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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2020

    I may be broadly interpreting this scripture but to me it not only means God sees me but I think it means he gets me.............he understands me..............he knows what I am going through. There is enormous comfort in that. In this sometimes lonely stay at home and social distancing era we are living in we know that the Scriptures says there is one that sticks closer than a brother. That is Jesus our Lord. Talk to him in this time of isolation. He knows your needs before you ask but he wants you to ask. He wants a relationship with you. That is why He created you in the first place. Spend time with him. Turn the TV off for a while and tune out all distractions and spend time with Him. He is waiting. He is waiting for YOU.

    Genesis 16:13-14 New International Version (NIV)

    13 She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: "You are the God who sees me," for she said, "I have now seen[a] the One who sees me." 14 That is why the well was called Beer Lahai Roi[b]; it is still there, between Kadesh and Bered.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2020

    IntoLight, Faith and Nancy, thank you for your encouragement. I had my two scans today. The good news is that there appears to be no cancer in my lungs or liver. There may be a spot or two on my thoracic spine. They called me before I left the oncologist's office to come back to nuclear med so that they could scan that area with a different machine and get a more detailed picture.

    My oncologist said that the cells were ER+ and PR-, but that they didn't have a clear picture on the HER2 status. It's somewhere in the middle so they need to do another test - I think she said the FISH. I've heard of it, but I don't know what that is. She apologized for not having all the answers right now, but I'm to see her in two weeks (hopefully sooner) and we can go from there. She doesn't want to develop a treatment plan before she knows all the facts. Makes sense...

    I'm still wondering when and how to tell my dad and my older sister. I sort of think that it's probably better not to say anything until I have a complete diagnosis and treatment plan.

    Keeping Philippians 4:4-9 in mind...

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2020

    Praying for you, Sunshine.

    Beautiful harbingers of spring, Teka

    Amen, Joanne, thank you!

    This is long, but we all need this now I think. I posted it on FB a year ago today! Little did we know then...

    "For those going through battles right now ~

    The enemy will always lure us towards panic and worry if we focus on all that's wrong in this world. And even when we know Truth and believe that God's in control, there can be a lot in this life we might start to feel anxious about. It can still be a daily battle in our hearts, in our minds. Because when we just keep looking all around, we will easily get defeated and lose strength.

    Drained. Impatient. Or cynical.

    Fear creeps in. We lose our focus because we're so distracted by all the things that can never really give us strength and hope anyway. God alone can offer us confident peace that can never be found in this life without Him. Choosing today, to set my eyes on Him. For if He made all of heaven and earth, surely He has a Sovereign, incredible plan, for you and for me. He knows our way in this journey of life, and He's a "with us" God. These 25 Scriptures will breath life and strength into your soul when you're facing uncertain and shaky times. Memorize these Bible verses to stand strong and remind yourself that God loves you.

    25 Verses for Strength in Shaky Times
    1. Psalm 46:1-2 "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear…" Psalm 46:1-2

    2. Isaiah 40:31 "But those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

    3. Isaiah 59:19 "When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him." Isaiah 59:19

    4. Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God, I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

    5. Nahum 1:7 "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him…" Nahum 1:7

    6. John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

    7. Psalm 18:2 "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." Psalm 18:2

    8. Deuteronomy 3:22 "Do not fear them, for the Lord your God is the one fighting for you." Deuteronomy 3:22

    9. Isaiah 54:17 "No weapon that is formed against you will prosper..." Isaiah 54:17

    10. Habakkuk 3:19 "The Sovereign Lord is my strength, he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights." Habakkuk 3:19

    11. Philippians 4:8-9 "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things…and the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:8-9

    12. Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

    13. 1 Peter 5:8-10 "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." 1 Peter 5:8-10

    14. Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

    15. 1 John 4:4 "Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world." 1 John 4:4

    16. John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27

    17. Numbers 6:24-26 The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you, the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26

    18. Genesis 50:20 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Genesis 50:20

    19. Psalm 29:11 "The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace." Psa 29:11

    20. Ephesians 6:10-12 "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:10-12

    21. Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy." Zephaniah 3:17

    22. Psalm 91:1-2 "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, 'My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!'" Psa 91:1-2

    23. Isaiah 54:10 "Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken, nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you." Isaiah 54:10

    24. Romans 8:38-39 "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39

    25. Philippians 4:6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

    Choosing today to rely on His help not to "worry about anything," but instead "pray about everything." May His Spirit help us to guard our hearts and minds in Him.


