thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2018

    Nancy, thank for for the lovely poster. Today my 8th personal friend passed on to heaven since I was diagnosed--six of them diagnosed with cancer after I was. He was an amazing man of God and I worked with his wife at the University here in San Diego. (Yes, I have a large friend base since my husband pastored churches for 25 years and I have worked in 4 Universities. ) I am learning how to do to lean on God and trust His will and His timing. I have gained a new perspective in the purpose of living and how to discern what is truly important. When I read my Bible now, God reveals understanding so different from when I was younger, and I have to say that some days it is exciting. I am still running the race towards the prize God has called me. My ministry has changed--now I spend a good deal of my extra time each day in prayer for others, and I am learning how to recognize answers to prayer that are so different than what my immature Christian expectations were of years past. This is good. God has not stopped working in any of us just because our days are now filled with physical restraints. I pray for all of you daily and that God will shower you with peace and purpose as you rely on His faithfulness.


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited July 2018

    DH and I rented Paul, Apostle of Christ last night. Good film. I recommend it.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2018

    Cindy - I am praying for normal test results (or at least NOT serious) for you, and for His peace. When we're in the thick of it things can seem so terrifying. But then when we finally get to the other side of the terror we can see that He was with us and carried us through. The Lord is with you and for you and loves you with an everlasting love we can't even comprehend. We're praying.

    Nancy the banners are beautiful ~*~ THANK YOU! Glad you're swimming and hope you're getting some photography therapy in too. How are you feeling?

    Chris I am so sorry you have had so much loss and yet you suffer yourself. Yes this time in our lives does grow our maturity in Christ. I hear Him differently as I have drawn so much nearer to Him too. Life gets pretty serious, but He gives us such joy in little things now that we didn't have before. What was once important isn't anymore and new things have become more so when we get to see a bit from His eyes. Bless you for lifting others up to Him.

    James is still weak and has night sweats but the high fevers he had for over 10 days have finally ceased - praise the Lord! We are disappointed that his doctor has resigned to call it an autoimmune disease and just give steroids for the fevers. We hope his next bout is a long ways away. We are wondering if (and praying for wisdom) we should move back to the bigger medical centers in Ohio as it is three hours away for real medical experts here. THANK YOU to those who have prayed for James!

    I am watching a very pregnant doe who gets her cool drinks right outside my office window from a trough we keep filled. Was hoping I could get her picture for you but she isn't cooperating. Maybe we can get to see her baby soon. :o)

    Blessings on your Sunday,


  • Cindymb
    Cindymb Member Posts: 101
    edited July 2018

    Thank you ladies for your kindness and prayers. Everyone is fighting their own battles, so I appreciate you during my weak moments.

    The cardiologist cleared me for surgery Friday finally.

    I believe that fear is not from God. I am fighting against satan, knowing he is a liar and accuser. Jesus has overcome and I have the Holy Spirit alive in me.

    Lita, my husband and I rented that movie this weekend also!

    Cindy 🤗

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Chris, I am sorry for your loss. It is never, never easy losing a friend. I am glad you are growing close to the Lord in all of your trials. Thank you for your prayers as well.

    Ade, I am glad to hear James fevers are gone for now. Did you ever get your bone mets test results yet? That would be a huge decision to move and I will certainly pray about that.

    Lita, how are you doing? Thanks for the movie tip.

    Cindy, I am glad you are cleared for surgery. Praise God for that. Fear is not from God and we all fight that battle. When is your surgery? The date you have under your name says this Sunday but I am not sure that is correct. We will be praying for it whatever the upcoming date is.

    Joanne still needs our prayers. I know the disappointment and all the other emotions are mounting for her with this ongoing arm infection that doesn't seem to let go. She is on another course of antibiotics which is not easy on her system.

    I am at a crisis stage with my cat and her litter box issues and have been very distraught trying everything I can think of. I actually made the smell a million times worse this weekend when I shampooed the carpeting with the cat enzyme product. She is like my child of 10 years and I would hate to have to put her down. She is seeing the vet on Friday but I have been through this before and it was deemed behavior and not medical. I would appreciate your prayers for peace and wisdom.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited July 2018

    Chris, we grieve w/you.

