thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2018

    Sorry to hear about Aurora. She was one of the first ladies to greet me on this forum. Heaven gained another angel. She will be missed.

  • nancy2581
    nancy2581 Member Posts: 408
    edited February 2018


    Thank you for the info about Mags. She did post a few times in our chemo 2014 group so I did learn of her husband's passing. Wish I knew how she is doing.

    I am sorry to learn of Aurora's passing. My condolences to her family. May she forever Rest In Peace.

    I am doing well - thank you for asking



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2018

    Sad about Auroras passing for myself and all of us. I am glad she is with the Savior now and her suffering is over. Prayers for the family. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    My heart is heavy hearing the news of Aurora's passing. I didn't want her to suffer long in this transition. She is in the arms of Jesus now and free of pain, free of this disease and is at peace. Her daughter and grandson and mother and family need our prayers now.

    If anyone has a picture of Aurora could you send it to me in a PM. Thank you Lynn for sharing this news with us. The Lynn from this thread met Aurora a couple years ago and if she is checking in I am wondering if she has any pics of her she could send me.

    Nancy, if I hear anything from Mags I will post it.

    Thank you.



  • nancy2581
    nancy2581 Member Posts: 408
    edited February 2018

    Hi ladies

    Yes Mags posted in our starting chemo July 2014 group. I was so happy to hear from her. Sounds like she is super busy and is planning on moving soon. She had to figure out the financial situation after her husband passed.


  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited February 2018

    My heart is heavy tonight as I read about the passing of sweet Aurora. She was so encouraging to all of us. I greatly appreciated her pm to me when I was fighting that year of infections. She will be greatly missed. We love you Aurora. Dance on the streets of gold for us as you bask in the Father’s love.

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2018

    I am so saddened that this terrible disease has taken another lovely soul from her family and friends but also glad she resting is in the heavenly arms of our Father in heaven and free of pain and suffering. She was a very sweet and lovely lady who always seemed to reach out to those of us most in need. I'm sure she leaves a big hole in the hearts of all who knew and loved her. I'm praying her family will be comforted by knowing she is at peace at last and also that they find the love and support that they need at this sad time.

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future).

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2018

    AMEN, Nancy! Beautiful banner - we all need that one!

    I am so sorry to hear Aurora has passed but thankful she's with our Lord now in total peace and bliss. May the Lord comfort the hearts of those she left behind and may they draw near to the Lord as she would want them to.

    Just finished baking 7 dozen cookies for our church women's Cookie Ministry. Tomorrow evening we will gather to ice and put sprinkles on everyone's cookies. Then Monday they will get delivered to our little town's businesses with a note thanking them for their services. This is once a month and we rotate businesses (library, utility company, fire houses, police station, doctor offices, dentists, etc.) and also to the 2 Border Patrol sectors every 3rd month. They all love to be appreciated and it is a labor of love.

    I appreciate all of you, your strength, courage, encouragement to one another, and your faith.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    Dear ladies,

    I will have to do a special post for Aurora in a few days. I have been hit hard by a stomach virus that came out of the blue tonight. Will post when I can.



  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2018

    This is very sad news, but our prayers are for the Lord's special comfort especially for Aurora's family now..Her soul is with her Savior and all suffering is gone now..In his presence is fullness of joy.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited February 2018

    Joanne, praying for a clear pathology report for your youngest daughter on Monday.

    Praying for speedy healing for our friend Nancy.

    Ade, I really like the attractive and convincing message of the Cookie Ministry.

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited February 2018

    Nancy lifting you up in prayer. May whatever virus that is attacking your body leave quickly in the mighty name of Jesus!!!!

    We are all with you in prayer.

  • mommaof4kids
    mommaof4kids Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2018

    Greetings! This is my first post on this site and I wanted to share my gratitude with all of you. I have been so very encouraged by reading this tread. Breast cancer is scary and I have found many of the threads to be discouraging. We serve a mighty God who is the great physician. While I would never choose BC, I am blessed in that it has drawn me near to God. Through the dark days, He has been faithful. The following verses are ones God has laid on my heart for this journey. While they are a little out of context, I feel that they are appropriate for the situation. May they be a blessing to you!

