thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    Welcome, Bella. I am glad you found us but we are never happy to meet under these circumstances. You have a big surgery coming up and we will certainly be praying for you. Keep your eyes are Him and you can't go wrong. He will be with you every step of this journey yet to come and you will find He is faithful.

    Joanne, thanks for reminding us of those verses and the words to that song. This truth that Jesus will calm our storms is always timely and never gets old.

    Lita, praying for rain and that there will be no repeat of all the fires in CA. How are you doing?

    Thanks Ade. Any more progress on James hopefuly treatment and Medicare?

    It has been a very difficult last few days for me in my mom's house. I am adjusting much better emotionally since getting here on Tuesday night. I have been able to spend lots of time with my mom and I was thrilled when I walked in last night and I brought Cammie my cat as she was lonely to see her. She was with a bunch of people playing bingo. I was thrilled that one of the staff came down to get her to play. My mom seemed to enjoy herself. I wish I could say the same for Cammie. She was scared to death and I doubt if I will ever take her to see my mom. My timing was really bad and I wanted my mom to continue to play Bingo but I didn't know what to do with my cat. I wanted to stay for a very short time so there would be no "accidents" on the carpet. Also another lady who has been gone for quite a long time has returned and she sits at my mom's table in the dining room. I have been praying that she would connect with some people and make friends so I think this may begin to start happening.

    Today I am just completely exhausted. I think I have been going on lots of adrenaline when I first got here and it was so difficult at first but I am quickly getting adjusted to these new changes. My mom still misses her house and mentions that but is so much better now that initially when she kept saying she hated the place. Tomorrow will mark her first month at the assisted living facility and the staff is really wonderful and she can see that so that is huge.

    I would appreciate your continued prayers for our family as we somehow have to deal with my mom's house while spending time with her in this initial adjustment period.

    Aurora, know we are still praying for you and your family. I don't expect you to post but I know you may be reading if you can.

    Chips and Hershey, how are your rads coming along?

    Chris and Lisa how are you both doing?

    Faith, are you feeling any better?

    Joanne, praying for you and your family as your daughters go through surgeries and tests.

    Praying for you dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    Dear ladies,

    Today was a fun morning spending time at my mom's facility with therapy miniature horses. My mom is in the white sweatshirt. These little horses were SOOOOO cute.

    The picture at the bottom is my sister in the blue jacket. Your prayers for us have been helpful. I feel like my mom has made great strides in only one month and has adjusted as well as one can when they lived in their home for 68 years and didn't want to leave. My mom is now playing Bingo and we attended a Bible study today so the more we can get her participating with others I think it will be good for her spiritual, emotional and physical health.

    My mom is 92 and you would never know it.

    Take care dear sisters. I am praying for you. I have been very busy and my mom does not have internet now so I can't post while visiting her now.





  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2018

    Hello everyone, sorry I've been MIA lately but I just haven't felt very good and it's been an effort to post, so as I friend of mine said , she gave up the "have-tos" for awhile. It's just been easier to read and pray without posting much.

    Nancy, I'm so happy to hear your mother is adjusting to her new place. What a beautiful picture of her and also your sister. I can't believe your mother is 92 and your sister is also very young looking as are you from your picture. Your family certainly has good looking genes.

    I think I'm beginning to get a handle on whatever has been making me feel so bad. I saw my cardiologist today and my heart is doing well. The medications have helped improve my HR function but we still need to play a bit with my BP meds to stabilize it. One of my biggest problems has been dizziness and the Dr. seemed to think it might be positional vertigo that can be helped with PT. I sure hope she's right because that would explain a lot.

    To all of you, I want you to know I keep you in my daily prayers, praying that Our Lord will heal and comfort you in all of your trials. Welcome to the new people here, you will find lots of support from everyone. Thank you all for your beautiful posters and psalm quotes. They always seem to be just the right words at the right time.

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future).

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2018

    Hi Sisters. Will try to pop back in a bit later but I wanted to share this with you now. I have subscribed to this doctor's newsletter for years and I really respect him. He has a live webinar concerning cancer on Sunday that is free but you need to sign up for it. I signed up and hope to catch it.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    Faith, if you have what I think is called BPV (Benign Positional Vertigo) it is actually one of the easiest types to treat. I think I may have shared with you before that I had two really awful bouts of dizziness many years ago that lasted for many months and both followed surgeries above my neck.