    Nancy, our very first Bulldog used to climb on the couch, give us this look, then squat and pee! She was perfectly potty trained, but she would just do it to show "dominance" as an Alpha dog. We'd crate her, then take her out to do her duty. She was a sweetheart, but she definitely had "issues." Have you contacted an animal behaviorist? The one we consulted years ago said NO COUCH PRIVILEGES whatsoever. So, we didn't let her up on the couch again until she came down with cancer in 2009, and then we watched her like a hawk.

    My platelets are too low again for my chemo infusion tomorrow, which is actually a good thing :o). I'm looking forward to a week off, and to being able to cook AND eat what I want. When we're on cycles, we have to watch everything and not eat any foods that will aggravate our chemo-related gastrointestinal problems. Bawling

    My marble pastry slab finally arrived from Sur La Table. I'll be baking bread tomorrow. Winking

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Lita, I have read some cat behaviorist articles on this. At one time I thought about a phone consultation but I think that was about another issue many years ago. I don't know if there are any in this area. I know I have heard conflicting things in how to go about things dealing with the litter box so that isn't helpful. I bought a big piece of carpet remnant tonight and see if I can figure something out. For a while she was going right outside her box so I had some leftover carpet from my house and cut some squares and put them in front of her box and she would go on this piece. I need to throw that one out now. The products that are supposed to cut through and break down the urine I am not seeing evidence of yet. I may try the vinegar, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide article that mentioned three phases.

    BTW I just bought grill pan that is a Green Pan from Sur La Table. There is a local store here but I bought it online. I have many Green Pans and then when you couldn't find them I did a google search and found this store. This pan was very pricey and I am not thrilled with it unfortunately. I don't like it as well as my original one but this old one is showing it's wear.

    Glad you are getting some time off your cycle. I think it is remarkable that you are here a whole year latter when you had gone into hospice and then changed your mind. Enjoy that little reprieve.

    Take care. Thanks for you input.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2018

    Nancy, someone gave me a ceramic pan for my wedding 46 years ago. I still have it and I love it, but it has definitely shown a lot of wear. I have looked for a replacement to no avail, until you posted about Green Pan. I will have to look into it. The pan is the best for omelets!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2018


    Me, great granddaughter Valentina and Chucky Cheese yesterday.

    I dont post as much as when in active treatment but do read and pray daily for you precious ladies.

    Would you please lift up my family today. There are serious financial problems, some involving for closures and unpaid debts. Also for my granddaughter to mature and begin to be the mother my great grand Valentin needs. Meanwhile my daughter and son in law need strength and wisdom as they are raising Val. Stepson and youngest son need to turn to Jesus. All need to surrender to Him. I also need more faith. Love, Jean

    Psalms 31:24
    Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2018

    Jean, I will be praying for your precious family. Thank you for specifics as it helps to know how to pray.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    I will check in later. Have a doctor apt today.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited July 2018

    Nancy, your poster this morning is just the perfect one for me right now.

    Hello friends, I'm sorry once again to be missing a lot but I have been reading and praying along for your needs. I'm here to ask for your prayers for tomorrow when I have my blood work taken. I'm also scheduled to have a Prolia shot in the stomach but I think I'm going to put that off for awhile. I've been having a lot of issues with my digestion with a lot of gas pains lately and I just haven't felt well. I'm getting anxious about my blood work and hoping the cancer is not growing again. My blood pressure has also been high. I'm just not sure what's going on. Maybe it's all stress related as we've had a lot going on lately. So, if you could say a few prayers that all will be well, I'd be most appreciative. Thank you so much!

    Sending love and prayers to all,

    Faith ( in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Jean, praying for you and your family. I can't believe how Valentina has grown. You both look like you are having a great time with Chuckie!

