thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited June 2018

    Louise, I pray that God comforts you in your suffering and gives you courage when you are afraid. He knows your situation; you are not alone.


  • Cindymb
    Cindymb Member Posts: 101
    edited July 2018

    Praying for Adrienne as she awaits test results, for the peace only God can give for her and Louise. Thank you Jesus for what you are doing for all of us.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2018

    So happy for you Nancy. Praying for God's peace with our new sisters. Love, Jean

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited July 2018


    I've heard that Aromatase Inhibitors (hormonal therapy) can be rougher than certain chemo drugs Bawling.

    Try to hang in there and be sure to let your MO know about what you're going thru. They may be able to adjust the dosage or switch you to something your body and mind (especially) will tolerate better.

    I'm so sorry that I don't have any other advice for you. I'm Stage IV, and my MO does NOT consider me stable enough to go on any AIs because I have more than 20 brain mets, and the cancer is also in my liver, pancreas, spine, hips, pelvis, soft tissue muscles, etc.

    We're all in your corner praying for you. Welcome, and we're glad you've joined us. We're a great group of women who always hold each other up in prayer.


  • Almer
    Almer Member Posts: 23
    edited July 2018

    I am in and out of this thread but like to know how each of you are doing so I’m checking back in. Lita, your courage and stamina amaze me.

    I was reading with interest the comments about AI’s. I’ve been on Arimidex since the beginning of April and feel deep fatigue, mainly. I’m hoping it’s something that will pass because I was told to take this drug for 7 years. I have some mild irritability on it as well but I thought that might be from the fatigue.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2018

    Praying for each of you this evening and always during our Ministry's Intercessory Prayer. I don't post much any more but read weekly. Continued prayers for peace, rest, and strength.

    God bless and love across the miles.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2018

    Heavenly Father, Please be with all the new people here, as

    You know their every need or challenge they are facing, May

    they feel the love that is shared here and know we are praying

    for them. Please be with those that are going through different 

    treatments and having side effects, may they find out from the 

    treatment people how they can get meds  or herbs that can help.

    Please be with those that are going through surgery or other ways

    to help them fight cancer. Know You are beside them and will carry

    them through in Your arms of healing love. Please bless all those

    that are going through tests or very weak from all they are facing.

    May they find peace and comforting love around them as Your

    fill them with Your caring love and guidance. We all love You and

    know You will always be with us. In Jesus name. Amen

  • Cindymb
    Cindymb Member Posts: 101
    edited July 2018

    Amen 🤗

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited July 2018

    Lifting up Ade And Louise to the throne of God today..May he give them peace now and whatever is needed according to his will and his riches in glory ..may he richly bless them in their walk with the Savior. I also pray for all others on this forum, and whomever is reading..looking for answers..that they would trust in Jesus for their every need today and tomorrow. ~In Jesus~ Amen

    Tomorrow I have an appointment with the Social security admin. to apply for disability. I sure would appreciate your prayers. My husband Jeff is going there with me. I'm pretty nervous about it.

    Thanks, and God bless. ~Lisa

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2018

    Louise, you asked about alternatives to the aromatase inhibitors. I subscribe to the Blaylock Wellness Report (HIGHLY recommend it!) and am very impressed that this M.D. is not "in the pocket" of the big pharmaceutical companies. It "just so happens" that this was in the June newsletter I read yesterday. "Vitamin E succinate, curcumin, silimarin, baicalein, grape seed extract, and several others have impressive results in controlling breast cancer and do not have the side effects of ____ (some of the prescription BC meds). Since I am off my meds I am on some of those supplements now. NONE of us have a guarantee that we will never have it come back. But we trust in our Lord no matter what and do what we can to be healthy as we are able to be.

    I love this -

    ~*~ When you're in Christ ~*~

    You're secure even when your feelings tell you otherwise.

    You don't have to feel well to be strong and courageous.

    You don't have to feel bold to be brave.

    You don't have to feel accepted to live loved.

    You don't have to feel faith for your faith to be real.

    And you don't have to feel God's presence for Him to be near.

    He's closer than your next breath and He lives mightily in you!

    He pulled out a chair and gave you a place at the table of grace.

    God is always near and you are always loved no matter how you feel.

    You've seen too much to turn back now.

    Keep marching onward and have a faith-filled day!

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited July 2018


    Getting SSDI is EASY if you're already Stagy IV Metastatic. You just show up with your Dx paperwork b'cuz they need to SEE that you are actually Stage IV. It takes a few weeks for you to get your first check/deposit.

