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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited November 2012

    Dear ALYSONPTL, I could not say it any better ! Jo -5 and Paula said the perfect words for you! Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers daily!!! You will get through this!!! By His Stripes we are Healed!!!!! Please don't be hard on yourself when you feel anxious or depressed!! You are human, just look up and He is listening and watching over you!! God Bless you!!! Paula, please let us know how your MRI turns out!!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited November 2012

    Well I spoke too soon. My stomach was feeling better this morning, and now after eating dinner, it's killing me. I'm going to go back to a very soft diet for a few days and see if it calms down. I hope it's better by tomorrow. This makes five days of not feeling well. I thought it was a virus, but now I'm not so sure.

    Any and all prayers for me are welcome. My surgery is December 19th. I would greatly appreciate you adding me to your prayer chains at church or Bible studies.

    Thanks Ladies!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2012

    Asking for a little prayer from you wonderful prayer warriors outs there. Feeling spiritually attacked. Should be feeling good. I have a new, though somewhat hectic job, a great family, beautiful 4 month old twin grandbabies, and the world's cutest 3 year old grandson. My bloodwork has been good so far. The dreaded 6 month mammo next week, though. Not looking forward to that. My bones hurt, but that's a given. Stiil losing weight though and that's not good. I love the Lord and Has blessed me so much. Must have the devil mad at me for not folding like a house of cards at the BC diagnosis, but my God is bigger!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited November 2012

    Dearest Mini1, so good to see you, but sorry that you are going through a challenging and stressful time right now. I am lifting you up in prayer right now and as Jo says, Lean heavily on the Lord.He knows what you are going through and will give you the strength to endure. Twin grandsons and a 3 year old grandson, how awesome!!! God bless you!!!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2012

    Thank you Kindergarten. I am truly blessed with a wonderful family. I appreciate you more than you know. :-)

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited November 2012

    Jo-5, such wonderful words of wisdom!!! Prayers for your husband's pretesting are coming his way. Mini1, I am lifting you up in prayer right now for a great mammogram. Love to you all, Kathy

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited November 2012

    Hi JO-5 ... its been a long while.  I have been busy doing genealogy work.  I have volumes of information on my family.

    Is your husband going to have hip replacement surgery - did I get that right?  I had my left hip done on April 4 of this year.  Outside of the pain for the first month - everything went smoothly.  I am sure your hubby will do just fine.  I will pray for him to breeze right through it.  I've missed you!

    Rocket ... I am going to go back and see what's going on but just from the little I've read you have a full plate!  My prayers go out to you too.

    BTW ... I have had a diabetic ulcer on my foot for at least 4 years!  The problem is I can't stay in bed for 6-8 weeks, not putting any pressure on it, to get it to heal!

    Anyway, I'm going to pray for all of you.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited November 2012

    Hi Everyone,

    Jo thanks for the information regarding spastic colon. I am still unable to eat a regular diet. Along with my regular meds the supplements I take are D3, multivitamin, one calcium, fish oil, Garlinase, and magnesium. Maybe I should lay off the magnesium and see if it helps. I think it all started with a virus and has turned into an irritated colon. It's been over a week now. I had a colonoscopy several months ago and everything was clear. Oh and I forgot to mention that I have a stress fracture in my left ankle and am having surgery on the right foot. Good grief! I guess being laid up will help both feet. I'm praying that Dan will also breeze right through the surgery and have a very quick recovery. I'm also praying that you will not be overwhelmed by the caregiving responsibilities. You are a tought cookie!

    Mini, hang in there Sweetie! We've all been there. You are still in the first year since your dx and what you are feeling is totally normal. I still struggle and I'm approaching my third cancerversary in January. I don't think I'll ever feel the same again, but God has a plan for my life and this was part of it. Now I have to learn to accept that I will have down days and good days. Don't beat yourself up. God will never stop loving you. He sacrificed His Son for you - the highest gift of love one could imagine. I'm praying for you right now Mini that the Holy Spirit would encourage you and that you would feel His presence.

    Kathleen, good to see you again. Thank you for the prayers. I know exactly how you feel about being laid up for six weeks. I will be non-weight bearing after my surgery for six weeks. That's the worst part. I'm going to be doing a lot of reading. I'm praying that your ulcer will heal. Take good care of yourself!

    Kathy, how's it going with you? You always encourage others here. Is there any way we can encourage you?

