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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2020

    Good call on the PT, Nancy. I'm sorry about your headache. I know that fears must accompany that and I pray for peace and healing for you. I tried James' Topiramate which is supposed to be good for depression, weight loss and to prevent migraines. I had a migraine EVERY day I took it! We read the side effects and they are REALLY bad and James has MANY of them - so he is going to speak with the VA doc about going off of it. Many times the meds cause more problems than they cure, don't they! Glad your fever is down - I run a below the norm temp too. Guess we're "cool chicks" huh!


    Happy Saint Patty's day tomorrow, ladies!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2020

    Thank you Ade. Cool chicks. I like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was so nervous about going to my mammogram and ultrasound today more so because I have been isolating myself and didn't know what invisible germs I would encounter. I would have postponed except it would involved canceling my breast surgeons follow up apt next week. Right before leaving today I got a call from my bs office cancelling my apt for next week saying he would be in surgery. I have to call and reschedule but they won't start until mid April.

    The mammogram was fine and the ultrasound was difficult with my shoulder since the lymph nodes under suspicious were underarm but the tech told me after it was over she didn't see any lymph nodes other than normal ones. They usually never tell you anything after these tests. So she came back and told me things were fine with the radiologist. So maybe I can finally celebrate my five years out a year later without any black clouds over things. I still have to have a CT of my abdomen but that will be later and I am happy.

    On a more serious note 22 people in a nursing home in our county are infected now. I am very worried for my Mom. I got the word yesterday that her facility has closed it's doors on all visitors now. She lives 3hrs downstate and as of today no one is infected in their county so far. For anyone new here my Mom is 94 with dementia and I have lived with her 3 mos out of the year for seven years before we had to put her in a facility two years ago. I had planned on seeing her at the end of March for a week and was planning my usual three week visit in May but I doubt if any of that will happen now.

    There was a younger lady today in the waiting room with me today. She was a nervous wreck I could tell. I wanted to say something to her and didn't . The lady that does the ultrasounds came out to get her. I already knew that this office had canceled all routine mammograms so I just wonder what her results were. I think I was more concerned about her than my results.

    Karen, my prayers are with you as you face your first chemo tomorrow. May God put His comforting arms of peace around you as you approach this day.

    My email was down all of last night and I somehow fiddled around and well past midnight was able to get it up and running before going to bed. So if you don't hear from me for a while know that it could be email issues.

    Ade. I went off today without makeup or earrings or anything. I suspect your cute little pig looked better than I did.Shocked.

    Here is are a couple more orchid pics. Hopefully I will soon feel up to photographing some of my new orchids here at my house.

    I am right now watching a guy on TV passing out a free roll of toilet paper to cars going by. It brought tears to my eyes. My neighbors got me groceries and another friend is trying to find some things they couldn't. The best is coming out in people.





  • etnasgrl
    etnasgrl Member Posts: 185
    edited March 2020

    Thank you Nancy, for the prayers!
    I have an army of people ladies, a co-worker's Bible study group, and several family and friends. I am SO blessed and truly grateful for the prayers. God is beyond good to me!

    I am anxious, but honestly, now that the day is pretty much here, I just want to get this started, so I can get it over with. The unknown is scarier than actually going through it and I have allowed stress and worry just beat me down. I know better than that and I know I need to TRUST God....but sometimes, knowing and doing are too very different things. *sigh* Oh well, one step at a time. My prayer is that God will use this to draw me closer to Him as I have a bad habit of just going through daily life, leaving Him behind.

    I had to laugh.....I went to the infusion center for labs today. I also started my first day working at home, so I was dressed comfy. Before leaving the house, I threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I put my hair up in a clip and no makeup. No jewelry. Nothing. I'm betting the pig looked MUCH better than I did, LOL!

    I will be praying for your mom, that she stays safe and healthy during all of this.

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2020

    Nancy, I’ve been praying for you that your mammogram and ultrasound would be okay and am so relieved to hear things sound good. While I’m not posting much, I continue to pray for everyone here and now in this world of chaos. Two of our granddaughters are nurses in large Chicago hospitals and the doctors there are very worried as I imagine most of us are. We need to pray for all the health care workers and those loosing their jobs like my son because of this downturn in business.

    Thank you all for posting so many uplifting bible quotes. They are all so timely and help to bring peace. My anxiety is getting worse with all of this and I imagine many of you must be feeling the same.