    Faith, that scripture is on my refrigerator. A church prayed for me during my treatments (not even my own church) and one of my friends this potholder with this scripture attached on my doorstep. I still have it up there and God many times has me look at that scripture and remind me that it is just as powerful now as it was then. I am sure sorry you are dealing with so much. I know the stress of a remodel no matter how big or small is a lot of stress and that doesn't help all the other stuff we go through. Are you still wearing the heart monitor. I just heard from a friend who used to be on our forum and she held off on the Prolia shot for a year and when she had her next Dexa bone density she thought it had improved. She hasn't seen her doctor yet but I think she believes her situation has improved. That would be great if you could experience that too since you have so many other things going on.

    I continue to pray for you and I hope you will have some respite from all of these issues. We all need a vacation from the stress of everything!

    Ladies, I would appreciate your prayers. I am just in a very difficult time right now and asking God for wisdom and not sure what to do next with my cat. As most of you know I live alone with my cat and she is like my child. Her litter box issues are at a critical mass stage at this point. She is going to the vet on Friday to rule out any medical factors.

    Take care dear sisters. Chris hopefully the Green Pan idea will help you to find a good replacement for you. I have many Green Pans and they are the best.



  • Cindymb
    Cindymb Member Posts: 101
    edited July 2018

    Praying for you ladies tonight 🤗

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2018

    My heart aches for each of you going through such trials. Please know that though I may not mention each by name (as Nancy so faithfully and amazingly does) that I am praying for you - sometimes in the middle of the night as He leads.

    This blessed my heart today and I hope it does yours -

    "Unbelief looks at God through circumstances, just as often we see the sun dimmed by clouds or smoke. But faith puts God between itself and its circumstances, and looks at them through Him." - F.B. Meyer STREAMS IN THE DESERT


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited July 2018

    Dear friends, thank you all for your prayers! My blood test results came back all okay. Praise God! I was really worried since I've been feeling so bad lately but I guess my worry was misplaced. Hopefully I can get to the bottom of some of my GI issues without too many unpleasant tests. I'm really grateful for my doctor and the nearby cancer center I go too. He usually always gives me the test results within 24 hours, I never have to wait days like some of the women I read about on the forums. That waiting is so hard. I just have to learn to trust our Dear Lord more and know that all will be well in His own time.

    Ade, your quote today also blessed my heart. There's much food for thought there.

    I continue to pray for all your needs and thank you again for your prayers.

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Faith, that is great news. Are you still wearing the heart monitor? I can relate to the GI issues and sympathize. Finding out the causes can be tricky as I have found. I am sure for me stress plays a major role.

    I agree that Ade has given us much food for thought with the F.B Meyer quote.

    I spent my afternoon at the DMV today. I am relieved to get that over. Why is it that my photo always ends up looking like a mug shot. LOL

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2018

    Yes Faith, waiting IS hard! Back in the 70s I found a breast lump and was terrified. It took two weeks to get a doctor appointment, then another week for a mammogram. I was told I would receive an answer within 2 weeks. Two weeks came and went (meanwhile the fears CONSUMED me everyday). I finally called the doctor's office and was told that if I had not heard anything I could presume all was ok. That gave me SOME relief. Another week went by and I was upstairs making beds. The kids were off to school and James was at work. Then the phone rang. A voice on the other end said, "Mrs. Bonsell, the doctor says that your test is abnormal and you will need to see a surgeon immediately." (Blunt huh!) I felt a shock run through me, and I was stunned. I took a deep shaky breath and walked downstairs. Then I heard "His Eye Is On the Sparrow" come on the radio and I remembered the verse I had read that very morning - Matthew 6:26
    "Look at the birds of the air: They do not sow or reap or gather into barns—and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" A complete peace washed over me then. I made the appointment with the surgeon and it was right after the follow up to my regular doctor appointment. My doctor examined me again - AND NO LUMP WAS TO BE FOUND! I said, "Does this mean I can cancel the surgeon appointment?" He said I could and asked, "Have you been praying?" He was a believer too - and we rejoiced in the Lord. I really believe that my bout with the "real thing" was far easier because of that blessing long ago from the Lord and I praise Him for it.

    We are SO thankful for answered prayers regarding your blood tests. I think most of us, when not feeling well, have the same "OH NO!" response. My tests showed just arthritis in 2 lumbar vertebrae & hip & inflammation in the connecting tissue of the hip. Whew! Thanking the Lord too! The lump in my under arm remains and ultrasound was 'ok' (but I don't trust the ultrasounds or mammograms because they "lied" about the cancer in the first place.)

