thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Thank you Debbie. That Isaiah scripture is one that has great meaning for me in my cancer years.

    Faith is something that we know what it is but sometimes exercising it is giving up complete control to let God do a work in and through us. It can be a most uncomfortable time when He is stretching our faith. We sometimes have to accept things in the process that make absolutely no sense to us in our human state. God's ways can be very mysterious but very glorious when we can see the end result. Sometimes we may see that end result here on earth and then I believe there will be other times that we won't see the end result until we are in heaven for eternity with Jesus. So what is faith. Trusting in things we can't see. Believing God is working for our ultimate good. Knowing Jesus plans for us are far better than any plans we have for ourselves. I guess it boils down to this. Thy will and not my will be done.




  • Cindymb
    Cindymb Member Posts: 101
    edited July 2018

    so thankful for this thread and the people on it ❤

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2018

    God's Undying Love

    Whenever you are sick or discouraged

    And everything seems to go wrong;

    Put your hand in the hand of the Savior,

    The hands that are loving but strong.

    He promised us "strength for the weary,"

    He promised His undying love.

    So, if you think You can't take anymore-

    Turn your eye to the Father above.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Amen Debbie. He is faithful.

    I finally got my sinking front porch fixed. It has been a long time coming but so thankful that it was not a sinking sewer line. It was pricey but nothing like it would have been if it had in fact been a sinking sewer.

    I continue to see victories with my cat. Enjoying cooler weather. Got very little sleep last night so feeling the effects of that.

    As we all have battles with fear, I pray that we can experience God's peace as we take those fears to the Lord and put them at His feet and ask Him to give us peace that passes all understanding.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2018

    Nancy, so glad Cammie is beginning to cooperate. God loves us in the small details.

    Thank you all for your prayers. I felt better today, and after dinner, we walked by the gondola and the lift guy let us on for free. So the 4 of us road it to the top -- to 11,000 ft! It was amazing. Years ago I skied this run but today I got to enjoy God's beauty again only with grass instead of snow. We got out and walked a little, but I had to sit down.Of course the altitude bothered me again, but it was worth it. I am just thankful I get to still do things.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Chris, glad you are doing better. A free lift sounds great except for the altitude sickness. My skiing days are over but it was fun during that time.

    Yes, Cammie is doing well and I most definitely know God used this for a reason and He allowed me to learn things about Cammie's thinking which has helped enormously. My faith is strengthened for sure when not too long ago I was feeling hopeless in the midst of it all and it was turning my life upside down. I am going to be doing some drastic things to alleviate the smell and I will tell you all if it worked once it is done.

    A few weeks ago I didn't have much hope for my situation with my cat and I thought I was going to have to put her down. I was in agony over this. When I cried out to God to help me find solutions and when He knew I was at the end of my rope He started giving me small victories which gave me hope. I don't know if my situation is completely resolved yet but I know God wants me to lean on Him in all things. He wants to be the driver on this faith road and that is not always easy but I have to give him the wheel. Jesus take the wheel. ( Gee sounds like a song!)

    When I was at my lowest point I walked by a demolition site and in all the destruction there was a sunflower blooming. I felt like that was God showing me there is hope even though you are seeing all of this destruction. That one bloom turned into many blooms over the next couple of days. Then the plant was completely gone. God gives us little things when we need them.

    This banner below reminds me of that sunflower all alone in the midst of destruction. May God give you hope in YOUR situation today. My it grow in your heart and give you peace and joy in the midst of your storms.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2018

    Yesterday I nearly became a widow. James was weed whipping in front of the porch and a Mojave rattle snake slithered out! James ran inside for his gun "The Snakinator" as we call it - and shot it twice in the head and a third time to make sure. They are hard to kill & can strike even when dead (reflex). I ran over a rattler in the car once with front AND back tires and it STILL slithered off the road! The Mojave is the deadliest. If bitten you have about 4 minutes until you meet Jesus face to face! NO E.R. trip. James is legally deaf and didn't have hearing aids in - plus was using the weed whacker, but the Lord allowed him to see that snake before it could strike. Just 10 minutes earlier he was pulling weeds by bare hand VERY near there. I just want to give the glory to God and praise Him once again for His mercy and goodness. I would post the photos I took but you wouldn't want to see them! I have been praying for wisdom about maybe moving back north as there are many new reasons to consider -and I am wondering if this isn't a confirmation. It's NOT the first encounter either, just not ever on our land until now.