    Allyson, how are you doing with your chemo treatments? You are going to get through this. Take one day at a time. The Lord sees everything that you are going through and He is walking right beside you. He will never leave or forsake you. Faith is one thing that I felt I was in short supply when I got my dx. Remember you are going through the thick of things right now. Even if we feel our faith being tested, the One who is Faithful will not let go of you.he hurts right along with you, but also will supply His grace and sustaining power to keep you. God doesn't save us only to let us go. He seals us with His Holy Spirit and takes us through the process of sanctification, making us more like His Son. That process is often painful, but it also reminds us that He is working in us. Don't let your tears or fear make you doubt your faith. You are human and we all struggle when we suffer. God will work through your suffering because He loves you dearly.

    I don't know what I would do without this thread! You ladies are the best! You always demonstrate love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. You are filled with God's Spirit and I for one am truly grateful to have found you here.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited November 2012

    Good morning, dear Ladies!!! Hi, Kathleen, so good to see you here. Sorry to hear about your ulcer on your foot. Prayers are coming your way for healing, without having to stay off your feet for that long. Wow, that is not doable, I am sure. Good luck with your geneology project as well. Thanks, Rocket, I can always use your prayers. I am such a worrier and I know I need to Let Go and Let God. I have a tendency to always think the worst is going to happen, so please pray for my attitude adjustment, he,he,he!!!! God bless you all, Kathy

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2012

    Rocket - I have gastro issues and found that after a particular bad bout I could no longer take the fish oil. CoQ10 is easier to tolerate, and even better, Chia seeds. CoQ10 is also getting good reviews for heart health. Anyway, I have to limit my fats and also went gluten-free. It takes 6-12 months for your intestines to heal. Going GF was hard at first, but now I don't miss it. Once in awhile I will cheat or inadvertantly eating something with gluten and I pay for it. It makes staying on course much easier. Hope you feel better soon.

    Thank you everyone for the prayers and kind words. I'll get through this and whatever else is in the future.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited November 2012

    Thanks for the dietary advice and prayers Ladies. I will stop the magnesium and fish oil and see if that helps. It has been awful. It seems the older I get the less I'm able to tolerate. I can't eat eggs at all anymore as they cause extreme gastric distress. My cholesterol is 258, but fortunately my good cholesterol is high and my triglycerides are low. My glucose level has been rising drastically too. It's now 114 (non-fasting). It used to be 80! My body feels like it belongs to someone else.

    I need to do weight bearing exercise because I've developed osteopenia since being on Arimidex. I had a normal bone density before that, but can't lift weights because of my arm and now can't walk much because of the stress fracture. I also am becoming lactose intolerant! I feel so incredibly frustrated that despite my best efforts, my body is revolting against me. I don't know what to eat anymore to help myself and I am disciplined enough to try, but everything I try fails.

    I too tend to be a worrier. My sister passed away recently, as most of you know, from a massive heart attack in her sleep. She was only 62, just ten years older than me. I feel like at the rate I'm going that I will kick off from a heart attack, cancer or diabetes. Honestly I'd rather get hit by a bus! I'll probably just worry myself to death.

    I am not taking the lack of control in my life very well as you can see. My DH always reminds me that control is a myth. He's so right. God is in control and it's best left in His hands. If only I could remind myself of that constantly. Sorry to rant, it's been a frustrating day. I love you gals. You always listen and care so deeply for everyone on this thread. I hope you all have a restful night. Loving you.....

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited November 2012

    Gosh - its good to be back!  I miss you ladies so much!

    Rocket ... its a sad day when your body turns on you.  I know.  I am so frustrated with doctors I am not going to any for a while.  Seems the more doctors I see the more there is wrong with me!  My favorite phrase is that if you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plans.  Its so true - contol is just a figment of our imagination.

    For you other ladies with digestive problems ... I have found periodically that I experience diarrhea so unexpectedly that it just comes out with no warning - I am reduced to wearing Depends.  Now that's a fine state of affairs!  Maybe it is lactose.  I haven't had any milk (even though it was lactose free when I drank milk) for several days or cheese or any other diary product.  I think I'm on to something!  I'll try staying away from all diary products a few more days and see what happens.