    A Prayer for Uncertain Times
    Dear God,

    You remind us in Your word that we never have to give way to fear and worry in this life. The enemy would love for us to get stuck there, but you've given us the keys to move past his lies and step over his traps. Thank you for the powerful weapons of prayer and your word. Thank you for setting us free through Christ's gift on the cross. Thank you for your Spirit that dwells within us even now and gives us peace. You assure us that you're constantly with us, no matter what we face in our lives, or in this world. When all seems shaky and uncertain, we choose to look to you. We know that you alone are Sovereign and you hold all things in your hands. We trust you even when we can't see what you're doing. We know you will make a way for us, where there seems to be no way. We're confident and secure in you alone, for you are our Rock and Refuge, a very present help in trouble. Help us not to be easily swayed by headline news stories or defeat and discouragement. Strengthen our spirits, from deep within, so that we can walk in your freedom, truth, and peace today. You are greater than anything we face here in this world, and we believe that no weapon formed against us will prosper. Raise up a barrier and defense around our lives dear Lord, protect us and keep us close to you.

    In Jesus' Name,


    Prayers for all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2020

    Sunshine, I am glad to hear that the cancer is not in the lungs or liver. That is a great thing. Hopefully you will get definitive answers on the HER +or- soon so they can develop an accurate plan for you.

    Karen, how are you feeling and coping with trying to stay clear of family as best you can?

    Joanne, amen to that. I do think there will be a solution to Covid 19 but after many have lost their lives. I think it will come in the form of a vaccine but we know that will take a long time even if they fast track it. God is still in control and I believe will use the researchers and all those desperately trying to find treatments and vaccines.

    Ade, those are all great verses and among my favorites. A great compilation to print out. Thank you for that.

    Teka, I usually always was at my Mom's on April fools day. I would always play a trick on her in good fun. Nothing awful. Yeah for crocuses. I have daffodils about to pop.

    For those of you who gave me a push I did send my primary doctor a message and I got a call from his office actually pretty quickly considering all. She said he can have a phone office visit with you today so I said that would be great. So he called me this afternoon and doesn't think I have Coronavirus but he said of course we don't know for sure. He said it sounds like sinus infection and gave me another antibiotic and nasal spay. I was not too thrilled with my pharmacy when I tried to call and ask if they could put the over the counter meds with my script and I would go through the drive thru. Well, I got fed up being hung up on and transfered to ?????????where I only heard conversations and basically not answering. So I put a mask on and went inside. I was NOT happy about that but I wanted to get this meds in my system asap.

    Please pray that I can get well. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2020

    Aww, Nancy I am so sorry you are still feeling bad. Hope the new meds get you back on track quickly. Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2020

    Thanks Jean. I am praying that will happen. Praying for your safety!!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2020

    This scripture below was in my devotions today. It is one of those scriptures that we probably don't commit to memory, like consider it joy when you face get the drift. It is not one of those feel good scriptures. However, it is truth. I can imagine that our loved ones who are in heaven are saying to us that you'll get through this and you cannot believe what is on the other side. In the light of eternity we are here on this earth for a nano second. This world we are living in now will not always be this way. Those of you starting your cancer journey probably feel like this will never end. It will. Those of us who are anxious about running out of toilet paper or on a more serious note, running out of money, may feel like this horrible tension you feel will never end. It will. These are the times when we cannot figure it out, wish it away or bury our heads in the sand or under the covers as much as we would like. We have to face these trials head on with Jesus at the helm. I know I am not smart enough or clever enough to get through this on my own steam. I have to cling to Jesus every single day as we do not know what tomorrow will bring. When things go smoothly we can lull ourselves into self sufficiency which is a very dangerous place to be. I think God allows some of these awful things in our lives so we trust in Him and not ourselves. I think He is so compassionate that He cries with us as we suffer. He doesn't take joy in this at all. He does want to mold us into His likeness and that means going through the fiery furnace which no one enjoys so we can come out the other side glowing in His likeness. I don't claim to have answers but He does. I put my money on the one who created me because He knows how this will end. I imagine He looks on as so many of you looked on when your crying toddler was in the doctor's office ready to get a shot. You knew what was best but the poor child didn't understand. You wanted to comfort your child but knew that this shot was necessary for his well being. That is how the Lord sees us as we go through these trials. They are for our good whether we see that now or not.

