thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited May 2020

    Chris, many people are ignoring State and city mandates here as well. Last night our nextdoor neighbors threw a large party. We saw no one wearing masks or practicing physical distancing. Two fire trucks were at the house around 10pm. We're not sure what that was about, but the party continued until after 2:30am. Cars are still parked in the street this morning, so clearly guests spent the night. We understand that people are feeling cooped up and restless, but these kinds of actions will undermine all the hard work taken so far.

    Ade, my husband and I wear masks in public. They are oppressively hot, but wearing them is the least we can do to protect others and ourselves. My husband says, "would you rather wear a mask or a ventilator?"

    Praying for God's provision and protection for all.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited May 2020

    Hershey, that's a great line: "Would you rather wear a mask or a ventilator?" No one has ever asked me why I'm wearing a mask, but as I plan on continuing to wear one, I would reply, "Would you rather I wear a mask or a ventilator?"

    We're having virtual church right now, but there's one guy who says he's not wearing a mask because he's depending on the blood of Jesus to keep him safe and feels perfectly fine hugging people. That's an affront to my faith and just plain irresponsible and disrespectful.

    Yes, I believe in the blood of Jesus, but I also wear a seat belt in the car, drive (mostly) near the speed limit and lock the doors to my home. I will most definitely be wearing a mask when our small church meets in person again. I will kindly ask him to keep his distance from me and will use the mask vs. ventilator question with him, if needed.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,915
    edited May 2020

    Thank you Joanne for those banners. Because He lives is a very timely song years after it was written. God uses music to infuse our hearts with emotions and music gives us release of emotions as well. I used to say (being a retired band director and musician) that when people are stressed they don't usually go and figure math problems but they do listen to music not that math teachers aren't valuable too!!!

    I saw a new ENT on Friday. I felt like I was in the ICU with Covid 19 the way he was dressed with his mask and face shield. He showed my my CT scan of my head when I fell last month. That is the beauty of electronic records. I hadn't seen them. He is not too worried by what he was seeing but there are some sinuses that have some issues which he did say could contribute to my dizziness and loss of balance. I am using this nasal rinse (not a neti pot but the same kind of thing except easier) and have high hopes this will solve one of my issues. My tailbone continues to be a painful experience and I am really at a lose as to know what to do. My PT is on hold and I just feel certain that if I resume it will make this pain worse.

    I still have not be able to speak to my Mom. Now the issue is her phone isn't working so my sister will have to deal with that. They did allow my sister to come into the facility and help her wash her hair which was a relief for my Mom and for all of us. I still have very little details on anything.

    Sunshine, your playlists sounds uplifting. Oceans first came out when I was going through my bc treatments and it always affects me deeply.

    Hershey, when I read what your DH said about masks vs. ventilators I too thought that is a great line and worth repeating. However I just read an article today in our paper from a doctor regarding masks. The consensus whether it is true or not is that we should not be wearing N95 masks but cloth masks and they really don't protect ourselves but protect others from us. My primary doctor has seen me twice recently and I had a surgical mask on the first time and then a K95 mask the second and he said I see you have a different mask. My neighbors gave it to me and I told him that. I wore that K95 mask to the ENT and I wondered if he was short with me because I had it on or that he was just dying of heat behind all of his PPE. I have my N95 masks which I will use cleaning my garage as I have for many years and I did not buy them this year. If the mask police come and get me then so be it!!!!!!

    Chris, I can only imagine how stressful this time is for you. I wish I could give you a hug but know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I do pray that you will be able to get this liver biopsy and that a new med will work for you now.

    I know how excited you must be with family coming in and your "new" family coming as well. That will be such a blessing and uplift for you.

    I went to this lake I frequent during normal times alot and I went to walk only, no camera. The parking lot was completely filled up and the forest preserve police was there watching. I ended up going to this other preserve down the street and walked for a while. Many people were out on bikes and walking. More without masks than with. I had mine on. We have had so much rain there is flooding so when these nice days pop up people are anxious to get out of their included. Walking on these trails are acceptable now even with out continued shelter at home.

