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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    Kathy:  Keeping you in prayer and hope that your eye difficulties can be resolved without too much difficulty.  Fortunately for those of us who do have eye issues, there is treatment today where there was none many years ago.  I'll be getting another injection for my AMD in my left eye, but not until I get back from vacation on the 23rd.  I didn't want to take a chance that something would happen and I wouldn't be close to the eye doctor for tx.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter...mine was awesome....little grands loved their egg hunt with grandma and the food was delicious if I do say so myself!  Most of it was made a day ahead, and my boyfriend grilled the rack of lamb, so it was easier for me. 

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2012

    Thank you, thank you for your prayers, The eye doctor found another huge floater in my left eye, but he told me not to worry, just going to watch it. Our God is an awesome God!!!! Kaara, I hope your eye issues remain stable as well, you are one brave woman, receiving those injections in your eye, thank you for your prayers and concern, I will continue praying for you as well. Jo-5, Thank you for your prayers as well!!!! I will definitely lift up your dear friend in prayer, nothing is impossible with our Lord. Please keep us posted!!! Hugs and blessings to all of you, Kathy

  • sheri56
    sheri56 Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2012

    Is there room for one more here? I am 55 years fact when I was diagnosed both my primary doctors said age was on my side when it came to breast cancer treatment.

    I am one year out of treatment. In fact, one year ago today I completed my last radiation treatment. It has been a long and difficult year but I am hanging in there. When this all started I never dreamt how much it would effect my life. I must say I am a much stronger person because of breast cancer and I've meet the most amazing people on this journey.

    I know God is with me every step of the way. He gave me strength and when I thought I couldn't handle any more, He held my hand and gave it a big squeeze!

    Looking forward to checking in here on a regular basis!

    Wishing each of you peace and happiness!



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2012

    Hi, Sheri!!! and welcome to this wonderful thread!!! The women here are very caring, supportive and prayerful!!! I just love your avatar, "Wings of Hope". Congratulations, on being one year out of treatment!  Yes, God is with us every step of the way, and this is such a great place to give Him all the Glory and help each other through prayers. Have a wonderful evening!!!! Kathy

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited April 2012

    Welcome Sheri! It's always wonderful to see more ladies on this thread. This is such a loving and supportive group of Christian sisters.

    Kathy, sorry I was off the boards for a few days and missed your prayer request. I'm glad things are okay.

    Jo I am lifting up your friend and her biopsy. Praying that God will protect her from mets. Do keep us posted.

    Kaara, I pray that you are doing well.

    I love you gals. I know that any time I can come here for support, and we all need it don't we? You all have such a faithful ministry to others here. What a blessing it is. Please continue to pray for our home sale and move from the coast of NC to the mountains of NC. I also have a very tender spot near my mastectomy scar that also feels thickened. I called my onc's office today and hopefully they will call back soon. It's probably just scar tissue or LE, but it's always scary when we notice anything different.

    I appreciate all of you so much!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2012
    Dear Jo-5, prayers are coming daily for your dear friend, I am sure she is very stressed right now, please keep us posted. Thank you again for your prayers!! Rocket, thank you for your well wishes, and prayers are also coming daily for your move! I also had a hard and tender area near my left masectomy scar, onc felt it and said yes it is scar tissure, hardness is still there but pain disappeared after awhile,never did have a scan and that was almost 7 years ago. I also have LE in my left arm. I think it is all related. It is always good to have it checked out, don't you worry, hon!!! God is in control!!!! Hugs to you!!!!! Kaara, continued prayers for you as well!! Sheri, Wecome again, and I know you will find comfort, peace and support here. Thank you all for being such wonderful Sisters in Christ!!!!! Kathy
  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited April 2012

    Thanks so much Kathy. I'm trying very hard not to worry. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have such sweet friends like you.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2012

    Dear Rocket, Thank you for your kind words, you are also a very sweet friend who I look up to!!!!! That is what friends are for, to encourage, to lift up and to pray. I am so thankful for this wonderful thread and for the women here. God bless you, Rocket. Everything will work out, Our Lord has a wonderful plan for you and your family!!!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited April 2012

    Thank you all so much for your prayers! I went to my breast surgeon's PA today as I was getting kind of freaked out by this thickened area near my scar and my appointment with the surgeon isn't until next Wednesday. The PA did an ultrasound and she really believes it's lymphedema. I was so relieved I almost cried! When the PA told me I could lower my arm after the ultrasound was over, the pain in my upper arm and shoulder took my breath away. I had all I could do to lower my arm without yelling in pain.