    We are in God's hands...the very best place to be!

    Blessings upon your day, Sisters,


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited July 2018

    Ade, yes we are truly in God's hands and sometimes we just have to be patient and "wait for the Lord". That is not easy for me!

    Nancy, thanks for asking, yes, I'm still wearing the heart event monitor which is a real hassle. I did get a break of several days when one of the leads cracked and exposed the wires so they sent new ones. I am so ready to be done with this. I doubt if they will find a problem, as one of the nurses told me on the phone that there were no reports of anything in that first week so I'm thinking it's all related to my GERD which can cause similar symptoms to what I've had. Our bathroom project should be finished by Wednesday so thank God for that. I can't wait to get things back to normal although, there's much cleaning up to do. But, it will all be worth it in the end. I hope you've found some answers to the problem with your cat. I can imagine that it has been very stressful for you.

    I'm praying for all of you here and hope you all can enjoy a nice weekend. We are getting some much needed rain but I'm ready for some sunshine and much cooler weather with less allergens in the air. They're terrible for me right now.

    Sending love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future)

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2018

    Look who stopped by my office window just now for a long cool drink! (The red you see is petals from my beautiful Crepe Myrtle bush)


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. I have had a bout of insomnia and another episode with face and arm burning. I think it is from the cat enzyme product I have been using so much lately. My cat went to the vet on Friday and no UTI but an ear problem. She actually used her box on Friday after they shaved off some hair that gets in her way but that unfortunately was short lived. I would covet your prayers for wisdom and solutions.

    Let's remember to pray for Cindy. I believe she is having her surgery today. Let's pray that her surgery goes smoothly with good pain control and a speedy recovery so she can finish this part of her treatment and see what the next phase brings.

    Ade, your visitor to your pool is a beauty. Your story of healing initially is truly amazing.

    Faith, I continue to pray for you as you deal with GI issues, heart monitor issues and the stress of this bath remodel which hopefully will be worth all the effort.

    I will be praying for you in my swim session today.

    God bless you dear sisters.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2018

    Joanne, our hearts go out to you as our prayers lift you up to our Lord. I pray for correct answers and diagnosis, that it is NOT a serious thing, and can be treated easily without anymore antibiotics. May the Lord Himself grant your doctors wisdom, and you, - His peace. I know how when something that CAN be serious lingers and stumps the physicians how very fearful AND frustrating it can be (from James' migraines and fevers!). Jesus knows your every feeling and has compassion beyond what we can even comprehend. I pray you will feel His peace and comfort now as you have to wait a little longer.

    Nancy I am sorry your dear kitty is STILL having her problems which become YOUR BIG problems! I pray for answers to solve this - or that the Lord just has her to stop. I know how very attached we are to our little companions and how this very much disrupts your household. If all else fails would she use in front of her box one of those disposable piddle pads for training puppies? Maggie is going through a time of terrors all of a sudden. We are in the thunderstorm season and if she even senses a storm far away she panics. I hate to get her doggy Prozac but it may come to that. :o( I wish we could reason with them!

    Nancy I know how exhausted insomnia makes you! I had it when I was on the aromatase inhibitors. I was also having nightmares when I DID sleep. I switched taking my L-Theanine to evening and the sleep was much better and the nightmares stopped. - Just a thought. Praying your bout (again) with face & arm buring leaves quickly.

    We lift up Faith and Cindy today too and pray that Faith has no heart issues and that Cindy's surgery and recovery go perfectly, that God's peace and healing be with you all.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Joanne, you know we are praying for you. These banners are for you and for anyone who needs hope today.

    Cindy, praying the the surgery was successful with good margins and I pray you are resting comfortably now with good pain control.

    Ade, I had to refuse the cat antidepressant because there is not way I could give my cat a pill. She is extremely loving but has an aggressive streak when aggravated so that is out. The compounding was a last ditch effort but I am sure would be too expensive. I am sorry to hear about Maggie. One of my neighbors told me about a thunder blanket for dogs. Just an idea. The fireworks around my neighborhood I am sure have not helped her situation at all and probably contributed greatly. I know I have some tough decisions to make and it has been pretty agonizing as of late.

