thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2018

    Nancy, I love the rosebud! I could blow it up and put it on my wall--gorgeous!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Thank you Chris, that means a lot to me. Have a safe beginning of your road trip tomorrow.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2018

    Nancy you are so right about surrender. The Lord has spoken with me about that several times but as you said it is extremely hard when the matter is so important and you look at the consequences should prayers not be answered as we pray. James said he wonders if the stent is closing. It is the smallest they make because the vessel is so small. It's blockage is what caused his 2nd heart attack just 2 weeks after his open heart surgery and they told him they can't go in again this close to his surgery - so he feels like he is doomed. Not one of the 3 physicians has really gone to bat for him to get the medication he desperately needs in over a year. This is affecting us both and I am terrified to lose him.

    Your flowers are simply exquisite! I surely hope your little companion is not hiding her goodies somewhere else now. They're such stubborn little things - much like us! Sometimes when we're on the porch a hummer will come and just hover in front of our faces to study us. It just takes your breath away! One of the joys of life - and we NEED those don't we!

    Chris, blessings on your trip!

    Cindy, hope you're resting and healing well and get GOOD news!

    Joanne keep us posted - we're still lifting you up in our prayers.

    Praying for all of you dear sisters, may the Lord meet all of your needs and hold you close.


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited July 2018

    Ade, is there a patient advocate you can contact?

    I don't know - and maybe I'm jaded at this point - but I think once we get to a certain age, some insurance companies and medical facilities just give up on us. I don't know what their rationale is but I wouldn't be surprised if it's: "Well, s/he is over 70. They're probably gonna kick soon anyway, given their condition and co-morbidities. So why should we cough up extra insurance money for another procedure."

    I hate that we live in a world like this.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2018

    Lita perhaps you're right. He can only take two anti-cholesterol drugs - both fairly new and extremely expensive ($1,500/month) and neither the VA or Medicare wants to cover it. We even have the parts F & D Medicare. His cardiologist's nurse has supposedly applied for a type of grant from the pharmaceutical companies but he keeps getting turned down. (IF she did it!) However THIS is the nurse who SAID they had "plenty of samples" so to meet them at a clinic an hour away and she'd give them to him "until the paperwork came through". We traveled there and - oops they're OUT of them. Then she said she would MAIL them (Their office is 3 hours drive away) when the med samples came in again. Well we haven't gotten a thing. James has an appointment with the cardiologist next month and I think the Doctor needs to know his nurse seems to be dropping the ball on this IMPORTANT matter of meds. IF James' stent is closing it could have maybe been prevented with either of the 2 meds had they been started soon after surgery. The doc said he wanted James on them. We are kind of financially stuck - make too much for free meds but not enough to afford that much a month on top of other meds, hospital bills and insurance premiums on a fixed income with prices going up all the time. We just need a breakthrough from the Lord on this before it is too late. (Or an advocate who can get it done!) Thanks Lita!

  • Cindymb
    Cindymb Member Posts: 101
    edited July 2018

    I got my drain removed and bandages off today. Received good news that the margins were clear and nothing showed in my lymph nodes.

    I feel so undeserved of the Lords mercy but thankful to be used by Him. This trial has changed me forever. I pray that Ill continue to see all of life's blessings, great and small.

    I pray for all of you daily. Thank you for praying and being here for me even as you go through your own trials. You are Jesus' hands and feet. ❤

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Cindy, that is GREAT news and I imagine you are breathing a little easier now. Will you have any further treatments? I have a friend who they gave the option of 5yrs on an AI or radiation and she chose the AI and is doing great.

    I have a miracle to report. Yesterday I was very discouraged with my cat as I could not see anyplace in the house she had gone to the bathroom. She usually deposits her number 2 outside the box in her room but nothing.

    I lined her floor with new kitty pads that I bought plus the doggie pee pads that she won't even step on. I have made a special effort to play with her more etc. Anyway last night she did BOTH in her litter box. She hasn't done that here at my house for years. (At my Mom's house she uses the box faithfully) So I am praising God. A friend of mine prayed with me and felt this was a spiritual battle so I am handling it as such.