    My DH is still waiting to hear if his prostate surgery will go ahead next week. He really needs it done but I think he should cancel it because of this virus. I have to trust in Our Dear Lord that all will be well. This too shall pass.

    Love and prayers for everyone here and in the world.

    Faith (in the future)

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2020

    Nancy ~*~ Praising the Lord with you on those test results and that you didn't have that agonizing wait for results that we all have endured! Your orchid photos are amazing - the Lord is glorified in your capturing His creative beauty. It sounds like your mom is safe for now as they're doing the recommended thing there. We will pray the Lord keeps her and the others safe.

    Faith we pray for your loved ones working in the medical field and ALL of them! They and the first res[ponders certainly need our prayers. May the Lord grant the doctors wisdom regarding your husband's pending surgery. I pray for peace for ALL of us. The Lord gave us His Word and intends for us to believe Him. Oh what would we do without Him!

    Joanne THANK YOU for the piece you shared and scriptures. I will share them with my friends on facebook today - they need it as do we all.

    Yesterday we drove to the rheumatologist appointment in Midland. It is 3+ hours away and the traffic up there is NUTS but the Lord kept us safe and we found the place without trouble. There were 2 coughers in the waiting room and one WAS really sick - should NOT have been there! We were across the room from him though. The doctor (& all staff) wore masks but when she realized James is hearing impaired she took it off so he could see her face while talking. How kind! She is incredible, asked SO many history questions of him. She is leaning close to what the cardiologist thought with Autonomic Dysfunction. James' regular doc didn't even give it a thought when James brought it up to him. :o( She quizzed James for 40 minutes! Then she ordered SIXTEEN blood tests and a urinalysis. She also gave him hope that it CAN be treated (if that ends up being his diagnosis) which gave him hope. He, being an R.N. read all he could about it after the cardiologist brought it up and he really felt he was doomed to die - but now, praise God, he has hope. But BECAUSE of that possible diagnosis, his age, and heart condition he is at a HIGH risk of not surviving the virus. So for that reason we are now "sheltering in place" as I certainly don't want to go out and bring it home to him either. We stopped in Fort Stockton to get his bloodwork done on the way home and were met at the door by a couple of nurses who asked us questions, took our temperatures, and gave us a paper we had to carry with us saying we were screened. They had taken all of the couches out of the large lobby and replace them with 4 folding chairs facing each other 6 feet apart. It was late so there were few people even going through there (thankfully) - mostly staff going home. The doctor wants James to return April 8th - but since she did the physical exam already and it would only be to go over the test results & plan treatment I think it would be prudent to stay here and do the visit over the phone instead. Do you agree?

    Two more things - I read that a study shows that for immune compromised people you can take 1/2 - 1tsp. BAKING SODA in 4 oz. of water once a day for 2 weeks and it can 'reset' the immune system in the spleen. I can give you the article by a reputable doctor (Russel Blaylock) if you want. We are doing this as it can't hurt.

    The other article (and it is on the news) says that Quinine can help protect against and treat the virus. We just ordered several bottles of 800mg. capsules from Amazon today. You take 2 capsules 3 times a day. Might be worth looking into! The UK, South Korea and China say it is successful. They're finding that survivors who have had lung xrays afterward show a 20% damage which is permanent due to scar tissue. This is one mean bug we want to avoid as much as it is in our power to do so! Out trust is in the Lord but He grants us wisdom to do our part too. James pressed the elevator buttons with his knuckle, I sanitized his hands after he pumped the gas, and we are swiping out debit card with alcohol. The virus lives longest on plastic, then metal.

    Praying for God's peace, wisdom and healing for ALL of you dear ones and your families.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2020

    Nancy, praising God for answers to prayers about your recent tests. Sounds like things might finally be looking better for you. I will continue to pray for pain relief. Your orchid pictures are amazing!

    Ade, so happy to read your post about James. It sounds like there will finally be some answers and possible solutions for him. I hope you are feeling better too as you carry the burden for you both.

    Faith, praying for your husband and the surgery to come. God knows what we need before we even need it!

    I pray for all of our family nurses and doctors right now. My daughter-in-law is a hospital nurse working in labor and delivery in MO. Though she is not front-line with those coming in sick, she is still exposed and fears more for her little boys at home. My son is a pastor and trying to balance caring for his congregation with caution, but he said MO is one of the last places to catch things as they are more isolated than some states.

