thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2018

    He Touch Me

    I knelt there very quietly,

    Eyes closed in Fervent prayer.

    A peace descended over me,

    I felt His presence there.

    All my pain and sorrow left me,

    My heavy cross seemed light.

    At once I knew He touched me

    And all the wrong made right.   By Helen Parker

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2018

    God's Undying Love

    Whenever you are sick and discouraged

    And everything seems to go wrong;

    Put Your hand in the hand of the Savior,

    The hands that are loving, but strong.

    He promised us" strength for the weary."

    He promised His undying love.

    So if You can't take anymore---

    Turn your eyes to the Father above.  Helen Ashton

    My safety and glory are with

    God, my strong rock and refuge. Psalm 62:8

    You restore my strength. You

    guide me along the right path

    for the sake of Your name Psalm 23:3

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2018

    This is my third day of taking Harvoni for HepC and so far no side effects. Blood work in 2 weeks to see that it is working. Thank you Jesus and thank you all for your prayers. Love, Jean

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited May 2018

    Hello again everyone, sorry for my sporadic posts. We are starting to get into a small renovation of bathrooms and it's taking more time. It's tough to keep up as I'm still feeling lots of fatigue. Not sure why. Probably from being out of shape from no exercise which is hard to do when you feel lousy. Right now, I'm dealing with leg pain and swelling, wonder if it's the meds? It's always something, sigh!

    Nancy, I'm glad to hear you had no more episodes but I'm sure it's disconcerting not to know the cause of that skin pain. Thanks for always asking and remembering all our trials.

    Jean, praise God that harvoni is being kind to you.

    Debbie, thank you for your prayful posts, they fill a need for all of us.

    Lita, you are always in my prayers. Your are my hero for all you are going through and for your strength and courage in the face of this terrible disease.

    Ladies, I do have one more prayer request. My DH has been having some treatments for his knee, hoping to avoid a knee replacement and it doesn't seem to be working yet. He's not a good patient so I'm dreading what will happen if he needs a knee replacement. Besides, this knee pain is waking him up at night and we all know how awful we feel with little sleep.

    As always, keeping everyone here in my daily prayers.

    Love and prayers,

    Faith ( in the future).

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited May 2018


    Try to be encouraging to your husband about the knee Tx. It takes time for Tx to kick in. It doesn't happen overnight. If it did, no one would ever go in for Radiation Tx to help with bone mets pain. The rads take WEEKS to work, and of course, the SEs can also take weeks (e,g, burning esophagus after thoracic rads). to dissipate as well.

    Our English Bulldog was able to avoid cruciate ligament surgery in one of her hind legs by undergoing prolo therapy shots to strengthen the area supporting the knee. She had to have quite a few of them with a holistic vet, but it saved her from having risky surgery. Dog are not humans, and you can't "tell" them not to run around or play after a major joint surgery. All you can do is crate 'em, and that's no fun for a dog....being crated for weeks while they recuperate.

    For everyone else: My infusion was a piece of cake, except for when they poked the port to access it. That hurt like heck! Someone told me to order some EMLA cream to put on the port an hour b4. I go in for my next brain MRI in a couple of days. It doesn't look promising as my headaches are daily now, and the dizziness is getting worse and worse to the point that every time I stand up, I have to sit back down for a minute until I get my bearings. They can't do any more radiation Tx, so I don't know what I'll do if there's significant progression. Steroids can only do so much, same with CBD tincture.

    Keeping all of you in prayer.


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited May 2018

    Lita, thanks for your reply. Actually my DH Is having prolo therapy treatment for his knee. It's discouraging because a friend of his saw improvement after the first treatment. AND it's expensive and not covered by insurance but I will encourage him to have at least another treatment or two. It seems to work for many.

    I also have another prayer request for him. He took an antibiotic (Zithromax) for the bronchitis we both had and it has left him with a very rare side effect. He can no longer smell or taste anything. I can't tell you how awful this is for him as he's always been what they call a "super taster". Now, he no longer can enjoy even a nice glass of red wine. Besides, who wants to cook for someone who can't taste anything. I just pray it comes back soon but it could take a year if at all.