    I went to Marian Joy in Wheaton for dizziness therapy and they did all sorts of tests. Unfortunately mine was not BPV but they did test for that. If this is what I remember the ear has little particles that can shake loose and cause dizziness. If they can move your head in a certain way to make those particles go back into your ear then they can fix the problem.

    I am glad that your cardiologist is working on improving some of your symptoms you have had. Praying that the doctors can find the source of your dizziness and correct it. Thank you for your prayers and for your comments on my mom. That picture of me is an old pic. My bc and my mom's situation has added years to my life in the last few years but I try to find against the inevitable the best I can.

    Joanne, I am praying that if both daughters have to have surgery that it will take care of each of their individual problems. I know how much of a concern it is for you and not knowing whether these conditions are cancerous. Hang on to those words you posted in that song. I have to leave my burden for my mom at Jesus feet all the time and it does help. We will be praying for you and your family.

    Ade, thanks for sharing that link. I hope maybe you can share some of the info with us. I more than likely will not have access to internet during that time but I am very curious.

    I do have a prayer request. When I left my mom this evening I didn't notice how red one of her eyes looked in her apartment and as I was walking her to the dining room for dinner I noticed how awful her eye looked. The nurse was in a closed door meeting so I alerted a staff member for the nurse to be sure to look at my mom's eye before leaving.

    I am praying it is nothing serious like when this happened at Thanksgiving and turned into a very serious condition. This is her other eye.

    My mom is going to have a very difficult time when I have to go back home on Tuesday. I am trying to get her as involved with activities as I can. My sister will have to now exclusively be in charge of paying my mom's bills where we have shared this responsibility in the past. There is no more mail coming to my mom's house now. I know this is going to be more difficult keeping track of the bills now as we haven't found a good system yet of dealing with the bills when they go to the facility.

    I will get back to my usual posting once I get back home. For the time being without internet a good part of the time it makes it difficult.

    I am praying for you even if I can't post as much until I get back home.



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited February 2018

    Hello ladies, I have been hiding for days because I was busy with all the doctor appointments and scans, then I have to get ready for Chinese New Year.

    Praise the Lord, Nancy’s Mom looks good and she seemed to have fun with the donkey.

    Joanne, I understand what you meant about thyroid storm because I have nodules in my thyroid and I have to watch it closely.

    I will be back later, started cleaning the house get ready for new year, I haven’t cleaned the house for months now it just needs so much works.

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2018

    Ade and Nancy, thank you for your encouraging words on my dizziness. I see the ENT on Monday so will hopefully find out exactly what's happening and get some kind of treatment.

    Jo, I will be praying for your family's issues with thyroid problems that none will be cancer and the right meds will get everyone, including you on track.

    Nancy, I am praying for you and your Mom and especially that she can adjust and her eye problem will be nothing. Also, safe travels back home, it feels like we live in a frozen tundra right now with all the snow and cold.

    To everyone. I pray daily for all of you. I have to make this short as I'm having trouble with my iPad right now

    Love and prayers for all,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2018

    A very dear friend of mine writes devotionals, and her recent one says what I feel more eloquently than I could, so I have copied it here for you all. I hope you enjoy it...

    " I am who I am today because of the difficult times. God knew exactly where He would take me and He prepared me to go there. What has not changed is my commitment to Him. I'm still walking the walk with Jesus.

    The final pages of my story are being written. All too soon my journey will be complete. Without hesitation "I thank God for the mountains, and I thank Him for the valleys, I thank Him for the storms He brought me through. For if I'd never had a problem, I wouldn't know God could solve them, I'd never know what faith in God could do." (Crouch)

    I still don't like pain but I see it differently now. It is, "not a weapon, it is a tool used by the master craftsman, God, to fashion, manage, and mold my life." (Florence Littauer)

    Through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus.

    How do you look at pain? As a tool to fashion your life, or a weapon to batter and break you? God has the pain under control.

    Breathe. This too shall pass. God has a plan. He loves you. He. Loves. You.

    Prayer: "Father, if this problem, pain, sickness, or circumstance is needed to fulfill your purpose and glory in my life or in another's, please don't take it away. (Rick Warren)" "

    written by Ronda Knuth

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited February 2018


    Had some left over yarn and deciced to make myself a sleeping cap while I can still see.