    I pray for you all today that you will experience blessings in the midst of this storm.



    2 Corinthians 4:17 New International Version (NIV)

    17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2020

    Nancy, beautifully said! Thank you! I pray you feel better each day, as well as Joanne's daughter. I pray for the dear sisters who are afraid enough starting their breast cancer treatment and healing journey, let alone dealing with this virus craziness. Nancy you really hit the nail on the head. Jesus is at the helm, is in full control of the storm and He DOES know our fears and see our tears.

    We are completely sheltering in place now - not even having our weekly dinner with friends. When we meet with others we are exposed to everyone they have come into contact with (through them) so that made up our minds. Maggie is completely well, we have AC & furnace function again, and James has had only one recent migraine and no fevers! His appointment next Wednesday to find out test results/diagnosis is in Midland where the virus has hit so we are trying to get the office to call us back to make a phone appointment instead of driving 3 hours for a face-to-face and risking infection. Our local store has a seniors only hour upon opening but only lets 40 people in at a time now. We tried to place an online food order last night with Amazon AND Walmart but things in our cart sold out before we could even pay for them! And people were shamefully gouging prices way high. The VA has turned us down again on the higher lever review even though James' case was completely documented - guess they don't read them. It feels like getting smacked in the face with a board - but God is still on the throne and greatly to be praised. He has a reason for everything. He is sovereign so it will be ok.

    Love and prayers for you all.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2020

    OH Ade, I am so disappointed and sorry that the VA has turned your appeal down again. Do they give you any reasons or any hope that his status could change? I think with my brother in law they said that once he said he had diabetes that seemed to change everything. I do know that he contacted his State Legislature that was on some VA committee. I don't know all of the specifics but I do know that after he contacted this legislator he must have made a call to the VA office and his 100% disability was approved. Do you have anyone like that you could reach out to? Is agent orange a part of his appeal? I couldn't remember where James served. My BIL was in Vietnam.

    God will make a way where there seems to be no way. I know I have to tell myself that for my Mom's situation too. I will continue to pray that something will help. I had just recently prayed that God would move heaven and earth for James to get this higher level of help. Maybe it is not over yet.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2020

    My ex boyfriend from college sent me this this evening. We still stay in touch. He is happily married and I am happily single. LOL I did not become a Christian until after he graduated from college. He was a year older than I. I have told him of my new found faith way back in 1972 but I don't think he shares my beliefs. However sending this link gave me hope that maybe this pandemic may be changing him. He was a music major too and marveled at the beauty in this arrangement but I am hoping the spirit of God is drawing him through the lyrics.

    Listen to this. I promise you will be blessed. You know this hymn I am sure. I was not familiar with this group but they are incredible.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2020

    Thank you Nancy. We called the VA to get some info since they just had "case closed" on the site but the guy said he couldn't comment and we have to wait on our letter. They have not changed his disability status online either so it's a pretty sure bet they denied again. The doctor who did the exam expressly stated that this IS service related but the first reason of denial was "not service related". Do they even read those things? We have another claim for cardiac in the wings but have not sent it yet. He has a disability (10%) for hypertension and cardiac IS connected as a secondary claim for that IF they will consider it. James' quadruple bypass and stent have changed his life so I pray they will consider this one. Some guys get theirs approved in weeks and others - decades! It is SO frustrating but I won't get on that soap box about veterans getting cheated while those here illegally go to the head of the line. We don't want to kick a hornets nest before submitting another claim so will wait to take it further up. He was stateside during the Vietnam war so no agent orange. But we have good reason to believe they experimented on identical twins back in the early 70s as his twin was in the service same time and with identical DNA is totally healthy. They for years were a part of a Vietnam Era Twins Study. Ironically James service health records "burned up in a warehouse fire" that happened in the 60s (way before he was IN the service!) and to Army guys (HE was Air Force) Do you know that the Tuskegee Airmen were given syphilis as an experiment? I say no more. Anyway thank you for praying. Would LOVE to see a miracle form God in that letter when it comes.