    Not feeling great - have had back muscle spasms for 3 days, achy tired and a migraine this morning. But could be so much worse. Still praising the Lord.

    I am praying for you all. (YAAAY CAMMIE!!!!) >^..^<



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Oh Ade, what a story. Praise God it turned out okay.

    With the snake in my mom's basement issue the very first one I killed didn't want to die so I know exactly what you mean. Of course the big difference is mine was not a poisonous snake. I have read they can still kill you even after.........................won't go into gory details.

    I don 't know if God wants you away from there or not but I would certainly be praying for wisdom and direction.

    I have had much stress the last couple of days and had some muscle spasms too and they are NOT fun. Praying that you feel MUCH better soon and can relax your mind and body.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2018

    Well VBS is over. Great week with 225 kids. My 3 yr old great granddaughter came and enjoyed it. The theme was "Shipwrecked but Jesus rescues". I asked her "When you do wrong Jesus.....?" She shouted "Rescues". I also peeked onto the preK room and saw her with hands folded eyes closed and head bowed praying with the leader. Thank you Jesus for Valentina, the strength and energy to serve with the older groups and all the children you sent us. Love, Jean

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited July 2018

    Thanking God for all your answered prayers and asking Jesus to help us all as we go through these times of such stress in our lives. I'm sure that stress causes most of our pain and loss of sleep. Praying that all of us have a peaceful and restful night of great sleep.

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future).

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited July 2018

    Please keep the families of the fire fighters who died last night fighting fires in No Cal in prayer.

    Fire season started early this year. Predicted to be worse than last year's. Thousands evacuated and hundreds of buildings and homes already burned to the ground.

    Temps in Redding have been over 100 for several days already, and the winds are carrying sparks everywhere. Yosemite is STILL closed as thousands of acres are burning.

    No one in CA is safe anymore. We may be asked to evacuate at any time.


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2018

    Good afternoon ladies,

    It's been a wonderful day today, one I am thankful for! It's my birthday, and I've talked with or seen the family I love most. But I'm telling you all this to share the message on a card I received.....since we all appreciate our birthdays more now...

    "Children spend their childhoods dreaming of being a grownup. ...Grownups get all the perks; staying up late, making their own decisions, and most of all, being the "boss" of everyone. Children don't spend their time pondering the they are leaving behind. They just keep looking "Up" at the adventure ahead. Maybe we grown ups should take a lesson. Rather than use our birthday to count the years gone by, why not look "Up" at what life has for us next. God loves to see us reveling in every minute!"

    I know that for many of you here, that is difficult. But I have found that looking ahead is better than lamenting the times of the past. Without hope, we have nothing.

    Hoping this day brings blessings your way, and some relief from pain and worry.

    Praying for you all,,,Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Happy Birthday to Ellen.

    Love your post. Good advice. I have posted this before and I hope it wasn't for YOUR birthday. LOL I thought you would enjoy this being a musician.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2018

    Happy birthday Ellen. Lita, hope you are safe with these fires. Ade, I am so glad the snake didn't hurt James. You are both in my prayers. Nancy, glad things are better with Cammie and your other issues. How is Mom doing? Cindy I am glad your surgery is behind you. Please let us know how you are doing going forward with treatment. To all of you dear ladies may this week be filled with the peace joy of our Lord Jesus. Love, Jean

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2018

    Z, I am so happy for your granddaughter -- a real answer to prayer. "And a little child will lead them." I continue to pray for the salvation of your family.

    Lita, yes, I pray for the firefighters and the families of those who lost loved ones. Fire is so devastating. I am a California girl with friends in Redding and a history of camping in Yosemite. Makes me sad.