    I'm so glad your port placement and the infusion have gone easily, Lita. I will pray that the brain MRI shows nothing new and all is stable. I know the dizziness is worrisome but I also have lots of dizziness and usually have to sit back down to get my bearings many times. I think it's all my meds causing that since tumor markers have been stable.

    Again, keeping all in prayer.

    Love and prayers,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited May 2018

    Faith, sorry to hear of the knee pain for your DH. My DH struggled with his knees but found cycling actually helped his pain when his medication failed. He also sleeps with a small pillow under his knees and that helps (although I usually end up kicking the pillow over to his side in the morning.) He is also working hard to lose weight and finds an elliptical also helps his knees. Who knew! It hurts mine...

    Lita, you are such an inspiration to me. I pray for you daily that God will give you peace in the midst of your struggles.

    I am babysitting again tomorrow--Tuesday wore me out and I didn't get to enjoy our dinner out with friends much trying to keep her occupied! But hopefully this is the last for this school year. I love her, but she is a very busy 2-year-old. My back is beginning to hurt more often although my PET scan last month was clear. So I will chalk it up to weak muscles and look into strengthening exercises. (Anyone else struggling with spelling? I never did, but now I am occasionally.) Always something!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2018

    Thank you Debbie for your encouraging posts. I can identify with many of them.

    Faith, I am sorry about DH's knee problems. I have had coritsone shots in my knee and my other knee now is swollen and i know i need to deal with that but have had too many other doctors I am seeing first. I don't know what that kind of treatment you and Lita mentioned so I can't comment on that. Joanne is having lots of issues with her knees and not able to tolerate the meds for pain so she used a tens unit. I have one also and it I am really bad I will pull it out. I will pray that he can see some improvement. I agree that some of these kinds of things take a long time. I have had shoulder, hand and neck therapy in the past and it is a process for sure. That is a bummer that he can't taste anything now due to an antibiotic. Hopefully it won't last long. I have had leg pain and swelling for well over a year. I am convinced my AI is causing some of it. I also know some of my is made worse probably from swimming. I have fatigue as well and I think that is a pretty common SE for our AI. Exercise is supposed to help and it does for me but I know it can be a catch 22.

    Lita, I regularly pray for you for your SE's your treatments and the fact that each day is a gift and that you will get more and more of them. I am glad your treatment went well. I hope you get some good ideas on how to help the pain when finding the port.

    Jean, I am glad that your treatments are going well so far. I pray that they stay that way.

    Chris, I hope you will be able to babysit without being completely wiped out. I don't have trouble with spelling BUT I find myself doing some crazy stuff lately. I showed up to a hair apt a week early. I had written it down wrong. Why???? I have no idea. I swear these meds we are on make us crazier than usual. LOL

    I am going to my mom's on Tuesday for a little less than three weeks. I hope I can rest in the fact that she is settling into her new apartment. My sister and I have a ton to do in her house but the problem is I won't have a place to stay with my cat once we sell it. I don't think staying at her house with my cat would work very well. My cat has NOT be on her best behavior and has decided that she is not using her litter box anymore. I am beside myself trying to figure out what to do. The problem is I was making it too clean and then she would go in it. I can't see leaving her at home while she is doing this and bring someone in to feed her. I can't expect them to wipe up where she goes. It is a mystery a good part of the time. I am so upset with her she is lucky she still has her nine lives!!!!

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2018

    From Psalms 3. I tried to post this yesterday and my internet was down. I felt like I needed to post it today. Have a good day dear sisters.



    Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
    6 in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.[a]

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2018

    Nancy - Proverbs 3:5,6 is one of my very favorites and how we all need it! Praying the Lord heals and strengthens you for your Tuesday trip & Mom visit and that He will help you know what do do with the kitty problems to solve it.

    Faith I pray your hubby's knee pain will just cease and not need surgery. My husband for some reason lost his sense of smell some time ago but can usually taste things. The doctors all ignore it. Your hubby's was an SE but I have read that it can be a precursor to Alzheimer's. Praying that's not the case for James.

    Lita we pray for the Lord to ease your pain and SEs and grant you the smoothest days this side of Heaven. We admire your courage and are thankful for every day the Lord grants you.