    Lord bless & keep you, Sister,


    GOOSEBUMP HARMONY and scenery in that video!!! I pray the Lord touches his heart resulting in salvation. Thank you for sharing!!!

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited April 2020

    Ade, I’m so sorry that the VA turned down James again. It just seems so unfair. I have to believe that your faith in God’s wisdom will be rewarded. You and James are still in my prayers.

    Nancy, I’m glad you finally talked to the doctor and got some meds and will finally be on the road to recovery. I love the song you shared with us. The scenery was beautiful and the harmonies were wonderful. Definitely “goosebumps” listening to that.

    My DH could definitely use some prayers. He has been waiting a week to see if his procedure was approved and now he has another bladder infection. With all this virus around, I’m worried if he has the procedure and also worried if he has to wait a long time and keep getting bladder infections. We waited in vain for hours today for a call from the doctor’s office so he could get another RX for an antibiotic. It’s so hard to keep waiting and believe that God is always in control with His perfect timing and wisdom.

    Lord, Jesus help us all!

    Love and prayers,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2020

    Ade, I know if we knew everything that goes on we would not believe it. Ignorance is sometimes bliss. Praying that the cardiac part of another claim will help get what you need.

    Faith, when my primary doctor talked to me on the phone yesterday I asked him if I could postpone my May 1 annual check up because I was afraid to get labs done. He really wanted me to follow through with this because he said they expect to be overrun with the virus and he wanted to get it in I guess before that happened. He assured me that they have a very different protocol and they will not even allow any suspected Covid 19 patients past the front door. He said I could get my labs and office visit in the same bldg and he was okay with that. So obviously they are expecting the surge to happen in a few weeks. With the Indiana governor cancelling school for the rest of the year I suspect that IL will do the same. I think they believe this is going to go on longer than they are telling us. The thing is many people are infected and don't show symptoms for days. So I don't know. Maybe getting his procedure sooner than later would be ideal. So Medicare is dragging their heels or they are over run too. Praying for him to get relief and the antibiotics in his system soon. I know they are the worst. The enemy would love us all to lose heart and lose trust. We just have to fight back against that knowing that we have two invisible enemies now we are fighting. God give us the strength to endure when everything looks like a long black tunnel we are walking through.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited April 2020

    Ade, I join the others in feeling sorry for being turned down again. I do not understand many things about the VA, but in my mind this is inexcusable. I pray daily God will move mountains for you in your multiple daily struggles.

    Faith, I will add your husband's new infection to my daily prayers and pray you receive the expected phone call and meds today. Waiting is so hard but God is faithful.

    Nancy, of course there is no guarantee, but hospitals are really working hard to be safe. I went to the hospital yesterday for my monthly labs and to pick up my oral chemo meds. It was better than I expected and was actually pretty quiet. My temp was taken outside, then I answered oral questions at a table as I walked in and was sent to a large room where I checked in and told the nurse what I needed. I was asked more questions and was then sent to the lab. I was the only one in the large lab waiting room and the only one in the elevator and the blood draw room. I was never touched other than by the lab technician. There were "spacers" everywhere and hand sanitizers and notices. Everyone wore a mask including me. The pharmacy had a new glass window between us with a special box for my insurance card so it was never touched. She then told me how to sanitize it right there after. It was eerie but I felt fairly safe. I could have chosen to go to another place for all this but I know my hospital and the entrance, etc. is separate from the ER and sick sections of the hospital. I was told the other places in town were busy perhaps with people afraid of the hospital? I don't know, but I felt like it was as safe as it could be. I prayed about it all before we left. I believe praying for calm and peace is important and that God does not want us to live in fear. Easier said than done! I know this is only one place, but i thought you might be curious how it all works somewhere else.