    Ade, it sure does sound like this nurse has given you the brush off regarding these meds. I would press the doctor and keep pressing. I know there are ways of getting the pharmaceutical company to pay but not sure how that works. We all continue to lift you up. I know how discouraging you must feel. I pray that the Lord will wrap you in His loving arms of peace and give you hope this day. We pray this fever in James will be gone!

    Joanne, you know we are praying for you as well. I feel that God in several of our circumstances is stretching our faith and in the end we will know the purpose for our suffering if not in this life in the next. I know that hearing that can be little comfort when we are currently suffering but I have seen God give me peace when I have me in agony over my cat. I pray that He will do the same for you. I am believing the end will be in sight for your arm infection and that you will be stronger for it.

    Lita, how are you doing?

    Chris, we are praying for your road trip.

    Lisa, how are you doing?

    Faith, we are lifting you up regarding all of the challenges you are facing with your health and with the stress of this bathroom remodel.

    Hershey, how are you doing?

    Jean, how are things with you?

    Take care dear sisters. This is my ministry partner and my day to minister at the assisted living facility on the Alzheimer's floor. It is a blessing and a challenge.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Let's also pray for some that are more behind the scenes but do pray for us.

    Ellen needs prayer for what she believes is spiritual warfare going on with relationships with her DH and his children. Let's continue to pray for a victory in this area and for restored relationships.

    Angie (from the West coast) actively prays for the ladies here with their church ministry of which she and her DH lead. I know she has offered to take prayer requests in the past and we are so appreciative of this even though she does not actively post like in the past. She is a busy woman.

    Angie (from the South) needs our prayers. She is a nurse and as my memory serves was having a difficult time with the younger nurses who didn't understand how fatigued she was from treatments. I don't know if she ever got disability but we are praying for you too.

    I know we have had some new members pop in and we welcome any updates from all of you.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    I want to have a special prayer for Debbie (Foots) knowing that she struggles with her health but rarely asks for prayer. She has been so gracious of her time and efforts on BCO for so many years and has blessed so many people on this thread and her other threads. Debbie, know that we all love you very much and miss when you don't post your lovely poems and prayers. I pray that you and Faithful Grace (her service dog) are being strengthened by the Lord even when you feel your own strength failing you at times. We pray for the breathing issues that you have and the thyroid issues that are a big concern. Lord give Debbie a respite from all of her challenges and I pray that your joy and peace would flood her heart this day. Amen



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Teka, how are you doing? I know you like to take breaks from the threads from time to time but you are in our thoughts and prayers.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2018

    Greetings my dear ladies. I don't post as much as when in active treatment but read every day and pray for all of you. I am serving at VBS this week and my great granddaughter Valentina is attending. She is 3 1/2 and doesn't attend church. Please pray that she will be touched by Jesus this week and for energy for me. Love, Jean

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2018

    Healing Power

    God never allows a burden 

    Too difficult to bear. 

    All things are for a purpose

    And God gives us in His care.

    We thank God for His grace

    His love is always there,

    And He forgives, as we forgive

    God presence--we declare.

    All healing power God offers,

    Do not doubt or fear--

    Just ask the Lord to help You,

    The Bible makes it clear.

    God listens as we pray,

    He is our guiding light.

    Trust in God's power and love-

    All things will turn out right.

    I, the Creator, who gave them life. 

    Peace, peace to the far and near, 

    says the Lord; and I will heal them. Isaiah 57:19

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2018

    Sweet Release

    Dear Lord, I thank Thee for this day

    And for Thy tender care;

    I come to Thee on bended knee

    And call on Thee on prayer.

    Dear Lord, I thank Thee for this day

    And all my gracious friends;

    I look around at those I love

    With joy that never ends.

    Dear Lord, I thank Thee for this day;

    Come fill me with Thy peace;

    Oh, hold me in Thy gentle hand,

    And grant me sweet release. By Hope C. Oberhelman

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Thank you Joanne for your kind words. You know I am still praying for you for and end to this. Cammie has done ALL of her business in her litter box for the past two days. This is truly a miracle. The vet told me last year that if she was doing number two outside her box all this time there was little hope of her changing. When God steps in He can do anything He wants and I am SO thankful. I asked for wisdom in changing things and I believe God showed me ways of changing things to make Cammie happy.