    God is awesome and He will take care of us if we just let Him.  I try to adhere to "let go and let God" but I keep taking it back!  Some of us are just slow learners but I'm trying!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited November 2012

    Good morning, Sisters in Christ!!! Rocket, I too have issues with my body fighting me as I get older. I am turning 60 in January and I feel it. Since being back on the aromasin, I am having the joint issues again.  Please know that I pray for you daily and I so appreciate your presence here. You are a light!!!!Kathleen, You are so right that God is Awesome!!!! I had bloodwork again yesterday, and please pray that my tumor markers have come down even more. Thank you!!! It helps so much to come here and know we are all being lifted up in prayer!!!! God bless you all, Kathy

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited November 2012

    Praying for those tumor markers Kathy. Hoping they will turn out just fine. Keep us posted. Hoping to get a walk in this evening. It won't be a long walk, but any exercise is better than none. Pray that my ankle would heal before I have surgery in two weeks for the other foot. Thanks Gals! Lifting you all to the Lord right now.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited November 2012

    Thank you so much, Rocket and prayers for a nice walk for you today, and healing of your ankle!!!!

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2012

    Good morning Sisters in Christ!

    Rocket ... I am praying for your feet!  Sometimes it seems that if it isn't one thing - its six others!  You hang in there - it will work out well for you, I just feel it.

    JO-5 - boy, does the phrase being close to a toilet hit home.  I think I will take your advice and write down what I'm eating so I can make some sense of it all.  That's a good idea - thanks.

    Over the course of the last year I feel closer and closer to the Lord.  My vision has been hazy in the past as to the road I should take but I must say it is becoming more clear with everyday that passes.  I want to live my life as close to Christ's example as is possible (given that I'm human).  I believe the true road to happiness on this earth is to tend to His children in service and love.  It is a daily battle to put aside one's own judgments, critical thinking and the ways of the world but worth the effort in so many ways.  Its  only when I think of others that I stop thinking about my petty problems and focus on how I might be of service to Him.  God forgives us every single day, multiple times a day as any loving father would do and its such a comforting, peaceful feeling.  Its the least I can do for His other children.  I know most of you have gotten this fact but I was always a late bloomer.  I only pray that the Lord help me be humble and loving.

    One of the things I have learned from my Church is that if you need something, ask the Lord.  He will be happy to give it to you unless he knows you're not ready for it.  But like any good parent who drags his/her child kickiing and screaming into the doctor's office for vaccinations, He knows what we need now and in the future and He provides.  The trick is to keep the faith long enough to see that He knows what is best for us.

    Well, I've been rambling on!  I just want to say to each of you how dear you are to me and how much you have helped me in my path to Heavenly Father.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2012

    The food diary idea is good. After keeping mine when I got sick I found that sometimes it wasn't necessarily the food I ate, but a combination of particular foods. Sometimes I found that there was a pattern with the food I ate the day before causing the problem. I would think it was something I had eaten that day, but after awhile I saw the pattern and found that it wasn't. I ended up having to go on a clear liquid diet and reintroducing foods back into my diet one or two at a time. Gluten was a big culprit for me. Now that my stomach and intestines have healed I find that I can eat some of the foods that I had been forced to give up when I was at my worst.

    Read up on food and nutrition. Most of what is on the shelves is crap. And a good part of the fresh is being genetically altered. Food you think is good for you isn't necessarily so. Buy local and/or frozen because they have the least peticides on them because they aren't expected to be transported over long distances. Wash everything carefully. Eat a few meat free meals. Try going gluten-free. It really is worth the efffort. And after awhile it just becomes normal. I feel so much better that I'm rarely tempted to eat anything I shouldn't anymore.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited December 2012

    Thank you Ladies for the wonderful spiritual and nutritional guidance. I need all the help I can get. I can rely on you wonderful Sisters for everthing. God bless you all, Kathy

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited December 2012

    Hi, everyone,

    I just caught up with you tonight. The nutritional quandaries interest me. I am so confused, I am seeing a nutritionist at my cancer center later this month. I still have chemo until Feb. 1st, so I know the do's and don'ts are different for me right now. I want to know how to eat well afterwards, too. It may be impossible once I start Tamoxifen (I already have osteopenia), but I really need to lose some lbs! I have gained so much this cancer year. The PS says I should lose weight before DIEP rather than after, so I have to at least try. I'm even willing to wear these uncomfortable tissue expanders for an extra couple of months.

    Rocket, you can't use weights because you have lymphedema, bursitis or some other reason? I know I have been encouraged to use weights to prevent L., but I don't know if it holds true after L. occurs. Strangely, my right arm that has been traumatized the most is doing great and measuring down each week. It's the left arm that is fluctuating. I have snazzy sleeves from Lymphadivas that I wear when I exercise. I am still seeing a L. Specialist for a couple more weeks. My RO said the four-sixth month period after rads is when things can really flare up. I really would like to slug him sometimes! Anyway, I'm doing what I can to prevent it but I know what to do if I don't. I didn't mean to turn this into an L. Thread. I just admire you for all you've been able to bear, relying on our God and others for your strength. I believe this is a season for you that will pass like other seasons and you will feel better!

