thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited May 2018

    Ade, I am so excited to hear the news about your taxes. Yay! I have been praying for a major reduction in your tax situation, and I pray daily for you and James. God hears and knows, and most importantly, loves.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited May 2018

    Ade, is that a flowering ocotillo? They are beautiful blooms!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2018

    Hershey - that's a choya (spelling???)

    This is an ocotillo (blooming now here)

    (Thank you Chris!)


  • EMAW
    EMAW Member Posts: 99
    edited May 2018

    New to this group,

    About ready to fall asleep as it is late here for me, but wanted to thank you, ladies, for your kind words of godly wisdom.

    I was DX'd Stage IV de novo in Nov.2010.

    While I had seen this thread at least a couple years ago, I vaguely thought that my age kind of made me too young, but I'm 57 now so maybe you'll letme in if I mostly listen. But I had read of some of Ade's tax troubles the other day and now, after Never Forsaken's this evening, I want to join in.

    Been a Christian since age 13 but this cancer is one of the most wonderful opportunities for the Lord to test my faith and force me to give a better testimony. Looking forward to another day when I have a bit more energy to respond more intentionally.

    Will write soon.

    Thanks so much for you all.

    Miriam (picture ispost brain surgery August 2017 - BC had crossed the blood brain barrier & a tumor in the back or subocccipital region had to be removed)


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2018

    Good evening dear sisters,

    I wish I had more time and energy to respond to your heart felt posts. My goal while at my Mom's house is to see her at her facility each day or night as much as I can and still have the energy to make headway clearing out her house. Progress is being made and I know that in the Lord's timing all will work out. As I look back over this journey with my mom's dementia is is so clear how God's timing was involved. My first year of retirement is when it was like some switch in my Mom's brain had been turned off and she seemed fine one minute and the next definitely not. I was able to travel back and forth from my home to hers to see if she was able to live alone. Then in my sister's first year of retirement is when it became evident that my mom needed to go into a facility for her own safety. Again it was clear that God's timing was perfect. I could not have done this move living three hours away if my sister had not been there to help with the move long after I had to return home. I know that God's hand will be evident as I look back on this time. That doesn't always make it easy when the going gets tough and there seems to be no energy to do the things I need but it does give me peace that I am not alone in this and never will be.

    Lisa, I appreciate you being so open and honest with what you have and are going through. I had a pretty good friend from my church who knew I had such a difficult time with my cancer drug the last four years say why don't you just stop it. Is it just fear that makes you want to take it? I think she stopped herself in mid sentence and realized how insensitive and inappropriate it was to say that. No one fully understands what we are going through unless they too have walked in our shoes. I have not walked in your shoes either and I have NO idea what it feels like to be Stage 4. I appreciate your openness and I do agree that God's plan in each of our lives is perfect. Praise is such a powerful tool and I appreciate your wisdom.

    Chris, I have known very, very strong and committed Christians who have chosen totally different paths when they both knew their cancers were not curable. One chose no treatment whatsoever and chose quality of life as her decision and the other worked up until she went to the ER and died shortly after she did everything medicine had to offer to live more life with her family. I don't think there is a right or wrong way but as you say you will know when it is time. I think God's voice during those times is probably pretty clear. I am glad you got to share with your choir. Romans 8:28 has become my verse after bc so it is a very special chapter for me as well. You will have to share your choir story sometime.

    Ade, I can't tell you how thrilled I am at your good news regarding the tax situation. There is so much power in prayer and I just knew God would not leave you both stranded with no place to live. I love your cacti pics. Yes, the desert is certainly beautiful in spring. I will continue to pray for your situation with James. I can understand fully of what you speak as this has happened in my family. I will continue to pray for this.

    Welcome Miriam. We have talked about the age limit that the name of our thread suggests and even tried to have the name changed to be more inclusive. We accept anyone who loves the Lord on this Christian thread. We even had a 27 year old for a time who was Stage 4 and believed she was miraculously healed. Please feel free to post anytime and we are glad to have you even though we always wish we were meeting under different circumstances. You have obviously been through alot and we would appreciate hearing about your journey with bc.