    I am a year older than my last post - and feeling it - haha! I would just LOVE to have energy again. Once in a great while I have a really good day and am almost euphoric then getting the put-off things done. I have been off the meds for a year. Can the fatigue from that linger this long or is it just tired old me? Anyway I count my blessings everyday. James has been clearing our land of cat claw brush and has the garden planted. I am amazed and delighted that at least HE can do these things. We did survive 9 total days babysitting - whew. Thanking the Lord and enjoying the peace now. :o)

    Debbie you bless us all and the Lord must be telling you just what we need.

    James sprayed the new lilac bushes with a deer repellent and it is wafting in through the open window (Pew!!!!). Will go CLOSE that window & spend some Word time with hubby now.

    Love to you all,


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2018

    Pray to Understand

    Not always does God give you

    The things you ask in prayer.

    You'll wonder if His listening,

    Does He really care?

    But God knows what is best for you

    According to His plan.

    So meanwhile, don't be anxious,

    Just pray to understand.  By  Helen parker

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2018

    Heavenly Father, Please walk beside these wonderful people,

    and bless them with Your encouragement and healing love.

    Be with those that are fighting things that only You know , May

    they lay it at You feet and know You will take care of it. Bless

    those that are not feeling well or hurting from treatments. That

    they will feel Your comforting love around them. Please be with

    all those that are new and need Your guidance and Fatherly love.

    Please bless those that are weary and need strength to get through

    all that is coming up, May they remember how much You love them,

    and will get them through with Your loving guidance. Amen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2018


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2018

    Ade, I am glad that James is able to do all of this work. That is a miracle in my book! Since I am still on an AI I don't know about your fatigue. I have fibromyalgia and fatigue is my number one enemy all the time so I can sympathize. I am glad you were able to do all that babysitting. I am sure that takes a ton of energy.

    Debbie, thanks for your continued encouragement.

    I will be leaving on Tuesday for my Mom's and I will be there for about three weeks. I have an added stressor. I just realized yesterday that I have some wind damage to my roof and my front porch. I have a bone density scan out of town on Monday and then will run home for a short time and then off to an annual physical that got rescheduled from last week. I am not sure how I am going to deal house issue as I am afraid of water damage because of these damages that I can see.and being gone for so long. It is too late for me to get a contractor out to assess damage. I am feeling stressed over this but God will work out a plan. I need to trust that.

    I will write when I can but I know it may be pretty crazy since my sister and I need some time to continue clearing thing out of my mom's house.

    I will be praying for you.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2018

    Beauty Beyond the Storm

    Gray marbled clouds hovering,

    Thundering loud and strong...

    Worry, despair, and doubts abound

    In the midst of a raging storm!

    Then suddenly, clear out of the blue

    A ray of sunshine beams

    Into the darkness of my life--

    Hope comes bursting on the scene!

    Amazed, in awe I stare

    At a whirlwind wonderland

    As strife--caped mountain melt

    Under the power of God's hand!

    Yes, sometimes life is filled with blizzards

    Of trials and your not warned;

    Still, healing comes when you look up

    And see there's beauty beyond the storm!

    By Millie Torzilli

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2018

    Rest Beneath His Wings

    In this restless world, Lord, help me to be still

    And walk in peace, surrendered to Your will.

    In all I say and do, may You be glorified, From 

    morn til eventide.

    When the day is done and darkness falls again,

    Let me  forget the things that brought me pain;

    And with a grateful heart, find rest beneath Your wings,

    Until  the rising sun, new hope and healing brings.  God bless You all!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2018

    Joanne, guess what banner I am ready to post without seeing goes. Amen to your post.

    Debbie, when I realize that over 38,000 times you have posted inspirational posts it is mind boggling. I am resting beneath His Wings. It is a safe and peaceful place in the midst of the storms of life.

    I got to my Mom's house on Tuesday night. I wasn't expecting the emotional impact to hit me so hard again but as we go through this transitional phase I know God will be right there by my side. I didn't get to sleep until 4 last night. I got up and watched some really inspirational Christian programming which I think was meant to be.

