thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited May 2022

    Jean, I do hope by the weekend you will have some apts lined up so you can rest knowing there is a plan in motion. I am not very good at hurry up and wait so I can understand your frustration.

    Chris, I wish I could wave my magic wand and have everything in your house fall into place for you. I feel your angst not feeling up to doing what you know in your mind you want to do. Letting go is so difficult but I pray that you will be able to do that so you can rest on the days you need to. Did your oncologist lower your meds or is that not going to happen at this time? I am sure sorry to hear about your cousin. I am sure this is so difficult for the pregnant daughter. I will pray that your cousin will live to see her first grandchild.

    Is your 50th on June 2? I have that date swirling around in my head. Is that correct?

    Wheatfields, If I am remembering May 25 is your surgery date right? Praying for you as you approach this time.

    I will be praying for the needs expressed. May God meet each one of you at your point of need. May you feel His love and compassion for what you are going through. Thank Him in advance for what He is about to do for YOU.



  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 194
    edited May 2022

    Dear ladies,

    Yes Nancy, my hand surgery is scheduled for the 25th, I guess they call a day or two before and tell you what time to be there and with instructions. I live 75 miles from the Orthopedic Institute and so we are hoping it's not terribly early that we have to leave. Although out here 75 miles just means about 90 minutes :) The pre op appointment entailed only an EKG and so I was very pleased about that.

    Jean, I'm praying that you will very soon have appointments set up and a plan for treatment. And Chris, we are praying for you too, that you will be feeling better each day and everything in the house will fall right into place. And also prayer for your cousin and her daughter.

    GB, I am glad you are crocheting! I did some cross stitch when I was younger and now wish I had kept at it a little more. I did dig out an old cross stitch that I started years ago and am working on finishing it. But now I notice how our eyes aren't quite as good or our fingers as we get older.

    Keeping you all in prayer!


  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2022

    Wheatfields--I finished my blanket. I should take a picture soon and post it. I think it's quite lovely. I have a cross stitch bookmark that I started but don't work on it so much. I now have blurry close up vision when I wear my normal near sighted glasses, that started during Taxol. I guess I probably need progressive lenses or something, but am putting off going to the eye doctor. I just kind of peek under my glasses (which are pretty small) to see the tiny stitches, but it gets exhausting.

  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2022

    Ladies, I feel led this morning to ask for prayer support for work. My workplace has been going through struggles, many struggles, as are many healthcare environments. We all had a traumatizing situation the other day with a patient, so that's been hard. And then we found out that our covid exposure may be about to significantly increase, possibly without adequate respiratory protection. None of us are happy and are doing all we can to try to make it not happen. Management can choose to not go this route, so it's not yet a done deal. I'm asking the Lord to just make this not happen to give our very tired office and staff a break. Thank you...I'm going to try to emotionally gear up to walk back in that place.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited May 2022

    Wheatfields, we'll be praying for your hand surgery for next Wed. May 25th. I am glad that your preop wasn't too bad. I do hope that you don't have an early surgery since you have a long drive. Praying for success and that it will relieve your pain. Praying against anxiety and fear going into the surgery.

    GB, praying for your work place. I do hope that decisions will be made against having more Covid exposure in your working area. We would love to see your crocheted blanket. Hopefully you will have better luck posting a pic than I have lately.

    I too used to do cross stitch until I broke my wrist. Then finger issues took over and now my eyes probably wouldn't work for it now. I am ready to leave for my second to last PT. It has gone very well and is definitely helping.

    Chris, continued prayers for you and for all of you.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,453
    edited May 2022

    I thought I would share my "annual report" I shared on FaceBook this morning. Feel free to skip if you wish.

