thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,914
    edited April 2020

    Hershey, I was hoping you were going to say it was less stress when working from home. Hopefully you will be able to catch up with your coworker who is retiring sometime in the near future.

    Karen, I hope things went well today. UTI are a real pain and I am glad you are better after antibiotics. I hope your blood work is good and congrats on being half way done after your treatment today.

    Carol, how are you doing?

    I have some good news. After some pretty crazy last few days of trying to do my VA application a second time around by email it will be submitted tomorrow. Since the VA offices are all closed in Illinois my agent has to send it to someone in Springfield, IL who will have to fax it to Milwaukee. That part makes me a bit concerned because it would be very easy for them to say we didn't get this form that you need. I hope that soon I will feel like this ten ton weight is off my shoulders but I am still in adrenaline mode. I have spent many hours scanning documents and then waiting for emails and then responding. My agent finally called and I was extremely relieved to hear him say he called the VA hotline to be sure we had the correct forms. Whoever he talked to said you also need this other form. So he is doing that form by himself and then will send it to me. Things got a little testy today in email but God gave me the inner strength to hold my tongue ( or words) and made me realize this man needs to be in control and I have to make him think he was right even though he wasn't.

    Thank you for all of you who have prayed for me with this situation which feels like it has been going on for a year. Actually it has been longer than that. I would appreciate your prayers that this decision will not drag on for months as my initial application did and that my Mom will finally be approved.

    During all of this back and forth today my neighbor came over and said she was doing a grocery run and could she get me anything. So I am set for another week. Thank you Lord for the way your provide.

    We have an extended stay at home order until May 30. This will give me more opportunity to continue getting my house in order.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2020

    imageStopping by to let everyone know I still pray for you!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2020

    Thank you mysunshine! Love your forum name, by the way! I started another thread somewhere (I don't remember where right now) on how we all chose our forum names. Would love to see your addition there.

    I've recently advanced to Stage IV metastatic BC. This has really hit my dad hard. I would appreciate prayers for him, too.

    Blessings to all,

    Carol (Sunshine99)

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited April 2020

    Karen, I pray your UTI is better by now and that your next treatment will be a breeze. I'm sorry you had to go through such a rough one. Once you hit that halfway mark it's just a countdown 'til done! Then you rejoice and we with you!

    Thank you mysunshine for dropping by and for the prayers for these precious sisters! Please come back again soon.

    Hershey, I hope you can arrange a "safe distancing" meeting with your friend/coworker. It would probably bless you both.

    Carol, I am SO sorry about your news! I am blessed to not be that advanced (am well aware I COULD be someday) but am encouraged, as I pray you are, at the ones who ARE in that later stage or nearing it - at how well they are doing for so long. I have a personal friend who was stage IV six years ago with pancreatic cancer - which is SO aggressive and most of the time fatal. They gave her about three months. She had a "Whipple" (sp?) surgery and the Lord HEALED her! She is now pastor of a church. Our Lord is an awesome Healer and we can never underestimate Him. Keep your faith in Him strong and we certainly shall pray.

    Nancy, your VA ordeal is looking MUCH more hopeful! Praising the LORD! As for the timelines it DOES seem like forever! We filed James' claim mid September and it was (wrongly) denied. We filed the Higher Level Review on it mid December. March 31st they contacted us to say they were 'correcting an error' (which we took as hopeful) and it may take even longer than the original 4-5 month wait estimate. So we have been at this forever so it seems! I check the VA portal every morning to see if they have made the decision. I guess the GOOD thing is that back pay (IF we would get any) is rated from last August when we filed the "intent to file". Like I said - God teaches PATIENCE the hard way! (Don't ever pray for patience!) :oD

    Well we finally have a PTL! The drug company, SIX MONTHS after we applied, has approved James' free injections (though now he has gone without them for too long since the cardiologist no longer has the samples). Hopefully he will get at least HALF a year's worth. Do you think they do these delays on purpose so they don't have to provide very many free meds? Most people would have just given up I think, but we are tenacious - at least I am about my hubby's health! He is doing well on the first new med from the reumatologist. He starts the 2nd next week so IF there are problems we know which one to blame it on. NO FEVERS OR SOAKING SWEATS!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!

    Another praise concerning a matter I didn't share prior with this group...James was on a medication to prevent migraines for a long time. I noticed a real personality change where he became Dr. Jeckle or Mr. Hyde and for a long time I had to walk on eggshells to prevent him from going into a rage (TOTALLY NOT him!!!) I thought maybe his concussion caused brain damage or it may be some kind of a stroke. But it was SO depressing... and lonely! He went off of the med for other reasons - and is completely back to his loving, kind self! TEARFUL FERVENT PRAYERS ANSWERED!

