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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2012

    Dear Rocket, I just lifted you up in prayer as I read your post!!! I know how the stress of waiting of waiting can wear you down. Try not to worry, but it is hard not to. I just have a feeling that it is just scar tissue. I have the same issue, but I am glad that your onc is so thorough. Please keep us posted. God bless you, Kathy

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited April 2012

    Thanks Kathy. I am so blessed to have so many wonderful friends/sisters here. God has given me the most awesome support group on this site!

  • sheri56
    sheri56 Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2012

    Rocket....The waiting is sooooo difficult. I pray God grants you peace during the upcoming week. Like Kathy mentioned, it's a good thing your doctor is thorough.  One thing that has helped me so many times on this journey is closing my eyes, taking several deep breaths, and calming my mind with peaceful thoughts. May God's healing hands be with you!  

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited April 2012

    Thank you Sheri. I might add that when I expect the bone scan results to come back, my husband will be out of town for work. Please pray that I will remain calm and that God will protect me. Thanks again!

  • tohisglory
    tohisglory Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2012

    Great idea - I too have NO IDEA how ANY HUMAN can get through this road without His Grace...My sisters have all been praying me through this and but for that, I know I wouldn've have come to my last treatment which is next week with a joyful heart.  I struggle, well, basically because blood flows through my veins which would make me human and we live in a fallen world.  I believe NOTHING COMES IN TO OUR LIVES WITHOUT FIRST GOING THROUGH HIS FILTER AFTER WE COMMIT OUR LIVES TO OUR LORD.  And so, who am I to argue with His allowing this in my life, as much as I was basically astounded the first three months and would wake up in a surreal state of astonishmnet.  I praise HIM that He has gotten me through.   I have a son who is 8 and a daughter who is 4 and would DO anything to be here for them.

     Keep praising HIM and He will never let you down.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2012

    I always wonder the same thing, if I did not have my faith throughout all my challenges in life, I would certainly feel lost and alone!!!!!  Enjoy your beautiful children!!!!! God bless you,tohisglory!!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited April 2012

    Thank you as always for the encouragement. I guess the reason this has me a little freaked out is because I had thickened breast tissue for five years in two different areas of my breast and they both turned out to be cancer after being reassured that it was only fibrocystic breast tissue. It also hurts, which I know is less indicative of cancer, but it hasn't hurt there before. My BS thinks it is more than likely due to the radiation treatments. I was also recently diagnosed with brachial plexopathy. Three fingers on the outside of my right hand go numb frequently and my arm is in constant pain. I take the meds and go for therapy, but none of it has helped to relieve it completely. I do know that God is in control of my life and that I am His child - loved completely. I too could never battle this stuff without Him by my side.

  • sheri56
    sheri56 Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2012

    Good morning...

    My prayers today are with you Rocket. Praying the bone scan will provide some answers for you. Also praying God will grant you some peace as you wait for the results.

    Tomorrow we head to Florida for a week. My hubby will be golfing and I will be relaxing with my dear sister-in-law. Very much looking forward to some Florida sunshine and warmer temperatures.

    But first I have to get through the dreaded airport security. I wear a prosthesis and in the past when I go through the body scanner, it shows up and raises questions by the security people. I also wear a compression sleeve and glove for my lymphedema. That leads to even more questions. I know I have nothing to hide but it's just another reminder of what we as breast cancer survivor have to deal with! Oh my....thanks for letting me vent once again!

    Wishing each of you a blessed day and week ahead!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2012
    Dear Rocket, I am also praying that you have a stressfree and peaceful weekend. Sheri, prayers for safe travel as you head to Florida. Have a wonderful time, I also wear a sleeve when I fly, but I think people are getting used to seeing them now, I hope anyway. And you are allowed to vent, glad we are all here to help and pray for one another!!!! Hugs to everyone here and have a very blessed weekend!!!! Our God is an awesome God, with wisdom, power and strength, and He is just a prayer away.
  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited April 2012

    I am having my bone scan at 3:30 today. The technician said that my doctor would have the result on Monday. I'm glad I won't have to wait long and my husband will be here as he doen't travel until Wednesday. Please pray for a good outcome.

    Thank all of you for praying so faithfully for me. Our God is in control and I know that. Blessed be His name!