    Please pray for my eyesight. Went to eye doc and I have lost a lot of peripheral vision b/c of brain mets. Blood vessel behind right optic nerve is hemorrhaging and blind spot is back in left eye. They can't do any more rads to brain , so I'm facing blindness in my future now according to eye doc.

    Hoping Gemzar, which is supposed to cross blood brain barrier, helps, but they have to keep postponing b/c my blood and liver levels are bad.

    Enjoying the olympics while i can still see, but it's pretty blurry.


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2018

    Lita, I am holding you in special prayer everyday. I'm so sorry this happening to you, you are a tower of strength and inspiration for all of us here. May Our God of all healing hold you in His loving arms and bring you peace.

    Love and prayers,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    Faith, thank you for your prayers. I will pray for your ENT apt on Monday and hopefully you will get some answers and some solutions.

    Chris, that is a very powerful post. I have said for many years that one of my favorite scriptures is "and this too shall pass." Knowing where we are going as children of the King of Kings is going to make all of this on earth pale in comparison to heaven. It is the getting through in the meantime that is the hard part and that is where our complete trust in God makes all the difference. I hope you are completely recovered now from your pneumonia.

    Paulette, Happy Chinese New Year. Cleaning house is always a challenge and I am praying you have renewed energy to tackle that job.

    Aurora, praying for you.

    Lita, I hope you enjoy the Olympics. Your sleeping cap is cute and I am glad you are doing the most with what you can. Praying for you during this very difficult time.

    My mom's eye resolved so I am thankful for that. Today has been a challenge but I know that God will show me how to deal with all of the obstacles that seem to be cropping up for my sister and I and dealing with all of these changes.

    Take care dear sisters.




  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2018

    I am still here. I've been too tired to sit at the computer for too long these last two weeks...I've been binge watching Youtube videos on the Roku. I am half way through the Taxol regime...The inside of my nose is pretty much gone, and I am treating it with a daily wash with peroxide and antibiotic ointment..but the lack of energy is terrible.

    I'm praying for everyone on here requesting prayer.

    Welcome to the new posters, but so sorry you have this terrible disease..God can and will make something good come from it though. And may you find encouragement here.

    Nancy, what a special thrill that must have been to have those mini horses come into your Mom's home!

    Paulette, Happy Chinese New Year!

    Lita, That hat looks very comfy!

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2018

    Neverforsaken, so sorry you are struggling. I will pray for increased energy and healing for your poor nose.

    Lita, love your hat and your bravery. I am praying God comforts you daily.

    Nancy, know you have continued prayers for your mom's contentment, and your stress and medical wholeness. You minister to us all with such heart and caring.

    I am recovered from pneumonia, thank you for caring. My kids and families all come next weekend for a week-long visit, and then it is scans, infusion, and onc appointments the week following. At least I will have 3 wonderful distractions in the meantime in the form of my beautiful grandkids. I am counting my blessings.

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2018

    Into Light:

    I'm so happy you will have some distraction. I will pray for your upcoming scans. I have prayed for your recent illnesses, and am rejoicing that you are now recovered! God is so good! Many people may not realize how much we really have to be thankful for, especially in the face of a serious cancer dx, and some may even question why we don't blame God, but thank him instead. Well, I believe if it weren't for these big and little trials that we must walk through, then the love and the true strength and power of our God would not be seen or experienced. At least not in such a way as to encourage so many who are struggling with physical or spiritual things in life.

    My puny mortal mind often tells me that it is all so very hopeless, but then I remember what I have already been through, and see others who are going through much more, and I am reminded how God never hands us a backpack to carry with all the tools we might need someday..but instead he walks beside us and gives us what is needed exactly when it is needed.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited February 2018

    Neverforsaken and's so good to hear from you Stage IV sisters!

    Yes, it's always something, isn't it? Neverforsaken: I was on the Taxol for about 3 mos, but it wasn't working for me. I hated the nosebleeds, and the fatigue was HORRIBLE. Now I'm on Gemzar, but that has its problems, too. It raises your Liver ALTs thru the roof and destroys your platelets. I've had to postpone Tx twice b/c of the blood work. So, I don't know if it's even working or not. I'm having lots of pain in my thoracic spine, but don't want to take too many pain meds b/c of my liver already being compromised. Just trying to stick with topical ointments, rubs, etc.

    Intolight: Hope your pneumonia gets better fast. It's bad enuf to be dealing with MBC. We don't need to be dealing with anything else.

