thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2018

    Praying for Joanne and her DH as he had some tests today. Praying for solutions for both of them.

    Praying for Ade and James as they both have apts today.

    Praying for Jean's DH that his biopsy will be a good result.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited June 2018

    Praying for all of you.

    Please pray for me too, as I'm having "chemo swelling" in my feet, ankles, and calves, and I now have to wear those Jobst support stockings. They aren't that bad, but the right stocking drives the neuropathy in my right big toe CRAZY. I can barely walk on that foot. When I got home from my chemo infusion today, I took the stocking off, and my toe felt a lot better, but then the swelling started up again.

    I only eat 2 meals a day, but I've gained 3-5 lbs in the last couple weeks, and the onco nurses say it b'cuz of the chemo swelling/edema. I'm really watching my sodium and I've tried to cut out dessert in the evenings (which is one of the few things I look forward to on this horrible highway to hell).

    My teeth hurt, and I went to the dentist. He didn't find any cavities....he said the sensitivity and pain are b'cuz of the chemo. Yaaaay! Sensodine toothpaste doesn't really help.

    Been kind of sad b'cuz of the loss of Anthony Bourdain, and b'cuz the neighbors cut down two trees that provided shade and beauty to the neighborhood. I have to wear one of those eye masks to sleep now b'cuz the sun is so bright (even with the shade closed) that it wakes me up early in the morning.

    Once again, my prayers to those who are suffering even more than I am.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited June 2018

    Jo, thankful for the good report for your DH.

    Lita, praying for relief from the swelling, and continued prayers for all you are going through. I also think my teeth pain is a medication side effect. You help keep me strong!

    Jean, I am praying for a good report from your DH biopsy.

    Nancy, praying that you begin to feel better and for a quick resolution to your nose issue. I know we all just want to feel better and have a day with no fatigue, nausea, pain, and fear!

    I have had terrible stomach pain for the past 2 days, but because of all of the company and birthday celebrations I did not call my Dr. I have a history of IBS and I think it is just a surge of inflammation. I have not had a fever, no diarrhea and am feeling slightly better tonight so I am hoping it is resolving itself. I will see how I feel in the morning. I told my MO last week I felt worse than 6 months ago, but she wants me to stay the course since my blood holds up well and my results are good. There are days I just want to complain...thanks for being here!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2018

    Prayying for Jo, Lita, Nancy, Chris. I spoke to my husband's doctor today and he said basically the same thing that Jo's doctor said. He's checking for bacteria and other possible causes of inflamation. I asked him about the possibility of cancer from the biopsy and he said that wasn't what he was checking for. His blood sugars have been out of contril lately, possibly due to stress from some serious financial problems including forclosure on some of our childrens houses! In a more positive note, my Hep C treatment is,working. No detectable vieus on my blood test. Six weeks to go! Thank you Jesus for all you give me including the challenges. Love, Jean

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited June 2018

    I am agreeing in prayer with each one on here..May God's perfect will be done and may his peace fill our minds and His joy fill our hearts today!

    We just got home last Thursday from a trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and to Mackinac Island with our daughter and son in law..It was wonderful!

    And now here is an example of my chemo-brain..poor short-term memory..I cannot remember if I shared on here that we got a new rescue dog?


    I renamed him Ollie (Oliver)..He's the cuddliest/clingiest dog I've ever known..just like a rag doll, he'll lay wherever/however you position him.

    I had my routine echocardiogram this morning..all still looks good. Thank you, Jesus!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2018

    13 1/2 hour travel to 2 doctor appointments today. Tests next Wednesday for mets to the bones. No satisfactory answer regarding James' almost constant migraines :o(

    REALLLY tired! Am praying for all of you!

    (Darling Oliver!!!)



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2018

    Dear sisters,

    I will have to check in later. I am praying and reading as you post. Lisa, love your little dog. Chris, we all need to vent and that is normal and human. I saw a new primary doctor yesterday who did not agree with the possible scary diagnosis my ENT gave me on Monday. My pcp would like for me to do a sleep study and I basically said okay but not now.

    Ade, I am praying against fear for you and frustration regarding James. I thought your apts were on Tues. but the Lord honors our prayers even when we goof.

    Lita, you are always in my prayers. I just had a tree cut down by my bedroom window and I can so identify with that aggravation of the sun coming in where it didn't before and waking you up. Hang in there. You are a fighter and have fought the good fight when you thought all was lost a year ago.

    Jean, continued prayers for you and DH.