    Take care everyone and stay safe.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited May 2020

    Carol, I just have to ask - is that an Airedale in your picture? Could also be a Welsh or a Lakeland as they all can look similar except for size. Reason being, we have a 10 year old Airedale and get excited when we see another one. :o)

    Chris, we continue to lift you up to the Lord for courage, strength, peace and healing. The Lord is your Rock in times of trouble.

    Nancy I'm glad you got to the new ENT guy and have some new treatment ideas. Also thankful he isn't deeply concerned about your head xrays. That must give you some relief. I pray the new rinse will work for you. Sinus issues ARE miserable, and so is vertigo! Your poor tailbone! Does a donut help at all? People are getting out more here too and most without masks. We don't have the mask police here, thankfully. As I said, WE are still wearing for our own protection. I read about the N95s NOT being as good because they can restrict the oxygen by 20% and some folks have fainted because of it. I wear a cloth one (purple with colorful butterflies!) that has 2 cloth layers and an inside pocket for a filter (it came with three). It is still really HOT and I can't wait to get it off. Our temp is near 100 today but humidity is only 10%. We need rain badly so send some down when you've had enough. Can you pin your sister down regarding your mother's issues? Is she being evasive and sketchy on purpose? It would give you so much more peace to have all the details.

    Our spunky daughter wants to take off this summer driving across the country with the 3 grandkids just herself without hubby. She's one who is very intelligent but on the low side with common sense....which we all know can be the case. I am the cautious worry wart - she certainly isn't! I DON'T think that is a good idea and pray she will change her mind. Our oldest son just retired from his career at an Air National Guard base and he is now in California training for 3 months into a new position at the same place he retired from. Continuing work is good for him and he is really looking forward to working with his old coworkers again. I pray he's kept safe too. Even moms of adult kids worry and constantly pray for them and their families.

    We resumed our Sunday night Bible study group meeting in person last night instead of online and it was so good. There were only a handful there and we spaced apart. More normalcy feels so good.

    Thursday James has a virtual doctor visit with the VA and another one on the 27th. We are SOOO glad to NOT have the 3+ hour trips! He continues to do well, is planting a small container garden and watering, and we have resolved to briskly walk for about 20 minutes each morning. Then he waters the plants and I have my coffee on the porch with Maggie and do some intercession praying. Our move back to Ohio remains on hold since houses are cheap here and expensive there for now. It's ok, God has the time table according to His will.

    Your banners are beautiful, and your songs and scriptures encouraging. I continue to lift you all up to the Lord. He knows exactly what you need, and He is able to provide.

    Hugs to all of you,


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited May 2020

    Ade, yes indeed, that is an Airedale. He's our third rescue Airedale. He turned 12 in October. I grew up with Airedales and love them. His name, when we adopted him, was Archie Pooh Mohawk King. No, I'm not kidding. We changed his name to Jeeves, although Gilligan might have been a better choice! Have you always been an Airedale lover?

    I'm so happy (and a little jealous) that you have resumed your Bible study group. I'm happy that we can have our Zoom church service, but miss the face to face fellowship. We're a super small church, but I still miss gathering together.

    I'm glad your hubby can have a virtual visit with his doctor. I've had a few and the best part is that my husband can be a part of them. Will pray that God continues to provide for you and your family.

    Blessings and hugs all 'round!