    DH is still looking for work and I'm not working. The company that laid him off is interviewing him for other positions there, though, which is weird and wonderful at the same time. A continuation of insurance would be so wonderful as would a job, of course! He is also developing a website for his own marketing consultancy business which is an option if he can't find a job. We are trusting God pretty well. As I've said before, He is our source of strength and hope!

    I will keep your surgeries, tests, illnesses and worries in my prayers, as I think of you more often than I appear on this thread!


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2012

    Jeannie57 - my opposite arm gets bigger too. I thought it was just me. I was told light weights and weight bands are ok. The bands really give you a good work out without lifting heavy weights.

    Jo-5 - wish I could find those pounds you keep losing. :-)

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2012

    After my last post I found myself falling back into my old ways about a million times!  It is really hard to be loving and kind!  And nonjudgmental!  I'm trying but I really need to think HARD before I open my mouth.  Just the little things - making a judgment about another driver (he cut you off so he's an idiot), making an off-hand remark about someone famous, judging a family member's actions, getting impatient.  The list goes on!

    I heard a minister say that if Plan A is to be loving and kind to all, what's Plan B because Plan A is too hard -lol.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2012

    I'm definitely still working on plan A.

    I just read a book by Debbie Macomer (I think its Debbie) about asking God for one word to contemplate for one year. The is book is called One Perfect Word. She says she prays about it and God puts a word on her heart, i.e. trust, patience, kindness, peace, etc. You focus on studying this one word for a year. She's done it for 20 years now. I think I'm going to try it. Maybe I'll put judgment on my list of potential words. :-)

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited December 2012

    Hi everyone,

    I've been checking in on you all and keeping you in my prayers.  Posting has been an issue.  This is my 2nd attempt tonight.  My little cursor freezes and I can't type letters or move the mouse anywhere at times. 

    Rocket, what is the date of your surgery?  How is your stomach?  I don't know how you have been walking with your feet as they have been.  I think about it often when I know I need to be walking.  I am going to start tomorrow. many times do folks say tomorrow or Monday?   I think this weather will help. I'm going to try and get the house ready for Christmas this week or mid next week and then start riding bikes with my mom.  Today I worked in the yard all day.

    Jeannie, I loved reading your post regarding your husband's work.  I am praying about that as well and thankful for your attitude through all you are going through. It is a real testimony of Christ's work in your heart.  And in the midst of chemo too.

    It has been good for me to read all the posts about nutrition too.  Does anyone know where you can find a list of foods that effects estrogen levels.  I just read the other day that sweet potatoes help estrogen production.  It wasn't an article about cancer it was just a general health publication.  I just started eating them this past year!

  • susan3
    susan3 Member Posts: 2,631
    edited December 2012

    hi ladies I am new to this board. kmccraw, a couple of years ago I was in a Bible study and decided to write out the fruit of the spirit for everyone on an index card. and for one whole month we would ponder and work on the one fruit. May I repeat that it was a couple of years ago. I still haven't gotten off It's really hard to do 24/7. So I have moved to joy. I like that one it is easy for me. Don't know which I will pick next :)

    Haven't read through all the threads, hope everyone is doing fine. I am on taxol now, 3rd one this Wednesday. so far so good. All the glory to God.

    I wish I could learn and draw nearer on the mountain tops......I need the valleys....slow learner I am

    Sleep well everyone..God Bless

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited December 2012

    I thought I was freezing up so I hit submit before I finished.

    Jo5 when is you husband's surgery scheduled?

    Paula, what about your shoulder?  Is it better or was it hurting? It sounds like maybe just an old injury that wasn't much of a problem for you right?

    Kindergarten, did I miss something about your tumor markers?  Praying for you regardless!  Thankful also for your faithfulness to pray for everyone here.

    Mini, I hope you are feeling better.

    kmccraw423 Hi,  I don't think I've posted since your recent posts.  So glad to read about your desire to be pleasing to our Lord.  That is a daily challenge for me.  I find if I don't start my day in HIs word it is so easy to get off track. I've learned that being kind and nice all that good stuff alone...... and it is good stuff when it's a result of Christ at work otherwise of course it's just filthy rags .....isn't what pleases Him.  An unbeliever can be those things. Time with Him and considering and working on what He teaches us in His word pleases Him.  I am SO thankful for His grace and mercy. 

