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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited March 2012

    Thank you, Kathy. I've battled with clinical depression and anxiety since high school - 50 some years of it. Antidepressants don't do anything but put on more weight that I can't take off. So I have learned to cope in other ways. Often singing praise songs or thinking of scripture helps. Getting busy helps.

    It's just a weird kind of depression this time. Lots of anger and irratability and agitation alternates with the numbness. I know it will go away since it always does. I've been on xanax for years for anxiety, but take as little as possile, mostly to help me sleep now. It isn't helping this itchy nerve thing or the irriation. My husband is supportive. I just tell him it isn't him; I'm just agitated. Our poor dog has it the worst. He can tell by my tone of voice that I'm not in a good mood, so he hides. That pooch is a laugh a minute.

     I did read that the side effects get better for some people, but this leg swelling is a rare one and I haven't found anyone who knows if it gets better or worse. And I do know that for many all the SEs get worse. I hope I can get into the Block Center for advice. Still waiting for a call. They do a complete history and combine the total picture, using conventional meds and nutritional; whole body thing.I would feel better about it all if I can find an Onc I can trust.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012

    Dear Peggy, please keep us informed!!! If it helps to come here more often, that is great. I know, I come here to feel peace and encouragement. Have a blessed day and I so admire your strength. Kathy

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Peggy:  So sorry you are having all these health issues with your Al treatment.  It's bad enough to battle bc without having to put up with this tourture for five years.  I pray that you can find something to take that will help and give you the least SE's as possible.  I'm 71 also, and I know I am not going to put up with intolerable SE's and give up QOL.  I was on tamox, but went off it when I got a cold because I didn't know what was causing the horrible flu like symptoms.  A cold doesn't usually do that to me, and immediately after I went off the tamox, the symptoms went away.  I'm going to give it one more try and if it happens again...goodbye tamox!

    I went for my routine eye exam yesterday and found that my macular degeneration has advanced and I need to see a retina specialist...what else!  That was the last thing on my mind, so it kinda threw me for a loop.  I got online last night and saw that there were new treatments to stop the progression, so hopefully some of those will help me.  I still see pretty good, just not too well at night, so I don't drive at night if at all possible.  I'm praying for something to come along that will stop this disease in it's many are afflicted with it in old age.

    Have a blessed weekend everyone. 

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012
    Dear Jo-5, Boy, you are so right about  the Vitamin D, I was so low and that was contributing to my blue mood. I was put on a supplement and I am noticing the difference already!!!! Prayers are coming your way for all your check-ups and scans. You will be NED!!!! 8 years out, whoo,hoo!!!!!!! Smile Kaara, I am so sorry to hear about your progression with your eyes, thankfully your vision is still pretty good, but prayers are coming your way. I wish you  a blessed weekend as wellWink
  • eag1954
    eag1954 Member Posts: 119
    edited March 2012
    Glad to know this thread exists and would love to be part of it...can't make it without Him!!!Innocent
  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012

    Hi, Elizabeth, welcome to this wonderful and supportive thread!!! You are so right, we can not make it without HIM!!!!!!! IN HIS Name!!!! Kathy

  • seacretgardn
    seacretgardn Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2012

    Peggy, you have lifted me up when I was in such need, and I want you to know you are in my prayers and I trust that God will bring you where you need to be for the relief you seek.

    To all you other wonderful ladies here, prayers and hugs,


  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited March 2012

    First, I want to thank everyone for prayers and encouragement.

    Jo, antidepressants have never worked for me, I have tried at least two dozen over the years, including many new ones. Many have horrible side effects, like hallucinations, mania, nerves on fire. Other's just don't work. My last try was a year and a half ago. I took it for two months without any difference, went off, and a week later the depression was gone. It's likely that I'm bipolar 2 - which would account for the on again off again depression. The manic side for me is other folk's normal. ;)

     When my primary care doc took blood tests to rule out other causes for the leg swelling, I asked for a viatmin D test. It was "ok" they said. I've been taking a supplement for a couple of years.

    Joe, I pray to the merciful God that all your March tests go well.

    Kaara, if I were younger, especially if I were still raising children, I would put up with any side effect to be there for them. But at this point I need more information to decide. I agree with you, QOL means something more now.

    I hope the retina specialist can help you. I have a 94 year old aunt who can only see shadows now (her problem was glaucoma) but she lives on her own, her son coming by every day. Her health is good (no arthritis!) and she won't see doctors. She isn't on any meds. I remember reading about macular degeneraltion because it is a concern as we age. I think I saw some nutritional advice, but can't remember it now. You might want to check that out as you research. Few can see well at night, in the older crowd. My forty five year old daughter won't drive at night.