    Sheri, right before you go into the security scanner, tell the TSA agent that you are wearing prosthetic breasts. I have never even been searched as long as I tell them ahead of time. I put on my sleeve as soon as I get past security. They searched my 87 year old mother and sister, but didn't touch me. Have a great trip.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2012

    Dear Rocket, I hope your bone scan went well, and please keep us posted. God bless you and I know everything is going to be just fine. You are such a faithful servant. Kathy

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2012

    Dear Rocket, I hope your bone scan went well, and please keep us posted. God bless you and I know everything is going to be just fine. You are such a faithful servant. KathySmile

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited April 2012

    I'd like to ask for prayer for Southern Soprano..she is here on this site and has a 3rd recurrence.  She has small children at home...and not a lot of support.

    Please pray for her now and when the Spirit brings her to your mind in the weeks ahead, for as long as it takes let's stand in the gap....

    Thanks ladies.

    Love you.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2012

    Dear TonLee, I just lifted Southern Soprano up in prayer. I will pray for her daily.Please let us know how she is doing. Blessings, Kathy

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited April 2012

    I do the same with immediate prayer Jo.  Thanks :)

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited April 2012

    JO, lifting you up in prayers for your back and southern soprano for strength, courage, wisdom and healing also rocket for her scan.  Just remember God is in control and he will never forsake you.  Life is still up in the air for me but I am just trusting in the Lord that it will get better and things will work out.  Hugs and love  spar2

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Morning gals...... Hello Spar!  So good to see you posting again.....  You know, I was thinking... Maybe in looking for a "church just for you" maybe you could find that peace in another way.

    Maybe you could go to a favorite place of one overlooking a lake, or a stream, or just a quiet place where you feel peaceful....and take an ipod, or something where you can listen to your favorite songs.....  I love this one, which I sent to you...

    And maybe you can find comfort and feel one with Him.  He will be wherever you go....not just in church!  I'll pray for you..........

    And hello Jo-5! xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    Happy blessed Sunday everyone!  Just returned from an awesome vacation so lots of catching up to do.

    Chevy...great post....and you are right...a special place and the right music can bring us closer to God.  My favorite place is on my deck in NC overlooking the Blue Ridge Mountains in the distance.  Soon we will be returning there for the summer.

    Prayers for all my sisters who are having challenges.  I send you prayers for peace and wellness, as well as the energy to fight the battles you are facing at the moment.  God is good and loves us all.

    I must read and catch up on all that I have missed while away.  Will write again soon!  Love to all. 

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2012

    Good morning, Friends!!! Hi, Spar, thank you for starting this wonderful thread and thanks for your post. I hope that you can feel the love and support from everyone here. Chevy, your post was very comforting. Hi, Kaara, so good to see you here this morning, so glad you had a wonderful vacation. Yes, prayers are being lifted up for everyone here and hoping you all find peace, comfort and strength just knowing We are His Children and He loves us all mightily.  Blessings to you all, Kathy

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited April 2012

    I've been struggling to find a church "home" for a long time.  I find one I like, but it's not the right fit for kids, etc, but I don't want to sin against God and forsake the assembly either.

    I attend Bible study at a church I felt luke warm toward.  The women are great, but..well it's too long a story...lets just say I wasn't satisfied with some aspects and wouldn't commit to it (though it has been my primary church off and on for 7 years when the urge strikes to attend Sundays).  Because of this luke warmness, many Sunday's saw me reading the paper and doing the crossword instead of going to worship.

    I planned on doing the same this morning.

    God had other plans.

    He woke me early.  I drank my coffee and finished the paper in a record breaking hour.  Switched on the radio and wondered what I was going to do with my day...and there was a sermon on falling away...falling away from Christ, falling away from the body.  This pastor believes the falling away has already started and basically said...look at the population of this country, look at how few people attend church, and times are GOOD, imagine how much worse if we had to say, risk our lives to gather in worship. 

    Then he went on to talk about the end time falling away.

    Ok God.  I hear you. And I feel your prompt. (The entire morning had a sense of "urgency" to it, I felt Him pushing me to get off my butt and go to church.  But I really didn't want to.)

    I was supposed to be trying a new church this week with a friend.  Ran into her yesterday (totally random) while shopping and said, "Meh.  I think we should post-pone it another week."  No reason other than I just didn't feel up to trying a new place.  And honestly, I was looking forward to a leisurely morning.


    So I grabbed a shower and started to get ready.  As I did so my conversation with God went something like this:

    Me:  "Ok Lord.  Do you want me to go to PP?  That service starts at 10:30.  Or do you want me to go to the new church, that service starts at 11:00?"