    With the frustrations with others.....I was complaining about someone who is always wanting to get together but lives an hour away.  She's older than me but drives with no problem and we have met half way before but she wants me to drive to her place and gets really frustrated with me when I can't. 

    It generally takes a great deal for me to get frustrated but when I learned she has a friend who lives just minutes from her but she complains about having to go get her to come to her house because she doesn't drive I was frustrated.  I didn't think she knew anyone else around her that well and I felt bad for her other friend.

    So...I just read an email where she canceled a dinner because I didn't reply in time and was telling my son she's going to be mad and he said basically just love her more. I said...well, I love her but she complains (what was I doing?  along with gossiping which I hate...)  Then I added I think she's needy and I can't meet all her needs and she ends up frustrated with me. 

    He told me if she's sinfully being inconsiderate....gently, lovingly, point her to Christ....let her know she's being inconsiderate and restore her to a point that she knows that all she needs is Him.  If she's needy because she is lonely and in her more and restore her to a point where she remembers all she needs is Christ.  I wish I could remember exactly how he said it but that was basically it.  Regardless, it was love her more and point her to Christ. They (my sons) are always encouraging others to do that and never omitting point the person to Christ.  They say pointing a person to Christ is the most loving thing you can do.

    Needless to say I was encouraged by your post.

    Looks like I am getting to finish this!!!

    Love all you ladies and hope you all rest well tonight!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited December 2012

    Hi Susan3,

    It's so good to have you.  There are some of the sweetest, most encouraging ladies here.

    You can see things on the computer take me awhile.  Your post came up while I was finishing up my long ending to my previous post there.  I loved your what you shared! 

    If you read my last couple of paragraphs above you can see how I was being reminded by my sons to love more and what that looks like!  I was actually typing this probably before, during and after your post lol!


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited December 2012

    Dear Fondak, so good too see you! Thank you so much for asking about my tumor markers!! They were up in July, then they came back down in August!! My onc wanted them retested last week, so of course I am a nervous Nellie!!! I know Our Lord is in control!!! I have the same freezing issues with my computer sometimes!! Again so good to see you!! Welcome Susan3!!!!!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited December 2012

    Dear Jo-5 ! I am lifting you and your dear husband up in prayer right now!!!!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited December 2012

    Kinderg Thanks for the info about your tumor markers.  Up, down sounds a lot better than up, up (July/Aug) I go every 3 months and have mine checked among other things. I was suppose to go Thurs but the nurse practioner I was scheduled to see is having surgery so I'm going the day after Christmas. 

    I was anxious to get back because at my regular checkup with my medical dr my sed rate was elevated about 6 weeks ago.  I read that is an indicator of lupus, rhematoid arthritis and cancer.  They called me back in to test for RA which was negative.  It measures the amount of inflammation and I wasn't sick so I don't know what that was about.  I called the oncologist and the nurse said just do what my medical dr says and they don't do a sed rate test there. 

    Do any of you ever have your sed rate tested?

    JO5 Thanks for the reminder about who fixes us!  You can tell I'm southern I guess. 

    Anyway, I've wasted so much time in life trying to fix things that I couldn't and be better on my own merit.  That's one of the things I love about cancer, it reminds me of how dependant I am on God and how in control I am not.  And no, I'm not saying I love cancer but there are things I love that comes from having it and so I guess there are things I love about it.  Only with Christ can that be true!

    Wouldn't it be wonderful to hate sin so much more than cancer and to be concerned with our sin as much as or more than cancer.  Just think..... like when you get an ache or something abnormal comes up your minds go.....oh, could that be cancer.  What if you did that with a negative thought....think...oh, could this be sinful and then hate it more than cancer.  Wouldn't that be awesome!  Some of you may be there but that is hard. 

    Please pray for me that I would do that.  Let's pray that for one another....that we would hate our sin more than our cancer.  Because even if there are those of us who already are doing that, it doesn't mean that next week or even tomorrow that will be true.

    Hope I'm not rambling too much here.

    Praying for you all tonight...JO5 praying a special prayer of endurance for you my sister!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited December 2012

    Dear Fondak, thank you so much for your very thoughtful and insightful post!!!! I am so thankful that Our Lord forgives and forgives and cleanses us everyday, because my negative thoughts sometimes get the best of me. God bless you all!!!!