    Interestingly, just before my appointment, I was sitting next to an older woman in the waiting room. She confided that her cancer was dx'd 4 years ago and was a stage 2. She is now a stage 4! I asked her if it was ER+ and she confirmed that it was. She was so nonchalant about it. She didn't seem upset in the least. She was so matter-of-fact! My cancer is a stage 2A and I was already in fear mode! When I saw the PA I told her how scared I was after talking with the lady in the waiting room. The PA told me that the lady had not treated her cancer aggressively like I had, so that backed my fear down a bit. I have been so overwhelmed lately with fighting pain, LE, exhaustion, taking care of my mom and her medical appointments, and trying to sell my house. I still feel badly that I was so focused on myself that I didn't say anything of comfort to the lady in the waiting room.

    Regarding the house, we had a showing today, and the person that looked at it wants to come again this Saturday. Please continue to pray that it will sell quickly if the Lord wills.

    I hope you are all doing well. I am praying for you and will continue. Have a blessed evening!

  • sheri56
    sheri56 Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2012

    Thank you for the warm welcomes! I am so happy I found this tread. I was looking for a place where others could relate to some of the feelings and emotions that have been going on inside my heart and mind. I think I've found. God work in amazing ways...

    Rocket....praying that your home sells quickly and without any problems. A move to the mountain sounds wonderful. My dream retirement home is in the mountains...someday I hope.

    I am glad your visit with the PA helped calm your fears and worries. One of the biggest changes breast cancer has brought to me, is the now constant fear of recurrence. Every little ache and pain has new meaning. I hope that fear resides a bit over time.....

    I wish each of you a peaceful and happy weekend. My hubby and I have no plans....which is nice as we need to start preparing for a trip to Florida! We leave next Friday. Can't wait to get away to some warm and sunny weather.

    Thanks for being here!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2012

    Dear Sheri, I can really relate to your fear of recurrence, year after year it does get better!!! Prayers are coming your way for calmness and peace. It does definitely get better with time. A friend of mine, would call me frequently during my treatment and tell me :Fear and Faith can not reside together. It helped so much. I am almost 8 years out, you will be too and many more. Have a wonderful time in Florida, and know now you have many praying for you and your biggest cheerleader is Our Lord!!!!

  • sheri56
    sheri56 Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2012

    Thank you Kathy! Your kind words touched my heart. I've added your little quote "Fear and Faith can not reside together" to a small spiral notebook I started when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer. It's full of sayings/quotes/bible verses etc. that I can read when feeling a bit down. I look forward to when I can say I am 8 years out...I know I am in good hands...God's hands!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited April 2012

    Hi Ladies.  May I join?

    Haven't had time yet to read all the posts, but what a great idea!  Even in the midst of chaos, He reveals a supportive remnant!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited April 2012

    Thanks Jo...

    I am 43, diagnosed within a week of 41....Happy Birthday to me! lol

    I was angry with God for awhile about it.  But He can handle my anger.  It took me two years to get where I am today.  I know BC is different for everyone, but in my case it has truly turned into a pivotal cornerstone in my relationship with Christ.

    I am not one of those women who gets diagnosed and has immediate peace about it, or immediate conversion, I was already a born again believer and had walked with the Lord for many years before diagnosis...  I went through all the grieving stages (which I think is important), but at the end, in His gracious wisdom, He's allowed me to be at peace (most of the time!) and to serve my cousin (who was diagnosed 12 months after me) and anyone else I come across in real life with what I've learned.

    I am a W.I.P (work in progress) until the day He calls me home.  :)  And most days, NOW, cancer can't suck the joy from the journey.  