    We ALL need encouraging here and I just wanted to share these huge blessings with you.

    Be blessed, and keep looking up!


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2020

    Ade, thank you for your prayers. Praise the Lord for your answered prayers for you and your husband!

    Our faith (my dear husband's and mine) is strong, for which we are very thankful. The hardest thing was telling my dad - I knew he'd be crushed. I cried a bit before we called him, and my husband reminded me to look at the scripture I have taped next to my computer: Philippians 4:6-8. I calmed down and was able to talk to him very matter of factly, giving him all the medical details (he's a physician). I sent him a copy of the the sheet that is next to my computer which also has some quotes from Viktor Frankl and Corrie ten Boom. He said they really helped.

    My doctors (I now have 3 oncologists) assure me that bone mets is the "best" kind of mets to have and although this is not curable it is treatable and many of their patients have lived 10-20 years with mets. It's all good news and I have my playlists of songs to remind me that "It is well with my soul". I'll start radiation soon, which should help reduce the pain in my back. God is good, all the time, and this is no exception.

    Love and hugs,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,429
    edited April 2020

    Carol, I am glad that God provided you the strength to tell your dad and your oncologists are positive. My dear dad and mom both died of cancer years before I was diagnosed and I am thankful they did not have to know about mine. I know they would have been devastated even though we are a family of strong faith.

    Ade, I am so thankful James is doing better and that he is finally approved. God is good all the time! Small victories rate huge celebrations!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,914
    edited April 2020

    Lynn, it is great to hear from you. How are you and your dogs doing? We all appreciate your prayers.

    Carol, I will be praying for not only you but your Dad as well. I am glad to hear that your prognosis sounds better than maybe you thought. That has to be good news in this scary journey. My Mom who is still alive at 94 never fully understood my cancer with her dementia so it never affected her like it would have before her slow mental decline. My Dad died of cancer so he never had to deal with my cancer. Let us know when your radiation starts. Keep those playlists going. Those will be a great source of encouragement and uplift during this time.

    Ade, that is SUCH great news regarding James approval of the meds and the fact that he is tolerating his new meds AND that his personality is changing back to his other self. That is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! You have shared some of that with us. You must be elated. I am so happy for you. Let's pray that we both get good news from the VA. I don't have a portal to check the status but since our applications are completely for different things I am guessing we don't have a portal or I would have heard about it. I will continue to pray for you and James as I have been.

    I have to share a card I made for my Mom last night. This is a pic of my little diva. My Mom loves Cammie so much but the sad part is she can't see her now. I took her to visit early on and it scared Cammie to death and I just told my Mom I won't do that to her anymore.

    I just realized I saved it in a different format. Will share on another post.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,914
    edited April 2020


    I wasn't planning on sharing this so it is in template form. The top part is the back of the card and my signature on all my cards. The inside of course I type my message. My handwriting is just horrible now due to neck surgery ?? so this has been a double blessing being able to type my greeting cards and share my photos and my faith as well.

    Take care everyone. Have a great weekend



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,914
    edited April 2020

    Our neighborhood now has been affected by Covid 19. One of our neighbors died as he was rehabilitating in a nursing home after falling and breaking his hip. He was on life support and died from the virus. This was an out of town nursing home and listed in the paper today this nursing home had only one death as of Friday. The nursing home next to me now has 59 infected and 7 deaths. I would ask for protection for our neighborhood. I know that the virus can last for 3 hrs in the air in a lab setting when tested. That concerns me. Of course that doesn't mean outside it would be the same but it does linger in the air.

    On a more cheerful note I had been doing battle with a Mama robin who was trying to use my front porch light to build her nest. This went on for about eight days and ended when she flew in right after I had taken down the nest two times that day. She was NOT happy with me and if I could understand bird language I think she told me off!!! Today I discovered a nest on my back porch light which I don't use as I have lighting built into my patio so I am going to let her keep that one. This should be interesting. I have no idea how she can lay on the top of this light but she was. When she saw me after she flew into the tree she gave me another piece of her mind. LOL I took some pictures of her yesterday and wondered why she was hanging out in that tree for so long. She was probably the Mama. I don't know when she built the nest.