    My Mom was coughing alot when I was visiting yesterday. I know the allergy season is in full bloom and I imagine that is the problem. She looked like she hadn't slept but she said she did. I am going to give her my Mother's Day gift today I think. I took one of my orchid photos and had it blown up on canvas. I have recently started making greeting cards and I have I used the same photo for the greeting card.

    I would appreciate your prayers for strength in all ways and that I can accomplish a lot in the clearing out of the house. My sister has done a ton of work which I am very thankful.

    I will post as much as I can. It is very different with my mom being 25 min away from her house. I don't have the luxury of having my computer when I am with her.

    I will be praying for you all.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2018

    Thank you all for your banners and poems. We ALL need them!

    Nancy - so glad you made it to your mom's ok. Praying your house will be fine until you can get back and have someone look at it. May the Lord give you strength and wisdom in having to deal with your mother's things. I know that's difficult.

    Amen Joanne ~ Jesus IS the only way of salvation, and He's coming back for His own soon. The Word says to encourage one another with this blessed hope. We can look to our future with joy no matter how dark this ol' world gets.

    It's a bit of a long story but the short version is that when we built this house we were scammed out of $38,000. Out of money, we had to move into just a shell with only a bathtub for water, a toilet, just stud walls without any plasterboard, no kitchen, a tin roof overhead (VERY HOT in the summer heat!) No AC, no heat, no hot water, and a mattress on the floor. NOT what we had planned! We had to use credit cards to get the house livable - on which we are STILL paying $1,500+ a month on a modest fixed income with increased medical debts too. Previously we were taxed on just the land, as the house still has a LOT to be completed. Well they assessed it at 100% even though James TOLD them all that was still incomplete. I went to the tax office to apply for a homestead exemption and asked what the new tax rate would be. It will go up * * * 557.14%! * * * I don't know how we can manage that and our medical & credit card debts too. I told her WHY the house was unfinished and she was sympathetic and said to file an appeal, for which we will have to attend a hearing. I submitted the appeal form and photos the same day (Monday) and now we wait. Please pray they will significantly reduce that tax amount - or we may lose the house and I don't know how I can physically do another move. James can now run circles around me (for which I am glad for him) but I hope my onc next month has some suggestions/answers. - And I broke a tooth last night. :o( God is still on the throne and things can ALWAYS be worse. We praise Him in the sunshine and the rain. Amen?

    Keep looking up,


    P.S. Deer corn is not in the budget anymore so I told them the free lunch is over. (They still get fresh water & veggie scraps).

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2018

    God is Ever Faithful

    Our life is full of challenges

    That change from day to day;

    Each lending to us vision

    To guide us on His way.

    For God is ever faithful,

    His watch will ere He keep,

    With patience, perseverance,

    Fulfilling that we seek

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2018

    In His Time

    Did you know that He carries you?

    You are one of His lambs.

    He comforts and guide you

    By His strong, loving hands.

    He will never grow weary

    And won't turn you away.

    He knows all Your heartaches,

    And gives you gracefor each day.

    He has walked through the valleys

    Of darkness with you

    Have you given Him praise,

    For the trials you've been through?

    Then look up and give Him thanks,

    He is working out His plan.

    Even though your load seems heavy,

    In His time you'll understand.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2018

    Thank you Debbie for another good message - we need that!

    Joanne, I'm sorry about your stomach problems. I know that whenever we have ANY ailment our minds go to mets (even when assured otherwise)! I pray that resolves quickly, that the Lord heals your daughters soon and that all of our wayward grandchildren come to the saving grace of our Lord Jesus SOON. Thank you for your prayers too.

    Nancy - praying all is well with your mom and that you don't overdo on the household sorting. Tell her Happy Mother's Day from all of us! :o)

    MOTHER'S DAY BLESSINGS TO YOU MOMS ~*~ & everyone have a wonderful weekend!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2018

    As we honor our Mother's on Sunday we know that this day may be difficult for some whose Mother is no longer with them. We have some who are not Mother's. I pray that whatever your situation you can honor a Mother. For those of you who have children around to help you celebrate your special day my advice is to cherish this time with her while you are able.

    Ade, I am praying for you for a successful appeal with your property tax situation.

    Joanne, praying for you and your family with each of of you needed a healing from the Lord.