    I have cancelled our trip to meet my siblings and am hunkering down avoiding other people as much as possible. My granddaughter has a cold, so I am avoiding her too (which is difficult as she lives with me). She caught it at her daddy's last weekend. It used to be so hard to get other people to understand my need for isolation and avoiding handshakes, etc., but this pandemic is raising awareness--perhaps one good thing to come out of all this. I have my monthly labs next week so we shall see how that all works out.

    I have never seen San Diego so quiet during Spring break. Restaurants here cannot get supplies so many of them have closed to even take-out. Pray for those who are out of work in the tourist industry.

    Praying God will richly supply all your needs. Trusting God for the toilet paper!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2020

    Praying that all you dear ladies stay safe an well. Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2020

    Hi all. I posted a long post and it appears to have disappeared. My email was down one whole evening. So I am a bit confused and can't quite remember what I said.

    Thank you all for encouragement and support for my good news on my mammogram and ultrasound and thank you for your kind comments on my orchid pics. Some of you know but not all that God gave me the gift of photography as a silver lining to my cancer treatments so I especially want to use that gift to lift Him up and give Him glory and to show off His beautiful creations.

    Karen, I have had you on my mind all day and praying that your first chemo was not as frightening as I know you had feared. I certainly don't want to minimize this journey at all but I hope that getting that first one out of the way has given you confidence that YOU CAN DO THIS.

    Faith, I remember asking you in this post that disappeared if DH's surgery is a cancer surgery? Of course if you don't want to say I completely understand. With the restrictions on visitors in the hospitals now I know it would be hard and of course I understand the anxiety of picking up these invisible germs we are all trying to avoid. When is the date so we can pray going into it? I know for those working in the medical profession this has got to be so scary. I don't know if this was in my post that went poof but I told the ladies working when I had my mammogram that I considered them heroes in my book. They work as closely as any other doctor and I wanted them to know how much I appreciated them during this difficult time. Praying for you and your anxiety as it can creep in as we think about the craziness going on right now.

    Ade, I am so hopeful after reading your post about James and the doctor. I think it would be wise to follow up with a phone call of possible. I was supposed to follow up with my primary doctor after going to urgent care last week but I have not done so and if I feel like I am okay (jury still out on that one) I may only chose to send him a message in MyChart saying I am fine and I didn't want to burden him more than he already is. Besides my PT bills are pretty overwhelming anyway so I really don't need any unnecessary medical apts. I am just now seeing the news that California has issued a statewide stay home order. I see that happening in IL as well but not for the short term.

    Chris, I am very sorry that you have to cancel your trip but I think you are wise. Actually with the new order from your state you wouldn't have been able to leave anyway it sounds like. Praying you will not catch anything from Brianna.

    Teka, the fact that spring officially started this evening has sort of been a non event under all the circumstances. That is a great verse and very appropriate for the current state of events. Praying you are doing well after your second eye surgery.

    Jean, praying that you and your family stay safe and that you have people that can help get your needed supplies and groceries.

    Joanne, thank you for sharing all of those verses and sharing Ann Graham Lotz' view. Praying that Dad is better and you stay well.

    My neighbors and a friend have got groceries for me and today this neighbor brought over a care package for me with a little hand sanitizer and some gloves and some masks which I didn't have some of those things. I have groceries for the week and I am thanking God for His provision.

    I am trying to get caught up on the church services that I missed while sick. Our new pastor started the year with the series God's Got This. We have all of our sermons online so that is a real blessing now. It was certainly an appropriate topic considering the current state of affairs. I do believe that this in retrospect will be the thing that caused many unbelievers to reach out to Jesus when they realize they cannot do this on their own. I also believe that it will make us stronger as we have to depend on the Lord during this time. I never ever imagined that I would have to rely on faith to have food to eat. I never thought that my life savings would be drug through the mud and dwindle to unbelievable lows. As unbelievable as this time we are living in I do believe that we will get through this and be stronger for it. One promising thing is this experimental vaccine that was produced in record time. I have prayed that God would move heaven and earth to allow this vaccine to come to the general population in record time. I did hear an expert on this the other day say it could happen as early as November. I am praying for a miracle to speed up this process.