    Have a good day dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,914
    edited April 2020

    Lamentations 3:22-27 The Message (MSG)

    22-24 God's loyal love couldn't have run out,
    his merciful love couldn't have dried up.
    They're created new every morning.
    How great your faithfulness!
    I'm sticking with God (I say it over and over).
    He's all I've got left.

    25-27 God proves to be good to the man who passionately waits,
    to the woman who diligently seeks.
    It's a good thing to quietly hope,
    quietly hope for help from God.
    It's a good thing when you're young
    to stick it out through the hard times.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,429
    edited April 2020

    Nancy, praying for your safety. This is a bit scary.
    We had a hummingbird trying to finish a nest around the sprinkler head on the ceiling above our patio. We had to knock it down although we hated to do it. Fortunately the nest wasn't finished yet.

    I have a PET scan tomorrow--it was scheduled suddenly a couple days ago although it is about the right time. I get one every three months. I would appreciate prayers as there are so many factors that make me nervous about having anything done at the hospital also including the fact I showed a slight progression last time.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,914
    edited April 2020

    Chris, I will certainly be praying for your Pet scan tomorrow. Praying for a stable scan!!!! Praying for safety as you enter the medical facility and for the anxiety that comes from the new world we are in and of course the anxiety that comes with these scans and the waiting for results. I have a doctor's apt on Friday and my primary doctor wanted me to keep this annual physical so I have an updated mask that my neighbors gave me.

    Here is Mama robin (I think) We are the proud parents of two baby blue eggs. I can't see as it is pretty high up but my neighbor came over and I showed her the nest she went up to my patio and took a picture of the eggs. I figured something was there as the Mama has been sitting on the nest. Every time I even try to look out my patio door (with it closed) she sees me and flies. This should be interesting. Isn't she a cutie!!!


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,429
    edited April 2020

    Thanks Nancy. I will pray for your visit on Friday

    One year, we had a robin build a nest in our fake evergreen tree on the front porch. It had three little blue eggs. I took it to school for show n tell and the kids loved it. My husband wouldn't leave it because he said it was too close to the door and when it hatched it could be full of disease and mites. Hated to remove it but I saw his point. Mama bird left every time we opened the door. She found a different tree on the property (at least I thought it was her.) Determined birds!

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited April 2020

    Chris, I'm praying that your scan results are good and that there is no indication of any spread of cancer. Also praying for your safety as you go for the scan and a release from all anxiety that comes with these tests.

    Nancy, I am also praying that your Dr. appointment goes well on Friday and there will not be anything concerning for you other than the anxiety that goes with any Dr. visit especially now during this pandemic. I also pray for protection around your neighborhood as the virus affects that nursing home.

    Ade, I'm happy to read that James health could be improved with this approval of his drug and attitude seems to be a little better now that he's off that migraine drug.

    We continue to stay home and are waiting impatiently for DH's prostate surgery as he is still having problems .I continue to struggle with anxiety and stress which I think is now giving me mouth sores and stomach upset. Praying for everyone's needs and an end to this awful pandemic.

    Faith (in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,914
    edited April 2020

    Thank you Chris. I have been praying for you several times last night and today. I pray that you will be safe while at the facility and that the wait time will not be too anxiety ridden. Of course praying for stable results.

    Thank you Faith. I have convinced some of the neighbors that I don't think it is safe to go near that nursing home. There have been paramedics there often these last few days and if they are taking someone to the hospital I don't know how they transport them safely when they are outside. Of course I am praying for those residents and workers there and their families. Such a tough and sad situation.

    I am continuing to pray for you and DH as you go through this tough time waiting for his surgery. I am not sure if I heard this or not but I thought as of May 1 elective surgeries would resume. Did you hear that or am I dreaming. This weather doesn't help things on these nonstop rain days.

    I am trying to use this time to declutter and find ways of being useful to help pass the time. My neighbor has really been looking out for me. She had her husbands cousin make me a couple of face masks for every day since we are supposed to wear them as of May 1. I have started walking in short spans since I am still in PT but it has been on hold for weeks. My therapist wanted me to walking 10 min short walks since longer was aggravating my leg in the winter. My neighbor drove way out of town to get these masks from this cousin. She was just over and is trying to adjust them. So I am grateful I have these neighbors that are looking at for me.