    In Him,


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2012
    Dear J0-5, not only are you the voice of comfort and reason, but you are funny, too. You made me chuckle with the ice cream scoop visual!!!! God bless you!!!!! Welcome Tonya, you are just going to love this thread, and of course we are going to love you back!!Smile Just love your pretty avatar!!!! And you are not alone, I am and will probably always remain a work in progress, and I am almost 60, but each year that I celebrate NED, the joy increases and I know Who is responible, Our Lord. I have finally realized that He never promised us a rose garden every day while we are here on earth, but He promises to never leave us!! So much comfort knowing that, yes don't let cancer suck your joy. You were and are a survivor on the day you were diagnosed. God bless you!!!!!
  • snorfia
    snorfia Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2012

    Tonya: Glad to know there's another W.I.P. out there!  I was diagnosed at age 40, am now 41.  I felt a little strange about being an "older" woman, as I usually figure I'm about 12 to 14 y.o. in my mind. But I want to give glory to the LORD who redeemed me, loves me, and will carry me through to victory - and this is a safe place to do that.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited April 2012

    Thanks for the welcome!

    Jo I am so happy you are still thriving!  WOOT!  WOOT! 

    It is rainy and yuky here today....but I kinda like the down time.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2012

    JO-5, noooooooooooooooooo, not the iron.  I thought we had gotten over that hurdle with you!!!!  But, as my elder twin I have to respect that old habits die hard (or don't die at all) and just let you  be.

    Welcome TonLee, I love your statement "But He can handle my anger" - hope you don't mind, if I ever need it, that I use it.   He is my strength and I sometimes forget that He can handle anything I put before Him.  We are all W.I.P. (gonna use that too!)

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2012

    Thanks for the reminder JO-5 to keep people in all the bad weather in prayer.  Spar, ditto, hope all is okay.

    JO-5, okay, I will 'fess up - I'm going to do some ironing tonight but I learned from you and am careful to watch the cord.  But steaming a gauze shirt!!!! 

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited April 2012

    Welcome new ladies! It's so wonderful to see new faces/names here.

    As for sayings, mine is "Face it, chase it, erase it!" it is how I approached my diagnosis and aggressive treatment. I still do struggle with fear of recurrence. I think we all grieve on our own timetable and for me, grieving takes a while. I desire to glorify God in all that I do, and I'm very thankful God understands grief. There is nothing that we can do to make God love us more or less. He proved His love for us at the cross, allowing His own Son to die in our place that we could know an eternity with Him. What blessed assurance that is!

    As for the ironing, I'm with you Jo. I had to chuckle at your gauze shirt story. I did the exact same thing, only mind had some sequins on it, and when I blasted those wrinkles with my professional steam iron, I melted a few sequins!

    You Ladies are funny, creative, loving, genuine, and downright wonderful to get to know! I enjoy all of your posts and hope you know that I appreciate everyone's unique qualities and our sisterhood in Christ! May each of us experience His grace and peace tonight.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2012
    Hi, everyone, I hope you all are enjoying your Sunday!!!!! Jo-5, I still iron too!!!! fortunately, dryers are better now, but I also like the unwrinkled lookWink Hubby is retired, so don't have to iron everyday now. Love and appreciate all you wonderful women on this thread!!!!!! God is Good!!!
  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited April 2012

    It is amazing to me how there is such a difference in generations. 

    My lovely aunt (in her 70's) still lays out my uncle's clothes, and YES, irons too.  She dreads it.  Hates it...grumbles about it.

    Ironing...I've never had the patience for it.  When I was in the Air Force my husband (also active) ironed my uniform because I was SO BAD AT IT!  lol

    If it needs ironed, I don't buy it.

    But the smell of steam and starch brings back many lovely memories of me talking with my aunts as they ironed.....

  • sheri56
    sheri56 Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2012

    Good morning!

    I iron as little as possible. My Dad (age 92) bless his heart, still irons his shirts. He always wants to look his best...and I must say, he does a good job!