    I am on my churches prayer team and today I received two days of prayers. One days worth was nine pages. I was feeling pretty overwhelmed but will go through these in the next few days. We all need to pray for our medical staff, first responders and all that work in medical facilities and long care facilities. These people are the heros of this time and we need to support them in prayer. Also all the businesses who have had to close we need to pray for them in this scary time.

    I have another story. I had to spend quite a long time on the phone today trying to get this to work but those of you who have been around for a while knows my Cammie stories and remembers how she decided to stop using her litter box a couple years ago sending me into fits of despair and craziness. I was able to reverse that trend but she will ONLY use one type of litter which has become hard to find. The other day one of the Pet Stores where I have an account sent out an email saying they are offering curbside service to people who buy online. They will load your trunk and you don't even have to roll down your window. I found her litter online and it said they were low on stock. I tried for three bags and they only had two left. So I had the two in my online cart and then something didn't work so I had to talk to the manager on the phone. Anyway I was able to get their very last two bags of this litter. I felt prompted to look into this today and I feel like that was the Lord. I was able to drive to the store and got my litter without any interaction with the guy even though I wanted to thank him but he was already heading back into the store. God is good and even in the little things He will provide. Cammie will be happy for a while and so will I.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • etnasgrl
    etnasgrl Member Posts: 185
    edited March 2020

    Good Morning ladies!

    First chemo was yesterday. I was so incredibly nervous and anxious! How nervous?? blood pressure was 170/83!! Good grief!
    But all those nerves and anxious thoughts were for nothing. Everything went absolutely perfect. No issues, no reactions, and no complications. The Benadryl that they gave me in my pre-meds actually put me to sleep and I was able to take a short nap.
    I walked out of the infusion center feeling fine, totally normal. (I don't know really how I was expecting to feel, lol!) Last night, I started getting a dull headache and was REALLY tired from the day, so I ended up going to bed at 7:30!! I was wiped out....I think more from all the stress and worry than anything else.

    I am amazed by how well it all went. I was telling the Lord that this morning and then I had this thought....."Well, isn't that what you prayed for?!" Why is it that I pray for something and ask others to pray for the same.....then get amazed when God answers that prayer?? It's like I don't really think He will listen to my prayers or answer them, and then when He does, I'm shocked. I need A LOT of work, girls, lol! A LOT!

    Anyway, today is back to work....but I'm working from home, so it's good. Then the weekend to relax and rest. I'm hoping that any side effects that come are mild and manageable.
    And Nancy.....I love your Cammie story! I'm so glad that you found the litter and was able to get it delivered straight to your car. God is good!

    Love you girls! Hope y'all have a wonderful day and weekend!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2020

    Karen, so glad to hear how the Lord answered our prayers for you. I felt certain that you would feel relief after you could tick off one chemo down. I will pray that you will be able to handle your work as you go through chemo. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have one burning question for all of you. When we are all trying to flatten the curve (regarding the Covid-19 virus) then why are my curves getting BIGGER???????????????????????????????????????????

    One more thing to make you smile. Jimmy Fallon asked for people in quarantine to write six words on twitter what they felt about it. One person wrote " I just expelled my child from home school"

    On a more serious note..............there are some very helpful podcasts on BCO regarding coping with the new world we are living in and explanations for those in active treatment and how this new world will affect you. I have listened to both of them they I received info from this in an email and you all should have received that as well I would imagine. They are worth listening to.

    Hang in there everyone. We will get through this.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2020

    As Illinois closes down, I’m leaning more and more on Proverbs 3:5. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. I’m praying for all of your here as well as your families, the medical workers, the ones losing their jobs, my son among them, the world in general.

    My DH has had his surgery postponed till late April right now. Thankfully it isn’t cancer but very upsetting since the meds he takes is causing insomnia which makes everything worse as I’m sure most of you know.

    There are lots of little acts of kindness everywhere and maybe it will be more contagious than this virus. As we were leaving a small grocery store on Thursday, a young woman offered to give us her phone number and shop for us if we needed anything. Then yesterday my neighbor stopped to ask if we needed anything from the grocery. We are very fortunate that two of our children are close enough to do what we need but DH always hates to ask for help, very independent guy. However, he did finally say last night that I shouldn’t go out, even for groceries. Maybe he’s getting the message that we all need help on occasion and it’s okay to ask for it.

    Sending love and prayers to all of you!

    Faith (in the future) with God’s help.🙏🏻💕

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2020

    We all need to smile a bit. If I’m lucky, ours will be delivered on Tuesday from Costcoimage


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2020

    HappyHappyHappyI can see Cammie doing that at my house. She is VERY smart but I haven't taught her how to type yet!!!!!!!!!!