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited May 2020

    Carol I'm delighted to meet another Airedale lover! We bought our first pair of pups back in the 80s when two of our children were in 4-H. They took them through obedience and showmanship and they did very well. It's so funny that our rather laid back (lazy) son got the laid back dog - and he took all the ribbons! Our daughter, on the other hand worked SO hard with her spunky, strong-willed dog, and found out to her dismay, that whenever anyone clapped (which they do alot in competitions) her dog would run and hide under the nearest chair! Our son went on to become a K-9 handler in the U.S. Border Patrol, and our daughter went on to train my next Airedale to be a therapy dog, and Em became a photographer specializing in pets and children. Our Maggie came to me I think from the Lord. When my last Airedale, Meggie who was born into my hands, died in my arms at 13 1/2, I vowed someday I'd have another girl and name her MAGGIE in honor of my beloved MEGGIE, who broke my heart when she passed away. A couple of years later our daughter (Emily) found a 10 month old Airedale pup for adoption in Indiana 4 hours away and asked if I'd like to go see it. We got there and found a boisterous pup that we both adored. She was purebred but owned by a family with a pitbull, disabled child and a toddler - and they knew nothing about training a rambunctious pup. So Em and I looked at each other, both willing to sacrifice the pup to each other, when Em asked what the dog's name was. IT WAS MAGGIE!!! So Emily knew it was meant to be and we brought her home that day. Maggie can be a rascal but I love every bone in her body and cherish the years (hopefully) that we have left. Thank you for sharing about Jeeves!

    PLEASE pray for our dear missionary friends, the Vanderkooi family in Chad Africa. Mark has the virus and Diane (mom) & Sylvie (daughter) may be incubating. They can't evacuate from their remote location and have no near medical help so we petition for the Great Physician to move on their behalf. THANK YOU!

    Love to all,



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,915
    edited May 2020

    Hi dear sisters. I hope everyone is hanging in there. The missionary that I support also has a gift of poetry writing so I thought I would share this poem of hers. She is a missionary in Belgium and works with Convoy Of Hope but is from our church. Her teams have been sidelined until things open up there as well.

    Nice to see some Airedale love. You will laugh but from a distance I thought Carol's avatar was a beagle. LOL I had a funny thought while at the grocery store yesterday trying to follow the one way arrows. I realized that maybe the reason so many people were not following them is because they are way overdue for their eye appointment. LOL That definitely includes me. I was supposed to have a check up in October and totally goofed on that one. My apt is coming up in June and I am not sure if he will cancel on me or not but I really do need new glasses script for sure.

    Ade, I pray for Mark your missionary friend. I pray God will raise him up and heal him and protect the other family members. I was kidding about the mask police. I guess in this strange time we are living in one can't assume anything anymore.

    Ade, I loved reading your Maggie story. She was meant to be yours for sure!

    I actually got a hair cut on Wed. My hairdresser had canceled my apt in March and offered her home or mine as an alternative. Since I had been sick with sinus stuff so long I didn't think it a good idea to do either. When things got more humid the afro look I was sporting didn't look too good on this ole lady. Interesting thing. After being on my AI for so many years my curly hair started to get straight especially my bangs. I have now been off if it since the end of July and my hair has started getting curlier again.

    I do have some VA news regarding my Mom's survivor pension application. I received a big packet on Thursday and that didn't feel like good news. They wanted ANOTHER form and asap. I spend a good amount of time on the phone with my VA advocate and emailing info to him. In this letter is said something like if I can get this form to them within 30 days it could expedite the claim. I wasn't thrilled about spending more time on this but if in the end it finally gets approved then it will be worth it.

    I still have not been able to communicate with my Mom. I have been buying flowers as our garden centers were a few of the chosen ones deemed essential at the beginning of May. So that was a good distraction.

    My sinus rinse routine twice a day I do believe is helping so that is good. I have been walking as much as I can and that is as good of an alternative to swimming as I can do now.

    Chris, I know you will have family coming in next month and I pray that will be a really blessed time for all of you.

    Faith, any word on your DH's surgery?

    Teka, I can just hear that chipmunk saying I am waiting for you to plant some flowers in those containers so I can dive in and have a little snack while I throw potting soil all over the deck!!!! I am ready to enjoy some summer as well. We are in the midst of a thunderstorm right now and it looks like rain for several days. Oh well.

    Take care everyone and have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend even though here in IL parades and events for it are canceled.



    Tapestry of Time

    Earth habitating,
    A few decades.
    Here, fleeting and long,
    Time cannot measure effect.

    Kindness seeping,
    A few cups.
    Grace, rippling and steady,
    Volume cannot measure effect.

    Life intersecting,
    Near and far.
    Together, sensing and known,
    Distance cannot measure effect.

    Significance reaching,
    Beyond time span.
    Story, unwinding each thread,
    God weaves a tapestry.