    Six years ago today I was diagnosed with Stage IV metastatic breast cancer. Though the journey has been tough, I have learned so much about God, my family and friends, and myself. During this time I have lost many friends and family to this horrible disease and I often ask why I am still here. Even in the midst of the storm God has been always by my side. "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for God is with me. His rod and His staff they comfort me." From absence of fear to overflowing cups of blessings God has sustained and provided. My beloved husband and daughter are quick to provide for my needs and patient with me when I struggle. On June 9th I will celebrate 50 years of marriage to the love of my life. There was a time I thought I wouldn't make it this far, but my God answers prayers. Never take for granted the day God has placed before you or the people He has placed in your life. During these last six years I have gained a family I never knew I had and a new community of friends when I thought my life was about over. I pray every day for the salvation of my family and that the love of God will overflow in all whom I know. Thank you for being a willing part of my life. God is good!

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 723
    edited May 2022

    Chris, thank you for sharing your Facebook post. Your love for God and family is beautiful.

    GB, I hope your work situation improves and management takes the necessary precautions to protect its employees. So many parts of the country are entering a fifth COVID wave. This virus doesn't seem to miss a beat finding hosts.

    Wheatfields, I pray for a successful surgery on Wednesday. Will your wonderful nurse friend go with you?

    Nancy, I'm so glad that PT is helping you. I saw a new physical therapist yesterday (my previous one retired from clinical work). She started me right off the bat with mobility and strength exercises. I hope they help with my shoulder stiffness.

    Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited May 2022

    Chris, your post really touched my heart. I have been privileged to have gotten to know you during this period of time. I have prayed for you many, many times that God would give you many more good quality years of life on this earth. I know it has not been easy and it has hurt my heart during those times when I knew you were struggling. I feel honored to have you as a friend. You are such an inspiration to all of us who have met you on this thread. Your faith in God through the tough times has been a great role model for all of us. I remember you talking last year about your 50th anniversary and not knowing if you would still be here for it. Well, you have almost reached that milestone. It is obvious that your family and your new family mean the world to you. Opening up your new home and inviting all into it for this great celebration is about to take place. When you look back at all the challenges you have had with this year alone it is truly a testimony of God's grace working through you. Your word "trust" has probably been a more powerful challenge than you could have possibly imagined for this year. Just as metal is made stronger by going through a fiery furnace your faith has stood the test of many trials by fire. You are a blessing to the ladies on this thread and I am sure you are a blessing to all of the people you meet. My prayer is that you will thoroughly enjoy your special day on June 9 and you will feel well enough to really appreciate it. Thank you for your post and for being vulnerable and honest.



  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 194
    edited May 2022

    Chris, thank you so much for sharing with us. Your faith is a beautiful testimony of your love for the Lord and your family and friends. You are such a blessing to us and many others, we are praying that your special day is wonderful and that you will be feeling well enough to enjoy everything about it. Hershey, yes my nurse friend will go with me to the hand surgery. We've been friends for many years and she has always been very good in helping me with situations where it is difficult to hear. I like to tell her that I'm good "education" for her especially in these last few years with more doctor appointments and then the masks that make lip reading impossible. GB, I'm also praying for your work situation, and we would love to see your blanket. And Nancy, I'm praying for your PT and all digestive issues.

    Love, Wheatfields

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited May 2022

    Hershey, we must have been posting at the same time. I hope your new therapist will help with your shoulder. My therapist I have now was my shoulder therapist when my shoulder was damaged after a breast ultrasound. Yeah, I know, how does that happen? Actually my shoulder started acting up again a few weeks ago and I have been looking for my sheets that gave me all the exercises. Haven't found it yet. I do know that shoulders do take time if there has been an injury. Mine did work at the time and I did continue the home exercises long after my PT was over.

    I have a prayer request. I have a contractor to rebuild my porch. It has been a LONG time getting this off the ground. I will tell you the unique situation after it is over. He canceled on me last Saturday for "interesting" reasons. We postponed until tomorrow which is forecast to rain. So he is possibly coming on Sunday afternoon even though I told him the HOA rules do not allow contractors to work on Sundays. Then he informs me he is leaving for France on the 30th and he can only work on the weekends. So I am up a creek at this point not sure if he can or will do the job after months of planning this. Please pray that this can get done by next weekend.