    I put in an order for Toilet Paper on Amazon days ago and they still haven't given me an estimated delivery. My supply will get me through ????? My neighbor keep assuring me they have plenty. My neighbors and a friend are grocery shopping for me. They sort of quarantined me several days ago before the actual stay at home order. I really hate to ask for help so this is not easy for me at all.

    I am sorry your DH's surgery had to be postponed. I can really relate to the insomnia. I am taking a couple of new supplements and I have had severe insomnia. Last night was one of them. I feel like a zombie today but I am grateful I don't have any place to be. I am not sure what is causing it.

    I am so glad to hear that it is not cancer for DH. Edward Hospital has two Covid 19 patients there now so that is a bit concerning. It is safer to postpone these things even though I am sure it is very stressful and disappointing.

    The sun is shining here on this very cold spring day. It seems like the sun makes everything better. The SON certainly does in all things.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2020

    Nancy and Faith, I join you in the insomnia club...for me it is most nights but once I finally fall asleep, I sleep for maybe five hours. It is less than I am used to but better than none. My DH and I went out to the store yesterday at 7:00 am to get groceries since our stores open from 7 - 7:30 for seniors only. I am hoping by being one of the first ones in and out it reduces my exposure, but that may change if San Diego gets worse. We were able to buy our allotted two packs of TP per household: off-brand and thin, but better than none. We bought both since we are a family of four, but there were only a couple dozen packs left on the self for others. Trust God for the TP! There were many empty shelves, no meat, rice, or beans, but hopefully we were able to find enough other things to supplement, and I have always kept an extra supply of food for rainy days. Well, it is storming now so it is paying off. I was a zombie all day as I had to wake early to go and only slept a couple of hours.

    Faith, I am sorry for your DH's surgery delay but will pray God touches him in the meantime.

    My cousin's daughter had to move her wedding to an outside house-wedding since her venue closed and nobody can travel, and her fiance's transfer is put on hold. There are so many stories and struggles we know nothing about. Pray people use this time to feel the need for salvation and a need for God.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2020

    Faith I love the banners you posted! We NEED a laugh these days!

    Nancy, try the other online pet supply stores like Petco that ship to your door for the special litter. Gotta keep Diva Cammie happy or else "ain't NObody happy" right? She is so blessed to have YOU! (Tell her I said so!)

    It is amazing how many everyday things that are so different now than just a few short weeks ago. Since James is immuno-compromised and has a heart condition he's high risk so I insist he doesn't venture out unless necessary. And I don't DARE catch the bug and bring it back to him so I am homebound as well. Now we know what it is like for shut-ins don't we. Our "big outing" was to drive my shipments to the post office drop box today - no human contact at all. He handled the mailbox door handle so didn't touch his face until after we got home and he washed his hands well. Odd we must think of those things now. We are blessed with a big wonderful porch so can enjoy the mountain air from there and be happy right here. I learned today that contagion is greater in cold dry climates than moist warm ones. Well at least it is warm here (but very arid).

    We use Walmart's online ordering with free delivery over $35 and have for sometime since our nearest is an hour away. They are awesome. We mail order Maggie's food from TSC or Petco and they deliver free as well with minimum purchase. Use these, ladies, rather than risk being in crowds please.

    I am praying for you and your loved ones. And no matter what your political affiliation please pray for our president...he needs it.

    Hugs (with my mask on)


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2020

    Ade, I am glad you are staying put. Many of the items that are hard to get from Walmart are saying in store only so that doesn't help. Many places are opening doors an hour early only for seniors. My response to that which I copied from someone else is that if God wanted me to see a sunrise he would have put it at noon. LOL So far I am not without food and am thankful for every single meal more than ever.

    Please pray for Joanne. She has been really sick and did have a bad cough which finally stopped. Her doctor basically said to stay put. You have to be in dire straits to get the virus test now. Her DH was sick but has recovered.

    I do pray that God will shield all of us from this virus and that He will give each one of us the strength and comfort we need to get through this twilight zone that we are all living in now. As we have heard many times before...........God was not surprised at any of this. He knows how it will end. The comfort we have as Christians is that in the end we LIVE forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That should give us all hope no matter how things look in the present.

