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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Jo-5, so glad that your hubby is recovering and healing well! Also, glad to hear you rested!!! By this time next year, hubby and you will back to a normal routine!!!! Good to see you!!!!

  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Dear CCFW!!! What wonderful therapy!!! You sound like such a happy person!! I am sure your shirts are beautiful, and you are ministering to others as well!!! I had a double mastectomy and I still have not had reconstruction, I am lazy!!! My surgeon said he could still do it up to the age of 70. I have 10 more years to decide, hehe,he!!!! Tomorrow, hopefully you will find out your treatment plan. Once the plan is in place, you will feel at peace!! But , I see you smiling no matter what!! Blessings, Kathy

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Dearest Rocket, for just a minute, I wanted to take credit for that wonderful idea, he,he,he!!!! But, I knew that was not the Christian thing to do!!! I am a grandma, now, and I feel God's nudging all the time!!!! Let's write that journal together!!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    CC, you are too funny! I love your sense of humor. I am going to pray for your appointment right now. I pray it's all good news. I know the waiting is the worst! I'll be anxious to read your post tomorrow. It's a cool ministry you have with the T-shirts!

    Jo, so nice to hear from you and happy to hear that Dan is recovering well. I'm glad I'm not the only one who lays around like a slug. ;-) Good for you! Thanks for making me LOL!

    Mini and Kathy, I bet you are awesome MILs. I'm only three years into it, so relatively new to being a MIL. I will be seeing Erin, my DS and DIL tomorrow night. I can hardly wait! Erin is crawling at top speed now, and saying several words. I taught her to say button and turtle. She is just SO precious! She's got the most beautiful red hair and steel gray/blue eyes you have ever seen.

    Tomorrow I will go to the foot doctor again to receive a TENS unit for my foot. I sure hope it works for this pain. I'm so anxious to get back home, but absolutely dreading the 4 1/2 hour drive with my foot down. I'll be in a lot of pain by the time I get home, but it will be sweet relief to sleep in my own bed after three weeks of being at my sister's. It has been such a blessing to stay with them while I recover, but there's no place like home!

    Well Ladies, my DH deserves some much-earned attention from me so I'll sign off for now. Have a lovely, restful evening!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Thank you, Jo -5, for your always encouraging and sound advice. Prayer keeps me sane and focused!! My DS and DIL are willing to go to counseling. They both adore their daughter, so I am feeling very positive!! Ultimately, it is in God's Hands!!! Blessings to you and your hubby!! Hope he is feeling better every day, and that you have caught up on your rest!

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited January 2013

    Hi,  Sorry to interrupt the thread. I haven't read all the posts but will give you answers on the questions I read.

    Jeannie, You can get IV's in your foot instead of your at risk arm(s) You need to request this from the doc before you get your lab work done. A lot of labs won't do it without the request. If you go to a hospital lab they are pretty good about it.  A lot of lab tech don't have frequent experience taking blood from the foot so ask for a experienced nurse. I lay down for it and keep my foot warm and stroke it really good to get the veins up and ready. It can be tricky finding the veins down there but it is doable and certainly the right thing to do if you have had any lymph nodes out. They can also take BP on a leg  instead of an at risk arm but the majority of health workers don't know how. Hence I haven't had BP done for a long time.

    Fondak asked if you can get lymphedema on the other side of your body that had no nodes out. Yes, It doesn't happen often but if the side your Lymph nodes were taken out gets overloaded with lymph fluid and your non surgerical side can't handle the overflow (so to speak) of lymph fluid then you can develop LE on that side also. No fun for sure. You also can get lymphedema without nodes taken if you have had a masectomy, but this is even rarer. 

    Someone asked what a gauntlet is. It is a fingerless compression glove that you wear with your compression sleeve. It is not advisable to wear a sleeve without a gauntlet or glove as you can push stagnant lymph fluid into your hand and cause swelling and possible pain. 

    I invite you to the lymphedema thread on BCO to get educated. You also can go to where some of the girls on the lymphedema thread created a web site that answers 99 percent of your questions.  No question is stupid, we are all learning together how to handle our bodies without lymph nodes. That includes anyone that has had lymph nodes removed from any part of their body no matter what kind of surgery was performed, not just Breast cancer. Men included to.