    Well, I have finally gone on oxygen for my altitude problems here in Colorado. My bro in law has oxygen and all that goes with it as he has needed it in the past, so I am set. It has helped. I fight anything that has to do with being sick but I need to learn to accept help. This has been the hardest part of this journey as I am fiercely independent and love to serve others. God is my Rock

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited July 2018

    Happy Belated Birthday, Ellen!

    Jean, hosting 225 children at VBS is indeed praiseworthy! I wish my church had a VBS for adults. ;-)

    Lita and Chris, I pray that you, your families and friends are safe from the wildfires. I continue to pray for the brave men and women fighting the fires and rescuing residents.

    Nancy, thank you for all your prayers, encouraging banners, and thoughtful messages.

    Ade, I am thankful you and James suffered no harm from the snake. How scary that experience must have been for the two of you.

    After numerous flights this summer to help my elderly mother, I was recently diagnosed with Stage 1 lymphedema in my forearm. I've had a few sessions with a certified lymphedema specialist. I read a quote on another thread, "Cancer - the gift that keeps on giving." Isn't that the truth?!?

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    I will check in later. I will be praying for you all in my swim session IF i get a lane. It has been challenging with summer camps lately.

    Jean, I am praising God with you. Did Valentina accept Jesus. It sure sounds like it.

    Faith, yes, unfortunately stress causes so many issues. Praying you can find some ways to help alleviate all that weight of stress that has been plaguing you.

    Chris, I understand it is hard to let go of that independence but I hope the oxygen will help greatly.

    Hershey, I am SO so to hear of your latest challenge. I had an LE therapist for my shoulder injury during my rads so I had to get a LE compression sleeve and glove and was told to always wear it when flying. I know many patients do not receive the LE prevention that they should which would certainly prevent a lot of future aggravation.

    Hopefully if you can stay faithful in doing the home exercises that you will learn then you will catch this early and it will hopefully be very manageable.

    I had a major setback with my cat and this banner is as much for me as it is for all of you. We offer our praises to God no matter how we feel. Our faith is not based on our fickle emotions thankfully.

    Have a good day dear sisters.




  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited July 2018

    I am so very sorry for my long absence and silence here on this forum.

    Everything is good here with my family and I..I've been busy with church and ladies Bible study as well as family gatherings. I also moved my computer once again because the monitor is getting old and acting up, so I have to use the TV in the bedroom as a monitor during the day when my DH is not in here watching his shows. I have been reading on my phone and I pray for all on here and am overjoyed to see so many prayers being answered!

    My prayers are joined to all the dear ones on here who are still going through the tough stuff!

    Ade and Nancy your photos are just WOW!

    I must admit reading about everything from altitude sickness and vicious poisonous snakes has me on the edge of my seat..I'm trusting God more than ever when I see how he protected James from that snake..and working through Nancy's cat, and children in VBS..I pray for CA as it is facing so many challenges..hope many who don't know the Lord will come to Him through these distresses..Also Lita I am so glad you got to visit Yosemite before the fires !

    Cindy, I am so happy that your surgeon was able to get clear margins and there were no cancer in the lymph nodes!! A grade 3 cancer in serious, but it usually means that the cancer will respond better to chemo too if that is what your MO has planned for you.

    Yesterday I visited a new GP..She's awesome and I feel she is a good advocate for me..I will give more details later as I have to meet with some men who installed our new garage doors because today one of the doors came off the runner! Jeff is working overtime, otherwise he would be handling the situation.

    God bless~Lisa

  • Cindymb
    Cindymb Member Posts: 101
    edited August 2018

    Hello wonderful ladies,

    I had my visit with the Oncologist this morning. Now I need to wait up to two weeks for the results of an Oncotype test. The doctor told me theres a 50/50 chance of not needing chemo. I was surprised considering my ki-67 was 51%. Prayers to continue for no chemo please.

    Thank you so much 🤗

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited August 2018

    AMEN Joanne!

    Lisa - glad to hear from you & thankful that garage door didn't hurt anyone!