    Hershey, good to hear from you. How are you doing?

    Lita, how are you?

    It is very late and my brief post turned into a long novel. Sorry. I have an unspoken prayer request regarding my mom.

    Have a good night dear ladies. I will post when I can. Ade, thank you for reminding me that this house situation will not be forever. When I am feeling overwhelmed I need to remind myself of that fact.



  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited May 2018

    Hello, Miriam..So happy you decided to join in here! I am 52..and I was hesitant at first too, then after being re-diagnosed I decided this forum was where I needed to be.

    Ade..Praise the Lord! I am praying you will still be able to feed your beloved deer too..and the flowering cacti is absolutely gorgeous.

    We have a strange plant growing here in our Northern Michigan yard that normally onlt grows in warm climates..My neighbor from Arizona was astonished to see an 'Agave' plant in full bloom a couple years ago. It was dormant for five years and then it suddenly bloomed the most gorgeous, fragrant flower!

    It has not bloomed again (yet).

    Nancy, it is such a blessing that your sister is able to help. I know it is hard to imagine that this whole thing with your mom will ever settle down and things will return to some sort of normal..but that is what I mean about the Lord not wanting us to carry around a heavy toolbox God to carry this burden and as you know already, he will hand you whatever it is that is needed, when it is needed and not until. At least that is what I am learning these days.

    God bless everyone today~Lisa

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited May 2018

    Love that song, Joanne..and I am a fan of Charles Stanley.

    Because you shared some of your dx specifics with me while I was going through the genetic testing for that mutation..I understand the severity of your dx. Many people live for years and years with a stage 4 dx..some people go pretty quickly..It just goes to show that it is God who numbers our days.

    This really grabbed me:

    " if God is calling you home and you pray for healing he will give you agreement in your heart with his Will."

    I realized after reading this that we sometimes try to bend God's will until we have convinced ourselves that the only way we can have peace is if God agrees with our prayers..our will. Unfortunately, when it comes to sickness..even some churches teach that it is God's will to heal based on the scripture: " His stripes we are healed.." Isaiah. 53:5 And as a result they may even blame the sick person for not getting better because of their lack of faith.

    Here is a good commentary on this passage: Source :

    "But He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds (stripes) we are healed" (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24).

    Although these two verses are central to the topic of healing, they are often misunderstood and misapplied. The word "healed" as translated from both Hebrew and Greek, can mean either spiritual or physical healing. However, the contexts of Isaiah 53 and 1 Peter 2 make it clear that they are referring to spiritual healing, not physical. "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed" (1 Peter 2:24). The verse is referring to sin and righteousness, not sickness and disease. Therefore, being "healed" in both these verses is speaking of being forgiven and saved, not being physically healed.

    Recently I had a friend tell me that she would not undergo the cancer treatments if it were her because she knows God would either heal her through her faith or take her home. I replied that I believe God uses many people and resources to treat illnesses, such as doctors surgeons and medicines..and it is he who gives all good gifts to be used here on earth..but the ultimate goal for each believer is to be with our Lord in eternity, so whether we are allowed to stay here longer or not is up to him..maybe I can still be of use to the Kingdom if I stick around a bit longer. But, like you said..I do not have perfect peace with going home yet least not today. (And I do believe the peace that comes from God will be a perfect peace..with no doubts. * James 1:17}

    I had to look that song up on Youtube..Very good! Thanks, Joanne for posting it again. ((hugs))

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2018

    Well I was finally able to access this thread. Go to some violent storms and a couple of tornadoes yesterday we have been without power more internet with no word of when it will come back.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2018

    Well I was finally able to access this thread on my phone . Due to some violent storms and a couple of tornadoes yesterday we have been without power, TV or internet with no word of when it will come back. We have a generator, water, some lights and refrigeration but are basically cut off from the outside world. It is a strange feeling. I am trying to be grateful that all our family is safe but this made me realize how much I take forgranted. There was a child killed in the next town and I can't imagine what the family must be going through. I am glad that Ade got to keep her home. My hubby also went through a season of terrible mood swings. He is much calmer now. Praise Jesus. He surely never gives me more than I can handle. Love, Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2018

    I just heard this song this morning and felt the lyrics are worth sharing (Rather long but it ministers to me & I hope to you too.)


