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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2012

    Dear Rocket, everyday I pray that Our Lord will ease your pain. You are so strong and I so admire your patience with all of this. We never know His timing, but we know He will not leave us. I pray that your pool therapy will help. Jeanne, it is so normal for you to be going through these feelings of dispair and sadness!!! Everyone understands here and just know that prayers are coming your way every day!!! You will get through this and you will then become a role model and witness for others going through this cancer journey. God bless you both and know He is listening. Kathy

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited October 2012

    Hey Gals,

    Well I developed a nasty bladder infection and because I'm allergic to every oral antibiotic, I had to call the cancer center here and my new onc ordered a stat urinalysis and two injections of an antibiotic to help the infection. I had to go to the cancer center, sit in the chemo bay (flashbacks big time - my heart started racing), to wait for the injections. I was there an hour and a half, but the nurses were so nice. They asked if I wanted a blanket, a drink, and even offered me lunch! I was just sitting there waiting for an injection and chatting with the other patients who were getting their chemo infusions. Well let me tell you, God was working in that room. I had the privilege of sharing how God had helped me through my journey and was continuing to help me. One lady asked, "When is your book coming out?" LOL. I was so relieved to get that antibiotic and finally started feeling better today. My PT also put my hand and wrist in a splint to help keep it in a neutral position. She also tested my hand sensitivity with small monofilaments and I have lost some feeling in my thumb, ring and pinky finger.

    Next week we are going back to eastern NC to visit our granddaughter, Erin, for a few days. She is 8 months old now. I have missed that baby so much! I can hardly wait to see her.

    Jeannie, we all understand your sadness and despair. You have been through so much and continue to go through it. I am almost three years from my dx, and I still sometimes feel that way. It does get easier, but when you are in the midst of suffering, it's difficult to see the forest for the trees. Know that you are being prayed for. God's got your back, and He's always faithful. Cling to the cross!

    Thank you Kathy for continuing to love all of us here. You bless us with your powerful and uplifting ministry. Haven't seen Jo lately, have you? I miss her as well.

    Hey Paula and Mini, how's it going?

    Love you Ladies and praying a beautiful Lord's day for you tomorrow.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited October 2012

    Hi Rocket thanks for asking. I'm doing well. Surgery is in 2 weeks and now that its getting so close I have to admit, I'm getting a bit apprehensive.

    I'm glad they took such good care of you at the Dr.

    Sunday is my favorite day of the week. I love being with like minded people, praising The Lord and then going to lunch with friends from church, then home for an afternoon nap.

    I just saw Jo a few minutes ago encouraging someone on an arimidex thread.



  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited October 2012

    Rocket, I'm sorry to hear of your further travails! You have been through so much! I'm so glad you have the Lord as your strength and comforter. I've never known someone who is allergic to more antibiotics than me. It helps me to know that I could be treated someday if need be. How great that you had the opportunity to share your story and be an encouragement at the cancer center! It feels so good to serve God and feel this experience has some purpose. I have had moments like that. I know my sadness will pass. Sometimes it's just hard to imagine my future free from all of this. Thanks for the prayers!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2012

    Dear Rocket, Those bladder infections are horrendous, and also to be allergic to antibiotics, you poor thing. But again, you were a light to many in the infusion room. You just keep on going, you are great. Thank the Lord that you were able to receive the injections. Have a wonderful time with your granddaughter and family. You deserve the respite!!! Hi to Paula and Mini and JO and Jeanne. You are all so inspirational to me, but knowing that we are not only Sisters in BC, but also Sisters in Christ keeps me grounded. God bless you all!!!

  • Yayme
    Yayme Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2012

    On this day, God wants you to know... ... that all those little things that annoy you, are God's way of watching out for you. You never know when an untied shoelace saves you from an onrushing car. On September 11th, one man was saved because he had to get donuts for his team; another because he developed a blister on his foot from wearing new shoes...

    This holds so much meaning to me today.....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited October 2012

    Lelela you are absolutely right. When the American Embassy was bombed in Kenya by Bin Ladin, missionaries from my church, who were working in Kenya, were on their way to the embassy and had car trouble. It was such an inconvenience to Rusty & Irene until they found out it had saved their lives.

    I'm waiting for my hair to dry (naturally) so I can put it in hot rollers to get ready for church. I have surgery in 2 weeks, then chemo, so I guess I won't have to do the hair thing much longer. I'll miss it. Oh we'll.

