thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916

    Hershey, I was going to ask you how expensive it was when you had mentioned quite a while ago on having your house insulated. I am having some real issues with frost forming on the inside of my walls on the north side of my house. I am curious what type of insulation you had done and if they possibly did the blow in kind where you have to drill holes in the sides of your house.

    I hope you can find someone good to prune your trees. Yes, pruning a large tree should be contracted out for sure. My little tree that I brought home from kindergarden turned out to be this montrous sycamore tree. My parents had it pruned a few times and I know it was quite expensive way back in the day. I need that done with my two backyard trees as well. That would help with all the stray branches that I end up having to deal with. BTW At Christmas time my niece happened to mention that she took a couple of classes on using a chain saw. It is funny because she didn't know I had one unless my sister told her. She lives in Iowa and I would guess it would be easier to find a chain saw class there than in the suburbs of Chicago! I told her I had only used mine one time to realize how dangerous it was. She said part of her class was watching YouTube videos. I told her I had watched many before I attempted to use it.

    Our weather has gone from frigid to much warmer temps with freezing rain and then rain and now dense fog. I can't wait until spring😎.

    I hope everyone is doing okay. My prayers are with each of you. I do hope Faith will come back. There was a glitch when I tried to get to the newer posts. It said no comments could be found. I sure hope Faith doesn't run into that if she tries to log on.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,437

    Good morning all. I am praying we all are thawing out…now down to yard maintenance! I am hoping Faith returns and that things improve with her and her husband.

    Colorado Springs is warming up a little, it gets into the 40s during the day, yay! We are looking into finally getting our landscaping fixed. We had to put it off last year until our decking was completed. My DH is about to leave for a week on a road trip with his HAM radio buddies. He is concerned about leaving me but my DD is around if I need her. She set her work schedule so she is home most of those days. She is a night nurse working 12-hour shifts so she can do this. We will use this time to get a pedicure, visit Hobby Lobby, and perhaps go out for a nice lunch or dinner. We spend everyday together and could do these things any time, but we like to make some things special once in a while. I am feeling pretty good lately, with a bad day thrown in only occasionally, so I should be fine.

    Looking forward to Spring!

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited January 2024

    Nancy, we're considering blown-in insulation for our attic only. Insulating walls will add about 30% to the cost.

    There are federal tax credits available for insulation improvements. To qualify, before- and after-insulation testing metrics must be met and companies need specific certifications to perform the tests. In my area, only one company is certified and there is a long waitlist for their services. If a homeowner is not interested in receiving tax credits, any skilled insulation contractor can perform the work.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Hi dear sisters. Sorry I've not checked in in a while. I've been pretty miserable lately. I ended up back in urgent care on Wednesday. I tried to go to the Health Express to have my ears looked at because they hurt so much when I tried to swallow. They ended up sending me to Urgent Care because of the nausea, etc.

    Anyway, I got IV fluids, which helped. My intake has been almost nothing - a few saltines, a few sips of Gatorade, and a few bites of applesauce. My weight keeps dropping and I'm praying this starts improving before I need a feeding tube.

    I spoke with a dietitian yesterday and will try a few things to increase my intake.

    Anyway, your prayers are appreciated. I'm tired and discouraged.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,437

    @sunshine99 Dear Carol, I am so sorry to read about your struggles and am praying God heals your ears and esophagus so you can eat. May He remove your pain, and send you peace.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916

    Hershey, thanks for the info.

    Carol, immediate prayers for you in this time of suffering. May God give you peace and hope during this time of tribulation. Let there be a breakthrough in your ear pain, your ability to eat more and helpful advice from the dietician. May God surround you and envelope you in His love and comfort.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721

    Carol, I am so sorry that you are in pain. I pray that discomfort departs, healing accelerates, and comfort surrounds you.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Thank you, dear sisters! I was moved to tears by your kind words.

    I'm feeling slightly better this AM. I'm sipping some ginger tea and may try some applesauce in a little while.