    What is most difficult for me right now is teaching my granddaughter how to be safe for what is going on without frightening her. She is old enough to ask questions but too young to actually understand the gravity of it all. I am thankful she has experienced me in masks before. When she is sick I wear one when she comes close and set one aside for her to wear for "fun" so she is not frightened. We talk about seeing people wearing masks now on the street (remember I live in a very populated area). It is sad that she has to go through this and that she can't go to the park or to church. We have a large common area downstairs where we take her to ride her scooter or kick a ball around. The neighbor boy came out yesterday and kicked the ball with us but we were all careful to stand far apart and not touch the ball with our hands. It was kind of sad... There was discussion in the monthly HOA meeting about sign-ups for the pool this summer to limit the number of people down there. Our world is forever changed--again.

    Sorry for the long post. May the peace of God cover you all today. Chris

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2020

    Faith - I am praying for your husband! Some home remedies that MAY help until you can get medical help for bladder infection (they work - I have used them) are...1) 1 tsp. baking soda in a big glass of water. Repeat until symptoms subside. 2) Cranberry juice - assuming you can get it. THANK YOU for praying for us!

    Nancy, I am glad they are thinking ahead to get what you need done SOON. We just scheduled a smart phone visit with James' doctor for next week instead of in person. (Relief over that!) Now praying for good news. Yes - the enemy IS using this to discourage the saints because he knows his time is short and he is the loser.

    Beautiful banners, Joanne! AMEN!

    Chris, I am thankful for your peace and what seems to be pretty good precautionary measures at the hospital. Thank you for your prayers for us. May your little grandaughter NOT be traumatized by this situation we find ourselves in. Little ones are amazingly resilient and adjust to change fairly well.

    I ran upon this video that made me REALLY think! Please watch it as MOST of us never thought of these things and we ALL want to be safe.

    God bless and keep you all,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited April 2020

    Ade, I actually watched that same video a few days ago--the day before my daughter went to the store. But thank you for sending it. We did what the man said by separating the counter, washing down all containers and packages, washed the reusable grocery bags (can't get plastic ones here anymore without paying extra) washed all fruits and veggies with soap although I have been washing them for years. My daughter washed her clothes and took a shower immediately once she got home. I already use extra sanitizing measures now even though our family is pretty much self-contained. My granddaughter is over her cold although my DH still has a cough. I am fine. She will not visit her daddy until things calm down. it is sad, but necessary as that is where she got sick this last time. I carry wipes and extra kleenex and avoid touching everything outside the home including the elevator buttons, etc. And I wash my hands every time I get up. This is getting exhausting and a little nerve-wracking but is doable.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2020

    Joanne, that is a gorgeous banner reminding us of his mercies. Corrie Ten Boom is right on with these words.

    Ade, thank you for posting that video. I had seen some of these two times on TV on different programs from the same doctor. I am running out of Chlorox Wipes and I know I have to be more careful but I don't have alot of room to keep groceries outside my house first. I am doing tons of washing my hands and throwing out bags and boxes as soon as I am able.

    It looks like we are all supposed to wear masks now. Talking is now added to the list of how we can catch the virus. It is a gorgeous day here and people are out and about and I don't see any masks as I did even a week of so ago. I know it is easy to get lax when we are supposed to be doubling down.

    I did see a truck outside my house and he was disinfecting garbage carts. I am wondering if this is a new start up business. My neighbor was having her containers done. Now I have seen everything. Good idea.

    Chris, I am glad some of your family members and you are doing fine now. Your granddaughter not quite understanding what is going on is similar to my 94 yr old Mom. I am glad to hear that you felt safe going for lab work.

    Have a good weekend dear sisters. We are all in this together and we WILL get through this.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2020

    This should be reported but is not. James just read in a physicians journal publication that the virus can live in an air "cloud" for 3 hours. Meaning if you walk down the grocery isle or into an elevator etc. and no one is there a previous sneeze/cough cloud that you can't even see may be there to infect you. Another reason for masks! Also (and this amazed me) the virus can live on a plastic or stainless steel (non-porous) surface for 72 hours!

    This craziness is making us germaphobes! Move over, Howard Hughes - and they thought YOU were crazy!

    One of our nephews is putting their toddler in a daycare because he and his wife are working from home! I fear this is a BIG mistake!

    Please pray for a very dear elderly friend and sister in the Lord (another one!), Ruby. Her husband Gary went Home yesterday of a heart attack. We just went to their 60th wedding anniversary renewal of their vows not long ago. At least these widows know for certain that their husbands live, and they WILL see them again one day.

