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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited January 2020

    Nancy and everyone here, sorry to hear of all the problems happening and praying for all of us. I’m sorry to be absent lately but I’ve been in a bad place mentally and physically. I know that my physical pains affect my mental attitude and I’m now scared and worried about upcoming PET scan on Thursday. DH had an ER visit on New Years which was a large kidney stone and complicated removal and now needs tests for prostate cancer. Please keep us in your prayers as I certainly keep you all in my prayers. Please God, no more cancer or financial or other health issues for any of us. Give us the strength to persevere in the face of all our trials. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen

    Love and prayers

    Faith (in the future).

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2020

    Tori, Nancy, Faith and all, I pray that in the darkness of life right now, that you may be able to 'lift your eyes unto the hills from whence cometh your help'. Know that Jesus knows your fears, feels your pain, hears your cries for His help. He understands like no one else can. He upholds you by your right hand, His everlasting arms are under you, you are in the palm of His hand and He will never leave you or forsake you. He has a plan for your life of hope and a future and these trials are not forever, just a time. Don't lose hope but keep your eyes on Him. He WILL see you through. Jesus is your Lord, Savior, Good Shepherd, Rock and Deliverer. Cast your cares upon Him for He cares for you. We lift one another up to the Throne of Grace with full assurance of His love and His power to work on our behalf. Jesus Himself is at the right hand of the Father interceding for US! Take courage now and trust in Him.

    Hugs to all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2020

    Thank you all for your support and prayers and comforting words and scriptures. I have had some good days with my Mom. I don't usually play games with her but I have the last few days and she seems to really enjoy that.

    We are making good progress with the prepaid funeral and I just need some clarification on some things as my sister was with the funeral people as I was dealing with the VA and my Mom's financial person.

    Even though I am emotionally and physically exhausted I can see how the Lord is using this whole VA fiasco for our good. I have a lot of work to do still when I get back home but it will work out according to God's plan for us and for my Mom.

    Thanks Vargadoll for your prayers.

    Chris, thank you for you encouragement. I know this period of watching your granddaughter while your daughter is in nursing school is going to be a challenge. We will certainly pray that God gives you an extra portion of strength to handle this daunting task.

    Faith, I know you are overwhelmed with everything and I completely understand as I have been in that same place. I know you have the added worry of you DH plus your upcoming PET scan on Thursday. I am praying your scan will be good news and that there your DH's test will be good news as well. Are you finished with your PT now? I will be starting mine a week or so after I get back home on Friday. Did you find it helpful? Hang in there. We WILL get through this difficult time.

    Ade, thank you for all of those scriptures. I have read that God is more concerned with our character than our comfort. I know in these stretching of our faith muscles period it is certainly uncomfortable but hopefully it is building character is us. I pray that things will be falling into place for you and James to relocate. Spring seems a long way off but time has a way of flying by so quickly. I can't believe the holidays are over and we are well into January already. I pray that you will find the perfect house in the right location with great doctors just waiting for you and James to be their new patients. I pray that the perfect buyer will get your home and treat it will all the love you and James have put in with your upgrades and sweat equity.

    Victoria, praying that you will have a clear path in front of you in how you will proceed in your cancer journey. Please let us know how things are going so we can pray you through each phase.

    Take care dear sisters.

    BTW, My cousin's husband was an auditor for the State for 40 yrs and not 40 hrs as I typed previously. That mistake made me laugh.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2020

    I think we are about to get the prepaid funeral in place hopefully today. I will be going back home tomorrow and have lots to do today.

    Some of you may remember the photo contest I was in last year. I have still been participating in it but thought I might have a chance to be the December winner and then go into the finals as I did last year but that was not meant to be. I did get honorable mention this month with this photo of a December sunset. I am also posting my first Bald Eagle photo I got right before coming to my Mom's. No camera time this last three weeks. Just too much going on.

    Have a good day dear sisters. We are having horrible weather starting tonight with flooding predicted. Please pray for a safe trip back home for Cammie and I.





  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2020

    Cammie (my cat) got an unexpected Christmas present at my house while we were away. I found extra little presents all over my stove and kitchen counter and microwave cart as well.

    She had it trapped upstairs in her room and my computer room. Then I saw it run into my bedroom. This is pretty much what I saw.