    Love to all,


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Oh, dear sisters, THANK YOU for your prayers. I was able to eat and drink more yesterday with minimal pain. I ate some grits with butter, a bit of a smoothie made by my sweet husband and a container of Greek Yogurt—not all at once, but it went down and stayed down. I also drank a cup of tea and a WHOLE 20-ounce bottle of Gatorade. Oh, and a few crackers. My weight was up .8 pounds from yesterday! YAY!!!

    DH took me for a drive yesterday out to the end of Point Loma (Cabrillo National Monument). We drove down to the overlook above the tidepools. What a gorgeous day. It was warm and sunny with just the lightest breeze. DH saw a couple of whales spouting (or whatever it's called) but of course I missed them. Then he took me to the grocery store for soup, tea and yogurt.

    He's thinking about going skiing this week for a few days at Mammoth Mountain, but he's afraid to leave me alone. He told me it's been so hard for him to watch me suffer (I don't know how I feel about that word) and not be able to do anything to help me. I feel so loved and I hate that I'm putting him through this.

    I'll add more later. I'm just so happy to have the energy to sit at my computer for more than a few minutes.

    I pray everyone is having a blessed, safe, pain-free and whatever else free day.

    You are loved,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916

    Hi Carol,

    I am so glad to hear you are eating more and feeling better. I can tell by the whole tone of your post that you are encouraged. Your trip to Point Loma sounded like great therapy that nature can provide for us. I hope you will continue to gain weight and feel much better!



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,437

    Carol, I join Nancy in being thankful you sound better and are eating better. The tide pools at the Point was one of my favorite spots when I lived there. So happy you can enjoy it! I also totally understand your situation with your DH. Mine is somewhere in Michigan with friends right now activating his HAM radio. He almost didn't go because he doesn't like to leave me alone, but I assured him I would be okay. I know my disease is hard on him too, but he needs the break.

    Nancy, how are you feeling?

    I spent a good part of yesterday with my DD running errands and shopping and did well. I even braved going to church this morning… finally! But I am super tired right now and plan on spending the day in the recliner watching old movies. I am sure this will be a brief respite, but am praising God for every good day He sends.

  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 193

    Carol, I am praising the Lord along with everyone, that you are feeling a little better and able to eat some soft gentle foods. Continuing in prayer for you and your DH. Your drive sounds wonderful and therapeutic!

    Nancy, that was a beautiful photo you posted of the eagle, and I love the verse that goes with it. Continued prayers for you and your knee, and post surgical pain and for Cammie.

    Hershey, praying that your insulation project goes well

    Chris, glad you were able to do errands with your DD and praying you had a restful day!

    My nurse friend had an appointment on Friday and then again tomorrow, with two different specialists. We found a few answers on Friday and praying that the appointment tomorrow will be even more productive. Her sister has come from TN, to be here while I am gone to AZ, which I feel better about. I leave February 5 for AZ and return February 13. I did ask a couple at church if they would consider giving me a ride to the airport and they said they wouldn't mind taking me going and coming back. They have a 4 wheel drive pick up and so I am praising the Lord for that. Please pray for our appointment tomorrow, that all goes well and for some solutions and suggestions. Thank you so much.

    love and prayers for each of you,


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721

    Carol, I'm joining the other ladies in thanking Jesus for the healing of your esophagus. He is so very, very good!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916

    Hi dear sisters.

    Chris, I am so glad to hear that you are feeling pretty good and even got to go to church. That is awesome. While your DH gets away with his buddies and their HAM radios I am glad you and your daughter were able to spend some time together running errands and shopping. I really pray that you will have many days of feeling good. I am doing okay. Yesterday I felt like I was getting sick again but today I feel better but very tired. I see my surgeon next Tues to discuss knee surgery. I had tentativley planned on having surgery in Feb. but getting sick for a good part of this month really changed those plans. My history of complications after surgeries makes me a little hesitant but unless God chooses to heal me a complex menicus tear will not heal on its own.

    Wheatfields, I'm glad you liked my eagle photo and verse. I pray that you will be able to safely get to AZ next week and that it will be a great visit with your sister. I am so glad the couple from your church is going to take you to the airport and pick you up on return. That is wonderful. The fact they have a 4 wheel drive pick up is even better!!!! I do hope that your nurse friend will get answers and solutions to her health challenges. I am glad her sister is coming while you will be away. I have been praying for both of you. I hope your hand and your back are doing much better.