    Him:  Silence.

    Me:  "Well since I'm ready, and I have some budding relationships at PP, I'll just go there.  Lord, please, if this is the church you want me to attend, the place me and my family can grow, please give me a neon flashing sign.  I'm not testing you Lord, but if this is the place you will for us, would you let us sing "How great is our God" today, let it be played.  If I hear it, I'll know."

    So I arrived, saw some familiar faces, said hello, took my seat.  We worshiped for 15-20 minutes, but we didn't sing "How Great is our God."

    I kinda nodded my head and thought, ok, ok.  This isn't the place. 

    I sat down and settled in for a long service because the 4 & 5 year olds were doing their program today.  They were so cute.  Anyway, they sang two songs and then GUESS WHAT THEY SANG FOR THE THIRD?????

    That's right.

    They sang How Great Is Our God!  I couldn't believe it. 

    I sat there, mouth agape, and marveled.  Of all the songs they could sing, of all the contemporary songs they could sing....there are literally hundreds, thousands....but today, in that hour, it was the one I needed to hear.

    I am so humbled.  Blown away.

    I went immediately after service to the "welcome" meet and greet upstairs.  The pastor said, "hey I've seen you here for awhile.."

    I said, "You're gonna be seeing a lot more of me.  Today I'm committing to this church, to this body."  Then I told him about the song.

    You know the best part of talking to other believers?  They don't look at you like your trying to find meaning in coincidence.  He smiled and loved it!

    Now I understand God does not always answer me so directly, so quickly.  But it was so wonderful I couldn't keep it to myself!

    In Him,


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited April 2012

    Its been a while and I need to catch up and will do so later on.  As most know I had hip replacement surgery on Wednesday April 4th.  When I awoke on Thursday I was in a lot of pain.  I believe they were giving me Dauladin.  I did not see a doctor on Thursday.  When I complained on Thursday he stopped by on Friday to tell me I shouldn't be in much pain.  I had a bad reaction to the pain medicine and threw up everything in my stomach.  I did this in my sleep - they had to wake me up to tell me I had vomited everywhere.  On Saturday and Sunday they gave me two pints of blood.  They kept bring up meals with meat (I am a vegetarian).  They placed trays out of my reach, told me to "eat around the meat" and acted as if it was quite an inconvenience answering my calls for help.  I had very little to eat on Sunday (because of meat meals) when they shipped me off to the rehab center.  The next morning my blood sugar was 58!

    I had a huge fight with the charge nurse, could not get help when I rang, they still could not understand a vegetarian diet (I am so sick of peanut butter sandwiches - which is about all I had).  Then to top everything off, unbeknowst to me, the hospital had my medication for depression wrong so all along I had been getting only half my dose.  All that time I felt like I was crawling out of my skin and didn't know why.

    The most important thing is that I had a fight with my sister and aunt (because I was just out of surgery, in pain, alone, hurting and off my full dosage of Zoloft) and threw them out.  Not considering any extenuating circumstances, I did not hear or see them for the entire time (2 weeks) I was in rehab.

    I called my spiritual advisor because I was so hurt and angry.  I did not want to feel like that.  The thoughts I was thinking were not Christian.  He helped a whole lot.  My aunt finally stopped by after church and I was calm but everytime I brought up the subject of abandoning me, she said she was hurt that I threw them out.  I remained calm because I do not want to end the relationship I have with her but cannot come to forgiveness.

    Help me please.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Hi Kathleen....I usually don't post on this thread, but I know these women will always be here for you.  Man!  It sounds like you were in the Twilight Zone!  Or one of those Alfred Hitchcock programs, where if anything could go wrong, it will! 

    Your Sister and Aunt were probably not thinking like you were!  They didn't understand your pain and state of mind!   Yes, you probably hollered at them, and threw them out...but maybe, sometime soon, you can call, or explain to them  what you were feeling.  It probably hurt them also, so they stayed away..... And you felt abandoned.

    We can all forgive each other....just give it some time.   You have to talk, when you are ready, expecially because it is your Sister, and Aunt.   You went through an awful time.... Nothing was going right.... 

    So try & close your eyes and "listen".....  You are a Christian, and you can forgive.....  It doesn't do any good to hold onto hurt feelings.  

    Hope you can find some comfort and peace, for your own good.....