    "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed!" I Peter 4:12-13

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2018

    Mommaof4kids we all welcome you! So sorry we had to meet like this but you will find these ladies to be real prayer warriors and very sincere dear women. Please feel free to post ANY time!

    Nancy we're all praying you are feeling better VERY soon - you are surely missed when you can't post! Feel better SOON!

    Joanne we're praising the LORD for your younger daughter's good news ~ WHAT a relief for all of your family! We pray your other daughter feels better soon and that her surgery will go textbook perfect with the Lord granting the medical team wisdom and skill, and that recovery is rapid - to God's glory.

    James sees the cardiologist tomorrow morning - 6 month follow up after his heart attacks. Please pray we get a way he can be on the expensive meds he desperately needs. Thanks

    You all have a blessed day!



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2018

    Nancy, sending prayers you recover quickly. We all love you here! Get rest and allow yourself healing time.

    Ade, continued prayers for James.

    JO, I am ecstatic about your daughter's news! I am sure you are relieved. Continued prayers for your girls.

    Momma, welcome to our group. We join you in prayers and praise for God's presence during this time. This is one place where we understand the rolling emotions of faith, praise, and intercession.

    My family are all here and it is a joy to watch the 3 toddler grandkids play together; however, the 2 year-old has just come down with a double ear infection and Pink eye. We are doing everything we can so the others don't catch it. Me too...


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited February 2018

    Just got on to catch up and read about Aurora's passing. Yes, I met her at a lunch get together two years ago when she lived in Florida. Her daughter brought her and her grandson was along. She was so sweet. She is out of pain and at peace now. I will look back and see if I have any pictures to post of that day.

    Praying daily for everyone.


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2018

    Hello again everyone, I've been reading and praying for all your needs.

    Nancy, I hope you will soon be back to feeling well again, I'm sure your immune system has been under attack with all the stress you've been under and that's why you have gotten so sick.

    Ade, sending prayers that James will finally get access to the meds he desperately needs.

    Jo, it's so good to hear good news about your daughter's biopsy and I still pray for your other daughters health. I know how awful it is to worry about your children, I'd much rather it was me than them.

    Chris, enjoy your family but please be careful around that sweet two year old. You don't need to get sick again. As much as we love our grandkids they can certainly be germ factories.

    Welcome to Momma of 4 and to any others I've missed in my sporadic visits here. You have found a wonderful group of friends who share your beliefs in God and His healing power and who will pray with you through these difficult times.

    Ladies, I do need to ask for your prayers this week as I'm having scanxiety. I have blood tests this afternoon and on Friday I will have a CT scan of my chest and lungs with contrast to check that my cancer is continuing to stay stable while I'm off the Ibrance. After 21 rounds of Ibrance, for various reasons my MO has allowed me a break, while continuing to use only Letrozole to control things. I've been off Ibrance now for almost six months and I'm getting nervous about what's happening inside my body. Except for the dizziness I'm still getting on occasion, things are fairly good. The ENT thinks I may have a balance issue so now testing for that on March 8th. I seem to be in an endless cycle of doctor visits and it's not much fun.

    Sending prayers for all your needs and asking for your prayers for all of us and for a cure for cancer and an end to the divisions in our world.

    God bless you all,

    Love, Faith (in the future).

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2018

    Ladies, I just wanted to share a quote from an eighteenth-century book by a lady who suffered paralysis and severe pain for many years. I hope it blesses you as much as it did me. Love, Jean

    "No strength of our own, no goodness we claim; But since we have known the Savior's great name, In this, our strong tower, for safety we hide; The Lord is our power; the Lord will provide."

