is still very difficult. I will feel better when I see her again. She does not have phone service yet so I have not been able to talk with her since getting back home.

    Walking or even sitting at the beach would be a treat for anyone in the cold of winter here. I am glad you are getting your strength back even if it is sitting by the beach. Hope your little grand daughter feels better with no more symptoms.

    Paulette, you are definitely are the last leg of this long journey of bc treatments. Hang in there you are almost done. You have found the key which many people don't understand. Helping others is great way to feel joy. It truly is better to give than receive. I think maybe you have found your mission in helping others and that is a noble one. God uses our trials and sufferings for a greater good and I hope that you can use your gifts to help others. I'm enjoying your photos.

    Hershey, I didn't realize you had to do rads too. I hope it goes quickly for you. Snoopy was one of my Dad's favorite cartoon characters. Your post made me think of him.

    Ade, I hope we hear from you soon. I am concerned about you knowing you were sick. I know this flu has hit many people so hard. I just hope you and James are okay.

    Teka, I hope you are doing well up in the North Country. I can only imagine how much snow and how cold it is up there. You are thought about and I know you may be reading. Just wanted to say hi and Happy New Year.

    Take care dear sisters.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2018

    BELATED BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS TO YOU JOANNE! You and hubby look great! I'm praying for your grandaughters & daughters. May the Lord grant you peace in the midst of this 'perfect storm'.

    Aurora, praying that each day gets better for you.

    Paulette, God BLESS you for your sweet heart for others.

    Hershey, so good to hear from you! May those rads do exactly what they're intended to do without se's and you breeze right through!

    Mermaid Nancy - so happy you're back in the swim of things! Praying you can continue to enjoy it without ANY problems from your cyst surgery site . May each day bring your mom a sense of peace and well being and may she really enjoy the care and new friends there in her new home.

    Lita - always lifting you up to the Lord for peace and comfort and that the docs will know and prescribe exactly what you need.

    Ladies - do stay clear of public places while the flu rages on! The flights to & from Ohio over Christmas were full of people coughing with uncovered mouths (one of my pet peeves). We are going on 2 1/2 weeks of illness. Just as you think you may be getting better it knocks you down again. I spent all day yesterday sleeping and feeling like an overcooked noodle when I was up. Some say it takes 3 weeks. Oh brother!

    We called James' cardiologist's nurse three times and FINALLY she called back to say we only have the Medicare part D. We filled out forms for help when we were in the office but no results I guess. The copay is $5000 + a year on our fixed retirement income. He HAS to have the meds and SHOULD have been on them 6 months ago. I will call Medicare and see if they will lower the teir as they did for my expensive cancer meds. Please pray they will!

    Our old phone went out (we only have one cell phone period) so we bought a 3 year old "new" phone. It worked fine at the Verizon store but no signal here. So then we bought a signal boo$ter $$$ and now we have 2 bars reception. :o( We used to have reception only at the livingroom window but at least that's better. I am SOO thankful that while we were without any phone service there was no emergency! There's ALWAYS a reason to praise the Lord!

    This fella & his buddies trotted past my office window a minute ago. He's a javalina. Not a pig but of the peccary family. They are mean and stink and will kill a dog & sometimes attack humans - yes I hate them and shot a few with a slingshot to shoo them off.

    Blessings upon your day, sisters.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Ade, I feel for you and James with so many issues on top of being so sick. I pray that the Lord will allow a breakthrough for both of you in all ways. We pray for much improved health and a financial miracle which God can do. I pray that your phone will work and yes, Praise God you had no emergencies when you had no phone.

    That javalina looks like something you DON'T want to mess with. It must feel like you are living in the Wild West sometimes.

    I had to laugh at the mermaid suggestion. I should see if I can take a pic in my getup when I swim. Believe me it is nothing remotely like a mermaid. LOL I swim with a swim cap, goggles and a snorkel. Yes, a snorkel. Neck problems and the like makes swimming normally impossible for me so one of my doctor's suggested swimming with a snorkel. I didn't even know how to swim when he suggested this. I also thought it was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard of. Seven years later here I am looking totally ridiculous and the wonderful part is I DON'T CARE!

    I do hope you can shake this flu. It must be something awful from hearing the news and your personal experience. Feel better soon.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2018

    Beautiful banner Nancy. Thank you for your kind words.

    Yes we ARE in the wild west here - the 'far frontier' as our Alpine sign says.