    Debbie, how are you doing?

    Joanne, I know you are seeing your dr again today. I am still praying you won't be telling us you are in the hospital.

    I am doing much better than Monday when I thought I could be gone in two years. I would still appreciate your prayers as I just have felt totally washed out for a long time.

    Know I am praying.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2018

    Chance has not brought this ill to me;

    It's God's own hand, so let it be,
    For He sees what I cannot see.
    There is a purpose for each pain,
    And He one day will make it plain
    That earthly loss is heavenly gain.
    Like as a piece of tapestry
    Viewed from the back appears to be
    Only threads tangled hopelessly;
    But in the front a picture fair
    Rewards the worker for his care,
    Proving his skills and patience rare.
    You are the workman, I the frame.
    Lord, for the glory of your Name,
    Perfect Your image on the same.

    -Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman

    I hope this blesses you as it did me.



  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited June 2018

    That's an awesome poem, Ade..and exactly what i needed to read since I just read a comment that someone wrote saying that people have cancer because of harboring unforgiveness/bitterness in their hearts. I was so mad at that comment. Were you told you have bone mets, Ade? I am praying this is not the case..In Jesus' Holy name!~Amen~

    I bought two throw pillow cases for my sofa yesterday..I love the saying on them:


    They were really cheap at the dollar store for just $4 each.

    Oliver is doing well with his training. I had to put him in his crate yesterday while I had my appointment and then this morning while I was gone to bible study for two hours..He's very happy to see me when I get home!

    Nancy, that scripture is a promise that we can truly stand on!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2018

    I am having trouble with my internet. I posted a few hours ago and something was wrong with my router. I resetted it and hopefully will not lose this again as I had a long post.

    Ade, you have been on my mind all day. I pray that you can immerse yourself in the truth of that poem you posted. The poem speaks truth. We are praying for you and James.

    Lisa, I also believe your pillow speaks truth as well! The post that made you so upset I totally do not believe what they posted. Can cancer be caused by bitterness and unforgiveness.............perhaps...........but other factors such as diet, unavoidable toxins in our environment and heredity can all contribute as well. So in my humble opinion that blanket statement was way off the mark.

    Debbie, I am praying for you as you go through more tests.

    Joanne, I am glad your doctor didn't put you in the hospital. I hope you can get in to see this infectious disease person and as you know I have had good results after one of my doctors consulted with one. I hope the same will be true of you too. I have had an inhome sleep apnea testing kit many years ago and it showed nothing. It was certainly not high tech so who knows. This ENT I saw as I look back was probably only doing what he thought was the right thing in pursuing this nose ulcer thing. Every doctor who has seen it freaks out. If I have to have thryoid surgery in the future this doctor will probably be the one to do it so I am a little hesitant about canceling our six month apt. I am grateful that this new pcp put my mind more at ease.

    Well, I sure hope this post goes through because I won't be doing it again tonight.

    I have a sewer guy coming early tomorrow and hopefully he will be able to mark where the sewer line is for my next contractor to lift the porch up and hopefully not find anything serious.

    My yard is coming together. I have been planting and have lots of container baskets. I planted some petunias in the ground and if the rabbits eat them you will hear me screaming clear across the country!!! Now that this tree came down hopefully this flower bed with have enough sun to grow petunias.

    I am praying for you dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2018


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2018

    Ade, we are getting TX weather for the next several days. OH MY GOSH. Shocked

    Keep cool and safe everyone.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2018

    Love the banner, Nancy! It IS hot here but we hardly have ANY humidity! So it isn't so bad. We have to carry water with us everywhere & drink a lot. The nearly constant blue skies are so very worth the heat. (Coming from Ohio where skies were WHITE most of the time & humidity & bugs were awful.) We are keeping the deer, bunnies and little birds well hydrated with cool fresh water. This was taken from my office window last evening. (Those EARS!!!)


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited June 2018


    28th Wedding Anniversary today, 6/16. We've been together for almost 30 years, actually.

    I'm owning my baldness. There's a little hair finally growing around my ears, but the top of my head will probably stay bald because of the whole brain radiation I had.

    The Lord and my supportive husband G are the reason I'm still here.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2018

    Ade, I carry water with me all the time too. I have never experienced high heat and low humidity around here. Your deer is so cute with his long ears.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2018

    HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY TO LITA AND G ON THEIR 28TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited June 2018

    Lita and G, Happy Anniversary! You look so much in love!!!