    To Aurora: We know you probably can't post anymore, but do know, dear sister, we are all praying for you as you have moved on to hospice. May your transition home to Jesus's arms be swift, pain-free and peaceful.

    Nancy: Keeping you, your mom and your sister in prayer.

    Blessings to everyone,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    LadyB1234 or Angie from CA sent me an email today. Angie, if you are reading I will respond when I have a bit more time.

    Angie is in ministry with her husband and she has a heart for prayer ministry. She has intersessors who meet regularly and was gracious enough to offer prayers for you if you want to send her a PM. She does keep up with this post but doesn't post often. She sends a prayer list for her team of prayer warriors. She is one busy lady. Who sister is having bc surgery this Thursday and I know she is very concerned for her sister. It is sometimes more difficult to watch a loved one go through this journey more than our own journey.

    Lisa, I pray for you whether you post or not. I have been concerned about you and am sorry you are feeling the effects of Taxol. The nose issues sounds hard to deal with. I sure hope your treatments for your nose helps. Give yourself permission to binge watch whatever you want. This is time you need to take care of YOU. Praying for you dear sister.

    Chris, thank you for your kind words. I am getting ready to go back home and I have a million things to do before going. My sister and I spent a few hours going through my mom's attic. It has not heat so finally I said I am freezing and have to stop. We made a dent so that is progress. I sure hope you have a great time with your grand kids before the scans and all of that starts up again.

    Aurora, dear sister we are all praying for you and I pray that you do not have to suffer as you go through this transition. Praying for your family as well.

    Lita, I am praying for you and pray that this pain will be tolerable. So many things you are dealing with but you are a fighter and I admire your courage.

    Faith, Ade and Joanne, praying for all of your needs too.

    I appreciate your prayers for me and my family. God has done an amazing work in my heart and emotions in a few short two week period. I can't even begin to tell you how difficult it was coming to my mom's house and knowing she would probably never be here again. I really don't think anyone knew how hard this was for me but God did. I poured out my heart to Him and He allowed me to adjust very quickly to the reality of the situation and I am so grateful for that. I needed to be strong for my mom and not have to be dealing with my own raw emotions. I think this has been harder on my sister than I thought it would be and she finds my mom's facility very depressing so that is not good. I would appreciate prayers for her as well.

    I have to run. I may not have much time to post until I get back home. I will be traveling on Tuesday and thankfully the worst of the awful weather has passed for the time being. We had terrible ice here yesterday and today. Lots of snow to go back home to it sounds like.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    Hershey and Chips, how are your rads going?

    Teka and Jean, how are you holding up with all the snow?

    Joanne, praying that your daughter's thyroid biopsy results will be benign.

    Paulette, when does the Official Chinese NewYear start?

    Have a good night dear sisters.




  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2018


    Yesterday I got the results from the most recent genetic test and it says that I am NEGATIVE for ALL genetic mutations (Including TP53)!

    So I am doing a happy dance and singing praises to our Lord!

    So, just because the tumor showed a TP53 mutation, didn't mean that I have it. I told my doctor that that tumor was not a part of me..I never call cancer "My cancer", because it is not a part of's an invader in my body and not anything more.

    Nancy, I'm praying your travel today goes/went smoothly.

    Bye for now, dear sisters


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2018

    Lisa we rejoice with you! What a load this must be off of you! You will have much more peace now. THANK YOU JESUS!

    Lita your new "lid" is adorable. I pray the Lord will keep up your courage and trust in Him through this time and that He will prolong your sight.

    Aurora you are in our hearts and prayers constantly. Know you are loved.

    Nancy I pray the Lord will grant you traveling mercies. May He grant you, your sister and your mom His peace that passes all understanding. May your mom find delights in small things right where she is and may she feel the Lord's comforting presence with her. Our daughter has taken her dogs to nursing homes as therapy dogs for years and she has wonderful stories to tell. There was a miniature horse in her first therapy animal class and he was SO cute! People are drawn to the unconditional love that animals bring. When James was in his quadruple bypass surgery last July I was an emotional mess in the waiting room. A volunteer brought in a Golden Retriever therapy dog and it made a beeline for me! He laid his velvet head in my lap and I just wept it touched my heart so very much. It was a touch of love and comfort directly from God. (I tear up as I write this still.) Yes, your banner of Ps. 147:5 is perfect.