    Look who wandered by my office window a minute ago! You never know who you will see next. I'm SO glad the rattlers are hibernating though!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2018

    Nancy, still praying for Moms adjustment. Thanks for rhat scripture remunder. It really spoke to my heart today. I am on flu meds. Started yesterday and already feeling better. My endometrial biop is scheduled for the 26th. Jo, a belated Happy Birthday. Thanks for the picture. You and hubby are so beautiful together. Ade, praying for health and financial concerns. Lita and Aurora, asking Gods perfect will in your continued battle. Hershey and Paulette, praying for Gods strength through and after radiation. May Gods comfort and peace be with all here today. Love, Jean. Romans 15:13
    Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited January 2018

    A meteor crashed in michigan two nights ago! Although it was more than a hundred miles away, we still seen the night sky light up and flash!

    And then we had the most gorgeous sunset here last night..This photo does not even come close to doing it justice. We do not have any open sky around here and the trees block out so much..but the purple-orange glow was very pretty!


    Ladies, I've been praying for all on here this week even though I've not been posting too much. I've been trying to get some things in order around the house since the holidays are over.

    Ade: I love how your visitors sometimes just stand there and pose for you!

    Nancy, I am praying God continues to give you peace concerning your Mom..Sometimes it seems like he is taking his time in answering our prayers, but I believe that he walks us through a process in order to shape us for what is coming ahead.

    Paulette: I continue to pray you through these remaining rads..I know how you feel when you are able to help someone else through your own time of trouble..It defeats the plan of the enemy to hold us down and make us unusable!

    Lately I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed with the emotional rollercoaster me and my family have been on since my dx of stage 4 in October. I am a prayer warrior with a group of ladies at church, and it seems like the enemy has been working overtime on us all. It's like he knows he has a short time left..So, when I seen this shirt, I ordered it for our oldest daughter's birthday next month:


    It seemed appropriate for this time that we are in!

    Ladies, please stand with me in agreement that the genetic test was a false positive. I will be getting the latest blood test result on Monday. My husband and youngest daughter will be with me when I go to see my MO.

    My Taxol infusions have been going very real SE's to speak of. I am 3 in with 9 left to go now.

    This is the scripture behind my screen name..Sometimes I need to remember this!..

    "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

    Deuteronomy 31:8

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited January 2018

    Echoing all of Jean's and Ade's prayers and praying for a clean biopsy for Jean. You both have a wonderful way with words of prayer. Nancy, I'm still praying that both you and your Mom will adjust to her new living arrangements. I believe you mentioned that you felt like you were grieving and I'm sure that's what you are going through. We always grieve the loss of the something so wonderful and familiar when it is no longer there even though your mother is still here, it's not the same and never will be. It's only natural to have the feelings you do.

    I have been feeling fairly good except for some heart palpitations on occasion. Sometimes very low heart rate other times too high. I wore a heart monitor for 24 hours but have not heard the results yet. I think I need to find a new cardiologist as this one isn't very attentive or maybe there's nothing to report. I'm having an echocardiogram next week so, we'll see if that shows my heart getting worse with the cardiomyopathy. It's always something.

    Never.. I love your sunset picture and the tee shirt. Words we can all live by.

    I'm still reading and praying for all your needs so know that many prayers are going up to Jesus on your behalf.

    Love and prayers,


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2018

    Wow, You both are a beautiful Couple!! I have viewing and praying, just busy with grandkids!! Hugs, prayers and blessings!!!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Dear ladies,

    I am running late today and will have to post more later. I did want to share this scripture which I believe so much in.

    I imagine many of you can say I don't feel like my troubles are light or momentary but in the scheme of eternity that is how I view this verse. It IS GOING TO BE OKAY AND GOD HAS THIS.

    Kathy, great to see your post. Don't be a stranger!!



    2 Corinthians 4:17New International Version (NIV)

    17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited January 2018


    Need this today! I’m heading to my #28/30 radiation and glad to be over soon. Found out I need to do Bone Density CT instead of Bine Density Test that got me worry. Silly me but I still worry.

    I’m praying for Nancy mom and your cyst.

    Also, praying for all the pink sisters who need comfort to go through all these tests and suffering.

    Love all the pictures you posted and send prayers to everyone. I’m rushing to my radiation appointment will check back later.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Ade, that is a handsome buck. I pray you feel better each day and will see some breakthroughs so James can get these needed meds.

    Teka, you are right. I need to see my mom again and see how she is doing. My sister told me that my mom is not adjusting so I want to see that for myself. The holidays are wonderful but they can be so stressful too. Hope you are unwinding and staying safe and warm.