    You Ladies have a VERY JOYFUL DAY



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2012
    Dear Lelela, Thank you for sharing these stories,God continually watches out for us. Paula, You will be in my thoughts and prayers as  you start your chemo journey. You may lose your hair, but not your wonderful spirit, your positive attitude and your love for the Lord.  We will be with you every step of the way!!!  God bless you, KathySmile
  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2012

    Hi, Jo!!! Always so good to see you!!! Prayers are coming your husband's way for good results and answers from the MRI and x -rays!!!! Have a wonderful day!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited October 2012

    Indeed He is Jo. Good to see you again. I will be praying for your DH. Please keep us posted.

  • Yayme
    Yayme Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2012

    Good Morning Ladies....wishing you much love and peace for whatever you are going through. May your battles be heroic....for you are healed

    Just sharing a simple post with lots of meaning...

     On this day, God wants you to know... ... that your unspoken prayers will be answered. Yes, God knows you, God hears you, God loves you, God is there for you. You are blessed

    Have a Blessed day everyone...Lisa

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2012

    Thank you, Lisa, what a lovely message to start the day. Blessings to you all today!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited October 2012

    Hi Girls I saw the BS this morning. I'm a little down, and that's very unusual for me. He said he will remove all the nodes, and he's thinking 25-35.

    They gave me a lovely quilt and tote bag from the "Stitching Sisters." I figure that's the least they can do when they're taking everything that makes me feel like a woman. But, I know, they're just trying to save my life.

    I then went downstairs to be fitted for a post-surgery garment.

    I thought I was getting a tissue expander, but I guess not since recon won't be for 8-12 months.

    I'm relieved to know I will be able to go to church that same week. Surgery Monday and back to church on Sunday. That is important to me, because I never ever miss church. It's not because I'm so good, it's just that GOD is so awesome, I don't want to miss anything!



  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited October 2012

    Hi, Paula

    My double mastectomy (after a lumpectomy with margin involvement) was on March 29th. I was shocked when I found out my axillary node pocket contained 36 nodes, which were removed. Add that to the three sentinel nodes from the lumpectomy. I had tissue expanders put in but I won't be getting recon. until next summer, so maybe you will be getting them. Just keep asking questions of you have them. You will get through this! You will heal, step by step. I'm glad you found this supportive thread! We will all be praying for you and God will be with you every minute.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2012

    Hi, Paula, I know that you will fight like a warrior through your trSmileeatment and surgery, with our Lord and all of us with you in spirit and prayer. Jeanne, you have been fighting so hard and by this time next year will be celebrating NED!!! Blessings to you both!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2012

    Hi, Paula and Jeanne, You are both doing everything humanly possible to eradicate this disease, one of the hardest decisions to make is having a double mastectomy. I have never regretted having both breasts removed. I opted not to have reconstruction, but sometimes I wish I would have. My onc says I can still have the surgery. You never know, I might just do it. We will see !!!  Again, blessings to the both of you!!!!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited October 2012

    Thanks, Kathy!

    Your encouragement always means a lot to me. I haven't regretted the mastectomies but I sometimes wonder about the reconstruction. Hopefully DIEP will work for me but I'm not looking forward to it.

    Your beauty shines through your words. So does Jesus!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited October 2012

    Hey Gals,

    I too have not regretted the bi-lateral mastectomy. I did not have recon. I had little skin left with my surgeries because I had three large tumors all in different quadrants of my right breast. On of my margins was close, so I also needed radiation. I don't ever plan on reconstruction. I'm thankful my nodes were clear, including three sentinel nodes. It was a complete miracle.

    You ladies are strong in Christ, and you will get through this. God will never leave you or forsake you. We will walk with you through it, basking you in prayer.

    Loving you,

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited October 2012

    Jeannie, Kathy, & Rocket, there's no encouragement like what comes from those who love the LORD! Thank you all so much.

    I have a much better outlook today. My concern is my husband. He's told me that he doesn't love me for my breasts, but I've known him for 25 years, and I know that deformatives bother him. Not meaning that we are deformed, but inside I'm afraid that's how he'll see me. If I weren't married I would definitely forgo recon.

    Jeannie I will call the PS today to ask about tissue expanders. Thanks for the advice.

    On another note: I'm listening to GOOD MORNING AMERICA, because Ann Romney is co-hosting today. They're discussing Jessica Ridgeway, the 10 year old girl who disappeared in Colorado. My heart goes out to her parents. I pray they find her alive, but it doesn't look good.