    "Eye Of The Storm"
    (feat. GabeReal)

    In the eye of the storm, You remain in control
    And in the middle of the war, You guard my soul
    You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn
    Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm
    When the solid ground is falling out from underneath my feet
    Between the black skies, and my red eyes, I can barely see
    When I realize I've been sold out by my friends and my family
    I can feel the rain reminding me

    In the eye of the storm, You remain in control
    In the middle of the war, You guard my soul
    You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn
    Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm
    Mmm, when my hopes and dreams are far from me, and I'm runnin' out of faith
    I see the future I picture slowly fade away
    And when the tears of pain and heartache are pouring down my face
    I find my peace in Jesus' name

    In the eye of the storm (yeah, yeah)
    You remain in control (yes you do, Lord)
    In the middle of the war, You guard my soul
    You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn
    Your love surrounds me (Your love surrounds me)
    In the eye of the storm (in the eye of the storm)

    When the test comes in and the doctor says I've only got a few months left
    It's like a bitter pill I'm swallowing; I can barely take a breath
    And when addiction steals my baby girl, and there's nothing I can do
    My only hope is to trust You
    I trust You, Lord


    In the eye of the storm, You remain in control (yes you do, Lord)
    In the middle of the war (in the middle of the war), You guard my soul
    You alone are the anchor (ooh), when my sails are torn
    Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm,
    Oh, in the eye of, oh, in the eye of the storm

    I know You're watching me, yea, ay
    When the storm is raging (when the storm is raging)
    And my hope is gone (and my hope is gone, Lord)
    When my flesh is failing, You're still holding on, oh whoa
    When the storm is raging (the storm is raging)
    And my hope is gone (and all my hope is gone)
    When my flesh is failing (my flesh is failing)
    You're still holding on,
    When the storm is raging (when the storm is raging)
    And my hope is gone (and my hope is gone)
    Even when my flesh is failing (flesh is failing)
    You're still holding on, holding on
    The Lord is my Shepherd
    I have all that I need
    He lets me rest in green meadows
    He leads me beside peaceful streams
    He renews my strength
    He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to His Name
    Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid
    For You are close beside me

    Hugs & prayers for all of you ~


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2018

    It is a contemporary sounding song so many probably won't like it but the words surely ministered to me. Glad they did to you too, Joanne.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2018

    Ade, I listen to that song all the time and I do love it. I am going to share a song that has impacted me the last several weeks. Since I am a musician I like to post the music as well. Here goes.

    Before I post I wanted to say Teka I am relieved for you as I know you are as well. I have been so busy and worn out and I had an episode yesterday at my mom's house where I was overcome with sickness and terrible stomach pain out of the blue. I am dragging today and my sister is down sick now so it has been a hitch in our plans.

    Here is the video.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2018

    Generator stopped working yesterday. We are supposed to get power restored by tonight. It has been out all over this large area since Tuesday. It has been like indoor camping. I've also been a bit stressed about a minor skin cancer that has to be removed. The procedures scheduled for August. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2018

    And God said let there be light and there was light. Praise the Lord we finally have power restored. Love, Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2018

    BEAUTIFUL song, Nancy. Thank you for posting. I play flute & James plays drums at church so we're music folks as well. Praying you and your sis are feeling MUCH better very soon (SO sorry!)

    Jean, thankful your electric is back on! We had ours go off for about 6 hours Thursday and it got SO uncomfortably hot in here! So thankful to have AC & ''flushing power" again! :oD

    Teka - thanking the Lord for good test results! It must give you the peace you needed.

    Joanne we cling to the hope those scriptures promise us and it is ALWAYS a blessing to be reminded - thank you.