    -- Christine Earl

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited May 2020

    Teka, LOVE the photo - especially the little guest peeking out!

    Nancy, thanks for praying for Mark. They are doing better and are thankful for all who prayed. She had one very frightening night of difficulty breathing but they're better day by day. Glad the sinus rinses are working for you! Your walking will help your feeling of well being too. We have begun walking every morning as the sun comes up (have to - it gets hot quickly here!) and I am still sore but feel good about doing it. We will celebrate 48 years of marriage next Tuesday. I came to realize the horrible fact that I have gained 100 pounds since that wedding day (thanks to hysterectomy and the cancer treatments totally messing up hormones and metabolism). So I am REALLY going to try to walk this blubber off! I know it CAN be done with God's help. Morbidly obese folks are at high risk for dieing of the virus plus I have A+ blood type - another factor.

    Wanted to share today's shot of our Pomegranate bush and the fella who tends it whom you have graciously prayed for. He is doing well! Thank you!!!




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited May 2020

    Hello everyone and thank you for your prayers for DH. We have had an exhausting, frustrating couple of weeks. DH is still having lots of problems with his urinary tract and trying to use the bathroom. His bladder is not emptied afterwards and it's causing another infection. He supposed to have the surgery on Wednesday and I pray that it's not canceled and that there are no problems afterwards. I've read some of the research DH has done and it scares me. I'm praying that he has the surgery and is healed and that God will guide the doctor's hands. I'm trusting that God will be with us.

    To add to the frustration, during a bad storm last week, lightning struck right in front of a large tree in our front yard and must have traveled through the ground and caused a power surge as we lost several electronics including the expensive printer, two DVD players, the router and our garage door opener among other things, and some parts of the computer that may or may not be fixable. We feel very lucky that it didn't hit the house but it was a pain not having internet or phones for two days and we keep finding things that were damaged. Yesterday, I discovered that one of the phone chargers didn't work. Then, three days after the strike, we were driving to get some take out food for dinner (one of a few times since the lockdown) and there was a terrible downpour of rain and a big puddle across the road which we drove through slowly but it did a little damage to the underside of our car. Thankfully that's covered by insurance completely. The other things are subject to a large deductible. It could have been worse but it just feels like bad things keep happening. I'm praying that it is just helping develop our trust muscles and with God by our side, all will be well, especially DH's surgery.

    Even though I haven't posted much lately, I pray for all of you everyday.i pray that all your pains and trials are taken away and especially that this Pandemic goes away and we can get back to a semi normal life including worship in church. We were just given some of the guidelines for reopening our church and with the social distancing and all the other requirements, it feels like old people won't ever get back to church and my singing in the choir is a thing of the past as that makes the germs spread further. I pray God has a plan for us because right now, things are very depressing.

    Love and prayers and sleep well,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,434
    edited May 2020

    Faith, I am sending continued prayers for your DH for his healing and that his surgery goes well on Wednesday. I am sorry you are going through all these troubles with the lightning strike. I agree with you about church. I miss corporate worship and singing in the choir. I am content only because I know someday I will experience total worship in Heaven. Won't it be grand!

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited May 2020

    Faith, I am so thankful that your house was not struck by the lightening bolt. I will continue to pray for your husband's health and recovery. I agree that we older folks may be under stay-at-home orders for a long time. My church is small and doesn't offer online services. Instead, we are directed to virtual services through a sister church 30 miles away. It feels impersonal and sterile at times, but it's the best we have right now. I hope this virus is tamed soon for everyone's sake.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,434
    edited May 2020