    Take care dear sisters. I will be praying for all of you at my swim session today.





  • Cindymb
    Cindymb Member Posts: 101
    edited July 2018

    Thank you Nancy and others for your prayers!

    I had my lumpectomy and reconstruction to both sides and came home last night. One drain and very thankful that pain has not been bad at all. I go to the surgeons office on Friday to get the drain removed and bandages off. Hopefully will be able to switch from this itchy tube top to my zipper front athletic bra.

    Please pray with me for clear margins and negative lymph nodes. I think she took two.

    🤗 Cindy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018


    It sounds like you are doing great. I have prayed for clear margins and for pain control. Also praying no lymph node involvement and you can get drains out soon.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Dear sisters,

    I have a praise regarding my cat. I won't bore you with the myriad of things I have done including standing on my head (LOL I wish). Did God intervene? Did my combo of things work that I believe the Lord put on my heart? I don't know............but I do know that the Lord has been using this for my good even though the journey has been agonizing and uphill. I know that He wants complete control over our lives and that He wants us to fully trust Him no matter how painful or unpleasant. I know He spoke to me several days ago and told me to lead my life as I would normally and not let this litter box issue consume me as it was.

    I can honestly say that I have gotten more things done in my house these last few days than I could ever imagine was possible. Some things that were overwhelming me are finished or on the way to being done.I went out to breakfast and am on the way to photographing this formal gardens which is a WW1 museum and grounds. I haven't been there for a couple years and I am excited. They have just redone the whole area and I can't wait to get some flower pics today.

    I am praying for you all.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2018

    Nancy, Praise God for the little miracles He performs in our lives everyday! I know there are many I don't even recognize as miracles. I am happy that you are doing so well, and will continue to pray for your challenges.

    I am leaving Friday for a road trip to AZ and CO to visit family. We are spending a week in Keystone and a week in CO Springs and a couple of days both ends in Prescott, AZ with family. I am a little nervous about the altitude in keystone for a week, but will soldier on! We did this a year ago (sans Keystone) and it was great even with a 2-year old in the car. It is monsoon season in AZ and the driving can get treacherous so I covet your prayers for safe travels. IWrite, I will try to contact you once we arrive.

    I pray we all have the freedom to enjoy our summer even if it is relaxing enjoying the animal world from our windows. We have baby Seagulls on our roof right now which I can see looking out my kitchen window (I live on the top floor). They are very noisy and are just learning to fly, but will be gone in a couple of weeks.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2018

    Nancy we are delighted in your breakthrough and praising the Lord with you.

    It seems James is running a bit of fever the past few nights - and tonight has gone to bed early not feeling well. . . again. I just feel like crying. Please, Lord, not again! So discouraged.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Ade, I have been praying for you and James. I can just imagine how devastating this is to watch James going through this over and over with no answers or solutions. Know I am praying. I have not seen any evidence of my cat using her box all of today but not sure if she is holding it or going someplace I have not discovered. My situation is certainly not the same but I believe what God wants us to do is the same. We have to surrender every part of our life to the Lord and we have to give up control and let Him be in control. This is SOOOOOOOOOO hard for me but I really do believe that in all of our situations that are so awful to go through that is what He wants. I pray that God will give us the peace and grace we need to go through these earthly challenges knowing that one day we will not have to deal with sickness and pain and heartache when we are in our eternal home with Jesus.

    Chris, praying for your road trip to AZ and CO and praying you have a marvelous time. Praying you will be able to handle the altitude. Love your little seagulls. So cute. I love watching my birds and it is so fun to watch them. One of my little hummers today was hovering looking in my dining room window. They make me smile.

    Continue to pray for Joanne as she struggles with bad reactions to the meds as she tries to find solutions. This has been going on for a long time and as you can imagine this is scary, frustrating and exhausting.

    Here are some pics from my camera outing yesterday. I had high hopes of getting lots of rose pics but unfortunately the Japanese Beetles were destroying most of the newly planted rose garden. They are also munching on my new roses.