    Thursday we were to have our good friends in for supper. It was time for them to come when the power went out! (You just can't serve hot soup with no AC when it is in the 90s out! So they invited us to bring supper to their house where their generator was running the air. After a meal & sweet fellowship we returned home and sat on the porch as it was dark & nice & cool with a breeze - and our power was back on. There were wonderful constant thunder rumbles and lightning and our prayers were soon answered with a lovely soaker rain that we needed SOOO badly here. And the blessings didn't end there! We saw a slow moving green fireball with blue circumference and sparkling red orange tail (like fireworks!) swoop across the sky for what seemed like a whole minute! We were awestruck as we've never seen anything like that before. I looked it up and there were over 165 sightings of it and they said it was a meteor (as opposed to 'space junk') The Lord is full of surprise blessings and we thank Him for these.

    Have a wonderful weekend and keep watch for unexpected blessings!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2018

    The caterpillar thought it was the end but everyone else saw a beautiful butterfly.

    It's been a tough few days for me physically and emotionally. I read online that cleaning out your parent's home was like open heart surgery without anesthesia. I can vouch for that statement.

    I found out that my supposed wind damage was actually a septic line falling. I am very frustrated with the contractor as he forgot to check on my house and when I called him many days later he admitted he forgot. He did finally check things out a few days ago and left me a message to call him. When I tried to call his cell phone is full and I could not leave a message. I am expecting this will be in the thousands to fix this problem when I have researched this online. My plans for some home improvements will not be happening now. God is stretching my faith muscles.

    My Mom is doing pretty well. I have seen her everyday except yesterday when I just didn't feel well.

    I will be back home this weekend and will be more present. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited May 2018

    Nancy, I am so sorry this has been so hard for you. When I cleaned out my folk's home, it was like mourning their absence over and over. And I wasn't sick! I pray for you every day, that somehow through the clutter you will find some joy.

    My parents both died of cancer within 4 months of each other, so my sickness has been hard. I lived far from them and only saw them twice a year while they struggled. It is one of the few things I regret--not being with them more. I understand all things on a deeper level and I both love it and hate it.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited May 2018

    Nancy, I understand and share what you are experiencing. I just returned from my trip to the Midwest to help with my Mom. Her health is failing, and it appears that assisted living will be the next step for her. We discussed that option in depth, and Mom is NOT on board. My sister, a geriatric nurse, is there this week and plans to visit a couple of assisted living facilities in the area. This transition from family home to an assisted living arrangement shapes up to be a battle royale with my Mom and is so hard on everyone.

    Praying for comfort and strength for all.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2018

    Joanne, thank you for sharing that incredible journey with us and the encouragement that it gives concerning the Lord's getting you through it. He is faithful!

    Nancy and Hershey I know how difficult this is for you and I am praying for you!

    Lita you're always in our thoughts and prayers!

    My sister and I agreed that she would care for Mom and I would care for Dad since we were each most like that parent. Dad went downhill first and we moved him from Montana to Ohio to live with us. We cared for him until he passed and were blessed that we didn't have to send him to a facility. It's never easy to take on a parent, especially when you're raising kids too - but it was a labor of love and the right thing for us to do. When he passed I was the estate executrix and gave my sister half of his little inheritance and first pick of his belongings.

    When it was my sister's time to care for Mom she took her in for a short while, then when Mom had an episode she put her in a nursing home. Mom blamed ME and I wasn't even consulted in the decision! So Mom changed her will (sister knew about this) and gave me 25% and my sister 75% plus all of the belongings and jewelry that was promised to me prior - and sister gladly took it.

    I don't care about the money or "stuff" it was the betrayal by both sister and mother that to this day still stings. I have forgiven her and turned her greed over to the Lord - as she is a Christian and He will deal with her on that, but we don't have a closeness at all. Instead the Lord has given me BEAUTIFUL mothers and sisters through the Church and I am SO very blessed. God is faithful when human family often isn't.