    HersheyKiss, my son is the pastor of a small church in Jefferson City, Missouri (runs about 125 people on average). He has been doing virtual church through Facebook, and has done a couple of "drive-in" services which was well-attended where he stands on a high platform and the people remain in their cars and hook up via radio . Last week his church was approved to start in-house services so he does two services to make extra room. They set chairs in groups of four and space them six feet apart. There is no congregational singing allowed and people are dismissed by groups. He is not allowed Sunday School or small group meetings yet, but they are gradually working their way back. (He also does Zoom Bible studies and small groups.) Of course MO has low Covid because it is so rural. You can find his facebook service by searching "The JCCN". It is Jeff City church of the Nazarene. I will warn you his music is terrible as their music minister and keyboard player just moved, but he is working on that. I feel for pastors who have had to become so creative just to do their jobs right now. It all sounds very impersonal and I fear Satan will try hard to take hold of the situation, but we know God has already conquered the world. Pray for pastors everywhere who are working extra hard right now with dwindling offerings and fewer people resources while still trying to pay church mortgages and salaries.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited May 2020

    Chris, thank you for sharing the information about your son's Facebook service. I appreciate it.

    I sympathize with our pastors and church leaders. They had to hit the ground running when shutdown orders were announced. Many (including mine) had never embraced technology, social media, or apps. My church used to offer summer services at the local drive-in. They were wildly popular but unfortunately ended when the drive-in was sold. I also worry for church finances in these times of record unemployment, company closures, and members' fears. I pray that churches are applying for federal relief under the CARES Act.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,434
    edited May 2020

    Hershey...thank you for the financial information for churches. Fortunately, my son says his church's finances are solid and his people are staying faithful, but I know many are struggling.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,915
    edited May 2020

    Ade, who is that handsome man tending your pretty Pomegranate? Many answered prayers for him for sure!

    Faith, we will certainly be in prayer for your DH's surgery on Wednesday and praying it goes according to plan. I am so sorry to hear about all of the other things that have piled up regarding the lightning strike and your car going through flood waters. My tree I brought home in Kindergarten is still at my Mom's house. It was hit by lightning two years ago and it knocked out her phones on the first floor but we were very fortunate that was all that happened. I am sorry that your damage involved more things that will cost more money to replace. I know I have felt like you have with so many things going on at the same time and feeling overwhelmed. I do believe God uses these trials to strengthen us. Sometimes for me I also know that the enemy loves to pounce on these things to drag us down. When I just plain and simple get mad at the devil I feel much more empowered knowing that we have victory over the enemy and we do not have to be victims which is can very easily happen during protracted times of trials. I pray that DH will have a successful surgery and this will be on step closer to seeing the light at the end of this tunnel.

    Chris, I am glad to hear your son's church is starting to get back to revised services. Many have had to embrace the new normal of zoom and all the new technology that goes with that. It is very difficult for those who are not into social media. Thankfully our church has live streaming on the Church's Website plus Facebook, otherwise I would be in the dark as I am not on social media at this time. How are you doing? Any word on your liver biopsy date?

    I have still not been able to talk to my Mom yet. It has been three or more weeks now. Please pray that somehow we will be able to communicate. I am fearful or her dying without me being able to see or talk to her. She has not been eating and only drinking Ensure but I don't know if that has changed since they started her on an appetite stimulant.

    It is hot and humid here today and my tailbone pain has been intense and disheartening. I would covet your prayers for these things.

    Have a good weekend dear sisters.



  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 192
    edited May 2020

    Could the care center where your mom is have an activity director who could set up a "face time" with their lap top - so that you and your mom could visit?

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,915
    edited May 2020

    Welcome Wheatfields. Love that name.

    My Mom's facility bought an Ipad for the express purpose of scheduling 15 mins of facetime with family. The problem is I have to have an Iphone or Ipad, android will not work. I have to figure something out. Thanks for your input. I appreciate it.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,915
    edited May 2020

    Remember all of the men and women who gave the ultimate price for our freedom.

    Honoring all of those on this Memorial Day.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,434
    edited May 2020

    Nancy, you can use "Zoom" on an android. It will work with your mom's facility's tablet. It is free and easy. Then you can use your phone while they use the tablet. Better than nothing!