    Chris, your friend's devotional is beautiful - from the heart. Thank you for sharing it with us. May the Lord quickly heal your pneumonia, ease you through your treatments and bless your time with your loves ones - your sweet 'distractions'.

    Paulette, blessings upon your new year!!! Don't work TOO hard cleaning your home. (A little dust protects the furniture!) :oD

    Faith, many years ago I had such terrible dizziness I would bump into the halls at work and when I leaned over a patient I almost fell on them at times! I went to an ENT guy but the tests were negative. Finally found out I was hypoglycemic! I started taking protein snacks every 2 hours and it stopped! Just a thought. May yours be correctly diagnosed and treated to God's glory - and your comfort & peace.

    WELCOME to the new ladies.We're sorry we have to meet this way but you will find this group a blessing in your lives.

    Please pray for our son's safety who is on the front lines as a Border Patrol Agent. (And for ALL law enforcement as 5 policemen have been killed lately!).They are so undermanned and he has to go out into the "field" at nights ALONE into the wilds where he could so easily be ambushed. Sometimes the communicators don't work and it could take 20 minutes or more for help to come even if they did. That is how the one agent was killed (bashed with a rock) and his partner beaten within inches of his life. There are large bands of South Americans coming through right now ( through the mountain glen where we live too!). Our son has 3 little girls and a beautiful loving Christian wife. We are all concerned about this and it can consume you if you let it. May the LORD protect him and the other brave men and women who serve to protect us.

    May the Lord bless your day today and your Valentines Day tomorrow. I send my love ~*~ and you already have the Lord's.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2018



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited February 2018

    Lita, what a cute hat you got here. I’m praying for your eyesight and praying dear Father will touch you and take away any pains you have,

    Into praying for you also, dear lord please take away Into pains and give her peace.

    My dear husband is doing most of the cleaning, I cleaned up some of my books and do some dusting. I don’t have the energy, for some reason after radiation my body is still tired.

    I will be back after I washed dishes,

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    Lisa, celebrating with you in your GREAT news!!

    Ade, what a precious sight. Praying for your son on the border patrol.

    Paulette, try to be patient with you energy level. It may take some time.

    Bella, how are you doing?

    Joanne, I know this is a very tough time for you. We are praying for you.

    Thank you all for your prayers. I made it home safely. God was so good to allow the ice to melt where I needed to load my car. If it had been even the day before it would have just been too dangerous for me to even pack. I drove in my driveway to mounds of snow. I haven't seen snow like this in a long time. The icycles (sp?) that have formed are worthy of some pictures but I have so many things to do to get caught up here that opportunity may be gone.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2018

    Nancy, I am so glad you made it home safely. Hope you get good rest today. Chris

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited February 2018


    Wishing you all a Happy Valentine's Day!

  • nancy2581
    nancy2581 Member Posts: 408
    edited February 2018

    Hi ladies - hope I'm not imposing, but has anyone heard from Mags? She started our July 2014 chemo group. Magshasn't posted since November. I am worried about her. Thanks for any info.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018


    I am not sure how much you know from the past few months but Mags has mets to the lungs and is in stage 4 now. Her husband, David, passed away in October I believe. I got a PM from Mags in Nov. and her faith was strong and considering the circumstance I felt like she was doing fairly well. I haven't heard from her since then.

    How are you doing?


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    Thanks Chris. I know you are getting ready for family and I bet you are excited about that.

    Hershey, how are the rads going. We should post your post all over every building and every bus stop and every neighborhood in this country and the world. For THAT is what this world needs and they need Jesus to open their eyes and hearts and He will transform each person who reaches out to Him. One person at a time. That is how this world will change. We are to be lights to the world. Hopefully people will look at us and see a difference in us. We should be different. We are transformed and we need to share our good news to the world which sorely needs some hope in the midst of all the darkness that we have seen in the recent events.




  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071
    edited February 2018

    I received a PM from Aurora's daughter. Aurora passed away today. I will miss her wonderful attitude, her supportive nature, and her concern for others. She is at peace now and in God's embrace.

    Hugs and prayers from, Lynne

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited February 2018

    A kind and gentle soul has ascended into Heaven. May our Lord bless and comfort her family during this time of grief.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited February 2018

    Very sad about Aurora. She will be missed. Such a sweet woman.

    Prayers going out to her family.