    Fun in the house today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2020

    OH DEAR, Nancy! I do hope she finally caught it and it's NOT in your BEDROOM waiting to terrify you! We had mice pretty bad in the old farmhouse many years ago whenever it turned fall. One night alone we caught FIVE in the kitchen and TWO were in the same trap! The outside kitties would leave us sweet tokens on the doormat - like mouse stomachs, and one time a 'pinkie' (unborn baby mouse - that was sad!). Around here we can't feed the birds because the seed draws mice and the mice draw rattlesnakes! (OHIO, HERE WE COME!) One time there was a little tiny ball of a mouse looking up from the dog food bin (metal trash can) with these huge dark, pleading eyes. It was so cute & sad I had James take it out back & release it. Anyway I hope your little varmint gets his due - go get'em, Cammie! Your pix are beautiful as always, Nancy. How amazing to get one of the eagle like that!

    The new TSC farm store opened this morning here & we went to check it out. Bought Maggie a big squeaky tennis ball and she LOVES it so much she took it to bed with her when we took a nap this afternoon. She won't guard the door - but she surely guards that tennis ball!

    Blessings upon your weekend ladies, I'm praying for you!


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2020

    Always fun with a cat. One night while I was sleeping, I felt something small land on my stomach. The cat then jumped on top in time for me to see her pick up her new "friend" by the tail and throw it up into the air again. Needless to say, since the friend was dazed, I was able to catch it and remove it from the house ending the cat's fun for the night. Usually the cat left me a "gift" of a skull... She was a real mouser! We lived in Colorado at the time with a field behind us. But better than the tarantula our dog played with in the middle of the night in the desert!

    Beautiful pictures Nancy.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2020

    Loved your story too, Chris! Never a dull moment with a cat!

    Maggie gave the ball a bit of rest - before the next round...but that rascal's not getting away!


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited January 2020

    Hi everyone, I'm back with good news. Thanks for your prayers, my PET scan continues to show my cancer is stable. What a relief, as I'm sure you all must know. We will have to wait a few more weeks to find out about my husband's possible prostrate cancer, since he can't have the MRI until the kidney issues are cleared up. We just have to keep praying that all will be well and know that God will give us the strength to deal with whatever it is.

    Nancy, I'm glad you made it back home before the bad weather moved in but sorry about the “gift" awaiting you. The mouse stories are interesting but kinda gross me out. Can you tell, I'm not much of an animal person. Too many bad experiences. I hope you get some relief from PT for your sciatica. I've had only some small relief after many months and three different therapists. To be fair, I have discovered that I can't let a day go by without doing the exercises or the pain is back. I hope you have more success, it's hard and very time consuming to keep it up. Your photos are lovely and I hope you win more contests this year. I'm glad to hear your issues with your mother's care are slowly being addressed. That's an awful burden to always have on your mind.

    Ade, thank you for all your lovely prayers and words of scripture. They are very uplifting to me and I'm sure everyone here.

    Chris, I will be praying that you have the strength and energy to take care of your little granddaughter full time. I'm sure that will be exhausting.

    Sending love and prayers to all of you here. May Our God of Love and Mercy watch over us and keep us safe and healthy.

    Love, Faith (in the future)

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2020

    Thank you Teka! We love her dearly.

    Faith I pray your husband's problems are NOT cancer and no more than you and he are already dealing with (which is enough in itself!) I have sciatica off and on too besides the lumbar arthritis and inflammation in my hip connective tissues so I can empathize with you. I pray the Lord just takes that away for you. We all rejoice with you with sighs of relief on the PET scan results. (You can breathe now) :o)

    Forgot to congratulate you, Nancy, on the honorable mention! That is still way up there, and you deserve those awards as your work is excellent. I pray you don't get the flooding and the Lord sends the rains off to Australia!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2020

    I finally got my laptop out of the bag. Today has been a slow day of getting back home and enjoying no schedule for at least one day.

    Cammie is laying down on the job. Literally. I think trying to catch the mouse wore her out. In the mean time more deposits were found in my kitchen in the SAME places I thoroughly cleaned last night. UGH. It looks like war now!!!!

    Ade, Maggie is adorable. I imagine that tennis ball is going to keep her happy for a while!!

    Teka, good to hear from you. How are you doing?