    I just found out my son and his family will be here at the same time my "new family" will be here. Should be an interesting and busy few days!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,915
    edited May 2020

    Thanks Chris. I will call the facility tomorrow and ask about that. Zoom may have not been in their vocabulary when they first set up this system several weeks ago. I know with zoom they have had some security problems and my doctors only use " I devices " for their video chats too. I have not ever used any video chats via Skype or anything else. Actually I just realized during this pandemic that my monitor I am using now on desktop doesn't have a camera on it. It is a very old monitor that I have kept even when buying a new desktop. My laptops have cameras though. There is more to this story which I can't really share openly but I don't know if my Mom has her hearing aides right now so she may not be able to hear me anyway. This whole thing has been very upsetting to me.

    When are "all" the family arriving? I hope it all works out very smoothly so you can enjoy everyone coming to visit.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,434
    edited May 2020

    Nancy, I totally understand about the camera security issues. Praying someone can work something out so you can talk with your mom.

    My son and his family are flying in from Missouri--with three boys six and under. It makes car rides with three carseats (four if you count my granddaughter) a little challenging but we can do it. My half-sister lives in Arizona and is picking up my adoptive Auntie who lives close (originally we were going to meet at her house.) Then they are picking up the younger sister from the airport who is travelling from OK. They are then driving to San Diego, staying a few days, then the ladies are driving to Orange County where my Auntie can visit her sister and the others will visit more family and friends. My brother is driving in from a couple of hours more north. Sounds confusing? But I feel blessed that they would do all of this for me. All in all there will be 14 of us in my small condo although the others are all staying in hotels. Hope everyone likes each other! We will practice social distancing as much as possible even having thermometers available, but that may be a challenge. I think we are all being extra cautious so there is no sickness both for me and for my 80 year-old Auntie. My biggest fear is that I will be starting my new treatment by then--or I may delay it two weeks if my oncologist deems it best.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,915
    edited May 2020

    Happy Anniversary to Ade and James as they celebrate 48 years together.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,915
    edited May 2020

    Faith, praying for DH as he hopefully has his surgery on Wed. which is actually today since it is so late!! Praying for a successful surgery and that this will solve the problems he has been having. Peace for you as you wait .



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited May 2020

    Thank you all for your prayers. My DH finally had his surgery today and the Dr. says it went well. Right now, he's having some pain but I guess that's to be expected. We will just keep praying that the healing goes well and his pain and problems that he's had will get better very soon. I'm so relieved that it's over, my anxiety has been through the roof but the last couple of days, things have been a little better and I believe it's all the prayers from so many of you. I was losing sight of the fact that the devil hits us when we are down and remembered that I needed to tell him to leave us alone. It seems to help.

    Nancy, I'm so sorry you still haven't been able to talk to your mom, how frustrating for you. I pray that something can be done soon to give you peace with this. I'm also praying that your tailbone pain gets better. I'm finally going back to PT next week for my back and hip AND I have an appointment for a haircut on Monday. I can't wait for either one. Having short hair is awful when it grows out, wish I had my ponytail days back. It would be easier.

    Chris, have you found out anymore about your liver tests? I'm praying that they can find a way to treat them easily. I hope you family visits go well. It's wonderful to see your family and especially to meet your new family but also exhausting I'm sure. I'll pray that it all goes even better than you hope.

    It's been interesting to read how all your different churches are handling this virus and reopening. We were just given some guidelines for opening. Besides social distancing of course, the church has to be cleaned between masses. The numbers of people allowed are so limited, we need to reserve a time online. I don't know when those of us who are old and with health problems will ever be able to attend . I can't decide if I think this will make people more anxious to attend and practice their faith or if the devil will win and many will just lose their faith altogether. This is a terrible time we are living in, in so many ways. I'm really praying we can all come together and do the right things in so many ways.

    Have a good night dear friends and thanks again for your prayers. You are all in my prayers


    Faith (in the future)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,915
    edited May 2020

    Faith, I am so glad DH finally got his needed surgery. I am praying that his pain control will be good and that it will be successful in moving forward. Our church just announced a parking lot prayer service on Sunday afternoon. I am afraid it is going to be a very long time before we have services indoors as we just have so many thousands of people to deal with.

    I had what I think was a God event yesterday. I have mentioned the nursing home next to me having such an outbreak of Covid 19. They have 21 deaths now and currently 81 infected. I have avoided even walking by the facility. Yesterday I knew something was going on as the parking lot was completely empty and cars were lined up on the street almost to my house. What it turned out to be was a drive by parade with many residents outside.