    Debbie, as always your poems touch our hearts where we live and is very uplifting and comforting.

    My sister and I are seeing great progress in the house situation. Thank goodness she can lift heavy items where my back is too bad. I have had two really awful nights of insomnia and I sure need a good night's sleep.

    Praying that those of you who are either a Mother or have Mother to celebrate will have a chance to bless her. If you only have memories of your Mom who has already passed I pray that you will reflect on that relationship and Praise God for your Mother.

    Take care dear sisters.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2018

    Teka, praying that you have a good report after your mammogram tomorrow. Praying for peace in that wait time!!



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2018


    I ask God to strengthen me,

    I prayed all through the night,

    For I have heavy burdens to bear

    That may not turn out right.

    Then God did answer me;

    " The burdens will not stay;

    Just trust in my Word and keep the faith--

    I will lead the way.

    And believe you will have strength--

    You are in my care.

    There are churches for worship and songs to sing--

    Blessings are your to share."

    And then I quickly realized-

    If my burdens come my way...

    Faith is a shield--God is there-

    Answers come as I pray.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2018

    Teka, I am glad to hear that. That is God's spirit comforting you. I pray that you can bask in His comfort and calm throughout these next few days as you have the scans and wait for results.

    Amen to that Debbie. Powerful!

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited May 2018

    Praying everyone here is having a good week so far. I enjoyed the company of two of our daughters spending the weekend with us..We stayed up all night watching bout sharks which we all fear even though none of us lives near an ocean, lol!

    I have six rads left (counting today) which I am getting ready to go to. My skin is holding up very well, and I am only dealing with fatigue which started last week. yesterday was my Herceptin/Perjeta infusion, so today I am more tired than usual, but I wanted to come on here to check on everyone, and to pray for those who ask.

    This morning I was singing praises to the Lord and crying as I felt the Spirit shining light through and around me..I remember feeling like I could not wait to shed this earthly body in order to praise Jesus in the spirit and in truth without hindrance...I needed to experience this again (this is not the first time) because lately I have been feeling very down about dying..I get so depressed thinking about how much I will miss my husband and daughters, and the beauty of this world (even though there is much darkness and ugliness here too)..I have encountered angels throughout my life..both angels of God and fallen ones as well, so I have always known that the "afterlife" is real, but sometimes I get so caught up in the things of this world that I forget what I know to be the true things of God..this is not our home. We are only passing through. Somehow, and I don't know how..God will wipe away all tears and we will not miss our loved ones left behind when we go home to heaven..I believe this with my whole heart..but my sorrow is for those who will mourn us..that is always on my mind. I pray for the peace that surpasses all understanding and the comfort that only Jesus can give when that time comes for each one of us, whether we are the one who is called home or the one left behind.

    As I've read through the issues with each lady posting on here, and seen both the answered prayers and the issues which are still looming, I have a sense of everything being perfect in His will for each one of us. I hate suffering, as I also hate to see anyone have to go through suffering..but I know there is a purpose to everything..and God is the only one who we can trust..and sometimes it is through our deepest pain that we experience His strength and his love for us...In fact, I can attest to this through my own experience of when things seem to be going very smoothly, I can surely lose sight of God and begin to trust in my own strength, or in the things of this world (like money)..I know this is human nature, and even the Israelites forgot God from time to time even though they experiences Him over and over again during their travels through the desert.

    These are just my thoughts of the day as I write this I just want you ladies to know that I am praying for all of us..Our families too! And God is forever faithful and capable and He does care about each and every detail of our lives!

    I want to encourage everyone to just simply praise Him today..God inhabits the praises of His people..and in His presence is fullness of joy..and the Joy of the Lord is my strength..and I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!

    "But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel." (Psalm 22:3)

    You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (psalm 16:11)

    Nehemiah said, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Nehemiah 8:10)


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited May 2018

    Thank you, Neverforsaken, for your beautiful words of praise. I know God has a perfect plan for us all here on earth and in heaven. I am with you--sometimes I long for heaven but other times I mourn the thought of leaving this world and my beautiful, loving family. I struggle with not wanting to leave my family with any debt or sadness. I am reluctant to pursue a cure at all cost just to live a few more months. Is this wrong? I don't know. I am not suicidal at all, but rather I choose life lived in the fullness of God's love and have faith God leads me in His perfect will. I take care to treat this broken temple of God well, and do what I can to be as healthy as possible. I have worked hard all of my life so that I can have the resources I need for this very scenario. I believe God has led me all along the way and I am here to praise Him and serve His people as long as He gives me breath. Sorry to ramble, but my servant's heart just wants to be faithful. I know all of my thoughts and desires are covered in the blood of Christ, and He loves me the way that I am.