    Chris, I can handle a mouse but a tarantula NO WAY!!!! YIKES

    Faith, I am so glad to hear about your PET scan results. I know you are very concerned about your DH. Praying all will be well and NO cancer. When I was teaching I religiously did all of my back and neck exercises and that kept me going. In retirement I still do them but not every day. I am much better when at my own house and that is part of the problem too when staying at my Mom's house. I put off PT for so many months because of my back and forth schedule so actually over time it is some better without PT but we'll see what happens.

    Thank you all for your nice comments on my photos. I hope I can get some camera time soon. I know I have a lot of work to do starting all over on the VA stuff. I may go with a different agent if I can find someone up here that knows more what they are doing. I just want to have a few days of no pressure as I am just exhausted in all ways. Even though it has been a very tough week I can look back and see how God has been working through all of the disappointment and stress and strife. The funeral for my Mom is now paid in full and my sister and I are so relieved. There are more little miracles that have happened which I won't go into now but I feel like I need to take some time to celebrate what God has done and what He is doing and what He will do in the future. I need to slow down and let God make the way for me.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2020

    Have a good day dear sisters.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2020

    Nancy, beautiful scripture and banner! James is on day 2 of terrible migraines. He requested stronger prevention meds and pain migraine meds with the VA long ago (he is on the MINIMUM doses!) and that doctor said he had tension headaches because nobody has that many migraines so she ignored him and didn't even chart what he had said. He requested a new doctor and they said he had to file a form then it would go to a committee and they'd let him know. He did - and they didn't. He never got a reply and got a runaround when he asked. Finally he got to speak with a kind soul there and she set him up with a new doctor in Ft. Stockton an hour away (MUCH better than the 3+ hours we had been going!) for this month, actually tomorrow. Then they cancelled that appointment and they rescheduled for March 10th! He really needed a sooner appointment than that as now he is continuing to suffer such pain. He only gets 9 migraine pills a month and it is the weakest strength of pain relief so he has to double them and is now taking my prescription (which is the same med). I only get 9 too. And to rub salt in the wound they have mailed, left phone messages and texted EIGHT TIMES to remind him to go to the appointment tomorrow that THEY CANCELLED! OK, rant over...we pray for better care once we move. So far every house we have been interested in gets a pending status before we can act on it. The Lord will open the door to the right one in HIS time I am sure, but meanwhile James gets poor care from the VA. (IF he goes to his regular doctor with the issues the VA is treating - or supposed to be - the VA can stop his care and benefits).

    Glad you are home and have a day to just breathe, and that your mom's arrangements are finalized. Yes, I would request a different VA agent. Some just are NOT good from all I have read. Miss Cammie needs to get back on the job with that mouse. I would have a hard time sleeping in the same room as she chased it into. When we lived in the old 1800s farm house there were squirrels between the ceiling and the roof above our bedrooms and at night they would roll acorns from our oak tree back and forth above us and make a racket. We heard mice scratching in the walls too. Never put Decon out! One died in our kitchen wall and the stink drove us out for weeks! GLAD to have a modern house now!!!

    The tarantulas here are huge but not scarey like a spider is. They are really shy and won't hurt you or go after you. When our daughter was here we stopped the car so she could see one walking across the road and to prove a point I actually TOUCHED its back! (Yes it was a moment of insanity - been there, done that, and never again!) Our oldest son had a rose haired tarantula for a pet! I told him that if it EVER got loose in my house it would find itself on the wrong end of a fly swatter then having a swim in the toilet!

    Praying you all have a blessed day even with all you are dealing with. The Lord is with us, for us, in us.


    P.S. That's my finger in the pic. That big fella was just outside the garage door. Hope it doesn't gross you out too badly. Be thankful you live where you do.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2020

    Ade, I am so sorry to hear James is dealing with the migraines again. I just had a talk on Friday with a lady who was a nursing instructor. Her Mom lives across the hall from my Mom in and her daughter is one of my most favorite CNA's that work with my Mom. She was saying if a patient is in pain they should have pain meds!!!!

    I know you love TX and I can certainly see why (tarantula NOT includedShocked) but I can't wait until you move to a new area where you and James are treated with dignity like you should be. It is not TX but the doctors you have been dealing with that just happen to be in TX.

    We all have bad apples and probably have all experienced doctors who should have NEVER been doctors. I think the doctors are all running scared now afraid of being sued and blamed for opioid addiction so many are landing on the opposite side of the spectrum and prescribing not enough pain meds.