    Don't wanta to scare anyone here. I am very passionate about this because I don't want to see you suffering like me. Catch the lymphedema beast early while it is reversible. Most of your docs would have told you not to worry about it. They really don't have the education on early stage symptoms and remain ignorant to LE unless they see a huge swollen arm and then you are in a late stage and then its too late to reverse. Please be careful and do visit the threads and site I mentioned.

    Do find a qualified LANA certified therapist and get measured and evaluated at least. The web site I gave you can help you find a certified therapist in your area. They must be certified otherwise they may be a "fly by the seat of your pants" therapist which is not good for this condition. 

    Praying that all will be well soon again and sorry for long post.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    CC, how was your onc appointment? Are you okay Hon? Praying for you!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2013

    I love this site. I was just telling my husband that my left arm was hurting the same way my right arm does with the LE and I couldn't figure out why since I hadn't done anything to hurt it. Now I know I'm not crazy. I think the flu may have caused a flare up with my surgery arm. My poor elbow is so sore and swollen. I've been wearing my sleeve, but it doesn't seem to be helping. Or if it is, I don't want to think what it would look and feel like without the sleeve.

    I was going to say the same thing about the TENS unit. I went a liitle high when I first got mine. Gets your attention in a hurry. :-) I hope it works for you.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2013

    UUUggghhhhh....I just finished my post...seriously to the very last word and my power cord came out!  My laptop battery never worked.  I didn't use it during the first 30 days so I couldn't return it.  They replaced the battery twice and it never made a difference.

    Well Jo5, After the longest working on this post, I was saying I am glad I'm not the only one that gets distracted when posting something and then the screen went black. Hahahaha!

    Mini, Sorry to hear you have or have had the flu and now the trouble with your arms.  My son had the flu and went to work...which I thought was way to early.  That was actually my distraction.  He told me he may need to go back to the dr tomorrow and see if he has strep.  He has a very high tolerence for pain and gets severe ulcers in his mouth and said his throat has never hurt like this.  The dr came back in to tell us he tested positive for the flu and said she really thought then he would have tested positive for strep and flu after seeing him and his throat.  That day he said it wasn't even hurting compared to what he's use to.

    I hope everyone else is able to avoid the flu.  They told me that the flu shot is not even helping this strain....I may have said that already in a previous post.  Oh my, if I am like this now what will I be like at 80 if I am not already in my glorified state? Or even 60 as far as that

    I have been upstairs all day cleaning, finding any dust bunny I could.  I moved everything out cleaning the baseboards, spraying lysol all over the place and then putting things back.  I was hoping to remove any trace of a flu germ.  I sure hope he doesn't have strep.  I worry his brother is going to get sick too.

    Rocket, I was wondering about your trip home.  Would it be possible to rotate riding up front with riding in the back seat with pillows propped up against the passenger's door?  I say passenger's so you can see your hubby.  I know it's not ideal to ride without a seat belt but I was thinking that could potentially reduce swelling and pain. I don't know what vehicle ya'll have but it would be great if the front seat would come out of and you haul it back with you in the back. 

    I have a Cherokee and I think I have seen where the seat is bolted in.  I have learned a lot about cars or at least Cherokee's with this one and the internet.  I keep thinking it is going to retire soon but the engine is still running strong at nearly 240,000 miles!  I've worked on just about everything else on it thinking I'm not going to put money into this and then have it quit on me.

    CC, I hope you were able to get some information today.  I have been thinking of you and hope we'll hear from you soon.

    LOve you all! 


  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2013

    I knew I forgot somethings.  One of which is what are TENS?  And a gauntlet would be very helpful to me.  When I wear the sleeve my hand gets puffier and becomes more bothersome at times.  Thanks for that info Hugz4u.

    Goodnight again!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    Hey Ladies,

    We're on the way home. We are driving a new Subaru Outback that we bought shortly after we moved to the mountains. We have two fair-sized dogs riding in the back seat and the rest of the car is jam-packed with my knee scooter, luggage, Christmas gifts and tools that my husband had to pick up from his brother's house when he passed away just before I had surgery. There is no way to put my foot up unfortunately. It will just have to survive! I'll make it, and then after I get home, I'll put it up and use the TENS unit. The TENS unit I was given is a portable device with four electrodes that stick with pads onto your skin. The device has many settings and you begin on a low level and slowly work your way up to a higher level of electrical stimulation. It's supposed to help with muscle spasms, nerve pain, and swelling. I sure hope it works.