    Take care dear sisters. I am always praying for you.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited April 2020

    Dear Friends, we need some emergency prayers. DH has a fever of 102. Waiting for Dr. office to call. It could be a UTI or COVID-19. Thank you all.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,429
    edited April 2020

    Faith, praying right now for DH.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,914
    edited April 2020

    Oh Faith,

    I am fervently praying!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited April 2020

    Faith, the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man (woman) avails much - so we lift your dear husband up to the Lord right now in faith that the Great Physician. Who created every cell in his body will quickly lower that temp and heal WHATEVER has caused the spike. May He grant you His perfect peace in the eye of this present storm and grant the medical team His divine wisdom to heal through their hands and medications. Please update us asap.

    Nancy, I pray for HEALING in your neighborhood and the nursing home near you and that the Lord will STOP any further spread of this virus not only in your area but the world. You are certainly blessed with such caring neighbors. It feels good to resume walking doesn't it. We have finally resumed as well after several years of illness (fevers, migraines) that prevented it. It's just baby steps - not very far, but in time we hope to increase it to the full circle in our rural neighborhood. May your doctor visit go well. Actually I think the hospitals are safer than the grocery or other public places because the sick folks are isolated and the staff drenches all surfaces with disinfectant frequently.

    Diva Cammie is GORGEOUS! What a portrait! Your mom should love the card. The robin pic is sweet as well. We had plenty in Ohio but just a few here during migrating season. We battled the swallows determined to nest on our porch and leave long streaks of MESS on the stucco, which can't just be washed off. :o(

    Chris, may God bless your scan results and grant you His peace in waiting and HAVING the scan.

    Well we were sadly mislead about the medicine grant. After delaying the application for so many months with James having no medication in the meantime, they DIDN'T give him the free meds like last year. (Our income certainly didn't increase!) Instead they just turned it over to Medicare (which WE could have done except the tier 4 co-payments were too high!) What a let down. They should have told us up front they weren't going to help us instead of our jumping through hoops all these months. And they didn't call to let us know it was held up - or what they need. They wait until we get frustrated waiting, and call them for a status update. I think that is wrong. Now we discover today they need a NEW script from the cardiologist, whose nurse takes DAYS to return a call - if ever. (This was her oversight - again.) Lord, grant us patience - QUICK!

    We REALLY REALLY NEED the Va disability increase. No word on any progress yet for the higher level review. These 2 new meds for James were over $500 last month and another charge this month for that same amount - and that is WITH Medicare Part D! We are going under financially if we don't see some assistance pretty soon. (Back to the patience prayer again!) I think this is affecting James with some depression but I am ramping up prayers to the Heavenly Father Who is a worker of miracles and loves His children.

    Lord bless and keep you all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,914
    edited May 2020

    Faith, I hope you can give us an update when you are able. We are all praying.

    Ade, I can't even imagine how you are feeling with this news. I would be so upset. Since they need a new script does this mean you can try again or is it just flat out denied. If you got it last year and don't see why you can't get it this year but they didn't ask me!! I always pray for a financial breakthrough and will continue in that vein.

    Chris, I am praying that you will have peace in your wait time.

    Since the forest preserves that I do the monthy photo contest have been closed they have had a backyard photo contest until tomorrow when their preserve open up. I am excited about that.

    Here is a pic I took today. My first posting from my cell as my camera just didn't work where this is located.

    This is on top of my back porch light. The Mama I posted earlier. Here are the eggs.


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited May 2020

    Thank you all so much for your prayers. DH is back home now from the ER. He has a UTI and they started him on an IV antibiotic and told him to take the one his doctor prescribed earlier today until the culture comes back. Thankfully, our son lives close enough so he could take him to the ER and I didn’t have to go near the hospital. God is good! DH was also given the Covid test and is negative so that’s a relief.

    It’s so good to know I can come here for prayers and know they will be lifting us up.

    Ade, I’m so sorry about the VA denial. There is a charitable foundation called PAN (I think it’s called Patient Access Network) who will help people with medication costs for many different diseases. Their financial requirements are not very strict. I was able to get help with the outrageous copays for Ibrance when I was on it. Lots of doctors offices have people who will help you apply. I think I’ve read that some of the Part D Ins. Co.have helped with it. If you can’t find it on the internet, PM me and I will send it to you.

    Chris, I’m praying you get good news from your scan soon.

    Nancy, while I’m highly allergic to cats, I think your Cammie is one of the most beautiful ones I’ve ever seen. Love your pic of the robins eggs. They look like Easter eggs.

    Thank you all again for your prayers. You are always in mine.