    Have a great weekend dear sisters.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 723
    edited May 2022

    Nancy, your comment about being injured after an ultrasound got me thinking. My previous physical therapist once told me that she saw many patients who had suffered injuries during or following a medical procedure. A surgeon or technician would incorrectly move or position a limb or joint, and the patient would end up with an injury. I hope you find your sheet of home shoulder exercises soon. My new therapist did not give me a hard copy but only assigned three exercises to do on my own. They are quite basic, so easy for my old brain to remember. :)

    I hope your contractor can complete your porch by Memorial Day weekend. It's a relief when projects are finished, especially on time.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited May 2022

    Wow, so much going on with all of us. I apologize for not mentioning each of you but know that I do read each post and do pray for you. We had family here last week (DH side of the family), going to see my dad this weekend, then our kids are coming down next weekend. Sister and BIL are selling their house and are in escrow. Hectic times, but am reminding myself that "it is well with my soul."

    Love to all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited May 2022

    Good morning everyone.

    I discovered a rash on my hip in the middle of the night. Since this whole week I have been struggling with this weird fatigue I decided I needed to act fast as I thought Lyme Disease since I have been out in the woods numerous times knowing there were deer ticks and deer where I was. My niece contracted Lyme Disease and caught it early and has not suffered from it so I knew early detection was key. Thank God the doctor who I have had before at this place, and one whom I trust said she thought it looked more like an abrasion. She said it is definitely NOT Lyme Disease so I was very relieved. She ordered some blood work and said she would call me at home in an hour or so. They were only taking walk ins and apparently have had a big uptick in sick people. I had this lady across from me that was coughing her head off and took her mask off. I didn't want to be rude and sat there for a long time and finally thought I need to go sit out in the hall which I did. Then there was a lady out there coughing too but not nearly as bad as my first encounter. They sent the results back to me really fast and I have been looking closely at them. I don't see anything of a revelation as to explain my fatigue but I am suspecting it might be an electrolyte issue as I have been drinking some electrolyte water periodically and I did have some yesterday which did make me feel some better and could have positively affected my sodium levels on the blood test. So it could be my take away that I should continue drinking that every day.

    Carol, it sounds like you have been busy which hopefully has been a good time with family and then this weekend with your family.

    Hershey, I was in terrible pain when she was doing the ultrasound. This was when my bc was discovered 8 yrs ago. I should have spoken up but I knew it was critical what they were doing. I will NEVER make that mistake again. In fact I did have to have another breast ultrasound a few yrs ago and this time I did speak up and they positioned my arm that was more comfortable and didn't hurt my shoulder. I hope your exercises work. It is funny because I remember my first shoulder exercises better than the other ones. I have so much going on now with my pelvic floor exercises and back exercises that I am a bit overwhelmed with just that. I am in the process of purging and reorganizing paperwork so I do hope to eventually find those exercises.

    Wheatfields, thanks for mentioning my GI tract. I made some abrupt changes in eating this week to especially deal with that issue. It has helped but possibly caused the fatigue I have been feeling. Praying for your surgery coming up.

    I hope you all enjoy the weekend. Today has been gloomy and rainy all day so far. I can say this. Our grass looks really nice and green!!!



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,453
    edited May 2022

    Nancy, yes we still need to keep diligence with our masks. There is another Covid wave happening as will happen with any active virus. I have also learned to be persistent and assertive with my medical needs. A doctor once told me that if a doctor doesn't like me being assertive, to change doctors. Their purpose is to listen to their patients. Hershey, that includes around any medical techs. I once had a lab tech blow into his gloves before putting them on. Like that was sterile! It is against my personality, but I have learned to speak up.

    Nancy, I understand struggling with GI tract issues as I am still struggling with mine. It is about time I spoke up again and asked for a dosage reduction. I have had to sit in my recliner all day. My oncologist told me if things were still happening to speak up and she would do that. I appreciate her attifude. I must get some more energy and get this house finished and so I can feel well when my family arrives. My DH is doing a lot and I feel bad about it, but it is the way things are now.

    Carol, I will pray you have energy for all of your activities. Family can be great.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited May 2022

    Chris, I guess we have both spent the day in our recliners. The doctor was to call me at home but I have a feeling she was so backed up by closing that I bet they had to turn people away. That happened to me in the past.