    Hershey, I hope you get your big projects all taken care of when you are ready to give the green light.

    Carol, I hope that you continue to feel better each day and know we are all praying for you.

    GB and Teka, how are you both doing?

    I had a roller coaster of emotions yesterday before church started. A good friend of mine gave me a news article and prefaced it by saying you may already know this. Well I didn't know it and it was the news that the man very instrumental in helping me to establish my career in this town had died. He was the director of our community band for so many years and he asked me to be his assistant conductor years ago along with being one of his featured soloists from the band. I taught with him as well and he help me get started with my clarinet teaching studio when I took a break from band directing to perform. He was the one that encouraged me to get back into band directing in the schools. He was the musicman of Naperille and impacted so many thousands of students. fellow musicians and concert attendees. His death was a real blow to me. In a matter of a few minutes my friend who I sat with in church for so many years and now has dementia came in with her daughter. I had not seen them at church for well over a year and I was so thrilled to see them. So it was a bitter sweet day. My friend just turned 95 and you would never know she was that old.

    I would appreciate your prayers for wisdom regarding surgery on my knee. I was all in before Christmas and then having more doubts now. My cousin just lost her daughter to cancer and she was only in her 40's. This cousin has already lost a son to Covid. a brother and her Mom who just recently died at 104 and now has lost a daughter. My cousin's name is Wanda and she could really use prayer as she has many health issues as well.

    Have a good night my friends. My stool softener and my nightly apple plus a lot of fiber intake through out the day has been helping me so much and I am so thankful!!!!!! Thank you for your prayers. I am praying for each of you.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Nancy, thank you for the update on you as well as your continued prayers. You have so much going on. There seems to be so much sorrow in the world lately. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

    I will pray for wisdom regarding your knee and will pray for Wanda as well. I’m glad to hear your “bathroom” issues are going well. (Not sure how to phrase that…)

    DH left to go skiing at Mammoth Mountain yesterday. Will ski today and tomorrow and then head home. I’m so glad he’s doing this. It’s good for him in so many ways.

    I need to make some decision on Medicare Part B very soon. I’d appreciate your prayers for wisdom. Medicare Advantage is NOT an option. Original with whatever supplemental plans will be my plan (or so I think). I’m leaning towards United Health Care/AARP with the supplements.

    Love to each of you,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916

    Hi everyone,

    I have not posted for a few days. On Tuesday I threw my back out. I had just got out of a hot bath and was soaking. That seems unusual to me but it knocked me out of several days of laying on the heating pad. I did not want to miss my frieind's visitation so I was able to go. I am pretty wiped out from that. I ran into so many community band members from the band I played in and was at the visitation for almost 3 hrs. There were hundreds of people coming through the line which I knew would happen as this man affected thousands of people in his teaching and especially with the community band which he directed for 57 yrs. I had a chance to catch up with some students I had started on instruments many years ago so it was a bitter sweet time. The memorial service is tonight and they will have live music from friends of mine playing. This is in a concert hall as I am sure there will be many hundred people that will attend.

    Teka, your banner made me laugh. Based on our weather for the coming days we might have an early spring. We didn't see the sun for most of January and today is sunny and I am so thankful!!!

    Carol, I hope your DH made it home safely and had a good ski trip. How did you do by yourself? My Mom was on Blue Cross and Blue Shield for her supplemental to Medicare. It was not cheap but they paid for most things that Medicare didn't cover completely. She had a separate for Part D which was Humana. I know it is a tough decision. I will pray that you find the right one for you.

    Thank you for your prayers for me regarding wisdom for my knee. I have an apt with the surgeon on Tuesday and I think I know my decision. I strained my rib muscles several weeks before Christmas and it took forever to get that pain resolved and then I threw my back out. Both of those things were on my right side. My injured knee is on my left side so I think the extra weight all these months on my right leg has probably thrown my whole body off. So unless the surgeon thinks otherwise I will opt for surgery. The timing is not what I would like. I do not want to reschedule my mammogram which is the latter part of March so it may not happend until spring and I really wanted it in the winter but my long sickness prevented that from happening.