    James is in bed more and more with intense migraines. He will never let me make a doctor appointment for him - will just refuse to go if I do - so I pray he will make that appointment soon and find some answers and relief. It is affecting his life and I hurt for him. He never did get that cholesterol medication two doctors were supposed to help him to get. :o(

    Praying for you all with love,


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited May 2018

    Ade, I can relate to family betrayal. i think most can in some way..It is exactly how you said..not about the money or's the betrayal. I have experienced seeing the worst come out in families, both on my side and my husband's when it comes to the possessions left behind when parents pass on. This is why over the past few years I've been giving my children and grandchildren little trinkets here and there,,some are valuables and some are just things I know they like, or have been in the house since they were little. To this day all I have of value jewelry wise is my antique wedding rings from my grandmother, and a ruby cross necklace from my husband, a single diamond earring (from my mom) which I lost the mate to, and a bent up gold ring that one of my daughters snuck out from my jewelry box when she was little..I later found it outside by the swingset. I hope to have the diamond removed from the earring and set into the ring once it gets straightened out and give that to my oldest daughter since she was the only one who did not receive a ring from me yet. (and yes, it was her who took it from my jewelry box when she was little).

    I remember the pain from going through both my grandmother's house and then my mother's things after they died..Your description, Nancy, of it being like open heart surgery without the anesthetic is spot on!

    Good news!..

    I am done with radiation!!

    I will try to get some pictures up and post more about this soon.

    Thanks for all the prayers throughout these last few weeks. Nerdy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2018



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2018

    Thank you all for your support and prayers and encouragement during this difficult time. The last push is on before leaving for home on Saturday so I don't have time to respond to each person but I certainly appreciate all of you and realize how much you are all going through. My sister and I were going to spend time today at the house and her husband is having pain like kidney stones so she probably won't be coming. I will spend the evening with my mom. I have been playing Bingo with her to help encourage her to get back to playing when I am back home. My mom is really interacting with her friends at her table in the dining room and that is such a miracle and blessing to see. I have much to be thankful for. I just need energy and stamina on this last push before leaving.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2018

    Thanks Joanne. We had a HUGE break through with an issue with my mom today and I am SO thankful. It is a personal issue which I won't go into. I need strength tonight. I have had so many problems sleeping that tonight I feel like a limp rag. I have to press on. Time is short now. Thanks for your prayers. Praying for you too.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2018

    Lisa - praising the Lord & rejoicing with you upon completion of your rads!!!

    Nancy we pray the Lord will grant you supernatural strength to accomplish the final tasks ahead - and His joy in doing so! Praising Him for the breakthrough with your mom too!

    Joanne - BEAUTIFUL hymn that we all need...THANK YOU for sharing! No matter what trials swirl around us, we are assured of His love! Hallelujah!

    On top of other issues we're dealing with - we 'cast a fleece' regarding some very disturbing things at church which we have not had peace about in a long time - but just kept trying to ignore rather than face them. We asked the Lord for specific guidance, discerning and wisdom, and the Lord was faithful and answered that prayer very specifically. Now we are faced with knowing we have to leave the church where we have served and worshiped for 6 years of living here...and we leave all of our friends/brothers & sisters in the process. We cannot - will not - give the reasons why we are leaving because those who have left before us who gave reasons were slandered afterwards (for years) - but those who just left quietly were not. That's sad and folks will be bewildered, but I guess not being able to discuss things is just part of the issues. Anyway our hearts are broken having to do this, but we know we cannot stay (knowing what we now know). I feel like this is a grieving process and feel physically affected for sure.

    Praying for you all with love,


    P.S. We came home from visiting friends last night and found this little waif on our porch! Many locals are sharing on facebook so we pray we can find his home/owners SOON.


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2018

    Good morning prayer warriors,

    Praying for you this morning during some quiet time here at the house. I don't post much any more but I read almost daily.

    Ade, we faced the same type church situation a couple of years ago. We didn't share with anyone that we were leaving, so as pastor, a lot of people were shocked. We had been praying for guidance for perhaps six months, and indeed, God's timing is best. We told folks that the Lord had told us it was time to move on. We wandered for 14 months, looking for a new church home, and He opened a door just when Clyde had thought about leaving the ministry. I think other sisters will agree that if you aren't happy in your worship, and there's something going on that concerns you, God will always guide you right.