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2018

    Thank you Faith. So far the rest of us are staying healthy but it is early yet, and she is very sick... I will pray for your scanxiety and that all of your results are good. I get my next scan next week after 6 months from the last one. This is the first time I have gone that long so I understand how you feel. I have a cyst on my hand that I am worried about.

    Z, thank you for the quote.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    Good evening dear ladies,

    I really appreciate all of your prayers for me. This intestinal virus threw me for a loop for sure. I am praying the worst is over but I still do not feel very good. I did get dressed today so that is a forward step to recovery. I would appreciate continued prayers.

    I feel badly that I have not had a chance to do a post for Aurora but I will. Lynn, I am holding out some hope that you have a picture of Aurora that you can send in a PM if you have a chance. It is good to hear from you as well and I hope you are doing well.

    G, it is so good to hear from you and actually see a pic of you. I pray that the months of time have brought physical and emotional healing that you so much needed after pouring yourself out to your bc classes and all of your children every day. I think of you often and pray you are doing well.

    For those (Faith and Chris) who have scans coming up I am praying for you as I can only imagine how difficult that can be. I am supposed to have my annual mammogram scheduled by now but I have lots of things I have to do to get caught up.

    Mom of 4kids. welcome and I hope you feel free to post whenever you like. We always have room for another person in our little on line Christian community.

    Joanne, great news on your daughter even though I know it doesn't solve some of her ongoing problems though. Thanks for posting and praying for me. You know I am praying for both of your daughters and you and DH.

    Ade, praying that James had a good doctor visit and praying for a breakthrough with this needed meds situation. I finally got my meds approved after initially being denied. Prayers and persistence can go a long way.

    Faith, praying for some answers for your dizziness too.

    Chris, praying you enjoy your family and that your little 2yr old's ears and eye will heal quickly without it spreading to anyone else.

    Jean, that is a great quote. The Lord IS our power. Amen.

    Hershey, praying your rads are going well.

    Lisa, how are you feeling. I know your treatments were really wearing on you.

    Lita, how are you doing? I know this is such a tough time for you.

    Nancy and Joanne, thanks for sharing about Mags. I have not seen her post yet.

    Paulette, I hope your Chinese New Years on Friday was a good one. I understand this is the year of the dog. I hope you are recovering a little bit more each day.

    I imagine I am leaving somebody out but I need to sign off and get back to my Lazy Boy. My eyes are glazed over from watching TV at this point but with my new cable I can play solitaire on my TV which has helped pass the time a bit.

    Take care everyone and hopefully I will be back 100% soon.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2018

    Faith - still praying your scan will go well with GOOD results and the Lord grants you the peace you need in the waiting time.

    YES, Joanne - great post! THANK YOU!

    Nancy - SOOO glad to hear from you!!! Praying the Lord will grant you COMPLETE rapid healing and strength regained. In the meantime, continue to rest in His love.

    Bitter sweet emotions regarding Billy Graham's passing and my friend Barb passed last night with complications from pneumonia she caught mid February. We mourn but yet rejoice with them now in Jesus' presence.

    James' cardiologist's nurse said she was applying for FREE meds for him from the company (which we THOUGHT she did 6 months ago) so we pray it goes through this time. Meanwhile she is giving us free samples which we will go get (an hour away) next Wednesday. Why she didn't do that MONTHS ago is beyond me - he could have been ON it WAY before now. Anyway we are VERY VERY thankful he will at least get the samples for now! He's been very fatigued and dizzy - BP was 90/60 - quite low. So the BP meds were discontinued for now. I have real hope he will begin to be himself soon. His personality has changed and he is very touchy and grouchy - NOT himself. I heard this is normal after a heart attack but 6 1/2 months later??? It's been really hard but I have hope in the Lord.

    Blessings upon you all,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2018

    "And if it be thy holy will That we shall suffer aught of ill, Ope thou the springs of peace and rest, And we amidst our cares are blest."

    Another quote from "The Valley of Baca" by Jennie Smith. Love, Jean

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2018

    Welcome, Mom of 4 kids!

