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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited December 2012

    I just love the quote from J. Vernon McGee. It is going to become my daily verse!! Thanks, Jo-5!!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited December 2012

    Hi Dear Sisters,

    I have had a lot going on, so haven't posted much. My surgery is scheduled for December 19th in eastern NC and we will be staying with my sister and her DH for several weeks as I recuperate. My sister's DH, the one with whom we'll be staying, was admitted to the hospital and yesterday morning had a triple bypass surgery. My brother and his wife from Maine happened to be visiting my sister at the time. They stayed with her while he went through the surgery and then drove to my house with my sister's two dogs so that I could take care of them while she is dealing with going back and forth to the hospital. I have two dogs of my own, so we have a full house right now. Later next week we will bring their dogs back, but since my DH is a professor, he has to administer final exams next week or we would have left already. My brother-in-law is hanging in there. It was touch and go, but he is holding his own - still in the ICU. Please keep him in prayer. His name is Gary and he is a believer. Pray also for my DH as he will be playing nursemaid to both of us as we recover. My anxiety is running a bit high and my spirit is running a bit low. Could really use your prayers. Love all you ladies!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2012

    Tomorrow is mammo day. Say a prayer. Innocent

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited December 2012

    Dearest Rocket, Prayers are coming!!! Hold on dear friend, Our Lord is in control and you are such a faithful servant. He will see you through all of this!!!! Mini, prayers are coming for you as well. Lots of Love and Support for all of you!!!!

  • susan3
    susan3 Member Posts: 2,631
    edited December 2012

    Rocket, I will be Praying for you and your brother-in-law. Sorry you have to add this to your list..hang in there girl :)

    Finished first round of taxol. break week coming up yeahhhhh!!!!!!!

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2012

    Good morning lovely sisters.  My goodness, a lot is going on with everyone.

    JO-5 ... please don't overdo and wear yourself out.  I am praying for you and your DH.  I know the Lord will give you the strength you need to carry you through.  Bless you.

    Rocket ... you plate just got full again - in fact, it sounds like its overflowing.  My prayers are for you and your family.  I know I remarked recently that there wasn't a fit person in our family!  My brother had back surgery, my uncle had his ear removed due to cancer (I was feeling very sorry for him until I remembered I had cancer too, - I see your ear and raise you two breasts - lol).  I love him to pieces and hope this does it for him in the cancer arena.  The VA gave him an artificial ear that look so real you can't tell.  Its awesome.

    To all of you, thank you for helping me take this spiritual journey.  Your love and encouragement mean the world to me.  Its so great that God put you all in my life to help me stay strong.  Love to all.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited December 2012

    Hang in there Jo, and tell your hubby that you both are in my prayers!

    Love all you ladies. You are phenomenal! I would never get through my stress filled days without you. My brother-in- law is still in ICU. They are having trouble getting his BP stabilized. My poor sister is exhausted and I can't help her because I'm stuck here, 4 1/2 hours away. We will leave to be there next Friday. I'll be able to help her for a few days before my surgery. Thank you all so much for the prayers. Rest assured that you are in mine.

    Loving you

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2012

    Well thankfully yesterday God gave me a day too busy to think about today's mammo. I got up and went and was fine-until she started it. Then I started to cry. Not sobbing or anything; just tears. I think I was more overwhelmed by the thought that the last time I was there I learned I had cancer. I was ok by the time I left and thankfully I had another busy day that kept me too busy to think about it. Now to stay busy until next week's Dr.'s appt.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited December 2012

    Good Morning! Mini!, you got through the mammo and tears are OK! Our Lord was with you the whole time. I am praying that next week you will have tears of joy with great news! Rocket, prayers for your brother continue!! Lots of Love to everyone here!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited December 2012

    Glad you got through it Mini. Praying for you as you wait for results.

    Kathy, thanks for the prayers for my BIL. He was moved to a step down unit. They haven't removed the chest tube yet as there is too much fluid. He is in a lot of pain. Please continue to pray for him. You always encourage me with your kind words.

    Jo I bet your hubby will feel so much better after his surgery. Praying for a speedy recovery, minimal pain and complete healing.

    Susan how are you feeling? I hope you are recovering from your most recent treatment. You will get through this. How many more do you need?

    Kathleen, you are too funny. I laughed out loud with your comment, "I see your ear and raise you two breasts." Honestly that's just how I feel! My family has had so much stuff to deal with in the past five years that we are starting to feel like suffering is the norm. Thanks so much for your prayers.