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2012
    Wow, Tonya, What a testimony, hold on to it, I am sure you will be repeating this great story over and over!!! What a beautiful new beginning in a new church. God bless you!!!!!! Kathleen! I feel so bad for you and all I can do right now is lift you up in prayer, knowing Our Lord Jesus is listening and wanting only the best for you!!! Hang on and Listen, as Chevy said, it will get better. Yes, Forgiveness definitely lightens the load and opens our hearts. God bless you!!!!!
  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited April 2012

    Chevyboy and Kathy ... thank you for your messages.  I am trying really hard to forgive.  I know they were hurt.  But to withdraw their support at a crucial time in my life was devastating.  Evidently, my sister has difficulty dealing with any emotion and my aunt has too many emotions - if that makes sense.  I will continue to pray for enlightenment and forgiveness.  He is great.  God bless all you sisters in Christ.

    By the way ... I call my time in the hospital and rehab facility Alice in Wonderland!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    Tonya:  Great testimony!  I love to hear stories like that...and I hope you find peace in your new church surroundings.  God is good and answers our prayers.

    Kathleen:  So sorry for all of your pain and suffering in the hospital...a place where we are supposed to go to be healed.  You received great advice...forgive and forget.  Life is too short to worry about those things...explain to your aunt and sister that your meds were not right and they should understand...if not....let it go and move on.

    Sending you prayers and positive healing energy! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Yes, kmccraw!  Alice in Wonderland sounds good, or maybe the "Haunted House of Horrors" Ha!  Yes, you were hurt and mad, and you probably "threw them out" in such a way as to hurt them also.  But it's done.  Done and over with........  Now just pick up the pieces and move on.  Hurt feelings, for whatever reason are like rose thorns in your heart..... ain't gonna do ya no good to hang onto that.

    Emotions are good, but everyone deals with them differently......  You might yell and scream, your Sis might go away and cry.  Your Aunt might get mad and just get silent.  That's life.  Sometimes apoligies don't even help.  They're just words.

    So if you don't want to keep all the hurt feelings going, just move on....  Be the bigger person and accept them back into your life....... Somewhere down the line, maybe you can talk about the "blow-up".... or maybe not.  But life is just so short, and precious....  every day is given to you, to make the best of it.  So just do it!

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited April 2012

    JO-5 ... yes, my sister is a doctor.  After discussing this with my Bishop, it occurs to me that she is uncomfortable with emotions and becomes either combative or retreats into her role as doctor.  The problem was I didn't need a doctor, I needed a sister.  The thing I am having the most diffuclty getting over is that I was completely abandoned by both women.  Not a visit, not a phone call, nothing.  I wouldn't do that to another human being even if I was angry with them.  Not in that situation.  So, I will take your advice and give it over to the Lord.

    Love to all and may God bless.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    I'm facing a bit of a challenge this evening...have to go to dinner at a friend of my BF's who I am not fond of as he recently abused his wife (now ex) threw her to the curb and now is involved with a new trophy girlfriend.  In the meantime the ex wife is living with her kids trying to survive:(  For some reason men seem to overlook these things...particularly when the other guy is a golfing buddy.  I must go for my BF and play nice, but it is going to be very hard for me if he says one word about his sweet ex wife that I am still friends with.  I can't blame the new girlfriend...she wasn't the cause of the breakup, but I wonder what's in store for her down the road and if she knows this guy is capable of violent behavior. I am praying that I find the right words to deal with this situation should it come up.  I feel like I'm caught up in a TV episode of "What Would You Do".

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited April 2012

    JO-5 ... again, you are the voice of reason!  I know it will take some time, but eventually it will be resolved.  No, I am not staying with my sister - if I were it would certainly be awkward!  I have a small apartment in Rockville, MD (Maryland provides much better service for seniors than Virginia).  I am taking the steps necessary for my rehabilitation but it is frustrating.

    Kaara ... I guess smacking him is neither legal or christian!  Some people, however, seem to beg for it!  Good luck - stay calm and this too, shall pass.  If he brings up his ex-wife I would simply say that I was not comfortable discussing someone who is not present.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    Ladies....I LOVE your ideas for replies...if only I had the!  I promised I would go just this once as a favor, so I'll keep my word.  I do however have one card up my sleeve.  They are engaged and I understand he's had second thoughts about that, so at some appropriate time during the evening I'm going to ask all innocent and such..."So...when's the big day?"  Hehehe!  I'll only do it though if he says something ugly about my friend.