    Nancy, you have been on my heart as you work to clear out your mom's house. Mentally and emotionally, I'm sure it's exhausting and add physical limitations to it, and I can onLy imagine your difficulties. Glad your mom is socializing more and things are better with her adjustment. Praying for health problems for everyone to get better. Safe trip home!

    Jo, thank you for the songs. We share a love for the older hymns. I grew up with church music and my family members played instruments for our church for 30 years. I'm not playing regularly now because this church already has volunteers for that, which I am grateful for. And, BTW, I'm an only child too, so I know the task I will face one day will be difficult. (Mom has taken the legal stuff and given it to someone else so mine will be the house...long story.)

    We are having our house exterior painted, then replacing our deck, in between tropical storms and cold fronts. Expensive but badly needed. I'm helping with proctoring for testing at one of my former schools....don't know any of the kids anymore, but have enjoyed seeing my teacher friends.

    For all I didn't mention and the new ladies here, you are in my prayers. Whatever stage you have or even if you are done with treatments, we all have experienced Gods grace and mercy as we deal with this disease. Thank you Jesus for your love and care!

    Love, Ellen

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2018


    I pray the Lord will completely heal and stop all reaction to that bite and stop the cellulitis now in Jesus' precious Name. May the Lord NOT allow the enemy to steal your joy OR your health. The Lord is your strength, your healer, your source of joy even in times of trouble. Rest in Him and His love for you. Amen


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2018

    Praying Jo.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited May 2018

    Jo, you have my heartfelt prayers. I empathize with your discomfort; I am highly allergic to insect venom and must cover up head-to-toe when doing yard or garden work. I might as well be in a hazmat suit.

    The Illinois Department of Public Health has a good website on biting flies: information along with pictures of the nasty critters. They very well could be coming from the dirty water at the construction site.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2018

    Good morning dear sisters. I will write more later but I have read posts but haven't had a chance to post. I got back home last night and am pretty wiped out in all ways.

    Ellen, good to hear from you. Thanks for your prayers.

    Ade, I am praying about your need for a new church. I am very sorry you are dealing with this on top of everything else.

    Joanne, you know I am praying. I have a good friend in NY and they have a summer camp up North. She is always talking about the black flies in May up there. I have asked her more about them recently because I didn't know what she was talking about. She said you may know them as May flies but from what you are describing I don't think it is May flies like I know them. She said her husband has a netting he wears on his face when fishing they are so bad and thick. It is hard to imagine they bit so many times and you weren't aware of it. I sure hope you can tough it out on the AB. I am glad you quickly recognized what was happening so you could get the doctor involved. We will all be praying for you. So sorry this is happening and right when family is coming in.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2018

    Nancy, glad you're back home again. Please rest now - your body needs it. (But it's ok to use your computer!) :o)

    Joanne I cannot imagine how MISERABLE you are! And not really knowing exactly what you're dealing with too. I pray the regime you're on will give you relief and heal you, to God's glory. I have found that Avon's Skin-So-Soft can help prevent bites and soothe once yo have them. I have even used it on our dog to keep the gnats at bay. Anyway we surely are praying for you. <<HUGS>>

    James is on a full week now of migraines ranging from bad headaches to full blown miserable incapacitating migraines. He has a VA appointment but not until mid June. I always seem to fear the worst - so am praying it is something easily treated and not THE diagnosis we all fear.

    The "thing" seems to be enlarging in the armpit of the bc side and it's getting hard to ignore. I have an onc appointment mid June too so please pray for wisdom for my doctor. All of a sudden the 'normal' underarm odor has really increased. :O( Is that a bad sign?

    Today was our last Sunday at church - sad for us but bewildering for the few we told, as we are not giving a reason (Those who HAVE given reason are slandered for YEARS later - plus we won't backbite anyone). Just trying to depart peacefully without making a scene. We certainly have the Lord's peace about this but it is still sad. The Lord has truly blessed us with assurance and comfort from His Word and we are so thankful. Now the healing begins.

    Lord bless and keep you all.



    P.S. This bad boy was in our garage until my hero took a shovel & scooped him outside. They don't hurt you so we let him live. (But UGH!)