    Hey Fondak, how are you doing? I understand what you mean about hating sin more than cancer. I see cancer as a result of a fallen world, fallen because of Adam and Eve's sin. Every time I hear of someone suffering from sickness it makes me hate sin. I need to hate it more in my own life. I sometimes still struggle with anger. I get frustrated easily because I like control, but as my DH often reminds me, control is a myth. God is in control and it's a good thing because I'd have my life all messed up otherwise. Thanks for the reminder.

    Love to all you beautiful ladies! Have a blessed day!

  • susan3
    susan3 Member Posts: 2,631
    edited December 2012

    Hey Rocket, Hope you are hanging in there :) to how many treatments I have left, I don't think I get to go off this time:( They are trying to find one that my cancer wont wiggle around. My overachiever attitude apparently is also in my cancer. lol 5 treatments in 14 months, there are about 4 or 5 more on the table , so far, I can use. If i run through them to quickly, oh well. But I am in a real good place. Have had this for 11 years and have been able to raise my daughter and have a great life. I will keep on keeping on  till I cant. So far I have many more good days than bad and I am a very happy person. God has given me soooo much joy and I am very grateful.

    You hang in there too, I will be sending many, many prayers your way :)

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited December 2012

    My brother-in-law had the chest tube removed yesterday. He has had a rough go of it as they had trouble regulating his BP and blood sugar. He is doing better now, but it was really difficult for him. He may be released from the hospital tomorrow or Wednesday if everything remains stable. We should arrive there on Friday afternoon which will give me time to help my sister with meals and housework before I'm laid up.Thank you all so much for your prayers.

    Susan, you have an amazing attitude with everything that you are going through. I pray for many, many more good days for you as well. So nice to have your encouragement on this thread.

    Jo, tell Dan that I am praying for him and will continue. I'm praying for you as well.

    Jeannie how are you doing? Haven't seen your pretty avatar in a while. Hope everything is okay. Praying you are well.

    Have a blessed day everyone!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited December 2012

    Dear Rocket!!! May each day bring your brother healing and strength!!! You are a source of comfort for him and his family! Jo-5, please keep us posted on your hubby' s surgery!! Susan, you are a ray of such positive sunshine here! Thank you all for your sisterhood and strength when we need it!

    Just a quick note, my tumor markers keep declining, but my Alkaline Phosphate is still a little high. My onc has ordered a bone scan , just to be on the safe side and because I have not had one in 7 years!! I am having it on January 2nd. Thank you for your prayers!! Lots of Love to you all!!! Kathy

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited December 2012

    Hey Kathy,

    My Alk phos is always elevated, but not drastically. The highest it has been is 146, but then it came back down and hovers around 136. I try hard not to worry about it too much. I've had a lot of bone scans and they show no mets, so even with the elevated level, my onc's don't seem concerned. I am praying that your scan shows no concerns whatsoever.i will also be praying about possible anxiety because that usually goes with the territory. You are such an encouragement to everyone on this thread. I'll be praying for you and thinking of you as I recover. Keep us posted. Loving you.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited December 2012

    Thank you sweet Rocket! I know it is probably just fine, but I know I can come here to get the encouragement and prayers I need!! Love you, dear friend!! You are in my prayers daily! God bless everyone here!!!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited December 2012

    Hi everyone,

    Rocket, you are so blessed to have a husband who loves the Lord and encourages you as God intended! I love hearing the comments you have made regarding him.  It's very refreshing.  I am continuing to keep you and your family in my prayers. 

    JO5 Is your husband's surgery this Wednesday?  That's what I'm thinking but I can get these things mixed up at times.

    Kindergarten,   I had never heard of the Alkaline Phosphate.  Let us know when you get your bone scan scheduled.  It's good you have a doctor to takes all the precautions.  I'm glad to hear your tumor markers are continuing to decline.

    Mini, I'm glad you have your mammogram over with but I'm sure no one is happier than you!  I go back at the end of this month for my 3 month check up.  It normally doesn't bother me but this time I feel a little more anxious.  I think it's because my chances for recurrance are higher in the first 2 years and I'm now at 1 year and 4 months.

    Susan   I am thankful for your attiutde.  It's very encouraging.  I'm praying for your treatment and that they find the perfect plan for you, one that will continue to work.  Also, praying for God to just reveal more and more of Himself to you and all of us here.

    Jeannie you too are in my prayers as you continue treatment.

