thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited January 2018

    Dear Aurora, I have anal/fecal incontinence now, so I feel your pain. I have to wear depends with plastic pants to deal with leakage/oozing. This is the new reality.

    I had rads to brain and lower lumbar, but it hasn't helped. All my brain symptoms are back now. I'm on gemzar which is "supposed" to cross the blood brain barrier. Only had 2 infusions so far. Still having headaches, dizziness and whooshing in ears along with blind spot.

    Didn't expect things to deteriorate this quickly.

    Problem with gemzar is that it compromises the liver. My ALTs have already gone sky high.

    Will pray for you, and everyone pray for us both.


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited January 2018

    Praying for both Lita and Aurora tonight that God will hold them in the palm of His hand and give them peaceful healing. In Jesus name I pray!

    Faith (In the future) and faith in God!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Prayers for Jean's biopsy, Aurora's healing and provision and Lita's healing.

    Prayers for all of you in treatments both active and inactive. Take care dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2018

    My biopsy went well. No cancer! Hallelulia! Now to speak to the chemo Dr to see if I continue on Tamoxifen. Thank you for the orayers. He hears! Praying for Aurora and Lita. Love, Jean

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2018

    Jean, Praise God! We love good news like this. Hooray!!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Great news Jean!!!! Praise God!!!!

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited January 2018

    🙌🙌🙌 Jean ... such a good news! Best news for the weekend,

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2018

    Aurora and Lita, - I can't imagine how traumatic it must be for you and I am so sorry you are going through this incontinence when you have enough to just manage in this adversity you face every day. Please know my heartfelt prayers go up on your behalf and I'm sending hugs with love.

    Jean - I'm praising the Lord with you on your test results! Oh what a relief that must be! Prayers answered!

    Paulette - may the Lord finish healing your poor skin burns quickly.

    May the Lord grant you all His grace and strength for today as we look to Him one day at a time, trusting in His love for the bad times and the good.



    (Last night's sunset photo - The mountain on the left is called Gorilla Mountain - see him?)


  • Chips530
    Chips530 Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2018

    I know this is an outside issue,& I hope it doesn't offend anyone ,but I would like to share how the Lord has been with me through facing 2 diseases.

    I got my 23 year chip last night at my AA Homegroup ,& I shared that through this program I've developed a closer relationship with my Higher Power (That I call God).He was always there for me to learn to live a sober life & gave me many blessings .

    When I received the diagnosis of breast cancer,I never even thought about a drink,but rather knew that God didn't carry me this far to drop me.I told a few friends in recovery about my illness & they overwhelmed me with prayers & calls & kind actions of love(even guysLOL)

    I've had 5 sessions of radiation now & only 15 more to go.This is not exactly the way I would have chosen to meet you lovely ladies,but it is comforting to have a group of like-minded Christian ladies who are dealing with this awful cancer with Jesus at our side.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Dear ladies of faith,

    I postponed my trip to my mom's until Tuesday. I hope to stay in touch as much as I can.

    Ade. your photo of your sunset as usual is gorgeous.

    Chips530, congratulations on your 23 yr chip. That is a fantastic accomplishment. Yes, we are all sorry to meet here the way we have but it is a great Christian community that encourages each other and lifts each other in prayer. Praying that your radiation goes smoothly. Feel free to post anytime.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2018

    Welcome, Chips! My mother was delivered from an alcohol addiction through AA and gave God the credit as she knew she couldn't have done it alone. Congratulations on your 23 years - that's awesome! As Nancy said, we're glad to have you on board - just sorry it is through this illness battle that we meet. We will all pray for you. These are wonderful women!



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited January 2018

    I do not underestimate power of prayers, I’m not a perfect Christian but I know Lord is the powerful God that I depend on.

    Ade what a beautiful sundsef so dramatic it is hard to find words to express it.

    Chips congratulations for 23 years that’s a long time. Radiation goes fast , prayers for your skin.

    My skin is healing fast, I only have one or two bad areas now. My appetite is getting back now I have to watch my diet so I won’t gain all my weight back. Hahahaha .....

    Nancy, please take it easy, prayers for your mom and you have a safe trip driving.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2018

    We had 9 dinner guests tonight - we had CORN.


    Blessings on your week, Sisters!


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited January 2018

    Beautiful animals ... still can't get over how tame they are! Are those some fawns I see?

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Ade, what dear deer friends!!!!!!!!! So precious.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Isaiah 26:3King James Version (KJV)

    3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

    Dear ladies,

    As I am tying up all the loose ends so I can return to my mom's house for two weeks I am in awe of how God has worked things out for me and how He has encouraged my heart even when anxiety is creeping into my heart regarding my mom.

    I have had a yearly battle with insurance companies to get my night med approved as my AI causes me severe insomnia. After my prior authorization being denied it was finally approved upon appeal. I cannot tell you what a victory in the spirit realm that has been. Also today I found out that one of my photos won the newspaper photo contest and I win a $50 gift card to this Camera store as it was in the paper this morning. My heart is encouraged even in the storm of my mom's dementia and moving her to assisted living. She still needs a lot of prayer as my sister and I do as well.

    Thank you for always being there for me. You know I am praying for all of you.



  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071
    edited January 2018

    Also posting to other threads

    I received a PM from Aurora (Auroaya) today. She wanted me to pass along a message from her. As some of you know, she recently had progression to her brain, and she has not had a good response to treatment. Her MBC continues to spread. It has become difficult for her to manage by herself, and she is meeting with hospice tomorrow. I know that those of you on this thread have benefited her kind, encouraging, supportive posts. Please keep her in your prayers.