    Faith ( in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,914
    edited May 2020

    Faith, that is great news about your DH. Not great that he has a UTI but great that he is being treated for that and that he does NOT have Covid 19. I am so glad you didn't have to go to the ER too. I am sure that is a great relief getting this news. Thank you. Cammie thanks you too. LOL (That is my cat. ) The first time I ever saw this breed which is a Ragdoll my Mom and I were going somewhere and there was a pet store near by so we went in just to look. They had Ragdoll kittens and I thought they were the most beautiful kittens I had ever seen. Now I have one similar to those we saw many years ago. She was such a pistol when she was a kitten that I thought O no, she could live to be 20 yrs old. Now that she is 13 I am thinking oh no she could only be with me for a few more years. She has been such a blessing and challenge all rolled into one.

    I just got home from the doctor and Mama robin is not on the nest so I sure hope she hasn't abandoned her eggs with all the pedestrians that go by my house. I live on a corner and this nest is at the back of my house so I have alot of people going by with their dogs etc.

    I am a bit bummed out with my doctor visit. Because I have not been able to swim for two months because of sickness and the Y being closed my blood pressure is elevated. My kidney function is also elevated and apparently they are connected. I only drink bottled water and because people hoarding bottled water I have had to drink less as my friend and neighbor who buy me groceries have said their is a limit to what you can buy. It could be that my kidney function is from being dehydrated so the Pandemic is taking it's toll on my health at this point. I decided I would tell him ALL of my concerns not hold back. Because of that I will be having my hand x-rayed (still a problem from my fall) and my tailbone x-rayed since having PT of low back. I am to see a specialist for my knew. I think I need to trade in my body for a new one!!!!! I do have to be retested for this kidney function and am supposed to drink lots of water from now until this test. I was thinking this would be my last doctor apt and tests and scans for a while. Oh well. I am glad I have this new primary doctor who is on top of things.

    It is a beautiful day here in Illinois after tons of rain. I am grateful to see the sun. I hope you all have a great weekend.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited May 2020

    Faith, thank you for the information you shared. We are still waiting for the VA decision. The denial was for the program the pharmaceutical company has for their $750 injections - two of which my husband needs a month. The GOOD news is that he got a shipment today, two months worth! My hubby thinks they WILL be free after all but I think since they went for the Medicare info that they aren't free. This is one time I would gladly be wrong! We are ALL thanking the Lord your DH "just" had an infection and not the virus! PRAYERS ANSWERED! Now we pray for his comfort and healing of that infection.

    Nancy I LOVE the egg photo! There is just something about nests and eggs I am drawn to. It's just beautiful! I didn't know Cammie's breed before now. They are gorgeous kitties indeed! James' cousin had two orange tabbies (Kit and Kat) and they lived to be 20 and 21 years - so Cammie may have some miles left on her after all. Our two were a gray tuxedo, Kate, born on our daughter's bed on our anniversary! She took in a VERY skinny stray about the same time - whose belly began to grow much too big when well fed at our home - and she presented us with 6 beautiful little kitties including Kate. The other kitty was Booey. One dark sleety night our daughter was driving home when she saw something white in the road. She stopped her car to see what it was and it was a very tiny, wet and cold calico kitten! Of course she brought it home. She came over to my chair and said, "Mom, close your eyes and hold out your hands". Well I had fallen for THAT one from my ornery kids too many times so I told her, "NO WAY!". (I have a WORM phobia and they all knew it! - NOT funny!) Anyway she said, "No, really Mom." So I did and she gently laid a sorry little wet furball into my hands whose one little ear tip had even frozen! I IMMEDIATELY bonded with the little thing and that was that! I named her Kitten Cabootle - which became Kitty-boo - which became Booey. I miss them but Maggie is NOT kitty friendly so we re-homed them before moving. Photos below -

    Blessings and hugs to all of you,




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,914
    edited May 2020

    Dear sisters,

    I have an urgent prayer request. I just got a text from my sister saying the director of my Mom's supportive living facility called her at 8:50 tonight and told her they took one of the residents to the hospital and they have Covid 19. This is what I had feared the most. This is a very small facility of only 39 apts. My Mom has not been eating and has only been drinking Ensure and I have been very concerned with that. I don't know what to do. My first instinct is to get my Mom out of there temporarily but where is she going to go. My sister lives ten minutes from her facility and has room but is not set up to take her in and it would be a big job.

    I have two doctor phone apts this week and was supposed to repeat some blood work on Friday as my kidney function tests were off. It could be dehydration but none the less I have a lot going this week and just not sure what I need to do. I am supposed to have xrays of my tailbone and my hand which I was also going to do this week.