    Laura, I am very gratefuly for your prayers and the prayers of everyone here. It's doubly important when a person can't pray for themselves.

    I have started the process for an appointment at the Block Center in Illinois. Thought of it when I first realized I was not very happy with my Onc - no interest in current research or nutrition. The Block Center uses integrative med. I will be seeing an oncologist, nutritionist, spiritual whatever (had better be Christian!). They do a complete work up and practice conventional med and new techiques for chemo that have been shown to be helpful. (Hopefully I won't need the chemo part.)

    For now I'm off the armidex. This is the first day without. I hope my swelling goes down. It is quite painful. The Block Center spends a half day with you after having you fill out a long questionaire before you go. They treat the whole person and listen to you, working with your concerns, which is more than my Onc ever did. They will also work with your home doctor, or find one for you that will work with them.

    As for spiritually. I can't read my devotional or the Bible because it seems to make me angry. But even in the irritable anger, I know that God loves me and is for me and with me. Strangely I seem to know that more right now than I did before. I try to say, "Hi" to him a few times a day. :)

    This has become long. I seem given to long posts. I love you all. May God's richest blessings surround you!


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012
    How is everyone doing today. You have all been in my thoughts and prayers. I feel so blessed to be a Christian and know that our Lord surrounds me every day. No matter what our limitations are, our Lord gives us the courage to go on. I see that in all of you and for that I Thank you all!!!!!! God bless you all, KathySmile
  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited March 2012

    I love Isaiah 61:3. He gives us the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. I need to hear that sometimes.

  • ATeamNana
    ATeamNana Member Posts: 224
    edited March 2012

    Hi everyone..I've been on this board before but it has been awhile.

    I'm home sick today so thought I'd pop i to say HI.

    This is always such an encouraging site...I Lurk but dont' post much.


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited March 2012

    Hey Marsha, good to see you here again. Lurking is okay. I hope you recover quickly and saying a prayer for you right now.

  • ATeamNana
    ATeamNana Member Posts: 224
    edited March 2012

    Thanks Rocket...I am feeling much better.  Marsha

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Marsha:  Feel better and pop in anytime!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012
    Good morning, everyone, I would like to lift up Patoo, in prayer!!!!! She had posted that she had a rash on her leg that was warm and red to the touch. Praying that she has been seen by a doctor soon. I told her I thought it might be cellulitis, since I have it twice!!!  Thank you, and I hope Patoo does not mind that I posted her concern, I was just worried and felt I needed to connect with my Sisters in Christ!!!!
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Praying for Patoo!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Just when you think you might have turned the corner, lo and behold, something else is lurking out there to give you concern.  I went for my routine eye app't and was sent to a retina specialist because the doc thought he saw fluid behind my left eye.  Sure enough, I have wet macular degeneration in my left eye and to keep from going blind in very short order, I must begin having monthly injections into my eye.  It is what it is, but I just didn't need this right now while I'm still recovering from bc.  On the bright side, there is treatment today for this, when ten years ago there was nothing.  My DS and DIL are coming down Sunday to pray with me, so that I will feel peace when I go for my first injection on Monday.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012

    Oh, my goodness, Kaara, you have so much on your plate right now. I am sorry to hear about your dilema, but you sound so strong and your faith is unwavering. Prayers are being lifted up for you right now. May our Lord surround you with His unwavering love for you and reveal to you why this is happening right now, and may He surround you also with just  the right medical staff that  will heal this condition. Please keep us posted. God bless you!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Kindergarten:  Thank you so much...your touching words made me cry, but they are tears of love, not sadness.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    JO-5:  If your friend's MD is wet, she needs to get right to the specialist, because it can cause blindness very quickly and these series of injections will stop the progression.  If it's the dry variety which I had for many years, you just have to watch it carefully and make sure it doesn't turn to the wet variety, which means there is bleeding under the retina.  Only 15 to 20% of people go from dry to wet...lucky me...I drew the short straw.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    JO-5:  I'm so sorry for your daughter...will pray for her.  Effexor is a anti depressant, and very addicting, so I don't know why it is being used to treat hot flashes and other such symptoms.  There must be other more natural things that work better and don't have those SE's. 

    We shouldn't be so quick to trust our doctors...they are too quick to use these addictive substances on patients and many of them are compensated for prescribing these drugs.

    Praying that God gives her strength during this time of challenge, and that with His help, she is able to remove this powerful drug from her system once and for all. 

    My eye injection went fine today.  I was calm and at peace and it was over before I knew it.  The worst part was the betadine that they drop in the eye prior to the injection to sterilize the eye.  It really burned for about two hours after.  Now I just feel like I have a grain of sand in my left eye, but it's bearable.  Thanks for all the prayers...they helped! 