    I hope you have sunny days in your part of the world. I hope you all have a good weekend.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,437

    Nancy, I am praying your back pain resolves and you get a good answer with your knee.

    I need prayer…the nurse must have hit a nerve when giving my Faslodex shots on Friday and I am in excruciating pain when I move. I have to use the walker as I am unsteady when getting up and down. My DH doesn't get home until midnight from his 10-day trip but my nurse DD is home and can help me. At least I could visit church online this morning. There is no way I could maneuver the tub so I am sitting with a heating pad…

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721

    Nancy, I hope the appointment with your surgeon goes well on Tuesday and your mammogram doesn't require rescheduling.

    Our trees will be pruned and shaped on Wednesday (weather permitting). There's a 20% chance of rain showers both Wednesday and Thursday. The arborist and his spotter will be here at 7:30am, so we're hopeful their work can be completed before the showers arrive. I'm anxious to see our neatly trimmed trees.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721

    Chris, I'm thankful your nurse daughter is there with you and praying for healing of the nerve pain.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916


    I am so sorry that you are in such awful pain after your shot. I am just now seeing your post and will pray for you now. I am glad your daughter is with you. I know your DH will get it tonight. I will pray that this nerve pain will STOP!!!!!!!!!! I am still using my heating pad and it does help. I hope yours is helping as well.

    Hershey, I hope your tree pruning gets finished with no rain. I bet your trees will look great when it is completed.

    Last night was the Memorial service for my special music man friend. It was very emotional. There was a small portion of our community band that was on stage and performed many of his original compostions. I have never been to a service that had a live band playing band music but that is who Ron Keller was and I am sure he would have been very pleased with the whole service.

    I was able to reconnect with one of his beautiful daughters who I gave private lessons to many, many years ago. Her family is now in Texas and it warmed my heart to hear her talk of her Bible study.

    Take care dear sisters. You are in my prayers.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,437

    Teka, thank you for asking. I am feeling a lot better. I woke up this morning to almost no pain and I was able to do the dishes tonight. It is another answer to prayer. It warmed up a bit this week but we are expecting snow again on Saturday. This has become a weekly pattern this winter… I am so over winter and am having a hard time waiting for Spring!

    Nancy, how is your back feeling? I hope your appointment with your surgeon goes well tomorrow.

    Carol, how are you doing? I have been praying you are able to eat better.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916

    Wheatfields, I hope you are all settled in AZ with sunshine. I pray that your visit with your sister will be a wonderful blessing to both of you. I know your BIL will appreciate your visit and that you can be a source of strength for him as well.

    Carol, how are you feeling. Is the fatigue improving? I pray for the ability to ingest food with no issues and hopefully you can gain some weight as well.

    Chris, is your horrible pain improving? I continue to pray to that result.

    Teka, thanks for asking. I hope you are doing well and maybe enjoying some sunshine. I had my surgeon's apt today and I will call his scheduler tomorrow to get a surgery date. He made it very clear that this may not help and I said I am willing to take that chance as it is prohibiting me to do simple housework things which need to be done. He is a man of little words so I was quite surprised to see notice in MyChart that I have to schedule 8 apts by a certain date. I was a bit miffed and realized my surgeon had ordered PT and had not told me about that at all. So this will definitely make me want the surgery soon so I can get the PT finished before summer. His note said he would like the surgery scheduled before March 6 so that is what I will try to do. I asked him what days he does surgeries and when I saw the notes in MyChart they say different days. I was going to ask one friend to drive me but she is still working part time so the "new" dates spoiled my plans with this friend. So I'll find out soon enough.

    My roofer at the end of summer did a stop gap fix on my roof making it very clear that if this doesn't work I will need a new roof. Well to put it simply the mold that started forming on my laundry room ceiling and spreading really quickly told me now what I have to do. Scheduling may end up being a challenge but at least the contractors will be working outside instead of inside.

    I also scheduled my brain MRI and I am feeling a bit ovewhelmed right now. I have been madly working on my income tax and had hoped to drive those to my tax guy tomorrow but with my Bible study running late I still have a lot to fill out for his organizer. I have done the hard work. Now just the tedious stuff needs to be done.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721

    Nancy, it sounds like your appointment with the surgeon was productive. He seems quite proactive. Having the PT referral ready to go is impressive!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916

    Chris, we must have posted at the same time. I am so glad to hear your pain is about gone. PTL My surgeon apt was yesterday and I did get a surgery date of March 4 today so things are happening pretty fast now.