    Funny story, I had a lady try to sell me a long hair piece (not wig) at the fair yesterday. I just laughed and tipped my hat. My hair is way too thin to even grow it long. Maybe she won't be so aggressive anymore. I have spent all day today trying to recover from the fair, but it was so worth it just to watch the sparkle in my granddaughter's eyes. She cries because she is not tall enough to ride the big roller coasters yet. She does love the ones her size!

    I miss seeing the deer walk through my place in Colorado, so I sent a picture of my granddaughter instead.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2018


    Your granddaughter is precious. It reminds me of how we should be like children. The wonder and excitement shows on her face. I pray that we could see the world again through a young child's eye.

    Have a good week dear sisters.




  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited June 2018

    Happy Anniversary, Lita and G!!

    Love the deer pic, Ade.. He looks like he's saying "thank you" looking up at you that way!

    Gorgeous Granddaughter, Intolight! I wish I could have seen the look on that lady when you tipped your hat..I cannot stand it when salespeople are so pushy and aggressive.

    Nancy, I believe we will see the world of heaven that way (like a child)..but, one thing I've noticed being sick and getting older, is the weaker I become, the more of my inner child comes out to play, lol..I enjoy doing the things I did as a child like drawing and putting stickers on cards and letters before sending them off in the mail..and my imagination is very much alive whenever I try to think of what it is like to see God and live there with him and the angels someday!

    Here's a pic of me and Jeff at the island last week:


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2018

    Lisa, I am glad to hear your inner child coming out. The first time I visited a Butterfly House I was like a kid in a candy store. If that is what heaven will be like it will be amazing. You both look like you are enjoying your vacation. Love seeing the couples pics.

    Have a good day dear sisters.

    Ephesians 3:20-21 New International Version (NIV)

    20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2018

    Ade, praying for you tests. Praying for peace for you.

    Joanne, praying for answers for you. The best case scenario would be this swelling will go down naturally without having to endure anymore meds that make you sick.

    This is a version of the what the Lord spoke to me when I realized I probably had cancer. I have found Him completely faithful during these last four plus years. I have said this before but He is sometimes excrutiatingly slow in our minds but always on time...........His time.




  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited June 2018

    Nancy..Did you know that scripture is where I got my screen name/profile name from?

    Here's a few blessings in my yard today..

    This bucket is filled with a combo of wild things growing around the yard and some store bought flowers:


    Perennial and annuals (Salvia) mixed..Just noticed I need to fill the hummingbird feeder, lol


    My roses..Can't remember how old these are, but more than a decade and a half. This is the best bloom ever!



    Patio tomatoes..Our land is too rocky/rooty to plant veggies on.(too many trees)


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2018

    Lisa, very pretty. Your tomatoes are really coming along. Your roses are doing great. In fact today my rosebushes are being taken out as the die back from the past winters finally took it's toll. Mine were about 10 years old as well. I am just not up to planting five rose bushes so I am having the local nursery plant a tree and plant five rose bushes for me. I used to be able to do that stuff but my fatigue has been too much now. I did plant one bush recently and it was about too much for me.

    When my yard is finished I will have to post some pics too. Mine is still a work in progress. I do lots of containers. I used to plant most of them myself but I don't do that anymore. I am waiting on a new cascading fountain to come today. I love fountains and I have one in my backyard and a solar cascading one in my front yard that was getting really worn.

    Yes, I can see how your user name is built on that scripture. It is a great scripture to stand on for sure.

    Thanks for sharing your pics.

    There is a beautiful purple Clematis near the Y that I go to swim. I am hoping to get back there with my camera and take some pics while it is at it's peak.

    Have a great day.

  • Cindymb
    Cindymb Member Posts: 101
    edited June 2018

    Hello ladies 🤗

    I'm so glad I found this thread. The Lord has certainly been my refuge during this trial. I am expecting a phone call by tomorrow regarding my surgery date. It's been very surreal feeling until now. I feel like the reality is starting to hit me now.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2018

    Welcome to this thread Cindymb. I am glad you found us but so sorry you are just beginning this journey that no one wanted to take. I know for myself once I knew exactly what I was dealing with and what the plan was there was a sense that I moved from fear into a fight mode and ready for the battle. It is very normal to feel all sorts of emotions from fear and anxiety to how in the world did I get this and what caused it. Whether we are Christians or not we are still human and experience the gamut of emotions. Yes, I think we have probably all felt that surreal feeling because our whole live is changed in a moment. I know for many of us this diagnosis has strengthened our faith. We will be praying for you as you find out your surgery date. This is a great bunch of caring and praying woman. I hope you find some comfort here and feel free to post anytime. I love your banner you posted. That is a great Psalm.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2018

    As we tackle the longest day of the year in terms of daylight let us embrace peace as we face each challenge.