    Stay well and strong in the faith, sisters!


  • etnasgrl
    etnasgrl Member Posts: 185
    edited April 2020

    Had my third Taxol treatment yesterday. Had another allergic reaction, exactly like the first.
    They stopped the Taxol, administered extra Benadryl and steroids, then started the Taxol again on a slow drip for half an hour. When I didn't have another reaction, they brought it back up to the normal drip. All went well.
    My oncologist called me later in the afternoon to tell me that it is very probable that I will have a reaction at each infusion, so to prevent that from happening, at my next infusion, they will do the slowest drip possible. Doing that, will hopefully trick my body, so it doesn't realize the chemo is being infused. She said this method works about 80% of the time. It means instead of an hour, the infusion will last 3. I have a hard enough time icing my hands and feet for 1 hour, I can't imagine doing it for 3! I will, of course, but am SO not looking forward to it.
    If this method does not work, she will have to switch me to a different chemo and start the cycle from the I am REALLY hoping this slow drip works!

    If y'all could lift this up in prayer, I would be so grateful. Thank you, ladies!


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2020

    Karen I pray you will have NO MORE reactions and can breeze through the rest of your treatments, and that they wipe the cancer cells right out of your body. Hang in there and trust in the Lord - He will get you through. Praying for you!

    I forgot to add to my last post that we can find no more tissues, paper towels or disinfecting wipes available for sale so we ordered a box of microfiber cloths that we can clean with and then throw in the washer, and 2 dozen bandanas for nose blowing/wiping - also machine washable.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited April 2020

    Karen, I will join with the others and pray for no more reactions.

    Ade, I have none to spare and I know you live out, but are there any agencies or groups who are taking care of seniors in your area? Is there anyone at your church who can help you find what you need? We have a couple groups who will bring supplies if you cannot find them. I will pray God connects you to someone who can help.

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited April 2020

    Dear friends, thank you all once again for your prayers for my DH. The doctor finally called tonight at 7:30pm and said they going to try again for the approval and MAYBE he can have his temporary procedure on Wednesday. I would appreciate it so much if you could pray for him just a little while longer that it is God's will and it will all be okay until he can have the regular procedure. The stress is taking a toll on both of us and it's not good for any of us who have cancer.

    Joanne, I love that banner you posted today. It is so true! We just have to believe that God is the chief engineer in charge of everything.

    Karen, I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time with the taxol treatments. I'm praying that the next ones are easier and that you have the strength and will to endure all the icing on your hands and feet. I will certainly pray that you don't have to start over with another treatment but there are lots of other treatments that are well tolerated out there. Hang in there, there will be God's light at the end of the tunnel.

    Chris, it has to be extra hard trying to keep everything clean with a little one in the house. You're right, this is getting so exhausting. Nancy, eeegads, disinfecting our outdoor trash cans! Maybe we could spray them with Lysol? Yes, Ade, we are all becoming germaphobes! It was a nice day today and people were out walking including me, but I wonder if we need to wear masks if we are just walking and keeping our distance. I certainly will if I go anywhere. I haven't been anywhere for over two weeks now and I'm getting bad cabin fever even though I usually don't mind staying home.

    Sending lots and lots of prayers and love,

    Faith (in the future)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2020

    Karen, I am sorry this has been so difficult. I am praying that you will be able to tolerate the slow drip. What does the icing of your hands and feet do? I have not heard of that at least on this thread. I remember you saying you can't wait till you are in the single digits in your countdown of treatments. Does that mean you are in that now? You can do this and I ditto what Ade said about this wiping the cancer cells out of your body!!!

    Ade, I have prayed for Ruby to be comforted in her great loss. Such a hard time to lose a loved one in this new era we are in. Hard anytime but especially now.

    I am not all that surprised about this air cloud. I have had a sense from the beginning that we were not being told the whole story. I do have to correct something I said. The Feds as you all probably know by now are suggesting we wear masks in public but it is voluntary. I do see that Amazon has all sorts of masks on their website. However any bleach wipes is for front line workers only.

    If we are not in the end times this time in history will go down in the books probably similar to the world wars and every catastrophic event ever know to mankind............but with that said we WILL get through this.