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012
    Dear Jo-5, I am so sorry to hear about your daughter!!! I have never taken Effexor, so I am not sure about the withdrawal symptoms, but I will certainly pray for her. May our Lord deliver her from this  diffucult situation. Kaara, so happy that your injection went well, and prayers are coming for relief of any discomfort that you are having. Blessings to you both, Kathy
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2012

    Hi all, especially my twin JO-5!  Kaara thanks for posting your thoughts about me.  I think I reported on other threads that when I went to my primary on Friday afternoon she sent me directly to the ER because she wanted to rule out blood clots (ultrasound returned negative).  So it is cellulitis and I'm on an antibiotic.  However it's been three days and the swelling is still there and the leg is still tender in spots so I'm not sure if it's working.  It didn't help that I walked in NYC all day Saturday and did a lot of walking yesterday as well.  So I will give it another day or 2 before I decide to go back to her.  It still itches like crazy as well.  Bought some benedryl gel to rub on it tonight. 

    JO-5, so sorry about the break-in.  Happened to me over 20 years ago but I still get mad when I think of someone taking stuff I worked hard to get.  I do have an alarm system although my neighborhood is relatively safe.  Sad we have to do that.  Sending prayers up for your DD and you, her worrying mama.

     Everyone else, saying a prayer right now as I type that the God we all know and love will bless you with a peace that surpasses everything you have ever experienced to date.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012
    Dear Patoo, I am so glad that you are healing. I pray that you never have it again. I have had it twice, but I am on a maintenance antibiotic. You are such a strong lady and so kind!!! Jo-5, I am so sorry to hear about your dear daughter. When our children are suffering, we suffer, and I am praying that she can get into the doctor sooner. You as well are strong and kind to everyone. Our Lord has his arms wrapped around the both of you!!!!!! Have a blessed day!!! Kathy
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    I've never had cellulitis, but it must be very uncomfortable.  Patoo, sending you prayers and lots of positive healing energy!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2012

    Thanks everyone.  Probably going to call the doc tomorrow because even though it's no longer red and hot, nor painful, it still itches like crazy and my ankle is still swollen.  Of course I've done a lot of walking the last couple of days and went for a walk/run after work tonight.  now have it elevated with an ice pack. 

    JO-5, my allergy doc put me on Allegra a about 2 weeks ago since the season started early.  I also do a nasal antihistamine and eye drops so i really can't add Benedryl or Claritin. 

    Thanks all for your good wishes. 

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2012

    Before the day starts, I just wanted to say hi to everyone here and wish you all a very blessed day. Iwant to share this with you all as you start your day: Eternal Father, thank you for the glimpses of eternity in our time-bound lives. God bless you all, Kathy

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2012

    Oops!  Okay twin, no more until the swelling goes away.  I think the rash will leave marks so going to find a dermatologist.  Interestingly, sawprimary  doc (actually it was her PA) twice and neither time did she advise me to elevate - did that, and iced,  on my own.

    Kathy, thanks for the prayer.

    Blessings all.

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219
    edited March 2012

    Ladies....Have been reading through this thread, and really encouraged to see unashamed followers of Christ in such great support of each other. Yes, I'm middle age (52) and Christian, and I really don't know why I've not posted here before.

    I'm just curious, do any of you know what happen to the lady that started this thread ( spar2 )? She hasn't posted since October.

    Blessings to was the most beautiful "Spring" day in Northwest Arkansas today!!


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited March 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Jo-5, I am sorry your DD is having such a difficult time getting off Effexor XR. I was on the regular Effexor and not the extended release. I had a terrible time on that drug! My onc prescribed it for hot flashes and it worked very well for that, but I felt like a deadened zombie most of the time. I weaned myself off VERY slowly. I cut small amounts off of each pill that I took to cut the dosage down more slowly. I didn't cut a dose out altogether until I had the dosage way down. It took me over a month to taper off the drug. I don't know if the Effexor XR is a pill or a capsule. A capsule would be difficult to reduce in tiny amounts the way that I did with the pill form. I pray that she starts feeling better quickly. I told my onc that I would NEVER take that drug again.

    Lord please help Jo's daughter to recover from this medication. Encourage her and let her feel Your peace and presence. I pray that she would be well quickly. Help dear Jo too as she has a mother's heart and hurts watching her daughter struggle.

    Patoo, please take care of yourself. We need you as you are such an inspiration to all of us. I hope that you are on the mend even as I type this.

    Lord please bless Patoo and help her to get well. Restore her health Lord and ease the itching and swelling from the cellulitis. I pray that the antibiotics would be effective. Please give her patience and strength to endure.

    Welcome Joni. You have found a very loving and Godly group of sisters in Christ here. They never fail to uplift and encourage me.