    Nancy, I'm glad you're feeling better, but please take it onc nurse had it and she was struck down twice with whatever is going around, she said the second phase was the worst.

    Chris and Faith..I am joining you with the scan-ziety as my second PET is next Wednesday the 28th..I hope the nodule in my right axillary node is gone! I can then end the Taxol tx early! I am believing that good news is just around this corner for us all!

    Jo..PRAISE THE LORD!! and prayers are continuing.

    What a blessing Billy Graham has been to so many of us!

    Ade..Praying the meds will be free of charge.

    God bless each one on here, as well as anyone who is just stopping in and reading this thread..I am still dealing with the low energy from the TAXOL but hope that Monday will be the last of it! (If scans look good). I want to enjoy the days of sunshine that are at long last coming our way!

    Blessings and Love~Lisa

    EDIT: Thanks for the smile, JO! And that is so very true.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited February 2018

    NeverFor, I had terrible, debilitating fatigue w/Taxol along with the lovely diarrhea.

    MO took me off it because of progression, and now I'm on Gemzar, which has its own delightful SEs. It kills your platelets and jacks up your liver enzymes something fierce. They've had to delay my infusions twice b/c of those SEs, but I don't mind having a bit of a chemo vacation. I do worry that the mets will grow/spread during those unscheduled breaks, but I just give it to the Lord. He knows when I will finally transition home to Him, and missing/skipping an infusion here and there certainly won't make any difference as far as He's concerned.

    Praying for you all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    Dear ladies,

    As Lisa mentioned her onc nurse getting a second round of sickness I think that is happening to me. I thought I was doing much better and then feeling much worse. Lisa, praying that you will be over with Taxol very soon.

    Ade, I have been praying for a financial breakthrough for you both and I sure hope that it is going to happen with this needed med for James. It is a shame that it didn't happen in a timely manner but I am sure glad to hear it is going to be a reality.

    Joanne, I was reading about Billy Graham and realized you had posted the same thing that jumped out at me as far as what his wife had on their headstone. He was a great man and God used him in his old age to still touch lives. I read where a teenager asked Billy when he was in his 60's if anything surprised him "in his old age". Billy said the brevity of life. I am in my 60's and I agree. Life seems to be flying by at a faster rate than ever before. This week maybe not so much!

    Snoopy was my Dad's favorite cartoon and every time I see him I think of my Dad.

    Take care dear sisters. Spring is around the corner for those of us living in cold climates.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2018

    Spent all day at Disneyland yesterday and had great fun. Here is a picture of my 3 grandkids, son and his beautiful wife, daughter (holding the DGD) and one of our favorite characters. Sorry I don't have a whole family picture. Plan on taking those in a couple of days.


    Disneyland is our favorite family place. I grew up 3 miles from there.

    I did well all day. I rode a scooter, but that allowed me to walk on the rides, etc. It was a good choice. I am able to function today although I am a bit tired. Memories!

  • mommaof4kids
    mommaof4kids Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2018

    Joanne thank you for sharing the inspirational words from Ruth and Billy Graham. Very much appreciated.

    Physically I sailed through rads but emotionally I was a mess from the 3rd treatment (crying All the time for no particular reason). I have started feeling better emotionally in the last two weeks for which I am thankful. Today I went for my 1st checkup with my RO. I started crying almost as soon as I walked through the door and I didn't even feel bad. Everyone at my treatment center is so kind.

    Since my surgery I have been putting in miles and miles on the treadmill. It has become a time where I can listento Christian music and spend time talking with Jesus. I have added you all to conversations I have with Him. May you be blessed in your journey. ❤️

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    Chris, so happy you are making some great memories with your family.

    Mom of 4 , the bc journey is just as much an emotional journey as a physical one and so crying is certainly acceptable and natural. I think we would all agree that you had and have good reason to cry. We all have and still do. The treadmill will reap many rewards and so will listening to music that touches your soul.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018