    She did send test results immediately and she wrote some notes. I was mildly dehydrated. My pelvic therapist wanted me to drink less water than I had been so somehow I have to find a happy medium.

    I am like you and it is not in my personality to speak up when I should. I would definitely ask for a dosage reduction since that was already mentioned to you in the past I think. I know my GI issues are caused by my antibiotics which I know may take a very long time to resolve but in your case you are probably certain it is caused by your new drug. I do hope you can get a reduction and feel much better. I am still praying your house will all fall into place and be ready for your guests.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited May 2022

    Nancy, I'm glad it's not Lyme Disease but I wish they could put a name on it and give you something for it. It's hard that you're being told to drink less water. How are you supposed to stay hydrated?

    Chris, I hope you're feeling better soon.

    For some reason, I'm having a hard time typing on my laptop keyboard. Think I'll call it quits and just read all the posts. It's Blog update day. Wish me luck!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited May 2022

    Carol, I pray that God will give you the words to type for your blog. Regarding the drinking water pelvic floor therapist recommended a certain amount of water which I had been exceeding. So I probably backed off too much. The rash was actually an abrasion. You would think that I would know when that happened but traipsing around in the woods for several days and my own gardening who knows what could have happened. Anyway I am going to be drinking my electrolyte water every day and see if I can see any improvement to my fatigue.

    Got to run. Have a great day everyone.




  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2022

    Ok, let me see if attaching a photo works now... here's my blanket! The granny pattern was out of a book of granny patterns. I picked the colors and designed the overall pattern. It kind of reminds me of stained glass.


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 723
    edited May 2022

    GB, the blanket is gorgeous! What a lovely color scheme and pattern. And yes, it does look like a beautiful stained glass window!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited May 2022

    GB, how beautiful!!!!!! I love it. I love the colors. Well done!!!!!!!!!

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,453
    edited May 2022

    gb, lovely colors. You did a great job!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2022

    I will finally be starting Lymphedema treatment tomorrow. It is at a place closer to home. About half an hour instead of a full hour each way. I do read and pray for all of you. This place has been a lifeline for me. Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited May 2022

    Jean, that is great news. I hope that treatment will stop the progression and I am hoping it was caught early so that your therapy will be very effective.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited May 2022

    Carol, I enjoyed "Tarp Your Load" in your latest blog post. Believe me I have had to do that in utter exasperation with this contractor. I didn't have that phrase at the time we were last texting but it is the perfect phrase for me. I have mustered up extreme restraint even surprising myself. LOL Please pray that this job gets done this weekend as he is leaving out of the country on Monday.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited May 2022

    Gb, your blanket is beautiful. It definitely looks like stained glass!

    Jean, I'm hoping your LE treatment goes well.

    Nancy, I'm sorry you're having trouble with your contractor. Even when the contractor is a good one, you still have to keep on top of the work they're doing, right? I'm glad you enjoyed the blog post. We still laugh about that phrase.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited May 2022

    Let's remember to pray for Wheatfields as she has her surgery to fix her issues with her thumbs. We pray against anxiety as she faces this surgery tomorrow. We pray for a successful conclusion with no pain when it is over.

    I am watching the horrific breaking news that has happened in Uvalde, Texas with 14 elementary children and 1 teacher dead. The 18 yr old shooter is dead as well. Let's pray for this tragic situation for the families and for those who have witnessed this unspeakable event.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,453
    edited May 2022

    Jean, I am praying for your treatment that all goes well.

    Wheatfields, I am praying for your surgery on your thumbs and that you have complete restoration of movement with no pain.

    gb, continued prayers for your work situation believing God can move mountains. I am hoping once my family leaves I feel well enough to start a new crochet project.

    Nancy, praying for complete relief of your gut situation, that your physical therapy is going well, and that your contractor gets moving to complete the work you need done.