    Kmccraw and Paula thinking and praying for you as well.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited December 2012

    Oh boy, I have really blown it today. Just lost my temper like three times and started bawling in frustration! I am my Mom's POA and handle all of her affairs. She has Medicare and private health insurance, and they never sent me a coupon book to send with her payments despite the fact that I had called them three times last year requesting one. So today I called them again and they wouldn't give me any information - not even the payment amount! I'm sending them the POA documents AGAIN! I had my 88 year old mom call them just to get the payment amount so that I could send it in so she won't be dropped. Mom had a terrible time on the phone because she struggles to understand or hear them.

    On top of that, my DH loaded a program onto my old computer that contains all of my documents. He didn't ask me if he could load it, and consequently it has royally messed up my only computer. I just blew up at him on the phone.

    I also am taking care of my two dogs and my sister's two dogs while her DH recovers from his bypass surgery. Her dogs are tiny little maltipoos, but they are untrained and are starting to really get on my nerves.

    I have been on the phone all day with medical billing offices trying to get my bills straightened out, matching them up with EOBs. I was overcharged and I could feel my anger just below the surface as I tried to get the billing person to understand what had happened and why my bill was incorrect. The dogs started barking all at the same time while I was talking with him. I felt like I would just explode with frustration.

    Please pray for my attitude. Normally I'm a nice person, but lately I cry at the drop of a hat and get upset very easily. I don't know if it's stress that's getting to me or what. I feel like I'm at my breaking point and yet I know that God gives more grace. Please pray that I'll recognize and accept it.

    Love you girls and am so thankful you are there to let me rant.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited December 2012

    Dear Fondak! Thank you for your kind post! Alkaline phosphate measures how much calcium is in your bones!! I will be praying for you as you approach your 3 month check up!! So normal to feel anxious , but you are in good hands , and Our Lord is watching over you!! You are such a kind and faithful servant!!! You will get a great report!!! Rocket!!!! You dear lady, so normal to reach a breaking point!! I can not even imagine you getting mad, but it is OK! My hubby chuckles after I have had a hissy fit!! I am sure your hubby did too!!! Remember you are a Christian, but you are human too! All is forgiven and forgotten, now put a smile on that pretty face of yours!! Jesus had a hissy fit in the temple!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited December 2012

    Oh no, just got a call from my DH. He's at work and his mom just called to tell him that his brother in SC has not reported to work in days. My DH last talked with him on 12/4, and he wanted my DH to help him with his new computer over Skyoe. We haven't heard from him since. My DH left several messages on his phone, and thought it odd that his brother didn't respond. My mother-in-law has called the police to go to his home to see if he is hurt or unable to get to the phone. Please pray they find him safe.

  • susan3
    susan3 Member Posts: 2,631
    edited December 2012

    oh boy rocket, hope you are taking deep breaths..Im sending prayers you way right now

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited December 2012

    My DH's brother was found dead in his home. He has been dead for at least a week or more. He lived alone and had very few friends. He was only 57 years old. Thank you for your prayers.

  • Unknown
    edited December 2012

    Oh no, Rocket.  That's horrible.  So sorry.  I will be praying for you and your family.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited December 2012

    Wow Rocket, I am definitely praying for you and your family. I don't normally check on here at this time of the day or earlier as I did but I am so thankful today was different.  I am about to pray for you all.  As for your husband's mom, I can't imagine losing a son at 57.  There's just so much heartache here. I am just praying that God will be glorified in all this.

    Your first post today made me smile.  I don't know if you got to read mine before that or not but I was sharing how I love all the comments you make about your husband.  I remember you sharing how he prays with you and just many different ways that he seems to be such a strong spiritual leader.  Then I saw your post where he downloaded something without asking.  I'm glad to know he's not perfect.  You've never suggested he was, I'm not saying that but I can tell he's a pretty good guy.  Wouldn't that be stressful to live with someone whose perfect?

    I can't help but smile even now because in the midst of all this unimaginable stress you have and it's not a smile from happy heart but one from the joy that comes from Christ because I know what you have.  You have a Father who doesn't corrupt us in any way.  So even with all these tradgic things that have been "downloaded" in your life today it will not corrupt or damage you in anyway when you belong to Christ.  It is difficult and can get you down for a time but only for a time.  All this pain and stress won't last. 

    There's so much I love here.  You know how often you have encouraged us.  God's work in your life has been a source of strength for many on here at different times.  It is so amazing how when one of us are weak another sister in Christ here is strong.  I love how God works that way.