    Jean, I hope your flu meds works quickly. I am sorry to hear you have it too. Praying you will be able to have your biopsy next week. I know that has to be a big concern. That is a powerful scripture. Thanks for sharing that.

    Lisa, I think we saw the same gorgeous sunset. I was doing some late night shopping and I was in the parking lot and even though it was bitterly cold I just stood and stared at the sky it was so absolutely beautiful. I don't think I have seen such gorgeous clouds. I was lucky to view it with no trees in the way. I wish I had my camera at that moment. That is the blessings I talk about that are all around us. Your photo is beautiful and such a nice scenic winter setting to see the sunset's beautiful colors. That is a great T shirt and I am sure you daughter will love it. Praying that as your blood test will have a different result. I know that is so concerning to you and your family. Your scripture is the part of the same one the Lord spoke to me SO clearly before I got my biopsy results for bc. I will never leave you or forsake you. That phrase will always be a powerful reminder of how God did and is bringing me through. God bless you as you go through your treatments. So glad to hear that you are doing well with them.

    Faith, yes you are right. I am grieving the loss of what I had with my mom. My mom and I were always very close and it is heartbreaking to see her like this and trying to adjust to very unfamiliar surroundings. I know I will feel better when I see her again to see how she is doing. Praying that you get some good answers from your heart monitor and the issues you have been having. I am glad you are feeling pretty good and praying that this heart issue will turn out to be nothing that can't be fixed easily.

    Chris, praying you get your strength back soon.

    Kathy, I am glad to hear you are able to spend time with your grand kids. Do they still live in Idaho? Glad to hear from you.

    Paulette, you are so close to being done. I know that last stretch can be challenging. Praying you will manage these last treatments. The skin has a miraculous way of healing when it is all over. I am hoping your bone density is just regular protocol. I think most of us on an AI have to have those regularly. Praying it will be normal and not a concern. I love those flowers. What are those. I remember you sharing those on another thread. That is something I can't wait for and that is spring to see flowers again. Hang in there.You are almost done!

    Ellen, they showed some pics of NC on our news tonight and the bad road conditions there. I hope you are staying safe and warm.

    Aurora and Lita, praying for both of you as you deal with very disturbing SE's.

    Joanne, praying for your daughters as they wait to see what is in the near future for them. Praying for peace for you as you wait. That waiting is always the hardest part.

    I have been able to swim three half mile sessions this week and hopefully another half mile tomorrow. This is just what my body and mind needed to offset the stress that has built up over the last many weeks. I am waiting to take care of a few more things and then will be traveling back to my mom' house. My sister and I will have a huge job of getting my mom's house ready for sale but we are not in a big hurry yet.

    Take care dear sisters. Have a good night.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2018

    Yesterday is the past,

    Tomorrow's the future,

    Today's a GIFT - that's why they call it the present.

    One day at a time ~ This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it ~*~ (no matter what.)

    Love to you all,


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited January 2018

    Those scriptures are so very important..Yes, this present suffering is nothing compared to the glory to come!

    Ade..that saying is hanging in my MO's office..I really like that!

    Ladies, please continue to pray for my Sister in law, Evelyn. She had the brain surgery yesterday and although the tumor was benign, she aspirated during the night and they had to do a CAT scan on her to find out why..We are still waiting on the result..or to hear back from her daughter. The last thing we heard was she was on a ventilator but then started breathing on her own and opened her eyes.

    Thank you for your prayers, and also for my prayer for good test results.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2018

    NeverForsaken, I pray for Evelyn that the Great Physician will touch her body, and restore her to good health. I also pray that you receive good test results and peace in these stressful times. May the God of peace cover you with His abundant blessings.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Amen Ade.

    Prayers for Evelyn's complete recovery. Praying for a good test result for Lisa.

    I had a horrible night and would appreciate your prayers for my night meds to be approved. I have to jump through all sorts of hoops to be able to get them and now on Medicare it is even tougher. I tried sleeping last night without it and tried a product from the past. It made my heart race and probably interacting with my cancer drug and I didn't get to sleep until around 6 this morning and it was finally drinking chamomile tea that did it.

    I needed something bright and cheery to wake me up today. Have a good day dear sisters.




  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited January 2018

    Nancy I looked up the flower name is Angel Trumpet flowers.

    I’m asking for prayers for my husband Raymond, pray for his health will be fine nothing wrong with some bleeding.

    Dear Lord, take away Nancy worries, praying for her meds will be approved and the price will be low. Also praying for her cyst will be nothing serious and get well soon.

    Pray for Evelyn her health will get well soon, and pray for her test result will be good.

    Hugs to all and happy Friday!