    Nancy, sorry Cammie relapsed. But she did prove she COULD comply. Kitties are SO fickle! (I miss mine but couldn't bring Maggie -who hated them- all in the cab of a moving van to Texas.)

    This was my Kitty Boo - image

    and Kate.

    Blessings on your day,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2018

    Dear ladies,

    I will be off the grid for a couple of days or more. I will be going downstate to visit my Mom, celebrate my birthday and go to this outdoor Christian concert with my sister which always coincides with my birthday so it is a nice time for just us.

    Lisa, good to hear from you and thankful no one was hurt in your garage door mishap. One of my springs broke on my garage door a few years ago and I hurt this really loud sound and didn't realize until the next morning I couldn't get to school because my garage door broke. I was thankful I was in the garage at the time.

    Cindy, I am not familiar with the one test you have mentioned but I am glad you are getting the Oncotype test.

    Lita, I have been praying for the fires. Are you okay on that front for now? Praying for your needs as well.

    Joanne, thanks for the banners. I will be praying you!

    Ade, what precious little kitties. The black and white one has that look like it could be into all sorts of things. LOL Believe me I recognize the look! The cream colored one has big feet like Cammie. Was she a large cat? I imagine that broke your heart to not be able to take them.

    Well I have a million things on for today and I need to get back to them. I will be praying for all of you. Especially on my drive downstate it makes for a nice long prayer time.

    I will write when I can. When visiting at my Mom's facility she has no internet so I am out of luck there.

    Take care dear sisters.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited August 2018

    Nancy you have the cats pegged! Yes Boo was a big girl - but OH so loving! Kate really was into everything - you called 'em right!

    Have a safe trip, a wonderful visit and a blessed birthday!!!



  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited August 2018

    Hi everyone doing a quick drive through, my daughter had some serious issues last year with post partum depression and moved in with us and I had to clean our house out from 29 years of accumulation and then we built a house and I changed jobs... you know life is just sometimes a whirlwind.

    Hope everyone is well I will take a bit to read the posts sbut just know I am praying for you all and Nancy I am so glad you had time with your Mom not that it wasn't just super challenging no doubt!

    Ade, praying for your husband.

    Cindy I had not heard of that test either! I had an oncotype that was I think 13 so didn't need chemo but yeah that is always interesting, hope your score is low. At 4.5 years out on Femara I have gained 36 lbs and am really trying to get it off. Even with eating super healthy and exercise 6 days a week it is not exactly falling off of me. God is faithful and He always provides so I am trusting Him.

    Hope Xavier is still ok.

    Hi Lisa, Hi Joanne! Hope all of you are doing well, I got to vacation with my whole family this Saturday. I cannot wait.

    God bless you all,

    Enjoyev'rymoment (Cindy B)

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited August 2018

    AMEN, Joanne! We're praying for you!

    Hi Cindy B! Thank you for prayers for James. Praising the Lord he is doing well right now. (On the meds I gained FIFTY pounds and can't get is off either! I am no longer on them and feeling much better than before)

    Praying for you all,


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited August 2018

    I've put on some weight from the steroids I HAVE to take for the brain mets.

    I force myself to walk, and I only eat TWO meals a day - high protein, minimal white carbs (unless I'm having a nasty bout of diarrhea, then I have to eat the BRAT diet - white rice, white toast, bananas, applesauce).

    But at least I'm still alive, so I'm not going to worry about a few extra pounds. Could be worse.


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited August 2018

    Hope this is a wonderful, Happy Birthday Nancy! Enjoy your time with your mother and sister. I am praying that this break from the stresses here is exactly what you need.

    Everyone, I've been reading and praying for your needs, just don't have the energy to address everyone.

    Have a restful night and May our Dear Lord hold you and keep you in His arms of healing love.

    Sending love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future).

  • mysticalcity
    mysticalcity Member Posts: 184
    edited August 2018

    Cindymb Covering you in prayer for good Oncotype result. Keep us posted.

  • mysticalcity
    mysticalcity Member Posts: 184
    edited August 2018

    JO-5 Prayers for your arm and good test results.

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited August 2018


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited August 2018