    I would appreciate your prayers for peace and wisdom for my sister and I.

    It was a pretty awful day anyway and this has been the kicker. My robins eggs are gone and there was an egg shell on my patio. So not sure what happened but Mama had not been on the nest all of yesterday and today.

    Ade, your cats are so cute.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited May 2020

    Nancy, I lift up your mom to the Lord for His protection from the virus - and may He protect the staff and other residents there too. May the Lord grant you wisdom and assurance of His power to work on your behalf...and peace in the eye of this storm. It is my hope that your sister will step up and do whatever is wise and necessary regarding your mom. You need to take care of yourself or else you may need care too. Be strong in the Lord and in His might. I'm sorry about the loss of the eggs - may have been a raccoon, they're bad about that. :0( We just bought a Berkey water filter. They are hard to find now but we got a reconditioned one from eBay (within a WEEK!) for $75 off, and you would swear it was new! That way you would have GOOD water constantly without leaving your place, and you could stay hydrated which is SO important.

    Sending a hug and lifting up prayers,


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited May 2020


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,914
    edited May 2020

    Thank you Ade. I just finished our live stream of our church service. Guess what the topic was? Why trust God? Not a coincidence that your banner is about trust as well.

    Inserted into the online service was the first time we got to see the wife and son (also one of our pastors) of our pastor that died of Covid 19. It really spoke to my heart as I know that our family may be in the very same position as they were where they could not see their Dad and husband when he died at the hospital. There faith is strong but I could tell from the young pastor's whole being how this has taken a huge toll on him. He was very honest and said there were many tears and grief but he knew where his Dad was now and that was in heaven with the Lord.

    As I sat and listened to a robin singing outside my window I wondered if that was Mama robin. The nest is not in a place where a raccoon could get. It could have been another bird.

    Have a great week dear sisters. It is a beautiful day here again.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2020

    Dear Nancy, I pray that this week brings better days for you. I understand the worry and concern you carry for your sweet mom about COVID-19. My dear mom lives in a small assisted living situation too. An outbreak is my great fear. I pray for Jesus' protection and provision for our moms.

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited May 2020

    Nancy, I’m praying that your mom is safe in her facility and that you and your sister can find the wisdom to make the right decisions for her. I do think that your mom would want both of you to be safe and at peace with whatever decisions you make regarding her care. I know that’s how I would feel if it was me and our children.

    Ade, I’m so glad your DH got a shipment of his meds and will pray that they keep coming. Your kitties are really cute. Thank you for the beautiful banner on trust in God. It is always so appropriate.

    I was really using my trust muscles last night when DH’s fever spiked to 103. Of course I called his doctor knowing he would say go to the ER. So this time I took him there not wanting to bother our kids that late at night. Neither of us wanted to walk into that ER but there was no choice. It seems the antibiotic they prescribed didn’t do it’s job, so now he’s on a different one and fingers crossed, he seems better but we are both very tired. Crawled into bed after 1am. He sees the Dr. tomorrow and I’m praying that somehow they can find a way to do his surgery since the bladder is not being emptied and that is causing the infection.

    Praying for all of you and for this awful pandemic to somehow be over.


    Faith (in the future)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,914
    edited May 2020

    Thank you Hershey. I will pray for your Mom's facility as well. It is so strange. In my hometown there are very few infected in the county as compared with the county I live in but this virus apparently knows no bounds. The nursing home next to me now has 80 infected and 11 deaths. I don't care what anyone says i am staying away from this facility. The thing is the experts don't know exactly how far this virus can travel in the air. I asked my doctor about that on Friday and he said he thought it would be safe but not to be talking to any of the workers who go by my house.

    It is such a mystery how these facilities that were locked down weeks ago can so easily get the virus. Obviously the staff is bringing it in even though they have protocols in place.

    My sister and I have texted alot today and I think we both feel that it is best that our Mom stay put for now. It could be more dangerous trying to get her out of the facility not only to her but to the other residents. My Mom lives at the end of her wing. I am praying there is an advantage to that. We don't know who the resident that is infected is but this lady next to her that was visiting my Mom until they want the residents to stay in their rooms is on oxygen. She has been so sweet to my Mom. My sister and I are both hoping it is not her.

    Faith, I am really sorry to hear you had to go to the ER with your DH. I do hope they can do his surgery soon. I think in Illinois they have resumed elective surgeries. I will pray for that to happen and that neither of you picked up any germs.

    Have a good week dear sisters.