    It is snowing now in Illinois. Yep..................spring has arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2020

    Praying for Joanne that her body will have the strength to recover.

    My DH caught my granddaughter's cold and is also very sick. I am avoiding them both as much as possible but it is hard.

    I Worshipped online this morning and am praising God for His presence even in a room surrounded by other busy noise. "Great is Thy faithfulness" was a great reminder and I need to listen to this everyday! Jesus felt abandoned on the cross yet his Father never left him. Sometimes we feel abandoned and alone yet the father is right beside us the whole time. Lamentations 3:22-23 "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Chris

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2020

    Joanne, praying that Our God of all healing gives you strength and total healing ASAP. Chris, also praying for you and your DH to recover quickly from those colds.

    Nancy, I totally agree with you about the noon sunrise. LOL I am not an early riser either. Why do these stores open at 6:00 or 7:00 for us old people to shop. That's really not helpful for many of us.

    Our church put a Mass online with just the pastor and staff participating and I was able to watch it. While not like the real thing, it was helpful to be able to pray and just be involved in some small way. I missed the choir most of all. It just is so spirit filled and uplifting to everyone. Easter services have been cancelled and I just can't imagine how that will feel. As a lifelong Catholic, I'm so used to Mass every Sunday and the Easter the highlight of our church year.

    I pray none of us get this awful virus and that our country and the world weathers this storm and comes together in peace. I just keep wondering what lesson God is giving us to learn.

    Love and prayers, stay safe and healthy!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2020

    Chris, praying you won't get sick.

    Faith, I had my worship time online as well. Who in the world could imagine the word toilet paper would be mentioned in a sermon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I had a setback yesterday and felt horrible. Today am better but my sinus stuff doesn't seem to want to let go. Since I tested totally negative to allergies not that long ago I can't blame it on that.
    I tried to copy from one of my devotionals today and it didn't work. Oh well. It was really good and it could have not been more appropriate for the twilight zone we are all living in now. This verse below was included and I changed it to the Message. We could include Covid 19 as our adversary.

    Isaiah 41:13 The Message (MSG)

    11-13 "Count on it: Everyone who had it in for you
    will end up out in the cold—
    real losers.
    Those who worked against you
    will end up empty-handed—
    nothing to show for their lives.
    When you go out looking for your old adversaries
    you won't find them—
    Not a trace of your old enemies,
    not even a memory.
    That's right. Because I, your God,
    have a firm grip on you and I'm not letting go.
    I'm telling you, 'Don't panic.
    I'm right here to help you.'

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2020


    Praying for you all,


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2020

    Dear friends, in the midst of all this awful craziness going on, I have a friend whose husband is having surgery tomorrow. They are looking for bladder cancer. Please pray for Ray and his wife that no cancer or anything awful is found. Illinois is really in the midst of this COVID 19 and worrying about cancer is so stressful.

    I could also use a few prayers, my stomach has been bothering me a lot lately, feels like IBS possibilities but could be anxiety. I'm so stressed with this whole thing, with DH's issues adding to it. I'm really trying to trust in God that all will be well but it's hard right now. Also trusting that HE will take care of the TP! :-).

    Lots of prayers and love,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2020

    Amen to that prayer Ade.

    Faith, praying for Ray and his wife as he goes through surgery tomorrow. Praying that it will be a good outcome and that your protect him from any Coronavirus while at his surgery site. Faith, praying for your anxiety and stomach issues. Today's news of China as they have removed their lock down should give us hope that this will not go on forever.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2020

    Faith, praying for a safe, successful surgery for Ray and no cancer there or virus acquired, peace for his wife, and healing for you and the Lord's peace be with you during this and DH's issues. It is SO hard to stay steady in this, I know! I awaken in the night with anxiety and just have to recall all of the Lord's promises for protection and peace until He calms me down once again. We are humans (LADY humans at that!) and prone to fall into stress especially in THIS time. But our Lord is faithful and He is with us no matter what. We just have to remember He is there for us whether we are strong in the Lord or looking at the storm. We WILL get through this!

    Please pray for a lovely elderly Christian sister, Loeva, who just lost her husband last night. That has to be especially rough right now.

    Cyber-Hugs to you all,


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2020

    Thank you my friends for your prayers. My friend’s husband Ray is out of surgery now but they won’t know until Monday about the results so I ask that you please keep them in your prayers.
    Jo, your lovely banner is just right for today and always. Ade, I pray that your friend Loeva will be comforted in her lose of her husband.