    I too have lymphedema in my right arm, and trunk. I wear a compression sleeve most of the time unless the nerve pain in my arm becomes unbearable. When I was sick with the stomach virus and couldn't keep my meds down, my arm was in terrible pain along with the foot. I couldn't bear to put my sleeve on.

    Well I hope you are all having a blessed day and basking in the Lord's presence.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2013

    Fondak - TENS stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. "With TENS, sticky electrodes are placed on the skin around the painful area. When the TENS unit is turned on, it delivers a light current through the electrodes to the skin and tissues just beneath it. Using TENS feels a bit like tingling, or pins and needles, though the intensity can be set high enough to make a muscle twitch."

    I used mine for my back and for an ankle injury. I don't what they do, but it helps. But if you set it too high, it feels like you put fork in an electrical socket. lol It took me awhile to find both the right intensity and frequency of the current.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    Jo thanks so much for that helpful information. Mine is made by Zynex and costs about $500. The entire unit is the size of a deck of cards and it runs on a nine volt battery or power adapter. It has both TENS settings and IFC settings. I was told to use IFC as it's like the treatment I would get at an OT or PT office. The rep said that was formerly unavailable on older models. I'll give it a try.

    We are almost home and I can see the mountains in the distance. YAY!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Dearest Sisters in Christ!!! Thank you, thank you for all your prayers, support and encouragement. My DS and DIL are seeking counseling and have turned a wonderful corner in their desire to make their family whole again!! The power of prayer is amazing!! God is Good!! I can't thank you enough for your prayers!!!! Rocket, so glad you are almost home safe and sound!! Please rest, heal and enjoy your own bed tonight!! God bless you all and know how much I appreciate each and everyone of you!!!! Kathy

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2013

    Kindergarten!!!   Thank you so much for sharing this and letting us pray with you for your family!  I am so encouraged.  You know physical suffering and such breaks my heart but nothing is a greater burden for me than suffering that comes from our own sin nature that's in each of us.  It's so easy to be deceived and believe we deserve more than we do. I am so excited that they are not heading toward being another causalty of divorce but headed toward healing and the blessing that will come from that. 

    I will continue to pray for them as they are working through the issues at hand.  If only more couples would do that!

    Thanks for the good news, it brings tears of joy and thankfulness!

    Rocket, I hope you are resting from your trip and it didn't cause complications.

    Love you all

    With love and prayers.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Dear Fondak! Thank you always for your kindness and encouragement!! God bless you!!!! I hope you are well!!! Has your son recovered from the flu? Hoping also that your LE stays under control!!!!! Blessings, Kathy

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2013

    Kindergarten,  If you think they would listen to it there is a wonderful resource which has given me so much encouragement as to the importance of marriage and how beautiful a marriage as God intended can be.  You go to and then click on media and from there click on the featured sermon series (right under media next to audio archive).  It is SO helpful.  But please be sure to tell them to listen to all of the parts.  I listened to the parts for a wife a couple of times before listening to the husband parts and I would have been encouraged so much quicker had I went through them all at first. 

    I asked my husband to listen to them a while back.  Yesterday he said he has been enjoying them.  I was excited and then he said he had listened to the parts about the wife....I thought...oh my!  I sure hope he finishes!!!!

    After hearing ALL of them you just have such a clear idea of God's intention and why/how it can be so beautiful.  I think everyone should listen to them even if you're single.  It also touchs on why we should be good parents, children, employees, citizens, and any role we are given.  It explains so much and all straight out of scripture!

    I just wanted to share that.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2013

    Kindergarten, Your post came through while I was posting!  Which tells me that post took 8 minutes! I am so! 

    My son went back to work Tues which was way too soon.  He was off yesterday and wasn't scheduled until later today which helped.  He works at a coffee shop and was certain they would send him home when he got there but they didn't.  He's still a sick fellow.  He can barely talk and is coughing but no fever which is good.  They were premature and in the hospital for 48 days his immune system has never been strong.

    Thanks for asking!