  • etnasgrl
    etnasgrl Member Posts: 185
    edited April 2020

    Nancy......Taxol can cause severe neuropathy in your hands and feet. To try and prevent that from happening, my oncologist wants me to ice my hands and feet during the entire duration of the infusion. It has worked so far, praise God! So while it is extremely uncomfortable, it is worth it, if it works! But 3 hours is such a LONG time to do it, I'm hoping that I can make it.
    I can do ALL things through Christ!! Right?? LOL!

    I have had 3 treatments out of 12, so YES....I am in the single digits now, yay!! 9 more to go!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2020

    Karen, thanks for the info. Can you watch a movie on one of your devices? Do something that will be a BIG distraction. When I was having so much tailbone pain I could be sitting on my heating pad and watch a movie and be so distracted for a while I didn't realize the pain so much. When is your next infusion? I will be praying for you.

    Chris, one of my photographer friends from San Diego who I have met on the photography thread posted late last night about the earthquake. Did you feel anything from that or the aftershocks?

    I talked to my Mom's facility today. My Mom depended on my sister and I to get her mail. I had sent her a photo card and I wanted to ask if someone could get her mail so she could get it. I was informed that even the mail delivery person was not allowed into the facility so their own workers had to distribute the mail themselves. Plus they are all eating in their rooms now. They are now set up to allow the family to video chat with the residents on their new ipad they have for this purpose. Each person is allowed 15 min. I don't have an apple device so I am not sure how this could be done. My sister seems to think a phone call is better and she may be right. Something new would make my Mom nervous esp. if someone was right there showing her how to do it. I am glad they are finding ways to keep family connected. It just makes me so sad knowing that so many loved ones have died alone without their family because of no visitors in most hospitals now.

    There is an Asian surgeon from Texas who has been posting about the virus and what the healthcare workers do to prevent the virus to enter their homes. Ade, this doctor echoed what you had shared about the virus hanging in a cloud for 3hrs in the air. I may not be phrasing that the way he said it but it really spoke to the efforts of doubling down our efforts to be proactive with this disease. I don't remember his name but he has more than one video. In the one that explains just how the virus gets into our lungs a fair warning that he does use some four letter words a few times. He cleaned up his act in the second video because he must have heard about it! It might be worth it if you have a chunk of time on your hands and hear from someone on the front lines.

    Have a good weekend dear sisters. I was blessed today with an unexpected visitor who is an angel in human form for me. She stood there with a little potted Pansy for me. We are both gardeners and flower lovers. She had visited this out of town nursery which we have been to together before. She is getting more groceries for me and yes.......................even toilet paper when they do a Costco run later this week. God is good.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited April 2020

    Nancy, yes, we did feel the earthquake although it was short and minor here. I am used to them and they don't scare me. Praise God for angels and trust God for the toilet paper! We are still fine here although our neighbors are beginning to gather a little more in the common areas. I hope they continue to be careful. My nervousness has increased a little and I am sure I am not alone.

  • etnasgrl
    etnasgrl Member Posts: 185
    edited April 2020 next infusion is this coming Thursday, the 9th. Thank you for praying!

    I have another prayer request, if y'all don't mind.
    Lately, I have been having a very hard time drawing close to God. My prayer life has dwindled and so has my time in The Word. I feel like there is a wall up between myself and The Lord.....and no matter how much I know in my head that I need to press in, I just can't seem to get my heart to follow suite. Now is when I need Him the most, yet I feel so far away.
    I know a lot of it has to do with being disciplined to just sit and read/pray, whether I feel like it or not. Anyway, I could use some prayers that my relationship with Christ becomes stronger, not weaker.
    Thank you all!