    Hugs and prayers from, Lynne

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Hi Lynne,

    I knew that Aurora's condition was not good and I am glad she will have the support of hospice because I know she was very concerned about how she would be cared for. She has been a sweet soul on this thread and has been a very kind and loving person in the face of her own adversity. Please pass along to her our love and tell her we will be praying for her. I don't want her suffering to linger. I am praying that God will very gently take her home with Him. She will definitely be missed on this thread. I pray for her family and her especially her daughter and grandson as I know this has got to be so difficult for them as well.

    Thank you Lynn for passing this along to us. We all do appreciate it as sometimes we don't know what has happened to those we have come to love on this thread. God Bless you in your challenges as well.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited January 2018

    Lynn, thanks so much for passing along this news although we hate to hear it. We can pray for her that her journey will be easy into the loving arms of our God.

    I keep praying for everyone here and hope that you will say a few prayers for me. I think I'm just dealing with bad sinus issues but I've felt awful lately and I keep getting a little dizziness on occasion. Of course my mind goes to the bad places and I know I need to trust that all will be fine but the devil likes to play games with me.

    Nancy, I'm glad to hear you got your insurance issues settled and can go to your mom's with one less thing to worry about. I am praying for safe travels for you and that God will continue to work some miracles on your behalf and those of both your mother and sister.

    Love and prayers for all,


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited January 2018

    Thank you Lynn for passing the message, so bummed out by Aurora news. God blessed her and praying for her.

    I was napping to hear Nancy good news, drug got approved plus won the photo contest. So happy for you.

    Faith I’m oraying that you aren’t getting the flu. I’m so worry that I might catch it also. Will pray for both of us.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited January 2018

    Keeping Aurora in prayer. This is a tough time.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2018

    I'm so sad to hear about Aurora but know that this is where we all are going in God's timing and that it is only sad for those left behind. For those crossing over we finally see our precious Savior face to face in His loving, gentle arms. No more pain, anxiety or suffering. May the Lord bless her with a sweet, peaceful passing. She will be missed. Thank you Lynn for contacting us.

    Faith, may the Lord grant you His perfect peace (and give the enemy a kick in the pants!)

    Nancy I am so thankful for the Lord's working such good things for you. You needed that! Congratulations on your photography award and victory over the insurance deal! Our Medicare part D is questioning whether James QUALIFIES for this new expensive drug so now we have to once again get the cardiologist who WANTS him on it to contact them and convince them to help pay for it. They just drag their feet and it took THREE calls in 2 weeks to even get them to reply to us! It just never ends. This is his only medical hope. I'm still praying for his healing and won't stop on that.

    Lita, we're lifting you up to the Lord in our ladies group at church and I am personally.

    May God bless and keep you all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2018

    Dear ladies,

    I got to my mom's house last night and was able to spend some time with her in the evening at her new apartment in her assisted living facility. I think it is going to be a slow process of adjustment for her. She is past the I hate this place stage and said all of the staff are very nice. So that is progress. I can tell she is not happy but I guess quiet acceptance may be the best we can expect at this point. I am having such a difficult time with it being in her house alone with my cat. My mom misses Cammie and I am trying to figure out if I can take her over there to see her for a short visit. They do allow pets at this facility and do allow for pet visitors as well. Cammie is sitting in my mom's chair now and I am sure she wonders where she is.

    I usually forget something when going back and forth and was thinking last night this might be one of the first times I haven't forgotten anything................until this morning when I realized I forgot my blood pressure meds. I am very careful about packing all of my meds and supplements but obviously something went wrong there. I have called a local pharmacy and I will pay out of pocket for a 14 day supply after they called my doctor. Whew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Faith, praying that you feel much better.

    Ade, praying that you can win this fight with Medicare. It is so difficult dealing with this stuff when you need the meds and the roadblocks we have to go through to get them.

    Paulette, praying that your skin is recovering and that it won't take long to start to feel good again.

    Hershey, how are your rads going?

    Lita and everyone, I know it is so difficult to see another sister transitioning from this life to the next. As Ade has said it is sad for those we are leaving behind but for the person going to heaven all tears will be wiped away and there will be complete peace and joy and no more suffering. It is a hard concept for our human brains to take in but by faith we have to trust in God's timing for each of our lives knowing this was the path He put us on from the beginning and that in the end it is going to be glorious.

    Take care dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited February 2018

    While I'm enjoying the balmy 78-80 degree weather we're having, and breaking records, we DO need some rain out here in No Calif. If we don't get any, we'll be in big trouble. Fire season lasted several months last year and thousands lost their homes.

    Please pray for a little rain. Ten day forecast shows nothing in sight.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2018

    Nancy - beautiful scripture banners! Thank you

    Lita - our women's group at church prayed for rain for you tonight.

    Joanne - beautiful! Thank you! It was when Peter took his eyes off the Lord and on his situation that He began to sink. We have to keep our eyes upon Him. We walk by faith , not by sight.

    We know not what the future holds - but we know Who holds the future.

    Blessings upon your week,


  • bella2013
    bella2013 Member Posts: 370
    edited February 2018

    Hi ladies, very nice to see Sister’s in Christ supporting one another as we travel this journey. I am newly diagnosed. I had a lumpectomy, no nodes involved but I didn’t have clear margins. I am having bilateral mastectomy with DIEP Flap Reconstruction on Feb. 22.

    I am at peace with my decision but it was a wild roller coaster ride getting to this place. I can see His hands guiding me at each stage and as long as my eyes are on Him I am good.

    I am blessed with a wonderful husband and a supportive church family along with family who live near by.