    I know the big discussion in IL is all about marijuana now that it has been legalized since the New Year. It has been legal for medicinal purposes for quite some time. I know one of my neighbors told me a few months ago she uses it for medicinal purposes. I was surprised but she has RA and has alot of pain.

    I am praying for James now as I know this is so awful for him and for you to watch.

    Tarantulas are BIG spiders to me and if one landed on me they would be giving me my last rites!!!!

    I am ready to do battle. I ordered several mouse traps off of Amazon and they came today so I now have to get some bait and then we will do battle. Cammie seems awfully worn out so I think she has been after it in the night when I am sleeping. No evidence in the kitchen as I have cloroxed everything in sight!!!

    I have to wait on some documents before I proceed with the VA form. I printed off what I need and have looked into offices in the area. It really is like starting over. I am reluctant because if she is denied a second time I think I will have to do harm to someone but not sure who!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Take care. I am praying.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2020

    Someone has a birthday today! Her name is Joanne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think she is 39 yrs old again!!!!

    The bottom image was supposed to be animated. I added this one on top as this animation is working.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2020


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2020

    Happy belated Birthday JoAnne. Hope everyone has a blessed Sunday.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2020

    Have a good day dear sisters. It is so cold here that I went to get gas yesterday and my gas tank cap was frozen shut!!!!!!!!!!!! How many days till spring????????????????




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2020

    Teka, I am glad you are doing well after your cataract surgery. I imagine you are in the midst of all the eye drops at this point. I hope you can tell a difference already.

    Congrats to your daughter and boyfriend on their first house. I remember how exciting that was for me and here I am 29 yrs later in the same one. Of course I had no idea I would have a cat that ruled everything!!!!!!!!!

    Take care.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2020


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2020

    I can identify with you, Joanne.

    I love this thought that was in one of my devotionals today.

    Your weakness and woundedness are the openings through which the Light of the knowledge of My Glory shines forth. My strength and power show themselves most effective in your weakness.

    I started PT this week and with fibromyalgia this is always a challenge. It is easy to go in with one set of problems and come out with even more. My Mom had her annual physical this week and she has lost 20lbs. The new nurse at her facility who has left already sent the doctor some notes which were very concerning and alarming. I would ask for prayer in my state of feeling completely overwhelmed with everything.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2020

    Nancy, I pray for God's peace which surpasses all understanding to guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Jesus said that HIS peace He leaves with you, and He gives to you, let not your heart be troubled. He is in complete control of it all. Ours is to trust in Him and lay our burdens at the foot of His cross.

    It's another day in bed with fever for James. I am beginning my business tax preparations while he's indisposed. ugh.

    God is in control and in Him we trust.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited January 2020

    Nancy, praying for your mom and your PT issues. God does indeed give strength.

    Ade, praying everyday for you and James. I cannot imagine the fatigue and stress you are under, but God knows and has promised to be an ever present help in times of trouble, which for us is everyday!

    I am finally, finally not coughing (much) since October. Now to stay well. I might even be able to return to church this weekend but I have an infusion tomorrow and it always leaves me a little sick. Praying it won't this time... Granddaughter is doing awesome and my husband and I are coping well.

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited January 2020

    Nancy, I pray your PT brings relief without causing other problems. I’m still dealing with the same pain and weakness in my leg and back. I think I’m ready to see a different orthopedic doctor to find another answer that’s not surgery. I’m so sorry to hear about your mom’s weight loss. That must be a big worry for you and your sister. I’m praying for all of you.

    Ade, so sorry that James has another fever. I hope God can help you find a house in Ohio and that new doctors there will have some answers. The stress of this must be so exhausting for both of you. Praying that things resolve soon.

    Chris, so glad your cough is finally getting better and that your granddaughter is adjusting so well. I pray you continue to have the strength to watch her all day everyday.

    Joanne, a much belated Happy Birthday 🎂🎁. I so agree with you, I don’t know how people cope with all of life’s problems without believing that Our Dear Lord is always with us and holding us up when we can’t handle it all alone.

    I’m also asking for prayers for my DH who is having an ultrasound on Saturday as a follow up to his kidney stone problems and possibly prostate cancer. I’m trying to trust that all will be well and there is no cancer to be found and no other problems with his kidney.