    Love & Blessings


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited October 2012

    Hi Paula,

    It's important to recognize that grieving the loss of your breasts is a necessary part of recovery. Your husband will need to grieve that loss too. It has been difficult for me to feel feminine without them. In fact losing my hair to chemo wasn't nearly as traumatic for me as I had envisioned, but I had a serious meltdown in my closet when I couldn't find anything to wear that made me feel good about myself. It's truly an adjustment process, and you need to allow yourself time to grieve. You have lost something and it's okay to feel sad about it. God truly understands our grief and grieves with us. I will be praying that all goes well with your recon. Take each challenge one step at a time. I will pray for your husband too as those who love someone affected by cancer have their own road of suffering. Talk with him openly about the recon if you can and ask him how he truly feels. I really did want recon, but my DH didn't want me to endure any additional pain or surgery. I'll be praying for you both, for whatever you decide.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited October 2012

    Rocket, thank you for that. I receive every word! Your DH sounds amazing!

    My DH has a habit of holding everything in. At first when he would see me on this forum, he would get a bit upset, thinking I was mourning or looking for bad news, but when I started sharing some of the tips the ladies give, the encouragement, prayers, and funny stories, he seems to be fine with it. He does think, however, that breast cancer is a Once & Done kinda thing. Have surgery and you're finished. I've tried to get him to look at some of the books from the doctors, if just the side effects on chemo, but so far he hasn't.

    I will say, that whenever I had surgery in the past, he was very good at taking over household chores, and taking care of me. He knows I've always been healthy, and I NEVER go to bed because I don't feel well. I don't even get headaches.

    GOD is my JOY & my STRENGTH, and pray Jim will let GOD be his too.



  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited October 2012


    My DH is wonderful, but took a long time to come to the realization that breast cancer is never a once and done thing. For me there have been many ramifications of treatments and ongoing nerve damage. My DH is just now, almost three years later, finally understanding and accepting it as well as grieving it. We all respond differently and for some it takes longer than others. Give him time. I pray that God will help him to partner with you during this difficult time. (((((((HUGS)))))))

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited October 2012

    Praying for you Jo and for your DH. Keep clinging to the cross. Loving you too.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited October 2012

    Today is my last day of five weeks of radiation. I am burnt and itchy but thankful it wasn't worse. Someday they will develop new ways of treating breast cancer that don't involve slashing, poisoning and burning. We are brave and strong ladies!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited October 2012

    Woo Hoo! Congrats Jeannie! I know you are happy it's over. Do something special to celebrate!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited October 2012

    Jo & Jeannie, I'm praying for your both. Jo tell your husband, I had a knee replacement in 1998 at age 47. The pain & inconvenience of that surgery paled in comparison to the pain I'd had before. He will be amazed!

    Thank you all so much for your encouragement. You are so right! GOD's Grace is Sufficient!



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited October 2012

    Prayers are coming for your dear husband, Jo!!! You will be a wonderful rock for him to lean on. It is so wonderful that you can rely on each other for strength.Jeanne, hooray for the last radiation treatment, one journey done and you will do great on the next and last journey. Funny story, when I went in for my first radiation treatment, I came in the waiting room after I put my gown on and I saw only men sitting there awaiting treatment. One lovely older man whispered to me, why are you here? And I have no idea why I said this, but I asked the man what kind of breast cancer he had, and they all heard me and burst out laughing saying almost unaniously!!! We are Prostate Guys, from then on I saw them daily and called them my Prostage guys, truly the nurses thought we were crazy but endearing. I sat with these wonderful guys for close to 40 days. I was the only woman at times. Blessings and Love to all of you!!!!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited October 2012

    Help! I need prayer. My skin has continued to burn and now I am blistered and miserable. They warned me that this could happen after radiation ended. I am going to call them today and say "help!" too.

    I have crashed and "burned!" At least I have finally had some really good cries after this nine months of assault on my body. I'm not a crier normally, so this has been good. The message at church yesterday was very heavy, on mourning. I mourned my old life before cancer. Now to embrace this new one that surely contains blessings and opportunities to be God's witness, as well. Thank you for praying for me! It is so humbling to know you will do it. I pray for you, too.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited October 2012

    I am praying Jeannie! I know how difficult it is. I did the same thing when I finished rads - just cried and cried. It was like everything was building to that crescendo. Crying felt strangely healing, and in fact it can be an important part of the process when we allow ourselves to grieve the loss of so much. Your body and emotions have been through a great deal. Give yourself time to heal. You have such a strong and lovely witness. God will use this trial to bring about good in your life and others.

    I could also use some prayer. I have been sick for about five days. I have bronchitis and feel completely exhausted. I'm home in my fuzzy bathrobe, resting. Please pray that I will return to health quickly.

    Love to all you ladies.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited October 2012

    Thank you, Rocket. I am praying for you! You need some good healthy days. You have been through so much. I think of you often as I am trying to avoid lymphedema, wearing a sleeve, seeing a specialist, learning lymphatic massage. With 39 missing nodes, it's a concern. I admire you so much, with all you have been through. I know God has strengthened you and allowed you to strengthen us with your encouraging words. Thank you.