    Had a rough day yesterday. Has anyone here experienced vertigo? I had heard of it, then last November, I ended up in the emergency room with a bad case of it. Well yesterday, out of the blue, it surfaced again. Spent almost the whole day on the long as I didn't move my head I was OK. I pray this isn't something I will be dealing with on a regular basis. It's scary! Today, thank you Lord, I feel better. Trying to be careful not to get up or move my head too quickly.From what the doctor in the ER said, there isn't much you can do to prevent it. I really don't want to go to the doctor so I will wait and see how things go.....thanks for letting me vent!

    Not much planned for today. Hopefully, I will be able to get a nice walk in. Also, tonight is my weekly Weight Watchers meeting. I did well most of the week and then the weekend sort-of cancelled all that.....will find out soon, when I step on the scale if it went down....hopefully, at least a tiny bit.

    Wishing you all a day full of happiness!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2012
    Dear Sheri, Yes, I have experienced vertigo numerous times, when I was on blood pressure meds and aromasin. Since I have been off these meds, I have not had any symtoms!! It is always good to have it checked out, but prayers are coming your way for a solution. JO-5 was so right on about staring at a spot on the wall for a few seconds, doc told me the same thing!!!!!!Jo-5, you have an antique ironing board, that is so neat!!!!!! Again I am so blessed by this thread, the advice, the info and the prayers and friendship!!!!! Lord, when the storms of life are tossing me about, help me to remember that only YOU can say, Peace, be still." Mark 4:39 Lots of Hugs, Kathy 
  • snorfia
    snorfia Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2012

    When I had vertigo, my doctor prescribed meclazine, and it made me feel gross, but not so gross as the vertigo.  The thing that worked the best was Brandt-Daroff exercises. Very simple, painless "falling over" exercises that cause your brain to work with your inner ear more effectively.  Although it's probably best to check that there is no serious underlying cause first.

  • sheri56
    sheri56 Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2012

    Thanks for sharing about vertigo. It's a strange feeling.....I didn't do much yesterday....another day spent on the couch. I have been taking meclazine. Snorfia you mentioned it made you feel gross....thinking back, it is probably what was causing me to feel so sleepy. Been having a very hard time keeping my eyes open.Today, I think I am pretty much back to normal. Normal enough to go to my yoga class. I won't push it but I always feel better after that class!

    My dear hubby had to report to jury duty this morning. In our town, you serve for 2 months. During his 2 months he has been called in 4 times...each time he's had to sit in the court house as they picked a jury. He's never been picked! His jury duty ends at the end of April. And guess what? I was summoned to serve for May and June. First time ever!

    I praise God for this forum. What a special group of women....thank you!

    Hope your day is blessed! 

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2012

    Dear Sheri!!! Glad to hear that you are feeling somewhat better, a yoga class sounds good and relaxing, praying that each day gets better and better. I was called for jury duty once and was released on the same day, now that we have moved to CA, wondering if we will ever get called, too busy enjoying it here! Yes, this is such a wonderful forum, God is Good and hope your day is blessed as well. Hugs and Blessings to all the wonderful women here.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2012

    Dear Jo-5, I just lifted you up in prayer!!! Sorry, that you are going through this. Hoping you find relief soon. Hugs, Kathy

  • sheri56
    sheri56 Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2012 sorry to hear about your back pain. My prayers are coming your way. Praying you feel some relief from the pain very soon and for less pain in the future.

    Take care of yourself!


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited April 2012

    Hey Jo, glad you are getting some relief. I am praying that the pain continues to subside.

    Sheri, so glad you are feeling better too. I have Meniere's disease which causes vertigo and can also cause deafness. My sister has the disease as well. It is a miserable condition, but mine has been controlled with medication. It flares up now and then, and puts me in bed when it gets really bad. After my first chemo treatment I developed permanent tinnitus. I saw an ear specialist and he told me there was nothing he could do for the constant ringing I my ear. Just another side effect I have to live with, but it's better than cancer.

    I also am I need of prayer, again. I hope you Ladies never get tired of my requests. I saw the breast surgeon today about the thickened, painful area near my mastectomy scar and she ordered a bone scan for this Friday. I should have the results on Wednesday or Thursday of next week. The waiting drives me completely nuts. I would greatly appreciate your prayers.

    Thank you Ladies! Enjoy your evening.