    Nancy, I hope all is well with you as we face this virus close to home. There are many cases at our local hospital.

    Love and many prayers for all of us and the world,


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2020



    Keep looking up - The Lord reigns!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2020

    Ade, I am praying for Loeva. Such an awful time to lose a loved one. Thank you for that prayer for our leaders. I was surprised to hear Dr. Ezike (sp?) (the Afro American woman head of public health that speaks with Trumps updates) saying she had to bury her father last month. I am sure she as all of the leaders that support our president during this unusual time we are living in are working around the clock to keep us as safe and healthy as possible and dealing with their own personal stress apart from this pandemic.

    Faith, I am glad Ray made it through his. We'll be praying that it will be good news when he hears the results.

    Joanne, thank you for that banner. I think all of us have come to moments of feeling overwhelmed but this twilight zone we are living in. How are you feeling?

    Today is probably my most discouraging day. I slept for 10 1/2 hrs last night. I have only laid around all day and wondering if I will ever get well. If this were normal times I would probably make an apt with this new ENT that I saw a couple years ago but I will not go anyplace that is not absolutely necessary. I had a hair apt yesterday and my stylist offered to come to my home. I told her not now as a precaution for both of us. I have had some new symptoms the last couple of days which concerns me the fact that I started feeling chilled way back at the end of Feb and I haven't entirely got back to normal since then. I have days when I think I am okay and then I am not. I would appreciate your continued prayers.

    Karen, how are you doing after your first treatment and working from home?

    Take care dear sisters. We will get through this and hopefully be stronger and more united in our country.



  • etnasgrl
    etnasgrl Member Posts: 185
    edited March 2020

    (((((Hugs))))) Nancy. Bless your heart, this is such a hard time.....magnified by what you have going on. It's so difficult and I am sorry that you are struggling and I will be praying for God to bring some comfort and reassurance to you. Not to mention, I will be praying for you to feel better and more like your old self. Hang in there, dear sister....God's got you!!

    Ade...I will be praying for Loeva! I can not imagine losing a spouse at such a time like this. Heartbreaking.

    Faith....I will be praying for Ray. So glad that he made it through the surgery well and will be praying for the best of results! Please keep us posted.

    As for me.....tomorrow is my second treatment. My husband insists on taking me, but will not be allowed in, so will hang out in the car during my infusion. I hate that, but this is what he wants to do, so I am not going back and forth to treatment alone. Such a good guy!
    Working from home has been challenging, ugh! They can not get my internet phone to work, so they are trying to train me to help out in a different department, that is swamped and short staffed. I truly work for such an incredible company as they are willing to do whatever it takes to keep me remote and working. I am blessed indeed! Not to mention, all of my co-workers sent me well wishes for tomorrow. I just treasure feeling so loved and cared for. I am truly humbled.
    I got my head shaved on Sunday. Now, I no longer recognize the woman in the mirror. Very startling and unsettling....but it's just hair and it will grow back, right?? Ahhh this too shall pass.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2020

    I goofed. This doctor speaks daily with the Illinois Governor so most of you won't know who I am talking about except Faith. Can you tell I have lost my mind!!!!!!!!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2020

    Karen, we must have been posting at the same time and didn't see your post. I didn't think you would be having a second treatment so soon but will be praying for you. I am glad you have such a supportive husband that will stay in his car while you have your treatment inside. Maybe you will take a nap through it like last time. Getting your head shaved has to be a shock but you seem like you are handling it very well. I am glad you have supportive coworkers. Sorry that your internet phone has not been working but it sounds like your boss or whoever is responsible for your work at home is being flexible. I am a retired band director and was a professional musician for a while. At one point when I was performing I had my own teaching business in my home for several years. It is an adjustment but I enjoyed it but I had students coming all the time so it was not isolating like some people are experiencing. I did return to school as a band director. Now in retirement I am isolated. It is just Cammie and I. Today was the most beautiful day here and I hope I can go outside and enjoy it soon.

    Just think how far you have come now that you have one chemo treatment already under your belt. You can do this!!!



  • etnasgrl
    etnasgrl Member Posts: 185
    edited March 2020

    Nancy....I will get Taxol every week for 12 weeks. So, tomorrow will be treatment #2 and then only 10 more to go, yay! Can't wait to get into the single digits, lol!