    Jean, I pray for Valentina to come to the Lord. You never know what might happen. She could end up being the influence her Mom needs. That is how it worked in my family. It was first me and then every one else.

    Teka, welcome back. Thanks for your banner. I love Mark Twain. I hope you had a good respite and enjoyed the last few weeks. One of my neighbors is from NY and going to her HS reunion in a few weeks. She has been communicating with a guy "friend" for quite some time. They will meet up soon. I feel like I am in the middle of a soap opera. LOL I get a new episode every time I am out and see her.

    Debbie, so glad to see your posts. I can so relate to your words today. Thank you for sharing those. I pray that you are doing okay.

    Take care dear sisters.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2018


    I asked God to strengthen me-

    I prayed all through the night.

    For I have heavy burdens to bear

    That may not turn out right.

    And then God did answer me;

    " The burdens will not stay;

    Just trust in my Word and keep the faith-

    I will lead the way.

    And believe you will have strength--

    You are in my care.

    There are churches for worship and songs to sing-

    Blessing are yours to share."

    And, then I quickly realized-

    If burdens come my way....

    Faith will shield me- God is there-

    Answers come as I pray.    By Edna Massumilla

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    I guess this banner was meant to be. I realized after saving it I had already used it a few weeks ago. I know this is reflecting my own personal journey in faith for now.

    Debbie, that post is really hitting home for me. I have heard God say to me so many times these past few weeks to "Just trust Me". Faith is believing without seeing. Then when answers do come it builds our faith muscles so much in the stretching of them.

    God bless all of you today. Going to a visitation and funeral today for a very remarkable man.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited July 2018

    Ladies, I've been praying for all of you and adding a special prayer for Joanne and her LE problems. Jo, I also have some LE so I follow that thread and have seen all that you are going through. I can't imagine how awful this has been for you. I get a little swelling and some itching and start to get worried about it. I sure wish you could find a qualified therapist. It makes such a difference. I'm so lucky there is one on staff at the hospital I go to. By any chance is there a massage therapist in your area that also has some lymph drainage experience? I have one I go to on occasion who will also do the lymph drainage. I've never had her do it but I've been thinking about it lately to see if my whole body might feel better. The downside is none of it is covered by insurance.

    Ladies, I do have to ask for more prayers tonight as I'm having some GI issues and some weird side effects from the AI that I'm on. My body just hates the lack of estrogen and it is playing havoc with all parts of me. I also have an eye exam tomorrow that I need to get to as I cancelled the one I had two weeks ago because of an asthma attack. I can't cancel again since I'm overdue already and I've had a few issues there too

    Debbie, your words are always a comfort and I thank you for them.

    Nancy, thanks also for today's beautiful banner.

    Sending love and prayers,

    Faith ( in the future

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Joanne, you know we are praying for you. This has truly been a living nightmare for you and I am praying that God will intervene and stop whatever is causing this in your arm. In the mean time as you wait for an MRI I pray that you will hang on to the Lord with everything fiber of your being. Yes, the Lord knows exactly how you feel and I would tell Him just that and ask that He would comfort you and heal you and give you peace in the now!

    Faith, I pray for your GI distress and your other symptoms of your AI. I can certainly relate to all of that. I am praying that you will find things that will help alleviate some of your symptoms. I know you have been dealing with so much for such a long time. I pray that you will be able to make your eye apt. tomorrow and get a good night's rest and wake up tomorrow feeling much better.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2018

    Hang In There

    Smile, be happy, laugh a lot,

    Don't shed another tear;

    A wonderful life is wating for you,

    So face it without fear.

    There'll be problems to solve, hurdles to cross,

    Work hard and know you can cope.

    With God at your side, Him as your guide

    Each day will bring you new hope.

    Days will pass by and turn into years,

    The ache in your heart soon will heal;

    Keep your faith and know that God always cares,

    So tackle each new day with zeal.