    Sending prayers and asking God to bless us all and see us through all our trials in this world.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2020

    Thank you Ade for your words of truth and comfort. I will continue to pray for James and for you during this time of uncertainty and questions of what is happening. I pray you will get some clear answers very soon. I am sure this must be very scary and discouraging.

    Thank you Chris. Yes, God give us strength for sure. I am so glad to hear your cough is gone. What a time you have had. I had another sleepless night. I made the mistake of checking inside a drawer from a chest I don't use often right before going to bed. What I had suspected was true. The little varmint has been stealing Cammies food. It used one of my drawers to hoard her food. Also used many of my winter gloves and scarfs for other things too that I won't go into. Right when I thought the thing had left!!! So I couldn't sleep going through how I can trap this elusive mouse. I was able to get up and do my exercises and will be going to swim soon. I didn't think I had it in me but God gave me the strength I didn't feel I had. I will rest this afternoon.
    Faith, I will be praying for wisdom for you and so sorry to hear your pain is still there after all the exercises and PT you have done. I will be praying for your DH as well as he has his ultrasound tomorrow. Praying for good answers and no cancer. If you want to shoot me a PM or email I can mention some options for you.
    Have a good weekend dear sisters.
    John 16:33 New International Version (NIV)

    33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2020

    Thank you Faith and Chris. I am thankful that the sisters on here don't "burn out" praying for long time requests. We all get weary just dealing everyday with the same stressful and often serious issues be it family problems of health problems. It's just such a comfort knowing you're there and we're lifting each other up to the One Who has the answers and the power to move the mountains.

    Faith, I'm praying your husband's problems are NOT cancer and that the doctors can successfully treat him, and that God will grant you peace.

    Joanne, may God strengthen and heal you and move the mountains you are dealing with - to His glory.

    Chris, thanking the Lord for improving your cough and that your grandaughter is doing well. I babysat my grandaughter from birth through age 4 when her baby brother was added. I KNOW how taxing it is on the body and strength, but what a wonderful bond it creates. We will get to be with those two and the third one who came while we were living here, when we finally move back to Ohio as the Lord leads. Between the fevers and the migraines (fever yesterday & migraine today) that put my husband in bed I don't know how or when we will ever get moved to where the healthcare is closer & better - but it is in the Lord's hands not mine.

    Nancy, they put my mom on weight gain supplements like Ensure so at least she was getting nutrition. Is your mom's weight loss maybe due to her tooth situation making chewing difficult? We used to bring my mom rootbeer floats (not nutritious - but a special treat she loved). Praying your PT doesn't cause a fibromyalgia flair and that it really helps you.

    I am beginning prep for my business taxes today - Lord help me!

    Lord bless and keep you all,


    (Just heard a gunshot. That means somebody's spotted a rattler! But that's better than a drive-by isn't it!)

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2020

    Nancy - they make a mouse poison that doesn't make the mouse crawl into a wall and smell up your house like D-con does. It actually DEHYDRATES them! They die but dry up and don't smell. Wish I knew the name of it but our hardware sells it so maybe you can research this option. I stored all of my summer clothes in a dresser in our garage while we were still building this house and mice ruined EVERYTHING in there! Had to throw EVERYTHING out! Do keep catfood and human food in glass, plastic or tin containers or those little monsters will find it. I'm sorry you have to deal with this too right now.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2020

    Ade, the Lord never tires of our prayers whether they be the same ones prayed for years or new challenges. So we need to lift one another up to the Lord and be diligent in that. We are like a little online community on this forum and I don't know about all of you but I feel like you are all my good friends. Friends lift each other up in words and prayers no matter what. With that said we will continue to pray for James and for you and for your need to relocate.

    My sister and I had tried to get a prepaid funeral off the ground for my Mom for a long time. It finally came together just a couple weeks ago when I was visiting and I had really given up hope it was going to happen while on this visit even though that was a big priority of what I had hoped to accomplish while there. It miraculously all fell into place. It went so smoothly and my sister and I were able to make some pretty snap decisions on things and after it was over I just knew it was the Lord and His timing and not mine.

    I am sure we all have answers to prayers that we prayed for years and finally our prayers were answered and in unbelievable ways. In this life we may never know why the delays happen but I feel certain that when we transition to heaven we will all know those answers.