  • etnasgrl
    etnasgrl Member Posts: 185
    edited April 2020

    Joanne.....Oh yes, Jesus is my Lord and Savior! He has been since 1997, when I asked Him to come into my heart and forgive me of my sins. I have no doubt about that. My issue is ME and not Him. I need to press in....but I don't. Every night, when I get into bed, I ask Him to draw my heart closer to His and give me the desire to seek His face first thing in the morning. But, when morning comes.....I don't spend that time in The Word and prayer.
    I know that I will get there.....but for some reason, right now, it's just not happening. And I don't like that!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2020

    Chris thank you for your kind concern. We are doing ok so far. Walmart online limits your purchases to one per item but that's ok and we understand why. The problem is your cart is half sold out by the time you get an order ready to place and then you have to come up with more items (IF you can find them in stock) to get your free shipping on a $35 purchase. Our daughter-in-love has been wonderful to offer to shop for us whenever she goes to the grocery. We are used to being socked in with Ohio blizzards so this is like a prolonged blizzard, only you can enjoy your porch! Since James' retirement 8 years ago we have been together EVERYDAY 24 hours. Good thing we get along! :o)

    Great words from Joanne! Karen, Joanne's posts may minister to your situation in a wonderful way. We ALL feel distant from the Lord sometimes. The Lord just admonished me about not spending enough time in prayer. Of course I DO pray but could be praying more than I do. Things that have helped me are talking to Him out loud and also journaling. If you have a good devotional and will look up the scriptures mentioned in it this will help keep you in the Word each day and also MORNING, I think, is the key, before the day gets busy. James and I spend our first hour reading aloud, looking up the scriptures, and discussing our 7 devotionals (between us). We find they almost ALWAYS have the same running message so it is like an everyday church sermon for us. Then in the evening we are going through a Chronological Bible devotional (through the Bible in a year) which we take turns reading aloud and we LOVE it. I am blessed to have a partner to keep me accountable but you can do this by yourself easily. Don't be discouraged, you will get back to where you need/want to be. If you were straying TOO far from the Lord you would not have received His message through the Holy Spirit to come back closer!

    Blessings upon your Palm Sunday, Sisters,



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2020

    Dear sisters,

    I have felt like I have been living in the Twilight Zone for so many weeks from this sickness and then the virus. I have to admit that when I woke up this morning and I heard the person on my Christian radio station mention Palm Sunday I was not even aware. Normally on this day I would be sitting on the end of the row and Jesus would come riding in on a donkey where I could reach out and touch the donkey and believe me I have been tempted but I digress. I miss the corporate worship but I am thankful for our online services.

    Karen, I am certainly praying for you. I could share with you of my spiritual crisis almost a year ago to the day but I have decided that is not what you need to hear. Joanne and Ade has shared some rich advice. When I was teaching I had to get up very early to have time to have my time with the Lord and in the Word otherwise it would never happen. Now in retirement I have a special time which is not early in the morning but it is part of my routine. Faith is not a feeling and it has taken me a lifetime to absorb that truth. You are dealing with a difficult chemo experience. You are dealing with trying to work and go through treatments. You are dealing with trying to keep your family safe by going into separate entrances. You are dealing with many things that most of us have not had to deal with in our cancer journeys. With all that said you have a lot on your plate. I think you need to take that step of spending time with the Lord whether you feel like it or not. One thing that really ministered to me when I was going through treatments was the Bible Gateway website where you can hear any scripture and any version of the Bible spoken. I would listen to the 23rd Psalm over and over again every day for many, many days and it ministered to me. I just had to listen and absorb. We can certainly all pray for you that you can draw closer to the Lord and feel His presence. I will be praying for you especially on Thursday as you have your next treatment.

    Ade, I can so appreciate your struggles to buy things online. I am going to be running out of chlorox wipes and I ordered some alternatives on Amazon but they won't come until well into May. I even researched Wisy wipes I think they are called. They are alternatives to toilet paper which look like life saver mints. Really. You pour a tiny bit of water of them and they miraculously unfold in this pretty large tissue which can be used for toilet paper. I am glad your daughter in law is helping. My friend is going to Costco and she says they have toilet paper and will get me some. I ordered that online in the middle of March and Amazon cannot give an estimate of delivery yet. I will pray that the Lord will meet every need you have in your search for needed items.

    I have really only napped this afternoon as I have been so tired. The antibiotics are done today and they have been making me tired.

    I know that as we approach these next couple of weeks the painful loss is going to happen with the virus as the peak nears. We need to hang on to Jesus tightly as this may be a rough ride for a while.

    As we enter into this Holy Week this will be a time that we will never forget. Let this Easter be one of profound meaning for each one of us as we contemplate the price that Jesus paid so we can experience His grace and forgiveness of our sins.