    Hershey, I hope your weather held up so your tree pruners could work on your trees today. I know my kindergarden tree my parents had and is still standing looked pretty sad when they pruned before the leaves came out for spring. Once they did it was so much better. Yes, this surgeon is so much more on the ball than my last surgery which was out of town. I had so much stress with that whole fiasco and this is so different. I have already received two different emails wanting medical history etc so that is very reassuring. I even got in my EKG today.

    I would appreciate your prayers in dealing with scheduling a new roof and all the other surgery things and PT afterwards. I sure wish the roof could wait a bit but it will still take time getting it approved with my HOA and dealing with my neighbor as we share a roof.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916

    Thanks Teka for the cute banner. It sounds like the east coast is going to get slammed with a big snow storm right when it sort of felt like spring coming soon.

    Wow, what a game tonight!!!!!

    I hope everyone is doing okay.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,437

    Happy Love-Your-Neighbor Day to all my friends here on BCO. Some of us have Valentines, some have family, some have friends, but we all have a loving Savior. You are all included today!

    My sweet DGD got up at 2 am this morning with a fierce bloody nose and came upstairs so I could help her. She has been sick and home from school so far this week. It was tough because her mom was at work. Once we got it under control, I took her back downstairs to change her bed and settle her down (of course I wore a mask the whole time.) This has happened to her before so she didn't panick, but was still rough. The problem is my oxygen doesn't reach downstairs. When I was through and used all the energy I had even though I did not a very good job with the bed, I had to literally crawl back upstairs and into the bathroom where I left my oxygen tube. I laid on the floor for awhile until I was strong enough to get back into bed. Our sweet dog crawled up the stairs with me and laid down beside me the whole time until I was able to get back up, then she went back downstairs to my DGD. (She is amazingly sensitive to my needs though untrained.) My DH was willing to do whatever I needed, but I knew Bria needed her Nana, and honestly, I needed to feel needed and do it myself. I was able to sleep in this morning and hopefully will gain enough energy to be able to go out tonight.

    I am praying you all feel loved today. Chris

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916

    Chris, that sounded so scary with your oxygen trying to deal with Bria's bloody nose. I hope Bria is okay and will get over her sickness asap. I am so glad you have such a good companion with your dog. That is so sweet that he/she laid beside you until you could get up. I am glad you were able to sleep in. I sure hope you don't have to go through this again. I do hope that you will be able to go out tonight and hopefully celebrate Valentine's Day.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721

    Happy Valentine's Day to my LOVELY friends! 🌹 ❤

    Chris, Bria must have been so frightened by the nosebleed. I'm thankful that she came to you for help. Your little pup Princess sounds so intuitive, and I'm glad you weren't by yourself on the stairs. I do hope you have a wonderful evening out with your family.

    Nancy, I hope you've finished all your tax preparation. We have one more document to get to our accountant and will meet with him on the 1st to finalize federal and state returns. It will be so nice to have that project out of the way.

    Speaking of projects, we've decided to put our vacation rental home on the market in April or May. Some flooring needs to be replaced along with a few smaller updates (lighting, faucets, doorknobs, painting). Other than the flooring, we'll tackle the rest.

    Carol, Wheatfields, Teka and GB -- I hope you are all doing well!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916

    Hershey, yes I finished my tax prep and drove them out of town to my tax guy last Monday. I just hope he can get this all finished before my surgery which is on March 4. Not sure if I ever mentioned that is the date.

    Did you get your tree pruning in? I hope your vacation rental sells quickly when you put it on the market.

    Happy Valentines Day to all of you dear sisters.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721

    Nancy, our trees look fantastic. The arborist and his spotter did a wonderful job. They were here for most of the day trimming, pruning, shaping, and woodchipping. They'll return in May to treat the deciduous trees for pests. I'm so happy we hired his small, family-owned company.

    I hope your tax preparer finishes your federal and state returns soon and there are NO surprises!