    We have been supplementing my Mom's diet with Ensure for quite a few years. The doctor did say she could increase to four a day. We had been doing three a day. I really don't think it is my Mom's teeth that is the issue. She has basically been existing on only soup and that was only because she has convinced herself that she doesn't like anything else. It is a battle which we are losing. We are trying to decide if we will go with an appetite stimulant. I have reservations because of the side effects but I know my sister and I need to pray for wisdom as we move forward.

    That darn mouse has been able to avoid my live cage trap. I don't dare put the ones I recently bought upstairs as Cammie can get into almost everything. The bad thing is I don't really know how much Cammie is eating and if she is being starved because this critter is stealing her food that would not be good. I had this same thing happen several years ago and I did finally catch it in my kitchen. It was much later I discovered what it had done in my drawer upstairs. There was this huge pile of cat food and I was completely shocked.

    So far my PT has caused more pain so obviously I will have to revisit this issue when I have my second week of PT. My therapist is very good and doesn't want me to do anything to make things worse. The problem is I don't know what that imaginary line is until the next day and then it is too late. The plus is this clinic is a couple of blocks from my house so that part is great.

    Have a great weekend and I will continue to pray for all the needs that have been mentioned.

    Victoria, how are you doing?



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited January 2020

    Amen Joanne. I know as people read devotionals different things may pop off the page as we identify with certain aspects of them. The thing that pops off the page for me is "So I must be intentional about fixing my eyes on Jesus. Every day." I know I HAVE to make my time with Jesus a top priority or the things of this world will crowd out that time. I know my desire is also to get into the word more so it will be a part of me.

    Thanks for sharing that. Anne Graham has experienced a lot of loss and her words are powerful.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2020

    Joanne, THANK YOU - I needed that today. Yes, Nancy, I hope all feel a sense of family here too.

    James and I have drawn so much closer to the Lord since things "went south" for us. We read aloud to each other & discuss a total of 5 good devotionals between us and the scriptures they contain every morning. Then in the evening we are reading aloud the Chronological Bible which is written in the Bible-through-a-year format. When we pray over meals we pray for whatever the Lord leads us to also. In that, I am grateful these trials brought that increased time with the Lord.

    James is getting worse. The last 2 days he was ok through the morning then bad migraines hit and he spent the rest of the day in bed. Yesterday he awoke from the migraine with a fever. They have not hit together except once in all these years. We are both depressed and discouraged, concerned about how we can ever make the move to Ohio & better health care but the encouragement of the time in prayer and scriptures keeps us sane. I am coming to the realization that unless the Lord intervenes I am most likely going to spend the rest of our years as his caretaker - which I lovingly do - but IF my cancer returns...

    So - I have decided (or rather the Lord has directed me) not to wallow in the "what-ifs" fears, but to be proactive about this and TRY to get more healthy myself so that I am ABLE to care for him. I have done a lot of research and have initiated a plan which we are both following. He needs to be on an anti-inflammatory diet anyway. We have cut out all white flour & bread & most wheat, sugar and processed foods and are going organic as much as we can afford. Food storage containers are glass now instead of plastic (better for the environment anyway & last longer). I cook & bake from scratch now. It takes planning & time but I can prepare batches when I am up to it then freeze them for when I'm not. We also drink eight 8-oz. glasses of water a day and have cut out milk (which we drank a LOT of). I have prayed and prayed for help with weight loss as I have gained FORTY POUNDS since my cancer diagnosis and it just kept piling on. My metabolism is really broken I think. Anyway this new lifestyle gives me hope once again. I am enjoying the food, which I feel really good about eating, it is easy to adjust to (NO CRAVINGS or need to snack!) - AND I have lost five pounds! My fatigue is less and my hope is to resume walking when more weight is off and the joints aren't so painful from carrying "the load".

    I know our trials are not the same, but maybe something in this will give you encouragement and hope in the storm. I am not out of the woods of stress, fatigue and depression just yet, but I feel that when we cry out to the Lord (often LITERALLY!) He moves His mighty hand on our behalf.

    This is a remarkable praise for us - The VA cancelled James' appointment for this month which he REALLY needs, and moved it to March 10th. We were really bummed! Yesterday they called and "reminded us" about an appointment on next Tuesday (the one they cancelled & rescheduled!) I told the lady that he really needs to be seen soon, she checked it out, and said we CAN come on Tuesday!!! Miracles DO happen!!!

    I hope I haven't worn you all out with this but I just felt led to share with you.

    Hugs to all,