    I was upstairs and I heard all of the cars honking and I felt compelled to grab my camera (forgot my mask) and I headed as fast as I could to the facility. I stayed a distance away and remained inconspicuous most of the time hiding in their landscaping. I took fifty pictures. I am a nature photographer so this was definitely outside of my usual. I had to wipe away tears often as it was so emotional for me. It was a happy time and that was apparent. I came home and spent a couple of hours editing photos and picking 20. I had a hard time sleeping last night and ended up getting up around 5:30 and started printing out the photos. It took a long time but I wanted to get these photos to them asap. I wrote a long typed letter to them expressing my gratitude and sharing my personal experience with my Mom in a facility and not being able to see her since Christmas.

    I called their number and it had been disconnected. I can only imagine the hundreds of calls they were getting daily. I did an online chat and found out later it was a robot. I drove over to the facility praying I would run into someone who would pass the photos to the head person. I got there just in the nick of time and a worker was pushing a resident in a wheelchair back inside. I was able to give him the photos and going home not feeling really confident that they would get to the needed person or really appreciate it.

    To my shock my neighbor is ringing my doorbell and her new neighbor got this hand delivered card with only my first name on it. Luckily it made it's way to me. It was a nice hand written letter from the nursing home staff expressing their shock at me delivering the photos and letter and their great appreciation for me doing this. I had numbered the prints and said if anyone wanted more I could provide that for free. They said they would display these for the residents and staff to see. I have always wanted to use my photography for God's glory and money I have made with my photography has gone to charity. This was a unique opportunity for me to use my photography to lift others up and I am so grateful for this experience during this difficult time.

    I am so wiped for lack of sleep but it was worth it.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited May 2020

    Wow, just WOW, Nancy! Your story brought tears to my eyes. What a precious and beautiful gift you were able to share. God bless you for that!


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited May 2020

    Nancy what a wonderful testimony of a terrific "God thing"!!! Oh what a blessing for you to be able to do! The Lord understands the anguish you have had over your mom's welfare and not getting to see or even communicate with her. Trust in Him. We pray for your mother's safety and health as well as the rest of the residents and staff, and the folks up the street from you! Can you post your favorite shot here please?

    We had two "God things" happen yesterday. James has agreed to speak with a VA psychologist about how the migraines are affecting his life. The first appointment was with a foreign doctor who James couldn't hear or understand (with his hearing impairment) and they couldn't get a video connection to do it the other day after several tries taking an hour. The next day a VA computer technician called to try to iron out the problem and we figured a way to NOT use our rather outdated phone - but to use my Kindle tablet instead - and it works beautifully! So then yesterday a DIFFERENT psyche doctor arranged another video visit and HE is WONDERFUL! He is kind, LISTENS, and James felt VERY comfortable with him! They talked an hour! He has set up weekly "visits" to help James and I really see the hand of the Lord in this.

    The other "God thing" is that when we went to get our mail from a row of boxes a ways up the road - James key was missing! We left to drive home thinking he may have left it in yesterday's pants pocket. Then James thought maybe he could have dropped it when he got a package out of a bigger lock box. We turned the car around and went back and there it was - on the ground in the weeds! God is SO good!

    Faith I am so glad your DH is now on the other side of that long awaited surgery. I pray for a swift, complete recovery for him and finally peace for you.

    Chris, that's quite a load on you coming up! I pray it isn't overtaxing and that the onc will be ok with a little treatment delay. Enjoy the folks but take it easy if you can.

    Nancy thank you for the BEAUTIFUL anniversary banner! We had a nice day. :o)

    Our grandaughter, Greenly, (12) rescued a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest and Mama was nowhere to be seen when they found the baby. She took it in and fed it around the clock to save it. Now "Buddy" is thriving in a cage. He/she has no mama to teach it how to forage for food so they will keep it in the house safe from the neighbor's MANY cats. Greenly had to go to a special dentist 3 hours away today so the whole family went and we are BIRDIE SITTING. He's a tiny little thing but doing great. Feeding moist dog food (as advised) with tweezers. Here he is -




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,434
    edited May 2020

    Nancy, that is a wonderful testimony of your faith and I believe God will reward your faithfulness. What a great story!