    I had a small set-back yesterday and needed to go into the infusion center for IV fluids. My oncologist has agreed to a dose reduction so I hope this helps. I am just real weak. My blood work looked fine. I hope I get enough strength I can go buy some new jeans and tops this week. I have lost almost 40 pounds and everything is too big. I am sorry I got rid of all my smaller work clothes! The house is close to being done except there are no pictures on the walls, my silver still needs polishing, and I don't have a bedroom set yet. But it looks ok. Thank you for all your prayers.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited May 2022

    Jean, how did your first therapy session?

    Wheatfields, I hope you are post surgery now and on your way home. I am glad your good friend that is a nurse was able to be with you. Praying that your surgery will help you to be totally out of pain.

    Today I finished my pelvic floor therapy. I started the day oversleeping and my alarm didn't go off. I woke up at 11 so I was really flying to get myself ready. Luckily the sessions have been very good but today my biofeedback was just not working. I started to tell her about my contractor and that got me so upset it goofed up my whole biofeedback but I had been doing really well with that so it is what it is. Now I just need to keep motivated in doing the exercises on top of my usual back exercises I have to do almost every day just to function.

    Chris, I am sorry you had a setback but it sounds like you really needed the IV fluids. I am glad your MO agreed to a dose reduction. Your weight loss is a lot and I do pray that you can start to feel better. I have lost 19 lbs and I realize that my pants are starting to get quite loose so I can imagine with almost twice that amount you would need some new clothes. I pray that you will have extra strength to do that. Your house sounds like a tremendous amount of work has already happened. I would definitely not sweat some of the things that aren't done at this point. Your family coming in will certainly understand if things are not perfect like you would want. I pray that when your guests come in and you have your big celebration that you will feel good and that you can enjoy the time and be present in the moment. We are all praying for you!!



  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 194
    edited May 2022

    Dear ladies,

    Thank you so much for your prayers! My hand surgery went very well and the Lord provided in all details. We had to leave at 5:00 am in order to be there by 6:30. However, backing out of my friends driving I noticed my tire pressure light on, on the dashboard. And so we hastily switched everything to her car and I have to admit I was getting panicky. But we prayed together as we often do when we start out driving a distance and then I felt better. One hand just had the injection and is a little sore around injection site, and the other thumb had an injection and the trigger thumb fixed with a few stitches. That hand is bandaged and was so numb yesterday but it feeling normal today, there is some pain from the incision and I have a few pain pills to take and then to put ice on it.

    GB thank you so much for posting a picture of your blanket, it is so very pretty and does look like stained glass! I'm praying too for your work concerns and that all would be resolved soon.

    Jean, I am praying for successful therapy for you.

    And Chris, we are praying that you are feeling better each day and will enjoy your special day with family and friends to the very fullest.

    Nancy, I'm continuing to pray for your contractor issue and your health concerns.

    May the Lord bless and keep each you!

    Love, Wheatfields

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited May 2022

    Teka, I was going to post and ask how you are doing so I am glad to hear from you. That is great news on your mammogram. I have been praying for you regarding your pain and I knew you would be seeing your orthopedic doctor in June. I have been praying that you would be prepared emotionally for surgery if that is what your specialist recommends. Your flamingo stand made me smile but I know it is NOT funny having to do what we have to do to function. Teka helping with the laundry is so cute. We will be praying as you see your doctor soon.

    Wheatfields, it is good to hear from you. I am glad that the surgery is all over and now will pray for a rapid healing and NO pain. I am sorry that you had car issues that morning. Your early time was unfortunate as well. I would have been panicked as well having to change cars but I am glad the Lord calmed you and that the surgery is over.

    Thank you for your prayers. I am a bit fearful that my contractor is going to be a no show after spending weeks trying to get this small project off the ground and him continually postponing his work. I need to trust that even if that happens the Lord will provide someone who can do this job. I'm still trying to experiment with different things to see if I can start to feel back to normal again. I finished my PT yesterday and it will be nice to get that time back but the reality that I will need to be doing these exercises forever is a daunting thing but I have to do that for my back exercises as well. I did find my shoulder exercises BTW.

    Have a great holiday weekend coming dear sisters.