    Courage my friend, and trust be with you,

    Accomplish each task with a grin;

    Hang in there, you will make it I know,

    Remember your God, you have Him.   By Ruth Gilmour

  • Cindymb
    Cindymb Member Posts: 101
    edited July 2018


    I am ER+ so i know medicine for that plus radiation. The cancer is grade 3 though. Im thinking chemo will be discussed at my first oncologist visit next week. Appreciative of your prayers. 🤗 Cindy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Thank you Debbie for encouraging my heart with that post.

    Cindy, have you had an oncotype genome test? If you are early stage this test helps the MO decide if you need chemo or not. I would definitely ask about that. I am sure there are articles on BCO regarding this test. You can do a search and can read about the test if you are not familiar with it. My MO wanted me to do the test and pretty much said don't worry about insurance. My insurance did pay for it.

    How are you feeling after your surgery? Hopefully healing without any complications. Take care and let us know how we can pray for you.



  • Cindymb
    Cindymb Member Posts: 101
    edited July 2018

    Thank you Nancy. I am doing very well. God is good. They didnt mention that particular test but i remember my ki-67 percentage was high at the initial pathology from the biopsy. I will definately ask about it with the MO. Of course I would rather not get chemo but am willing to do whatever i need to. 🤗

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2018

    I am struggling with the 9,000 ' altitude here with headache and extreme fatigue. Doesn't help that I have picked up a cold. At least I don't have to do anything so I can sit, crochet, and read surrounded by God's beauty. The trip so far has been good. We are here for 4 days with my DH conference in a beautiful condo on the mountain,then will drop to 6,000' of Colorado Springs. I am reading all the posts and praying for your needs.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Chris, I am sorry that you are having altitude sickness. I have been praying for you and sure hate to hear that. I have only experienced that once in CO and I just couldn't breathe very well but I wasn't staying overnight at that particular height. I am sorry you have caught a cold too. I hope that you feel much better soon and I am glad you will be at a lower altitude eventually. In the mean time I hope you can try to relax and enjoy your beautiful surroundings as much as you can. Praying you feel much better soon.



  • Cindymb
    Cindymb Member Posts: 101
    edited July 2018


    I am praying for you 🤗


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited July 2018

    Thank you all for your prayers, I woke up feeling a little better today and was able to get to my eye doctor appointment. At least all is well on that front. I've been worried about glaucoma since my dad had it and the AI can raise your eye pressure.

    Chris, I'm sorry to hear about your altitude sickness. That is no fun! We were visiting one of our daughters who lives in Idaho and went higher up into the mountains one weekend. I got up in the middle of the night to get a drink of water and just passed out. I went to stand up and passed out again. Luckily I was a little younger and didn't hurt anything in the fall. So, I know how awful that altitude sickness can be, take care of yourself and sending prayers for a safe and happy uneventful rest of your trip.

    To everyone, you are all in my prayers daily.

    Faith (in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2018

    Faith, I am glad you made it to your eye apt. and that things are good on that front. One step and one issue at a time. Thankful for that answered prayer.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2018

    Reach Out For the Almighty

    Reach out for the Almighty

    Like a child lost in a crowd.

    When troubles leave you helpless,

    He will rescue you from doubt.

    Reach out to the Almighty

    Like a seagull seeking shore.

    His path is pure and simply,

    And you need find nothing more.

    Hold on to the Almighty

    Like a pilgrim seeking home.

    The world is dark and hurried,

    And the ship is not our own.

    Hold on to the Almighty

    Like the lonely to a friend

    His light will be a beacon,

    And His love will never end..   John Zurn

  • Cindymb
    Cindymb Member Posts: 101
    edited July 2018

    Amen! 🤗

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2018

    Do not worry about tomorrow,

    tomorrow will take care of itself.

    Matthew 6:34

    Fear not, I am with you; be not

    dismayed; I am God.

    I will strengthen you and help

    you, and uphold you with My right

    hand of justice. Isaiah 41:10

    You are my God, I give You thanks;

    my God, I offer You praise.  Psalm 118:28