    I hope I'm not misunderstood in anyway.  My heart is burdened for you.  I know the pain of loss and frustrations of dealing with the world systems like your mother's billing issues.  I also know what it is like to have a burden for others who maybe have professed Christ but not come to a saving grace by having Him as Lord in their life.  When difficult times come for them there's no joy to be found....only heartache.  With you, my sister, I have heartache and joy tonight.

    I wish I could give you a big hug and bring dinner over for you two tonight but just know you couldn't be more on my heart and mind than you already are.

    Love and prayers

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited December 2012

    JO5  I'm sorry to hear about your day.  If you read my post to Rocket, much of that can be said of you as well. You too have been a steady source of encouragement here.  As I said to Rocket, I love how God works.  We all come together here and days when one of us are weak and discouraged God's faithfulness shines through in the compassion and prayers of another.  I will be praying for you and also, is your husband's surgery Wednesday?

    Kindergarten, thank you for you sweet post.  It's just the thing I'm talking about.  God is so faithful and uses you as a source of encouragement in my life.  I learn a lot from you too. 

    Are you taking Aromasin?  I had to get a bone density scan before I could start taking it.  They also told me to take calcium but I'm not sure how much to take.  I did learn though, not to take it with a multivitamin because it binds together and you don't get the calcium somehow.  At least, I heard it on Dr Oz while cleaning on day.

    Love you all

  • susan3
    susan3 Member Posts: 2,631
    edited December 2012

    I am so sorry rocket, don't know what to I will pray. God knows, even though we don't understand

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited December 2012

    Oh, Rocket, I'm shedding tears for you right now! I'm so sorry. I wish I could give you a huge hug and cry with you. I know God will give you the strength you need to get through it all. (Ativan may help, too!)

    I haven't posted on here lately. It takes so much energy and concentration to keep up with you all, both of which are in short supply! I often say a blanket prayer for God's care for all of you. It's the best I can do right now. I care about each of you and your needs and requests. I am in my 17thweek/24 of chemo. I am so tired and it is affecting my brain, I can tell.

    JO-5, I saw the nutritionist on Friday. I wanted to know do's and don'ts during chemo which was interesting. Also, how to keep from gaining more weight. I've gained a lot this year. I have been logging my food/calories and exercise. Not much on the exercise log yet but it's amazing how many calories you can burn doing half an hour of something. That will make the difference for me when I can rouse myself to do it. It has been cold and rainy here (Seattle!) so I haven't even been walking around the block. But I do consider exercise as part of my treatment if only I could keep my eyes open! I'll find out Friday if my blood counts have plummeted.

    I see the MO on Monday which always makes me nervous. She's smart but not warm. I just don't want her to change anything in my treatment. Trusting God as best I can.

    DH continues having many interviews at the company that laid him off. It's looking good but until he is at a desk we don't count on anything. Grateful so much is happening in December for him. Spending money does make us nervous. Me: will I be doing last minute Christmas shopping? Him: I don't want to spend any $$. I see his point! My parents sent us a generous check for Christmas gifts for the family and we received his layoff package but holding on to it for now. So ironic if he gets rehired soon. We get to keep the modest layoff package. I don't like to think what would happen if he's not working in Feb. COBRA benefits are $1100 a month and we have to keep coverage for reconstruction, at least.

    My chemo nurse, a believer, shared her daily devotion with me. She said God only gives us today. The future is His. If we spend time worrying about the future, we are stealing from Him! I imagine there are many ways I am stealing from him--time, worry, etc. Thanks be to Jesus that my sinfulness is covered by His work on the cross, His grace and love.

    You all are so supportive, thoughtfulness and wise. What a blessing you are to me! This thread is so great.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited December 2012

    Dearest Rocket! What devastating news for your family. Please know that you all are in my prayers. I am so very sorry that you are all going through this.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited December 2012

    Hi Rocket, just wanted you to know you're in my thoughts and prayers this morning and I will continue to be praying for you.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited December 2012

    Thank you, JO-5, for the beautiful song, so uplifting!!! Please give your hubby a big hug from me and please let us know how everything went.!! God bless you all here. Rocket, please let us know how you and your hubby are doing. Jeannie, Fondak, Mini1, Susan, Paula, everyone here, lots of love and blessings, Kathy

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2012

    My 6 moth mammo was clear and everything looks good! Thanks you for all of your prayers.