    Love you!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    Kathy that is such an answer to prayer! What awesome news! I went to my OT today and have been guiding her with her failing marriage. Before Christmas she was convinced that she would divorce her husband of 8 years. I told her about the love languages book and she bought a copy. A month later, they are in counseling and reading the book together. It totally made my day!

    Fondak the sermon series sounds interesting. I may listen to them too along with my DH. I have a wonderful marriage, but we work at it - especially the communication part as that's where we struggle most.

    I've been using my TENS unit on a very low level and so far so good. My poor swollen foot is still hurting a lot, but I was instructed to move it when I am sitting to help with the nerve pain. It hurts to move it however, but I will comply. I want to be walking already! So impatient! :-(

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Dear Fondak, the Sermon series sounds wonderful! I am passing this on as well to my DS ans DIL. Rocket, I am going to check the library first for the love languages book, but can't wait to read it and give one to my kids! Wow, how wonderful the way you ministered to your OT. You are wonderful!!! Blessings, Kathy

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited January 2013

    Hello, everyone. I've been catching up on posts. Great news that Kathy's kids are working on their marriage! My oldest daughter is giving up after seven years (no itch involved) and will talk to her H. somewhere near the 20th. We've known since Oct. But, of course, we haven't been able to tell anyone. I'm so concerned for our only 7-year old granddaughter. They aren't walking with the Lord. SIL refuses counseling of any kind. He has been unfaithful. Add this to my stress pile.

    I love reading your posts, seeing prayer requests, prayers answered, impt. info. shared. I take it all in and pray, too. God is listening and working, step by step. Have any of you read the Jesus Calling devotional? So encouraging, esp. when things are hard. The iPhone app is better because it prints out the whole verse rather than just a reference.

    Having said that, I admit I am struggling with these last three weeks of chemo. I think I feel alone, even though my DH is so attentive. Being tired and worn out doesn't help, I'm sure. I'm clinging to that rope of hope that is from the Lord but I admit I struggle. Everyone says I am so strong but I think they say it to comfort themselves, as well as me. Anyway, thanks for patiently listening to me.

  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Dearest Jeannie!! I am so sorry about your daughter and SIL. I will lift them both up in prayer right now and daily. I will also lift up you and your husband as you are dealing with this. As parents we feel the sadness that our children go through. I am praying that your last weeks of Chemo get easier, on top of everything else that you are going through! Your plate is full right now. I am praying that Our Lord gives you strength and peace! Love and prayers always, Kathy

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Dear CCFW!!!! Praise The Lord for your excellent report!! Prayers are answered!!! Rightly so, you are such a faithful servant and so deserving of His Grace!!! How wonderful, that you are led to do an act of kindness daily, I am sure you do this anyway!! I am going to follow in your footsteps, too. Jo -5 would love this, I have been throwing hissy fits lately, and I am need of God's grace and forgiveness. Blessings to CCFW!!! Kathy

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    Jeannie, hang in there Hon! You are gonna get through this! One day and step at a time. You can do this with the Lord's help and in a few months you will feel so much better. Praying for your DD, DIL and granddaughter.

    CC, I was so happy to read your post! That's wonderful news for a wonderful lady! I'm so happy for you!

    Love all you ladies and want to again thank you for your prayers. I think the TENS unit is helping some with my pain. It's becoming a bit more bearable.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2013


      I remember having times I felt the same way.  I am thankful you are Christ's.  He will surely see you through.  I will keep you in my prayers as well as prayers for you daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter.


      I am so thankful for the peace that Christ gave you.  Also, so happy for the results.  Wish we could all do a happy dance together!  ONE DAY WE WILL and it won't be over test results but Christ and HIs Glory!


       I am so glad you're back home and the TENS is helping with the pain.    I am excited that you considered listening to the series on family.  I think you would really enjoy them.


      I hope you are catching up on rest from all you've been through.

    Thanks for all the prayers for my son too.  He is beginning to improve.  Love to all you ladies here and hope you have a good night's rest!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    Aaaaack! Fell off my knee scooter today while going into church on an uneven sidewalk! I PUT MY NON-WEIGHT BEARING FOOT DOWN! OUCH! Now it is swollen on the side where it wasn't swollen before. Can't life just be boring for a while? I'll settle for boring! Would again appreciate your prayers! Love you ladies!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Yikes, Rocket!!! Prayers are coming!!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    Thanks Kathy!