    Out here in CA, they automatically deposit it into your bank acct; you just tell them which one. Mine usually hits my account between the 11th and 15th of the month.

    Good luck, and don't worry about it. It's just a "filing the paperwork" exercise.


  • linden12
    linden12 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2018

    Thank you for understanding our fears, and for the prayers. I am so grateful.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Thank you all for your wisdom, prayers, humor and love. I am very proud to be on this thread which really does lift each other up when one is in need. This is the body of Christ in action!!!

    Angie and Angie it is good to hear from both of you.

    Ade, I hope Louise reached out to your generous posting of help.

    Louise, we pray that you can move forward and that God will direct you. He promises us He will never leave or forsake us.

    Lisa, praying that what Lita shared will happen for you and that receiving your disability we be a painless effort in filing some papers.

    Linden12, we know that there are ladies that read this thread but never post but they surface from time to time. We welcome you and please jump in anytime. We are a Christian thread who believes in Jesus as our savior but we are imperfect people with very human emotions. We are all a work in progress.

    When Snoopy wilts you know it is hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Take care dear sisters.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2018

    Our neighbor, a retired physician suggested James may have a "smoldering blood disease" and a bone marrow biopsy may be in order to rule out (or detect) blood cancer. I feel literally sick over this. I know this is a forum for breast cancer patients but this REALLY does affect me. In all these YEARS James has had these bad fever bouts (high fevers lasting 10 -14 days!) this test was never considered. He has seen an endocrinologist and infectious disease specialist besides numerous general practitioners and NObody can diagnosis this so far. I would much rather this be me than him.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2018

    Neverforsaken, I agree with Lita that getting SSDI is easy--I got mine done over the internet (and a phone call) with no problem.

    Ade, I will continue to pray for you and James. I am with you that I would much rather have medical issues than my DH or any member of my family. Perhaps this suggested dx will lead to a good daughter continues to battle skin cancer but I am thankful her first mammogram was clear.

    I pray for all of you dealing with this extra heat. I know how it complicates things when you don't feel well.

  • Cindymb
    Cindymb Member Posts: 101
    edited July 2018

    If you all could lift me in your prayers. A simple pre-op physical with bloodwork this morning turned into a referral to a cardiologist because of an abnormal looking ekg. The cardiologist wants me to do a stress test and to top it off, heard some fluid in the bottom of one lung so sent me for a chest xray. Im really stressing out and scared that i now have more things wrong with me. I dont want my surgery to be delayed either. Thank you so much 🤗

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited July 2018

    Ade, please forgive me....I don't want to offend anyone, but if James did indeed have a "smoldering blood disease" in the bone marrow "in all these YEARS" of bad fevers, I would think that it would have escalated much sooner than this, and he probably would have been gone by now. In reading your posts, it seems these fevers and headaches wax and wane. Blood cancer symptoms would probably not come and go, and then come and go, again and again. Blood cancers and bone marrow cancers don't mess around. I'm not a medical oncologist, but I do know if they're not Dx'd and treated properly, it doesn't take long for worse to come to worst. I certainly hope and PRAY that that is not the case here.

    Your pain is palpable, and I'm holding the both of you up to the Mighty Throne of the Lord. He already knows what's going on, and He WILL see you thru it, no matter what.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2018

    Lita you didn't offend. I am open to anything right now! From what we have read this type does linger for years before presenting as full blown cancer (thus the term smoldering) - and it has been about 15 years. He has had ALL of the blood tests and been questioned about being in foreign countries (which he hasn't for many many years) and bug bites - yellow fever - dengue fever and lots more. The top guys in epidemiology & infectious disease couldn't diagnose, but didn't think of a bone marrow biopsy. He does have VERY high c-reactive protein when the fevers hit and that is a symptom of this myaloma thing too as well as fevers. I PRAY it is not but we are waiting for his local doctor to get back with us on the next step. Anyway thank you so much for your prayers & suggestions. I am comforted to know you're there.

    Thanks Joanne - I will look into Periodic Fever Syndrome.

    Cindy bless your heart! It is enough to face surgery without abnormal pre-op tests! We pray those are NOT anything serious and that you can have your surgery over with soon and be on the way to recovery in God's peace.

    Chris - so glad the mamo for your daughter is ok and praying for her skin cancer healing now....and peace for you both.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Ade, I am so sorry you have another huge concern that will have to wait until James doctor returns. I sure hope that this neighbor is not correct. Your faith muscles are certainly being tested again. I will certainly be praying for this new concern. Praying for peace in the midst of this storm.