    I shared with my choir last week, after being absent for over a year (a story for another day). It was tough, but God spoke to me out of Romans 8, my life chapter, and I know He led me to share it with them. "There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus...38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[k] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

    Oswald Chambers said ""Faith is not some weak and pitiful emotion but is a strong and vigorous confidence built on the fact that God is holy love. And even though you cannot see Him right now and cannot understand what He is doing, you know Him."

    Thank you for allowing me to share.

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited May 2018

    Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and especially your "life scripture" with me today, Into light.

    I understand how you feel when it comes to just how much are we willing to do in order to prolong our earthly life..I know this is a very personal issue for each one of us and I believe there are no right or wrong answers.

    The only exception, I believe are the people who have never faced a real (in your face) life or death illness or other situation who make the statement that they would never do anything like chemo order to live, but would rather just be taken home early..I have heard this from two friends..each never having a terminal dx themselves..and I would caution them that they simply cannot know exactly what they would or wouldn't do until the time came and they had to walk this road. I like to tell people that sometimes we will not have what we need until we need it.. We don't carry a heavy toolbox around with us just in case we may need something from the toolbox..That would be very exhausting! lol..instead The Lord comes up beside us and he hands us the tools we need.

    I know I have asked myself from time to time just how much time, effort, and resources am I willing to put into prolonging this earthly life..and at this point, the answer seems clear that I will do whatever is needed..but that does not change the fact that there is coming a day when I will know that the only answer is that it is time to go home..whatever time remains here on planet earth is but a mere fraction of our true eternal life anyway. I have what I call my "joy meter"..that simply means that as long as I am able to experience joy in being here each day..even though that joy may be fleeting..I want to soak in as much as I can..and hopefully, bring joy to someone else. When that is no longer possible then I think I will be ready to go. After is the love of Christ that transcends through all time, so our love for family and friends will never be lost if we are in Him and he in us.

    Thanks so much for allowing me to ramble on here..I know the subject is pretty deep today..but this is what has been on my mind more and more lately. Again thanks for sharing and allowing me to share too!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2018

    Chris and Lisa thank you for sharing your hearts. The rest of us may not have been diagnosed with advanced stages but we are certainly aware that you may well be speaking for us someday. You are women of courage and faith (as are the others who face going Home perhaps sooner than they'd imagined). Know that you are in our prayers for the Lord to wrap His arms around you and calm your fears and ease your pain (physically & of leaving loved ones). May the hope of Glory give you great encouragement and even joy in suffering.

    I am going through some very dark times as my husband is having personality changes and his frequent disdain for me breaks my heart. He is Jeckyl and Hyde - probably a normal thing after 2 heart attacks - but I pray I can remain loving and kind, as Christ endured ridicule and accusation without retaliation, I may too. I poured my heart out to the Lord and He gave me His Word of comfort and love and in a devastated state I found that I was eager to praise Him. These are different circumstances I know, but we share this faithful love of our Savior getting us through the worst times. It is in the trials He draws us near and we're so thankful for that.

    Have to share a praise with you. We faced losing our home as the new tax assessment took our taxes far beyond what our fixed income could bear. Without going through the details, the Lord had them cut the bill nearly in half and we will get to keep our home!!! Praise His Name!

    Nancy, so glad you are working through that big task with your sister, it's quite the process but it's not forever. Hope your mom had a lovely Mother's Day. I didn't get blessed with a kind, loving mother - but she worked full time and my grandmother pretty much raised me. She was the kind of loving "mother" that I truly needed and I look forward to seeing her again someday.

    Praying for you all -

    With love,


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2018

    Springtime in the high desert. We don't have many crocuses or tulips so the cacti do their part.