    Ade, I am praising God for answers to prayers for James. It sounds like things finally are beginning to improve for him. How about you? How are you doing? Sometimes we spend time in a lot of prayers for someone but forget the needs of those around him. I pray for you too and your daily struggles and desires. God hears them.
    My DH and I will be married 48 years next week too, and in all the confusion and family planning I had sort of forgotten that. Thanks for the reminder. We met my oncologist for the first time on our anniversary four years ago. It was a bitter/sweet day for us. We are so happy to have had these four years since and I plan on having many more. I will be meeting with my oncologist next week to plan my next steps since my progression, and it will be the first time without my DH in the room beside me because he is not allowed in the hospital. I hope I don't end up crying... You are right that the stress of all this plus all the family here might get to me. Praying for strength.

    I love the baby bird story. God loves all His creatures.

    Blessings, Chris

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited May 2020

    Nancy, I love your God event story. I’m sure you made many people happy with those pictures. What a wonderful gift to share with them. I imagine you were thinking of your mom and wishing something like that could happen for her. I pray that you connect with her soon. Thanks for your prayers for DH, he had another sleepless night but does seem to feel a little better now. I just keep praying that all will be well soon. This whole thing in the middle of the pandemic has taken its toll on both of us.

    Ade, it’s great to hear your God event stories too. So happy that James finally found the right doctor and also the key. God is good! Thanks also for your prayers, we still need them.

    Chris, I am praying for strength for you as you find out your treatment plan and then meet your new family. Even good things can be very stressful so be good to yourself. And cry of you want to, it can feel good to just let your emotions out and not keep that stress bottled up, which is not good for us.

    Praying for everyone tonight, sleep well.


    Faith (in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,915
    edited May 2020

    Thank you Carol, Ade, Faith and Chris. It was a God event I believe and I cannot tell you how much I appreciated whoever it was hand delivering this beautiful card to the wrong house. LOL Seriously, this will be one of those letters I will keep forever like I have kept letters from students and parents over my career.

    Carol, do you have a treatment plan in place yet? I know your journey has not been an easy one for sure.

    Ade, you asked me about posting a pic and unfortunately even though I am not a professional photographer I want to abide by their rules of getting permission from people to post their faces on anything widely circulated. I am sure most would not care but I don't want to do that out of respect for their privacy. I wish I could. There was a precious young girl standing outside of their sun roof with a sign saying Grandma You are the Best. Those were the types of shots I tried to capture that would mean something to those particular people. In the persons card to me she said we all shed many tears too but they were tears of happiness and hope and joy. This will be the story of Covid 19. These types of stories of community and family and love when it is all said and done. This will be how we overcome much suffering as a society by reaching out for social connections and looking for the best in people.

    Ade, so glad that James is connecting with this doctor. That sounds so promising and hopeful. Great God save on finding the keys. BTW Good for you and James in your morning walks. That is awesome!!!

    The little bird is so precious. That would be me when I was little always trying to save some poor animal or bird. This little one looks to be in good shape so kudos to Greenly for taking such good care of it. Hopefully your bird sitting went well too!

    Chris I pray that your visit with your Onc will go well. I am sure they have seen many tears so I would not hold back at all. Happy 48th anniversary coming to you too. Funny you and Ade are sharing the very same number of years.

    Faith, yes I did have those very thoughts of wouldn't it be neat to do that at my Mom's facility. It is so very small it wouldn't have quite the same effect and I was still very concerned yesterday with all the residents outside all with their wheelchairs right next to each other. It could be that they were all tested recently so I don't know the history there.

    Well I am totally done in and it is almost 1:30 in the morning. I wasn't expecting to be posting tonight but I appreciated all of your posts. I have had some difficult days recently and you all have been an uplift to me.

    Have a good weekend dear sisters.