    Cindy, I can only imagine that your stress level and concern has been multiplied exponentially with these new findings. I am so sorry this has cropped up but of course you don't won't to go into surgery and have complications from another issue. It is good things are being found but when you have your heart and mind fixed on your surgery date this can be so disconcerting. Praying for peace for you as well and that these further tests will be things that will be easy to deal with.

    I have been praying for each of you. Have a good night dear sisters.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2018

    Joanne THANK YOU for suggesting the Periodic Fever Syndrome. We researched it last night and think there may be something there. James made a copy for his doctor....for whenever he responds to James' message.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2018

    Lita, the one I was referring to is

    Smoldering multiple myeloma.


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2018

    Good morning sisters,

    Lifting all of you to the Lord this morning in prayer. I'm one of those who "drop in" from time to time, but read the posts and pray regularly.

    My 2 cents on the AI...I took Arimidex for a year and finally asked my doctor to agree to take me off of it. Those of you that have been on this thread awhile know the horrific side effects I had....but thankfully, not everyone reacts the same. Back on Tamoxifen and doing ok...but it is a new normal. It has been 4 years since my last dx and treatments. Praying for an "all clear" next March!

    It is hard to believe that we have been at our new church a year next week! We are seeing some signs of growth and increased involvement, which is answered prayer. Our VBS was fun, although we didn't have as many kids as before. Thank you for the prayers you all prayed for us as we sought the Lord on a new ministry site.

    Our family is in turmoil...attack from Satan when things are going well. Clyde's oldest daughter, who professes Christ, has turned against her dad because he didn't take sides with her in an incident with her brother (they're 40 + years old...). She's upset with me too...we feel she may be under satan's oppression because of some influence from her husband, also a Christian, but has some bipolar issues.. The other kids have had incidences with her too.

    Planning to go to the Billy Graham Library this week and visit his gravesite. Clydes sister is visiting from Ohio and will join us.

    God bless all of are special to Him and your families!

    In Christ's love, Ellen

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2018

    Ellen, I will add your family to my prayer list. I know one thing we want to leave is a heritage of love with our kids. The most important thing is for their salvation. Chris

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited July 2018

    Cindy, I am praying for better results concerning your heart! I Jesus all things are possible..And I also pray that you will have peace in your spirit as you undergo the tests and await the results..~In Jesus~

    Lita: Yes it was very easy yesterday! The lady was very friendly and even though I had completed my application online she made sure everything was in order. She also gave me the option of going back to 2010 as that is when I started having a multitude of serious back issues affecting my ability to continue my job at that time..I did have all medical reports and diagnosis from my doctors for both the cancer and the back injuries. She was encouraged that going back would give me a higher rate of pay, but it might take a couple of months more than the thirty days or so that the cancer dx would take to process through.

    Thanks for everyone's prayers..Although it was easy I am glad that part is over since I really hate talking about my illnesses with people.

    Ellen, I'm praying for a hedge of protection around you and your family, and I'm pleading the blood of Jesus over each one of you and over your ministry..~In Jesus~ Amen~

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2018

    Praying for peace in your family, Ellen. I know how stressful it can be. Hope your visit to the Billy Graham Library & grave site are memorable.

    A blessed 4th of July tomorrow to you all and your families.


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited July 2018


    God bless you, our troops, and the USA.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018


  • Cindymb
    Cindymb Member Posts: 101
    edited July 2018

    Please continue to pray for me. I will get the stress test results in the morning. The chest xray showed scar tissue in one lung. That will not delay my surgery but am very scared on what that could be from. I am praying God's mercy that I dont have anything else chronically wrong.

    Thank you.🤗

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Dear ladies of faith,

    I hope you all had a safe July 4th. I had friends meet at my house and we went to the fireworks only to have them cancelled because of bad storms. The lighting was truly scary on the way home. Will repeat tonight and hope a better result.

    Cindy, you can have scar tissue from bronchitis. Your fear brought to mind my time getting all the scans prepping for radiation and they found so many things but most of them were of no concern except thyroid nodules and I have to deal with that issue now waiting and watching. I do remember that time and I feel for you. It is not a pleasant time to think there might be other issues going on. I am praying for a good result from you heart tests.

    Ade how are you doing? James?

    I am off to swimming and will be praying for each on of you.

    Ellen, I am praying for you and will respond when things get a little less crazy here.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018