    Thanks for the banners Joanne and prayers. Teka, I just about forgot this was the first day of summer. Oh to relish in the lazy days of summer. As we probably all relished summer vacation when in school I pray that we can have some of those days of joy and peace and feeling like we have not a care in the world.

    In the Lord's presence is where we find that.

    Praying for you Joanne as you deal with this ongoing arm situation. I will be praying for all of you as I swim today.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2018

    Teka, love the summer banner! I love to go into the waaayback machine and think on the summer days as a child. Living in southwest Texas is like having a 9 month summer!

    Welcome Cindymb. Sorry you had to find us this way but if anyone knows and understands how you are feeling - we do! And we will be faithful to lift you up to the Lord in prayer too.

    Lita you look so good! Except for the 'shine on top' we wouldn't know you were even ill. Congratulations on your anniversary. We celebrated our 46th a couple of weeks ago. God is good.

    Nancy I'm so glad you're back to swimming again. I know it is good for your body and soul. May the Lord grant you extra strength as you work those muscles and joints. I know what it feels like when one foot in front of another is a chore - constantly - and am trying to be more faithful on the stationary bike & treadmill. Just too hot to walk outside here. I was doing a mile a day on the treadmill until 2 weeks ago when my back pain began. (sigh)

    Joanne that prayer is beautiful and one we all pray at one time or another for sure. I am sorry you are not getting answers for the maladies but thankful your husband's tests came out ok and the Previcid is working well. I pray you will get relief - or answers that can bring you relief. What an ordeal you have been through!

    Lisa - beautiful flowers and 'maters! We ate our first tomatoes in a BLT this week - SOOO much better than store bought!

    I am amazed at and thankful for James' interest in gardening since his heart attack recovery. He had no hobby and really needed this for his body and mind. He has not had a migraine in a week! THANK YOU for your prayers! He is like a different man when his head isn't excruciating.

    Yesterday was exhausting. We were gone 13 hours! We drove the 3+ hours to Odessa where James had a VA appointment, then ate a bite and went to the diagnostic center in Midland a half an hour away. The ultrasound of my underarm was ok - but the first one never showed my cancer either - so no great celebration there. The pain's still there. The oncologist forgot to fax my lumbar x-ray orders. The fax machine was down so we had to drive across town in that awful traffic to get them - then back again. No stress there! (Poor James!) Won't have the results for a few days. Probably arthritis - but the onset was sudden and the pain is constant. :o(

    Thank you all for your sweet spirits, photos, poems, posts and banners. What a lovely bunch you all are!

    With love,


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited June 2018

    Heavenly Father, Please bless and give Your caring love to

    all the wonderful people here. Fill them with peacefulness and

    Your comforting arms of love around them. Please be with those

    that are facing challenges on the hill they are climbing, know You

    are beside them through it all. ( God is our refuge and strength, A

    very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear. Psalm 46:

    1-2 NASB) Please be with all those going through pain, tests or

    treatments, knowing You will be beside them through it all. As

    we know You know everything that is going on, be with those that

    need extra loving care. In Jesus name. Amen 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2018

    Ade, praying for good results. Arthritis is no prize but it beats bone mets so praise God for that.

    Joanne, still praying for resolution. God's timing never seems to be fast enough for most of it but He always has a reason for His ways with us.

    Debbie, that Psalm is one of my favorites. How are YOU doing?

    I am in the several day prep before my colonoscopy on Wed. I would definitely appreciate your prayers. I have had many of these procedures and I am going into this one with more concerns for many reasons.

    Have a great day dear sisters.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2018

    Nancy may your tests be a breeze and the outcomes great! May you have God's peace in the meantime.

    Joanne we will just keep praying for a cure for your arm. What a trial!

    Still awaiting my test results. God does teach patience the hard way! Just hoping I don't get THE call from my onc!

    It is SOOO HOT here! You do what you must in the mornings then stay in the AC the rest of the day. 104 today. Wanted to share this photo James took this morning of Maggie & one of our new Crepe Myrtle trees. The photo doesn't show how lovely those lavender blooms really are. Those are blackberry bushes behind it and asparagus in the raised garden tubs. Blessings on your day, sisters!



    Well it went sideways & I don't know how to correct it on here :O( It's upright in my file